has launched a project to gather and post the assignment records of every U.S. Catholic priest who has been accused of sexual abuse since 1940, so that vulnerable communities can be identified and bishops' transfer policies can be determined.

See below for a brief description of assignment records and their importance, easy ways that you can help with this project, and our initial list of assignment records. For a more detailed account of assignment record research and how you can volunteer, see our guide.

Assignment Records: Why They Are Important

An assignment record lists all the diocesan and parish appointments of a priest, including telltale periods of sick leave. A detailed assignment record, like this assignment record of John Geoghan created by the Boston Globe, identifies populations that have been placed at risk, and is also cross-referenced with a list of accusations, so that the transfer policies of the priest's bishops can be evaluated. By identifying a priests' seminary class and the colleagues with whom he has worked, an assigment record can also begin to identify the circle of colleagues who kept the priest's activities secret and who might even have been involved in the abuse themselves.

Assignment records are all around us:
Newspaper accounts of the crisis
Diocesan records
Investigative files
Obituaries and other old newspaper reports

But these records are dispersed and difficult to find, and complete assignment records for most accused priests are not publicly available. We urge the U.S. bishops to publish detailed assignment records with treatment episodes and accusation dates for every abuser. In the meantime, we are undertaking this work of research and collection ourselves. See our initial collection of assignment records below.

Volunteering for the Assignment Record Project

Please send us any assignment records that know about or come across:
* In your daily newspaper reading
* In your personal experience, if you are a survivor of abuse
* In the research that you've done, if you are a lawyer or a reporter working in this area

If you would like to join the Service Record Project as a volunteer -- for a few hours, or a few hours per week, or anything in between -- please read our guide to service record research, and email us to let us know you're interested. This is work that you can do at a local Catholic college library or at most central city libraries, and you can email, snail mail, or even phone us the results.

List of Assignment Records

The staff at has begun to assemble a library of assignment records for accused priests and others who figure in the crisis.Some we have developed ourselves from the Official Catholic Directory, diocesan documents, and investigative reports. Others were created by lawyers and investigative reporters. Others were created by the dioceses themselves and relinquished under subpoena, or were prepared by the dioceses in response to investigation by law enforcement.

Viewed by Last Name:
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Total Individuals: 655

Return to main database page. See abbreviations and posting policy. Send corrections.

Fr. Frances Mary (David) Stone

Order: MFVA
Ordained: 1998
Status: Acquitted

Diocese: Diocese of Birmingham AL

Arrested 10/09/2013, charged with the sexual abuse of a minor. Per the Archdiocese, Stone is no longer with the MFVA order and "they are following canonical procedures in the case." The alleged victim is Stone's son born in 2008. The boy's mother is a former EWTN co-worker; Stone is a former EWTN TV show host. Stone and the boy's mother were in a custodial dispute. The mother said the boy told her Stone put his finger in son's anus, causing him to defecate on a bed. Stone denied the allegation. Trial in 5/2016. Found not guilty. Granted custody of his son in 1/1208.

Br. J. Patrick Sheehy

Order: SJ
Status: Accused

Died: 10/23/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Indianapolis IN

In 6/2021 the Brebeuf Jesuit High School president announced that Sheehy had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a student in 1978, while a resident of the Brebeuf Jesuit Community. School leadership was notified of the allegation in 2/2020. The Jesuits Midwest Province list in 1/2022 revealed multiple allegations agains Sheehy, with incidents 1967, 1975, 1984-1988 while Chaplain of the Marion County Sheriff's Department and residing at Breubeuf. Sheehy entered the order in 1959. He was the Brebeuf High's president 1987-1992. Died 10/23/1992.

Fr. Donald J. Starkey

Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 01/1/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

In his victim's statement for the Santa Fe archdiocese's bankruptcy proof of claims, an alleged victim stated that Starkey sexually abused him as a boy, on one occasion in 1970. The man said he was staying with his Grandma who gave Starkey permission to take him to a movie. He stated, "[Starkey] sexually assaulted me...I resisted him, and after he had fondled me he gave up.... ." He told his Grandma in 1974, therapists in 1997 and the Archdiocese and his attorneys in 2019. The man said he was also sexually abused by Fr. Barry Finbar Coyle, Brother Thomas and Brother John, and that all of the abuse occurred when he was ages 12-14.

Fr. Charles A. Saalfeld

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 03/5/1978
Diocese: Diocese of Fairbanks AK

Worked as a teacher in Tacoma and Yakima, WA as well as in the Diocese of Fairbanks, AK. One pending claim against Saalfeld is shown in bankruptcy reorganization documents for the Fairbanks diocese 1/25/2010. By 2/2016 the Fairbanks diocese's list noted there were two reports of abuse by Saalfeld. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/15/2018. It notes claims in 2009 of abuse 1974-1978. Assigned during that time to Our Lady of the Snows in Nulato, AK. Died 03/05/1978.

Fr. Joseph F. Sabadish

Ordained: 1945
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Accused of abuse of a young brother and sister in early 1960s. Also a suspect in the rape and murder of a young girl but never charged. He did pass a polygraph. Died 1999. Named in 2006 civil suit. Suit dismissed by lower court and dismissal upheld by 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals 11/07.

Fr. John Pascal Sabas

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Died: 07/18/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

Sabas was accused of having sexually abused at least one 14-year-old boy during the summer of 1964. Sabas's alleged victim reported the abuse to the diocese in 1974, during Bishop Joseph McShea's tenure. When Sabas's accuser discovered in 1989 that the priest was still assigned to parish work, he sued Sabas and the Allentown diocese; the case was settled out of court for $40,000 in 1991. The diocese reportedly had assured the man several times that he was only victim. Sabas was shown as still active in the 1993 Catholic Directory. He died in 1996. Named in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Allentown diocese's 8/19/2018 list of credibly accused.

Fr. Lawrence A. Sabatino

Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Died: 08/6/1990
Diocese: Diocese of Portland ME

A Lewiston family told the bishop and police in 1958 that Sabatino had sexually abused their 6-year-old daughter. The bishop transferred him to St. Peter's parish. At least 13 women had come forward as of 2005 to allege that he abused them as children, at ages ranging from 6-17. During much of his time at St. Peter's, Sabatino was supervised by another priest, J. Romani, who has also been accused of abuse. Sabatino died in 1990. A woman filed suit in 12/2022 against the diocese, claiming Sabatino sexually abused her beginning when she was age 7 in 1964. She said the priest would play hide-and-seek with her and other girls in the church basement, pick one girl to hide with, then sexually abuse that child. In 3/2023 six women filed lawsuits claiming abuse by Sabatino as girls, ages 5-11, during 1958-1967.

Fr. Robert J. Saccacio

Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Placed on leave and then "retired" in 5/02, after allegations he abused a teenager in the 1960s. Faculties removed. Named in one of two multimillion dollar suits filed against the diocese in 4/03, with claims he abused an altar boy in the 1970s. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/19 of abuse 1973-75 of a boy ages 12-14. The boy attended St. John of God in Central Islip. Included on the diocese's list in 3/21, which notes alleged abuse at parishes in Hicksville, Greenlawn and Central Islip, among other places.

Deacon Edward J. Sadowski, Jr.

Ordained: 1979
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Deacon. Arrested in MA in 2001 after arranging over the internet to meet someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl. He wanted sex and to take pornographic photos of the girl. He also sent nude photos of himself. Diocese immediately placed him on leave. Sentenced 2002 to two years in prison and five years probation. Also arrested in RI on similar charges. Arrested again in RI 12/09 on internet solicitation and child porn. Convicted 5/10. In Prison 2/11. Case referred to Vatican. On diocese's list 7/1/19.

Br. Anthony Salamone

Donate Photo
Order: OFM Conv
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Also known as Br. Francis Dominic. Five civil suits filed in 2002 alleged abuse 1972-1973. Transferred to Chicago in 1980. Left the order in 1989. It is believed all five suits were settled in the massive 6/2003 settlement with the archdiocese.

Fr. Michael J. Salamone

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Salamone was the subject in 11/2017 of a settlement offer from the diocese's Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP), to a man who had contacted the diocese in 1994 alleging Salamone sexually abused him at ages 14 and 15 in the early 1980s. Included on the diocese's list in 2/2019, which notes that Salamone was permanently removed from ministry 4/2/2002.

Fr. Alfred J. Salanitro

Ordained: 1989
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Removed from St. Bernadette's in Bellevue 12/11 after allegation that Salanitro abused a boy 1991-94, beginning when the boy was 11 and Salanitro was assigned to Holy Cross in Omaha. He denied the allegations and took voluntary leave. Matter was reported to D.A.'s office and police. Review Board found allegation credible and referred to Vatican. Canonical trial ordered in Omaha. Laicization announced 11/22/13. On archdiocese's list 11/30/18. It notes reports in 2011 and 2012 of abuse 1990-94. Three victims. Per the NE A.G.'s 11/21 report Salanitro's victims were ages 11-16.

Bishop Alexander Salazar

Ordained: 1984
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Prior to his priesthood, taught at St. Albert the Great School in Compton. Assigned after ordination to several parishes. Named archdiocesan Vice-Chancellor in 2003. Elevated to Auxiliary Bishop in 2004. Per news in 12/2018, Bishop Salazar was investigated by law enforcement in 2002 for an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor in the 1990s, while assigned to Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pasadena. Police recommended the District Attorney's office prosecute, but it did not. Salazar denied wrongdoing. The Archdiocese said it didn't learn of the allegation until 2005. The Vatican reportedly investigated and allowed to Salazar to remain in ministry with precautionary measures. The archdiocesan Clergy Misconduct Oversight Board reviewed the case and deemed the allegation credible. Pope Francis accepted Salazar's resignation 12/19/2018. Criminally charged 2/18/2021. In a plea agreement, pleaded no contest 8/21/2023 to two counts of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age. Received no jail time. Allowed to live at St. Mary Magdalen Parish, without faculties to minister. Registered sex offender.

Deacon Cesar Salazar

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Ordained: 1993
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Orange CA

Reportedly in 7/2003, Salazar had just been placed on leave while the Diocese investigated charges that he downloaded child abuse images. Charges first surfaced in 2001. Police found over 100 images but declined to file charges because of lack of evidence. The FBI also investigated. Salazar was sent for counseling. Laicized at some point.

Fr. John Anthony Salazar-Jimenez

Order: SchP
Ordained: 1984
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused in a 1986 lawsuit of the sexual abuse of a boy. Convicted 1987 of molesting two boys in Los Angeles. Sentenced to six years in prison; served four. Banned for life from the Los Angeles archdiocese. Sent to the Servants of the Paracletes treatment facility in Jemez Springs, NM after his release from prison. Invited while at the facility in late 1990 by Amarillo TX Bishop Matthiesen to work in his diocese; assigned to a parish in 7/1991. Removed from ministry in the diocese in 2002 after a reporter found that he was active there. Sent to Canada for treatment. Arrested in 2002, charged with the abuse of two boys in CA in the 1980s. Charges dropped in 2003 after a U.S. Supreme Court Ruling regarding the statute of limitations. Charged in 2003 with the sexual assault of an 18-year-old in Dallas. Convicted 7/1/2005. Received a life sentence. Laicization announced in 2/2005. A new trial was ordered in 9/2011. Accepted a plea bargain in 2013; released for time served. At least 9 claims were settled in CA and TX 2007-2008. CA personnel file released in 1/2013. Pleaded guilty on 12/30/2013 to more charges in TX; sentenced to 10 years. Included on the Amarillo diocese's list 1/31/2019.

Fr. Oscar Salazar

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Ordained: 1996
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Orlando FL

Accused of groping a 17-year-old boy in 1996 at Our Lady of the Lakes Church in Deltona. Not charged because the boy and family declined to do so. Removed from his assignment and sent to St. Luke Institute for treatment. The Diocese made no public announcement until 2/1997. The Bishop said Salazar would never be assigned in the diocese and would not be recommended for assignment in another diocese. Included on the Orlando diocese's 10/6/2021 list of credibly accused.

Fr. Jose Mario Saldana

Ordained: 1978
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Dallas TX

Accused of abusing a 15-year-old boy in the mid-1980s in Ferris, TX. The boy's mother suspected abuse at the time and told diocesan officials. The boy wouldn't cooperate, so no action. In 1998, the then young adult alleged victim came forward to the diocese. His brother said Saldana would show altar boys sexually explicit films in his rectory bedroom, while lying on his bed in a robe or underwear. Saldana left his parish in Bonham, saying he was going to a clinic for treatment of medical problems. The Diocese later admitted that he was in a treatment center for sexually abusive priests in St. Louis, but that he still retained all his priestly faculties. Worked the Dioceses of Dallas, Ft. Worth and Tyler. Was also a military chaplain. On the Dallas Diocese's list 1/31/2019. Laicization pending. Included in 4/2019 on the Tyler Diocese's list.

Fr. Michael Salerno

Order: SAC
Ordained: 1993
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Placed on leave in 11/2007 by the Baltimore archdiocese after accusation surfaced that he had abused a teenage boy in Brooklyn in the 1970s. At the time of the alleged abuse, Salerno was a lay member (brother) of the Pallotine order. Salerno neither admitted nor denied the accusation at the time. Order announced in 12/2008 that Salerno had since admitted that he molested a 13-year-old boy in the late 1970s. Privileges permanently removed. On the Baltimore archdiocese's list 9/5/2019. Died in 9/2021. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Marcel Salinas

Order: CMF
Ordained: 1954
Status: Sued

Died: 03/26/1997
Diocese: Diocese of Phoenix AZ

In 1976 Salinas was the Phoenix diocese's director of Cursillos. He was accused in a lawsuit in 2006 of sexually abusing a 9-year-old boy in 1988 at St. Timothy Parish. A lawsuit filed in 12/2021 claims that Salinas sexually abused a 10-year-old girl in 1976 at Queen of Peace Parish in Mesa. He died 3/26/1997.

Fr. Walter Dayton Salisbury

Order: SSJ
Ordained: 1959
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston TX

Worked many years in the Galveston-Houston archdiocese. Long-time TX Southern University Newman center chaplain. Taught at St. Tomas University, Alderian psychologist. Also worked in Washington DC and Mobile AL. Convicted twice on child sex charges. Pleaded no contest in 1979 to indecency with a child in Houston, TX, given three years probation. Kept in ministry. Surrendered to police in DC in 4/1993 after allegations that in 1/1993 he had sex with a boy he was tutoring. Sentenced to one year prison, suspended, and one year probation. Removed from ministry. Had also been accused in AL. Returned after 1993 to his native Bar Harbor, ME. On the Washington DC archdiocese's list 10/15/2018. On Galveston Houston's list 1/31/2019.

Fr. Jude S. Salus

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1975
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Accused in a lawsuit filed 11/17/21 of sexually abusing boy, age 14, in 1993-94, while assigned to Delbarton School. The boy was a Delbarton student. Salus taught religion at the school while assisting at area parishes on the weekends. He was later pastor for many years at Mt. Carmel in Cedar Knolls. In 11/21 he reportedly remained active at St. Mary's Abbey in Morristown, and as chaplain at Newton Medical Center and for the Filippini Sisters at Villa Walsh.

Fr. John P. Salvucci

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1977
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

In 9/20 attorney Mitchell Garabedian announced that in 2/20 he settled a lawsuit which claimed that Salvucci sexually abused a boy, about ages 15-17, in 1977-79, while assigned to St. Mary's in Billerica. The abuse allegedly occurred in the rectory and in a NH cabin. The settlement was in the high five figures.

Fr. Jeffrey Salwach

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1984
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Placed on leave in 5/2003 after he was accused, along with another friar, of abusing a boy, ages 9-13, at St. Jude in New Lenox 1974-1978. The two Franciscans were said to have forced the boy into oral and group sex, drink alcohol and smoke marijuana. Salwach was a Franciscan brother and teacher at the time of the abuse. After his accuser filed suit in 2004, Salwich was sent for evaluation, where he admitted to fondling the boy and "a number of [other] minors" in the 1970s. The lawsuit settled. Per the Franciscans in 2005, "There is no reason to suspect Jeffrey to be a risk for offending minors." After ordination Salwach worked in Quincy IL, Galena AK, Parma and Cleveland OH, Joliet IL, San Antonio TX and Ruston LA. Still shown as an active priest per Catholic Times 5/10/2009. Reportedly in 11/2011, Salwach had recently been assigned to work at LaVerna Friary in a residential neighborhood in St. Louis, MO. Dismissed from the Order in 4/2016. Remains a priest in 5/2023. Included in the IL Attorney General's 5/23/2023 report. On the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list of credibly accused as of 1/2024. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province.) Noted to have left the Province and Order 4/9/2016.

Fr. Francis L. Sammons

Ordained: 1947
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Syracuse NY

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 12/3/18. Noted to have had one allegation against him, after his death. Longtime pastor of St. Patrick's on Tipperary Hill. Monsignor. Per obit, was a founding member of the City-Couonty Youth Board, Director of the CYO and found of the CYO Basketball League. Also, Director for Lourdes Camp and Diocesan Athletic Director for Bishop Ludden Junior/Senior High School, Christian Brothers Academy, and Bishop Grimes Junior/Senior High. Retired 1995. Died 7/10/07.

Fr. Tito Sammut

Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 09/29/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 1/17/19. Multiple substantiated allegations of abuse, occurring in the 1960s. Worked in Malta 1952-60, incardinated in 1960 into Diocese of Amarillo TX. Moved to the Green Bay diocese in 1979, where he was incardinated in 1988; ministry restricted at some point. Moved to Malta in retirement. Green Bay sent Malta "multiple cautions." Died 9/29/17.

Fr. Jose L. Sanchez

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Order: CMF
Ordained: 1996
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Named publicly as accused on the Los Angeles Archdiocese's updated list 12/6/2018, which notes a report to the Archdiocese in 2014 of incident(s) in the 1990s. Noted to have left the Archdiocese in 2009. Per the Archdiocese's list in 12/2021, Sanchez was reinstated in 2015 after the order's review board deemed the allegation not credible.

Fr. Manuel Ontiveros Sanchez

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Monsignor. Ordained in Spain. Working in the Los Angeles archdiocese in 1971; incardinated in 1976. Sued in 2003. Accused of abuse of a minor 1978-1981, per the 2004 Archdiocesan Report. The Archdiocese investigated and determined that evidence did not support the charges. Sanchez consistently denied the allegations. Retired and returned to Spain in 2000. Claim included in a 7/2007 massive $660M settlement by the Archdiocese.

Fr. Raul N. Sanchez

Ordained: 1974
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Gallup NM

Ordained for Diocese of Gallup NM. Diocese aided Sanchez in becoming an US citizen. Named as an abuser in court pleadings filed in 6/2012. More than one accuser. Worked in one parish, Madre de Dios in Winslow, before teaching in a diocesan seminary program in Gallup and then becoming an Air Force chaplain. Gallup Chancellor 1979-11/1986. Shown in the Catholic Directory as absent in 2012; apparently living in Mexico. Sued in 9/2012 and 4/2013, along with Clement Hageman, with claims of abuse in the 1970s in Winslow, AZ. Named in a new suit in 6/2013. Included on the Gallup diocese's list of credibly accused. Included in 8/2021 on the Diocese of Fresno's list.. Sanchez worked in the diocese as a chaplain at Edwards Air Force Base 1998-2001. Diocese was accused of helping him flee to his native México.

Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 01/20/2012
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Appointed Archbishop of Santa Fe in 1974, Sanchez was later accused of having sexual intercourse with at least 11 women over period of many years. Some of the women were teenagers. One claimed to have been paid $25K after Sanchez allegedly raped her in 1973. Sanchez also had extensive knowledge of the sexual abuse by priests in the Archdiocese and rarely did anything to punish or remove them. He resigned in 1993 and lived in Minnesota. He died 1/20/2012.

Fr. Patrick Sanders

Ordained: 1990
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Belle Chasse when placed on leave in 2004. Two men had come forward to allege that Sanders abused them on a trip to Biloxi Mississippi in 1993, when they were age 16. Placed on permanent leave in 4/2005. The Vatican ordered an administrative hearing for Sanders. Sanders was not technically charged with abuse of a minor because church law at the time defined minors as those under 16. Became an attorney. Arrested in 2014 for heroin possession; charges dropped when he agreed to enter a drug abuse diversion program. Included on the archdiocese's list 11/2/2018. Surrendered his law license in 2021 after he was discovered to have lied on his bar exam applications regarding his past.

Fr. Christian Sandholdt

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Died: 01/30/1979
Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Accused in a lawsuit[s] between 2020-2022 of the sexual abuse of minor[s]. Died by suicide in 1979, at age 45. Per his obituary, Sandholdt had been an assistant at St. Francis of Assisi in East Palo Alto for five years, was involved with the charismatic movement and worked with teenagers. Prior to his priesthood, he was a teacher at John Muir and Encinal High Schools in Alameda.

Fr. Jose Luis Sandoval

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Antonio TX

Accused in 6/1998 of abusing an 11-year-old boy in 1976. Archdiocese investigated; said information "believable". Removed. Fled to Guadalajara, Mexico; allowed ministry there based on a positive recommendation from San Antonio until removed by the archbishop in 2004. While reviewing files in 2002, the San Antonio archdiocese found a 1985 allegation that Sandoval attempted abuse of a teenage boy. No action until 1993, when he was sent for evaluation to Programa Genesis in Mexico for six month. He received good report and was reassigned in the Archdiocese of San Antonio in 1995. Name included on the archdiocese's list 1/31/2019, noting six allegations. Case referred to the Vatican for possible laicization. Appeared in 2019 to be pastor of Nuestra Senora de Belen, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico, in the Diocese of Guadalajara.

Fr. Joseph Sands

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 05/11/1979
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Ordained for the Trappists. Incardinated 1973 into the Manchester diocese. Accused in a 5/28/2003 attorney's letter of sexual abuse at St. Bernard's in Keene in 1966-1969. Age of the complainant at the time of the abuse is unknown. Sands was murdered 5/11/1979 when he tried to negotiate a hostage situation in the rectory of St. Rose of Lima in Littleton, NH. He was taken hostage and killed by a couple who then shot and killed themselves.

Br. Lawrence Sandstrom

Order: CSC
Status: Settled

Died: 03/28/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Left the order in 1997. Accused of abuse of five boys 1955-1969, per the 2004 Archdiocesan report. Two civil suits in 12/2003 alleging abuse 1967-1969. Accusations involved children at Maryvale, which was a Catholic orphanage in Rosemead. Later went on to work at La Salle High School in Pasadena and other Catholic schools in Hayward and New Orleans. Accused in 2003 of abuse at Rancho San Antonio in Chatsworth in the 1960s. Settlement with two men in 2007. Personnel file released in 2013. Died in 3/2021.

Fr. Leonard Sanesi

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Died: 01/10/1992
Diocese: Diocese of Greensburg PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Greensburg diocese's list of credibly accused. Died in 1992. Report to diocese in 2002 that in the early 1960s Sanesi repeatedly sexually abused a boy who was a student at St. Joseph's Minor Seminary. Another former St. Joseph's minor seminarian alleged in 2013 that Sanesi sexually abused him 1962-1963.

Fr. John R. Sansonetti

Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Name included on the diocese's list 3/22/2019 of clergy on whose behalf settlements were paid related to allegations of the sexual abuse of minors. The allegations against Sansonetti were not determined to be credible. Per a 2019 report commissioned by the diocese, Sansonetti was accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy in 1976-1977. He went on leave in 1984 and requested laicization in 1987.

Deacon Rigoberto Santiago

Donate Photo
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Ordained for the diaconate in 1987. From the Diocese of Ponce in Puerto Rico. Assigned to GA parishes 1994-2000. Named publicly as accused in the GA PAC Report. Faculties suspended 1/26/2008 after an allegation that Santiago sexually abused a girl, age 15, about 16 years prior. Santiago denied the 'incident' with the girl, but said that in 2005 an 'incident' occurred with a 15-year-old girl who was staying with the other girl's family.

Fr. John C. Santillan Hernandez

Order: SchP
Ordained: 1969
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Civil suit filed in 1998; dismissed. Removed in 2002. Accused of the sexual abuse of a boy, ages 12-17, in the 1970s. Police investigated in 2002. Per the Los Angeles Archdiocese's 2004 report, there were two accusers 1977-1985. In active ministry in Bolivia from 1998. Deceased, per the Archdiocese's list in 12/2021.

Fr. Francis C. Santilli

Ordained: 1980
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Placed on leave in 2/2022 due to an allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor in 1979 or 1980. Pastor of St. Philip in Greenville since 2010 when suspended. Per the Diocese, it received an allegation on 12/29/2021 against a priest currently active in the diocese, without naming him. State police investigated and interviewed the alleged victim, who named Santilli, then informed the Diocese 2/2/2022. Unable to criminally prosecute due to the statute of limitations. The Diocese had received reports of the sexual abuse of minors by Santilli twice before: in 2012 a man alleged abuse as a young altar in the early 1980s, and said Santilli also molested his brother; in 2014 a man alleged abused by Santilli as an altar boy, age 10, in 1980 at Our Lady of Lourdes in Providence. One alleged victim is known to have died by suicide. The Diocesan Review Board determined that both the 2012 and 2014 allegations lacked credibility, and Santilli was kept in ministry. Lawsuit filed in 5/2022.

Fr. Michael P. Santillo

Ordained: 1975
Status: Convicted

Died: 05/10/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Metuchen NJ

Left active priesthood in 1992 to care for his parents. Charged in 5/97 with molesting a 13-year-old boy in 1987. Working at time of arrest in non-priest role at church in the Albany, NY diocese. Convicted in 1999. Three additional known victims. Sentenced to ten years. Died of cancer in prison in 2000. Three claims included in 1/03 diocesan settlement involving abuse by five priests. Accused in a lawsuit in 12/20 of grooming then sexually abusing a boy during elementary and high school. Santillo allegedly began to ply the boy with alcohol then molest him when he was a teen in 1983, in the the rectory of St. Mary's in Perth Amboy and during a trip to Disney World.

Fr. Mark Santo

Order: OSM
Ordained: 1960
Status: Accused

Died: 05/3/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Given name Charles Edward Santo. Worked in a number of dioceses and archdioceses including Chicago, Winona, Lansing, Miami, Los Angeles. Assignments included parishes, schools, and prison ministry. Left the order in 1988. Incardinated into the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, reportedly transferred to Los Angeles after a short time. Died 5/3/2008 in Canada. Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/2019 (with a wrong death date). Alleged abuse in the 1960s reported in 2018.

Sr. Agnes Santomassimo

Order: MSC
Status: Sued

Died: 09/7/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Worked in hospitals in Chicago, New York, and Montreal Canada 1950-1969. Served as her order's provincial office secretary treasurer 1969-2001. Retired in 2001 or 2002. Died 9/7/2005. Very limited personnel file released in 7/2013. Reportedly she and others were accused in civil lawsuits of molesting children while working within the Los Angeles archdiocese.

Fr. Julian Sanz

Ordained: 1977
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

From Spain. Founded an orphanage in Mexico, near Yuma. Arrived in the Tucson diocese in 1980. Incardinated in 1994. Placed on leave in 10/2002 after a boy, age 15, said he had been molested in 8/2002. Another victim came forward later to say he was molested at age 11 during confession in 1982. Sanz was arrested in 2/2003 on two counts of sexual abuse of a child. Pleaded no contest. Sentenced in 10/2003 to five years in prison. A civil suit was filed in 1/2004 by the victim in criminal charges. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused. Removed from the priesthood in 2010.

Fr. Paul Sappino

Order: SDB
Ordained: 1933
Status: Accused

Died: 04/13/1969
Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Worked in NY, FL LA. Died in 1969. Named publicly as accused in 3/2020 by the Salesian order on its list of credibly accused. No details given as to when or where the abuse took place, or number of victims. (Placing him in the NY archdiocese for now, where the Salesians' Eastern Province is based.)

Fr. John J. Sardina

Ordained: 1960
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Retired, living in a residence for priests in Depew. Suspended in 9/18 after the diocese received an allegation they he sexually abused a 12-year-old girl in the late 1960s, while he was assigned to Coronation of the BVM in Buffalo. Sardina denied the allegation. He did admit to having been sent to counseling over 10 years previously due to "consensual" sex he had with women. Allowed to return to active ministry in 3/19 after the Diocesan Review Board deemed the allegation unsubstantiated. Sued under the Child Victims Act in 2019. In 9/22 the diocese was investigating a second claim against Sardina. 

Fr. John A. Sarro

Ordained: 1979
Status: Charged

Died: 07/23/2018
Diocese: Diocese of Wilmington DE and MD

Credible allegation of abuse, stemming from the early 1980s while working in Papua New Guinea. Diocese said it learned of this in 1997; removed from ministry 1998. Name first released by Bishop Saltarelli 11/16/2006 on list of abusive priests. Living in a monitored religious community in Maryland. As of 11/2009 the Diocese was paying his pension and health benefits and $4,000/mo for assisted living expenses. Personnel file released in 2/2012. The bishop said the Diocese applied for laicization in 2009, but the Vatican did not approve. Sarro was criminally charged in 1/2018 with fondling and raping a girl under age 16 in the early 1990s, when he was pastor of St. Helena in Bellefonte. Sarro stated it "happened by accident." Pleaded not guilty 2/9/2018. Died 7/23/2018, six months before scheduled trial.

Fr. Martin J. Satchell

Ordained: 1993
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Accused in 1993 (year of ordination) of "credible allegations of misconduct involving a minor [boy]." Placed on administrative leave 1993 (after 4 months on job) through 2003. Laicized at his request 9/16/04. Taught in several prestigious schools between 1993 and 2004. Named in a lawsuit filed 2/14/11. Name included on secret 1994 memo from Wm. Lynn to Msgr. James Molloy (released 2/27/12) regarding priests in secret archives who were guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor.

Br. Robert Satterthwaite

Donate Photo
Order: CFC
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Satterthwaite in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based. Satterthwaite is deceased.

Fr. Robert J. Saunders

Ordained: 1941
Status: Settled

Died: 07/4/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Died 7/4/2007 at age 92. At about the same time, the Archdiocese revealed that Saunders had been accused of the abuse of several girls at Temple Hill and in Norway IA, during 1959-1973. At least one claim was included in a 3/2008 $4.7M settlement with Archdiocese involving abuse by 9 priests.

Fr. Joseph E. Savage

Ordained: 1918
Status: Accused

Died: 06/22/1974
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Newly identified as abuser in the Chicago Archdiocesan Report 3/20/2006. Forced to resign from an Illinois parish in 1936 for sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. Accused in 2002 and 2003 of having sexually abused numerous WI children, both boys and girls, in the 1950s. His victims were said to have been between the ages of 8 and 16. Shown as absent with leave from 1938-1960 and retired as of 1960. Died in 6/1974. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 7 "reported survivors."

Fr. Dominic Savino

Order: OCarm
Ordained: 1958
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Removed in 2002 from the presidency of Crespi Carmelite High School in Encino CA after allegations of abuse of two brothers in 1979, and abuse of others in the 1970s. Police were notified. He acknowledged some incidents and that he had sought therapy. Also accused of abusing five high school boys in Louisville, KY 1966-1973. Named in a civil suit. Separated from the Carmelite Order in 2005. Claims by seven individuals included in $10M settlement 10/2006 with the Order and L.A. Archdiocese. On the Louisville archdiocese's list in 2/2019. Included on the Carmelites' list in 11/2020.

Fr. Johnny S. Savoie

Ordained: 1995
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Mobile AL

Mobile archdiocesan VAC was contacted apparently in late 2013 by a man alleging that Savoie had engaged in 'inappropriate sexual conduct' with him as a boy aged 16-18 in about 2005 at St. Lawrence church in Fairhope. Archdiocesan lawyer contacted the county D.A. in 12/2013 and 1/2014. D.A. did not investigate because at age 16, the accuser was beyond the AL age of consent. Archdiocese did not place Savoie on leave, and it is not known whether AL child protection officials were notified. The archdiocese reportedly investigated by 2/16/2014, when Savoie announced to parishioners: he had been accused, he 'adamantly denied' the allegation, and as the archdiocese 'has determined that there is no evidence to support the accusation,' he 'will remain serving as pastor of St Pius X,' where the principal of the grammar school reports to him. In Savoie's 9/30/2014 deposition in a case accusing him of ignoring bullying complaints at the school, he stated that the Fairhope boy was working part-time at St. Lawrence.

Fr. William R. Savord

Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 07/19/2004
Diocese: Diocese of San Diego CA

Included on list of priests with credible allegations as released by the San Diego diocese 3/30/2007. Transferred to the San Bernardino diocese in 1984. Removed from active priesthood in 10/1988 without privileges and sent to the Servants of the Paraclete treatment center. Resigned in 8/1990 because of problems in his "past life." Died 7/19/2004. Personnel file released 10/24/2010.

Br. Thomas Sawyer

Order: CSC
Status: Arrested

Diocese: Archdiocese of Hartford CT

Educator in schools across the U.S. Was IT director for Holy Cross HS in Waterbury, living at St. John Vianney in West Hartford when another clergy member reported to police he saw images of naked children on Sawyer's computer. Order moved Sawyer to upstate NY when the police investigation started. Arrested in 4/2016, charged with possession of child pornography. Sawyer may have downloaded thousands of photos of naked children, mostly pre-teen males.

Fr. John C. Sax

Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Sax was archdiocesan director of priest personnel 1991-1999. Monsignor. Placed on leave in 2000 after an allegation. Admitted that he molested an altar boy on numerous occasions 1980-1985 at St. Peter's in Reserve, beginning when the boy was age 10. A lawsuit was filed in 5/2001 but it was not served until 2002. Included on the archdiocese's list 11/2/2018, which notes that Sax was removed from ministry in 2004.

Fr. Fernando Sayasaya

Ordained: 1995
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of Fargo ND

Educated overseas. Ordained for the Fargo diocese. Removed in 8/1998 after a complaint of sex abuse. Reportedly admitted to abusing 3 boys. Fled to the Philippines in 12/1998. Charged in 12/2002 in U.S. with sexually abusing of a boy 1995-1997 and another 1995-1998. Efforts to extradite him to the U.S. for prosecution were initially unsuccessful. Laicization announced 12/2005. A Philippine Court of Appeals ordered him extradited to the U.S. in 4/2012. Arrested in Calamba City, Laguna province 11/19/2017; extradited in 12/2017. Pleaded not guilty 2/16/2018. Pleaded guilty to 2 counts 5/17/2018. Sentenced 10/1/2018 to 20 years in prison and required to register as a sex offender. Given credit for 360 days already spent. Included on the Fargo diocese's 1/2/2020 list of those with substantiated allegations against them. 

Fr. Severino A. Scala

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 3/21. Allegedly abused at St. Vincent de Paul in Elmont, where he was assigned 10/56-10/66. Appears to have begun his priesthood in the Archdiocese of Miami FL in 1953 or '54, arriving in the Diocese of Rockville Centre in 1955. Per the Catholic Directories, Scala was on sick leave 1973-79, then retired. He died 1/10/86.

Fr. Thomas A. Scala

Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Died: 10/15/2018
Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Chaplain of St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster 1977-1986. Pastor of St. Columba in Bloomsburg 1989-1994. Name included on diocese's list released 8/1/18, noted to have two allegations of the sexual abuse of children against him. Died in 10/18 in FL.

Fr. Donald F. Scales

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 12/12/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Charlotte NC

Named publicly as accused on 2/14/19 by the Diocese of Richmond after it received information from the Diocese of Charlotte. Charlotte's Review Board found credible an allegation against Scales. He had assignments in both dioceses. Accused in 2006 of sexually abusing a minor at St. Michael's in Gastonia, NC 1977-78. Removed from ministry. Denied the allegation. Died in 2008. Included on the Raleigh diocese's list updated 10/22/19, noting abuse occurring outside the diocese in 1966, reported in 2019. On the Charlotte diocese's list 12/29/19.

Fr. Michael Scanlan

Order: TOR
Ordained: 1964
Status: Sued

Died: 01/7/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Took the name Theophane Scanlan upon ordination. Longtime president of Franciscan University of Steubenville. Leader in the Charismatic Renewal movement. Died in 2017. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2020 of sexually abusing a boy, age 9, in 1978. The abuse allegedly occurred at a People of Hope (Charismatic community) gathering at St. Antoninus Parish in Newark, NJ, and on multiple other occasions when Scanlan would visit the NJ parish. The boy and his mother and brothers were living in the parish rectory. Scanlan has also been accused of covering up for credibly accused priest Samuel Tiesi, T.O.R.

Fr. William J. Scanlan

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 04/26/2013
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

As early as 1987 one church official noted in Scanlan's personnel file that "he fools around with kids." Accused of raping a 12-year-old girl 1996-1997. Sent for residential treatment. Assigned to prison ministry; reassigned to parish work. Moved to California in 1998 to work in a V.A. hospital in Menlo Park. Investigated by Feds because of statements made by Military Vicariate. Per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list of accused, the Review Board found the accusations unsubstantiated. Scanlan retired on permanent disability with no restrictions. Died 4/26/2013.

Fr. Francis Joseph Scanlon

Ordained: 1942
Status: Sued

Died: 04/30/1980
Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Accused in a lawsuit filed sometime between 2020-2022 of sexually abusing an altar boy at St. Andrew's in Oakland in about 1959-1964. The abuse allegedly included forced oral sex and sodomy and occurred numerous times. News accounts in 2022 refer to Scanlon as John Francis; per past news articles and the Official Catholic Directory, his name was Francis Joseph. The 1960 Directory shows him as Absent on Leave, after which he was transferred to a Mill Valley parish. Scanlon died in 1980.

Fr. William J. Scanlon

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019. It notes allegations received in 1994 of abuse of minors 1985-1994. Scanlon admitted to the abuse. "Restricted" in 1994, "impeded" in 2011.

Fr. Leonard Scezney

Ordained: 1985
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the CO A.G. report 10/22/19. In 3/07 the archdiocese received a report that Scezney had sexually abused a 16-year-old girl in about 1985. The girl was a member of the parish youth group at Spirit of Christ in Arvada, where Scezney was assigned. Scezney allegedly took the girl to dinner, was increasingly affectionate toward her, then fondled her breasts under her shirt on multiple occasions. Scezney's faculties were removed by the archdiocese in 1992.

Fr. Francis R. Schaefer

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Columbus OH

Accused of abusing six boys at a parish in 1962. In 1966 families met with Msgr. Applegate, who promised Schaefer would get help. No action taken for months, then transferred. Bishop was informed in 1970 of Schaefer's misdeeds, but no action. In 1970 Schaefer moved to new parish where he allegedly abused again 1970-1975. Two civil suits filed in 1993. Included on the diocese's list 3/1/2019. Deceased.

Fr. Richard J. Schaefer

Ordained: 1958
Status: Sued

Died: 04/10/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Ordained for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2003 of abusing a boy on many occasions over three years in the early 1960s, beginning when the boy was age 10. From 1958-1961 Schaefer was in charge  of a group of young boys who wanted to be priests at Philip Neri in Northport, NY. His accuser alleged that Schaefer also abused five other boys in the group and that he was transferred after parents complained. Schaeffer's last assignment in the diocese ended 5/15/1962. He was assigned in 9/1962 to a parish in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston WV. The Official Catholic Directory shows was absent on leave from Rockville Centre 1962-1969. Named publicly as accused on the Wheeling-Charleston diocese's list in late 2018, which notes allegations beginning in 1986 of abuse by Schaefer throughout his career. Faculties suspended 4/10/1986. Died 4/10/1998. Included in 3/2021 on the Rockville Centre diocese's list of accused. 

Fr. Thomas S. Schaefer

Ordained: 1953
Status: Convicted

Died: 07/22/2009
Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Abused at least 21 boys. Arrested in 1995. Convicted in 1996 of abuse of 5. Sentenced to 16 years in prison. Judge reconsidered after he had served about 4.5 months and reduced the sentence to time served and treatment in MO. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. At least one claim was included in a $1.3M settlement with the Archdiocese in 12/2006. Died 7/22/2009 in MO. Included on the Archdiocese's list 10/15/2018. It noted abuse was first reported in 1967 and that Schaeffer was sent for evaluation and treatment, then returned to ministry. Another report in 1982; again evaluated and treated, then returned to ministry in 1983. Permanently removed from parish ministry in 1986, assigned as a nursing home chaplain.

Fr. Charles J. Schaeflein

Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Monsignor. Accused of abuse of a minor some time prior to 1990. Retired in 1989. Placed on leave in 2005 when allegation first became known. Per news in 4/06, Schaefle (at age 86 or 87) agreed to a supervised life of prayer and penance. Name is included on secret 1994 memo from Wm. Lynn to Msgr. James Molloy (released 2/27/12) regarding priests in secret archives who were accused of sexual misconduct with a minor with no conclusive evidence. Died 8/10/13.

Fr. Robert L. Schaeufele

Ordained: 1975
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of St. Petersburg FL

Placed on leave in 4/2002 after allegations surfaced. The Diocese knew in 1994 that Schaeufele was bringing boys to his rectory. Several civil suits 2003-2004. In 2004 the Diocese agreed to pay $1.1M to 12 men abused by him as boys. Others refused to settle. Found not guilty in 5/2003 of some charges, but convicted in 6/2003 on other charges of abuse in the 1980s. Received two 30-year concurrent sentences. Also sentenced in Pasco County 7/2003. At least 22 accusers are known. Abused in parishes that were later part of the Venice diocese. Scheduled for release from prison in 2/2015, after serving only 12 years. Included on the St. Petersburg diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Carl Casper Schaffer

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Lexington KY

Ordained for the Diocese of Covington. Retired in 1989. Opened a home for troubled teenage boys, Padre House, in southeastern KY. Died by suicide in 7/3/1993, a day after he was questioned about a decades-old abuse allegation. Included on the Covington diocese's list 7/31/2020 of those with substantiated allegation(s). On the Lexington diocese's list in 8/2020. It notes credible allegations that Schaffer abused brothers at Good Shepherd in Frankfort in the 1960s and 1970s.

Fr. Emmett Gilroy Schaller

Order: OMI
Ordained: 1969
Status: Sued

Died: 04/7/2023
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused of abuse of a minor 1979-1980, per the 2004 Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report. Left the Order. Accused in a civil suit of sexually abusing a boy at St. Ferdinand Parish. Admitted during treatment that he had been in trouble due to his sexual behavior. Personnel file released by the Order in 7/2013. Died 4/7/2023 in Palm Springs CA.

Fr. John P. Schanz

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 04/6/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Included on the Diocese's list 4/6/2018. The bulk of Schanz's career until retirement was at Gannon University and as an assistant at Holy Cross in Fairview. Member of the Tribunal and Examiner of Junior Clergy. Retired in 1996. At least 7 alleged victims. In 4/2002 a man reported to the Diocese that he was sexually assaulted by Schanz as a 7th or 8th grade altar boy at St. Andrew and The Villa. Schanz was removed from active ministry 4/17/2002. Allegation in 5/2002 of abuse in the early 1970s of a 12- or 13-year-old boy. Report in 1/2007 from a former Camp Notre Dame life guard of abuse of a boy at the camp in 1974. The man said he witnessed an incident and told administrators, who said they would take care of it and told him to keep it quiet. In 4/2002 the Diocese received a report of abuse in 1974 of a Holy Cross altar boy. Also accused of abuse in 1978 or 1979 of a boy age 16 or 17, and of abuse of a 15-year-old boy 1980-1983. Report in 2/2005 of abuse of a 6th grade St. Andrew's altar boy. Shanz died 4/16/2010.

Fr. Michael Schapfel

Ordained: 1983
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

From Germany. Working in the DC area since 2004 serving German communities and diplomats when suddenly removed in 4/2010 after allegations that he had molested numerous girls and young women in Germany in the 1980s-1990s. Was returned to Germany. Allegations had been known since the original complaint in 2004.

Fr. David E.F. Scharf

Ordained: 1985
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. In 12/2002 the diocese received a complaint that Scharf had a foot fetish, and had massaged the feet of minor and adult males. He was admitted to St. Luke's Institute for treatment in 11/2003, there until 7/2004, then to a halfway house until leaving without completing his program in 2/2005. He attended St. Luke's continuing care workshops 2005-2010, where he admitted to massaging the feet of minors then masturbating to the image of their feet. Featured in the diocesan newspaper in 4/2010, celebrating his 25th anniversary as a priest. Per the diocese's list of credibly accused, Scharf was removed from ministry in 2016. Living in 11/2018 at St. John Vianney Manor.

Fr. Lawrence C. Scharf

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Toledo OH

Placed on leave in 3/2002 after allegations surfaced of sexual misconduct with a minor in 1976. It was later learned that a similar offense occurred in 1981. Scharf admitted the conduct and was placed in inpatient therapy. As of 2004 he was barred from ministry because of credible allegations. Dismissed from the clerical state per 4/2008 status report. Died in 1/2008.

Fr. Maurice Scheier

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1927
Status: Accused

Died: 03/12/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused of the sexual abuse of a minor in 1948, per the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report in 2004. Died in 1991. Added to the Buffalo diocese's list 11/5/2018. Worked at St. Bonaventure University 1928-1986, including as math department head and dean of science. Pastor of Sacred Heart in Knapp Creek 1961-1988. Per the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans' list 5/31/2019, the Order had no information on Scheier, and its Holy Name Province in NY "handled the 2004 allegation."

Fr. Michael Schemm

Ordained: 1993
Status: Insufficient evidence

Died: 12/14/2024
Diocese: Diocese of Wichita KS

On 11/1/2021 the diocese announced that Schemm was being placed on leave pending an investigation into allegations that he had sexually abused a minor more than 25 years previously. Schemm was pastor at the time of his suspension of Church of the Resurrection in Bel Aire. He allegedly sexually abused a child, ages 12-15, 1992-1995, while assigned to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Wichita. No criminal charges due to the statute of limitations. The diocese's review board determined that there was "insufficient evidence." The bishop stated that Schemm would be returned to public ministry. In 10/2023 the diocesan newspaper noted that Schemm had been placed on "indefinite leave of absence for medical reasons, effective immediately." Died 12/14/2024.

Fr. Maurus Schenck

Order: CP
Ordained: 1952
Status: Sued

Died: 05/20/1975
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/20 of sexually abusing a child, ages 12-17, during 1962-68, while assigned to St. Mary's in Dunkirk. Also accused of abusing a 13-year-old in 1965. Schenck died 5/20/75.

Br. Alan Scheneman

Order: SDB
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Professed vows as a Salesian brother in 1978. Left the order in 1982. Accused in a 12/16/2013 lawsuit of the repeated sexual abuse of a boy, age 15, at the Salesian minor seminary in Goshen NY. The alleged abuse included masturbating the boy's penis skin-on-skin. The complaint also alleged abuse of the boy by Fr. Joseph Maffei SDB and Fr. Sean Rooney SDB at the same seminary. Scheneman was listed on the website of Boston attorney Mitchell Garabedian on 10/31/2014 after a settlement during the year previous. The Salesians confirmed that a monetary settlement had been reached. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.

Fr. Richard Scherer

Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 12/21/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. A woman told the diocese in 8/1991 that when she was a student at St. Anne's in Castle Shannon 1957-1961, she was sexually abused by Scherer. Scherer alluded to his "relationship" with the student in a 10/1965 letter. In 1966 he was in treatment at Our Lady of the Snow/Clergy House Retreat in Minnesota. He was on Sick Leave 6/1965-5/1968, then worked as a hospital chaplain in Ft. Lauderdale and then Miami FL until his retirement in 1992. He died 12/21/2007.

Fr. Edwin J. Scherzer

Ordained: 1950
Status: Convicted

Died: 08/13/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Retired in 1995. Removed from ministry in 5/2002 after he was accused in a lawsuit. Two more suits were filed by 1/2003. The chancellor 1966-1982 admitted he had been approached by a parent claiming Scherzer had acted inappropriately with his son, but made no record of the complaint. A fourth suit filed in 4/2003 alleged abuse 1963-1964. Indicted in 2005. Pleaded guilty in 11/2005 to abuse of four boys in the late 1950s-early 1960s. Sentenced to five years' house arrest. Claims included in a 6/2003 massive settlement with the archdiocese. Ordered to a life of prayer and penance. Died 8/13/2017.

Fr. Albert E. Schetter

Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Died: 05/5/2002
Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Retired in 1990. Died 5/5/2002. Lawsuit filed in 2003 by two men accusing Schetter of sexual abuse when they were boys in the early 1960s. They also claimed the archdiocese knew and did nothing. One plaintiff had gone to the archdiocese in 1992 with his allegations. Archdiocesan officials offered the man counseling, which he declined. They also reviewed Schetter's personnel file and found that there had been complaints in the early 1960s of his "odd behavior" with children; officials' response in the early 1960s was to send the priest on a spiritual retreat. In 1992 Schetter was told to stay away from children.

Fr. Joseph E. Schieder

Ordained: 1935
Status: Sued

Died: 06/12/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Monsignor. Civil suit reportedly filed in FL in late 2009 or early 2010 accuses Schieder of abuse in the Miami archdiocese. Dismissed. Included on 3/20/18 Buffalo diocesan list as removed, retired, or having left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. Died in 1996. At least five alleged victims. Worked as a parish priest and chancery official in Buffalo. National director of Catholic Youth of America in Washington DC and dean of theology at Marymount College in Arlington VA.There are several gaps in his assignment history. Died 6/12/96. Accused in a lawsuit filed 8/19 of abuse of a boy at St. Andrew's in Tonawanda NY 1968-70. Another in 9/19 alleged abuse of a 12-year-old at St. Andrew's in around 1968.

Br. Anton Schik

Donate Photo
Order: OSC
Status: Accused

Died: 12/22/1971
Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

Also known as Anthony or Tony. Worked at Crosier Seminary and Monastery in Onamia, MN 1932-1948. Assigned to Wawasee Prep in Syracuse, IN from 1948 until he died 12/22/1971. Name included on the Crosiers' 3/8/2014 updated list of those current, former and deceased with one or more credible claims against them of the sexual abuse of minors. Schik was deceased by the time the allegation of abuse was made. No information as to when or where the abuse occurred.

Fr. David Schilder

Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Columbus OH

First named publicly as credibly accused by the diocese in 12/2019. Alleged abuse in 1968 was first reported to the diocese in 2004. Schilder retired and was barred from public ministry. Another allegation was reported in 9/2019, of abuse 1981-1983. The diocesan review board deemed this allegation credible and Schilder was placed on administrative leave. Included on the Youngstown diocese's list updated 3/5/2020. On the Lexington diocese's list in 8/2020, where he was chaplain 2001-2004 at the Ashland Federal Correction Institution.

Fr. Wayne Schimmelmann

Order: CMF
Ordained: 1986
Status: Accused

Died: 01/12/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Assigned in MO, NJ, IL, GA. Named publicly as accused in the GA PAC Report. In 9/1995, the Archdiocese received a report Schimmelmann behaved inappropriately toward a 13-year-old girl, by pressing her against a wall and tickling her, and pulling her to sit in his lap at the inside of his thigh. Accused in a 2004 lawsuit of sexually harrassing a female CNA at a nursing home the previous year, where he was chaplain; the woman said she was fired from her Catholic hospital job in retaliation for the allegation. She said Schimmelmann fondled her on numerous occasions. He died 1/12/2017.

Fr. Arnold Schinkten

Order: OPraem
Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 12/14/1976
Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

Added in 4/21 to the Norbertine's list of those with substantiated claims against them of the sexual abuse of minors. Per the Order, it received allegations(s) against Schinkten in late 2020 or early 2021, of abuse in 1962. Long-time instructor of psychology at St. Norbert College. Taught high school in Philadelphia PA, and in Green Bay. He was also a counselor and horseback riding teacher at Camp Tivoli in Cecil in the summers of 1942-69. Died 12/14/76, age 61.

Fr. Carl Anthony Schipper

Ordained: 1968
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Arrested in 3/2000 after he held a series of explicit sexual conversations with someone he thought was a 13-year-old boy in an internet chat room. He was immediately placed on leave from his position as academic dean at Menlo Park's St. Patrick's Seminary. Pled no contest in 8/2000. Sentenced to six months in jail and three years probation. Ordered to register as a sex offender. Retired in 2003.

Fr. Austin Schlaefer

Donate Photo
Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Died: 06/19/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Identified in 6/18/2013 Capuchin audit report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. He died 6/19/1992 in Saginaw, MI. Worked in Milwaukee, Detroit and Chicago. On the Saginaw diocese's list by 8/9/2019. Name included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. James J. Schlaffer

Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Died: 08/22/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Gallup NM

Ordained for the Milwaukee archdiocese. A 7/27/2004 article in the Gallup Independent related that Schlaffer allegedly 'probed the vaginal area' of an 18-year-old Navajo girl hospitalized and in traction at the Gallup Indian Medical Center 30 years prior. On her first day of work after graduating from high school, the girl had been struck by a car as she walked on the shoulder of a reservation road. The girl ordered Schlaffer from her hospital room, expelled him again when he returned, and requested that the hospital add a note to her record stating that she wanted no visits from him. Subsequently the girl met another injured girl at the hospital, age 17, who said Schlaffer was a 'nasty priest' who had put his hand under her blouse and fondled her. He died on 8/22/1998.

Seminarian Bryan Schlager

Donate Photo
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Seminarian. Accused of inappropriate communications with several children. Known to have been studying in 2010 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Name included on diocese's list released 8/1/18. Included in the PA Grand Jury Report 8/14/18.

Fr. Douglas L. Schleisman

Ordained: 1975
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Abuse alleged by Schleisman in a 1993 civil suit; went on Leave of Absence. Name was included on New Ulm diocese's list released by Attorney Jeff Anderson 8/04/14. Names came from a deposition of Rev. Francis Garvey, a former top New Ulm Diocese official, taken in 1/14. Laicized in 1994.

Fr. Robert Schleiter

Ordained: 1954
Status: Accused

Died: 02/2/1995
Diocese: Diocese of Salina KS

Named publicly as accused by the Salina Diocese on its list 3/29/2019. Allegations of abuse occurring in the 1950s were reported in 1957, 1980 and 2003. The Diocese noted it did not respond to the 1980 allegation, but did so when the alleged victim again came forward in 2003. In 1957 Schleiter was dismissed by Salina after an investigation and moved to the Diocese of Wichita. Included on the Wichita Diocese's 9/20/2019 list of clerics with substantiated allegations. It notes "ministry ended" in 1969. Died in 1995.

Fr. Andre (Charles) Schludecker

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 09/30/2022
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Schludecker in the St. Louis archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) Worked in IL, OH, WI, AK, MI, MO. Died in 2022.

Fr. Clemens M. Schlueter

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 09/14/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

Ordained for the Diocese of Steubenville. Moved to the Diocese of Tucson in 1961. Name spelled variously as "Schleuter" and "Schlueter, " consistently "Schlueter" after 1965 in the Catholic Directory. Incardinated into the Tucson diocese in 1978. Retired in 1990. Announcement in 6/2002 that Schlueter had been suspended from ministry in 1997 after the Diocese learned of an allegation of child abuse dating to the 1960s. Included on the Tucson diocese's list of credibly accused. Died in 9/2009.

Fr. Bernard Schmaltz

Ordained: 1973
Status: Sued

Died: 02/5/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux LA

A man filed a lawsuit in 1992 alleging abuse by Schmaltz on a 1973 fishing trip to Slidell, LA and in a rectory. Per the suit, the boy told several people, including the parish pastor. Schmaltz was placed on paid leave. In 8/1995, a trial judge ruled that the plaintiff had waited too long to file suit. Schmaltz retired in 1996, saying allegations of sexual abuse had dogged his priesthood with other allegation at an earlier assignment. Allegations of abuse in the 1970s were also received. Schmaltz filed suit against the archbishop for slander in 2004. He died 2/5/2010. Included on the archdiocese's list 11/2/2018. On the Houma-Thibodaux diocese's list 1/11/2019. (It was established in 1977, formerly part of New Orleans archdiocese.)

Fr. John P. Schmeer

Ordained: 1964
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Multiple allegations. Sued in 2004. Accused of abuse of three boys, in 1966-67 and 1986. First allegations found not credible in 2003; investigation in 2004 found latest allegation credible. Ministry permanently restricted. In 2/05 and still in 12/19 living supervised life of prayer and penance. Three men filed two new suits against Schmeer 9/18/12. Suit filed 12/19; per plaintiff, in 1981 Rev. Francis Trauger sexually abused a boy, age 11, so his parents sent him to speak with Schmeer, who then also abused him.

Fr. Joseph M. Schmelzer

Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Toledo OH

In 2002 a man alleged that Schmelzer abused him as a teenager 1983-1985. He said Schmelzer began touching him when he was 16 and then molested him at age 19 after giving him alcohol. The man complained first in 1993; Schmelzer was counseled and moved. Civil suit filed in 2003. Schmelzer was permanently removed after the Review Board found the claims credible. Included on the Diocese's list in 2005. Teaching certification revoked in 11/2006. Another allegation was reported in 2004, not revealed until 2007. In 11/2018 a man told news outlets that in 2005 he first reported to the diocese that, when he was age 13, Schmelzer fondled, drugged and raped him in the St. Wendelin rectory. He said he got no response. He told the diocese again in 2015. In 12/2017 the Review Board found his allegations "not substantiated."

Fr. Eugene LeRoy Schmidt

Ordained: 1956
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

In 1992 a woman claimed in a lawsuit abuse by Schmidt when was ages 13-17 during 1968-72. The abuse allegedly included his taking pornographic pictures of her, forcing her to drink from a dog bowl, having a dog urinate on her, and assaulting her with a broom stick. Neighbors of the church at the time notified the Green Bay archdiocese about a young girl spending too much time at the rectory. The woman herself tried to inform the archdiocese in 1982 and she wrote to Archbishop Weakland in 1983. The suit was dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Schmidt retired in 1991 without faculties. He died in 10/05. On the diocese's list 1/17/19. Noted to have multiple substantiated allegations against him of abuse occurring 1968-79.

Fr. Allen M. Schmitt

Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Died: 01/5/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Multiple allegations of the abuse of boys. Placed on leave in 3/2002 after a man wrote in an email to the Archdiocese that Schmitt abused him in 1978 in Cedar Rapids. Schmitt admitted to the behavior when confronted by the Archbishop. A second report received in 4/2002 alleged abuse in 1974. At least one claim was included in a $2.6M settlement with the Archdiocese in 3/2007 and another in a $4.7M settlement concerning 9 priests in 3/2008. There was also at least one in an 8/2013 $5.2M out-of-court settlement involving 10 priests and 26 victims. Schmitt died 1/5/2016.

Fr. Charles R. Schmitt

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 01/26/2021
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Retired in 2006 as pastor in Port Allegany, then temporary administrator briefly at parishes in Emporium, Tidioute and Emlenton. Removed from public ministry during an investigation in 9/2018  of an allegation that he abused a minor in the 1960s. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused 4/5/2019. Forbidden to function as a priest. Per the list updated in 1/2023, Schmitt died in 1/2021. 

Fr. John Harley Schmitt

Ordained: 1940
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused in the CO A.G.'s report 10/22/19. In 2010 a woman told the archdiocese that Schmitt sexually abused her when she was ages 8-9 during 1963-64 and a student at All Saints in Denver, where Schmitt was assigned. The archdiocese's Conduct Response Team deemed the allegation not credible. The A.G. report noted the Team's" flawed" process and asserted that it reached the wrong decision. In 1993 a man told the archdiocese that Schmitt molested him in 1963 while assigned to All Saints, when the man was age 13. Schmitt denied the allegation. He died in 2003.

Fr. Urban Schmitt

Order: OSC
Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 07/20/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Worked in IN, NE and MN. In 1994 Schmitt admitted to sexually abusing a girl in 1969. Sent to St. Luke's Institute for evaluation. Early retirement in 1994; continued to work part-time in NE for several years. Died 7/20/1999. Name is included on the 3/8/2014 updated list of current, former and deceased Crosiers with one or more credible claims against them of the sexual abuse of minors. Name added 11/3/2017 to the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese's list of "priests and religious brothers who have served or spent time in the archdiocese and have substantiated claims of sexual abuse of a minor against them." Included on the Duluth diocese's list 3/28/24, where he was assigned 1964-1966.

Fr. Dennis E. Schmitz

Ordained: 1989
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Kansas City KS

Placed on leave in 5/2002 and charged in 6/2002 with improperly touching a teenage youth several times 6/1998-5/1999. Pleaded guilty in 2002. Received a 32-month sentence. Also convicted in another county and sentenced in 1/2003 to 32 months probation. Served as vocations director for the Archdiocese 1994-7/2001. A civil suit against the Archdiocese was settled in 2003. Suit against Schmitz was ongoing. Schmitz agreed to seek laicization. Included on the KS sex offender registry 1/3/2010. On the Archdiocese's list 1/25/2019. Noted to have been laicized in 2005. In 7/2024 the Archdiocese announced that there were additional substantiated allegations against Schmitz of the sexual abuse of minors and adults, occurring in the late 1990s and 2000s.

Fr. John A. Schmitz

Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Died: 10/15/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Allegations first public in 2002. Sued in 2005 by a woman claiming abuse as a child in 1959. Schmitz died 10/15/1991. Parishioners had complained about his financial skills, his relationship with adult woman in 1982 and inappropriate behavior with girls. Sent to Paracletes for treatment. Archbishop did not accept him back as priest. Arrived in San Bernardino Diocese in 1/1983. Back in Iowa by 1985 without privileges; sued for a relationship with a  married woman. Settlements in 2006 and 2007. San Diego and Dubuque personnel filed released 10/25/2010. Included on the San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/2018.

Josephine Schmitz

Order: OSF
Status: Accused

Died: 02/17/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Took vows in 1943. Accused of sexually abusing a boy in the early 1960s, starting when the boy was age 9. Schmitz, aka Sister Mary Philip, is accused of repeatedly keeping the boy after class at a Dubuque parish school, laying on top of him, and tongue-kissing him. She also worked in the Sioux City IA diocese and the Chicago IL archdiocese. The Dubuque archdiocese found the allegation not sustained (choices were: unfounded, exonerated, not sustained, sustained) although their investigator found it credible. Schmitz died 2/17/2021, at age 98.

Fr. Roger W. Schneider

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Last known assignment was at St. Francis Seminary 1966-71. Name included on the Archdiocese's 7/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry (or who would have been restricted if still living) because of credible allegations of abuse. Per the list 7/9/03, Schneider "left priestly ministry" (no date given). Per the Archdiocese's list 1/26/07, he had been laicized.

Fr. Ronald H. Schneider

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

Police investigated allegations in 1992 that Schneider had sexually assaulted two young boys some time before 1985. Not charged. Placed on leave in 1993. Allegations included voyeurism and asking children to take their clothes off in front of him. Many transfers. On diocese's list 1/17/19. Multiple substantiated allegations against him of abuse occurring in the 1970s. Ordered by the Vatican to a life of prayer and penance.

Fr. Stephen A. Schneider

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 03/3/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Removed in 2/06 from position at St. Peter the Apostle parish in Joplin after allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor, which were made in 12/05. No information as to when alleged abuse occurred. No criminal charges filed. His actions violated church policy but did not break the law. Died in 2016.

Fr. Robert J. Schober

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Placed on leave in 9/21 due to a claim of abuse in the diocese's bankruptcy case and in accusation in a lawsuit filed in 8/21 under the NY Child Victims Act. Schober allegedly sexually abused a child, ages 8-13, during 1980-85, while assigned to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Elma. Schober denied the allegation. In 5/22 the diocese announced that its Review Board found that the allegation was unsubstantiated. Reinstated.

Fr. Roger Schoenhofen

Order: OMI
Ordained: 1966
Status: Sued

Died: 02/25/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Belleville IL

Accused in a 1995 civil suit of sexually abusing a student at St. Henry's Preparatory Seminary. Per the lawsuit, Schoenhofen was among three Belleville priests, a deacon and two O.M.I. priests who abused the plaintiff. The lawsuit claimed a ring of homosexual priests lured young men and wined and dined them in exchange for sex. Schoenhofen was assigned to the Preparatory Seminary 1967-84. He was still an active priest in Alton, IL in 2008. He died 2/25/09.

Fr. Clarence C. Schoeppner

Ordained: 1937
Status: Sued

Died: 02/5/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Monsignor. Schoeppner became vice-chancellor of the archdiocese immediately after ordination, and later chancellor. Accused in a 1994 lawsuit of nonconsensual sexual acts and physical abuse of a girl in 1967, as part of 'cleaning ritual' using holy water. The girl and her sister lived at St. Anthony's Boys School, an orphanage run by the Poor Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration. Schoeppner retired in 1980 and died in 1991. His name is included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list of credibly accused 9/12/2017.

Fr. Kenneth J. Schoettmer

Ordained: 1968
Status: Convicted

Died: 07/23/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Placed on leave after he admitted in 2001 that he had sexual encounters with boys between 1984 and 1999. Also downloaded porn and trolled the internet for boys. Pleaded guilty in 2003 to one count of gross sexual imposition in exchange for the dismissal of additional charges of the rape and sexual battery of a 17-year-old boy. Sentenced to 5 years' probation. Civil suit filed in 2004. Still on payroll of archdiocese as of 4/2007. Laicization announced 5/11/2007. On Sex Offender Register 1/21/2012. Died in 7/2014.

Fr. Gerard M. Scholl

Ordained: 1962
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Fort Worth TX

One claim against Scholl included as part of settlement with Fort Worth Diocese 3/09 by five men who alleged abuse by James Reilly. Same man abused by Reilly and Scholl was also abused by James Hanlon. Scholl died in 2002. Worked as chaplain at UT Arlington, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish and on Diocesan Tribunal. Also spent time in Denver and Santa Fe.

Fr. James R. Schook

Ordained: 1975
Status: Convicted

Died: 12/10/2018
Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Removed in 7/2009 after an allegation that he sexually abused a male teen in 1985. The Archdiocese said the allegation did not involve parishes where Schook worked. There were four more complaints of abuse in the 1970s and 1980s. Permanent removal to life of prayer and penance in 2/2010 after the Review Board deemed the allegations credible. A former church worker sued in 1/2011 alleging termination when she turned him in. The suit was dismissed in 5/2011. Appealed in 6/2011. Criminally charged 6/30/2011 - two accusers. Convicted of three counts of sodomy 4/16/2014 in one case and one count of indecent or immoral practice in the second case. Formally sentenced 5/30/2014 to 15 years in prison; arrested. Terminally ill with skin cancer; was to be housed at the Kentucky State Reformatory in Oldham County which had nursing and hospice units. Appeal filed 5/12/2014 included a request that he be allowed to stay out of jail during appeal. Early parole granted 11/2017 due to medical status. Died 12/10/2018.

Deacon Byron Wayne Schoolcraft

Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

Per the Diocese of Tucson list accessed 8/5/2011, Schoolcraft was suspended from ministry. He was assigned to Our Mother of Sorrows Parish in Tucson 1981-1984. Found in 3/2024 to be a registered sex offender living in TX.  Schoolcraft was apparently incarcerated for 5 years for molesting a girl, age 11, in AZ. "Disposition date" 1/11/1985.

Fr. Charles Kevin Schoppe

Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 04/21/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston TX

In 2002, it was revealed that Schoppe was forced to resign (retire) in 1992 after the diocese confirmed that he sexually abused girl 30 years prior. Privileges removed in 6/02. Three more women came forward in 2002 alleging abuse by Schoppe as minors. Died in 2014. On archdiocese's list 1/31/19.

Mark Schornack

Order: OFM
Status: Settled

Died: 01/16/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Gallup NM

Accused in a 5/10/2013 complaint of touching and penetrating a girl at a Mission in St. Michael's AZ in Navajo Nation. Plaintiff on claimants' committee in Gallup bankruptcy; came forward as Prudence Jones. Accused in 2015 complaint of abusing a second girl by sexual touching, fondling, frottage, intercrural sex and penetration at St. Michael's. Settled in 11/2017. Worked in Navajo Nation over 20 years as bus driver, helper of poor and children's roller skate teacher. Trained as Maryknoll; no final vows; concerns about vocation. Treated by Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez Springs NM; admitted to Franciscans while in treatment there; solemn vows 8/16/1959. Worked at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in Fort Defiance AZ and Our Lady of Guadalupe in Kayenta AZ. Later lived at Curia Juan Diego/OFM Friary in Albuquerque, per 2005-2012 Directory. Worked at St. Felix Pantry in Rio Rancho NM. Dementia in last years; lived at South Valley Care Center in Albuquerque. Died 1/16/2012. On diocesan list as of 4/28/2017. Included on the St. John the Baptist Province Franciscans list.

Fr. Clarence J. Schouten

Ordained: 1929
Status: Settled

Died: 01/14/1979
Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Pastor of St. Joseph's in Milwaukee/Wauwatosa 1955-69. Name included on the Archdiocese's 7/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry (or who would have been restricted if still living) because of credible allegations of abuse. Schouten died 1/14/79. He was accused of molesting three girls, who were sisters, in the 1950s while assigned to St. Joseph's. One of the women settled for $125K in 2004.

Fr. Lawrence Schreiber

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Gallup NM

Name included on the Gallup diocese's 12/2014 list of credibly accused clerics. Assigned to numerous parishes in the diocese 1961-1991. On the Las Cruces diocese's list 6/24/2019 (name misspelled Schrieber), where he was assigned 2002-2003. On the Franciscans' St. John the Baptist Province list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Noted to have been removed from ministry. On the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/2022.

Fr. John P. Schreiter

Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

A man told the Archdiocese in 3/04 of sexual abuse in the early 1980s. Schreiter said that the person was an adult at the time and denied all claims. Matter referred to AG's office which said statute had expired. Archdiocese continued investigation. In 8/04 the Review Board deemed the allegation unsubstantiated and Schreiter was reinstated. Removed again 6/10/12 due to a different sexual abuse allegation, involving a minor. He was scheduled to retire in two weeks and did so. Quietly reinstated again in 1/13.

Fr. Arthur C. Schrenger

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Mobile AL

Accused of abuse and placed on leave 2003. Per a 12/2005 news article, Schrenger appealed to Rome the archdiocese's finding that he had two instances of misconduct with minors prior to 1985. One 2003 article says he admitted abuse. No criminal prosecution because of statute of limitations. Included on the archdiocese's list 12/6/2018. "Misconduct" noted to have occurred late 1960s-1982. Prohibited from ministry in the archdiocese.

Fr. Othmar H. Schroeder

Ordained: 1938
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Evansville IN

Died 2/16/88. Allegations of abuse by Schroeder 1947-75 at Holy Family parish were made public 8/18/07. Bishop Gettelfinger stated that he knew of allegations in 1996 but recently learned that the "scope is greater than we knew." By 8/31/07 there were claims of abuse of at least 10 boys and girls. Schroeder began as a priest of the then-diocese of Indianapolis. His first parish was in Lawrence IN, near Cincinnati, now in the archdiocese of Indianapolis. On the diocese's list 2/22/19.

Fr. Joseph J. Schuck

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Died: 04/22/2014
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Placed on leave in 2003 from part-time work in the Albany diocese after the Brooklyn diocese said he may have abused someone more than 50 years prior. Had been working in the Albany diocese for 25 years after moving there to care for his aging parents. Named Albany's Diocesan Scouting Chaplain in 1994. The alleged victim contacted the Brooklyn diocese in 2002; a preliminary investigation found the allegation credible. Schuck retired in about 2000 and died 4/22/2014. His name was included on the Brooklyn diocese's list in 2/2019. Included on Albany's list in 10/2022.

Fr. Anthony Schuerger

Ordained: 1977
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Diocese of Cleveland OH

Pastor of St. Malachi 1994-2019. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/2019. Noted to be on administrative leave pending further investigation by the Review Board of the allegation against him. Schuerger's accuser stated publicly in 5/2021 that Schuerger abused her at St. Raphael's in Bay Village in 1990 when she was age 8. She said he would take her to his office, where he touched her inappropriately, and that she thinks he also abused other children. She first came forward in 10/2018. In 1/2024 the Diocese announced that after investigations by the Diocesan Review Board and civil authorities, Schuerger was to be granted use of his priestly faculties and was awaiting a new assignment. On 10/16/2024 the Diocese announced that Schuerger was granted permission to reside at Holy Name Parish, effective 10/1/2024. His status remained "awaiting assignment."

Fr. Earl Schuh

Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 12/27/2005
Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 1/17/19. Noted to have a single substantiated allegation against him of abuse occurring in the 1970s. The diocese's updated list in 5/20 notes multiple substantiated allegations of abuse, occurring 1959-1960. Died in 2005.

Fr. Daniel R. Schulte

Order: CM
Ordained: 1987
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Charged in 2006 with downloading child pornography from the internet. He had been removed from his position as hospital chaplain in 2005 and sent to St. Louis, MO for treatment. Pleaded guilty in 6/2006. Sentenced to 7 years, 3 months in prison in 10/2006 and ordered to register as a sex offender upon release. Remained a priest; faced possible laicization. On Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese's list updated 4/1/2019. On the Vincentians list in 2020, which notes he died the same year. Name included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Gary Schulte

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Removed without privileges from assignment at St. Sylvester's in Warren 10/29/2011 after allegations of sexual misconduct with a 16-year-old boy in 1991. Schulte was working at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Madison Heights at the time of the alleged abuse. The archdiocese's review board found that the allegations had enough validity to warrant restrictions. No criminal charges to be filed due to the statute of limitations. Included on theAarchdiocese's list 6/10/2019. Permanently removed from public ministry.

Fr. Matthew Schultz

Ordained: 2017
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Named publicly as accused by the Diocese when added to its list 4/10/2024. Noted to be prohibited from ministry, case in process. Worked at parishes in Exeter, Lancaster, Rochester, Gonic, and assisted at Mount Royal Academy North in Lancaster and Seton Academy in Rochester. Involved with Thomas More College in Merrimack NH, including accompanying students on to Washington D.C. in 1/2022 for a March for Life. Called in 1/2022 "a longtime friend of the College."

Fr. Raymond T. Schultz

Ordained: 1947
Status: Sued

Died: 10/27/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Diocese's list of accused. Monsignor. Pastor of SS Peter & Paul in Beaver 1966-1997, Administrator there 1997-1999. Died in 1999. In 2009 a man told the diocese that he was sexually abused by Schultz in around 1978, when he was an altar boy at SS Peter and Paul and a student at the parish school. The man testified in 2017 before the Grand Jury that the abuse began  in about grade 4 and continued until the middle or end of grade 7. He said it included oral and anal copulation and Schultz ejaculating onto his face. In 2012 the man and his parents met with Bishop Zubik. He said Zubik offered college tuition for his children, money for counseling, and a little bit of money. He refused because a confidentiality agreement was required. Schultz was named in a 6/2020 lawsuit.

Fr. George Joseph Schumacher

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Covington KY

Permanently removed in 1/2003 due to a 1983 allegation that he plied a 13-year-old boy with alcohol, then sexually molested him during a campout. The boy was a resident of Campbell Lodge Boys Home (for troubled boys), run by Schumacher. The alleged victim reported the abuse to police in 1983 and Schumacher was removed. By 1986 Schumacher was back at Campbell Lodge and in 1996 he was given a parish assignment. Included on the Diocese of Covington's list 7/31/2020 of those with substantiated allegation(s). It notes a "Charter Suspension" 9/13/2002.

Fr. Laurence C. Schumacher

Ordained: 1930
Status: Accused

Died: 01/8/1980
Diocese: Diocese of Peoria IL

Named publicly by the diocese on its list sometime after 12/2018. Categorized under "removed from ministry due to allegation of abuse of a minor before 2002 or, determined to have substantial evidence of abuse of a minor before 2002. Schumacher died in 1980. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Joseph A. Schuster

Ordained: 1966
Status: Sued

Died: 07/23/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused at 3:00 pm on 3/30/18, Good Friday, outside the cathedral in Buffalo, of sexually assaulting a boy age 13 in 1968. The survivor stated he understands he was the 'first of many victims.' He met Schuster at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Niagara Falls, where Schuster helped out. In 1968 Schuster was assigned to Holy Name of Jesus in Buffalo and then as faculty at the Preparatory Seminary in Buffalo. After an event relating to the Vietnam War, Schuster pressed the boy to stay overnight at the priest's apartment, rather than bike home in the dark. The boy told his mother about the abuse the next day. The diocese stated Schuster was not on its 3/20/19 list of 'diocesan priests who were removed from ministry, were retired, or left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor' because the list only included deceased priests with 2 or more allegations. Schuster was granted a leave of absence in 1991; it is not known whether he was ever laicized. He died on 7/23/07. Accused along with Rev. Fred Ingalls in a lawsuit filed under the NY Child Victims Act in 9/19 of abusing a boy, ages 7-10, in 1976-79, at St. Joseph's in Niagara Falls.

Fr. Bruce A. Schutt

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend IN

First publicly accused on Diocese's 10/18 list. Abuse alleged in 1965 and 1974. Two credible allegations noted. Assigned to St. Monica in Mishawaka 1965-58, then moved to St. John the Baptist in Fort Wayne 1968. Army National Guard chaplain. Worked for a few months in the Diocese of LaCrosse, WI. Laicized 5/9/75.

Fr. Robert W. Schutte

Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 01/17/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

After ordination Schutte spent a year in a St. Augustine FL parish, after which he returned to his native OH. He taught high school and worked in parishes as an assistant and then pastor in the Cincinnati archdiocese. He also was an assistant Air Force chaplain in FL.; the time-period for that is unclear. He retired in 1984. In late 2003 Schutte's privileges were removed after allegations arose that he sexually abused a minor several decades before. He died a little over a month later, in 1/2004, at age 89.

Fr. Joseph R. Schwaegel

Ordained: 1965
Status: Settled

Died: 07/13/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Belleville IL

Former Vicar General. Monsignor. The "singing priest." Civil suit filed 8/1999 alleging abuse of an 8-year-old boy in 1973. Refiled as federal case 2001. Some charges dismissed on SOL in 2003. Case settled 2/2003. Admitted to being "a sex addict." At least two arrests for solicitation. Left ministry 1994 due to his sex addition, not his alleged abuse of minors. Other alleged victims have come forward. Testified in Kownacki trial 8/2008. Diocesan website gave his status 1/24/2009 as "Administrative Leave/Retired." Died 7/13/2016. On diocese's list 12/19/2018. Suit 7/19/2019 claims abuse 1987-1989 of a boy, beginning when the boy was a 6-year-old kindergartener at Cathedral Grade School. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Paul J. Schwarten

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1943
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston WV

Named publicly as accused on the diocese's list in late 2018. Accused in 1951 of abuse same year. Accused 1960 of abuse of a minor in Nebraska; arrested, convicted, served 18 months in prison. 'Leave of Absence' 5/1/51 - 9/65. Returned to parish ministry. Leave of absence 12/65, back in ministry 2/67. Retired 6/24/87. Died 12/5/95.

Fr. John Schwartz

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1981
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

Accused in 1997 of of abuse of a Jesuit High School student 1986-87 in Portland, Oregon. Reportedly left the Jesuits and became a San Francisco archdiocesan priest. Sued in 2005. Took voluntary leave. Suit settled for $95K in 11/05. Per 11/06 news, Schwartz was being returned to active ministry after the archdiocese deemed the accusations not credible. Chaplain at St. Anne's Home in San Francisco (a Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor) 2007-11. Not indexed in the Catholic Directory past 2011.

Fr. William T. Schwartz

Ordained: 1958
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Allegation first public in 2003. Accused of abusing boys in the 1960s and 1970s. Laicized in 11/2005. A lawsuit filed in 2004 settled in 2005 for $100K. Three plaintiffs settled in 2/2006 as part of settlement involving several priests. Settled with Schwartz in 4/2006. At least one more claim was included in a $2.6M settlement with the archdiocese in 3/2007. Three cases were included in a 1/2008 settlement with the archdiocese. At least one more was included in an 8/2013 $5.2M out-of-court settlement involving 10 priests and 26 victims.

Fr. Ronald P. Sciera

Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Monsignor. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/2021 under the NY Child Victims Act of "unpermitted sexual contact" with a 13-year-old in 1972, while assigned to St. Aloysius in Cheektowaga. Suspended in 9/2021 pending the investigation of accusation(s) of abuse reportedly discovered in documents filed in the diocese's bankruptcy case. Sciera denied the allegations. He reportedly had a friendship with Pope John Paul II. He was a board member of the John Paul II Foundation and was therefore often in Rome for meetings. In 9/2021 was retired and living in FL. in 2/22 the Diocese announced that the allegation was deemed substantiated.

Fr. Robert G. Scobee

Ordained: 1937
Status: Accused

Died: 04/30/1979
Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

First assignment was at Immaculate Conception (later became St. Pius X) parish, in Moberly MO. On leave of absence at Paraclete facility in Jemez Springs NM 1970-1972. Reassigned to a parish 1973-1974. No assignment in 1975. Retired in 1976. Died 4/30/79. On diocese's list 11/8/18. On the Diocese of Superior's list in 11/22, where he worked at some point in Lake Tomahawk and Rhinelander. Noted to have a single allegation against him, occurring outside of the diocese.

Fr. Augustus Scott

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Order: OFM Conv
Ordained: 1969
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Camden NJ

In 4/2012 attorney Garabedian announced that he had recently settled at least one case involving allegation of abuse by Scott. Abuse allegedly occurred several times in Scott's car between 1969-1970 when accuser was 16. Scott's name last appears in the 1973 Official Catholic Directory, "on temporary leave." Diocese in 2012 said Scott was not an active priest. Other sources reported he was living in North Carolina.

Fr. George M. Scott

Ordained: 1925
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Monsignor. Accused of sexually abusing both a boy and a girl, ages 7 or 8, during 1947-1958. Named by two plaintiffs in a civil suit filed in 12/2003. Died in 7/1986. Claims included in a massive $660M settlement by the Los Angeles Archdiocese 7/14/2007. Uncle of accused Bishop George Patrick Ziemann.

Fr. John M. Scott

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1944
Status: Accused

Died: 12/27/2007
Diocese: Diocese of La Crosse WI

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province in 1/2022. Noted to have a single allegation against him of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring in 1969 at Campion High School in Prairie du Chien. Scott died 12/27/2007. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Included in 10/2021 on the Omaha archdiocese's list.

Fr. Vincent P. Scott

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Order: SJ
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

As part of Section 13.1, Non-Monetary Commitments, of the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province, Reorganization Plan (dated 7/18/2011) the Order agreed to post on its website the names of all members of the Province who are identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in proofs of claims filed in the bankruptcy case, and who have not denied the allegation. Scott's name is included on this list. Per the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018, claims against Scott were reported in 2009, of abuse in 2000. He was dismissed from the order 6/12/2000.

Seminarian Michael V. Scriber

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Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Publicly accused in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report, name redacted. Appears in the report as #156. Attended seminary, left for academic reasons. Lived at St. Ann's Parish in East Baltimore while a seminarian in the 1970s, stayed in church housing for many years after leaving seminary. Ran the Youth Program at St. Ann's, including Cub and Boy Scouts, 1972-1982. In 2003 the Archdiocese received a report that Scriber sexually abused a boy scout, age 11 or 12, in 1976 or 1977. Scriber allegedly made boys take off their clothes, spanked their bottoms and grabbed their penises. In 2003 an unnamed religious order told the Archdiocese that Scriber was interested in joining the order, but would discontinue the process due to the report of abuse. Report in 2021 by a man who said that during a scouting trip in the 1970s Scriber made a boy sleep in his tent; the boy was crying in the morning and his mother had to come get him. In 2022 another man reported that Scriber sexually abused him on a scouting trip when he was age 15 in the 1970s. The man said Scriber would call boys to come to his tent; when it was his turn, Scriber would touch his genital's and orally rape him. Scriber is referred to in news reports by one alleged victim as "Brother Mike."

Fr. Stephen Scruton

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Ordained: 1960
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Arrested and convicted in 1984 and 1987 for lewd and/or indecent behavior at highway rest areas. Sued in 1991 on claims of abuse of an altar boy in 1986. Took sick leave in 1990. Removed from position as a counselor for sex offenders at the Essex County Jail in 1992 after his name appeared on a list of accused. Named in three lawsuits in 2002. At least one claim was included in a 11/2002 $5M settlement involving 62 victims and 28 priests. Laicized and deceased, per the Diocese's list 7/31/2019.

Fr. Michael Scully

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1965
Status: Unsubstantiated

Diocese: Archdiocese of Kansas City KS

Former Provincial of the Capuchins' St. Conrad Province. Assigned in Colorado and Kansas. Worked most of his priesthood with youth. Named publicly by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in 3/22 as accused of the sexual abuse of a minor. The abuse allegedly occurred during Scully's time outside of the archdiocese. Placed on leave pending investigation. Scully denied the allegation. Allegation deemed unsubstantiated by the diocese in 4/22.

Fr. Richard Scully

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Ordained: 1978
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Yakima WA

Accused in a 1994 civil lawsuit of abusing a 15-year-old boy in 1980 at a parish school. The suit claims Fr. Dale Calhoun also abused the youth. Removed from a parish in the Yakima diocese in 1988 and sent to treatment. Later moved to Hereford TX. Working in Amarillo TX 1989-3/2002 when he resigned. At least two claims settled confidentially. A Seattle priest stated publicly in 2004 that Scully abused him in the 1970s when he was 15; reported to the Church in 2003. Name included on the Seattle archdiocese's list 1/15/2016. Accused in a 4/2019 suit, along with three other priests, of abuse of a Yakima boy in the 1970s and 1980s at St. Andrew's parish and at a YMCA building used by the diocese. This accuser said the abuse began when he was age 10, and that it included being forced into sex acts with other boys. Laicized. Included on Yakima's list 7/9/2019. A 2020 lawsuit settled, per the diocese's list updated in 11/2021, and the abuse was not substantiated. Per the list updated 3/15/2023, Scully is deceased.

Fr. Gary Sebescak

Ordained: 1994
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Belleville IL

Removed from assignment as associate pastor of St. Mary's in Mount Vernon by Bishop Gregory 4/1995 after an allegation that Sebescak had sexually abused a minor six years prior while at St. Meinrad Catholic Seminary. Bishop Gregory deemed the allegations credible. No criminal charges filed. On diocese's list 12/19/2018. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. James F. Seculoff

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend IN

High school principal. Head of Catholic Schools beginning 1970. Resigned and retired 1/14 after diocese received complaint of sexual abuse of minor alleged to have occurred about 44 years before. Review Board deemed allegation credible. Matter referred to Rome. As of 1/27/14 three more accusers had come forward with credible allegations. Removed from public ministry 10/13/15. On diocese's 9/18/18 list, noting five credible allegations. The diocese's list in 9/21 shows six credible allegations.

Fr. Arthur A. Sego

Ordained: 1946
Status: Sued

Died: 09/7/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Lafayette IN

Per a 1995 civil suit, Sego abused a girl when she was in elementary school 27 years prior. Suit dismissed on SOL. Admitted exposing himself to one young girl and having another undress and dance for him. Removed from ministry in 1994. Lived under restrictions in a priest retirement home near St. Louis until his death 9/7/98. Abuse allegations involve young girls, teenagers, and pregnant girls. Lived and traveled with Bishop Higi for many years. On diocese's list 9/28/18.

Fr. Augustine J. Seidenburg

Ordained: 1948
Status: Settled

Died: 01/13/2001
Diocese: Diocese of Camden NJ

Five women filed suit in 1994 alleging abuse as minors (Rubino's RICO suit). Seidenberg allegedly would force them to sit on his lap while he masturbated and fondled them during confessions. Permanently suspended from ministry in 1994. The women shared in a 3/2003 settlement. He died 1/13/2001. On diocese's list 2/13/2019.

Fr. Paul F. Seitz

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Charleston SC

Removed in 11/94 after allegations that he was involved in sexual misconduct with a minor 30 years prior. Denied allegations. Allowed to return to work prior to 2002. Assigned to a smaller parish and ordered not to be alone with children. Per a 6/02 article, Seitz resigned "for health reasons." On diocese's list 3/29/19. Noted to have retired 6/1/02 and to be "under restrictions."

Fr. Donald J. Sella

Ordained: 1983
Status: Settled

Died: 11/4/2018
Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Capuchin brother prior to ordination for the Paterson diocese. Accused in a 1/04 civil suit. At least one claim of sexual abuse of a child was settled in 2/05 as part of a $5M settlement of claims by 27 individuals against several priests. Sella was still assigned to a parish in 2005 because "the diocese found no evidence of wrongdoing during an internal review." Died 11/4/18 in Puerto Rico, where he had been living in retirement. Per his obituary, Sella "resigned for health reasons and retired in 2008."

Fr. Peter Sella

Order: SDB
Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Died: 02/6/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Professed vows as a Salesian brother in 1957. Ordained for the order in 1968. Worked in FL, MA, LA, NJ, Rome Italy. Died in 2/6/2020. Named publicly as accused in 3/2020 by the Salesian order on its list of credibly accused. No details as to when or where the abuse occurred, or number of victims. (Placing him in the NY archdiocese for now, where the Salesians Easter Province is based.)

Fr. Thomas Sellentin

Ordained: 1965
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Removed in 4/02 after an allegation. Admitted to sexually abusing boys as far back as 30 years. People from two parishes said church authorities knew about the abuse for many years. Sellentin was transferred in the 1960s after allegations. Matter discussed at a meeting with a church pastor in the 1960s. Transferred again in about 1980 after complaints. Allegations of abuse in at least four parishes between 1968 and 1974. Civil suit(s) filed in 3/03. Name included on the archdiocese's list 11/30/18. It notes reports 1968-present of abuse 1968-89, and 20-35 victims. Its 3/1/19 updated list notes 20-38 victims. Included in the NE A.G.'s 11/21 report. Laicized in 2019.

Fr. Joseph J. Seminatore

Ordained: 1969
Status: Faculties removed

Diocese: Diocese of Cleveland OH

Placed on leave in 2002 from Parmadale Family Services home after a man alleged sexual abuse there as a minor. Parmadale offered treatment to children with emotional problems. Seminatore denied the allegations. Three accusers filed suit in 07/2002. In 8/2002 Seminatore filed a countersuit, alleging conspiracy. Plaintiffs' case dismissed due to the statute of limitations; dismissal upheld by Appeals Court in 2006. Seminatore's claim dismissed by trial court; upheld by Appeals Court in 12/2004. In 10/2015 the diocese announced Seminatore's administrative leave had ended, and he was granted retirement. This was after a tribunal of three canonists determined the charges were not confirmed. Included on the diocese's list 6/21/2019 of clergy with substantiated allegations against them of child sexual abuse. Permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. Noel Senevirante

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Died: 06/16/2009
Diocese: Diocese of San Jose CA

From the Diocese of Trincornalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. First named publicly as credibly accused by the San Jose diocese on its list 10/18/2018.  San Jose received a report in 2002 that Senivirante sexually abused a child while assigned to St. Leo the Great School 1971-1972. Permanently banned from ministry in 2002. Died 6/16/2009.

Fr. Victor J. Sepsi

Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 01/24/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Alexandria LA

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 2/6/2019.  Parish priest. Army National Guard chaplain 1957-1967. Had an airplane pilot's license; known as the 'Flying Priest.' Flew parishioners in a private plane, including teenagers. Left the diocese and active ministry in 1967. Became a PhD psychologist. Opened a psychology practice in West Virginia in 1975. Died 1/24/2008. In 2019 the diocese reviewed Sepsi's file, which showed evidence of multiple allegations of abuse of male minors dating to the 1960s. The Review Board deemed the allegations credible.

Fr. Avdon Serratos

Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

A/k/a Audon Serratos Zepeda. Visiting priest from the Diocese of Colima, Mexico. Sexually abused a 15-year-old girl on 8/10/2003 during confession. Arrested, pleaded no contest. Sentenced in 2004 to a year in jail, five years' probation and to register as a sex offender. The Archdiocese could not determine whether Serratos had been granted permission to minister within the L.A. archdiocese. Deported back to Mexico.(Sexual abuse of a minor triggers deportation for non-citizens.) In 2010, Serratos was serving at Lord of Mercy temple, Villa de Alvarez, Colima. Bishop Amezcua Melgoza maintained in a 2010 letter that Serratos was acquitted of charges in the U.S.

Fr. Patrick O. Sexton

Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Complaint made in 1983; underwent counseling. A man filed a civil suit in 2001 alleging abuse as a minor 22 years prior. Three accusers known by 6/2002. In a massive suit filed 10/1/2003 in which 27 people alleged abuse by 24 priests, a male plaintiff alleged abuse by Sexton as a child around 1982-1985. Placed on leave in 1990. Worked as a part-time parochial school teacher until 2000. Removed from ministry 6/25/2004. Laicized 4/7/2006. New suit filed in 7/2021 under the NY Child Victims Act by a 52-year-old man alleging Sexton abused him as a 10-year-old altar boy at St. Cecilia's in Greenpoint.

Frances Seymor

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Order: OSU
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Helena MT

Three allegations of abuse by Mother Cecelia (also referred to as Sister Cecilia, given name Frances Seymor) at St. Ignatius Mission on the Flathead Indian Reservation are included in a 9/11 civil suit against the Ursuline order and Helena diocese, filed by 45 people against 4 nuns, 6 priests and 1 brother. On the Helena diocese's list 4/29/15.

Fr. Charles Joseph Sgueglia

Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA

Ordained for the Augustinians (O.S.A.). Per the Official Catholic Directory, arrived in the Diocese of Springfield MA in 1974, from the Diocese of Albany NY. Appears to have left the Augustinians by 1980. Removed from ministry in 2002, ordered to live a life of prayer and penance. Died in 2005. Named publicly as credlbly accused by the Springfield diocese in 8/2011. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused (with a wrong ordination date on its 6/2/2021 list.)

Fr. Drake R. Shafer

Ordained: 1973
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Davenport IA

Monsignor. Vicar General. Accused in a lawsuit in 2003 of sexually abusing a male minor in 1973 or 1974. Denied the charge, but wrote an email to the victim in 2002 that was an "admission of serious misconduct." The suit settled in 4/2005. Claims against the diocese were settled in 2004 as part of large settlement. Shafer asked to be reinstated as Vicar General. Name not on the diocese's 7/2008 list of credibly accused priests. The diocese's review board found Shafer not guilty of abuse in 11/2008. Reinstated.

Fr. Wendelin Shafer

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 10/9/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

"Leslie." Worked as a missioner in Central America for 52 years. Joined the Central American Vice Province. Retired and returned to Wisconsin. Died 10/09/2005. Identified in the 6/18/2013 Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. Shafer's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him.

Br. Fintan Shaffer

Order: BGS
Status: Settled

Died: 05/16/1989
Diocese: Diocese of Columbus OH

Brother Fintan. Given name was Guy Dale Shaffer. Administrator of home for mentally handicapped in Columbus OH, run by his Order. In 1985 there were allegations that Shaffer and other religious had abused residents of the home. One resident died of AIDS. No criminal charges. Civil suit filed in 1993, settled in 1997. Left the order in the mid-1980s and died in NM in 1989. Per his obituary, Shaffer was married and had a son (with a different last name). Included on Santa Fe archdiocese's list of credibly accused 9/12/2017.

Fr. Herbert J. Shank

Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Name included on the diocese's list released 8/1/18. Included in the PA Grand Jury Report 8/14/19. Multiple allegations against him of sexual abuse of boys. One alleged victim said he was a 12-year-old altar boy at St. Patrick's in Carlisle in the 1980s when Shank began sexually abusing him, and that it went on for a year and a half. Another claimed abuse 1971-74. Also took pornographic photos of altar boys and videos of himself assaulting boys. Sent to Institute of Living for treatment in 1994. Shank told a news outlet in 8/18 that he was involved with not "more than very few" and that he had been in treatment. He said, too, that the diocese told him to resign in 11/94. The diocese said it turned the case over to DA's office in 2/95.

Fr. Paul R. Shanley

Ordained: 1960
Status: Convicted

Died: 10/28/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Involuntarily laicized in 2004. Convicted in 2005 of sexually abusing a young boy in the 1980s. Dozens of complaints; many settlements. Abuse included oral and anal rape. Reportedly abused boys, girls and adults. First complaint in 1961 from parents of a 12-year-old boy. Earliest complaint in file in 1967 from priest alleging Shanley abused a 16-year-old boy. Shanley denied abuse and was assigned to parish work, special ministries, and parish work again until 1989. Transferred to NY and San Bernardino CA, where he was accused of abusing a 17-year-old boy. Sentenced in 2005 to 12-15 years in prison. Named included in 8/2011 on the Boston archdiocese's list. Released from prison 7/28/2017 on probation; ordered no have no contact with children under age 16. Not required to wear a GPS bracelet. Ordered to register as level 3 sex offender. Moved to a Ware MA apartment. On San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/2018. Died 10/28/2020, age 89.

Fr. Joseph E. Shannon

Ordained: 1961
Status: Settled

Died: 09/19/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Camden NJ

"Jay." Named in 1991 civil suit as having abused an altar boy ages 12-27. Placed on sick leave 1990. Diocese settled in 10/1993 for $50K. Accused in a 1994 RICO pleading of abuse of another boy. Accused of involvement in a sex ring with other priests. Denied allegations. Claims dismissed on SOL; settled in 3/2003 when all RICO claims settled. New suit filed in 1/2012 claiming abuse at St. Anthony of Padua School in Camden in the 1970s. Settlement reached in 11/2013. Died 9/19/2013 at Vianney Retreat. On diocese's list 2/13/2019. Sued 12/2019, accused of abuse in 1974 of boy, age 12. Plaintiff claimed abuse also by Revs. John Kelly and John Bernard. Two victims were brothers; accused in a suit pending in 12/2020 of raping their sister, age 13.

Fr. Patrick J. Shannon

Order: OSFS
Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Wilmington DE and MD

Accused in 11/2005 of sexual abuse in 1973 in the Wilmington diocese. Shannon's alleged victim said that the abuse occurred when he was age 16 and a camp counselor in training in MD. The Order found the allegation credible. Shannon was placed on leave and reportedly sent to the Oblates' retirement community in Childs, MD. HIs name was included on the Harrisburg diocese's 8/1/2018 list. Included in the PA Grand Jury Report 8/14/2019.

Br. Joe Sharkey

Order: OSM
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

From Ireland. Arrived in Anaheim CA in 1967, assigned to Servite High School. Accused of abuse of a minor 1967-1968, per the 2004 Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report. Named in a civil suit. Included on the Diocese of Orange list of accused clergy. Files released in 2015 reportedly show that Sharkey was accused of sexual misconduct "with at least five students, four of whom are minor seminarians." A Province official wrote that he didn't know that Sharkey was a sadomasochist, and that he had heard that Sharkey had "committed the same misdeeds at Benburb Priory in Ireland." He was sent to USC's Newman Center for treatment and returned in 6/1968 to Ireland. He was released from the order within the year. He is reportedly deceased.

Fr. Joseph F. Sharpe

Ordained: 1943
Status: Sued

Died: 11/2/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Sued in 2003. Accused in 1971 of abuse of a high school boy 1958-1964, per the 2004 Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report. Sharpe was the boy's confessor. Also included on the Diocese of Orange's list of accused clergy. Died 11/2/1999. Personnel file released in 1/2013.

Fr. James C. Shaughnessey

Ordained: 1937
Status: Settled

Died: 12/10/1989
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Ordained for the Harrisburg PA diocese. Began working in the Boston archdiocese in 1945. Retired in 1977 and died in 12/1989. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 01/19/2011. Per Garabedian, at least one claim was settled with the Boston archdiocese concerning allegations against Shaughnessey. Criminal or canonical proceedings not complete when he died, per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list. Included on the Harrisburg diocese's list released 8/1/2018; no known allegations there.

Fr. Robert A. Shauris

Ordained: 1974
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Worcester MA

One of three previously unnamed priests listed in a 1995 confidential settlement of a 1993 lawsuit against Thomas A. Kane and the Worcester Diocese. Placed on leave in 1991 "so he could work" at a local college. Accused in a 2002 suit of abuse of two boys in the mid-1980s at St. Bernard's Catholic High School in Fitchburg. Case settled in 2004. Found working as church organist at First Congregational Church of Leicester in 2012. Last known to be living in Worcester. Voluntary laicization in 2012 announced 3/5/2013.

Fr. Dennis J. Shaw

Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rochester NY

Parochial administrator of Holy Family in Auburn when placed on leave without privileges in 12/2010. Brother of accused priest Gary Shaw. Accused of having sexually abused a child in the late 1970s at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester. The Review Board found the allegations credible in 2/2012. Matter sent to the Vatican. Shaw was living in Auburn; fired from his job at a YMCA in 2/2012. Per the Diocese in 10/2018, Shaw had been laicized. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 9/2019 of sexually abusing an altar boy 1974-1976, while assigned to St. Francis of Assisi. A 3/2020 lawsuit claims Shaw sexually abused girl during 1996-1998, while assigned to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. The girl was an altar server. Accused in an 8/2020 suit of sexually abusing a boy, ages 9-18, 1977-1985. The abuse allegedly took place during overnights at the St. Francis of Assisi rectory and on road trips.

Sr. Eileen Shaw

Order: SC
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Accused in 1994 of sexually abusing a girl, beginning in 1968 when the girl was age 15 and continuing until 1992. Shaw's alleged victim said that the nun plied her with drugs and alcohol. Order provided therapy and settled with the woman for $70K. Shaw was removed as principal of elementary school. In 2004 she was working as administrator of the Caritas Community in Jersey City, a retirement home for nuns. In 1/19 she reportedly was still with the Sisters of Charity and restricted from outside ministry. Shaw's accuser also alleges sexual abuse by her uncle, Fr. Daniel Millard, for 8 years beginning when she was age 5.

Fr. Gary P. Shaw

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rochester NY

Shaw's name was among eight released in 6/2018 by attorney Mitchell Garabedian of priests accused of sexually abusing minors. Assigned to St. John the Evangelist in Clyde in 1973, then St. Margaret Mary in Irondequoit 1974-1977. The alleged abuse occurred during his time at St. Margaret Mary. Per the Diocese, Shaw resigned from ministry in 1977 and was "dispensed from the clerical state" in 1978. Brother of credibly accused priest Dennis Shaw. Accused in an 8/2/2020 lawsuit of sexually abusing a child, age 13, in 1967. Accused in a suit filed 8/6/2020 of sexually abusing a girl, age 14, in 1977 in a confessional at St. Margaret Mary. 

Fr. Francis S. Shea

Ordained: 1932
Status: Settled

Died: 10/13/1972
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Monsignor. Worked at St. John's Seminary 1934-1950. Spent much of his later career as diocesan tribunal judge. Died in 10/1972. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 1/19/2011. Garabedian said he had settled at least one claim with the Boston Archdiocese involving allegations against Shea. Criminal or canonical proceedings were not complete when Shea died, per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list.

Fr. Leo Alfred Shea

Ordained: 1964
Status: Convicted

Died: 10/9/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

In 1994 Shea pled guilty to assaulting a 14-year-old; sentenced to 3-6 years prison. Released on parole in 1997 and 'retired.' Multiple other accusers. A man filed a civil suit in 1993. Accused in 2002 civil suits of abusing two boys. Claims by six people included in a 10/2002 settlement with the Diocese. Another settlement in 11/2002 included at least one claim. Privileges were permanently removed. Per the Diocese's list 7/31/2019, Shea was assigned to a life of prayer and penance. He died in 10/2008.

Fr. Louis C. Shea

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 11/5/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield IL

Added on 6/18/2019 to the Springfield IL diocese's list of accused priests, as a 'substantiated case of sexual abuse of a minor.' No abuse facts given. Two survivors contacted BA. One stated Shea visited her home and took her to her room at bedtime to "pray over me," molesting her weekly 1962-1965 at age 7-10, touching her sexually skin-to-skin. She informed the diocese in 2002, 2004, 2019. Shea was already abusing her sister, who stated he sexually touched her 60-100 times in 1960-1964 at age 6-9, until she pushed him out of her bed. A therapist suggested she call Shea. She did so circa 1985. He said, "I have no recollection." The girls were abused during Shea's 2nd and 3rd assignments and while he started work as a Catholic Charities official. Shortly after the abuse ended, Shea was temporarily pulled from his Catholic Charities position and worked as a hospital chaplain, then back at Catholic Charities and as a pastor. One sister has been contacted by other Shea victims. Shea died 11/15/1996. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Thomas F. Shea

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Accused of abuse of six boys in the 1970s. Admitted molesting two altar boys from 1972 to 1977. Placed on leave in 1994 and retired with restrictions in 1995. Further restrictions added in 2004; Shea agreed to permanent restriction of ministry and to live a supervised life. Documents regarding his history were introduced in trial of Msgr. Lynn in Philadelphia in 4/12. He admitted paying hush money to at least one other victim.

Fr. Thomas W. Shea

Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Died: 08/10/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Norwich CT

Removed from ministry in 1984, per the diocese's list 2/22/2019. Accused in 2004 of molesting at least 16 girls in 11 parishes in the diocese over 30 years. The abuse was often referred to in church records as "prolonged kissing" and not as sexual abuse. Parents would complain and Shea would be transferred. Vatican refused to laicize in 2005. Died in 2006. One woman's civil suit settled in 12/2008. Another woman's 11/2008 suit settled for $1.1M in 9/2012 just before trial was to begin. Included on the diocese's list in 2/2019.

Fr. William B. Shea

Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Died: 02/17/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 1/19/2011; at least one claim was settled with the Boston archdiocese involving allegations against this priest. She was "Awaiting Assignment" 1985-1996. Retired in 1996. Died in 2/2005. Criminal or canonical proceedings were not complete when Shea died, per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list.

Fr. John A. Sheahan

Ordained: 1960
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Orange CA

Accused of abuse of four minors 1961-1965, per the 2004 Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report. A civil suit filed in 12/2003 includes allegations that he abused three minors during the relevant time frame. Note that name is spelled Sheehan in the civil suit. Sheahan had brain surgery in the early 1970s and then medical retirement.

Fr. Walter J. Sheedlo

Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Named publicly as accused in the MI A.G.'s 10/2022 report. In 1997 a man told Bishop Garland that Sheedlo made sexual advances toward him during counseling sessions the previous year. The man had known Sheedlo since age 10-11 in 1979, and described to Garland grooming behaviors by Sheedlo during regular meetings for years. Sent to treatment. Accused in 1998 of sexual advances toward a seminarian, age 18, in 1974 and again in 1978. Told by Garland to take a year's leave of absence. Removed from public ministry in 2009. In 10/2022 remained on leave.

Fr. Patrick J. Sheedy

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Orlando FL

On 5/12/2010 the attorney for a minor plaintiff announced he would soon file suit against Sheedy. Sheedy emphatically denied the allegations in a public news conference. On 5/13/2010 the plaintiff's attorney said he had agreed to delay filing suit at the request of the Diocese, which reportedly called the allegations "totally false."

Fr. Augustine J. Sheehan

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

From Ireland, where he was ordained. Arrived in the Rockville Centre diocese in 1964. Included on the diocese's list of accused in 3/21. Abuse allegedly occurred in Sheehan's car in Suffolk County, Long Island. No time frame shown. Sheehan was suspended in 2002 after a woman alleged that he raped her in his car in 1965, when she was a young adult. The woman went public with the allegation in 2004. Sheehan died 8/2/16.

Br. George M. Sheehan

Order: SDB
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Professed vows 9/8/1954. Worked in NJ, IN, NH, NY, MA. Died 11/17/2006. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 01/19/2011. Garabedian says he has settled at least one claim with the Boston Archdiocese regarding allegations against Sheehan. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.

Fr. Gerald Paul Sheehan

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 06/12/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Worked in South Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Orchard Park and Sheridan parishes. On leave 1976. Died in 2006. In 3/18 a woman reported to the diocese that Sheehan sexually abused her when she was ages 7-14 in the late 1970s-early 1980s when he was assigned to Nativity of Our Lord in Orchard Park. She said the abuse took place in the parish rectory, in various cottages and at her home. She said her brother told the diocese in 1994, but Sheehan was kept in ministry. Accused in an 8/19 lawsuit that he molested a 7-year-old in 1973 while assigned to St. Martin of Tours in South Buffalo. Added to the diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. James T. Sheehan

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 01/1/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019. It notes allegations received in 2002 of abuse of a minor 1979-1980, while assigned to Boston College High School. Sheehan admitted to the abuse. "Impeded" in 2002. Apparently lived at the Campion Center in Weston, MA until his death 1/1/2008.

Fr. John J. Sheehan

Order: SM
Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Professed vows in 1950 as a Marianist, New York Province, ordained in 1961. Worked in MD, NY, NJ, PA. Laicized in 1997. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/2020 list of those "found to have sexually abused a minor." Added to the Baltimore archdiocese's list in 2020. A lawsuit filed 1/6/2021 alleges abuse by Sheehan and Br. Al Koch of a girl, age 14, in summer 1974. The girl was a volunteer camp counselor at the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May Point. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Edward Augustine Sheehy

Order: CSP
Ordained: 1940
Status: Accused

Died: 10/3/1988
Diocese: Diocese of San Diego CA

Ordained for the Diocese of Portland, ME in 1940. Joined the Paulists in 1950. Died in 1988. Named publicly as accused by the Paulist Order on its list 3/19/2019. Allegation received in 2003 of abuse in San Diego 1955-1957. Worked in Boston, San Francisco, Johannesburg, S.A., Los Angeles, New York and Baltimore. On the Baltimore archdiocese's list 5/7/2019. The Paulists' updated list in 10/2020 shows an allegation of abuse occurring at St. Peter's Minor Seminary in Baltimore in 1968, reported in 2020. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Donald E. Shelander

Ordained: 1970
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Retired in 2002. In late 2005 a man told the archdiocese that Shelander sexually abused him in the late 1970s-early 1980s, when he was ages 14-18 and Shelander was pastor of St. Mary's in Urbana. The Archdiocese said it found a "semblance of truth" in the allegations and placed Shelander on leave in 3/2006. He was returned to active status in 2/2009 after the church tribunal found the allegations could not be proven.

Fr. Jonathan P. Shelley

Ordained: 1995
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Allegations made in 10/3/13 hearing that archdiocese possessed images of child porn retrieved from Shelley's former laptop. Computer purchaser found porn in 2003 and told church officials. Church allegedly hid evidence. He took sabbatical from St. John the Baptist in Hugo, MN 6/15/12. Placed on leave 3/13 after police were told of evidence and went to Archdiocese to get it. Police received CDs of adult porn. Also possible inappropriate emails with boy. No prosecution for possession of porn as of 1/29/14. Former high-ranking archdiocesan official turned whistleblower, Jennifer Haselberger, told police in 2013 that documents she had seen re the case said the porn included a pre-pubescent boy appearing to engage in oral sex with another male, and searches such as "naked boy pics." Leave of absence 2014. Archbishop Hebda announced in 1/18 return to limited ministry as a prison chaplain.

Fr. “Donn” Shelly

Donate Photo
Order: CSSp
Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 08/25/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Cheyenne WY

Given name Denis Michael Shelly. From the Spiritans' Irish Province, Dublin. Named publicly as accused by the the Cheyenne diocese on its list updated 11/8/2019. Allegedly abused an adolescent girl 1969-1970. Assigned to Our Lady of Fatima in Casper and St. Mary's Cathedral in Cheyenne. Died in Ireland in 2007.

Fr. John R. Shepherd

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Died: 10/23/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Named publicly as accused on the Los Angeles archdiocese's updated list 12/6/2018. Report to the archdiocese of incident(s) in the 1970s or 1980s. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes the sexual abuse of a minor in 1978 and the 1980s, reported in 2007 and 2015. Assigned to Jesuit high schools in CA and AZ until 1958. Assigned 1959-1991 to Manresa Retreat House in Azusa, CA. Died 10/23/1991. Included in 8/2021 on the Diocese of Fresno's list of credibly accused (name misspelled "Shephard"), where he worked 1954-1955.

Fr. Gregory Sierra Sheridan

Ordained: 1935
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of San Diego CA

From Spain. Ordained for the Augustinians. Worked in KS, TX, NE, CA. Arrived in San Diego in 10/1948; incardinated there in 1952. Monsignor. Retired 1983 with a letter of recommendation to a Spanish diocese. Died in 2/1991. Name appears on list of priests with credible allegations released by the San Diego diocese 3/30/2007. A woman reported in 1/2006 that Sheridan sexually abused her at age 8 in 1969. Personnel file released 10/24/2010. Two more women came forward in 5/2019 alleging abuse as girls by Sheridan over 30 years prior, at St. Jude's Shrine of the West in Southcrest. Three women filed suit in 10/2019 against the diocese alleging Sheridan abused them as young girls in the early 1960s. Lawsuit filed in 1/2020 by five men and women claiming abuse by Sheridan at St. Jude's Shrine 1957-1970. One man said he was violently raped at ages 11-13. At least one previous claim settled.

Fr. Patrick Sheridan

Donate Photo
Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1949
Status: Sued

Died: 05/28/1992
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2020 under the NY Child Victims Act. Spent many years as a priest in Brazil. Per the Official Catholic Directory, Sheridan was assigned 1972-81 to St. Mary's in Buffalo (Broadway and Pine St.), where he was Rector 1975-81. Died 5/28/92.

Fr. J. Alex Sherlock

Ordained: 1966
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Mobile AL

Placed on leave in 2/2003. First complaint received by Archbishop Lipscomb in 1997 regarding abuse in the 1970s. Sherlock admitted the incident; Lipscomb transferred him to another parish. At least three further credible allegations were received between 2000 and 3/2003. Sherlock admitted 'relations' with at least three students at McGill-Toolen High school. Resigned in 2003. Died in 2005. On archdiocese's list 12/6/2018. Misconduct noted to have occurred 1966-1982.

Fr. Edward F. Sherry

Ordained: 1968
Status: Settled

Died: 03/8/2011
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Lawsuit filed in 1/2003 by a man alleging he was fondled and raped by Sherry from ages 13-16, beginning in about 1968. Sherry was allowed to remain an active priest until 8/2003 when new Archbishop O'Malley placed him on leave. Claim settled in 2003. Sherry was allowed to return to active status at his old parish in 6/2005 after the Review Board was unable to substantiate the claims. Died 3/8/2011.

Fr. Wilputte Alanson Sherwood

Ordained: 1975
Status: Convicted

Died: 12/29/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Phoenix AZ

Nickname "Lan." Arrested in 1984 and 1986 for public indecency. Arrested and convicted in 1993 of sexual contact and attempted sexual contact with a 14-year-old boy in 1987 at St. Benedict's in Chandler. Sentenced to 10 years in prison. Wrote in his diary of over 1800 male partners, of whom 22 were minors. Released from jail in 11/2003 and placed at Arizona State Hospital for evaluation as a sex offender. On lifetime probation. Disappeared in 2005 until arrested in 11/2008. On AZ sex offender registry 2/4/2012. Died 12/29/2017.

Fr. Amel A. Shibley

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 09/13/2002
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Allegations in 1993 and 1995 that Shibley abused two boys in the 1980s. There was reportedly an investigation in the 1980s. Allowed in 1997 to return to ministry part-time as administrator at another parish, with restrictions. Placed on leave again in 3/02, faculties permanently removed. Died 9/13/02. Included on the diocese's list 11/19/18.

Fr. William J. Shields

Ordained: 1958
Status: Sued

Died: 08/27/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

A ciivil suit was filed in 3/2004 against the diocese alleging that Shields abused a 12-year-old altar boy in 1972. Shields allegedly invited the boy back to the rectory of St. Ann's in Lansford after bingo night and began to molest him. The boy reportedly fled and never let himself be alone with the priest again. He said he told his mother and a deacon at the parish. Shields was moved three months later. Another man reported in 3/2004 that Shields sexually abused him at St. Ann's 25-30 years previously. Shields retired in 1995 and died in 8/2000. Named in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Allentown diocese's 8/19/18 list of credibly accused.

Fr. John C. Shiffler

Ordained: 1978
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Toledo OH

A lawsuit filed in 2002 alleged abuse of a boy by Shiffler in 1987 and by Rev. Dennis Gray 1983-1987. Their accuser complained to the diocese in 1995; Shiffler admitted to abusing him and another youth in the mid-1980s. He was sent for therapy and returned to limited duty as chaplain at a home for the aged in 7/1997 and as administrator of two parishes. Included on the Diocese's list in 2005. Permanently removed from active ministry in 2006 because of credible allegations.

Fr. Stephen F. Shigo

Ordained: 1978
Status: Accused

Died: 11/2/1991
Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

Parish priest, Catholic Scouting chaplain, CYO and Youth Ministry director, Family Life Bureau director. Died in 1991, at age 38. First named publicly as accused in 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Allentown diocese's 8/19/2018 list of credibly accused. Diocese received a report on 11/17/2011 that Shigo sexually abused an 8th-9th grade altar boy at St. Ambrose, where he was assigned in 1981.

Fr. Edward E. Shimmaly

Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Died: 05/2/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused of abuse of a minor 1961-1963, per the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Report addendum (name misspelled Schimmaly). Assigned 1961-1967 to Immaculate Conception in Monrovia, CA. Named in at least one civil suit. Military chaplain late 1960s-early 1970s, then absent on sick leave. Retired and still absent on sick leave in 1984. Appears to have moved to the Boise diocese by 1985. The Official Catholic Directory begins to index Shimmaly as Edward E. in L.A. (absent on leave) and Edward G. in Boise in 1985. The 1988 Directory continues to index both, and each ordained in 1961. Died 5/2/1999. (The 2000 Directory shows the same death date for both Edward E. in L.A. and Edward with no middle initial in Boise.)

Fr. Kenneth H. Shiner

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Hartford CT

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2001 of abusing a boy 1980-1984, beginning when the boy was age 14. Shiner allegedly would take the boy out for dinner and drinks before molesting him at the rectory. Shiner denied the abuse. Removed from ministry 6/25/2001. Claims included in a 10/2005 $22M settlement with the Archdiocese involving 14 priests. Laicized 4/29/2016. On the Archdiocese's list 1/22/2019.

Fr. Gerald Shirilla

Ordained: 1968
Status: Sued

Died: 06/16/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Removed in 1973 from a seminary assignment after unwanted sexual contact with another seminarian; underwent psychiatric evaluation then assigned to a parish. Accused of abuse of at least seven youths 1972-1981. Would invite boys to the rectory, have them strip to their underwear and give them massages. Placed on leave by the Detroit Archdiocese in 1993; accused in a 10/1993 lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy, ages 9-16. Sent to treatment. Took a secular job in Washington D.C. Assigned in the Diocese of Gaylord as a parish pastor 8/1/2001 until placed on leave 3/18/2002. Died in 6/2004. Named in several civil suits. Included on the Detroit archdiocese's list of credibly accused 6/10/2019, which noted that he had been removed from public ministry. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report.

Fr. Edward J. Shoback

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA

Multiple alleged victims. Removed in 2004 after admitting to sexual abuse of a minor more than 20 years prior. A few days later another man came forward alleging abuse as a boy by Shoback. In 2006 a man told the diocese that Shoback abused him at age 13. This person received funds deducted from Shoback's pension every month for 4 years as reimbursement for lost wages. No criminal charges due to SOL. More complaints in 2007 and 2009. Laicization announced 7/17/09. (Shoback's brother Thomas was accused of abuse 11/11, arrested 6/12.) Included in the 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report. Sued for alleged abuse in 1975 of an altar boy, age 12, on a trip to Hawley, PA; settled in 1/20 in the high five figures

Fr. Thomas P. Shoback

Ordained: 1977
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA

Diocese was notified in 11/11 of allegations of sexual misconduct with a boy 1991-97, when pastor of St. Mary and St. Andrew in Blossburg. Suspended. Arrested 6/14/12, charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, endangering the welfare of children, and corruption of minors, for repeated sexual assault of the altar boy. Convicted in 4/13, sentenced to 5-10 years in state prison. Removed from ministry in 11/14. Included in the  8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report. It showed there was a report in 5/06 to the diocese of the sexua; assault of an 11-year-old altar boy. Report to D.A. Investigated. Shoback denied abuse. Alleged victim named another boy he said Shoback abused; that person denied it to investigators. Sent for evaluation In 11/11. The man who first denied abuse by Shoback said the priest actually had abused him when he was age 11. This led to Shoback's arrest and conviction. On diocese's list 8/19/18.

Fr. Anthony J. Short

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Died: 11/10/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/18. Removed from ministry in 2008. Allegation of abuse alleged to have occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. Unclear as to where. Worked or resided in St. Louis, MO; St. Stephen's, WY; Centennial, CO; Sedalia, CO; Denver, CO. Noted to be living in a skilled nursing facility under supervision. On the Jesuits Midwest Province list 12/17/18. Died 11/10/20.

Fr. John Shorty

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1974
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Portland ME

Assigned to parishes in Caribou, Portland, Stonington and Augusta. Youth Director and Moderator of the Diocesan CYO. Chaplain at the ME Maritime Academy in Castine. Placed on leave in 1994, accused of abuse 1976-81. Parish was told he was leaving because of stress. Left the priesthood about four years later. Laicized in 2006. Subject of lawsuit in 6/22.

Fr. Norbert F. Showalter

Ordained: 1939
Status: Accused

Died: 12/31/1971
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Died 12/31/1971. Name included on the diocese's list updated 9/13/2018. The diocese received an accusation in 2015 that Showalter sexually abused male minors. In a letter published 5/22/2015 in the Telegraph Herald, a man alleged that Showalter sexually abused him over a two-year period, beginning when the man was age 14 in 1954, at St. Mary's in Lamont.

Fr. Dwight Edward Shrader

Ordained: 1982
Status: Accused

Died: 09/17/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Richmond VA

In 5/03 a person came forward to allege abuse as a teenager by Shrader. The Review Board deemed the allegation credible. Placed on leave in 6/03. By late 2003 four men and one woman had come forward with allegations of abuse (all but one as minors) by Shrader, occurring within the previous 5 or 6 years. Diocese said Shrader did not engage in sexual intercourse but that there was physical contact or verbal misconduct, such as sexual jokes or propositions. On diocese's list 2/13/19. Laicized. Died in 2012.

Deacon Glen Shrimplin

Ordained: 1974
Status: Settled

Died: 12/5/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Toledo OH

Deacon. Two men filed a civil suit in 10/2003 claiming abuse as boys by Shrimplin in the 1970s. Shrimplin said he left the active diaconate of his own accord in 1987. He denied the allegations. Late Bishop Hoffman acknowledged that Shrimplin was "removed from active diaconal ministry." A third man settled in 2004 and a fourth man filed a civil suit in 2/2008, claiming abuse on trip to Florida in 1975 or 1976. Laicized 11/30/2007. Civil suit dropped in 6/2008 due to the statute of limitations. Shrimplin died in 12/2017. Included on the Diocese's list.

Fr. Paul Shurek

Order: SVD
Status: Sued

Died: 02/2/1963
Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

From Poland. Ordained for the Society of the Divine Word in 1920. Arrived shortly after ordination to the U.S. Assigned to the Divine Word Seminary in Techny IL, and in 1926 to St. Augustine's Seminary in Bay St. Louis LA, followed by parish work in St. Louis MO and Chicago IL. Worked beginning in 1930 in the Diocese of St. Cloud at parishes in Pierz, St. Anna, Morril, Harding and Elmdale. Died in 1963. Shurek was named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 2/21. Noted to be the subject of a lawsuit(s), the credibility of the allegations not determined.

Fr. James G. Sickler

Ordained: 1952
Status: Sued

Died: 10/13/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

In a massive civil suit filed 10/1/2003, 27 people alleged abuse by 24 priests, including Sickler. One man said he was sexually abused at age 14 by Sickler 1959-1961. Sickler allegedly asked the boy to join a "secret club" in the restroom of the parish elementary school. Handshake for the "secret club" involved manipulating each other's genitals. Sickler died 10/13/1996. Included on the Diocese's list in 2/2019.

Fr. David C. Sicoli

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Accused of abuse of at least 12 boys in their mid-teens. Placed on administrative leave in 2004. Further restrictions added in 2/05. Case was referred to the Vatican for review. Laicization announced in 2/08. Named in new Grand Jury report 2/10/11. Name is included on secret 1994 memo from Wm. Lynn to Msgr. James Molloy (released 2/27/12) regarding priests in secret archives who were accused of sexual misconduct with a minor with no conclusive evidence.

Fr. Jerzy Sieczynski

Ordained: 2000
Status: Indicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Antonio TX

Arrested on charges of indecent exposure at a public park in 9/2003. Placed on leave from St. Matthew Parish. Pleaded guilty in 11/2003; received one year probation. In 1/2004 a cable repairman found child abuse images on Sieczynski's home computer. Indicted in 2005. Pleaded guilty to 4 counts in 5/2006. Sentenced to three years in prison in 8/2006. Released in 7/2009. Living in San Antonio per TX Sex Offender Registry entry dated 8/2009. Classified as high risk offender. Included on the Archdiocese's list of accused 1/31/2019. In 10/2024 the TX Sex Offender Registry shows Sieczynski to be "Out of Country (Poland -ml wolnosci)."

Fr. Charles J. Siegele

Ordained: 1953
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Accused of abuse of 6-7 boys in the 1950s -60s. One claim settled in 1990s. Named in civil suit filed 2004. Named in 2006 class action suit. Dismissed by lower court, then by Third Circuit Court of Appeals 11/07. Died 1/28/89. Name (as Siegle) is included on secret 1994 memo from Wm. Lynn to Msgr. James Molloy (released 2/27/12) regarding priests in secret archives who sexually abused minors. At least one accuser, who alleged he was plied with alcohol and sodomized by Siegele as a boy, received funds in 2019 via the archdiocese's time-limited compensation fund.

Fr. Frank Sierra

Order: SF
Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Las Cruces NM

Ordained in 1946. Teaching high school in Buenos Aires by 1951. Arrived in Pueblo CO diocese in 1951 to replace his brother, John Sierra. Worked in El Paso and several parishes in the 1950s and 1960s, later part of the Las Cruces NM diocese. Working by 1970 in the San Diego CA diocese. Retired in 1988. Accused in a 1994 civil suit of abuse of girls in Santa Cruz NM; settled. Included on the San Diego diocese's list of credibly accused in 3/2007. Status was 'removed.' Personnel file released 10/25/2010. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list of credibly accused on 9/12/2017. On Las Cruces diocese's list 11/8/2018. On El Paso's list 1/31/2019. Per Santa Fe's list 9/20/2021, Sierra is deceased.

Fr. Lawrence Sievers

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Left the priesthood in 1973. Laicized. Named as accused in the CO A.G.'s report released 10/23/19. In 2014 a woman told a diocesan employee that Sievers sexually abused her in 1969, when she was age 17. In 2018 she reported her alleged abuse to the Denver archdiocese. In 1969 Sievers was assigned to St. Joseph's in Grand Junction, temporary chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital and the diocese's Youth Moderator of the Grand Junction District.

Fr. Jason E. Sigler

Ordained: 1964
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Ordained for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Canada. Sent to the Lansing diocese in 1968 for health reasons. Dismissed from Lansing in 1970 due to "homosexual activity" with boys. Law enforcement agreed not to prosecute if Sigler left the area permanently. Accepted temporarily by the Detroit archdiocese on the condition that he receive psychiatric help. Sent to the Paracletes in NM for treatment multiple times in the 1960s-1970s; worked in NM parishes; abused again. Asked for and was accepted to return to active ministry in the Diocese of Lansing in 9/1974. Again abused young boys, including rape. One survivor of abuse by Sigler at St. Robert's Catholic School in Flushing MI reported contracting venereal warts from Sigler, resulting in numerous surgeries. When this boy reported the abuse to the school principal he allegedly received a "paddling." Sigler worked 1975-1976 in a Detroit parish. Returned to ministry in NM in 2/1976. Left active ministry in 1/1982 and married a woman in Houston TX, then returned to NM. In NM 17 men settled for $13M in 1993. Pleaded guilty in 1983 to the sexual abuse of a child; got probation and counseling. Laicized in 2/1999. Many new allegations in MI in 2002. Arrested and convicted twice in MI in 2003. Sentenced to 7-15 years. Included in new civil suits. Released in 5/2012 from jail and 11/2013 from probation. Living in Albuquerque NM in 2014; said in 8/2014 to be living with his wife in Taylor Ranch. On the NM sex offender registry. Named in at least one new civil suit filed in 8/2014. Another suit filed in 5/2016 claims alleged abuse of a 10- or 11-year-old Fort Sumner NM altar boy in 1974. As of 2017 accused of sexually abusing 57 children, named in lawsuits by 45.  A lawsuit filed in 7/2017 claims abuse of a boy in a Las Vegas NM parish the late 1970s for 2 years. In 9/2018 a man alleged Sigler violently abused him, along with Fr. Robert Burkholder, when he was age 10-11 during 1968-1969.  Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese list 9/12/2017.  On the Lansing diocese's list 9/27/2019. On Detroit's list 6/10/2019. Still living in Albuquerque as of 5/2023. Included in the MI Attorney General's Diocese of Lansing Report 12/16/24.

Fr. Francis A. Siler

Ordained: 1963
Status: Sued

Died: 12/10/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Per the G.J., a St. Bernadine Clinic report alluded to "sexual problems with adolescents" in 1972, which prompted Siler's transfer to another parish. In 1974 letter to the House of Affirmation Bishop Leonard wrote, "in the last three years the problem arose about which I spoke to you... .: A 1985 memo to Bishop Bevilacqua from a priest mentioned Siler making a pass at a young boy whose father was a policeman, which lead to Siler's removal from the parish. In 1994 a man confronted Siler about molesting him as a boy; Siler was hospitalized for feeling suicidal then sent to St. Luke Institute Continuing Care Workshop. Notes from St. Luke said Slier had relapsed. Allegation in 1995 of sex abuse of a 2nd or 3rd grade St. Catherine's altar boy (there 1975-1976). Allegation in 12/2002 of abuse of a boy 1972-1973. Another allegation 11/2011 of abuse of a boy 1972-1974. Withdrew from active ministry 2002. Died 12/10/2015. Suit filed 11/2018. Named Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Fidencio Simon Silva-Flores

Order: MSpS
Ordained: 1978
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

From Mexico. Assigned to a parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 1978. Left the Archdiocese without privileges 5/1/1995 after an allegation of sexual misconduct with a young adult male. Sent by the Order to treatment. Assigned to a retreat in the Archdiocese of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Removed from ministry in Los Angeles in 1998. Accused in 2002 of abuse of as many as 28 boys 1979-1985; many sued. In active ministry in 2002 in Jesus Maria village, Diocese of Aguascalientes. Criminal charges dropped in 2003 due to Supreme Court ruling on statutes of limitations. Referred to by the Los Angeles Archdiocese as Fidencio Flores Silva. As part of a 2007 $660M settlement with 508 plaintiffs, personnel file released 1/31/2013. One alleged victim filed suit in 10/2018 against the Vatican. Included on the San Bernardino Diocese's list 10/9/2018. Assigned in 1998 to St. Philip Neri in Lynwood. Removed in 11/1998. Reported in 5/2019 to be working at a church in Mexico. Included in 8/2021 on the Diocese of Fresno's list of credibly accused, where he was assigned 1987-1992.

Fr. George S. Silva

Ordained: 1997
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Prior to his 1997 ordination, Silva was a Christian Brother for 17 years. Assigned as a Christian Brother to O'Dea High School in Seattle 1991-1994. Studied in CT. Fr. Silva was placed on leave in 2005. Arrested in  2006, charged with abuse of a 14-year-old boy in 2005, during a trip to France and Portugal. Civil suit filed in 3/2006. Pleaded guilty 6/1/2006. Sentenced to 5 years in prison and 5 years probation in 9/2006. Civil suit settled 11/2006. Included on the Seattle archdiocese's list 1/15/2016. On Santa Fe archdiocese's list of accused 9/12/2017. Per Santa Fe's list in 10/2020, Silva is deceased.

Fr. James M. Silva

Ordained: 1967
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Removed from ministry 3/1/1993. Two men filed suit in 1994. Seven more men filed civil suits alleging they were abused as children by Silva in the 1960s-1980s. Criminal charges were also filed in 1994. Silva admitted in court that he sexually abused a young man. Received a 7-year suspended sentence and was ordered to undergo counseling. Eight claims were settled by the diocese as part of a $13.5M mass settlement in 9/2002 (one may have settled earlier). Multiple transfers after initial notice. Included on the Providence diocese's list 7/1/2019. On the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 5/19/2021, whcih notes he was at Via Coeli in Jemez Springs in 1981 and at a Jemez Springs parish. Indicted in 11/2021 on charges of abuse of a boy under the age of 14 1989-1990, after an investigation by the A.G. and RI State Police.

Fr. Ronald T. Silverio

Ordained: 1970
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

In an essay published in 7/18, a man wrote that Silverio molested him and his two brothers in the 1970s, beginning when Silverio was assigned to Holy Family parish in South Buffalo. Another man told a news source that he was abused at ages 7-9 by Silverio in the 1970s at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Niagara Falls, where SIlverio was assigned 1975-79. On leave of absence 1980, then left the priesthood. Went on to become executive director of AIDS Community Services then President and CEO of the nonprofit Evergreen Association, retiring in 2017. Accused in a lawsuit 8/19 of abusing a child ages 9-18, in 1973-82. Included on the diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them.

Fr. Rudolph M. Silvers

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Silvers was publicly named as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. In 11/1988 a young man, age 18, reported that Silvers fondled him when he was ages 12-15. Silvers denied the abuse. The man asked for money for counseling but the diocese refused, saying there were no funds. The alleged victim met with the diocese in 3/2002; SIlvers again denied the allegations. The diocese agreed to provide financial compensation for the man's counseling since 1979, and going forward. In 1990-1991 the mother of a boy, age 13-14, complained to the diocese about Silvers inappropriate attention toward her son, and was concerned about the same interest Silvers showed to another boy. The woman's son also wrote to the diocese about Silvers' behavior. In 2012 a man reported to the diocese that Silvers sexually abused him at St. Sylvester's in the mid-late 1970s, when he was ages 10-11. Silvers again denied the abuse. Silvers withdrew from active ministry in 7/2002. Included on the Pittsburgh diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Vincent A. Silvestri

Ordained: 1964
Status: Settled

Died: 07/17/2000
Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Name on Archdiocese's 7/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry (or who would have been restricted if still living) because of credible allegations of abuse. Last assignment was at St. Dominic Parish (Brookfield) 1983-1993. Suffered a stroke in 2/93 and retired 10/30/93. Under restrictions as of 5/95. Died in 2000 at age 63. Personnel file released in 7/13. Allegations in late 1960s-early 1970s. Settlement with at least one.

Fr. William Q. Simms

Ordained: 1962
Status: Charged

Died: 09/30/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Banned from St. Mark's Summer Camp as a seminarian in the 1950s for "some form of sexual problem." Ordained in 1962. Removed from parish work in 1985 after complaints of inappropriate behavior with altar boys. Two separate civil suits filed in 1988 accused Simms of forcing altar boys to dress in skimpy, sexually provocative briefs, act out religious fantasies and wrestle with him. One suit claimed abuse in 1982, the other in 1984-1985. Both cases settled in 1989 or 1990. Police investigated in 1985 but agreed not to press charges if Simms received counseling and was removed from contact with minors. Received treatment at St. Luke Institute. Assigned in 4/1986 to a hospital chaplaincy. Allowed to serve on the Archdiocesan Tribunal and to assist with weekend parish ministry. Parishioners were not informed of Simms' abuse history. In 1988 the Archdiocese acknowledged that Simms molested boys, saying there were "only two" victims. Report in 1994 of abuse of a 10-year-old altar boy in the 1970s at St. Ursula in Parkville. Report in 1997 of abuse of a boy at St. Joseph's in Cockeysville, where Simms was assigned 1966-1971. Criminally charged in 1997 by the State's Attorney's Office; the case was "stetted" in 1998. Report in 4/2002 of abuse of a 4th grade boy at St. Ursula's in the 1970s. In 5/2002 Cardinal Keeler asked Simms to retire from the Tribunal. In 11/2002 four brothers reported inappropriate behavior toward them by Simms when they were children in the 1980s, and that Simms sexually abused at least two of them. Report in 2016 of abuse of a boy in 1985, and that two priests sent in 1985 to interview the boy deemed the allegations unfounded because the boy was afraid and ran away, refusing the interview. By 2021 three more men reported abuse as children by Simms. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. Died in 9/2005. 

Fr. Gilbert J. Simoes

Ordained: 1961
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Fall River MA

Suspended and faculties removed in 3/86 after diocese learned of allegations against him. Absent on leave per 1993 Catholic Directory. Lived in the Falmouth area and worked as a regular substitute teacher at Falmouth High School from 1989 until the 1997-98 school year. School denied any knowledge of his history. Name linked with Jose Avila and Bernard Kelly, other abusers. Six allegations known by 9/02. Included on the diocese's list in 1/21 of credibly accused. Died in 2009.

Fr. Aloysius P. Simon

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 10/31/1991
Diocese: Diocese of Bismarck ND

Named publicly as accused by the Bismarck diocese on its list 1/2/20. Allegations substantiated. Faculties permanently removed 6/18/85. Included on the Diocese of Crookston's list, where he worked 1977-78. A news article in 1989 places Simon in San Luis Obispo, CA. Died 10/31/91 in CA.

Fr. David P. Simon

Ordained: 1967
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Rochester NY

Placed on leave without privileges in 5/02 after allegations resurfaced of sexual abuse more than 20 years prior. Incidents of sex abuse involving teen boys were reported to the diocese 1973-1982. Apparently his victim(s) had come forward again in 2002 to protest the fact that he was still in ministry. Assigned after canonical process to life of prayer and penance, per 6/7/12 notice from the diocese. In 2018 attorney Mitchell Garabedian announced he had one or more clients abused by Simon preparing to file suit. Per the diocese's list in 8/22, Simon is deceased.

Fr. Francis R. Simon

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 12/18/1995
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accusations against Fr. Francis (Raymond E.) Simon were discovered in the personnel file of Fr. Mathias Faue released in 7/2013. In 2002 a man alleged that he was abused by Faue and Simon 1963-1967 at St. Benedict's Church in Montebello, CA. Simon died 12/18/1995.

Fr. Frederick Simoneau

Donate Photo
Order: SJ
Ordained: 1941
Status: Sued

Died: 04/21/1984
Diocese: Diocese of Great Falls-Billings MT

Named in a lawsuit against the diocese in 2017 by five plaintiffs as having repeatedly abused them as children during 1955-1974 at St. Paul Mission in Hays, on the Fort Belknap Indian reservation. Born 1/21/1908. Died 4/21/1984. Buried in Mt. St. Michael Cemetery in Spokane WA. Included on the Great Falls-Billings diocese's list 8/21/2018. On the Jesuits West list 12/7/2018.

Fr. Jody J. Simoneaux

Ordained: 1982
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Lafayette LA

Pastor of St. John's in Jeanerette when the Diocese announced 11/1/2018 that Simoneaux was placed on leave due to an allegation of "improper behavior with minors" over 30 years prior. The incidents reportedly occurred while Simoneaux was assigned to St. Anthony's Church and St. Edmund High School in Eunice, and St. Anne's in Youngsville. Diocese and police were investigating. Included on the Diocese's list in 4/2019.

Fr. Gerald J. Simonelli

Ordained: 1990
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Simonelli's name appeared on the diocese's 6/24/2015 list of "Diocesan Priests With A Credible Allegation(s) of Sexual Abuse of Minors Made Against Them While Serving in the Joliet Diocese." The list notes a continuing canonical process. Simonelli was removed from ministry in 5/2010 after a 21-year-old man accused him of "inappropriate conduct" that occurred more than two years prior. Bishop Sartain stated Simonelli's removal was due to "homosexual activity" and that he was "unfaithful to his vows on more than one occasion." As of 12/2018, process still pending and status was "on leave." Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused in 2/2021, and shown to have been laicized in 2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. Michael J. Simpson

Donate Photo
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Yakima WA

From Ireland. A woman filed suit 2005 accusing Simpson of abuse of several girls in early 1960s. Three more women filed suits in 6/2006 claiming abuse as young girls. Diocese settled four cases in 1/2008 for $200K. Simpson was known as a chronic alcoholic and had to sign a sobriety oath before working in the diocese. He died in Ireland in 1977. New suit in 9/2018 alleges Simpson and another (unnamed) priest sexually abused a girl for ten years, beginning when she was age five, in the late 1950s into the 1960s at St. Aloysius in Toppenish. She said the abuse by Simpson began when he replaced the other priest around 1960, and she was in about third grade. The abuse allegedly included rape, resulted in a miscarried pregnancy when the girl was 12, and ended when he left the parish when she was 14 . On the diocese's list 7/9/2019. Per the diocese's list updated in 11/2021, a 2019 lawsuit settled and the abuse was not substantiated.

Fr. Roger A. Sinclair

Ordained: 1974
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Greensburg PA

Per the 8/14/18 PA GJ report, the diocese knew in 5/81 of abuse in 9/80 of two 14-year-old boys. Had been reported to St. Mary's in Kittanning pastor, but no action. One mother deterred by Rev. Klinzing from going to police. Indications in 2/83 from St. Mary's mothers that other boys were victimized. They told Chief of Police, who said he'd heard rumors and had spoken with their pastor. No action. Possible previous incident with a Latrobe boy. Sick leave 6/83-6/84, sent to House of Affirmation in MO, then Military chaplain in CA, FL, KS VA and MA. Fired in 11/91 from Topeka State Hospital after he "managed to gain access to a locked unit deceitfully" to try to take male teen patients to movies. Report in 2/02 of abuse of a boy, age 9 - early teens, at first assignment. Faculties revoked in  2002, sent to Anodos Center for treatment. Accused in 4/02 of abuse in 1979 of a 13-year-old Latrobe altar boy. Removed for life in 2002. Left priesthood in 1/05. Arrested in OR in 2017 for abuse of young disabled male. Convicted. Imprisoned. Included in 8/18 on the Greenburg diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. James A. Sinnerud

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1972
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Phoenix AZ

Suspended in 11/2018 from Creighton Prep in Omaha NE after an allegation of sexual misconduct occurring prior to his time as a teacher there 1987-2008. He remained involved in the school beyond his 2008 retirement. Accused in a lawsuit filed by a man in 9/2020 under the AZ Child Victims Act of sexually abusing him as a Brophy Prep student in the 1980s. Sinnerud was a Brophy Prep teacher and coach 1980-1987.

Fr. Michael Sintef

Ordained: 1981
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Included on Archdiocese's list 1/31/2013. Assigned 1981-1985 to St. John the Baptist in Baldwin Park, 1985-1988 to St. Genevieve's in Van Nuys. 'Involved' sexually with a teen girl when he was age 30 and she was 17. He acknowledged in a 2018 interview that when she was 15 she "caught his eye." The girl disclosed the situation to her therapist, who called police. No criminal charges. Police informed the Archdiocese which gave Sintef a warning. The 'relationship' continued for several more years. Sintef was sent to treatment in MD, then left the priesthood. He went on to practice hypnotherapy in Marin County. He is married and has a daughter.

Fr. Anselm Sippel

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1929
Status: Accused

Died: 03/15/1985
Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Named publicly as accused by the Louisville archdiocese on its list in 2/2019 (name misspelled Sippell). Died in 3/1985, at age 83. Included on the Franciscan Friars, St. John the Baptist Province list of those against whom there are substantiated allegations. Added to the Gallup diocese's list in 11/2021. Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/2022.

Sister Seraphia

Donate Photo
Order: CSFN
Status: Accused

Died: 03/25/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Norwich CT

Accused publicly In 3/2019 by a man of abusing him multiple times as a first-grader, age 6, at St. Joseph's in Norwich. She was his teacher. He said the abuse included rape, physical abuse and threats that, if he told, she could take him from his parents. He was hospitalized three times with bladder infections and genital and hip bruising. He  has hospital bills with information about the injuries. He said his parents told doctors, nurses and police that the nun abused him. The man met with Bishop Cote in 2004, who offered to settle but then did not. Cote told the man in 2006 that the nun's Order was responsible. The Diocese said it would investigate and that in 2004 it had informed law enforcement and the Dept. of Children and Families. Per the Order, Seraphia left them in 1989 and died 3/25/2012. They would not release her given name. Her accuser said she also abused at least two other students, including a girl he liked.

Fr. Carmen Sita/Gerald Howard

Ordained: 1976
Status: Convicted

Died: 09/19/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Also known as Gerald Howard. Arrested in 1982; pleaded guilty in 1983 to abuse of a minor and providing him with drugs. Sentenced to five years probation and treatment at Servants of the Paracletes in NM. Legally changed his name to Gerald Howard. Incardinated into the Jefferson City MO diocese; assigned to a parish with a school. Reportedly had no clerical assignments since removal from active ministry in 1984. Accused in 2007 of abusing another boy. Claim settled in 2009 for $600K and agreement to laicize. Other victims in NJ and MO. Arrested in 4/2010 in NJ and later in MO. Jailed until MO criminal trial. Settlement of five claims in 2013 for $650K. Pleaded guilty 6/17/2014 to two counts of forcible sodomy and one count of attempted forcible sodomy against three teenage boys. Other counts dropped. To serve three concurrent twelve-year sentences and register as sex offender when released. Laicized 9/24/2012, announced 6/18/2014. On Jefferson City diocese's list 11/8/2018. On Newark list 2/13/2019. Died 9/19/2021. Named in a lawsuit filed 9/12/2024. Suit dismissed in 12/2024 "due to lack of action by the plaintiffs."

Fr. Ephraem Sitko

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 12/8/1982
Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Named publicly as accused in the MI Attorney General's 10/2022 report. A woman reported to the diocese in 2020 that when she was in third grade in 1963 at St. Ignatius Loyola School, Sitko would grab her at recess and make her sit in his lap beneath his long cape. She said she screamed to be let go but he held her tighter and laughed, and that he would whisper into her left ear. Sitko died in 1982. He was ordained for the O.F.M. Franciscans; it appears he did not stay in the order. (Name also spelled Ephream, Ephraim.)

Fr. Joseph Sito

Ordained: 1962
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 01/4/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Resigned in 1993 after a credible allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor in the 1960s. Victim told the Archdiocese in 1985, but no action. Told them again in 1993 and Sito "retired." Banned from public ministry after treatment at two facilities. Criminally charged in 1999 with molesting a 17-year-old youth. Sito pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and paid a fine. Would still say mass on occasion. Laicization announced 1/12/2004. Died 1/4/2016, age 80, in a car crash outside of Detroit. Included on the Archdiocese's list of credibly accused 6/10/2019.

Br. Jerome Skaja

Order: OSB
Status: Settled

Died: 01/30/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Rockford IL

In 10/2022 a man publicly stated that Skaja sexually assaulted him numerous times in the 1980s when he was a prepubescent student at Marmion Military Academy in Aurora. The man said he told the dean of students, Rev. Vincent Bataille, who told him to keep it quiet. He said he also told some classmates and that the mother of one of them allegedly confronted the abbot, Rev. David Cyr, to no avail. Skaja remained at the school. His accuser received a settlement from the Benedictines at some point. The Order was reportedly investigating allegations against Skaja as of 10/2022. Skaja died in 2016. In 2/2023 the Order admitted that Skaja was accused multiple times of molesting minors in the 1970s and 1980s, and that the allegations were "true." He was dismissed from the Order in 1988. Included on the Benedictines of Marmion Abbey list 2/24/2023. Included on the Rockford diocese's list 3/6/2023. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 5 "reported survivors."

Mary Carmel Skeabeck

Order: SSJ
Status: Accused

Died: 05/7/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Sister of St. Joseph of Northwestern PA (SSJ) since 1941. Died in 2015. Also known as Charlotte Skeabeck. First named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese in 10/2018. The Order said it received a report in 5/2018 that Skeabeck sexually abused a student numerous times in the late 1950s, when Skeabeck was a teacher at Villa Maria Academy, an all-girls school. The Order knew of reports of the abuse during the time it was happening.

Seminarian Joseph Skelton, Jr.

Ordained: 2001
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Accused in a 2008 civil suit, along with Fr. George Stallings, of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in the summer of 1984. Skelton was a seminarian at the time. The boy was helping Stallings remodel the St. Teresa of Avila rectory and was and staying in the rectory's attic to avoid a long commute. Case settled in 10/2009 for $125K. Skelton resigned from the seminary in MI in 1988 after pleading guilty to abusing a 15-year-old boy in a seminary room. Ordained for the Tagbilaran diocese in the Philippines. Included on the Detroit archdiocese's 6/10/2019 list of credibly accused. Still in ministry on the island of Bohol in 2024.

Fr. Wilton L. Skiffington

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1936
Status: Settled

Died: 09/25/1988
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Accused in a 2003 lawsuit of abusing a boy at Loyola Academy in Wilmette IL in 1962. The boy's parents found a letter from Skiffington to their son in 1968 and told the archdiocese. Transferred to Los Angeles/San Diego in 1965. Died 9/25/1988. Suit settled in 10/2005. Included on the Jesuits Midwest Province list 12/17/2018 which notes an allegation of abuse occurring 1963-1964 in Wilmette. Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 1/2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Br. Timothy Sklopan

Order: OCarm
Status: Accused

Died: 11/11/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Entered the Carmelite order in 1962. Made his solemn vows in 1966. Spent his early years in food management, at the Carmelite Junior Seminary in Hamilton MA, Salpointe Catholic High School in Tucson AZ, and DeSales High School in Louisville KY. Briefly did parish ministry in In Englewood NJ. Taught religion 1980-1990 at DeSales, then at Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago 1990 until his death in 2004. Included on the Carmelites' list of credibly accused 1/20/2021. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least one "reported survivor."

Fr. Richard Francis Skluzacek

Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 02/25/2012
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Name appears on list of priests with credible allegations of abuse of minors released by the Archdiocese 12/5/13. Retired in 1998. Permanently removed from ministry in 2005. Accused of fondling a 16-year-old boy in 1975. Died in 2/25/12.

Fr. Michael G. Skoblik

Ordained: 1939
Status: Sued

Died: 11/22/1989
Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Ordained for the St. Paul archdiocese; incardinated in 1957 into the New Ulm diocese when it was formed. A civil suit in 1993 claimed sexual abuse by Skoblik of a grade school student 1976-80. Pastor of St. Joseph's in Silver Lake 1965-88. Died in 1989. Name included on New Ulm list released by Attorney Jeff Anderson 8/04/14. Names from deposition of Rev. Francis Garvey, a former top New Ulm Diocese official, taken in 1/14. Two men filed a new suit 9/10/14 claiming abuse 1967-71; tried to force the New Ulm diocese to disclose names of accused priests. At least 14 alleged victims. Diocese released 16 names 3/29/16 of credibly accused priests, including Skoblik. Two new suits filed in 5/16 vs New Ulm diocese; one alleged abuse by Skoblik at St George in Glencoe 1953-66, the other at St. Joseph in Silver Lake. In 3/16-5/16. Three suits were filed accusing Skoblik of abuse at Holy Family and St. Pius X. Name added 11/3/17 to the St. Paul-Minneapolis list.

Fr. Ildephonse (Edward) Skorup

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 01/23/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Skorup for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Worked in Cleveland OH, MO, Chicago IL. Retired in 2013 to Blessed Giles Friary in Manitowoc WI. Died in 2020.

Fr. Thomas D. Skotek

Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA

Relieved of ministerial duties in 4/2002 after the Diocese announced that Skotek had admitted to 'some improper conduct' that occurred over 30 years prior. Bishop Timlin said Skotek had come under scrutiny several years before when a different misconduct complaint was made. Named in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report, which showed Skotek abused a girl 1980-1985 when he was pastor of St. Casimir's in Freeland. She became pregnant at age 16 and he arranged for an abortion. Resigned in 1986. He admitted to the abuse. Sent to MD for treatment, then reassigned to a Wilkes-Barre parish in 1/1987. Included on the Diocese's list 8/19/2018.

Fr. Raymond Francis Skriba

Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Accused of abuse of at least three girls while assigned to St. Walter in Morgan Park in the 1960s. The Archdiocese in 3/1970 determined "there was guilt here," and quietly moved Skriba to another parish. Remained in ministry until 6/2002, when he took administrative leave after allegations that he abused two girls at St. Gertrude's in the 1960s; removed from public ministry in 7/2002, several months after the Review Board found reasonable cause to believe the allegations were true. At least one claim was included in a 10/03 $8M settlement. Permanently removed from public ministry in 9/2005. Brother of accused priest Richard Skriba. Personnel files released in 1/2014. Died in 1/2014. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 9 "reported survivors."

Fr. Richard L. Skriba

Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 03/11/1998
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Accused in 7/2002 of molesting a girl for several years. His alleged victim said she reported the abuse to the Archdiocese in 1998 but the allegations were not made public because Skriba had died in 3/1998. Brother of accused priest Raymond Skriba. Included in 10/2022 on the Archdiocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Br. Francis Skube

Order: OSF
Status: Accused

Died: 09/26/2022
Diocese: Diocese of Davenport IA

Founded the Franciscan Brothers of Christ the King, sponsored by Belleville Bishop Zuroweste in 1961. Taught elementary school in diocesan parishes. Per the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, in 1959 the pastor of St. Francis in Provo UT informed the Diocese of Springfield IL that Skube had "engaged in homosexual acts" with nine junior high school boys. The Belleville diocese wasn't informed until 1/1971. In 1975 Skube moved the Order to the Diocese of Davenport IA after Bishop Zuroweste said it could stay in the diocese only if Skube resigned as its leader and got "psychiatric aid" for his "problems." He later moved through the Diocese of Peoria and dioceses in FL, IN and OH. Retired in 2010, moved to Springfield IL. Name appears on the Davenport diocese Creditors Committee website in 2007 as having credible allegations of abuse against him. Two men say they were students in Skube's small Order, ages 17-18, when he sexually abused one and beat the other. Both personally told Bishop O'Keefe in 1977, but no action. Included on the Davenport's 7/2008 list of credibly accused. It notes allegations of sexual abuse of one male minor and one male adult. The Diocese's updated list in 2/2022 shows that Skube was accused of sexually abusing three male minors. Included on the Belleville Diocese's 9/20/2022 list. Skube died 9/26/2022.

Fr. James F. Skupien

Ordained: 1966
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown PA

Skupien was principal of Bishop Guilfoyle High in 1981 when police found him naked in his car with a youth. Per the PA Attorney General's 3/1/16 Grand Jury report, the police officer was told by the DA to "let it go." Bothered, the officer informed Msgr. Saylor, who told him they "knew about him" and "they even have a retreat that they sent these priests to." Skupien was kept in ministry. Bishop Hogan's "Secret Archives" note "Chief M. was thanked for his discretion." In 2008 victim told the diocese Skupien would pay him for oral sex, including at the St. Joseph's rectory in Williamsburg PA. Also in 2008 a man reported that when he was a boy 1968-71, Skupien forced him into oral sex. Skupien was removed from ministry in 1984 due to "alcoholism." Retired 1995. Died 2/11/96.

Deacon Matthew J. Skurat

Status: Settled

Died: 09/4/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Permanent deacon. Name included on the diocese's list 3/22/19 of clergy on whose behalf settlements were paid related to allegations of sexual abuse of minors. The allegations against Skurat were not determined to be credible. Per a 2019 report commissioned by the diocese, Skurat was accused of abuse of a boy, age 10, 1983-1991. In 2003 Skurat resigned and his faculties were removed. He was reinstated in 2004. Died 9/4/2013.

Fr. Herbert Skurski

Order: OFM Conv
Ordained: 1944
Status: Settled

Died: 01/16/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Ogdensburg NY

Multiple allegations. In a letter to Bishop LaValley, a woman reported that Skurski sexually abused her as a child when he was assigned to the Ogdensburg diocese, 1982-85. The diocese provided financial assistance for counseling and, in 12/18, a $100K offer from the IRCP. Per his obituary, Skurski was assigned to parishes in CT, PA, MD, NY, MA, Nova Scotia, ME. He died in Shamokin PA 1/16/96. Accused in a lawsuit filed 8/14/19 of sexually abusing a child, ages 7-9, at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Buffalo NY 1955-57, and another filed the same day of abuse of a child, ages 12-13 in 1959-60, also at Holy Rosary.

Bishop William Skylstad

Ordained: 1960
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Spokane WA

Proof of Claims was filed in 2006 as part of the Spokane Diocese's bankruptcy. Accused of abuse of a teen girl at St. Patrick's Parish and at Gonzaga University 12/61-12/64. He denied the allegations and later said an investigation found no evidence that the allegations were true. Retired in 6/10.

Fr. Howard B. Slack

Ordained: 1959
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Named publicly as accused on the diocese's list 11/5/2018. Noted to have died in 1976. Sent in the 1960s to a Bemus Point diocesan retreat house, said to have been a "a penal house for wayward priests." Accused in a lawsuit filed in 9/2019 under the NY Child Victims Act of molesting a 15-year-old boy 1964-1965 while assigned to Immaculate Conception parish.

Fr. Henry Slade

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Ordained: 1984
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Birth name Slaboszewski. Arrested and removed from ministry in 1/1990. Pleaded guilty in 2/1990 to sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old disabled man. Sentenced to 12 months probation. Victim filed suit in 12/1991. Suit later settled. Accused in another lawsuit filed in 11/2015 of abusing an 11-year-old boy in 1976. Plaintiff said he refused to perform a sex act on Slade, who then physically attacked him; further, he said Rev. Phillip Dedera ignored his screams, but later offered him marijuana "to help him forget it." Slade's name was included in 4/2006 on the diocese's list of credibly accused. Per the list in 12/2018, Slade died in 2016. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 9 "reported survivors."

Fr. Anthony P. Slane

Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1942
Status: Sued

Died: 04/4/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Oakland CA

Named in a lawsuit as having abused at St. Alphonsus Ligorui in San Leandro, CA. Also worked in the Seattle archdiocese, including 1981-1988 at Our Lady of Good Help in Hoquiam and Sacred Heart in Seattle 1988-2002. He died in 4/2010, age 94, at St. Clement Health Care Center in Liguori, MO. Included on the Seattle archdiocese's list 1/15/2016. On the Oakland diocese's list of credibly accused in 2019. Included in 2021 on the Diocese of Fresno's list, which notes that Slane is credibly accused of abuse while assigned to St. Alphonsus 1954-1957.

Fr. Richard Slavish

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 02/18/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Peoria IL

Slavish and six other priests were placed on leave by the bishop in 5/2002 after allegations of abuse involving minors. Privileges were revoked. Slavish was scheduled to retire in summer of 2002 but he reportedly retired in April. Slavish apparently held parish assignments during his entire career except 1969-1971, when he was chaplain at East Moline State Hospital. Died 2/18/2016. Included in 2018 on the diocese's list of accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 3 "reported survivors."

Fr. Timothy Slevin

Ordained: 1965
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

In 1972 Slevin underwent treatment for fondling children. "Formally separated" from the priesthood in 1974 after allegations. Laicized in 1978. In 1986 Slevin, then basketball coach at Sacred Heart Catholic School, admitted to police that he abused six boys more than 50 times in six years. Charges relating to these acts were dropped in exchange for a guilty plea on four counts of abusing another boy 1983-1986. Sentenced to 3-12 years prison. A 1986 lawsuit settled out of court. Included on the archdiocese's 10/15/2018 list.

Fr. Samuel B. Slocum

Ordained: 1980
Status: Convicted

Died: 01/30/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Teacher at diocesan high schools, parish priest. Arrested in 4/2011 for an 'inappropriate relationship' with a 15-year-old boy. Would give the boy gifts and take pictures of him and other boys. The boy's parents forbade him to contact their son, but he did not stop, lying to the mother and encouraging the boy to be secretive. Admitted to police to inappropriate relationships with boys. Found guilty in 1/2012 of concealment of the whereabouts of a child and corruption of minors; got 2 years' probation. Included in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Slocum testified that the Diocese knew in 1980 of an 'inappropriate relationship' with a 14-year-old girl. Also involved with a 17-year-old girl. Said he had a 'relationship' with 16-year-old boy the same year. Treatment in 1991 at the diocese's Ecclesiastic Center. Diocese knew in 1995 of involvement with a high school senior boy. Sent to St. Michael's in MO for treatment. Returned to ministry. Laicization announced in 11/2016. Per the Diocese's list in 1/2023, Slocum died in 1/2020.

Fr. John Donald Slowey

Ordained: 1940
Status: Settled

Died: 01/13/1983
Diocese: Diocese of Lansing MI

Monsignor. First director of Catholic Social Services in Lansing; director of St. Vincent Children's Home; director of the Cuban Refugee Program; founder of MI Big Brothers, Inc.; parish priest. Died 1/13/1983. On 8/24/2010 an attorney announced that he had settled a claim of sexual abuse of a boy against Slowey and the Diocese for $225K. The abuse allegedly took place when plaintiff was age 5-6 and lived at St. Vincent Children's Home in the mid-1950s. The Diocese said this was the only allegation against Slowey. It also said it could not verify the allegations but settled to cover "healing expenses." In 11/2011 another man told the Diocese Slowey sexually abused him multiple times when he was about age 4 at St. Vincent Home. He said Slowey also abused other children. Slowey's name is included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused 9/27/2019, which notes multiple allegations. Included in the MI Attorney General's 12/16/2024 Diocese of Lansing report.

Fr. Joseph S. Slowik

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Richmond VA

Ordained for the Diocese of Lafayette, IN. Incardinated into the Diocese of Richmond in 1979. Named publicly as accused by the Richmond diocese in 6/20. Alleged to have sexually abused a child in the early 1990s while assigned to St. Paul's in Portsmouth. Removed from public ministry in 2006. Status in 6/20 was "retired without priestly faculties." Added in 7/21 to the Richmond diocese's list of those against whom there is a credible and substantiated allegation.

Fr. John C. Slown

Ordained: 1959
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Sexually abused at least twenty children, according to diocesan files. In and out of treatment, moved from parish to parish. Convicted of sexually abusing a boy in DuPage County in 1983. Sent to treatment. Reassigned. Removed from ministry in 1986 in New Mexico, where he had gone for treatment and was then assigned to a parish. Slown said he left the priesthood because he was an alcoholic. In 10/2003 two brothers filed suit alleging abuse by Frs. Slown, Richard Ruffalo and Arno Dennerlein. The suit claimed the abuse occurred in Illinois for several years and, for the younger boy, later in New Jersey. May have also abused the boys' three brothers. Included in 4/2006 on the diocese's list of credibly accused. The diocese agreed in 3/2013 to release personnel files as part of settlement in Rudofski v Joliet & Bennett. Files released 4/30/2014. Per the diocese's list in 5/2022, Slown died in 2022. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. William B. Smaltz

Ordained: 1956
Status: Indicted

Diocese: Diocese of Youngstown OH

First named publicly as accused on the diocese's list 10/29/2018. Noted to have been assigned to St. Mary's in Massillon, St. Edward's in Youngstown, Our Lady of Lourdes in E. Palestine and St. Mary's in Conneaut. Left the priesthood after 18 years, married and raised a family. In 5/2020 the diocese announced that Smaltz's name would be removed from its list because the allegations were "no longer deemed to be credible and substantiated." Smaltz and his wife filed a defamation suit in 10/2020 against the diocese.

Deacon Anton Smario

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Order: OFM
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Fairbanks AK

Accused of molesting several girls when he was a lay Franciscan serving as a missionary on St. Michael Island in the 1960s-1970s. Smario denied abuse but admitted being nude in front of girls occasionally. Sued by at least four of the girls in 2005. Claims included in a 11/2007 settlement with the Jesuits. Plaintiffs filed 43 suits in 1/2009 alleging the Jesuits had knowledge of abusive priests and did nothing. At least two named Smario. More claims filed in 2010. In 3/2011, 20 settled as part of a massive settlement. Per the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans on their list 5/31/2019, Smario was a lay person, not a Franciscan friar.

Fr. Raymond W. Smart

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

The archdiocese announced in 1/19 that Smart had been deemed "not suitable for ministry" after an internal investigation into claims that he had sexually abused a minor in the 1980s. Had been on health leave since 1995. Retired in 2002. Had been accused twice previously of inappropriate conduct. The review board said in 2011 accusations of sexual abuse of a minor were unsubstantiated. In 2017 review board said there was evidence he had engaged in misconduct with an adult and restricted his access to church facilities.

Fr. Wilson F. Smart

Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Helena MT

Diocese knew of Smart's attraction to boys by 1959. Received treatment in 1959 and 1969. Admitted molesting more than 30 boys 1957-78. A 1990 civil suit alleged Smart abused plaintiff at age 12 in 1967, and that the abuse continued until 1975. Settled in 1993, possibly for $1.7M. Named in at least three other suits which later settled. In 1993 the bishop admitted removing two letters from file which documented abuse. Named as abuser in amended suit in 10/11. Died 9/10/06. Included on the Helena diocese's list posted to its website 4/29/15 in compliance with the non-monetary terms of the 3/5/15 bankruptcy settlement.

Fr. Joseph Smetana

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Spent 31 years as a priest in Nicaragua. Identified in the 6/18/2013 "Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph" as a current friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. Smetana's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him. Removed from public ministry, living under supervision. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list 1/18/2020, where he worked at some point at St. Henry in Eau Galle. Permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. Gerard C. Smit

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Lafayette LA

Ordained in the Netherlands. Was working in the Lafayette LA diocese by 1957. Report to police 1982 of abuse of a boy 1965-1970 in Youngsville. Said Smit stalked him. Complaint to the bishop in 1986 of the sexual abuse of girls. Fathered two children in Cankton, LA. Sent to Jemez Springs NM for treatment. Still of the Lake Charles diocese (created from the Lafayette diocese in 1980), sent to the Wilmington DE diocese in 1987. Removed in 1996. Name first released on a list by the Wilmington bishop 11/16/2006. Was teaching at the University of Delaware's Academy of Lifelong Learning, for adults over 50. The Lafayette bishop removed Smit from public ministry and contact with minors in 2011 and informed DE. Personnel files released in 2/2012. Allegedly abused at least eight in LA. Report to the Diocese in 2010 of abuse of an altar boy in Cankton in the 1970s. Complaint to police 2015 of abuse of an altar boy in 1961 in Youngsville. Sentenced in 2013 to a Life of Prayer and Penance. Living in PA. Died in 2022.

Fr. Alphonsus M. Smith

Ordained: 1956
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 11/28/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

In 1995 Smith admitted an 'affair' with a youth 1988-1993. A civil suit filed in 1995 was dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Sentenced in 1995 to 16 years in prison for abuse of five. A judge reduced the sentence to five years supervised probation in 1996. Sent to live at St. John Vianney treatment center in St. Louis. Died in 2005. At least one claim was included in a $1.3M settlement with the Archdiocese in 12/2006. Included on the Archdiocese's list 10/15/2018.

Fr. Anthony Smith

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Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1984
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

A man filed civil suit in 2003 alleging abuse by Smith in the mid-1980s, at Holy Redeemer Church in Portland. The abuse allegedly occurred on multiple occasions, and included sodomy, oral sex and fondling. At the time the suit was filed, Smith was working as chaplain at Newman House at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. He was immediately placed on leave. He had been in Stockton for two years. Smith's personnel file shows that in 4/86, he admitted to his superiors that he had "problems" with young boys, had solicited two minors the previous summer and was strongly attracted to a 14-year-old boy. Treatment was recommended and he was sent to his Order in San Francisco, who relayed that they knew of Smith's problems. Added to Stockton diocese's list 11/12/20.

Fr. Arthur J. Smith

Ordained: 1971
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Suspended in 2011 after complaints about behavior toward a boy. Refused to stay away from the boy's school. Sent to Vianney Center for treatment. In 11/2012 given nursing home ministry by new bishop Malone. Reports in 10/2013 of inappropriately touching two young men there. Malone wrote glowing recommendations in 2015 and 2016 for Smith for work which would put him in contact with children. Found to be cruise ship chaplain in 2018. Per diocese in 6/2018,  allegations substantiated. Nephew said in 2/2019 Smith abused him at age 9. Suit filed in 9/2019 claimed abuse of boy, age 16, in 1976. Accused in 2003 of sexual assault of a seminarian, who told Auxiliary Bishop Grosz. Grosz allegedly blamed the seminarian for not locking his door, and warned him to keep quiet or he'd lose his vocation. Removed from diocesan payroll 5/1/2019 in bankruptcy agreement. Filed suit against the diocese in 4/2022 to restore pension.

Fr. B. Neil Smith

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Named publicly as accused in the MI Attorney General's 10/2022 report. In 2004 a man told Bishop Garland that Smith sexually abused him multiple times at age 14 or 15 in 1951 or 1952. Smith admitted to his behavior. The Vatican determined that there would be no penal action due to Smith's age, infirmity and retirement status. He died in 2007. In 2018 the diocese received a report that Smith put his hand on a 14 or 15-year-old's crotch during a car ride in 1954-1955.

Fr. David G. Smith

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Ordained: 1973
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Treated at St. Luke Institute for treatment in the 1990s. In 7/2002 Smith was charged with perverted practice after a man claimed in 3/2002 that Smith abused him beginning at age 15 at a parish rectory, 1973-1976. In 10/2002 Smith pleaded guilty to engaging in sex acts with the boy. Received probation. Settlement of $41,300. Smith had taken an unrelated leave of absence in 2000 and had no faculties to perform ministry. His name was included in 9/2002 on the Baltimore archdiocese's list of accused. In 5/2017 Smith disclosed to mental health professionals that he had been abused as a young boy by multiple proctors as a student at a Passionist minor seminary in NY.  Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Edward Eugene Smith

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Ordained: 1982
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Mobile AL

Per news reports in 2003, the archdiocese had given Smith's file (along with several others) to the District Attorney to investigate claims of abuse. The archdiocesan website showed him as "Absent" on one day; the next day his name was no longer there. Smith was reportedly on leave from the archdiocese 1985 -2002. Included on archdiocese's list of credibly accused 12/6/2018. 'Misconduct' noted to have occurred in 1984. Prohibited from ministry in the archdiocese. At some point was assigned to Hotel Dieu Hospital in New Orleans.

Fr. Edward M. Smith

Order: CSSp
Status: Settled

Died: 09/6/1958
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

A woman sued the diocese and both current and former bishops in 2004 alleging that she was abused at age 16 by Smith when she went to him for counseling at Sacred Heart in Emsworth. Smith was pastor of the parish from 1950 until his death in 1958. Claims included in Diocese's 9/2007 $1.25M settlement with 32 plaintiffs alleging abuse by 17 priests. Included in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report (middle initial erroneously P).

Fr. Edward William Smith

Order: GHM
Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 05/31/1975
Diocese: Diocese of Charlotte NC

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Glenmary Home Missioners on its list 10/11/19. Worked in Bogota, Colombia; NC; OH; VA; GA. Died in 1975. On the Charlotte diocese's list 12/29/19. The Charlotte diocese noted that it received a report in 12/14 that Smith abused a boy in the 1960s on Boy Scout camping trips. Also, it said the Glenmarys told them in late 2019 that it had received an allegation in 1993 of abuse in the 1960s at Buck Creek, which had a summer youth camp, and an allegation in 2001 of abuse in 1963 in Boone, NC, when Smith was pastor of St. Elizabeth parish. On the Raleigh diocese's list updated 2/7/20 (erroneously as a CICM priest). Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 1/20. Also on Richmond diocese's list.

Fr. Gregory M. Smith

Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Monsignor. Placed on leave in 2002. Accused of becoming sexually involved with two teenage girls in the late 1960s-early 1970s. One girl told Bishop Genuario in 1969. The other filed repeated complaints with church officials over many years but nothing was done. She filed suit in 1997; dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Bishop Lori explained that he kept Smith working because the allegations involved "people who were very near attaining the age of majority... ." Per the diocese's list updated 3/22/2019, Smith had a single allegation against him.

Fr. James A.D. Smith

Ordained: 1956
Status: Settled

Died: 01/27/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Placed on leave in 2002 after allegations he abused a boy 1962-65. Diocese deemed the allegations credible. Civil suit filed in 2003 and settled in early 2005. Matter referred to Vatican. Vatican sent case back to diocese for church trial which was held in 2/05. Tribunal found him guilty of abuse of at least one and decided he should be permanently removed from ministry but not laicized. Smith said he would appeal. On diocese's list 2/13/19. It noted multiple allegations and that Smith died 1/27/15.

Fr. James G. Smith

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Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Ordained for the Diocese of Brooklyn. Became a priest of the Diocese of Rockville Centre when it was created in 1957. Named publicly as accused by the Rockville Centre diocese on its list in 3/21. Allegedly abused at a private home on Long Island. No time frame shown. Assigned to St. Brigid's in Westbury 7/51-1/69, St. Mary in East Islip 1/69-3/74 and to Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington beginning in 4/75.

Fr. James T. Smith

Ordained: 1956
Status: Settled

Died: 01/17/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Worked part time prior to 2002 as a counselor for Queens' D.A. office. Placed on leave from his parish in 4/2002 due to allegations of "inappropriate sexual contact" with at least 26 boys and girls over 20 years prior. Named in a 10/2002 lawsuit involving 12 priests and a brother, and in a 10/2003 suit involving 24 priests. Sued in 11/2003 by a woman alleging he abused her daughter; settled for $2M. Smith died 1/17/2012. The Diocese unsuccessfully sued insurance company for reimbursement, ruling in 2013. Included on the Diocese's list in 2/2019. Accused in a suit filed 9/2019 under NY Child Victims Act of abuse of a male student of Holy Trinity Academy in Whitestone, Queens 1971-1974.

Fr. Leland J. Smith

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Winona-Rochester MN

Following a recent court order, on 12/16/2013 Bishop Quinn released a list of 13 names of priests who had credible allegations against them of abuse involving minors. Smith's inclusion on this list is the first public notice that he had been accused of abuse. Diocese updated information on its list 6/23/2014. Ministerial privileges indefinitely suspended in 1994 after the Diocese received several complaints that he molested minor males. Completed treatment and was allowed to minister to elderly adults until a new allegation was received in 2002. All of his privileges were again removed. Laicized 4/11/2014. Named in lawsuit(s) filed in 8/2023.

Fr. Myles Hale Patrick Smith

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Died: 05/2/2012
Diocese: Archdiocese of Indianapolis IN

First named publicly as accused by the Archdiocese on its list 10/12/2018. Noted to have three victims who were allegedly abused 1976-1988. Pastor of St. John the Apostle in Bloomington 1982-1995. Removed from ministry in 2003. Per his obituary, he was granted early retirement in 2007. Died 5/2/2012.

Fr. Richard E. Smith

Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Died: 10/25/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Monsignor. Removed from active ministry in 3/2007 after allegations by two women that he sexually abused them when they were teens between 1966-1967, at the former Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Woodlawn. One of the women alleged rape. Smith confirmed some of the allegations. Sent to St. Luke Institute for evaluation and treatment. Claims reported to State Attorney's office. Allegations of abuse, including rape, in 1980 of an altar boy, age 7-8, were made in 5/2006, but not publicized by the Archdiocese. The victim received a settlement of $37, 500. In 12/2007 a man reported abuse by Smith as a 10-year-old altar boy and St. Jane Francis School student. The man later said Smith abused him many times, including rape, over two years when he was a seventh and eighth-grader. Settlement of $40,000. Three different women came forward, in 2009, 2018 and 2022 alleging abuse by Smith as girls, two in the 1960s, one in 1989. Smith died 10/25/2008. On the archdiocese's list 7/23/2019. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. Robert A. Smith

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Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 07/18/1987
Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

On 1/03/14 the Diocese of St. Cloud released the names of 33 clergy, including Smith, involved in incidents of likely claims of sexual abuse of minors. Worked in a number of parishes across the diocese. Spent some time as chaplain of Poor Clare Sisters in Sauk Rapids. Died 7/13/87.

Fr. Robert Gordon Smith

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Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Died: 06/24/1980
Diocese: Diocese of Gaylord MI

Ordained for the Diocese of Gaylord. Became a Saginaw diocese priest when it was created in 1971. First named publicly as accused by the Gaylord diocese on its list 11/10/2018. Died 6/24/1980. Name included on the Saginaw diocese's list 4/10/2019, which notes that Smith was previously removed from publicly ministry. Accused in 1957 of molesting a boy, age 13. Allegation in 2004 that Smith sexually abused a boy, beginning when the boy was age 10 in 1965 or 1966. The abuse allegedly included anal sex and forced sex with other boys. Another man reported in 2004 that Smith abused him 1970-1972, at age 14.

Fr. Robert H. Smith

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Ordained: 1956
Status: Indicted

Died: 03/19/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Lincoln NE

Named publicly in NE Attorney General's Report released in 11/2021. At least two known victims. One was a boy, age 12-13, abused in the mid-1960s in Alma. The other was a 14-year-old boy against whom Smith made sexual advances in the 1970s, as reported to the diocese in 1991. Smith's personnel file shows other allegations, discounted by the diocese. One was by a man who reported to Bishop Bruskewitz in 1995 and to another priest in 1999 that Smith molested his son in the 1980s. Smith retired to Mexico in 1995 and died in 1999.

Fr. Robert J. Smith

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Ordained: 1971
Status: Sued

Died: 05/4/1989
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Died in 1989. At least six civil suits were filed in 1993-1994 against Smith's estate. Smith apparently abused a fellow high school seminarian in 1946. Expelled in 1959 from Christ the King Seminary in the Buffalo NY area for molesting three children. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe accepted Smith in 1970. After ordination, Smith molested children at various parishes in NM in the 1970s and 1980s. Sent for treatment on at least three occasions. Included on Santa Fe archdiocese list of accused 9/12/2017.

Fr. Thomas E. Smith

Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Died: 04/20/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Known as the "singing and dancing priest." Accused publicly at a diocesan listening session in 12/2018 by a woman who said he sexually abused her in 1967, when she was a 15- or 16-year-old St. Anselm High School student. She said he grabbed and played with her breasts when the lights were low at a school dance. He died at age 90 in 2015. Included in 2022 on the diocese's list of accused.

Fr. Thomas E. Smith

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Died: 02/6/2021
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Included in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Bishop Murphy knew of an allegation of abuse in 1984 of a 17-year-old boy. Health Leave 2/1984-10/1984. Residential treatment 3/1985 - 8/1985. Treated 12/1986-4/1987 at Ecclesia Center in Girard, then St. Luke's INstitute in MD until 11/30/1987. Facility said he had "driven, compulsive, and long standing obsession with sexually assaulting children" and that the sexual assaults continued after his first treatment in 1984. Admitted in treatment to abuse, including rape, of at least 15 boys, as young as age 7. Returned to parish ministry. Active in a ministry program for Catholic children. Report to the Diocese in 9/1993 of abuse of a 9-year-old boy. Suspended in 2002 after report of abuse 1968-1970 of a boy, ages 10-12. Settlement (less than $100,000) reached in early 2002. Criminal charges filed in 3/2008; dropped due to statute of limitations. Laicized in 2006. Per the Diocese's list in 1/2023, Smith died in 2/2021.

Fr. Thomas J. Smith

Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Revealed in the 2005 Philadelphia Grand Jury report to have engaged in “depraved and sadistic behavior” with at least three boys age 12-13. The report cites the 2004 archdiocesan Review Board assessment that it “unanimously found credible allegations that ‘Smith took at least three boys playing the role of Jesus in the parish Passion play into a private room, required them to disrobe completely,’ pinned loincloths around them, and then, during the play, encouraged ‘other boys in the play to whip the Jesus character to the point where some of the boys had cuts, bruises and welts.’ These actions, the Review Board found, ‘occurred in multiple parish assignments with a number of different boys over a number of years.’” The sadistic behavior, including pricking the boys with pins and drawing blood, was repeated during practices and at performances, sometimes at additional parishes and at Villanova University. Smith was also accused of abusing boys on vacation trips and as the sole adult on camping trips, and of obliging boys to strip naked for hot tub sessions at a club. Despite allegations received by the archdiocese beginning in 2002, Smith was still in residence at a parish until December 2004.  More details were made public when portions of the Smith file were read into evidence at the Msgr. William Lynn trial in 2012, including one survivor’s estimate that he knew of as many as 16 other victims. In addition to seven parish assignments, Smith held positions as Boy Scout chaplain, chaplain at Archbishop Prendergast High School (twice), regional vicar, and Associate Director of the Catholic Youth Organization (twice). Smith was laicized on 3/29/2007. In 2023 and 2024, actor and playwright Jay Sefton performed in his play Unreconciled, based on his experiences with Smith and the archdiocese.

Fr. Thomas W. Smith

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 08/20/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Accused in 1988 of the sexual abuse of a boy. Admitted the abuse to Archdiocesan officials and said that he had sexually abused multiple boys in the 1960s. Sought counseling in the mid-1960s from another priest for his "sexuality issue." Kept in ministry in 1988, parishioners not informed of the allegation. No report to law enforcement. Sent for a psych evaluation. Accused in 6/1993 of molesting an 8th grade boy in 1980, while Smith was pastor at St. Stephen's in Bradshaw. The victim also alleged abuse by Fr. Marion Helowicz, who was associate pastor at the parish. (Helowicz pleaded guilty in 12/1988 to abuse of a boy 1982-1984.) Smith denied the allegations. He was scheduled to leave his parish and go for evaluation and treatment but killed himself with shotgun the day before. He   left a note referring to depression from his mother's death. Bishop Newman told a reporter there were "no allegations of sexual impropriety or other wrongdoing" against Smith. After his death five men came forward accusing Smith of molesting them when they were in 7th-8th grades. By 4/2023 40 people had come forward alleging abuse and rape by Smith. Their ages when abused range from 6 to 16, and occurred at every one of Smith's assignments. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Trevor Smith

Ordained: 1967
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Miami FL

Accused in a 9/2002 civil suit of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy over four years in the late 1990s. Smith was chaplain at a nursing home owned by the Archdiocese of Miami, where the boy's grandmother was a resident. Settled in 2003 for $500K. Smith was also accused of inappropriate contact with boys in the 1970s. Sent for therapy in 1973. Arrested in 6/2004 and charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious assault against the boy he abused at the nursing home. Pleaded guilty in 12/2004. Sentenced to two years house arrest and eight years probation.

Fr. Gerald F. Smola

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Died: 05/31/2001
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. Joined the order in 1938. A single allegation was received after his death, of abuse occurring while assigned to University of Detroit Jesuit High School in the 1950s. Smola was dismissed 11/14/1969. Included on the Detroit archdiocese's list of credibly accused 6/10/2019. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Gerard A. Smyczynski

Ordained: 1980
Status: Settled

Died: 08/12/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

First revealed in 3/20/18 diocesan list as removed, retired, or having left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. Faculties were removed in 1985. Died in 1999 (age 45 or 46); diocesan list includes deceased priests only if they have more than one allegation. Reportedly, there was a small settlement with an alleged victim. Lawsuit filed 1/20 claims abuse of an altar boy, age 10, in the mid-1980s, and cover-up by then Vicar General and later Erie PA Bishop Donald Trautman. Erie diocese dropped from suit, as reported in 7/20.

Fr. James Smyka

Order: OFM Conv
Ordained: 1973
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

First named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Buffalo on its updated list 11/5/18. Chaplain at St. Joseph's Hospital and living at a parish in Syracuse 11/14-10/18. Taught at St. Francis High School in Hamburg for 11 years early in his career, then worked in Johnstown PA, Chicopee MA and Bridgeport CT. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/19 of sexually abusing a 7-year-old boy, along with Revs. Aurelian Brzezniak and Patrick Mendola, at St. Francis High School in the Buffalo diocese in 1977. The accuser claimed the abuse occurred in front of a group of priests in a shower room, and that it continued until he was age 8.

Fr. Benjamin G. Smylie

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1985
Status: Settled

Died: 09/5/2004
Diocese: Diocese of Dallas TX

Named publicly as accused by the Dallas diocese on its list 1/31/2019. Taught at Jesuit College Prep for many years. Included on the Diocese of Tyler's list in 4/2019. Retired in 2002. Died in 2004. Added to the Jesuits Central and Southern Province list 2/27/2020. It notes that the allegations against Smylie were received after his death and that the abuse was said to have occurred in the 1980s. Accused in a lawsuit by multiple former Dallas Prep students, filed in 8/2019, of abuse of students in 1978 while a lay-teacher at Jesuit and in 1981 after taking his vows. The suit settled in 3/2022. While assigned as a teacher to Jesuit, Smylie reportedly also taught a course for other boys at his off campus apartment where they were plied with alcohol and sexually assaulted. One boy reportedly provided copies of a "demand letter" from 2002 requesting Smylie leave the priesthood. Per the lawsuit, when Smylie was Assistant Principal at Jesuit, he plied a boy with alcohol then sexually assaulted him on an overnight at Jesuit's Montserrat Retreat Center. Other documents reportedly show a suit had been filed and settled in East Texas in the 1990s.

Fr. Brendan Smyth

Order: OPraem
Ordained: 1951
Status: Convicted

Died: 08/22/1997
Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

From Ireland. Full name John Gerard Brendan Smyth. Worked in RI, ND and MA in the US. Likely abused over 50 boys and girls, in Ireland and the US. Sentenced to four years in jail in Ireland in 1995 on 17 counts of assaulting five girls and four boys 1964-1988. Sentenced in 7/1997 to 12 years for abusing 20 boys and girls. Died in prison in 8/1997. Two people sued Smyth's order in 6/2010. Settlements 1998-1999 to three Dublin relatives who sued the Kilmore bishop after finding the Diocese knew Smyth abused children prior to his abusing them. Denied by a court of appeals in 11/2015; appealed in 2/2016. Lawsuit filed in 6/2008 in Providence RI claiming abuse in 1968 of a boy and girl; dismissed due to the statute of limitations. In 9/2016 one of the two filed a complaint with the RI State Ethics Commission against Supreme Court judge Francis X. Flaherty, who oversaw the ruling; Flaherty had not disclosed his leadership role with a Catholic nonprofit. The Commission ruled "probable cause" in 4/2017. Included on the Providence diocese's list of credibly accused 7/1/2019. On the Fargo diocese's list 1/2/2020.

Fr. John P. Smyth

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 04/16/2019
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Assigned in 1962 to Maryville Academy in Des Plaines, which was a residential treatment facility for abused children; superintendent 1970-2003. Removed in 2003 after a resident's suicide and allegations of abuse among residents. President of Notre Dame College Prep in Niles 2007-2014. Retired. Suspended in 1/2019 after allegations that he sexually abused two boys, ages 13 and 14, in 2002-03. One of the boys reportedly came forward shortly after the alleged abuse, but no action. Smyth's lawyer said the allegations were "false." Smyth died 4/16/2019. The Dept. of Children and Family Services deemed the allegations "unfounded," saying, in part, that Smyth's death meant he could no longer be a threat to children, so there was no reason to investigate. A lawsuit was filed in 9/2019, claiming the abuse of a boy at Maryville 2001-2004, starting when the boy was 11.

Fr. Marion Joseph Snieg

Ordained: 1955
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Accused of the sexual abuse of at least one boy in 1959 while at St. Jane de Chantal Parish. The boy told his father who notified the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese reportedly said it would "take care of" Snieg. The accuser came forward again in 2001. Snieg was removed from active ministry in 6/2002. He died in 6/2005. At least one claim was included in a 10/2003 settlement involving 15 accusers and 12 priests. At least one other claim was included in a 10/2005 settlement the with Archdiocese. Name included on the Archdiocese's list in 2006 of those with substantiated allegations against them. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 16 "reported survivors."

Fr. Thomas Snyderwine

Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Monsignor. First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. DuBois Central Catholic and Erie Prep faculty member. Parish priest, pastor. On Presbyteral Council. In 1996 a fifth-grade girl at St. Boniface School told the principal, Sr. Steff, that five years prior her godfather, Msgr. Snyderwine, took a shower with her and touched her in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. Sr. Steff spoke with the girls' parents who said they knew of the incident and told their daughter to stay away from him. Sr. Steff said she confronted Snyderwine. In 2002 Sr. Steff told Bishop Trautman of the incident. Per Trautman, the parents did not want to pursue the matter. Snyderwine retired in 8/2012. Remained active in 2018. Added to the Diocese's list in 12/2018 as under investigation. Per the list updated 2/15/2023, the allegations were credible and Snyderwine was forbidden to function as a priest.

Fr. Peter D. Snyers

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Died: 01/19/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

On 1/03/14 the Diocese of St. Cloud released the names of 33 clergy, including Snyers, accused of the sexual abuse of minors. Held multiple assignments within the diocese, including Boy Scouts chaplain. Retired 7/2/01. Died 1/19/12.

Fr. Alfred B. Soave

Ordained: 1948
Status: Sued

Died: 03/11/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Named in one of two 2003 lawsuits against the diocese. Believed to be Priest T in the 1/2003 Grand Jury report, which said he had a number of victims. Died in 1999. Accused of fondling a 13-year old altar boy in the late 1970s. Sent for therapy. Given title of Vicar for Senior Priests in 1988 when it was recommended that he not return to active ministry. Accused in lawsuits 8/2019: of abuse of a St. Hugh's in Huntington Station altar boy, ages 10-14 in 1979-1983; of abuse, along with Rev. William Burke, of abuse at St. Andrew's in Sag Harbor of a child, ages 8-14, 1974-1979. Included in 3/2021 on the diocese's list of accused.

Fr. Alfredo Sobalvarro

Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Santa Rosa CA

Ordained for the Archdiocese of Washington DC. Worked in the Santa Rosa diocese 1972-1976. Not listed in the Official Catholic Directory for the years 1977-1985. Assigned in the Diocese of Rockville Centre 1986-1996, after which his name no longer appears the Directories. Named publicly as accused by the Santa Rosa diocese on its list 1/12/2019, which notes that he has been "out of ministry since 2003."

Fr. DePaul Sobotka

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Died: 01/2/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Taught for years at Archbishop Ryan High School in Philadelphia. Name appeared on Msgr. Lynn's 1994 list of extern/order priests who were accused of abuse of children. No public accusations known until 2012. Order and Archdiocese acknowledge that Sobotka was once accused of misconduct with an adult but never a child. Retired with no public ministry. Died 1/2/2020 in Burlington WI. Included as of 1/2024 on the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province Franciscans' list of credibly accused.

Fr. Ralph H. Sodano

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Died: 10/22/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Placed on administrative leave in 2002 due to accusations he abused two in the 1970s. Diocese deemed accusations credible in 2003 and case sent to Vatican. Diocese requested a church trial. Total of four accusations received against Sodano as of 4/08; two settled. The two accusations in 2002 did not result in settlements because those plaintiffs did not seek damages. Died 10/22/08. On diocese's list 2/13/19.

Fr. David A. Soderlund

Ordained: 1965
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

Accused 1980 of abuse of three boys, ages 12-13. Photos found of Soderlund in sex acts with boys. Admitted to 'sexual activity' with them. Sent to St. John Vianney for treatment. Assigned as a parish pastor in 1981, restricted to no contact with minors, sent to another parish the next year. Abused another boy. In 1986 made Director of Pastoral Care at Good Samaritan Med Center in Pottsdale. Removed 1989 for violating restrictions by having an 8-year-old altar boy and calling him on the phone. Soderlund appealed to the Vatican which agreed his rights were violated. Bishop Welsh offered him housing and income, but no job. Lawsuit against diocese in 2004. Laicized in 2005. Arrested in 2009 in WY on child pornography charges; convicted. Sentenced 2-5 years' prison. Registered sex offender in WY. Included in the  8/14/2018 PA GJ Report and on the diocese's 8/19/2018 list of credibly accused. Settlement in 4/2020 with man alleging abuse at age 12 in 1971. Accused in a 5/2020 lawsuit of abuse of boys in the early 1970s. Died in 2020.

Bishop Lawrence D. Soens

Ordained: 1950
Status: Settled

Died: 11/1/2021
Diocese: Diocese of Davenport IA

Accused in 2002 of abusing three boys in the 1960s. One claim settled for $20K in 2004. Two suits were pending as of 5/2006. Seven new suits were filed in 5/2006. Apparently a new suit with 13 plaintiffs was filed in 8/2006 alleging abuse 1959-1967. In 2/2006 the diocese investigative panel found behavior may have been inappropriate, but did not appear to be sexual. It found him guilty of sexual abuse 11/3/2008. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused in 5/2009, noting accusations of abuse of 31 male minors. Twelve cases were dismissed in 5/2009. In 2018 a man stated publicly that he was abused by Soens and another priest while a young seminarian. Soens died in 11/2021, at age 95.

Fr. Edward W. Sokol

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1987
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Miami FL

Professed vows as a Marianist brother in 1962, Province of New York. Left the Order in 1986. Ordained for the Franciscans in 1987. Arrested in 4/2001 in a police sting after arranging over the internet to meet a 15-year-old boy for sex. Pleaded no contest to computer pornography in 12/2001; the judge allowed him to continue running a group home for disabled adult males. Ordered to leave the home in 3/2002 by social services. Also worked in the Boston archdiocese, at Perkins School for the Blind, and in NH. Briefly had privileges in Miami after the Franciscans withdrew his privileges. Included on the Marianists 6/24/2020 list of accused. Noted to be deceased.

Fr. Joseph P. Sokol

Donate Photo
Order: SDB
Ordained: 1935
Status: Accused

Died: 03/30/1970
Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Named publicly as accused by the Archdiocese of New Orleans on its list 2/14/2020. (The archdiocese had initially named Alfred Sokol, SDB, which was a mistake.) Allegation received in 2010 of abuse in the 1940s. Sokol worked at Hope Haven in Marrero. Per the Salesian order on its list in 3/2020, Sokol also worked in NJ, and left the order in 1957. He died in 1970.

Fr. Eugene Alphonse Solega

Ordained: 1941
Status: Accused

Died: 08/18/1985
Diocese: Diocese of Norwich CT

Died 8/18/1985. In 10/2018 a 59-year-old man told a news outlet that Solega sexually abused him when he was a 13-year-old altar boy at St. John's in Old Saybrook. Solega's accuser, along with his therapist, met with Bishop Cote in 4/2018. They said Cote apologized repeatedly. The man's therapist reportedly later asked Cote in writing for some financial help for her client who needed inpatient alcohol treatment. As of 2/2019 the bishop had not responded. Solega's name was not included on the Norwich diocese's list 2/22/2019.

Fr. James E. Somma

Ordained: 1959
Status: Settled

Died: 11/26/2002
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Retired as Air Force chaplain in 1984. In 1988 woman said she was abused as a child by Somma 25 years earlier. Claim judged "not credible" by the diocese; court later dismissed case due to statute of limitations. Remained in ministry until his death in 2002. Per his obit, he had "a passion for children" and adopted two Vietnamese children in 1970. Second allegation in 2002. Civil suit filed by a man in 2004. Claims included in Diocese's 9/2007 $1.25M settlement with 32 plaintiffs alleging abuse by 17 priests. Named in 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. It showed concerns in 1988 of four "potential male victims." Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Joseph Sondergeld

Ordained: 1916
Status: Settled

Died: 11/11/1969
Diocese: Diocese of Spokane WA

Monsignor. Seattle priest until Yakima diocese formed in 1951. Per 6/2003 news articles, Sondergeld was accused of abusing at least three minors. One man filed suit in 2003 alleging abuse in Yakima 1967-1968, and that Sondergeld would give him money after each act. The Diocese claimed Sondergeld, then in his 80s, was senile. Two other men came forward to claim abuse in the 1940s in Spokane. Songergeld died in 1969. A new lawsuit was filed 7/1/2013 against Yakima and Seattle. Included on the Yakima diocese's list 7/9/2019, which  notes multiple claims and lawsuits settled. One victim stated in 2022 that Sondergeld abused at least 35 in the Spokane diocese and at least 11 in Yakima.

Seminarian Dale Soppe

Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

Former seminary student, teacher. Left teaching to become a therapist. Charged in 5/2006 in WI with molesting a former student 50-100 times in 1968 and 1969. Abuse alleged to have occurred in IA and in WI. Pleaded guilty in 7/2008 in WI; sentenced to two years' probation (with 60 days in jail) and a $1,000 fine. Soppe said he was abused by priests as a child. In 12/2008 a court ordered him to pay $14,500 restitution to the plaintiff for counseling. Registered sex offender in WI, living in IA.

Fr. Bartley A. Sorensen

Ordained: 1976
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Arrested 12/10/2011 after a St. John Fisher employee saw child porn on Sorensen's rectory computer and told the Diocese. The computer contained 100+ images of prepubescent males. More charges after additional porn found during search. Had been at the parish three weeks. Was chaplain at West Penn Hospital 2004-2011. Prior to assignment at St. John Fisher, he was at St. Anne's in Castle Shannon for nine months. Federal Indictment. Pleaded guilty 5/23/2012. Sentenced to eight years in prison in 1/2013. Required to register permanently as a sex offender and pay a $25,000 fine. Included in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report, and on the diocese's list of credibly accused.

Br. John Sorisio

Donate Photo
Order: SJ
Status: Sued

Died: 07/20/1957
Diocese: Diocese of Helena MT

One woman alleged abuse as a child by Br. "Seoriso" on multiple occasions at St. Ignatius Mission on Flathead Indian Reservation. Allegations are included in a 9/2011 civil suit against Ursuline Order and Helena Diocese filed by 45 people against multiple nuns, 6 priests and 2 brothers. Br. "John Sorisio" named as accused by the Helena diocese on its list 4/29/2015. Worked at St. Ignatius Mission 1915 until his death 7/20/1957. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018.

Br. Ruben Soto

Order: OFM
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Soto, a Franciscan brother in training, was accused in 1995 of molesting three boys at St. Anthony's Church in Cicero IL. Soto told another friar who alerted authorities. Soto was arrested in 6/1995. The LINKUP (survivors group) later reported that that Soto may have also abused youths in Texas. Included as of 1/2024 on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list of credibly accused. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province.) Noted to have left the Province when his temporary vows expired 6/6/1995.

Fr. Ronald A. Soutiere

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Burlington VT

Named publicly as credibly accused by the diocese on its list 8/22/19. It notes he worked in the diocese 1974-83 and 1999-02. Listed in the 1985 Catholic Directory as a military chaplain. Resigned as pastor of St. Ann's in Milton in 4/02. Placed on leave in 6/02. Faculties revoked 11/2/04.

Fr. Maurice Souza

Ordained: 1939
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Fall River MA

Fall River diocese says it first learned of allegations against Souza in 2012. Plaintiff's attorney said he attempted to settle in mediation but efforts fell through. Civil suit filed 1/4/14 in CT accused Souza of abusing two boy, ages 9-17 while assigned to St. Anthony's in East Falmouth 1977-86. He also allegedly would take the boys to various areas of MA and CT for athletic events and abuse them there. Died in 1996 at age 83. Suit also names former Fall River Bishop Cronin for his failure to properly supervise Souza. Suit was not made public until 5/12/14. Settled 1/19. Included on the diocese's list of accused in 1/21 (as Maurice de Souza).

Fr. Robert Spader

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Identified in the 6/18/2013 Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph as a former friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. Spader's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him. Left the order at some point. Ordained in 1964 as "Fr. Edwin" Spader.

Fr. D. George Spagnolia

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 05/6/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Took a leave of absence in 1973 after a disagreement with the Archdiocese. Returned to active ministry in the early 1990s. Placed on leave without privileges in 2/2002 after an allegation that he sexually abused a 14-year-old boy in 1971. Spagnolia denied the allegation. He later admitted to relationships with two men during his 20-year leave of absence. No criminal charges due to the statute of limitations. Died 5/6/2008. Canonical proceedings were not complete when Spagnolia died, per the Archdiocese's 8/2011 list.

Fr. Nicholas J. Spagnolo

Order: CSS
Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Personnel files released in 2/03 show that Spagnolo was accused of molesting teenage girls in the 1960s. One accuser went to the Archdiocese and Order in 1993 and he admitted he "violated boundaries" while counseling females in the 1960s. Ordered not to minister without supervision. Continued to try to organize retreats for lay and religious women. Working in Lexington MA in 2002. Omitted from 2011 Boston AD database. Died 12/25/13. Included in 1/21 on the Diocese of Fall River's list of accused. Noted to have had "limited faculties to assist in charitable work on Cape Cod."

Fr. William D. Spain

Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 07/20/1993
Diocese: Diocese of San Diego CA

Monsignor. Name included on a list of priests with credible allegations against them released by the San Diego diocese 3/30/2007. Retired in 1986 due to "ill health" and moved to Hawaii. Died in 7/1993. His San Diego personnel file was released 10/25/2010.

Fr. Leon C. Spalding

Ordained: 1959
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

A woman filed suit in 4/2003 alleging that she was molested as a minor by Spalding after confession in the early 1970s. Spalding denied the allegation. Reportedly Spalding retired in 3/2003 after facing an unrelated accusation involving an adult woman. This information came from a letter that Archbishop Kelly read to Spalding's parishioners in 3/2003. Shown as retired in the 2009 Catholic Directory.

Fr. Leonard P. Spanburgh

Ordained: 1959
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Accused in a claim filed with the NJ Independent Victim Compensation Program of sexually abusing an altar boy, about ages 9-13, in 1970-73. Spanburgh was assigned to St. Catherine of Sienna in Cedar Grove during the time of the alleged abuse. Settled in the high five figures in 2/20. Spanburgh had been a Boy Scouts chaplain. Died in 1983.

Fr. Robert E. Spangenberg

Order: CSSp
Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Died: 12/23/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Worked in PA, MI, NC, IL, FL. First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Retired in 2003. Died 12/23/2006. Allegations of abuse of at least two minors in Pittsburgh. The diocese was contacted in 1988 by a woman who said her son had been abused by Spangenberg. The Spiritans moved Spangenberg to FL in 1989 due to the allegations. Kept in ministry. In 2009 a man reported that when he was a 15- to 16-year-old runaway and involved in prostitution, he had many "sexual encounters" with Spangenberg. He said the priest paid him to bring him other "young hustlers" for sex. He said Spangenberg liked to sniff glue while orally copulating the boy, and that he was a "really sick guy - he would have person urinate and defecate on him." On the Raleigh diocese's list in 10/2018. On the Charlotte diocese's list 12/29/2019. Name included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Anthony Spano

Order: SDB
Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 12/18/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Assigned to Salesian schools in NY and NJ. Died in 2008. Named publicly by the Salesian order in 3/2020 on its list of credibly accused. No details given as to when or where the abuse occurred, or number of victims. (Placing him for now in the NY archdiocese, where the Salesians' Eastern Province is based.)

Br. Francis Mary Sparacino

Order: OFM Cap
Status: Accused

Died: 01/19/2015
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Identified in the 6/18/2013 Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph as a current friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. Sparacino's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him. Served most of career as tailor for the Province of St. Joseph. Living in 8/2013 under supervision in a nursing home. Died 1/19/2015. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. John D. Spaulding

Order: SC
Ordained: 1971
Status: Indicted

Died: 02/25/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Phoenix AZ

Removed without faculties 6/2011 when accused of sexual misconduct with a minor in the mid-1980s at St. Maria Goretti in Scottsdale. Review board found allegation credible. County Attorney did not investigate because alleged victim was deceased. A second man filed a complaint 8/2011; no prosecution due to the statute of limitations. Two more accusers came forward. The father of the original victim filed suit in 6/2012; dismissed. Special Tribunal in Rome 1/2014 recommended laicization. In 6/2019 a man alleged Spaulding abused him as a boy. Indicted in 1/2020 related to accusations he abused two boys under age 15 in 2003-2007, while assigned to St. Gabriel's in Phoenix and St. Timothy's in Mesa. Per Spaulding's attorney in 2/2020, the priest was too ill to appear in court for his arraignment. Rescheduled for 3/6/2020, but Spaulding died 2/25/2020.

Fr. John Speaks

Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Died: 06/11/2019
Diocese: Diocese of Owensboro KY

First identified publicly as accused on the 4/12/2019 Owensboro diocesan list of priests with substantiated allegations: 'one allegation deemed substantiated.' Speaks died 6/11/2019. Per his obituary, he was assigned to parishes until 2002, as a chaplain at Owensboro-Daviess Co. Hospital and at Carmel Home. He then worked at a bank for 15 years, apparently without the title 'Fr.' or 'Rev.' 

Fr. Terry W. Specht

Ordained: 1996
Status: Acquitted

Diocese: Diocese of Arlington VA

Spent 20 years in the Navy prior to priesthood. Complaint made in 1/12 that he had been involved in sexual misconduct with a teenage boy in the late 1990s; not removed until 4/12 from position at Holy Spirit Church in Annandale. Was parochial vicar at St. Mary of Sorrows Church in Fairfax at the time of the alleged sexual misconduct. Director of the Office of Child Protection and Safety 2004-2011. Denied the allegations. Reportedly in 2/19, the diocese was unable to decide whether the allegations were credible, and Specht was granted a medical retirement shortly after he was placed on leave. In 12/21 the VA Attorney General announced that Specht was indicted by a grand jury on two felony charges related to the alleged sexual abuse of a child younger than 13, occurring in 2000. Specht was chaplain and assistant principal of St. Paul VI Catholic High School during the time in question.  Found not guilty at trial in 10/22. Per the diocese, Specht would not be returned to ministry.

Fr. Stephen Emmett Speciale

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1985
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused of abuse 1985-1986. Settled in 1993 for $60K. Another suit filed 2003. Accused of sexually abusing a boy, age 11, in 1985 at a Santa Barbara parish. Named in 2004 Los Angeles archdiocesan report. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes a report in 1991 of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring "TBD." Dismissed from the order in 12/1989.

Seminarian Phillip G. Speers

Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

Speers, a former seminary student and teacher at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Yuma, was accused of abusing at least five girls in a second grade class in 1999-2000 as well as possession of child pornography. Settlement of $1.8M in 2003 with the girls and their families. Convicted in 2002 and 2003 but decisions reversed by AZ court of appeals. Retried in 8/2007 and found guilty. Sentenced to 34 years in prison. Possession of child pornography charges dropped. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Michael A. Spegele

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1941
Status: Accused

Died: 03/16/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Bismarck ND

Named publicly as accused by the Bismarck diocese on its list 1/2/20. Allegations made after his death. Substantiated. Died 3/16/98. Added to the La Crosse diocese's list 2/5/20, where he was assigned at some point to St. Francis Hospital. Added to KC-St Joseph list as of 4/21, one substantiated allegation in the diocese noted. Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/22.

Fr. Allan P. Speiser

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Died: 10/5/2001
Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

On 1/03/14 the Diocese of St. Cloud released the names of 33 clergy, including Speiser, accused of the sexual abuse of minors. Held multiple assignments at parishes within the diocese and also for the diocese itself. He retired in 1992 and died 10/5/01.

Fr. Lawrence M. Spellen

Ordained: 1946
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Salt Lake City UT

"Bud." Spellen told Bishop Weigand in 1993 that he was being accused of sexual misconduct during the mid-1980s. Diocese investigated and found some merit in accusations. Spellen was placed on leave. Matter reported to CPS. Apparently the misconduct was still going on because Vicar General offered the youth counseling when he said he wanted to break off the "relationship." Spellen died 2/18/03. Worked in Honolulu at Damien High at one point. Named in 10/13 civil suit in Hawaii. On Salt Lake CIty diocese's list 12/4/18. It notes allegations received 1992, 5/02 and 10/12 of abuse of three minors 1958-69 and 1980s.

Fr. Richard E. Spellman

Ordained: 1943
Status: Settled

Died: 09/2/1989
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

In a proof of claim filed in 5/2019 in the Archdiocese's bankruptcy case a woman alleged that Spellman sexually abused her for years as a child, beginning in about 1957. The claim was included in the Archdiocese's settlement trust in 1/2023. Spellman left the priesthood at some point and married. He died 9/2/1989. In summer 2024 a judge rued against the claimant.

Fr. Timothy Sperber

Ordained: 1978
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Name included on diocese's list released 8/1/18. Accused in 2004 of the sexual abuse of a 9- to 10-year-old girl around 1979, at St. Joan of Arc in Hershey, PA. She said she told the school principal who became angry and called her "a demon-child." Sperber transferred in 1992 to the Archdiocese of Miami. Went on leave in 1998, left priesthood in 2000. Living in Port Charlotte FL in 8/18, music minister at a Congregational United Church of Christ in Punta Gorda.

Fr. James A. Spielman

Ordained: 1970
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Bishop Head knew of allegations of abuse at a Jamestown parish in 1989; sent to treatment 6 months later. Returned to ministry. Accused in 1993 of abusing altar boy for 4 years in the 1970s; $150K settlement in 1994. Left priesthood after abuse reported 1993; moved to AK. Possibly in Naalehu HI as of 2011. Worked in HI parishes at some point. On 3/20/18 diocesan list. Settlement in 2016 for $1.5M with former Walsh High student claiming abuse by Spielman at ages 14-17. Said abused at school, other places in Buffalo, and in Honolulu diocese, and that other students were abused; also plied with alcohol and porn. Said staff at school were told, nothing done. Suit was v Buffalo and Honolulu dioceses, Walsh HS, and Southdown Institute in Toronto, where Spielman was treated 12/89-5/90 and in 1993. Named in 8/19 suit in NY.

Fr. Jeremiah M. Spillane

Order: LC
Ordained: 1986
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of St. Petersburg FL

Chaplain at a Catholic high school in Sarasota (Diocese of Venice) when charged in early 1997 with internet solicitation of a 13-year-old boy, who was actually an undercover policeman. Pleaded no contest to charges. Sentenced to two years house arrest and two years' probation. Admitted abuse in prior assignments in Mexico. Did parish work and taught in schools in Spain, Italy and from 1990 to 1995 in Cozumel, Mexico in the Archdiocese of Yucatan. Dispensed from religious vows in 1998. In March 2021, the Legion of Christ announced that it was adding Spillane to its list of credibly accused priests. It is not clear if that was the result of the 1997 conviction or another more recent allegation. The Florida Sex Offender database lists Spillane's last reported address as Merida, Yucatan (released from probation in 2005).

Fr. Michael J. Spillane

Ordained: 1968
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Accused in 12/1991 of sexually abusing an altar boy, age 13, in 1975-1976. Admitted to the Archdiocese in 1/1992 to having sexually abused six teenage boys 1975-1983. Faculties removed. Had worked since 1986 for the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commission, which advised the USCCB. Was allowed to continue in this role until forced to resign in 2002. The victim who had come forward received of settlement of $22K. In 3/2002 another man reported sexual abuse by Spillane, at age 13 in 1968. Included in 2002 on the Archdiocese's list of accused. A man in 11/2005 reported abuse as a teenager 1986-1989. By 2021 there were allegation of abuse by Spillane of four more boys. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. William J. Spine

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Worked in Peru, Brooklyn NY, Moline IL, Chicago IL, and Lexington KY. Spent time 1990-1991 in Berkeley, CA. He was a teacher, parish assistant and pastor, and associate director of a diocesan hispanic ministry office. Removed from active ministry in 2/2006, several months after the Jesuits received a credible allegation that Spine sexually abused a teenage boy while assigned to Peru in the mid-1970s. The boy was Spine's student. The Official Catholic Directory shows that Spine was living in Rome from 2007 to at least 2010. Included on the Jesuits Midwest Province list in 12/2018. On the Diocese of Lexington's list in 8/2020, where he worked 2001-2006 at St. Paul's. Included on the Chicago archdiocese's list in 10/2022. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least three "reported survivors," of abuse in Lexington KY, Tacna Peru, Bronx NY and Brooklyn NY.

Fr. Paul G. Spisak

Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Died: 01/30/2022
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report, and on the diocese's list of credibly accused. In 10/1998 parish staff found gay and sadomasochistic porn in Spisak's room, along with questionable photos of Spisak with two different teenage boys. The photos were from vacations he would take high school age boys on between 1981-1990. Sent to St. Luke's in MD for evaluation in 11/1998. Kept in ministry. Alleged in 2002 to have abused a boy 15 years prior on a trip. Removed in 5/30/2003. Arrested in 4/2006 after caught at a mall secretly videotaping a man using a urinal. Spisak admitted to police to the act and said he had a "sexual fixation with the male buttocks." Living in 11/2018 at St. John Vianney Manor. Arrested in 11/2021 for filming a 13-year-old boy using the bathroom in a store. The boy told his father who alerted a store security officer. Spisak admitted to the incident to police but denied knowing the victim was 13. Died 1/30/2022.

Fr. Bernard Splawski

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused in 1986 of fondling a student at Bishop Timon High School in South Buffalo. Underwent inpatient treatment for six months and two years of outpatient treatment, then reassigned to Paterson, NJ. Removed from his NJ assignment after 17 years in 2/2003. Was to remain a Franciscan and live in a friary doing "internal work" after renewed complaints from the family of the student. On the Buffalo diocese's list updated 11/5/2018. Included in 10/2021 on the Holy Name Province Franciscans' list of those with substantiated allegations against them.

Br. Philip Spoelker

Order: CFX
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Brother Jude. Joined the Xaverians in 1960. Named publicly as accused by the Order on its list 7/12/2019. Accused in 1982 of abuse of a minor in Leonardtown, MD; sent to the Paracletes in NM for treatment, then returned to ministry. Placed on a safety plan in 2003. Pleaded guilty in 2007 to abusing a male student at Ryken High School in 1978; sentenced to 18 months in prison. Served a year in jail, then paroled. As of 12/2009 he was to move to the Xaverian Brothers in Venice FL where he was to be monitored. Accused in 2009 of abuse in the late 1980s in Birmingham, AL. In 11/2022 he is shown as living as a registered sex offender at the Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer, MO.

Fr. Michael Sprauer

Ordained: 1972
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

Accused of abusing as many as 20 teenage boys at MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility 1972-75. Sued in 2002 and 2003. Sprauer denied the charges. Archdiocese settled with 15 plaintiffs for total of $600K. Suit(s) going to trial in 5/07 against Sprauer and the State of Oregon. Found guilty of abuse of two of three plaintiffs 5/17/07; jury awarded $1.4M in damages. In 7/07 the state agreed to pay $1,050,000 to 14 plaintiffs. Ethics complaint were filed against plaintiff's attorney in 2012 over his handling of cases; his license was suspended in 8/14 for 90 days.

Fr. Alan M. Sprenger

Ordained: 1960
Status: Accused

Died: 04/15/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Columbus OH

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/2019. Noted to have been accused after his death. Prior to ordination, Sprenger was a Marianist brother and taught at Chaminade High School in Dayton, OH and North Catholic High in Pittsburgh, PA. Co-founder of Youth Homes for teenage wards of the court and county children's services. Retired in 2001. Died 4/15/2006.

Fr. William Sprigler

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Antonio TX

Ordained for the San Antonio archdiocese. Accused in 1976 of abuse of two boys. Sent to treatment at Paraclete's in NM. Granted indefinite leave in 1978 to join the Paraclete Fathers. Did not finish process of joining Paracletes. Moved to New Ulm MN diocese 1983, incardinated there in 1988. Director of Priest Personnel 1984-89. Retired in 2016, worked as fill-in priest two FL dioceses and New Ulm. Removed from ministry in 12/18, permanently removed 1/19. On San Antonio's list 1/31/19.

Fr. Christopher Joseph Springer

Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1952
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Baton Rouge LA

Cristoff/Christopher. Worked in Corpus Christi, TX and Baton Rouge. Incardinated into the Baton Rouge diocese in 1973. Faculties removed in 1985. Laicized in 1990. First sued in 1994. Accused of abuse 1968-1980 in several lawsuits. Ten suits were filed in 2006. Some settled. As many as 30 alleged victims. Included on the Baton Rouge diocese's list in early 2019. On the Corpus Christi diocese's list 1/31/2019. Left the diocese in 1971. On Galveston-Houston's list 1/31/2019. On the New Orleans archdiocese's list in 6/2019. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 6/2024 of sexually abusing a boy, age 12, in 1978. The boy and his family were parishioners of St. Gerard Majella in Baton Rouge.

Fr. Matthew Michael Sprouffske

Order: OCarm
Ordained: 1954
Status: Arrested

Died: 01/19/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused in 1986 of abuse in the 1950s of a female relative under age 14. Arrested in 12/2002. Criminal charges dropped in 7/2003 due to CA Supreme Court ruling. Died in 1/2005. At least one claim included in 11/2006 $10M settlement with Order, L.A. archdiocese and 7 people alleging abuse by 5 priests. Archdiocese was to release personnel files as part of 2007 $660M settlement with 508 plaintiffs. Personnel files on 25 priests (including his) was to be released in Fall 2012 after CA Supreme Court rejected appeal by the priests. Included on the Carmeiltes' list 11/22/2020. Added in 2/2021 to the Joliet diocese's list, where he was assigned in 2002 to Carmelite Carefree Village. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Thomas Squires

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Ogdensburg NY

First named publicly as accused by the diocese on its 11/13/18 list. Accused in a suit filed under the NY Child Victims Act in 2019 of abusing boy, age 14, over two years. His accuser said Squires began grooming him at age 11, when his mother was seriously ill with Multiple Sclerosis. The family were parishioners of St. John's in Plattsburgh, where Squires was assigned.

Fr. Joseph L. Sredzinski

Ordained: 1970
Status: Sued

Died: 10/10/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Greensburg PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused in 8/2018. Died in 2015. Found in 5/1991 by police with a young boy in a car parked at night in a cemetery. The mayor of Everson met with Fr. Roger Statnick about the incident, and relayed concerns from the community about Sredzinski spending too much time with boys. Allegation in 6/1991 of misconduct while swimming with a boy, and of inappropriate touch with the boy on a drive to Cleveland. The boy's father forbade Sredzinski's contact with his son. In 4/2002 a woman told the Diocese that Sredzinski sexually abused her relative in 1985 in Brownsville, PA. Accused in a 6/2020 lawsuit of raping and sexually abusing a boy 1991-1997, beginning when the boy was age 11. Per the suit, Sredzinski invited other priests to the rectory to rape the boy during orgies, and the abuse also occurred at church-sponsored events in Washington DC. The suit was filed in DC. 

Fr. Jocelyn St. Arnaud

Donate Photo
Order: OSB
Ordained: 1952
Status: Sued

Died: 09/22/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

Also known as Fr. Pacome St. Arnaud. Accused in 2002 by three men of sexually abusing them as minors in the 1970s. In a civil suit filed in 5/02, the plaintiff said he told other priests in 1971 that he had been abused. After that disclosure, St. Arnaud was transferred to another parish where he allegedly abused the other two plaintiffs. These men filed suits in 11/02. Also history of abuse in Canada before transfer to Portland. Another suit filed in 2005. St Arnaud died 9/22/92 (spelled St. Arnoud the 1993 Directory.)

Fr. Paul Wiley St. Charles

Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Died: 12/27/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Memphis TN

Incardinated into the Memphis diocese in 1971. Diocese's first Catholic Youth Office Director 1971-1973. Retired under pressure from the Diocese in 1986 due to "rumors." Allegations made to the Diocese in 2002 about misconduct dating back to the 1970s. Review board found allegations to be "more likely than not" and placed him on leave in 11/2004. Named in at least six civil suits filed between 2005 and 2008 regarding events that allegedly took place when St. Charles was assigned to Church of the Ascension or Our Lady of Sorrows. At least 17 known accusers. One suit was  dismissed in 3/2009. Three to four settled. Died in 12/2009. On the Nashville diocese's list 11/2/2018. Included in the Memphis diocese's report 2/28/2020. On the Knoxville diocese's list as of 3/6/2020.

Fr. Bernard St. Hilaire

Ordained: 1951
Status: Settled

Died: 07/12/1977
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

A file regarding known child sex offender Fr. Ronald Paquin released in 2/2002 confirms a long-standing sexual relationship between Paquin and St. Hilaire, who died in 1977. St. Hilaire's obituary notes that he was on sick leave from 1968 until his death and that Paquin was the principal celebrant and eulogist at St. Hilaire's funeral mass. St. Hilaire took Paquin under his wing when Paquin was about age 14 and counseled and molested him. One of Paquin's victims said Paquin admitted that he and St. Hilaire slept in the same bed for 30 years. Per files released in 1/2004, one of Paquin's victims said he was also abused by St. Hilaire. This man settled for $20K before 2002. St. Hilaire's name is included on the Boston Archdiocese's 8/2011 list.

Fr. Theodore J. St. Hilaire

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Portland OR

As part of Section 13.1, Non-Monetary Commitments, of the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province, Reorganization Plan (dated 7/18/2011) the Order agreed to post on its website the names of all members of the Province who are identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in proofs of claims filed in the bankruptcy case, and who have not denied the allegation. St. Hilaire's name is included on this list. Included on the Jesuits West Province list. It notes claims in 2009 of abuse 1971-1972.

Fr. George St. Jean

Order: OMI
Status: Settled

Died: 09/19/1982
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

NH Audit shows two reports of same abuse: 1) alleged in 1/04 to the diocese by victim; and 2) reported in 3/08 by victim's sister to Oblates. Boy said he was abused at priest's family camp in MA in 1960 or 1961. Manchester said allegation was Boston issue; St. Jean was not in Manchester diocesan ministry, but Directory has him assigned at Colebrook NH shrine in 1960. Died in 9/82. New suit filed 5/10 and another filed 7/21/10. Plaintiff in 5/10 suit was murdered 9/9/11. Both suits settledin 9/12. On Norwich diocese's list 2/22/19. It notes he left the diocese in 1962.

Fr. Lawrence H. St. Peter

Ordained: 1959
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Superintendent of Catholic schools, Vicar of Priests, parish priest. One complainant settled with the archdiocese 7/1/08 as part of 7/08 $5.5M settlement of 18 people alleging abuse by 3 priests. Per CO A.G.'s report released 10/23/19, the archdiocese received allegations against St. Peter as early as 1970. Church files show reports he abused children, including rape, from the 1960s through the 1990s. Absent on leave 1993-2002. Died 8/18/03. Said to have been living and working at Queen of Peace parish in Denver at the time of his death. In 2/19 a man stated publicly that St. Peter sexually abused him for years, leading to rape age 8 twice in 1982. St. Peter was the boy's father's best friend.

Fr. Roland H. St. Pierre

Order: OMI
Ordained: 1952
Status: Sued

Died: 02/3/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Ogdensburg NY

Accused, along with Rev. Joseph Conti, in a lawsuit filed 4/1/21 of sexually abusing a boy, beginning when the boy was age 4 in 1968 and ending in the early 1970s when the boy was 8. St. Pierre was pastor of St. Peter's in Plattsburgh during the time in question. Per the plaintiff, the abuse included sodomy and took place in a wooded area. The priests are said to have taken turns abusing the boy while the other would watch. St. Pierre was mayor of Plattsbugh 1972-77. He died 2/13/10.

Fr. Chester S. Stachewicz

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 04/8/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

First revealed in 3/20/18 diocesan list as removed, retired, or having left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. Per obit, joined the 'Orthodox-Catholic Church of America' (OCCA ) in 1989, via whom he worked as priest in NM. Died 4/8/10 in Albuquerque, NM.

Fr. George J. Stack

Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Removed from ministry in 2002. One of 12 priests and a religious brother named as perpetrators in a lawsuit filed against the Brooklyn diocese in 10/2002 by 43 plaintiffs. One man said Stack abused him in the 1970s at Cathedral Prep. In a massive civil suit filed 10/1/2003, 27 people alleged abuse by 24 priests, including Stack. One man and the estate of another claimed that the two were abused by Stack in the 1960s at Our Lady of Snow parish and school. Included on the diocese's list in 2/2019.

Fr. Gilbert Stack

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1939
Status: Accused

Died: 09/30/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Rapid City SD

Accused in 1992 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in Sturgis, SD 1951/1952. Stack denied the allegations. He had been living in retirement at Conception Abbey in MO for many years. Bishop said the allegations were credible. No criminal charges or litigation filed. Stack died 9/30/07. Name included on the Rapid City diocese's list in 3/19. On the Conception Abbey Benedictines' list of credibly accused 8/5/19, noting alleged incident(s) 1949-53, in South Dakota.

Fr. Jerome Stack

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Santa Rosa CA

Parish priest, high school and college instructor, state psychiatric facility chaplain in CA, and secretary general for six years for his order in Rome. Retired in 2017 to Mesa, AZ, where he assisted at local parishes. Removed from active ministry in 2019 after the Cincinnati Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood received an allegation that Stack sexually abused a minor in 1979. The order's review board deemed the allegation credible. Assigned to the Diocese of Santa Rosa 1971-1981. Included on the Archdiocese of Los Angeles list of accused in 12/2021.

Fr. John J. Stack

Ordained: 1988
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Diocese of Davenport IA

Chaplain at Mercy Medical in Clinton when suspended 4/22/2013. Accused of inappropriately touching minors in the late 1980s while parochial vicar at Holy Family in Davenport. Investigated by County Attorney and diocese. Last parish assignment apparently ended in 6/2006, per diocesan assignment list. Announcement 6/17/2016 that the Vatican determined charges were "not proven," without a finding of innocence or guilt. Returned to ministry. In 5/2023 the Diocese announced a new allegation, of "inappropriate sexual behavior" with a minor in the 1990s. Removed from ministry pending investigation. Reinstated by the Diocese in 3/2024, the outcome of the investigation unclear. Allowed to fill in for ill or vacationing, etc. priests; future assignments to be determined by the next bishop.

Fr. Thomas Stack

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1944
Status: Accused

Died: 02/24/1987
Diocese: Diocese of Duluth MN

On 12/31/2013 the diocese released its list of 17 clergy, including Stack, who had been credibly accused of the sexual abuse of young persons while serving in the diocese and another five who had been accused while residing in the diocese at some time. Stack's last assignment ended 2/13/1987. He died 2/24/1987. In 3/2016 the sister of a man who died an alcoholic at age 42 in 1986 said her brother told her in the 1960s that Stack sexually abused him when he was an altar boy in the 1950s in Hoyt Lakes. She informed Bishop Schnurr in 2002.

Br. William Stadtfeld

Order: CP
Status: Settled

Died: 08/23/2001
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Made temporary vows 7/9/1944; final vows 7/9/1947. Accused of sexually abusing two sisters between 1958 and 1966. Died 8/23/2001. (Last name spelled as in per personnel file; it is misspelled in his L.A. archdiocesan obituary.) The 2/17/2004 Archdiocesan Report notes one civil suit filed. Both sisters settled as part of a $660M settlement in 7/2007.

Fr. Matthew Stafki

Ordained: 2014
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) priest on sabbatical when criminally charged in 9/2022 with sexually assaulting a girl, ages 9-11, during 1/2019-5/2022. Stafki admitted to the girl's father, who is his brother, that he "had given into lust." The abuse took place at the girl's home in Oak Grove, MN. Stafki was reportedly last assigned to a St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Kansas City, MO in 2019 and to a SSPX chapel in Oklahoma. His first assignment after ordination was at Holy Cross Priory in Nairobi, Kenya. The SSPX issued a statement in 11/2022 that when the allegations were deemed credible Stafki's ministry was completely restricted and he was no longer a member. Pleaded guilty 3/8/2023. Sentenced 6/27/2023 to 90 months in prison.

Fr. George A. Stallings, Jr.

Ordained: 1974
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Accused in 1989 of past abuse of a 16-year-old boy. Another person had allegedly reported abuse by Stallings to the Cardinal in 1986. A third man claimed Stallings abused him 1976-1984. Cardinal Hickey ordered Stallings to treatment in 1989 but Stallings refused, then formed his own breakaway congregation as a Black Catholic church. He was ater excommunicated but claims he left because of racism. One man filed suit in 2008 which settled in 10/2009 for $125K.

Fr. David Stalzer

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1974
Status: Sued

Died: 06/18/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

A 1993 civil suit claimed that Revs. Stalzer and Lawrence M. Gibbs abused the plaintiff as a minor in 1981. The suit was dismissed in 1994 by the court after the plaintiff claimed to have been treated by two psychologists and both denied having seen the man. Stalzer was returned to ministry in 4/93, under supervision and with limited contact with minors, prior to resolution of the suit. He died in 2000.

Br. Wellington Joseph Stanislaus

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Order: SJ
Status: Indicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Entered the Jesuits in 1965. Transferred from San Jose to Phoenix in 1971 after he was accused of molesting teenage boys at a boys' home. Allowed to work with youth programs in Phoenix while the Order was working to have him dismissed. Arrested in 2003 on two felony accounts of abusing a 16-year old-boy in 1969; the boy was a resident of a Los Gatos home for troubled boys. Charges dismissed in 6/2003 after a ruling by the Supreme Court regarding the statute of limitations. Name included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes the sexual abuse of a minor 1968-1970, reported in 2002. Assigned to Juvenile Hall in San Jose, CA at the time of the alleged abuse. Dismissed from the Jesuits in 1972.

Fr. Stanley Staniszewski

Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Died: 04/2/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Gary IN

Ordained for the Diocese of Warsaw, Poland. Worked in the Gary IN diocese 1974-1983, the Chicago archdiocese 1990-1993, the Kalamazoo diocese 1994-1998, and in the Sioux Falls diocese 1998-2002. Accused in 7/2007 of sexual abuse while in Gary IN. Allegations then surfaced that he had abused two boys in the 1990s in Kalamazoo; deemed credible. Staniszewski reportedly was living in FL, no longer in active ministry. Accused in a civil suit in Gary of abuse of a boy at Casimir Catholic Church's grade school 1979-1981. Included on the Gary diocese's list released 8/27/2018. Noted to have died 4/2/2016. Per his obituary, Staniszewski had been living in Glen Ellyn, IL. Included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. Included in the MI Attorney General's report on Kalamazoo 5/22/24 .

Fr. John A. Stankiewicz

Order: SSE
Ordained: 1941
Status: Accused

Died: 01/12/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Burlington VT

Accusations "quietly" made public by the Edmundites on a list posted to its website around 9/19. Retired 1989. In 1992 two people reported to the order abuse in the 1950s by Stankiewicz. Allegations substantiated. The order paid for the victims' counseling. Stankiewicz was inducted in 1994 to the order's St. Michael's College Athletic Hall of Fame. Died 1/12/2000.

Fr. Brian L. Stanley

Ordained: 1996
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of Kalamazoo MI

In 8/2019 the MI Attorney General announced charges against Stanley of false imprisonment. In 2013 he was placed on leave after an allegation that he held a teenage boy against his will in the janitor's room at St. Margaret's, wrapping the boy in plastic wrap and covering his eyes and mouth with masking tape. The boy's parents had reportedly asked Stanley to counsel him. Per the A.G., diocesan records show that this behavior by Stanley had been occurring for "decades" and was sexually motivated. Police investigated in 2013; no charges. Reinstated. Removed again in 1/2017 after more allegations. Pleaded guilty. Sentenced in a plea deal 1/27/2020 to 60 days in jail, five years probation and to register as a sex offender for 15 years. Reportedly state police removed him from the registry due to a ruling in another case. Per the A.G., three other victims had come forward, one alleging abuse at age 13. Included in 4/2024 on the Diocese's list of those disqualified from working with children. Noted to be forbidden to function as a priest. Included in the 6/22/2024 MI A.G.'s Kalamazoo report.

Fr. Leonard F. Stanton

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1943
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Ordained for Boston, transferred to Sioux Falls SD after several years, where he had long career and leadership positions, including Director of Catholic Boy Scouts. Died 4/3/97. One of 12 priests named as abusers in a 9/02 civil suit filed by 27 plaintiffs. Archdiocese accused of cover-up. On Sioux Falls diocese's list in 3/19. It notes that his faculties were removed 4/93.

Fr. William George Stanton

Ordained: 1949
Status: Sued

Died: 01/7/2004
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Monsignor. Multiple allegations, most of abuse when vice-principal in the 1960s of Bishop Turner High School. In 1993 a man alleged abuse while a Turner student, another in 2008. First named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list updated 11/4/18. Died 1/7/04. Two men filed suits after 2018 in State Supreme Court alleging abuse at ages 14 and 15. Also accused of abusing a girl, age 8, at a Newfane parish in the 1970s, and a boy, age 12, at a Niagara Falls parish in the early 1950s. The boy reportedly lost his hearing due to Stanton hitting him after the abuse. Named in a lawsuit under the NY Child Victims Act in 8/19.

Fr. Verne Stapenhorst

Ordained: 1961
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Sioux City IA

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Sioux City diocese on its list 2/22/2019. Accused of abuse in 1976 of a male minor. Retired in 2004. Faculties removed in 2011. Living in 2019 outside of IA. Included on the Las Vegas diocese's list 4/12/2019; worked at some point in Overton and Mesquite NV.

Fr. Charles Stark

Ordained: 1944
Status: Sued

Died: 03/2/1991
Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Ordained for the St. Paul archdiocese, incardinated in 1957 into the New Ulm diocese when it was formed. Named publicly by the diocese in 2/16 as credibly accused of sex abuse at St. John's in Darwin 1965-69. Worked in St. Paul, Faribault, Winsted, Vesta, Tyler, Gaylord, Darwin, Granite Falls, Clements, and Sanborn. Retired in 1986. Died in 1991. Suit filed in 3/16 claimed sex abuse 1969 of an 11-year-old boy who was a CCD student at St. John's in Darwin. Another suit was to be filed claiming abuse by Stark at St. John's 1967-68. A third suit pending in 3/16 claimed abuse by Stark at another parish. Named added 11/3/17 to St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese's list of credibly accused .

Fr. James P. Stark

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 03/29/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Permanently removed from ministry in 1986. Died in 1999. One of nine new names included on revised Archdiocesan 2/17/14 list of clergy with substantiated claims regarding abuse of minors. No details of abuse were revealed. Name found by an independent group during review of personnel files.

Fr. John C. Starostka

Ordained: 1961
Status: Accused

Died: 12/24/2012
Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Starostka retired in 6/02 citing health problems. "Administrative dismissal" announced 8/16/02. "Information had been gathered that included an admission of past sexual abuse or misconduct or allegations that were established as credible." Died 12/24/12. On the archdiocese's list 11/30/18. It notes reports received 2001 and 2002 of abuse 1972-1974 and 2000. Per the NE Attorney General, Chancellor Rev. Michael Gutgsell was told by a man in 2000 that his two altar boy sons had recently been inappropriately touched repeatedly by Starstoka, and in 2002 a man told Gutgsell that he was repeatedly sodomized as an 11-year-old altar boy by Straostka. Neither case was reported to police until 2004. The A.G.'s 11/21 report shows that the man victimized in the early 1970s claimed he reported his abuse to the archdiocese in the early 1980s and again in the early 1990s, and was told both times they would get back to him; they didn't. The man said he spoke with a parish priest in 1996 - again no action. After he spoke with Gutsgsell in 2002, the man was told that Starostka admitted to the abuse. Starostka's file also shows indications of complaints of grooming behavior toward other children.

Fr. James Frederick Stauber

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 08/14/2010
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Priest of the La Crosse diocese, transferred to San Bernardino in the early 1980s. Resigned in 1993 without admitting wrongdoing after he was accused of having had sex with a minor in St. Louis, MO 22 years prior. Bishop Straling placed him on leave. Stauber admitted to being a recovering alcoholic. Died 8/14/10 in CA. Buried as priest in WI. On San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/18. On St. Louis archdiocese's list 7/26/19. On the La Crosse diocese's list 1/18/20, noting multiple substantiated allegations.

Fr. Donald L. Stavinoha

Order: OMI
Ordained: 1970
Status: Convicted

Died: 03/27/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston TX

Worked in the Dioceses of Corpus Christi, San Antonio and Galveston-Houston in TX and in the Diocese of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico. In 1986 a police officer caught Stavinoha performing a sex act on a young boy in a church van in Houston. The boy said it had happened before. Diocese removed Stanihova's privileges and sent him to therapy. Pleaded guilty in 1988. Sentenced to 10 years in jail; released 3/14/1991 and put on probation. Civil suit filed, settled, and sealed. Returned under supervision to his Order in San Antonio. In 2002 was known to be living at RECON, a MO treatment center. Died 3/27/2007 in Houston, per Oblate newsletter. On Galveston-Houston Archdiocese's list 1/31/2019.

Fr. Lawrence F. Stebler

Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Died: 06/9/1997
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Diocese's list of accused. Died in 1997. Report to the diocese that Stebler sexually abused an 8- to 9-year-old boy over two to three years in the 1960s, when Stelber was assigned to St. Hilary in Washington, PA. He said the priest was a close family friend who would often visit his home; the abuse allegedly happened under the guise of Stebler tucking the boy into bed at night.

Fr. James R. Steel

Ordained: 1968
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Steel left the priesthood in 5/1992 and was laicized in 3/2001. A man came forward in 2002 to allege abuse in 1982 when he was age 13 by Steel and Donald Ryniecki, a school principal at St. Joseph the Worker. In 11/2006 the Archdiocesan Review Board determined that there was reason to believe the allegations were credible. One claim was included in an 8/2008 $12.7M settlement involving 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. Name included on the Archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Personnel file released in 1/2014. Also believed to have abused the same boy in northern WI. No criminal charges were expected to be filed in WI as of 5/1/2014, due to the statute of limitations. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Edward A. Stefanich

Ordained: 1965
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Stefanich abused a 15-year-old girl for 16 months 1985-1986. The Church was warned by a counselor about the relationship in 1986; they promised to handle it but did nothing until 1987, after Stefanich proposed marriage and the girl's parents complained. He was removed then. Stefanich was indicted and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced in 1987 to six months in jail and a year of counseling. Laicized in 1988. Police admitted they knew he had also abused another girl. Settled with family in 4/1988 for $450K. In a suit filed in 9/2003 a man accused him of abuse 1969-1970. His name was included in 4/2006 on the diocese's list of credibly accused. Stefanich died in 2016, per the diocese's list updated in 12/2018. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least 5 "reported survivors."

Fr. Carl J. Steffen

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 07/15/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Diocese knew as early as 1966 of allegations, when Steffen was a high school chaplain. Several parents complained about his behavior with their sons, including fondling. A female student said he spoke to her about masturbation, intercourse and "certain aberrations of the marital act." Transferred 5/1969. More accusation 1993 and 1997 of inappropriate sexual talk to minors. Report in 1993 that in 1968 he touched the genital area of a hospitalized 10-year-old boy. Bishop Dattilo said in 2/2002 there would be no penalty due to "insufficient evidence" of "overt offense." Steffen was warned in 2/2003. Faculties for hearing confessions removed in 2/2009 for inappropriate sexual questioning within the sacrament. Name included on the diocese's list released 8/1/2018. Died 7/15/2015. Included in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Added to Baltimore's list in 9/2018. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. David Steffy

Order: LC
Ordained: 1994
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 4/21 of sexually abusing a boy in the 1990s at Immaculate Conception Apostolic School in Center Harbor NH. Working in Atlanta when transferred in 2019 to an assignment in Jerusalem.

Fr. John Joseph Steger

Ordained: 1951
Status: Charged

Died: 03/4/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Rochester NY

Placed on leave in 5/06 after allegations that he had recently sexually abused a 12-year-old girl. Criminal charges filed. Steger pled not guilty to all charges. In 3/07 prosecutors and defense counsel began an effort to reach a plea agreement due to Steger's age (80) and poor physical condition. Still on leave when he died in 3/08. Criminal proceedings were not complete, per 6/7/12 statement from Diocese.

Fr. Raymond V. Stegmann

Ordained: 1950
Status: Sued

Died: 06/9/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Monsignor. Stegmann (or Stegman) was named as an abuser in one of two lawsuits filed in 2003 against the Rockville Centre diocese and numerous priests. Accused of fondling and sodomizing a 17-year-old sacristan on several occasions. Died 6/9/2000. Included on the Brooklyn diocese's list in 2/2019 (name spelled Stegman). On Rockville Centre's list in 3/2021. It notes abuse allegedly occurring at St. Gertrude's in Bayville, where he was assigned from 6/1978, St. Boniface in Elmong, where he was assigned from 6/1950, at a Stegmann family home in Valley Stream, in local hotels and on out-of-state trips.

Fr. Raymond Steichen

Order: SDB
Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Died: 02/10/2022
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Ordained for the Salesians. Taught at Don Bosco Technical High School in Rosemead CA. Went on leave of absence in about 1972. Civil Air Patrol chaplain. Became involved as a priest in a traditionalist Catholic church. Name (misspelled Stiechen) quietly added, along with 23 others, to the Los Angeles Archdiocese's Final Addendum posted on its website 1/31/2013. Per the Archdiocese's list in 12/2018, Stiechen had been laicized. Reportedly died in 2022.

Fr. Mark A. Steidle

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1993
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Covington KY

Removed 4/20/2004 after allegations that he had inappropriately touched a minor in the fall of 1994 at Marydale Retreat Center, where he was chaplain. He denied all allegations. Included on the diocese's list 7/31/2020 of those with substantiated allegation(s). Noted to have been a resident of RECON/Wounded Brothers Proect, a facility for troubled priests near St. Louis, MO as of 7/2/2000. Died in 2009.

Fr. James W. Stein

Order: OPraem
Ordained: 1986
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

Pleaded no contest in 1991 to touching a man in a sauna. Charged in 9/2003 with three counts of felony second-degree sexual assault of a boy at Notre Dame Academy in Green Bay. The victim said that in 1988 Stein groped him several times in a swimming pool and hot tub at the Norbertine Abbey. Pleaded no contest in  8/2004. Sentenced to a year in jail (work release) and 10 years' probation in 12/2004. On WI Sex Offender Register 2/5/2012. On Jackson diocese's list 3/19/2019. On St. Norbert Abbey in WI list 7/19/2019. In notes multiple allegations, and that he left the abbey and ministry. Accused by another man of abuse as a boy in 1989, including forced oral sex. The man also alleged abuse by two other Norbertines. The Order agreed in 2009 to provide monthly payments to the man for counseling and medicine. They stopped payment in 5/2019. The man died by suicide at age 45 in 3/2020. Reportedly in 9/2021, Stein was working at a Milwaukee-area restaurant as a dishwasher. Name included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. John Francis Stein

Ordained: 1944
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Accusation to the archdiocese in 1991 that Stein sexually abused a boy hundreds of times over a three-year period at St. Catherine of Siena parish in Iliff, beginning in 1953 when the boy was age 10. Claim settled 9/96 with strict confidentiality agreement. Had been convicted in 1946 in Golden CO for "indecent liberties" with a boy, age 6. Sentenced to 18-months in jail; archdiocese intervened and he did not serve his sentence. Allegedly abused at least three boys while at St. Catherine's in Iliff. Arrested again 1956 for child sex abuse. Released on condition he leave town. Sent to treatment in Denver, Oshkosh WI, then Paracletes in Jemez Springs. Per file, at least four victms in NM. Laicized in 1958. Died in 11/01 at age 84. Obituary referred to him as "Rev." Stein.

Br. James Bernard Steinbach

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Order: CM
Status: Accused

Died: 12/26/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. It notes alleged abuse in the 1960s, reported in 2007. Steinbach was removed from ministry in 2007. Died 12/26/2007. The list does not reveal the location of the alleged abuse. (Placing him under St. Louis, which is where the Order is based.)

Fr. Bernard Steiner

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Accused in civil lawsuit filed 4/15/16 sexual abuse of a boy, ages 9-10, in about 1971-72 at St. Paul in Comfrey. Steiner worked in parishes throughout Southern and West-Central MN. Retired in 2005. Returned to limited ministry in early 2018.

Fr. Robert O. Steinhausen

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Died: 02/7/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Named publicly as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/30/19. It notes allegations received in 2008 of abuse 1982-1986. Steinhausen died in 1993. Its 3/1/19 list notes allegations received also in 2019. Per the NE A.G.'s 11/21 report, the two known victims were both boys, one 14-15 when abused, the other in his early to mid-teens. 

Fr. Steven Gerard Stencil

Ordained: 1981
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

Diocesan Vocations Director. In 2000 a youth told church officials that Stencil groped him at age 17 in 1999 at a pool party. Matter turned over to police. No charges. Church investigation deemed the incident accidental. Stencil was placed on leave in 2001 after violating a diocesan policy forbidding priests from being in the company of minors overnight. He had taken a trip to Mexico with one parent and several teenage boys. The same youth complained again in 2002. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused. Per the Diocese, Stencil was removed from priesthood in 2011; Stencil said he asked to be voluntarily defrocked. Stencil went on to work in the foster care system and, in 2019, began work as a driver for school and scout groups.

Fr. Robert A. Stepek

Ordained: 1981
Status: Sued

Died: 06/25/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Accused in 5/2006 of sexually abusing two brothers, ages 9 and 16, during his first assignment 1981-1983. He denied the allegations. A Review Board finding of reasonable cause was announced 11/4/2006; permanently removed. He filed a $4M defamation suit against the brothers in 11/2006 and petitioned the Vatican. The brothers sued Cardinal George 12/13/2006 alleging violation of confidentiality and sued Stepek on 8/29/2007. Included in 2008 on the Archdiocese's list of those with substantiated allegations. A suit filed in 5/2009 claimed abuse of a minor in 1987. Reinstated with no assignment and limited privileges after a canonical trial in 2013. Died 6/25/2016. Included in the IL Attorney General's Report 5/23/2023, which notes three "reported survivors."

Fr. Charles F. Stephney

Donate Photo
Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1980
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Ordination date unclear - may have been 1980, possibly earlier. In 1981 Stephney was assigned to a Cincinnati parish and was chaplain at a Cincinnati jail. Several boys accused him of making sexual advances and jail officials asked him to leave. His Order sent him for treatment in Brooklyn NY and he was assigned to a parish there. In defiance of his Order, he left for Baltimore and went to work in DC for accused priest Rev. George Stallings in 1987. Stallings broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and started his own "Imani Temple." In 1990 Stephney was known to be assisting Stallings there.

Fr. Allen F. Stepien

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Placed on leave 2002 after allegations of sexual contact with minors in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Allegations deemed credible in 2003; diocese asked Vatican to order a church trial. Shown as retired per 2009 Catholic Directory. On diocese's list 2/13/19.

Fr. Michael John Stevens

Ordained: 1980
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Pleaded guilty in Anoka County Court in 1987 to sexual misconduct with a minor. Sentenced to 5 years probation, fine and treatment in NM. In 2002 Archbishop Flynn admitted that Stevens had been working on archdiocese's computer services team after past offenses. Flynn said his case had been made public in the past, archdiocesan staff was notified and his position did not involve working with children. Permanently removed from ministry 2002. Included on the archdiocese's list of credibly accused in 12/13. Believed to be living in St. Paul in 2013. May also be referred to as John Michael Stevens, per files released 03/31/14.

Fr. Paul G. Stevens

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

A man complained in 1/2003 and again in 7/2004 that Stevens fondled and groped him on one occasion in 1969 or 1970 after a ski trip. A second man alleged that Stevens abused him in 1974 when he was 13. Abuse was said to have occurred at Stevens' camp in Franconia. Stevens took a leave of absence 1/1987 for health reasons and later chose not to return to ministry. Per the diocese's list 7/31/2019, Stevens' canonical case was still in process.

Fr. Fergus (Francis) Stevenson

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 11/14/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Sioux City IA

Named publicly as accused by the Sioux City diocese on its 2/22/2019 list. Assigned 1975-1985 to St. Boniface parish. One allegation noted, of abuse of a boy in 1976. Died in 1991, per the Sioux City diocese's list updated 9/24/2019. Included as of 1/2024 on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list of credibly accused. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province.)

Fr. Kenneth Stewart

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Identified in the 6/18/2013 Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph as a former friar with confirmed reports of the sexual abuse of minors. Stewart's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him. The audit reported that he had been removed from ministry and placed under supervision. He left the Order and was laicized at some point. On the Saginaw diocese's list by 8/9/2019, where he was assigned 1973-1974. Name included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. Victor E. Stewart

Ordained: 1978
Status: Settled

Died: 06/6/1994
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Alleged to have sexually abused boys throughout his priesthood. Some lived with him in his parish rectories, with Cardinal Bernardin's knowledge. Accused in 1991 of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from his parish; archdiocesan officials had long been hearing complaints about this from parishioners, and about young men and young boys in the rectory. Made to resign in 8/1991. Assigned in 6/1992 as chaplain to a Rehab Center. Died 6/6/1994. By 7/2005, 14 alleged victims had settled claims against the archdiocese for a total of $3M and settlements were pending for 8 others. In 2005 several alleged victims filed a complaint accusing Chicago police of complicity in their abuse by silencing some of them when they tried to tell in the 1990s. Included in 3/2006 on the Archdiocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. There were a total of 33 claims against Stewart by 2009. Personnel file released in 1/2014. Included in the 4/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 47 "reported survivors."

Fr. Richard Stieglitz

Ordained: 1973
Status: Sued

Died: 11/6/2024
Diocese: Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend IN

Bishop D'Arcy forced Stieglitz to resign from Queen of Angels Parish in 12/1993 after he adopted four Haitian youths in 1992. Accused in a 1994 lawsuit of sexual battery against a 7th- or 8th-grade boy in 1980 while assigned to St. Jude Catholic School. The suit was later dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Accused in 2010 of abuse in 1975 while at South Bend Holy Family. Laicized on 7/7/2007. Included on the Diocese's 9/18/2018 list; five credible allegations noted. Stieglitz died 11/06/2024.

Fr. Francis Stinner

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

First complaint to the Archdiocese was in 1988 of the sexual abuse of a boy. The boy's parents complained again in 1995 when they learned Stinner was still active. Removed in 1997 after the allegation became public. The Archdiocese paid a large settlement but didn't turn the investigative report over to police. Stinner began saying mass again; this privilege was removed in 2002. There are allegedly at least 10 victims of abuse by Stinner,  including rape. Laicized in 2005. Settlements in 5/2017 and 10/2017 as part of Archdiocese's compensation program. Stinner died in 8/2017. Included on the Archdiocese's list 4/26/2019. Settlement in 2/2020 in the low six figures in a suit claiming abuse of a boy, age 14, in 1972 while assigned to Burke High School. The boy was a student. Reportedly silenced a former student in 1985 who told him he had been abused by Boy Scouts camp director and Catholic school teacher Michael J. O'Hara. Stinner told the young man to say 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys, absolved him of his 'sin' and told him never to speak of it again. O'Hara was later convicted.

Fr. Thomas S. Stitts

Ordained: 1962
Status: Settled

Died: 10/13/1985
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Two men filed suits alleging they were molested by Stitts in late 1960s and early 1970s at two separate churches. Archdiocese received lawsuits 1/93; suits not public until they were filed with court in 1/95. Permanently removed from ministry in 1985 and died same year at age 50. New suit filed in 3/10 by four men claiming Archdiocese knew of Stitts' history before or during the time he was abusing them. Two more suits filed 6/10. Four brothers filed suit 11/15/10. Another suit filed 6/14/13. Included on the Archdiocese's list of credibly accused in 12/13. Ongoing battle in court to obtain personnel files and other archdiocesan files. Files released in 8/14. Plaintiff in 6/14/13 suit, whose mother attempted to report his abuse in 1971 but was turned away by the Archdiocese, reached a settlement 08/20/14.

Fr. William McSherry Stock

Ordained: 1969
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Stock left the priesthood in 1985. In 3/2006 a man reported he was sexually assaulted by Stock at age 17 in 1980. Stock was assigned to St. Peter's in Olney at the time in question; the boy had gone to him for counseling. Stock was arrested and charged in 5/2006. Arrested again 9/2006 and charged with abusing a 14-year-old boy in the late 1970s. Pleaded guilty to the abuse of both boys. Sentenced n 11/2007 to 19 months in prison.  Included on the Archdiocese's list 10/15/2018.

Fr. Thomas Ronald Stocker

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1963
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Green Bay WI

A 5/94 suit alleged that Stocker and Fr. Robert Thompson assaulted four boys 1963-67, with Stocker perpetrating most of the abuse, and Thompson watching and assaulting one boy. Lower court dismissed on SOL and that the First Amendment shielded the Diocese etc. from liability. Affirmed by Court of Appeals. Placed on leave by the Diocese in 1995. Stocker admitted in deposition that he had sexual contact with at least some of the victims. On diocese's list 1/17/19. Multiple substantiated allegations of abuse occurring 1960s, 1970s, 1980s. Resigned from priesthood in 1999, laicized in 2003.

Fr. Elmer Stoffel

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1938
Status: Accused

Died: 12/2/1992
Diocese: Diocese of Saginaw MI

Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Saginaw on its list in 2019. Assigned to the diocese 1958-1970. Died 12/2/1992. Included on the Capuchins St. Joseph Province list of those with substantiated allegations against them.

Fr. Richard W. Stohr

Ordained: 1947
Status: Accused

Died: 09/25/1995
Diocese: Archdiocese of Seattle WA

Started Seattle's Catholic Youth Organization in 1950. Died 9/25/1995. Name included on the archdiocese's list 1/15/2016 of clergy and religious with established, admitted or credible allegations against them of sexual abuse of a minor.

Fr. Joseph H. Stoltz

Ordained: 1973
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Louisville KY

Sent for evaluation and treatment and placed on a restricted ministry in 1991 after allegations of abuse of a boy in the 1970s. The Archdiocese paid this accuser $200K in 1992, reportedly to "silence" him. Stoltz was placed on leave in 6/2002. Sued in 9/2002 by another man who accused him of abuse 1975-1977. Permanently removed from ministry in 10/2002. Resigned from the priesthood. Laicization announced in 8/2004.

Fr. William F. Stolzman

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Rapid City SD

Ordained for the Jesuits. Worked on Native American missions in SD 1973-88. Left the Order. Incardinated into the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese 1994. Investigated 1997 for possible child porn. Assessed at Vianney Hospital in PA. "Cleared." Report to archdiocese in 3/08 of abuse of a boy in the early to mid-1970s. Stolzman denied the accusation. Placed on leave. Retired. Case "closed" in 4/10; allowed ministry. File released as part of settlement in 1/15; case reopened. Again placed on leave. Had been involved in Correctional Ministries and at least one parish.

Fr. Carl Stone

Order: SMM
Ordained: 1942
Status: Convicted

Died: 11/29/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Ogdensburg NY

Named publicly in Canada 7/30/08 as accused. On 7/31/08 the Albany diocese acknowledged, in response to pressure from SNAP, that it had removed Stone from ministry in 1981 after he pled guilty to sodomizing two teenage brothers in Colonie, NY. He had worked in the Albany diocese for about 11 years. Prior to Albany, Stone worked in the Diocese of Ogdensburg, where he was also accused. After his 1981 conviction, and while on probation, Bishop LaRocque of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario, Canada hired Stone. LaRocque had full knowledge of Stone's history of abuse. After new allegations in 1985, Larocque terminated him. Stone died in 11/06.

Fr. James O. Storm

Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 06/20/1974
Diocese: Diocese of Joliet IL

Died in 1974. Name included on Joliet diocese's list of priests with credible allegations of sexual abuse of minors as revised 3/12/2013. The allegations were received after his death and thus were shown as "unresolved" on the list. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes two "reported survivors."

Fr. Gerald E. Stouvenel

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Davenport IA

Placed on leave in 7/2007 after allegations by four people that he sexually molested them when they were minors more than 30 years prior. No criminal charges filed due to the statute of limitations. As of 2/2008 the Review Board recommended laicization and the bishop agreed to petition the Vatican. Found guilty by Review Board in 11/2008. Name added to the diocese'd list of credibly accused priests in 5/2009, noting allegations of abuse of three male minors. The Vatican decreed a life of prayer and penance but no laicization. Living at chancery as of 6/2011. In 2018 a man stated publicly that he was abused as a young seminarian by Stouvenel and Bishop Soens, and that he was abused as a child by four other priests. In 4/2024 Stouvenel appears to be living in Pompano Beach, FL.

Br. Michael E. Stoyles

Donate Photo
Order: CFC
Status: Sued

Died: 02/4/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Stoyles in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based. Stoyles was born 12/30/1903 and died 2/4/1991.

Fr. Francis V. Strahan

Ordained: 1959
Status: Charges dropped

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Monsignor. Pastor of St. Bridget's in Framingham since 1983. Former faculty member of St. John's Seminary College and Theologate. Placed on administrative leave in 10/2019, at age 86, during investigation of an allegation that he raped and sexually assaulted an altar server, ages 11-13, on two occasion between 2004 and 2008 and pressed his body against the boy's on one occasion. Included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2022, noted to be on leave and case in progress. Indicted in 11/2022 on charges of rape of a child and indecent assault and battery on a child under age 14. In 9/2023 the Archdiocese announced that the charges were dropped because Strahan's accuser declined to testify in court, citing increasing PTSD symptoms. Strahan was to remain on leave pending the Archdiocese's investigation. There was also an ongoing civil lawsuit. 

Fr. Ralph S. Strand

Ordained: 1964
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 04/6/2013
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Multiple allegations. Removed from public ministry in 3/1993. Pleaded guilty in 1995 to criminal sexual assault of a child for abusing a boy over three years, beginning when the boy was age 15 in 1990. Received a 4-year sentence in a plea bargain. Paroled in 4/1997 after serving 21 months. Registered sex offender. Allowed to wear his Roman collar in public by the Archdiocese in 1999, after parole was completed. Accompanied Cardinal George on a pilgrimage to Mexico in 2001. Included in a 10/2005 settlement with the Archdiocese. Last known to be living at University of St. Mary of the Lake seminary campus in Mundelein. Included on the archdiocese's list in 3/2006 of those with substantiated allegations against them. Died in 4/2013. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. By 5/2023 seven more people had come forward with allegations against Strand.

Fr. Malcolm Strassel

Ordained: 1934
Status: Settled

Died: 05/3/1987
Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Monsignor. First publicly named as accused in 9/2018. Died 5/3/1987. Accused in a lawsuit settled in 2009 of fondling a boy while assigned to Our Lady of Lourdes In Uptown New Orleans 1969-1971. Plaintiff's attorney said the statute of limitations had not lapsed, but the church worked to conceal the abuse for years. Included on the archdiocese's list 11/2/2018, which notes an allegation received in 2006. On the Baton Rouge diocese's list in early 2019.

Fr. Henry E. Strassner

Ordained: 1947
Status: Accused

Died: 11/20/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

"Very Rev." First named as accused in the 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Included on the Allentown diocese's 8/19/2018 list of credibly accused. Parish priest, pastor, educator, held prominent chancery positions. Admitted when confronted in 1988 to kissing a 19-year-old male on the lips four times during a counseling session. Sent to a counselor who said there was "a lot more going on here than Father Strassner has admitted." Two more complaints in 1991 of past child sex abuse, one a boy ages 6-8. Sick leave 8/1/1993-2/18/1994, sent to Paracletes in NM for treatment. Accused in 2001 of sexual advances toward a 31-year-old man during a counseling session. In 2004 a man told the diocese that Strassner sexually assaulted him during counseling or confession in 1977 when the man was age 26 or 27. This accuser wrote down the names of 25 or 30 others he alleged Strassner sexual assaulted. In 11/2011 a 63-year-old man reported sex abuse, including oral copulation, by Strassner when he was in 7th or 8th grade. Strassner retired in 2003. He died 11/20/2009.

Fr. Donald J. Straub

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Complaints of abuse received in 1978; sent to treatment and reassigned in 1979. New allegations in 1986 involving current parish; placed on leave, sent to treatment for three years. Assigned to cathedral in Dodge City KS diocese 9/90-1/91.Two men filed suits in MO in 2004 alleging abuse in the 1970s and early 1980s. At least six more accusers came forward. Some settled in 2005. Laicization announced 1/05. A 2006 suit settled 5/07. Another suit filed 5/29/07. One of six named in 7/08 settlement. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19. On Dodge City diocese's list 10/1/19.

Fr. Anthony G. Stredny

Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 11/26/2018
Diocese: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston TX

Ordained for the Diocese of Nashville. Incardinated 1971 into the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Removed from ministry in 1993. Named publicly as accused by the Galveston-Houston archdiocese on its list 1/31/2019. Included in the Memphis diocese's report 2/28/2020; the Memphis diocese was created from Nashville in 1970. Died in 2018. On the Knoxville diocese's list as of 3/6/2020; the Knoxville diocese was created from Nashville in 1988. Included on Nashville's list in 11/2021.

Fr. Gerald A. Streeter

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Died: 10/31/1996
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. A single allegation was received after Streeter's death of abuse occurring while assigned to Loyola Academy in Wilmette 1963-1964. Taught religion, speech and drama at Brebeuf Prep High School in Indianapolis 1969-1994. Died 10/31/1996. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. Charles J. Strelick

Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 04/7/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Named publicly as accused in the MI Attorney General's report in 10/2022. In 8/2020 a man told the Diocese that Strelick sexually abused him at age 8 in 1991 during confession. The man said that he told Strelick that two older boys had sexually abused him, and that Strelick then touched him and made him perform oral sex, and did other "weird things." Strelick was pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Ishpeming during the time in question. He died in 2017.

Fr. Edward M. Stretch

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1938
Status: Accused

Died: 05/13/1970
Diocese: Diocese of San Jose CA

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits West Province on its list 12/7/2018. It notes an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor, reported in 2012. No location noted; year of the alleged abuse "TBD." Worked in San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. U.S. Army Chaplain 1942-1946. Assigned to Bellarmine Prep in San Jose 1940-1942 and 1954-1970. Died 5/13/1970.

Fr. Frederick Strianese

Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Died: 05/10/1986
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Director of Catholic child-care services, Director of a camp for Catholic Youth Services, aide to Bishop Sullivan. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 2/2019. Died 5/10/1986. Strianese was shot to death by a youth who said the priest picked him up from a park, offered him sex for $10.00, and wouldn't let the youth out of his car. The youth was charged with murder, then acquitted by a jury.

Fr. Robert A. Stricker

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Died: 03/22/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Stricker, age 84 and retired, was placed on leave by the archdiocese 5/01/2008 pending an investigation of claims that he sexually abused a boy in the 1950s at St. William'a in Price Hill. The Archdiocese had investigated the same man's allegations in 1993 but nothing conclusive was found. The man provided new information in 2008 which Bishop Pilarczyk said had "a semblance of truth." Stricker was restored to ministry in 7/2008 when the Archdiocese's investigation determined the claim could not be substantiated. Died 3/22/2017.

Fr. Joseph J. Strittmatter

Ordained: 1956
Status: Sued

Died: 08/21/2014
Diocese: Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown PA

Per the PA Attorney General's 3/1/2016 Grand Jury Report, the Diocese learned in 1991 that Strittmatter molested a girl, from age 6 to her teens, 1961-1969. He would force her head into his lap. He admitted the abuse. Bishop Adamec kept him in ministry until 1992 when he was accused of masturbating to a female parishioner during confession between 1987-1992. In 2002 Strittmatter admitted to past abuse of an 8-year-old girl, saying "I was trying to learn about sex." The Diocese did not call police. Died 8/21/2014. The Grand Jury wrote, "the exact number of Father Strittmatter's victims may never be known."

Fr. Lawrence Strittmatter

Ordained: 1957
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Former Elder High School principal. Sent for treatment in 1988 after allegations of child abuse in 1983. Placed on leave in 2002 after allegations he abused 2-3 youths in the 1970s. Named in numerous 2003 civil suits, with at least 28 plaintiffs. Most suits dropped because of the statute of limitations. May have abused nearly 100 minors, ages ranging from 4th grade through high school. Laicized in 3/2006. In 11/2018 was living in Beavercreek, OH. Deceased, per the archdiocese's list updated in 1/2020.

Fr. Floyd G. Stromberg

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Ordained: 1959
Status: Sued

Died: 12/22/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Tucson AZ

Retired in 3/2002. Placed on leave in 7/2002 after confirming a 1966 allegation that surfaced in 6/2002. Named in a 420/05 civil suit as one of several abusers of a girl at Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary convent 1954-1968. Also named in a 3/2006 suit by a man claiming abuse at the same convent. Stromberg died in 12/2007. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. John J. Stronkowski

Ordained: 1985
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Placed on leave in 5/2014. Per Bishop Caggiano in a letter to parishioners, leave was for "persistent absenteeism.....growing difficulties with both the staff and lay leaders and other personal and administrative shortcomings." In 6/2016 Stronkowski's name was on the diocese's list of credibly accused, noting an incident of abuse of a minor in the 1990s. Faculties removed. Per a 2019 report commissioned by the diocese there was one victim, an 11-year-old boy, abused in 1999.

Fr. Edmund F. Stroup

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Ordained: 1949
Status: Extradited

Died: 03/12/2001
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Report to the Archdiocese in 1975 from a woman who said her son, age 16, was attacked by Stroup the previous night in Ocean City. Allowed a short sabbatical, required to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Arrested in 1981 in Cape May NJ, charged with fondling a minor. Sent to treatment, returned to ministry. Hospital chaplain 1982-1990. Retired in 1990. Accused in 1992 of sexually abusing a young boy on a trip to FL in the early 1960s. Faculties removed. Died in 2001. Accused in 5/2002 of abuse of a boy, about age 7 or 8 in 1976 or 1977. In 6/2002 accused of abuse of a boy, about age 16 or 17 in 1968 or 1969. IN 9/2002 another man reported abuse by Stroup as a child, at St. Vincent DePaul Parish, where he was assigned 1961-1973. Two more men came forward  in 2012 and 2013 with allegations of abuse by Stroup as boys, one at Holy Family in 1977 and the other at St. Rita's in Dundalk in the mid-1970s.  Name appeared on Archdiocese's 9/2002 list. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Augustine John Strub

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1947
Status: Accused

Died: 07/17/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Crookston MN

Name released by St. John's Abbey 9/19/17 as added to its list of monks "most likely to have offended minors." Included on the St. Cloud diocese's list. Worked in the Crookston, Duluth and St. Cloud dioceses and the Archdiocese of Mexico City.  Left the priesthood in 1961-62. Died 7/17/15.

Fr. Walter Strus

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Ordained: 1994
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

A woman filed a lawsuit in 10/2001, claiming Strus raped and impregnated her in 1999 after he persuaded her to leave Poland and follow him to the U.S. The suit was dismissed and refiled in 4/2002. The amended suit also accused him of sexual harassment of parishioners and abuse of minor girls in Poland after he became a priest. Strus denied the allegation, saying the relationship was consensual. DNA tests proved he fathered her child. Second suit was later dismissed on a legal technicality.

Fr. Charles W. Stubbs

Ordained: 1963
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Stubbs was removed from his parish in 1997 because of sexual misconduct allegations. Three other men came forward after Stubbs was suspended in 1997. Still on leave per the 2002 Catholic Directory. Reportedly there were also "questions of financial impropriety." Claims settled as part of a $21M settlement in 10/2003. Laicized in  2004. Suit by plaintiffs alleging abuse in the 1970s was filed in 3/2011. A 2019 report commissioned by the diocese shows there were 18 victims, all boys ages 9-17, abused 1964-1993.

Sr. Georgene Stuppy

Order: OSF
Status: Settled

Died: 05/23/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Winona-Rochester MN

Accused in a 1992 lawsuit of sexually abusing a girl, ages 13-17, at a parish school 1978-1981. Stuppy did not deny the physical relationship but said she did not see it as sexual. Settled in 1993. Stuppy spent the last 20 years of her career working in various capacities at Assisi Heights in Rochester, MN (the Order's main headquarters). She died 5/23/2009 at age 70.

Fr. Jesus Suarez

Ordained: 1986
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston TX

Removed from public ministry in late 3/2019 after allegations that he had sexually abused children in Colombia, prior to his 1994 arrival in the U.S. Per the archdiocese, the abuse "may have resulted in the birth of children." Two women said he abused them in Colombia in the 1980s; one said the abuse began when she was age 11, continued through her teen years, and resulted in the birth of a daughter. Included in 4/2019 on the Diocese of Tyler's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Leo Suarez

Ordained: 1988
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Stockton CA

From Mexico. The Diocese announced in 1/2010 that Suarez was permanently removed in 2009 after he admitted that he had abused a minor girl during his initial assignment as associate pastor at St. Anthony's in Hughson. He left there in 1991. After his removal, Suarez was sent for treatment. Per the Diocese, this was first allegation against him. Police report filed in 9/2009. No criminal investigation due to the statute of limitations. Diocese settled for $300K with one person in 9/2010. Name included on list of claimed abusers attached to Stockton diocese's 5/9/2014 filing in bankruptcy court. The list revised in 2019 shows allegations in 2014 of abuse in 1996.

Fr. Gerard J. Sudol

Ordained: 1980
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

"Father Gerry." Hospital Chaplain 1995-2002. Removed in 2002 after an allegation of sexual misconduct. At least one claim was included in a $1.9M settlement involving 9 priests and the archdiocese in 10/2004. Acquitted after a canonical trial and assigned to work at a hospice. In residence in 12/2017 at a Jersey City parish. "Stepped down" pending investigation in 8/2018 after an accusation that he sexually abused an altar boy while assigned to a Ridgefield Park parish in the 1980s and 1990s. One accuser said in 8/2018 that some of Sudol's victims later died by suicide. Included on the archdiocese's list 2/13/2019 (as "Gerald"). Multiple alleged victims noted. Permanently removed from ministry. Suits filed in early 2020 claim abuse of boys at two churches in Wallington and Nutley, starting prior to ordination. Suit filed in 7/2020 claims abuse of a Ridgefield Park boy 1988-1994. Settlement in the low five figures in 2020 of a claim of abuse in 1985 of a girl, age 13. By 11/2021 Sudol was accused in 7 lawsuits, one of abuse of a boy, ages 7-11 during 1996-2000, at Sacred Heart in Wallington. Living in 11/2021 in PA.

Fr. Timothy Francis Sugrue

Order: SM
Ordained: 1963
Status: Settled

Died: 08/4/2022
Diocese: Diocese of Little Rock AR

Accused in a 1992 civil suit of abusing a girl, age 8, and her sister in 1978 at an Air Force Base in AR. Sugrue did not testify; took the Fifth Amendment in a deposition regarding involvement with children while working in Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana, Alaska and the Philippines. Resigned from the Air Force in 1979 after an investigation into allegations. Trial in 1993 resulted in $1.5M judgment against Sugrue, not his Order. Dismissed from the priesthood in 2005. Included on the Little Rock diocese's 9/10/2018 list, which noted one known victim. Living in FL in 2/2019. On the Baton Rouge diocese's list in early 2019. Included on the Atlanta archdiocese's list in 7/2022, where he is noted to have been assigned 1964-1965 and in 1987. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Died in FL 8/4/2022.

Fr. Andrzej Sujka

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Order: OFM
Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Native of Poland. Only known assignment in the U.S. was at Our Lady of Czestochowa in Boston, beginning in 1986. He was removed from the same parish in 10/01 and placed on leave after an allegation that he molested a 12-year-old boy in the late 1980s. Sujka returned to Poland shortly after his removal. Personnel file released in 12/02. Omitted from 2011 Boston AD database.

Fr. Brendan V. Sullivan

Ordained: 1960
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Camden NJ

Retired in 2004. Permanently removed from active ministry by the diocese 2/23/2010 after substantiated allegations that he had abused a 14-year-old boy in 1981, while assigned to Assumption parish in Atco. Diocese had denied knowing of any other claims against Sullivan. Died in 4/2011. Accused by a 29-year-old man in a 5/2019 lawsuit of sexually abusing him almost daily as a boy 1996-2001 at St. James in Ventnor, beginning when he was age 7. The suit claims other boys were victimized as well. On diocese's list 2/13/2019.

Fr. Charles E. Sullivan

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1938
Status: Accused

Died: 09/3/1996
Diocese: Archdiocese of Indianapolis IN

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on their lists in 12/2018. Abuse allegedly occurred while Sullivan was assigned to Our Lady of the Springs in French Lick, IN 1958-1959. Per the Jesuits, a single allegation was received after Sullivan's death. Died 9/3/1996. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Charles J. Sullivan

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA

Chancellor for the diocese's fiscal affairs 1975-1981. Director of Catholic Charities Appeal. Pastor 1980-1984 of St. Matthew's in Indian Orchard; sick leave 1/1984-9/1984, per a 1984 news report, followed by a new assignment. Named publicly by the Diocese in 8/2011 as credibly accused of abuse of a minor in 1993. (The 1994 Catholic Directory, which reflects 1993-1994, shows Sullivan as Absent on Leave.) Administrative process found in support of the allegation. Ordered to a life of prayer and penance in 2005. Died in 2014. In 3/2022 the Diocese deemed credible a new allegation that Sullivan sexually abused a child in 1994 .

Fr. Cuthbert Sullivan

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Order: CP
Ordained: 1949
Status: Accused

Died: 05/15/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Named publicly as accused in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. Report to the Archdiocese in 2002 that Cuthbert sexually abused a boy, age 13, in 1952 at St. Joseph's Monastery Parish in Baltimore. Sullivan was assigned at the time to the Monastery and Church of St. Michael's in Union City, NJ. Sullivan's accuser also said he was abused at St. Joseph's by Frs. Eugene Ambrose and Benedict Mawn. Sullivan died in 1999.

Fr. Eugene P. Sullivan

Ordained: 1968
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Sued in 2005 by a man who alleged that, when he was a 15-year-old boy in 1977, Sullivan molested him once while driving him to Camp Fatima in NH. Sullivan was Superintendent of Archdiocesan Schools during the time in question. The same plaintiff also alleged abuse by two other priests. Sullivan denied the allegation, saying the plaintiff had mistaken him for Eugene O'Sullivan, a known abuser. The Review Board found the charge unsubstantiated and Cardinal O'Malley returned O'Sullivan to active status in 1/2009. The lawsuit settled for $475K in 12/2008. Included on the Boston archdiocese's list of accused, under the "unsubstantiated" category; noted to having no restrictions on his ministry. Granted Senior priest status in 10/2013. Sullivan was a priest in residence at Sacred Heart Parish in Roslindale MA until 3/2024, when he moved to Regina Cleri, the archdiocese's retirement facility for priests.

Fr. James E. Sullivan

Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 12/13/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 2/2019. Parish priest, named director in 1966 of the Religious Consultation Center in Brooklyn. Taught at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in NY City. Per his obituary, Sullivan retired in 1992. Lived at the Holy Trinity rectory in Whitestone NY 1986 until his death. Died 12/13/2006.

Bishop James S. Sullivan

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 06/12/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Lansing MI

Auxiliary bishop of Lansing 1972-1985. Bishop of Fargo 1985 until his resignation 3/18/2002 due to Alzheimer's Disease. Accused in 6/2002 of fondling a boy in 1966 at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in East Lansing MI. The same plaintiff settled with the Christian Brothers in 1995 over abuse allegations against Br. Jeffrey Gregory. Sullivan denied the charges. The Diocese said it did not believe the allegations because the man didn't come forward sooner. Sullivan died 6/12/2006. On 7/2/2021 the Diocese of Lansing announced that it had deemed credible allegations against Sullivan that he sexually abused two altar boys, one ages 12-14 and the other ages 11- 12, in the mid-1960s. The abuse took place at Church of the Resurrection in Lansing, where Sullivan was assigned. One of the victims said that Sullivan had sexually abused at least 10 other altar boys. Included in the MI Attorney General's 12/16/2024 Diocese of Lansing Report.

Fr. John J. Sullivan

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Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 10/9/1984
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

A woman notified the Diocese of Manchester in 11/2004 that she was fondled and digitally penetrated by Sullivan in the mid-1970s, when she was ages 6-9. Sullivan died in 10/1984. Matter was then reported to police. Included on the Amarillo diocese's list 1/31/2019, where he worked 1/1961-4/1963. Included in 7/2019 on the Manchester diocese's list.

Fr. John Thomas Sullivan

Ordained: 1942
Status: Settled

Died: 09/19/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Ordained for the Manchester diocese. Abused girls during assignments in NH, MI, TX, NM and AZ over a period of 35 years. Fathered a child in 1949; had arranged an illegal abortion, but the pregnancy did not end. Stalked a nursing student in 1952. Another pregnancy and abortion in 1956. Suspended and sent to Via Coeli in NM for treatment. Accepted by other dioceses despite his history. Manchester released his personnel file in 2/2003. Grand Rapids paid three sisters $500K in 1994 for abuse by Sullivan when they were ages 7-12. Privileges removed multiple times. Died in 1999 in San Diego CA. Named in a new suit filed in Arizona in 6/2013 against the Gallup NM diocese. Subject of settlement, per Attorney Garabedian in 4/2022. Included on the Gallup diocese's list of credibly accused.

Bishop Joseph Vincent Sullivan

Ordained: 1945
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Ordained for Diocese of Kansas City, MO. Auxiliary Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese 1967-74. Bishop of Baton Rouge Diocese 1974-1982. Died 9/4/82. Accused in a 4/04 lawsuit of abusing a 17-year-old boy in 1975. Baton Rouge diocese's review board deemed claim "serious and deserving of careful attention." Settled 10/04; sealed. Named in 2005 suit in HI dating to time in KC; settled 2007. New suit filed in 2007 in TX; settled 10/09 for $225K. On Baton Rouge diocese's list in early 2019. It notes multiple allegations reported 2004, 2005, 2007, of abuse 1974-82. On Corpus Christi diocese's list 1/31/19. On KC-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. Lawrence J. Sullivan

Ordained: 1992
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Suspended in 4/2021 pending the investigation of an allegation recently received by the Archdiocese that Sullivan sexually abused a girl in 1984, the night before entering seminary. Sulllivan was 18, the girl was 17. Sullivan admitted to making "unwelcome verbal comments" to a girl, but denied "physical interaction." His accuser said that Sullivan and another man followed her to an alley outside of the restaurant where she was working, then "attacked" her and "the intent was to sexually assault me." She said Sullivan said, "Come on baby, let's have some fun" and that she fought them off and police were called. Reinstated in 5/2021 after the Archdiocese determined that it could not substantiate the allegation.

Fr. Michael D. Sullivan

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Ordained: 1945
Status: Settled

Died: 09/24/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 1/19/2011. Garabedian said he had settled at least one claim with the Boston Archdiocese regarding allegations against Sullivan. Retired in 1993 and died in 9/2005. The Boston archdiocese's list in 8/2011 reported no formal determination of guilt either because Sullivan died prior to a canonical or criminal investigation or it was not complete at his death.

Fr. Patrick A. Sullivan

Ordained: 1982
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Diocese of Crookston MN

Assigned to St. Eizabeth's in Dilworth and St. Andrew's in Hawley when placed on leave in 4/16 during investigation of an accusation that he had sexually abused a 15-year-old boy in 2008. Abuse said to have occurred at St. Mary's Mission on Red Lake Reservation. Sullivan denied the accusation. No charges filed. Reinstated 12/17 after diocese determined the allegation was not credible. Placed again on leave in 2/19 for alleged "boundary issues." Deemed not credible; to return to ministry 7/1/21.

Fr. Patrick J. Sullivan

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Order: OCSO
Ordained: 1954
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Norwich CT

In 2002 civil suit, a woman alleged that Sullivan abused her for two years at St. Columba parish, 1968-1969, when she was ages 15-16. In 6/2003 a trial court dismissed some of the lawsuit but allowed the remainder to go forward. Sullivan was laicized in 1970. Included on the Norwich diocese's list 2/22/2019.

Fr. Paul V. Sullivan

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 07/8/2005
Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 4/26/19. Claims against Sullivan eligible for the IRCP. Entered Society of Jesus (Jesuits) after high school in 1938. Entered Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists) as "Fr. Ignatius" in RI in 1946. Made solemn vows 1948, ordained 1950. Became Archdiocese of NY priest in 1973. Retired 1995. Died in 2005.

Fr. T. Raymond Sullivan

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Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Removed in 1992 from assignment at St. Mary Magdalen in Dracut, MA after a woman accused him of abuse. Was on leave for 11 months while the archdiocese investigated. He denied wrongdoing The archdiocese determined that "no conclusive evidence" was found so he was returned to the parish briefly, then transferred to another parish. Died in 11/94. In 9/20 attorney Mitchell Garabedian announced that in 1/20 he settled a lawsuit which claimed that Sullivan sexually abused a boy, about age 14, while assigned to St. Therese in Dracut in the 1970s. The abuse allegedly occurred at least twice, in the church rectory. The settlement was in the low five figures.

Fr. Thomas J. Sullivan

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1944
Status: Sued

Died: 02/2/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Abuse in 1953 alleged in 2002. Sued in 2003 by a man who claimed abuse 1956-1958, while he was a student at Loyola High School and Sullivan was attached to Jesuit faculty residence. Per the 2004 Los Angeles archdiocesan report, three accusers had alleged abuse 1952-1958 by Sullivan. Worked in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Azusa and Los Angeles. At the Jesuit Curia in Rome 1968-1969, then assigned to the University of Hawaii Newman Center 1969-1978. Died 2/2/1992. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes the sexual abuse of a minor 1956-1958, reported in 2009.

Fr. Thomas M. Summers

Ordained: 1943
Status: Sued

Died: 03/23/1992
Diocese: Diocese of Richmond VA

A man filed suit in 8/03 alleging he was raped and battered by Summers and molested by another priest at separate times at St. James Catholic School in the 1960s. Per the suit, Summers coerced the victim by threatening to remove him from his parents' home and to stop church support of his needy parents. Also used drugs and alcohol. Two other men came forward in support of allegations. Courts ruled that individuals, not corporations, could be sured for sexual abuse. Summers died in 1992.

Fr. Conrad J. Sundholm

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 02/1/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Rochester NY

Assigned to six parishes in Rochester over a 44-year career. Retired to St. Petersburg, FL in 1999. In 11/09 his privileges were removed by Rochester after allegations that he sexually abused a minor in the mid-1970s while assigned to St. Salome in Irondequoit, 1974-1982. Review board found allegations to be credible and matter was sent to Vatican. Per the Rochester diocese in 10/18, Sundholm died in 2017, before the canonical process could be completed.

Fr. Phil Sunseri

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of San Jose CA

First named publicly as accused on the San Jose diocese's list 10/18/2018. Diocese received reports in 1987 and 2018 that Sunseri sexually abused children at St. Christopher's in 1986 and while assigned to Holy Family in 1987. Permanently banned from ministry 1988. He denied the allegations. On the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor in 1986, reported in 2018. Dismissed from the order in 1988. Died in 1991.

Fr. Jose Superiaso

Ordained: 1985
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Ordained in the Philippines. Arrived in the US in 1989. Left San Francisco in 1998 to work on a Native American reservation in the Santa Fe Archdiocese. Arrested there in 2003 on charges of abuse of girl, ages 12-13, in CA 1994-1995. He acknowledged engaging in intercourse between 20-30 times with the young girl. Mistrial in 2004. Pleaded guilty 2005 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Released in 1/12; deportation to Philippines pending.

Fr. Andrew J. Suran

Ordained: 1933
Status: Sued

Died: 08/23/1971
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

A woman filed suit in 2004 alleging that she was fondled by Suran as an 8-year-old. Further, 14 years later she took a teaching job where Suran was assigned and he fondled and kissed her again. A second woman filed suit in 6/2004 alleging abuse by Suran when she was 6. Claims included in Diocese's 9/2007 $1.25M settlement with 32 plaintiffs alleging abuse by 17 priests. Included on the Diocese's list of accused in 2019. Suran died in 1971.

Fr. C. Melvin Surette

Ordained: 1956
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

First known allegations of abuse were made in 9/1993. Part-time counselor and later head of Alpha-Omega program for youths with serious behavioral issues. Abused several youths there. One case settled in 1995 for $50K. Then assigned to the archdiocesan clergy abuse office where he helped the career of Ronald Paquin and others. Several settlements before 5/2002. Three more men filed suit in 5/2002 claiming abuse at Alpha-Omega. Personnel file released in 12/2002. Name included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2011. Still on leave in 10/2015, canonical case pending. In 2020 the archdiocesan website shows that Surette was "dismissed" in 2012.

Fr. Carl Maurice Sutphin

Ordained: 1958
Status: Arrested

Died: 02/10/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Accused in 1991 of the sexual abuse of one, and possibly two, boys 1964-1970. Report in 1994 that he abused two brothers, ages 10-11, years prior. Retired and faculties removed in 2/2002. Arrested in 2003. Charges dropped in 7/2003 due to aCA Supreme Court ruling regarding statutes of limitations. Accused of abuse of 17 minors during 1958-1978, per the 2004 Los Angeles ArchdiocesanReport. Ranked # 6 on an Archdiocesan list of the 10 most prolific abusers, with 23 accusers. Named in several civil suits. Laicized 12/1620/05, per his personnel file, released in 1/2013. Sutphin died in 2021.

Br. Richard Allen Suttle

Order: CMF
Status: Accused

Died: 08/19/2021
Diocese: Diocese of Phoenix AZ

Accused in 2008 of sexual abuse 1982-1983 at Sacred Heart grade school in Prescott AZ, where he was a teacher and coach. The Phoenix diocese investigated; referred the case to the Claretians whose review board found the allegations credible, i.e. possible. Suttle denied the allegations. Assigned to Bourgade Catholic High School in Phoenix 1988-1998; Vietnam missionary in 2002; principal of Sacred Heart 2006-2008. In residence at IHM parish in San Antonio TX in summer 2008. Assigned in 2010 to direct a High School in East Nigeria. As of 6/2013 Sutte was in Buenos Aires Argentina with a Claretian UN team. He died 8/19/2021 in Dili, Timor-Leste.

Fr. Hugh John Sutton

Ordained: 1956
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Fort Worth TX

Ordained for Diocese of Pueblo CO. Parish priest, teacher, chaplain for orphanage, hospital and the U.S. Navy. Moved often, working in CO, CA, Guam, MS, AR, TX, ND, OH. Accused 3/14 of abuse of a boy, ages 14-16, at Notre Dame Catholic School in Wichita Falls, TX in the early 1990s. Assigned there 1984-92. Accuser sued. Said abuse included rape and sadism, and that school principal Ronald M. Staley also sexually abused him, with Sutton and separately. Died 9/11/04. Lawsuit dismissed 1/18. Included in CO A.G. report 10/22/19, as "Father K." Remained a priest of the Pueblo diocese without restrictions throughout priesthood.

Fr. John Joseph Sutton

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Died: 08/30/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Ordained for the Diocese of Paterson. Began work the Diocese of Palm Beach in 1994; incardinated there in 1/00. Died in 8/00. Named publicly as accused by the Paterson diocese on its list 2/13/19. One accusation noted. It was reportedly received by the diocese in 2005, and abuse was alleged to have occurred in 1979.

Fr. Timothy E. Svea

Order: IC
Ordained: 1992
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of La Crosse WI

U.S. Superior of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Bishop Burke brought Svea and his group to La Crosse to run a parish. Suspended in 3/2001. Pleaded guilty in 2/2002 to exposing himself to and molesting teenage boys, beginning in 1998. Sentenced to 1.5 years jail and 20 years probation. Last known to be living in Marathon County, WI. On WI Sex Offender Registry 2/5/2012. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list 1/18/20, with multiple substantiated allegations. Included in 11/2022 on the Diocese of Superior's list of credibly accused. Noted to be incarcerated. Criminally charged 12/22/2022 with child pornography possession, found by a computer repair technician. He reportedly had been living in Mosinee under active supervision. Sentenced in 3/2023 to three years in prison.

Fr. Thomas J. Swade

Ordained: 1961
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Removed from public ministry in 1992 after he was accused of improperly touching a 14-year-old boy years prior. Five other accusers also came forward. Sent to treatment for four years. In 1997 the Archdiocese wanted to have Swade live in a parish and assist with duties, but parishioners protested and the idea was nixed. Continued working in an administrative position for the Archdiocese until his removal in 6/2002. Church trial underway in 12/2004. Included in a 10/2005 settlement with the Archdiocese. Included in 3/2006 on the Archdiocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Laicized in 10/2009. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes ten "reported survivors."

Fr. Eric Swearingen

Ordained: 1987
Status: Settled

Died: 01/18/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Fresno CA

Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish when sued in 2002; briefly placed on leave. Accused of abusing a teenage altar boy at Our Lady Of Guadalupe in Bakersfield 1989-1993. The Diocese deemed allegation not credible. Allowed to return to ministry after the D.A'.s office did not pursue criminal charges in 11/2002; said no evidence and no witnesses. Mistrial in civil case 12/20/2006 due to split decision: the jury ruled Swearingen did likely abuse the boy, but the Diocese did not have prior knowledge. The suit required both claims to be true. Case went to binding arbitration in 5/2007 to settle the suit. Named rector of a diocesan high school in 12/2007. Named pastor 6/2014 of the Catholic Church of Visalia, also called Good Shepherd. Placed on leave in 6/5/2019 due to new information from the 2006 civil case. Reportedly ill with brain cancer. Died 1/18/2020, age 58. Included in 8/2021 on the Diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Francis Michael Sweeney

Order: CSP
Ordained: 1961
Status: Accused

Died: 08/31/2013
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Assigned in MA, MN, CA, DC, OH, NY. The Baltimore archdiocese announced in 12/1993 that it had removed Sweeney from the chaplaincy of Charlestown Retirement Community in Catonsville because of 'inappropriate sexual contact with minors.' The Community was informed on 12/5/1993. Cardinal Keeler's 9/25/2002 list stated that in 1993 Sweeney had 'disclosed that he had sexually abused two individuals during the late 1970s and early 1980s.' Keeler provides a partial assignment history for Sweeney, failing to include his position as adjunct faculty 1986-1994 at St. Mary Seminary, where Keeler was Chancellor. Sweeney underwent evaluation and treatment in 1993, then was transferred to Boston, where the Directory lists him as working at the Paulist Center 1997-2002. In the 2003-2004 Directories, after Keeler released his list, Sweeney's name is adjusted from Francis M. to Frank M., and he is listed as residing at the Paulist Generalate in the NY archdiocese. He died in the NY archdiocese on 8/31/2013. Included on the Archdiocese of Los Angeles list in 1/2013. Per the Paulists in 12/2018, Sweeney was accused of abuse while at the University of MD Base Community of Relay. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. In 4/2019 a man told the A.G.'s Office that Sweeney anally raped him at age 6 in 1991.

Fr. Henry Leo Sweeney

Donate Photo
Status: Convicted

Died: 01/2/1959
Diocese: Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau AK

Named among seven clerics by the diocese in 8/2019 as having allegations of sexual misconduct against them involving minors or vulnerable adults. Convicted of assault with attempt to rape and contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 1952. Served time in federal prison. Returned to active ministry. Died in 1959.

Fr. John M. Sweeney

Order: FPO
Ordained: 1998
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Member of the Franciscans of the Primitive Observance (F.P.O.), which he co-founded. Accused publicly by a 37-year-old woman in 5/2019 of sexually abusing her at a leadership retreat when she was a teen in 2000. She said Sweeney would hear her and other teens' confessions, tell them they were possessed and would perform exorcisms on them. The abuse allegedly occurred during the "exorcisms." There were reportedly multiple victims. One case was settled in 11/2020. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 5/19/2021 which notes he was at Christ in the Desert in 2011.

Fr. John Thomas Sweeney

Ordained: 1970
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Greensburg PA

Worked in Latrobe, Greensburg, Smock, Freeport, Lower Burrell, Apollo and West Newton parishes. Retired in 12/16. Arrested in 7/17 on charges of "involuntary deviate sexual intercourse" with 10-year-old boy during 1991-92, when Sweeney was assigned to St. Margaret Mary in Lower Burrell and the boy was a 4th grader at the parish school. His accuser reported the allegations to police in 2016 after seeing the movie "Spotlight." He said he was called into Sweeney's office after misbehaving on the school bus, and that Sweeney forced him to perform oral sex on him, warning him that he would get in trouble if he told anyone. He said the Sweeney's secretary brought him milk and cookies after the abuse. Sweeney pled guilty 7/31/18. Included in the 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report and on the diocese's list of credibly accused. Sentenced 12/18 to 11 months to 5 years in state prison and ordered to register as a sex offender for 10 years.

Fr. Henry Peter Swider

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 08/4/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Newly identified as an abuser in the 3/20/2006 Chicago Archdiocesan Report. Left active ministry in 1/1969. Resigned in 2/1974. Died in 8/2007. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes six "reported survivors."

Fr. Michael A. Swierz

Ordained: 1985
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Youngstown OH

Placed on leave in 6/2024 after "concerns" of Swierz's behavior while assigned to St. Rose in Girard in the late 1980s-early1990s. In 9/2024 the Diocese announced that its Review Board found a "disturbing pattern of behavior, including serious boundary violations with minors, manipulation and abuse of power." He was deemed unsuitable for ministry.

Fr. Michael W. Swierzy

Ordained: 1975
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Philadelphia PA

Former high school principal. Sexually abused a boy who was in fifth grade and an altar server. Archdiocese notified 4/9/97. Pled guilty in 1998; received five years probation. Other accusations received. On leave 1997-2003. Named in civil suit filed prior to 3/02. Archdiocese found accusations credible in 2004. Sent case to Vatican for review. Laicization announced in early 2005. Died 7/25/05.

Fr. Walter Ladislaus Swietek

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

From Poland. Arrived in the U.S. in 1971. Named publicly as accused by the Rockville Centre diocese on its list in 3/21. Allegedly abused at a private home in Levittown. No time frame shown. By 1986 Swietek was assigned in the Diocese of Venice FL. Died in FL 4/16/09.

Fr. Robert V. Swift

Ordained: 1944
Status: Settled

Died: 08/20/1980
Diocese: Archdiocese of Dubuque IA

A man notified a newspaper in 1/2006 that he was sexually abused by Swift at age 13. Also accused of abusing several other boys in the early 1950s. Long involved with the Catholic Boy Scouts. Died 08/20/1980. At least one claim was included in a 3/2008 $4.7M settlement with the archdiocese regarding alleged abuse by nine priests. At least one more was included in an 8/2013 $5.2M out-of-court settlement involving 10 priests and 26 victims.

Fr. Thomas D. Sykes

Order: SA
Ordained: 1964
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Orlando FL

Also known as Damascene Sykes. Sykes is believed to be the "Fr. Thomas S." cited in a 12/31/1987 San Jose Mercury News article. Thomas S. was removed from the Orlando diocese in 1976 after the parents of a 16-year-old boy complained that he had molested their son. Father S. was transferred to a Richmond, VA parish. Thomas Sykes was laicized and married. He testified in the Rev. Authenrieth matter. Settlement in the early 1990s. Sykes died in 2002. The Diocese announced in a 2/2007 that a new credible allegation of abuse occurring in the 1970s had recently been received. Civil suit filed 7/20/2011. Added to the Richmond diocese's list 2/27/2019. Included on the Orlando diocese's list 10/6/2021 of credibly accused.

Bishop Joseph Keith Symons

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Palm Beach FL

Ordained for the St. Augustine diocese in 1958. Became a priest of the St. Petersburg diocese when it was created in 1968. Made Auxiliary Bishop in 1981, then appointed Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee in 1983. Appointed Bishop of the Palm Beach Diocese 1990. Symons admitted in 1995 to sexually abusing a boy years prior; the Bishop of Pensacola-Tallassahee did nothing. Resigned in 6/1998 when it was revealed that he had molested five boys early in his ministry (1958-1960s) in the Miami archdiocese. The news was made public after a victim came forward to a church official. Symons admitted the abuse and also to the abuse of the other four youths. By 1999 Symons was leading spiritual retreats for adults in MI. Included on the St. Petersburg diocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the MI Attorney General's 12/16/2024 Diocese of Lansing Report. 

Fr. Andrew Syring

Ordained: 2011
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Resigned in 10/2018 after an Archdiocesan review of clergy. Accused in 2014 of "significant boundary violations" with young adults and minors. He denied the allegations. Sent for evaluation and treatment, returned to ministry. Included on the Archdiocese's list 11/30/2018. Reportedly resigned from ministry in 11/2018. Syring filed a defamation suit against the Archdiocese in 8/2020. It was dismissed by a lower court and lost on appeal to the NE Supreme Court. Included in the NE Attorney General's 11/2021 report, which notes, "This matter is still under investigation."

Fr. Richard T. Szafranski

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Saginaw MI

Accused in 4/2006 of sexual misconduct with a minor female in the mid-1970s. Placed on leave. He admitted to "a relationship" with the girl. He was 27 and she was 16-17 (or 13 per one article). No criminal charges to be pursued as of 7/2006; Diocese had not yet completed investigation. Added to the Diocese's list 4/10/2019. Noted by 8/9/2019 to have been permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. John J. Szantyr

Ordained: 1957
Status: Indicted

Died: 05/16/2014
Diocese: Diocese of Worcester MA

Ordained for the Marian order; dismissed by the order in 1972. Assisted at Sacred Heart High School in Waterbury, CT in the early 1970s. Sent to treatment in MA in 1975. Prohibited in 1978 from ministry in the Hartford archdiocese after an allegation received. Became priest of the Worcester Diocese in 1980. Per 8/2002 article, a youth accused Szantyr in 1987 of molesting him for two years. Family went to police; charges not pursued. Szantyr left MA in 1986 or 1987. Charged in 6/2003 with three counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14. Had been accused of molesting two altar boys. No trial as of 4/2007 due to Szantyr's mental condition. A private investigator found him walking and driving on his own in 5/2007. Civil suit filed in 1/2005. Ruled incompetent to stand trial 5/2008. Died 5/16/2014 in Waterbury, CT. Charges were pending, then formally dropped after his death. On the Hartford archdiocese's list 1/22/2019.

Fr. Joseph Szarek

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1939
Status: Accused

Died: 05/15/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Saginaw MI

From Poland. Began priesthood as a St. Vincent DePaul Missionary. Arrived in the U.S. in 1941. Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Saginaw on its list in 2019. Noted to have worked briefly in the diocese. Removed from ministry in the Saginaw diocese in 1958, later worked in the Diocese of Albany, where he was incardinated in 1976. Died 5/15/1999. Added to Albany diocese's list 12/4/2019.

Fr. Timothy J. Szott

Ordained: 1973
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Placed on leave in 2/2003 after a church volunteer found child abuse images on his computer. Arraigned in 6/2003; posted bail before returning to treatment at St. Luke's. Sentenced in 9/2003 to 18 months probation after pleading no contest to possession of child pornography. Permanently removed from ministry in 2005. Sued in 4/2008 for abuse of a youth in 1999. His victim had just turned 18. Other complaints too old to prosecute. Died in 8/2008 in AZ. Sued again in 11/2008. Included on the archdiocese's list of credibly accused 6/10/2019.

Fr. Czeslaw Szymanski

Order: OSPPE
Status: Accused

Died: 09/24/1987
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

From Poland, where he was ordained. Alleged on 12/9/2010 to have sexually abused thirteen altar boys in the Boston archdiocese in 1980s, where he was listed in Directory as an archdiocesan priest. Worked previously in the Providence diocese as a priest of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit. Apparently transferred in 4/1987 from the Boston archdiocese to the Peterborough diocese in Canada. Died in a car accident 9/24/1987. On 12/11/2010, a Boston monsignor reportedly called three Szymanski survivors cowards. Cardinal O'Malley apologized. Eight accusers were to be paid $600K. Per attorney Carmen Durso, there could be up to 20 other victims.