
. . . Reveals a Pattern of Molestation, Silence
San Jose Mercury News
December 31, 1987
[See a linked list of all the articles in the Priests
Who Molest series.]
[Note: Our source for this article is missing 1 1/2 columns on the left
(see a PDF of the original article). We are
searching for a complete copy, but in the meantime we offer a partial
transcript here.]
[Carmel]o "Mel" Baltazar
* DATE: 1985
* STATE: Idaho
* AREA: Diocese of Boise
* HISTORY: Sentenced to seven ... prison for luring two ... boys to his
house and ... them after giving them ... [d]rugs and pornography. ...
out of the U.S. Navy, ... was a chaplain, and ... [pre]vious dioceses
for simi[lar condu]ct.
... [att]orney who sued the dio[cese] ...
that Baltazar's previous ... at Queen of the Valley ... in Napa, where
he fon[dled] ... y on a dialysis machine. ... being told about this, a
... hospital in Boise hired ... then took no action after ... opal minister
reported to ... Sylvester Treinen that ... 51, had fondled a boy in ...
g traction.
... Judge Alan Schwartz- ... [sen]tenced
Baltazar, he said: ["]... the Catholic Church has ... ment to make
as well. ... ped create you."
... Treinen said this ... I've felt all
along we've ... [ev]erything we can do. ... en prudently careful all ...
r years. No matter how ... take care of your car, ... r how safe your
car is, ... [st]ill going to have an acci[dent no]w and then. Or a flat
[John A]nthony Salazar
* DATE: 1987
* STATE: California
* AREA: Archdiocese of Los Angeles
* HISTORY: Sentenced to six ... prison for engaging in ... [cop]ulation
with two altar ... .
[Salaza]r, 31, was left in his posi[tion
desp]ite one mother's report ... son had been molested in ... e family
sued recently ... million. Archdiocesan of[ficials] ... d not comment.
Alvin L. Campbell
* DATE: 1985
* STATE: Illinois
* AREA: Diocese of Springfield
* HISTORY: Sentenced to 14 years in prison after pleading guilty to sexually
abusing seven boys while pastor of St. Maurice Parish in Morrisonville.
Campbell, 62, was sent to the remote St.
Maurice parish in 1982. Police said he forced himself on the victims,
then gave them lavish gifts to keep quiet. Campbell later admitted he
had molested boys for more than 20 years.
"They handled it the way they handle
every other problem," said Ray McGrew of the Illinois Division of
Criminal Investigation. "They remove the problem to someplace else
and forget it."
The same diocese paid $2.5 million, one
source said, to three families who sued when a pattern of transferring
from parish to parish was uncovered with Father Walter Weerts, sentenced
last year to six years in prison for performing oral sex on three teenage
Diocesan officials refused to discuss the
Ronald Lane Fontenot
* DATE: 1983-86
* STATE: Washington state
* AREA: Diocese of Spokane
* HISTORY: Suspended from a parish in Lafayette, La., for molesting a
young boy; accepted as counselor at a center that treats adolescent drug
and alcohol abusers in Spokane.
Fontenot, 41, was arrested last year after
teenage boys complained he engaged in oral copulation with one and fondled
four others. He was convicted and sentenced to one year in jain, two years
in a treatment program.
Andrew Christian Andersen
* DATE: 1986
* STATE: California
* AREA: Diocese of Orange
* HISTORY: Found guilty on 26 counts of child molestation; received five
years' probation on condition he go to a church-owed treatment facility
in New Mexico.
Andersen, 35, was reported to authorities
by a psychiatrist counseling a 13-year-old altar boy. The church never
told authorities of abuse reported three years earlier, when it sent Andersen
to counseling, and did not remove him from supervising boys. As soon as
counseling stopped, molestings began.
William O'Connell
* DATE: 1986
* STATE: Rhode Island
* AREA: Diocese of Providence
* HISTORY: Sentenced to one year in prison and two years at Catholic treatment
center in Maryland after pleading no contest to 26 counts of abusing a
dozen boys.
The Providence Journal reported that in
November 1983, 18 months before O'Connell was arrested, two priests talked
at least four times to Auxiliary Bishop Kenneth A. Angell, about their
suspicions that O'Connell, 64, was involved with teenage boys.
One of the priests told Angell, "there
was an explosion waiting to happen," the paper said. "If there's
evidence, let them produce it," Angell responded.
A $14 million lawsuit against the diocese
by the mother of one of the victims is still pending. Another priest in
the diocese, Paul Leech, was sentenced to three years in prison in 1985
for molesting three teen-age boys at his parish.
Thomas Bender
* DATE: 1987
* STATE: Pennsylvania
* AREA: Diocese of Allentown
* HISTORY: Arraigned Nov. 20 on charges of indecent assault on a minor.
Civil lawsuit filed Aug. 5 accuses Bender,
53, of engaging in oral and anal intercourse with a Pottsville, Pa., boy
from the time he was 10 until he was 16 and with photographing him engaging
in acts with other adult homosexuals.
The suit says that Allentown Bishop Thomas
J. Welsh and other top diocesan officials knew about Bender's activities
and told the child victim to tell no one, incuding parents. The diocese
has not commented on the allegation.
Timothy Slevin
* DATE: 1986
* AREA: Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
* HISTORY: Sentenced to three to 12 years after pleading guilty to four
counts of sodomizing one boy at Sacred Heart Catholic School.
Slevin told police he sexually abused six
other boys aged 10 to 16, some as many as 20 times, after he was hired
in 1980 to coach the boys' basketball team. Slevin, 48, is a former cleric
who left the priesthood in 1974. While a priest, he received treatment
after he was accused of fondling children, according to a prosecutor's
After being arrested in 1985, Slevin admitted
abusing other boys. The archdiocese offered psychological help only to
victims who came forward, an archdiocese spokeswoman said.
The mother of one of the boys sued the church
for $200 million; the case was settled out of court.