Publicly Accused Priests, Brothers, and Nuns in Argentina
[To see this database in Spanish, click here.]
Related Pages
• Argentine Victims Who Tried to Meet with Pope Francis
• Pope Francis' Response to Abuse Cases as Buenos Aires Archbishop
We have examined news and court archives to identify nearly 100 clergy in Argentina publicly accused of sexually abusing minors and vulnerable adults.
Most of these cases involve alleged abuse that occurred in the last 20 years; the online public record contains very little information about clergy sexual abuse in Argentina before 1995. In addition, most of these cases were reported by the victim or the victim's parents to law enforcement within two to three years of occurrence. We know from abuse data published elsewhere that such prompt reporting to civil authorities by victims is atypical. Most children who are sexually abused, especially by Catholic priests, never report their abuse; those who do report usually do so decades later.
This list, then, is a fraction of the total number of accused clerics who would be known if Argentina’s bishops were required to report to law enforcement, if its legal system allowed victims more time to bring criminal and civil charges, or if dioceses were investigated by prosecutors or state commissions. In Australia, Ireland and the Netherlands, all of which have fewer priests and Catholics than Argentina, church officials have admitted to totals many times larger.
This database collates information from media coverage and court filings, which exist only because of the courage of survivors and the diligence of journalists. The database is entirely dependent on their work and a tribute to it.
Contact us: please email us at with corrections and additions. Thank you!
Accused Argentine Priests, Brothers and Nuns
Rev. Daniel Omar Acevedo | Bro. Ángel Tarcisio Acosta, S.D.B. | Rev. José Carlos Aguilera | Rev. Luis Anguita, T.O.R. | Rev. Néstor Aramayo | Rev. Francisco José Armendáriz | Rev. Walter Eduardo Avanzini | Rev. Abel Eduardo Balbi | Rev. Luis Alberto Bergliaffa | Rev. Luxorio Ruiz Bilbao, S.J. | Rev. Luis Alberto Brizzio | Bro. Carlos Buela | Rev. Miguel Cacciuto | Rev. Raul del Castillo, S.D.B. | Rev. Horacio Corbacho Blanck, S.M. | Friar Diego | Rev. Carlos Alberto Dorado | Bro. Angel Duples, F.M.S. | Sr. Viviana/Bibiana or Leopoldina Fleitas, O.F.M. | Rev. Carlos Maria Salazar Gauna | Rev. Daniel Giménez | Rev. Ricardo Giménez | Brother Isaac Gómez, S.M. | Bro. Humberto González, S.J. | Rev. Cristian Gramlich | Rev. Julio César Grassi | Rev. Juan De Dios Gutiérrez | Rev. Justo José Ilarraz | Rev. Virginio Juan Isottón | Rev. Carlos Eduardo José | Rev. "J.M." | Rev. Mario Koessler | Rev. Emilio Raimundo Lamas | Rev. Eduardo Lorenzo | Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone | Rev. Félix Alejandro Martínez | Rev. Tulio Mattiussi | Rev. José Antonio Mercau | Rev. Néstor Fabián Monzón | Rev. Jose Luis Morello | Rev. Marcelino Moya | Rev. Reynaldo Narvais, C.R.I. | Rev. Alfredo Nicola | Rev. Moisés Pachado | Alicia Pacheco/Sr. Micaela | Rev. Domingo Pacheco | Rev. Rubén Pardo | Rev. Héctor Pared | Rev. Felipe de Jesús Parma/Nicolás Parma | Rev. Martín Paz | Rev. Luis Pezzolo, S.D.B. | Brother Fernando Enrique Picciochi, S.M. | Rev. Oscar Portillo | Rev. Renato Rasguido | Rev. Carlos Robledo | Rev. Diego Roqué Moreno | Rev. Agustín Rosa Torino | Rev. Alberto Rúa Hubeimar | Rev. Julián Ruiz | Rev. Miguel Ángel Santurio | Rev. Mario Napoleón Sasso | Rev. Jorge Scaramellini Guerrero | Rev. José Luis Serre | Rev. "Seryo", S.A.C. | Rev. Luis Eduardo Sierra, S.D.P. | Bishop Abelardo Silva | Rev. Alejandro José Squizziatto | Archbishop Edgardo Gabriel Storni | Rev. Avelino Trecco | Bishop Adolfo A. Uriona, F.D.P. | Rev. Juan José Urrutia | Rev. Aníbal Valenzuela | Rev. Cristian Vázquez | Rev. Carlos Vece, C.F.I.C. | Rev. Fernando Yáñez | Rev. Mario Yulán | Rev. Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta
Accused Foreign Priests, Brothers and Nuns in Argentina
Rev. Ladislao Chomin | Rev. Nicola Corradi, S.M. | Rev. Alessandro De Rossi | Bro. John Derham, C.F.C. | Rev. Juan Diego Escobar Gaviria | Rev. Lucus A. Galván, C.R. | Rev. Giovanni Granuzzo, S.M | Rev. Luis Jaramillo Carvajal, O.F.M. Cap. | Rev. Finnlugh Mac Conastair, C.F.C. | Rev. Albano Mattioli, S.M.| Rev. Eliseo Primati | Rev. Luis Sabarre, O.M.I. | Rev. Frank Sierra, S.F. | Brother Spinelli, S.M. | Brother Richard Suttle, C.M.F.
Accused Argentine Priests, Brothers and Nuns in Other Countries
Rev. Roberto Barco | Rev. Orlando Alberto Battagliola/Battaglio | Rev. Atilio Jesús Garay | Rev. Carlos Richard Ibáñez Morino | Rev. Alfredo Soiza-Piñeyro | Unnamed Priest, S.D.P. | Rev. Carlos Urrutigoity, S.S.P.X.
Name |
Diocese |
Dio/Order |
Summary |
Sources |
Rev. Daniel Omar Acevedo |
Rio Gallegos Diocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained 2007. In May 2016 a 23-year-old man reported to the diocese that, on three occasions, when he was ages 15, 17 and 18, Acevedo tried to sexually abuse him. On November 13, 2016 the young man filed a complaint with the Family and Minority Police Station in Ushuaia. Per the complaint, two of the incidents occurred in his home in Resistencia, Chaco, and the third was after the boy had moved to Ushuaia, when Acevedo contacted him and they met in a car. Acevedo was suspended from public ministry pending civil and church investigations. At the time of the complaint, Acevedo was working as rector of the Sanctuary of San Cayetano and was in charge of San José Obrero parish in Rio Gallegos. In March 2017, the apostolic administrator for the Rio Gallegos diocese, Miguel Ángel D'Annibale, announced that he had been authorized by the Vatican to put the priest through a "criminal administrative process" under canon law. In October 2018, D'Annibale announced that in August 2018, the Vatican had expelled Acevedo from the clerical state, having found him guilty of sexually abusing a minor. News reports stated that final confirmation of the sentence from the Vatican was pending, suggesting that Acevedo had appealed the sentence. As of October 2018, the priest's legal case in Argentina also was still in process. |
Ushuaia: Otro sacerdote fue denunciado por abuso sexual,, 11.18.2016
Dos curas denunciados por presunto abuso sexual contra menores fueron suspendidos por el Obispo,, 11.19.2016
Obispo se reunió con joven de Ushuaia que denunció abusos de un sacerdote,, 3.11.2017
El obispo de Río Gallegos abrió proceso canónico contra un sacerdote acusado de abuso,, 3.13.2017 |
Bro. Ángel Tarcisio Acosta, S.D.B. |
Corrientes archdiocese |
Salesians of Don Bosco |
Sentenced in September 1986 to 18 years of prison for corruption and abuse of minors. Abused children at the Salesian Institute, Instituto Religioso Pío XI, where he taught catechesis and ran the game room and library. Case was cited in a 2012 book, Abusos Sexuales en la Iglesia Católica [Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church], by Argentine journalist Jorge Llistosella. |
“Abuse Is Present throughout the History of the Catholic Church,” Interview with Jorge Llistosella, Radio Sudamericana, 9.2.2012 [Translation] en Español |
Rev. José Carlos Aguilera
Salta archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Well-known chaplain at the Catholic University of Salta and pastor of Salta's Santa Lucia parish until March 2019. A news report in February 2019 revealed that Aguilera has been under church investigation since 2018 for alleged sexual abuse. The church reportedly is considering allegations by five victims and the canonical proceedings are ongoing. In March 2019, Aguilera was arrested and charged by the Unit of Crimes against Sexual Integrity for sexually abusing two minors. The alleged abuses took place in the town of Campo Santo around 20 years ago. The Campo Santo mayor testified to the prosecutor that in the late 1990s, he had warned then-Salta archbishop Moisés Blanchoud about sexual misconduct by Aguilera. On April 24, 2019, the court ruled that the crimes were not prescribed. The Salta prosecutor said that Archbishop Mario Cargnello was refusing to provide information about Aguilera's alleged crimes. The archbishop told the prosecutor to request the information from the Holy See.
Juzgan a José Carlos Aguilera, un influyente cura de Salta, by Silvia Noviasky, El Tribuno, 02.17.2019
UCASAL suspendió al cura José Aguilera acusado de abuso sexual, Informate Salta, 03.25.2019
Intendente de Campo Santo declaró en la justicia sobre la conducta sexual del capellán de la Universidad Católica, Cuarto, 04.04.2019
Pidieron la prisión preventiva para el cura José Aguilera, El Tribuno, 04.09.2019
Caso Aguilera: la Iglesia no brindó la documentación solicitada, La Gaceta, 04.24.2019
"Aguilera con prisión domiciliaria pone en riesgo la investigación," by Silvia Noviasky, El Tribuno, 04.25.2019 |
Rev. Luis Anguita, T.O.R. |
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Third Order Regular
of St. Francis (Franciscans,
T.O.R.) |
Criminally charged in September 2004 after a young woman reported that Anguita had sexually abused her when she was 13 and Anguita, a Franciscan priest, was Prefect of Discipline at Tierra Santa Catholic School in Buenos Aires. The court dismissed the case in December 2004. Judicial sources said the accusations could not be proved. The judge asked authorities to investigate whether the young woman brought a false accusation. |
Dismissal Granted in Case of Priest Accused of Corrupting Minors, La Capital, 12.13.2004 [Translation] en Español |
Rev. Néstor Aramayo |
Salta archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Found guilty in 2017 by a church tribunal of sexually abusing a minor. Aramayo was the girl's confessor, and he sexually abused her for her four years of high school, when she was ages 14 to 18. In March 2017, Argentine church authorities penalized Aramayo with a two-year suspension from public ministry. He fulfilled his sentence in March 2019 and is free to return to full public ministry, pending the approval of his archbishop, Mario Cargnello of Salta.
El cura Aramayo cumplió la pena y volverá a dar misas, Profesional FM 89.9/El Tribuno, 04.18.2019
Rev. Francisco José Armendáriz

Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
In April 2001, an 18-year-old girl filed a paternity suit against Armendáriz, her parish priest, following the birth of her daughter in 2000. The girl grew up in a poor family and taught catechism to children in the parish. She met Armendáriz when she was 16 and learned of her pregnancy in March 2000, when she was 17. Soon after the birth of the child, Armendáriz left the parish. According to the archdiocese, he was transferred to Buenos Aires province for a pastoral mission and studies. The Court required him to undergo a paternity test (he refused to do so voluntarily). In November 2001, newspapers reported that the DNA test proved with 99.9% certainty that he was the father of the child.
As of February 2017 Armendáriz had reportedly left the priesthood, was teaching, and was in a long-term relationship with a woman. |
Girl Files Paternity Suit Against Priest, Clarín, 4.10.2001 [Translation] en Español
Paola, la joven que se animó a demandar a un sacerdote, by Miguel Títiro, María elena Guyet and Gabriela Martín, Sociedad Los Andes, 4.11.2001
Dos causas para un solo caso, Sociedad Los Andes, 4.11.2001
“Being Celibate Means Having the Heart Intact for God,” Diario Los Andes, 4.15.2001 [Translation] en Español
Father Armendáriz Still Won’t Come to Mendoza, by Miguel Títuro, Diario Los Andes, 4.18.2001 [Translation] en Español
Con una prueba de ADN comprobaron la paternidad de un cura en Mendoza, Mendoza Corresponsal, Clarin, 11.1.2001
Conocé a la profesora y el ex-sacerdote que volvieron a creer en el amor, Tiempo de San Juan, 2.15.2017 |
Rev. Walter Eduardo Avanzini |
Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto diocese |
Diocesan |
In August 1998, the television program A decir verdad broadcast footage from a hidden camera that reportedly showed Avanzini paying minors for sex in San Martín Plaza in the city of Córdoba. At the time, he was a parish priest in Berrotarán as well as a physician and employee at Instituto Parroquial Berrotarán, which had nearly 1,000 students. After leaving the priesthood, he became a teacher and then an employee of the Ministry of Education. In 2011, the Bishop of Córdoba said that as Rector when Avanzini was a seminarian, he had reported him for sexual misconduct and warned the bishop, who ordained Avanzini nonetheless. |
Sex and Videos: Priest Is Accused of Corruption, La Nación, 8.29.1998 [Translation] en Español
Pero igual fueron sacerdotes, por Sergio Carreras, La Voz Ciudadanos, 9.25.2011
Ñáñez Says He’d Expelled the Pedophile Priest, by Sergio Carreras, La Voz, 10.4.2011 [Translation] en Español
Priest Expelled from Seminary Works in Education, by Sergio Carreras, La Voz, 10.5.2011 [Translation] en Español |
Rev. Abel Eduardo Balbi |
Salta archdiocese
Diocesan |
Allegations of child sexual abuse by Balbi first became public in news reports in October 2018. One of his victims reportedly sought help from the Salta archdiocese seven or eight years ago, but was 'thrown out and told to stop inventing things,' according to the victim's brother. The victim committed suicide in 2012.
In the 1980s, Balbi headed the parish in the town of Joaquín V. González, Anta department, and in the 1990s, he was the parish priest in Villa Primavera. In April 2019, Balbi is listed on the website of the Salta archdiocese as working outside the archdiocese, in the Federal Capital. He reportedly is being investigated by federal authorities. |
El polémico perfil del sacerdote Abel Balbi, by Silvia Noviasky, El Tribuno, 12.03.18
Acusan al cura Balbi de haber abusado de varios adolescentes, by Silvia Noviasky, El Tribuno, 10.14.2018
Presbíteros, Arzobispado de Salta, 2019 [PDF saved on 05.01.2019] |
Rev. Roberto Barco |
Diocese of San Bernardino
Diocese of Chascomús |
Diocesan |
From Argentina, Diocese of Chascomus. Assigned to San Salvador parish in Colton, CA 2009 and St. Louis parish in Cathedral City, CA 2011-2014. Included on San Bernardino diocese list 10/9/18. Accused in 4/16 of child sex abuse in 2009-10. Police report filed. Was working in Los Angeles archdiocese at time of report. Removed in 5/16. Returned to Argentina. On Los Angeles archdiocese's list updated 12/6/18. |
LA Archdiocese Adds New Names to List of Accused Priests, by Pablo Kay, Angelus News, 12.06.2018 |
Rev. Orlando Alberto Battagliola/Battaglio |
Monterey CA (USA) diocese |
Diocesan |
Arrived in the Monterey-Fresno CA diocese in 1963. Accused in a 2003 lawsuit of the sexual abuse of a 14-year-old altar boy in the early 1970s. Battagliola was murdered in a San Francisco motel room in 1977. |
Man Says Abuse 'Tore Me Down, by Alex Friedrich, Monterey County Herald,
Litigant Wants Info on Priest Suspect in Child Molestation Was Slain in 1977, by Patrick S. Pemberton, San Luis Obispo Tribune, 3.29.2003
Catholic Guilt, by Nick Powell, New Times 3.28.2013
Assignment Record, |
Rev. Luis Alberto Bergliaffa |
Córdoba archdiocese
Alto Valle del Río Negro diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in 2011 of sexually abusing a girl while a priest of Nuestra Señora de Fátima parish, in Córdoba. The archdiocese of Córdoba received the complaint against him (it is not known whether from the victim, her parents or from someone else) and opened a canonical investigation. However, the Church did not inform the public of the allegation until three years later, in early 2014, when the Córdoba archbishop announced that the sex abuse allegations had been corroborated "with sufficient moral certainty" and gave Bergliaffa a 10-year suspension from public ministry. The priest filed an appeal but the Vatican upheld the sanction. He was never criminally investigated, as neither the church nor the
victim or her family, whose identities have not been made public, filed a complaint with civil authorities. In January 2017, media outlets reported that Bergliaffa was living and working in a parish in General Roca, in the diocese of Alto Valle del Río Negro, "under the protection" of Rio Negro bishop Marcelo Alejandro Cuenca Revuelta. Cuenca defended his decision to host Bergliaffa, saying that the priest faced no criminal charges and was therefore entitled to move freely. |
El Vaticano suspendió a un cura acusado de abusar de una menor, Infobae, 3.29.2014
Prohíben el ministerio público a sacerdote acusado de abuso,, 4.1.2014
Revelan que la Iglesia refugia en Roca a un cura pedófilo,, 1.25.2017
El Obispo habló en la misa sobre el cura acusado de abuso que está en Roca, Anroca, 1.29.2017
Comunicado del arzobispado de Córdoba sobre el presbítero Luis Bergliaffa,, 1.30.2017
Rev. Luxorio Ruiz Bilbao, S.J.
[also known as Padre Mario] |
Resistencia archdiocese |
Society of Jesus |
Allegedly raped and impregnated a 15-year-old girl in 1982 who was seeking his spiritual guidance to prepare her for the traditional White Mass on the cusp of her 15th birthday at Parroquia San Javier, in Resistencia, the capital city of Chaco province, where Ruiz Bilbao ministered. He died in October 2012 at age 82. The allegations against him did not become public until September 2017, when the media outlet TN published the victim’s account.
Ruiz Bilbao, who was known as Father Mario, allegedly began sexually assaulting the girl on April 4, 1982, two days after her brother was sent off to fight in the Falklands War. On that day, Father Mario told her he was going to give her an "initiation" to prepare her for womanhood, kissed her all over and inserted his penis in her mouth. He then told the child to run home and bathe and not tell anyone what happened. The abuses, which took place inside the parish church, continued until May 22, resulting in her becoming pregnant.
After the girl had the baby, her mother threw her out of the house, and she ended up on the street, where she was discovered by a trafficking network that brought her to Rosario and prostituted her. In 2016, she was inspired by the film Spotlight to contact the American survivors’ organization SNAP and then SNAP's Argentine counterpart, Red de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual Eclesiástico de Argentina, which pressured the archdiocese of Resistencia to arrange for the provincial government to give her housing and disability benefits. The archdiocese told her to seek any additional compensation from the Jesuits. An archdiocesan lawyer reportedly told her: "You want your five minutes of fame. It is now fashionable to denounce priests. I suggest you go and pray a lot, that you ask God for forgiveness."
The Jesuits reportedly canceled a scheduled meeting with the victim, saying that any discussion was "premature...because of uncertain and unsupported motives," but that her demand for compensation "would be evaluated eventually." |
BILBAO Luxorio Ruiz, Diario Necrologico, 10.14.2012
Una mujer denuncia que un cura la violó y embarazó a los 15 años, por Miriam Lewin, 9.13.2017
Red de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual Eclesiástico de Argentina, Facebook, 10.16.2017 |
Rev. Luis Alberto Brizzio

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz archdiocese |
Diocesan |
In November 2014, just days after Brizzio celebrated Mass with Pope Francis in Vatican City, a man wrote in a letter to Pope Francis that Brizzio perpetrated "misconduct" toward him twenty years previously, when the man was a teenager participating in "Catholic Action" in Gálvez. As a result of the letter, Brizzio was removed from the Cathedral of Hope, where he was pastor. In February 2015, the allegation became public, when the archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz released a statement saying that Brizzio had been sent to a convent in Buenos Aires, pending the results of a canonical investigation. Brizzio's accuser's father said that his son told a priest about Brizzio's behavior toward him during the time it was happening, and that the priest arranged for then Archbishop Storni to meet with the boy's family. Nothing was done. The young man stated, "It was twenty years of concealment."
In August 2015 the canonical investigators concluded that Brizzio's accuser was "of age" at the time of the alleged abuse; the boy's attorney refuted that, saying the last incident of abuse was when the boy was age 16. As of April 2019, Brizzio appeared to be an active priest again. He is listed on the Santa Fe archdiocesan website as an associate priest at the parish of San Francisco Javier in San Javier. |
Brizzio celbró misa con el Papa Francisco, Diaxdia, 11.9.2014
Arzobispado confirma denuncia contra Brizzio, Diaxdia, 2.13.2015
El monseñor Arancedo habló sobre la denuncia contra el padre Brizzio, by José María Arancedo, SOL 91.5, 4.1.2015
Expediente con destino a Roma, Pagina12, Santa Fe, 4.2.2015
El sacerdote tiene quien lo defienda, by Lorena Panzerini,, 8.24.2015
Una negación que humilla y enoja, Por Lorena Panzerini, Página12, 02.29.2016
Parroquias del Interior, Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe da la Vera Cruz, 10.9.2017
Parroquias del Interior, Arzobispado de Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, 04.12.2019 |
Bro. Carlos Buela
San Rafael diocese |
Istituto del Verbo Incarnato |
Institute of the Incarnate Word founder guilty of sexual misconduct, Catholic News Agency, 12.27.2016 |
Rev. Miguel Cacciuto

Mar del Plata diocese |
Diocesan |
Investigated but apparently not charged in 2008 for suspected sexual abuse of kindergarten students, ages 3 to 7, in Villa Gesell. Was said to have been moved in March 2009 to a chapel in Mar del Plata, which also had a kindergarten. As of February 2014, Cacciuto (also spelled Cacciutto) was listed on the Mar del Plata diocesan website as pastor of the parish of Jesus the Worker (Jesus Obrero) in Mar del Plata. In October 2017 he was listed on the website as pastor of Sagrada Familia in Mar del Plata. |
Imputan a seis personas por abuso sexual en un jardín de infantes, Infobae, 3.20.2009
List of Diocesan Priests, Diocese of Mar del Plata. [Screenshot of Cacciuto listing taken 3.2.2014]
List of Diocesan Priests, Diocese of Mar del Plata. [Screenshot of Cacciuto listing taken 10.6.2017] |
Rev. Raúl del Castillo, S.D.B.

Mendoza archdiocese |
Salesians of Don Bosco |
Accused in 2008 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in 1998 while director of Colegio Don Bosco, a Salesian school in Mendoza. The alleged victim, a student at the school at the time of the alleged abuses, filed complaints with both state and church authorities. A year prior to the allegations, in 2007, the Salesians reportedly transferred Del Castillo to Paraguay, where he would go on to lead the "Don Bosco Róga" program for at-risk children and adolescents for six years, from 2010 to 2015.
The criminal case ultimately was dropped due to a lack of evidence.
Del Castillo first was identified publicly as an alleged abuser in spring 2016, when the Paraguayan newspaper La Nación published an investigative series called "Iglesia Oscura" [Dark Church]. The articles exposed the cases of five Argentine priests who were transferred to Paraguay following allegations of sexual abuse in Argentina. [See: the first article in La Nación's series; coverage of the Church's attempt to prevent publication of the remaining articles; La Nación's feature on Del Castillo; and La Nación's summary of the five cases.]
In November 2016, Amnesty International gave its annual award for human rights reporting to La Nación for "Iglesia Oscura."
In October 2017, a Mendoza court ordered the Salesian congregation to pay the victim 80 thousand pesos in moral damages. In an unprecedented rebuke of the Catholic church by the Argentine judiciary, the court ruled that certain church laws violate the Argentine constitution. According to the court ruling, Canons 1717 and 1719, which impose secrecy in the church's investigations of accused priests, violate an alleged victim's constitutional right to receive information about his case.
As of 2019, Del Castillo remains active with the Salesians in Paraguay, and he continues to serve as national advisor of Movimiento Exploradores Paraguayos de Don Bosco (EPDB), a Paraguay youth organization similar to the Boy Scouts.
Un ex alumno del colegio Don Bosco dijo que fue abusado e hizo juicio, UNO, 6.15.2014
Don Bosco Róga celebró a la Auxiliadora, Salesianos Paraguay 5.2015
Iglesia Oscura, La Nación,
Primavera 2016
Sacerdotes con casos de abusos sexuales, ocultos en Paraguay, La Nación, 04.22.2016
Censuran en Paraguay un informe sobre curas argentinos acusados de abusos, Clarín, 04.26.2016
Cura argentino denunciado por abuso sexual trabaja en el país, La Nación, 5.22.2016
Sacerdote Pedófilo Sería Un "Guía Espiritual", ADN, 5.23.2016
Sacerdotes Argentinos Con Casos De Abuso Y Crimenes Ocultos En Paraguay, La Nación, 5.23.2016
Jornada formativa de los animadores de oratorios, Salesianos Paraguay, 8.2016
Premio a investigación sobre abuso de un cura en Mendoza, MDZ, 11.22 2016
Encuentro Nacional de los Exploradores de Don Bosco, Salesianos Paraguay, 6.2017
Reunión de Padres Directores, Salesianos Paraguay, 6.2017
El silencio tiene su costo, Pagina 12, 10.14.2017
Abuso eclesiástico: Justicia mendocina declaró inconstitucionales dos artículos del derecho canónico, La Izquierda Diario, 10.14.2017 |
Rev. Ladislao Chomin

Corrientes archdiocese |
St. Josaphat Institute of Apostles (Byzantine Rite) |
Sentenced in June 2012 to four years in prison for sexually abusing a 4-year-old girl in 2003. He's serving the sentence under home detention given his advanced age. The abuse took place in the priest's bedroom near or at St. Josafat de Apóstoles in the province of Misiones. Chomin was 64 years old when he assaulted the little girl. |
Cuatro años de cárcel para un cura de 73 años que abusó de una nena de 4, El Diario de la Republica, 6.19.2012
Una testigo comprometió la situación del sacerdote Chomín, Territorio Digital, 6.19.2012
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.6.2017 |
Rev. Horacio Corbacho Blanck, S.M.

Mendoza archdiocese |
Said to be the first Argentine member of the Society of Mary for the Education of the Deaf (Compagnia di Maria per l'educazione dei sordomuti), a small religious order based in Verona, Italy. On November 25, 2019, Corbacho was sentenced to 45 years in prison for sexual crimes he perpetrated on deaf children in his care at the Antonio Provolo Institute for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children, a residential school run by his order, located in Lujan de Cuyo, a municipality in Mendoza. The verdict occurred three years to the day after Corbacho's arrest.
Corbacho was convicted on 16 criminal counts, most involving sexual assaults. Corbacho's co-defendants, Rev. Nicola Corradi, S.M., the school's founder and longtime spiritual director, and Armando Ramón Gómez Bravo, the school’s gardener, were also convicted, and sentenced to 42 and 18 years respectively. The court found the men guilty of 28 crimes that occurred between 2005 and 2016, ranging from sexual assaults to torture. Their ten victims, both boys and girls, were between 7 and 17 years old. According to the Associated Press, "investigators found ... photographs of a naked girl on Corbacho’s computer and chains he allegedly used to subdue one girl."
Another school employee, Jorge Bordón, had pled guilty to 11 counts of child sex crimes in 2018; he is serving a 10-year sentence. Nine others employed by or associated with the school went on trial in February 2020 for enabling or failing to report the crimes. They include two nuns, Asunción Martínez and Kumiko Kosaka, who is accused of facilitating at least six sexual assaults.
Corbacho is serving his sentence at the Mendoza prison complex in Boulogne Sur Mer. |
Church, Deaf Students Square Off on Italian TV, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 3.26.2010
"Papa Francesco, almeno tu fai giustizia" Appello delle vittime dei preti pedofili,, 5.8.2014
Detienen a dos curas y un civil por abusos sexuales en un instituto de Luján, por Ricardo Montacuto, Mendoza Post, 11.26.2016
Quiénes son los curas presos por violaciones a niños sordos en Luján, por Ricardo Montacuto, Mendoza Post, 11.28.2016
Victim advocates: Pope told of priest arrested in Argentina, by Luis Andres Henao and Nicole Winfield, Associated Press via SF Chronicle, 12.01.2016
La vida en la cárcel de los curas del Próvolo y el manto de silencio que permitió los abusos, por Ignacio de la Rosa, Infobae, 12.07.2016
Argentina investigates alleged sex abuse at school, by Almudena Calatrava and Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 12.23.2016
Angel from hell: Nun is arrested for helping five priests 'sexually abuse' dozens of deaf children at Argentinian Catholic school after victim said she made her wear a diaper to cover up horrific injuries, by Timothyna Duncan, Daily Mail, 5.6.2017
Nun Charged for Helping Priests Sexually Abuse Deaf Children, by Lucy Pasha-Robinson, The Independent, 5.6.2017
Próvolo: el cura Corbacho se negó al ADN y dijo que su relación con los chicos era "paternal", Clarín, 6.8.2017
Caso Próvolo: apareció otro denunciate y ya suman 18, por Ignacio de la Rosa, Los Andes, 6.23.17 |
Rev. Nicola Corradi, S.M.

Verona diocese (Italy)
La Plata archdiocese
Mendoza archdiocese |
Company of Mary for the Education of the Deaf |
Italian priest, member of Compagnia di Maria per l'educazione dei sordomuti (Company of Mary for the Education of Deafmutes), a small, pontifical-rite religious order focused on the education of the deaf, headquartered in Verona, Italy. Corradi taught and worked at three of the order’s schools for the deaf children -- in the 1960s (and possibly earlier) in Verona, Italy; from 1970 to 1997, in La Plata, Argentina; and from 1997 to 2016, in Mendoza, Argentina. He is accused of sexually assaulting children at all three schools.
On November 25, 2019, Corradi was sentenced to 42 years in prison for perpetrating sexual crimes against deaf children who attended the order’s Antonio Provolo Institute for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children in Lujan de Cuyo, a municipality in Mendoza, Argentina. The conviction was on five counts: two as a participant in aggravated sexual abuse, one for corruption of minors, one for aggravated sexual abuse, and one for attempted sexual abuse.
Also found guilty were two others who worked at the school: another priest, Horacio Corbacho, S.M., sentenced to 45 years in prison on 16 counts; and Armando Ramón Gómez Bravo, the school’s gardener, sentenced to 18 years on four counts. An administrator and driver at the school, Jorge Bordón, had pled guilty to 11 counts of child sex crimes in 2018 and is serving a 10-year sentence.
Immediately after Corradi’s conviction in Mendoza, prosecutors in La Plata, a city in Buenos Aires province, requested that the 83-year-old priest be transferred there to face additional charges. Before founding the Mendoza school in 1997, Corradi had been in La Plata, where he ran Argentina's first Provolo school for deaf children from 1970 to 1997. He is accused of sexually assaulting multiple children at the La Plata school during that time. [See the account of one La Plata victim, Daniel Sgardelis.]
The La Plata prosecutor said Corradi's crimes were marked by ‘unusual violence … undistinguishable from torture.’ He committed many of the crimes on Saturdays, when most of the students had returned home, and the only those with no families remained.
In the meantime, in Mendoza, the third trial related to child sex assaults at the Mendoza school began in February 2020, for nine others associated with or employed by the school. The nine, all women, include two nuns; they are all accused of crimes of complicity.
Corradi was first publicly accused of child sex abuse in 2009 in Verona, Italy, when he was named as one of 24 priests, brothers and lay religious accused of sexually and physically abusing children who attended the Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf in Verona during the 1950s-1980s. More than 65 deaf men and women reported being sodomized and assaulted as children at the Verona school. The victims had contacted Verona church authorities as early as 2006, but the church took no action until after victims disclosed their horrifying stories to an Italian newspaper. The story received worldwide press attention. None of the accused was prosecuted by Italian authorities because of the statute of limitations.
In 2010, the Vatican ordered the Verona bishop to investigate the alleged atrocities, and in 2012, the Vatican sent a letter of apology to the victims’ attorney, acknowledging allegations against just five of the 24 accused. Padre Eligio Piccioli was sentenced to a life of prayer and penance, three other clerics (reportedly, Don Danilo Corradi, Friar Agostino Micheloni, and Friar Rino Corradi) were admonished, and another, Brother Lino Gugole, was not sanctioned due to old age and ill health. The letter did not mention Nicola Corradi or any of the other 18 or so accused abusers.
In early 1970, Corradi was transferred from Italy to Argentina; four other accused Provolo clerics from Verona also went to Argentina, some in the 1960s. (The other four were Padre Giovanni Granuzzo S.M., Padre Eliseo Primati, S.M., Brother Albano Mattioli, S.M., and Brother Spinelli, S.M.) From 1970 to 1997, Corradi worked with children at the Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf in La Plata, Argentina. In or around 1997, Corradi was sent to establish a new Provolo Institute in Mendoza, Argentina, where he became spiritual director. Like its sister schools in Verona and La Plata, the Provolo in Mendoza was a priest-run, Catholic private school for children who were deaf or hard of hearing. Some of the students lived at the school, which was affiliated with the archdiocese of Mendoza.
Pope Francis was warned twice about Corradi's presence in Argentina. In May 2014, an Italian survivors' group wrote to the Pope, trying to alert him to the 14 reported child molesters from the Verona school who were still at large. The letter stated that four clerics, including Corradi, were in active ministry in Argentina. In 2015, a former Verona student personally handed the Pope a letter citing the same 14 names, including Corradi. The Vatican took no action against any of the cited priests.
In November 2016, Corradi and four others were arrested on charges of sexual assault of at least 10 former students of the Provolo Institute in Mendoza, including the rape of one of the boys over a period of five years, beginning when the boy was seven years old. Argentine authorities shut down the school. The victims, ages 5-12, reportedly were abused in a room that was set apart from the classrooms.
The case surfaced when a Mendoza legislator informed authorities that a deaf girl wished to testify. The girl had been introduced to the legislator by a representative for a deaf rights group. Through a sign-language interpreter, the girl testified that Corradi molested her in 2005, and raped her male classmates after removing them from their rooms at night and giving them sedatives.
In December 2016, authorities in Argentina started taking testimony from students and parents who suspected their children had been subjected by Corradi and others to oral sex, fondling and sexual intercourse over the previous decade. Several of the children allegedly witnessed the abuse of others.
In a public statement, the Mendoza archbishop said the archdiocese had no prior knowledge of Corradi's history of abuse, even though the Verona allegations against him would have surfaced in a simple Google search.
In late December 2016, a former student from the order’s other school for deaf children in Argentina - the Provolo Institute in La Plata -- filed a complaint against Corradi, alleging that Corradi had abused him and other boys. Corradi had run the school from 1970 to 1997. Another La Plata alumnus came forward with a similar allegation. In an interview with the Washington Post, one of the alleged La Plata victims recalled Corradi “placing him on his knee and fondling his genitals during lessons when the priest would also insert fingers into his mouth to try to teach him how to pronounce words.” La Plata prosecutors reported knowledge of a third La Plata victim of Corradi who killed himself as an adult.
In May 2017, a Mendoza court levied obstruction charges against Revs. Dante Simón and Juan Martínez, two priests from Cordoba who had been assigned by the Holy See to investigate Corradi and Corbacho. The papal envoys invoked the pontifical secret in refusing to share with prosecutors information they had gathered about the two accused priests. They submitted their findings to the Holy See in June.
In July 2017, Pope Francis appointed auxiliary bishop of La Plata, Alberto Germán Bochatey, to lead another church investigation of the alleged abuse crimes at the Mendoza school.
In May 2018, Bochatey, in an interview with an Argentine news outlet, called the allegations of abuse at the Verona school an “urban myth.” He criticized the fact that the Mendoza school had been closed by authorities, making the analogy that it would never occur to anyone to shut down the hospital that employed an anesthesiologist who was accused of abuse. As of April 2019, Bochatey had made no public statements on the progress of the two-year investigation that the Pope has appointed him to oversee.
Preliminary hearings in the Mendoza case commenced in the fall of 2018, when one of the accused abusers pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 years in prison on 11 counts of abuse involving five victims. The most recent totals have increased the number of sex abuse victims at the Mendoza school to more than 20 children between 4 and 17 years of age. At the La Plata school, in the 20-year span from 1982 to 2002, al least 28 students were abused, seven of whom have filed complaints.
According to a February 2019 Washington Post article, Bochatey “blamed prosecutors and victims’ lawyers for overstating the scope of the allegations.”
In March 2019, lawyers for the victims presented a civil complaint against the Archdiocese of Mendoza, alleging that the church had not cooperated fully with the investigation.
In late April 2019, La Plata authorities charged Corradi and others with multiple counts of child sexual abuse. The abuses were committed at the school on Saturdays, when most of the children had gone home and the only ones who remained at the school were those who had no families.
Corradi remained under house arrest until his November 2019 conviction for his crimes at the school in Mendoza. In December 2019, a Mendoza judge ordered medical tests of the 83-year-old to determine his ability to be transferred to detention in La Plata for his many alleged crimes there. In the meantime, he is serving his sentence in a Mendoza nursing home, where he is tended by a former Provolo worker and monitored electronically by Mendoza prison authorities.
Noi vittime dei preti pedofili,, 1.22.2009
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse, Associated Press via NBCNews, 9.13.2009
Church, Deaf Students Square Off on Italian TV, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 3.26.2010
Abuse Institute for the Deaf in Verona. The impunity of pedophile priests on the Italy - Argentina Pope Francis, anything to declare?,, 5.07.2014
"Papa Francesco, almeno tu fai giustizia" Appello delle vittime dei preti pedofili,, 5.8.2014
Hacia la integración a través de la comunicación y la formación laboral,, 9.5.2010
Detienen a dos curas y un civil por abusos sexuales en un instituto de Luján, por Ricardo Montacuto, Mendoza Post, 11.26.2016
Quiénes son los curas presos por violaciones a niños sordos en Luján, por Ricardo Montacuto, Mendoza Post, 11.28.2016
Abusi su bimbi Sacerdote veronese in cella in Argentina, L'Arena, 11.29.16
Abusos en el Próvolo: "Arancibia o Franzini sabían de Corradi", Sitio Andino Diario Digital, 11.29.2016
Abusos a chicos sordos: "A mi hijo lo obligaron a tener sexo oral con otro alumno", por Roxana Badaloni, Clarín, 11.29.2016
Argentina: 2 priests arrested for allegedly abusing children, Associate Press, via, 11.30.2016
Catholic priests arrested for sexually abusing 30 disabled children,, 11.30.2016
Preti arrestati per abusi su minori: “La Chiesa sa tutto, non ha fatto nulla”, by Redazione Web, 11.30.2016
Italian priest who was reported to Pope Francis years ago by deaf survivors in Verona is arrested for recent abuse of children in Argentina, Response by Anne Barrett Doyle,, 12.1.2016
Victim advocates: Pope told of priest arrested in Argentina, by Luis Andres Henao and Nicole Winfield, Associated Press via SF Chronicle, 12.1.2016
Los abusos siguieron hasta hace pocos días en el Próvolo, por Christian Sanz, Mendoza Post, 12.1.2016
Próvolo: la Iglesia mendocina "no sabía nada", Mendoza Post, 12.2.2016
Hay indicios de al menos 2 víctimas de abuso en el Próvolo de La Plata, El Dia, 12.8.2016
En La Plata investigan por abuso a los curas presos en Mendoza, por Eduardo D'Argenio, La Nacion, 12.13.2016
Argentina investigates alleged sex abuse at school, by Almudena Calatrava and Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 12.23.2016
Uno De Los Curas De Mendoza Tambien Fue Denunciado Por Abusar De Un Menor En LA Plata, Infobae, 12.29.2016
El cura acusado de violar chicos sordos obtuvo el beneficio de la prisión domiciliaria, por Roxana Badaloni, Clarín, 1.5.2017
El Próvolo en Verona, Por Mariana Carbajal, Pagina 12, 1.13.2017
Angel from hell: Nun is arrested for helping five priests 'sexually abuse' dozens of deaf children at Argentinian Catholic school after victim said she made her wear a diaper to cover up horrific injuries, by Timothyna Duncan, Daily Mail, 5.6.2017
Nun Charged for Helping Priests Sexually Abuse Deaf Children, by Lucy Pasha-Robinson, The Independent, 5.6.2017
Le pape accusé d’ avoir protégé des prêçtres soupconnés d’actes pédophiles en Argentine et en Italie, by Christine Legrand (Mendoza (Argentine), envoyée spéciale, avec Jérôme Gautheret à Rome) LeMonde.frm, 6.18.2017
Abus sexuels: un commissaire apostolique nommé pour les ‘instituts Provolo’,, 7.24.2017
Corradi sabía de hechos graves en el Próvolo plantense, por Ignacio de la Rosa, Los Andes, 8.5.2017
Caso Próvolo: demoras en el análisis de pruebas clave, por Ignacio de la Rosa, LosAndes, 8.16.2017
Denunciaron abusos sexuales en la sede del Instituto Próvolo en la ciudad de La Plata, Infobae, 8.19.2017
Caso Próvolo: declaró una víctima de abusos en La Plata, por Ignacio de la Rosa, 8.19.2017
El caso Próvolo tuvo un giro que puso a Corradi y a los demás "contra las cuerdas", El Ciudadano, 8.19.2017
Caso Próvolo: Detuvieron a un ex directiva como cómplice de los abusos sexuales,, 8.26.2017
Causa Provolo: denuncian falta de acciones de contención y seguimiento a las víctimas, La Izquierda Diario, 10.9.2017 |
Bro. John Derham, C.F.C. |
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Edmund Rice (Irish) Christian Brothers |
Likely from Ireland. Served as rector of the Cardenal Newman school, a primary and secondary school for boys affiliated with the Irish Christian Brothers. It was located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires until 1971, when it was re-located 13 miles away, to the city of San Isidro. Derham died in 1986. A former student alleged in 2017 that Derham made him sit on his lap in the school library and kissed his mouth. Another said Derham would "caress students excessively, rubbed them and hugged them..." while sitting them on his lap. He said he told his mother about Derham's behavior in 1963. The former students were among several who came forward about abuse at the school after another former student alleged publicly to having been sexually abused in 1977 by then-school chaplain Rev. Finnlugh Mac Conastair, C.P. Cardenal Newman is the alma mater of Argentine president Mauricio Macri and other members of Argentina's elite. |
Cartas revelan el horror de los abusos en el Newman, por Nadia Galán, Perfil, 7.23.2017
Clerical Abuse Scandal Hits Argentine President's School, by Paul Byrne, Luis Andres Henao and Almudena Caltrava, US News, 8.14.2017 |
Rev. Alessandro De Rossi

Salta archdiocese
Rome (Italy) diocese |
Diocesan |
Italian. Ordained 1994. Arrested by Interpol international police in Italy December 31, 2014 on charges of sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy over a three-year period while on a missionary assignment at a Salta, Argentina parish. The alleged assaults occurred in the 2010's. De Rossi was said to have multiple victims. The priest reportedly organized parties for children at which he would serve alcohol, and he allegedly forced his victims to participate in orgies. The children were from local families with meager resources.
De Rossi was pastor of a Rome parish when arrested in Italy. Italian authorities rejected Argentina's request for extradition. The priest denied wrongdoing, and it is not known if Italian prosecutors put him through a criminal process. As of April 2019, he was listed as an active priest of the Diocese of Rome. According to the Rome diocese's website, he can be reached through a local parish and works as a chaplain at a Rome retirement home.
Piden LA Captura Internacional Del Padre Alessandro De Rossi, Radio Salta,12.26.2014
Pedofilia, arrestato il parroco Alessandro De Rossi della chiesa San Luigi Gonzaga, by Letizia Ricciardi, via,
Salta Priest Arrested in Rome for Abuse, Buenos Aires Herald, 1.3.2015
Roma, il parroco accusato di pedofilia resta ai domiciliari: lo choc in Vicariato, by Franca Giansoldati, Il Messaggero, 01.06.2015
Persona Don Alessandro De Rossi, Diocesi di Roma, 1.05.2016 [Cached PDF]
Friar Diego |
Morón diocese |
Possibly a member
of Congregation
of the Tertiary Capuchins of
Our Lady of Sorrows (Amigonian) |
Accused of sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy in July 2008 at Monseñor Solari School in Morón, where the friar taught. According to the criminal complaint, the alleged abuse involved groping and an attempt to persuade the boy to have oral sex. A school official said the school was cooperating with the police investigation. |
Student Reveals How He Was Abused, Diario El día, 7.26.2008 [Translation] en Español
Rev. Carlos Alberto Dorado |
Añatuya diocese |
Diocesan |
In January 2017, Página/12 listed the names of 16 clerics and two nuns who allegedly are being investigated in civil, criminal or church courts, according to the Argentine survivors' organization, Red de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Eclesiástico (S.A.E.). Dorado was included in S.A.E.'s list. No details of the alleged investigation were provided.
Dorado's name appeared in a similar context, again with no accompanying details, at the end of a short documentary film about Red de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Eclesiástico and the related U.S. organization, SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests). Entitled "No abusarás," the film aired in March 2017 on the La Izquierda Diario youtube channel. In May 2017, Dorado's name was included in Telam's published list of 62 accused Argentine clergy and nuns. The news outlet indicated that he was from Santiago del Estero and that he was "accused of abuse [but] not investigated." No further details were given.
As of July 2016, Dorado reportedly was still in the diocese of Añatuya, working in El Santo Cristo parish in the remote rural village of Santos Lugares, department of Alberdi, Santiago del Estero province. |
No abusarás, el mandamiento que falta, por Mariana Carbajal, Pagina 12, 1.8.2017
No abusaras // el mandamiento negado en la Iglesia de Francisco, La Izquierda Diario en Youtube, 3.25.2017
Aumentan las denuncias contra curas abusadores, por Mariana Iglesias, Clarín, 3.25.2017
El listado de los integrantes de la Iglesia denunciados por abuso sexual desde 2002, Télam, 5.12.2017
Projecto: Padrinos de Oración, Parroquia El Santo Cristo Santos Lugares (Dprt Alberdi), 10.2016 |
Bro. Angel Duples, F.M.S. |
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Marist Brothers |
In August 2017 Duples' order received a complaint that Duples had sexually abused an 11-year-old male student at a branch of the Champagnat school 38 years previously. Duples acknowledged the abuse and stepped down from his position as director of the school's main branch, which he had held for a decade. The abuse occurred during a camping trip; Duples said there was "fondling". Per the Marists, Duples was sent to a Marist nursing home, where he had no contact with children. |
Marist Brothers: School Director Admints Abusing Student, by Almudena Calatrava, Associated Press, 8.17.2017
Director del colegio Champagnat admitió haber abusado de un alumno, Ambito, 8.17.2017
Casi 40 años después, el director del Champagnet reconoció que abusó de un alumno, Clarín, 8.17.2017 |
Rev. Juan Diego Escobar Gaviria

Guanare (Venezuela) diocese
Paraná diocese |
Cruzada del Espíritu Santo |
Born in Colombia; dual citizen of Colombia and Argentina. Well-known "healing priest" in Entre Ríos. Pastor since 2006 of San Lucas Evangelista parish in Lucas González, department of Nogoyá, Entre Ríos province. Suspended from ministry in October 2016 due to accusations that he had sexually abused two altar boys, ages 10 and 11. Arrested. On trial in August- September 2017 for the alleged sexual abuse of four minors at the same parish. Convicted. Sentenced on September 6, 2017 to 25 years in prison.Gaviria filed an appeal.
In March 2018, the Nogoyá prosecutor advanced the case of a fifth victim. The victim, a former altar boy, accused Gaviria of sexually abusing him more than 50 times between 2014 and May 2016, when the boy was ages 14 to 16.
As of April 2019, Gaviria remained in custody in the Criminal Unit in Victoria. He awaits a trial on charges brought by the fifth victim and the outcome of his appeal of his 2017 conviction.
Religiosas denuncian por abuso al cura sanador de Entre Ríos, Elentreríos, 10.31.2016
¿Quién es el padre Juan Diego?, Entreriosahora,
Se entregó el cura Escobar Gaviria, denunciado por abusos a menores, Perfil, 11.2.2016
Apareció otro fuerte testimonio contra el cura Escobar Gaviria, MaximaOnline, 11.14.2016
El cura de Lucas González acusado de abuso se comparó con Cristo, El Dia de Gualeguaychú (Entre Rios Province), 8.28.2017
Pidieron 25 años de prisión para el cura acusado de abuso de menores en Entre Ríos, El Patagónico, 8.29.2017
El fiscal Uriburu adelantó que “es posible que haya dos denuncias más” contra Juan Diego Escobar Gaviria, Analisis Digital, 8.30.2017
“Queremos que la Iglesia Católica tome el lugar que le corresponde y se haga cargo del cura Escobar Gaviria, Analisis Digital, 8.30.2017
Dia Historico: El Cura Escobar Gaviria Fue Condenado a 25 Anos De Prision De Cumplimiento Efectivo Por Abuso De Menores, Analisis Digital, 09.06.17
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.06.2017
Escobar Gaviria, 25 años de cárcel, entre rios ahora, 09.06.2017
El cura Juan Diego Escobar Gaviria fue condenado a 25 años de prisión de cumplimiento efecto por abuso de menores,
Análisis Digital, 9.07.2017
El Arzobispado de Paraná expresó vergüenza y dolor por los delitos cometidos, Diario El Argentino, 09.09.17
Comunicado del Arzobispado de Paraná, Archdiocese of Paraná, 09.11.17
Paraná diocese website, screenshot taken 9.22.2017
En Casación la defensa de Ilarraz busca revertir la sentencia condenatoria, UNO Entre Rios, 03.06.2019 |
Sr. Viviana (or Bibiana) Fleitas, O.F.M.
[Reportedly also known as Leopoldina Fleitas] |
San Lorenzo diocese |
Franciscan |
Accused of abusing 13 girls studying to be nuns in the 1980s at the Hermanas Educacionistas Franciscanas de Cristo Rey congregation's Santa Rosa de Viterbo school, in San Lorenzo, Santa Fe Province. The allegations did not surface until the 2014 publication of the book, Raza de víboras: Memorias de una novicia, written by one of the purported victims, who said that, after the book appeared, Sr. Fleitas left the country, changed her name to Leopoldina Fleitas, and got work as a nun in Venezuela. |
Denuncia sobre abusos a novicias en San Lorenzo, La Capital, 4.1.2015
Una ex monja denunció abusos sexuales sufridos durante su noviciado en San Lorenzo, El Heraldo, 4.2.2015
No abusarás, el mandamiento que falta, por Mariana Carbajal, Pagina 12, 1.8.2017 |
Rev. Lucas A. Galván, C.R.

Pueblo, Colorado (USA) diocese
Buenos Aires archdiocese
Mexico City (Mexico) archdiocese |
Congregation of
Clerks Regular
the Divine
(Theatines) |
American. Convicted 1989 in Colorado (USA). Pleaded guilty to sexually fondling an 11-year-old girl. Given a one-year suspended jail sentence in a deferred judgment. Charges later dismissed. Girl settled a lawsuit against the Pueblo Colorado diocese for more than $90,000. From 1992 to 1997, he worked at San Cayetano Church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1997, he was transferred to the Archdiocese of Mexico City, Mexico. In 2010, the Mexico City archbishop barred him from further work in that archdiocese. He reportedly is still allowed to work in other Mexican dioceses. |
Two Abusive Priests Continued Work, by Kirk Mitchell, Denver Post, 4.29.2002
Abuser Priests Go to Mexico For Sanctuary, by Jo Tuckman, The Guardian (London), 5.12.2002
Snapshots of Catholic Priests Accused of Abuse, Associated Press, 4.14.2010
Mexico Church Bars Priest with Abuse Conviction, by E. Eduardo Castillo, The Associated Press, 4.22.2010
Rev. Atilio Jesús Garay

Venado Tuerto diocese
Los Angeles CA (USA) archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Accused of the 1997-1998 sexual abuse of a minor in Los Angeles CA. Accuser sued in 2004, claiming that when she was 17 years old and working as a part-time church secretary, Garay repeatedly raped her, then pressured her to have an abortion when she became pregnant. The lawsuit also claimed the archdiocese did not notify law enforcement of the abuse, sent Garay to Argentina when the girl's pregnancy was visible, and failed to provide medical care to the girl or support for the child. In July 2011, a newspaper reported that he was running for mayor of General Campos, San Salvador department. |
Woman Claims L.A. Priest Raped Her When She Was 17, Urged Abortion, Associated Press, via U-T San Diego, 10.5.2004
LA Archdiocesean Report Addendum, San Luis Obispo Tribune/AP
LA Times Database, 4.20.2006
Ex-Priest of Concordia Was Accused of Abuse in United States, Revista Análisis de la Actualidad, 7.30.2010 [Translation] en Español
Un ex cura acusado de abuso en Estados Unidos se presentó como candidato en General Campos, Analisis Digital, 8.07.2011 |
Rev. Carlos Maria Salazar Gauna |
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in May 2001 of groping two girls, ages 12 and 13, two weeks earlier. The alleged abuse occurred at Instituto Monseñor Stillo, a Catholic school in Flores, where the girls were students. The girls' parents filed criminal complaints, and a molestation case was officially opened by Juvenile Court No. 6. According to a 2001 news report, Buenos Aires archbishop, Monsignor Jorge Bergoglio, was going to 'resolve the priest's situation.' It appears that Bergoglio kept Gauna in ministry. As of February 2014, the Buenos Aires archdiocesan website listed him as a deacon and in active ministry, serving as chaplain to Dr. Francisco Santojanni Hospital and a chapel or temple called Santuario de San Pantaleón, both in the city of Buenos Aires. In September 2017 Gauna is shown as parochial vicar of Corpus Domini. |
Investigation of Priest Accused of Molesting Two Female Students at Catholic School in Flores, Clarín, 5.25.2001 [Translation] en Español
Sr. Pbro. Salazar Gauna, Carlos Maria, Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, pdf created 8.12.2013
Capellanes de Hospitales y Sanatorios, Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, pdf created 3.2.2014
Sr. Pbro. Salazar Gauna, Carlos Maria, Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, pdf created 9.20.2017 |
Rev. Daniel Giménez

Formosa diocese |
Diocesan |
Arrested and detained by police in March 2011 for alleged sexual abuse of an adolescent girl, a catechism student, during a religious field trip. Giménez ministered at San Antonio de Padua parish in the city of El Colorado, where he was an assistant priest, a position he was assigned by the bishop of Formosa. Giménez was reported to have close ties to the victim and her mother, who not only placed great trust in him but also saw him as a sort of spiritual advisor to her daughter. He was not convicted.
Priest Arrested for Sexual Abuse, Tiempo Argentino, 3.11.2011 [Translation] en Español
La Lista de los 62 Curas Denunciados por Abuso Sexual en la Argentina, Infobae, 5.14.2017 |
Rev. Ricardo Giménez

La Plata archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Detained in 1985 due to accusations that he had abused five girls, ages 8-10, at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Bell City. Archbishop Carlos Galan intervened, and Giménez was released.
Detained again in April 1996, one month after the mother of a 10-year-old altar boy filed a complaint stating that the priest had touched her son’s genitals and tried to kiss him on the mouth. The parents of four other boys also filed criminal complaints. Giménez was kept in detention pending trial for the abuse of all five minors. The presiding judge rejected several requests by the priest’s defense to free him from jail, but in January 1997, an interim judge granted his release. The interim judge was reportedly influenced by the archbishop's open endorsement and call for release of Giménez, who all the while maintained his innocence and described his accusers as “demonic and ungodly.”
Following his release, Giménez was assigned to Hospital Italiano, in La Plata, where he presided at the chapel for 15 years, before being assigned to the chapel of Hospital San Juan de Dios, also in La Plata.
In 2013 a 40-year-old woman, Julieta Añazco, came forward to report that she had been sexually abused as a child by Giménez; 13 additional women followed suit, speaking out for the first time about how they were sexually abused by the priest more than 30 years previously, when they were young girls. They claimed the abuses took place in the late seventies or early eighties at church summer camps, which were organized and supervised by Giménez. One of the alleged victims says she was 7 years-old when Giménez abused her, groping her private parts during confession inside his tent. The women also reported that Giménez would bathe them. Although several of the women had been prepared to testify, their cases were likely not to be prosecuted because of statutes of limitations.
In August 2013, the women joined forces with social activists to lead a protest at Hospital San Juan de Dios while Giménez was officiating mass. In the wake of the protest, Giménez was removed from his position at the hospital. A few weeks later, the female victims and activist groups organized a second demonstration, this time in front of Gimenez’s house in Buenos Aires.
Añazco's criminal case was allowed to go forward in September 2013; in February 2015 she stated that her case was progressing very slowly. Per one of her attorneys, "We estimate that this man abused hundereds of children."
In July 2014, Añazco and three other Argentine survivors of clergy sex abuse jointly wrote an open letter to Pope Francis, detailing their history of sex abuse and demanding swift justice.
In December 2016 La Plata archbishop Monsignor Héctor Aguer stated that Giménez' case had been sent to the Vatican, the canonical process was completed, and that the priest was confined to an institution where he could be cared for; further, Giménez was not allowed to practice priestly ministry except to concelebrate Mass with the institution's chaplain. Per news reports, the "institution" is a nursing home not far from the archbishopric. |
Magdalena Has a Terrible Secret: The Case of the Priest Charged With Abuse of Minors, by Marta García Terán, La Nación, 1.12.1997 [Translation] en Español
Escrache en Plena Misa, por Mariana Carbajal, Pagina 12, 9.03.2013
La Plata: nuevas víctimas de un cura abusador piden justicia, por Laureano Barrera, Infojus Noticias, 9.13.2013
La Plata: Mujeres Protestan Frente a Casa de Cura Abusador,, 9.17.2013
Abusos en la Iglesia: Cura Héctor Ricardo Gimenez, almadediamante1972,, 7.6.2014
Buscar justicia 30 años después, por Marirana Carbajal, Página 12, 2.22.2015
Mons. Aguer y los casos de abuso sexual contra niños perpetrados por sacerdotes,
Agencia Informativa Católica Argentina, 12.8.2016
Un cura acusado do abusos vive en un hogar de ancianos de la Iglesia, Clarín, 12.30.2016 |
Brother Isaac Gómez, S.M. |
Nueve de Julio diocese |
Society of Mary (Marianists) |
Convicted of aggravated sexual abuse against a minor at the Marianist College of St. Augustine. Sentenced in August 2011 to 11 years in prison. |
“Abuso sexual agravado”: Marianist [Priest] Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison, Diario El 9 de Julio, 8.20.2011 [Translation] en Español
El largo camino hacia la justicia, por Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 8.12.2012
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.6.2017 |
Brother Humberto González, S.J.
Mendoza archdiocese |
Sociedad de Jesus (Society of Jesus) |
According to a March 2019 article in Diario La Provincia, the parents of three boys accuse González of abusing the brothers in 2016 at the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Parroquia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) in the center of Mendoza. The parents filed a criminal complaint with the Prosecutor of Crimes Against Sexual Integrity (Fiscalía de Delitos contra la integridad sexual), which investigates crimes against children. González denies the accusations and is defended by an attorney from Opus Dei.
As of March 2019, González reportedly had been transferred to San Miguel, Buenos Aires. He was born in Itatí, Corrientes. He entered the seminary in 1994, completing part of his studies in Asunción, Paraguay. He was ordained in 2009. |
Un sacerdote habría abusado de tres menores en el templo Jesuitas del Centro, Diario La Provincia, 03.18.2019 |
Rev. Cristian Gramlich

San Isidro diocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained 1984. Authored books on formation for catechists and boys and was executive of the Commission of Liturgy of the Argentine Episcopal Conference. In 2004 Gramlich was accused of sexual abuse at Carmen Arriola de Marín school. He was transferred to St. Rita parish and assigned as Rector to St. John the XXIII school in Boulogne. Parents of St. John the XXIII students voiced concern to the school's director regarding rumors about Gramlich; the director notified San Isidro Bishop Jorge Casaretto, whose response was that there was no need for worry because they were "old issues" and only involved "imprudence" on Gramlich's part. In 2012 Casaretto's successor, Bishop Oscar Ojea, removed Gramlich from St. Rita's and St. John's, pending an internal investigation. The following year, based on victims' testimony and other evidence, Ojea ordered Gramlich to stay away from boys and adolescents and to not hear confessions. However, he was allowed to celebrate other sacraments outside, and in 2014, he worked in the Santo Espíritu parish of the diocese of San Martín. He had by then been accused of abuse of students at St. John XXIII. Gramlich was laicized in November 2016. His victims were reportedly satisfied with ecclesiastical justice and chose not to have him civilly prosecuted. |
Comunicado de Prensa, Obispado de San Isidro, 12.02.2016
La Iglesia prohibió ejercer el sacerdocio a un cura de San Isidro acusado de abuso sexual,, 12.3.2016
La Santa Sede Quito el Estado Clerical a un Sacerdote de San Isidro Acusado de Abusos, Gazeta Norte, 12.3.2016
Caso Gramlich: renunció el director de un colegio,, 12.16.2016 |
Rev. Giovanni Granuzzo, S.M. |
Verona diocese (Italy)
La Plata archdiocese |
Congregation for the Company of Mary |
Italian. One of 24 priests and brothers with the Company of Mary for the Education of the Deaf (la Compañía de María para la Educación de los Sordomudos) who was accused in 2009 of sexually assaulting and beating dozens of deaf children attending the Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf in Verona, Italy. Granuzzo has been accused of sexual abuse by Gianni Bisoli, a student at the Verona school in the 1960s. Bisoli told the Argentine newspaper La Izquierda Diario in 2017 that Granuzzo sexually abused him when he was 12 or 13, in the early 1960s. Among the first Verona victims to go public in Italy, Bisoli also alleges abuse by Rev. Nicola Corradi and many other priests and brothers at the Verona school.
Bisoli recalls being told by an authority at the Verona school in 1964 that Granuzzo and other priests and brothers were about to leave for Argentina. It is not clear if Granuzzo’s transfer occurred then or years later. What is reported is that he worked at the Provolo Institute in La Plata for a time in the 1980s, and that he returned to the school in 1998 to become its head, replacing Padre Nicola Corradi, who was moving to Mendoza province to direct the new Provolo school for the deaf in Lujan de Cuyo. As of 2010, the La Plata school was attended by 80 hearing-disabled children and young people, and Granuzzo was still its director. In 2014, he moved back to Italy, where he reportedly resides at the order’s facility in Verona.
Allegations of sexual abuse at the La Plata school first became public in late 2016, following the arrest of Padre Nicola Corradi for sexual crimes against the children in the school in Lujan de Cuyo. In September 2018, the public prosecutor of La Plata raided the La Plata school’s offices, confiscating files and computers. Reportedly, at least 17 deaf children were sexually abused by the religious authorities at the La Plata school between 1982 and 2002. However, according to the 2017 La Izquierda Diario article, there are no known allegations of abuse by Granuzzo in La Plata.
Granuzzo presumably was among the Verona priests and brothers investigated by the Vatican in 2010 and 2011. The Vatican punished only one of the 24, a priest named Eligio Piccoli, who was not among the four or five transferred to Argentina. When Bergoglio became pope, the Verona victims tried again. Granuzzo was reported to Pope Francis by the Verona victims twice. In a letter sent to Pope Francis in 2014, they named Granuzzo as one of 14 living priests and brothers from the Verona school who had never been punished. They noted that Granuzzo was working in Argentina. In 2015, a former Verona student handed the Pope in person a letter citing the same 14 names, including Granuzzo. To date, however, the Vatican appears to have taken no action against the priest. |
Church, Deaf Students Square Off on Italian TV, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 3.26.2010
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse, Associated Press via NBCNews, 9.13.2009
Abuse Institute for the Deaf in Verona. The impunity of pedophile priests on the Italy - Argentina Pope Francis, anything to declare?,, 5.7.2014
Hacia la integración a través de la comunicación y la formación laboral,, 9.5.2010 |
Rev. Julio César Grassi

Morón diocese
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Began priest-hood as a member
of Salesians of Don Bosco |
Founder of a charity that operates homes for street children. Arrested 10/24/2002, the day after the broadcast of a TV exposé of his alleged abuse of five boys. Convicted June 2009 of sexual abuse of a 13-year-old boy, “Gabriel.” Following Grassi's conviction, Cardinal Bergoglio secretly authorized a leading criminal defense lawyer to produce a multi-volume study aimed at discrediting Gabriel and the two other victims who had brought charges. According to a victim’s attorney, the study was given to higher-court judges scheduled to hear Grassi’s appeal. Despite his conviction, Grassi remained free until 9/2013, when the Buenos Aires provincial Supreme Court rejected his appeal. He was ordered to immediately begin serving his 15-year sentence. He is still a Catholic priest.
Detailed Summary
Grassi was a Salesian until 1991, when he became a priest of the Morón diocese. In 1993, he founded Fundacion Felices los Niños (the Happy Children Foundation), aimed at rescuing street children. According to a news article, the foundation cared for 6,300 children in 17 homes nationwide from 1993 to 2002.
On 11/29/2000, an anonymous complaint filed in the Juvenile Court of Morón accused Grassi of corrupting minors. The case lay dormant until 10/23/2002, when Telenoche Investiga,an investigative news show on Argentina’s Channel 13, aired a program alleging Grassi’s sexual abuse of five boys, ages 11 to 17. It included an interview with a young man, his face obscured, who said that Grassi performed oral sex on him in 1998, when he was 15. Within days, Grassi was arrested and charged with 17 counts of abuse of three boys, who were 9, 13, and 17 when the alleged incidents occurred. Grassi denied all the allegations.
[More] |
Priest Scandal | Made a Television Appearance this Morning to Declare His Innocence. Father Grassi Ordered Detained for Abuse of Minors, Clarín, 10.24.2002 [Translation] en Español
Statement of the Executive Committee of the Bishop Conference: The Church of Argentina Denounces a Campaign Made Against It, Clarín, 11.6.2002 [Translation] en Español
“Queremos que intervengan", Página/12, 12.02.2003
Golpes y navajazos para callar a Gabriel, by Darío Aranda, Página/12, 12.2.2003
Don’t Protect that Monster, by Miguel Jorquera, Página/12, 6.9.2006 [Translation] en Español
Argentine Priest on Trial for Sexual Abuse, Associated Press, 8.19.2008
Bishopric Distances Itself from Grassi’s Words, La Nación, 8.21.2008 [Translation] en Español
Grassi Trial Resumes, La Nación, 8.21.2008 [Translation] en Español
[More] |
Rev. Juan de Dios Gutiérrez

Catamarca diocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained in 2014. Arrested October 27, 2015, charged with the recent aggravated sexual abuse of a 16-year-old girl who attended a church youth group led by Gutiérrez. The girl's parents became concerned when their daughter attempted suicide and had to be hospitalized. They accessed her Facebook account and found thousands of messages between the girl and the priest, with references to their sexual encounters. Two priests from the diocese reportedly had gone to the girl's home and given the girl's sister a letter the priests said was from Bishop Luis Urbanc. The letter said the girl had to "tell the truth" and that the diocese would protect her, but that she had to "be careful about the lies" or she would face "divine punishment" and "God's anger." Gutierrez was held until his release on bond in December 2015, after a judge reduced the charges to "simple sexual abuse." In March 2017 there was a new charge in the case, "sexual abuse with carnal access."As of July 2017, he reportedly was living in the city of Recreo, department of La Paz. |
Crece el escåndal por el cura acusado de abusar de una chica, por Arel Arrieta, Clarín, 10.29.2015
Conmoción en Belén por la libertad de un sacerdote acusado de violar a una menor, La Gaceta, 12.3.2015
Ordenaron la excarcelación del sarcerdote Juan Gutiérrez,, 12.3.2015
El cura Gutiérrez no quiso declarar por el abuso sexual,, 3.28.2017
Denuncian intento de abuso de un cura a dos menores, elancasti, 7.24.2017
Aseguran que el obispo de Catamarca Luis Urbanc mantiene un silencio cómplice, La Union, 7.28.2017 |
Rev. Carlos Richard Ibáñez Morino

Villa Mariá diocese
Asunción archdiocese (Paraguay) |
Diocesan |
Paraguayan journalists with the Paraguayan newspaper La Nacion exposed the Ibáñez case in a series beginning in April 2016. They reported that Ibáñez had been investigated in the early 1990s in Argentina for allegations of sexual abuse of at least ten youths. The priest was working in the Bell Ville province of Cordoba. Charged in July 1992 when he was charged with "repeated and persistent corruption of minors and transmission of venereal disease." He allegedly paid the impoverished boys for sex. Before police could apprehend him, Ibáñez fled to Paraguay, where he continued to serve as a priest, including with youth. He was in jail for a time in 1995 in Tacumbú Asuncion, but civil authorities in Paraguay refused Argentina's request to extradite him.
Paraguayan church officials claimed in 2016 that they were not aware of Ibáñez' abuse history until 2015, and that they had never received a complaint about his work in Paraguay. They said Ibáñez would drive around and offer his services as a priest where needed. |
Un Cura Cordobes Acusado De Pedofilia Se Escondio En Paraguay Hasta Que Prescribieron Las Causas, La Nación, 4.23.2016
“Nunca fue presentada en Paraguay una denuncia”, La Nación, 4.23.2016
Fue suspendido por la iglesia, pero siguió como sacerdote, La Nacion,
Ariotti: "Iglesia no pudo hacer nada sin pruebas", Ultima Hora, 4.22.2016
Hubo orden de arresto en 1992, pero la policía no lo encontró, La Capital, 4.23.2016
PARAGUAY: Obispos sabían que cura acusado de abuso se ocultó en Paraguay, Entorno Inteligente, 4.23.2016
Un periodista paraguayo le escribió a Francisco sobre los curas argentinos acusados de abusos, The Clarin 4.27.2016
Ariotti: “No era oportuna la publicación, fue nomás lo que le dije a Sarah Cartes", La Nación, 4.27.2016 |
Rev. Justo José Ilarraz

Paraná archdiocese
Concepción diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused of molesting at least 50 boys, ages 12-14. Close associate of Archbishop Karlic, who heard from victims as early as 1992 but swore them to secrecy and allowed Ilarraz to resume ministry elsewhere. Not criminally charged until 2012. Case initially dismissed August 2013 due to statute of limitations. However, Superior Court ruled against prescription in 2015 and Ilarraz again was charged. Sentenced May 2018 to 25 years in prison for the sexual abuse and corruption of minors. The conviction pertained to his sexual assaults of seven boys between 1985 and 1993 at the minor seminary Our Lady of the Oracle of Paraná. As of May 2019, Ilarraz remained under house arrest pending appeal, and his canonical case was still unresolved.
Detailed Summary
On 9/13/2012, Analisis magazine published a report by investigative journalist Daniel Enz revealing Ilarraz’s alleged rape and sexual abuse of at least 50 boys, ages 12-14, from 1984 to 1992. The boys, from devout rural families, attended the minor seminary in the Paraná archdiocese, where Ilarraz was prefect and spiritual director. Each year, he would choose ten boys to molest and reward them with special privileges. In 1992, two victims reported their abuse to Paraná archbishop Estanislao Esteban Karlic (archbishop 1986-2003; president of Argentine bishops' conference 1996-2002).
Archdiocese of Paraná Acknowledges Acts of Corruption of Minors Denounced by Análisis Digital, But Doesn’t Explain Why Authorities Weren’t Notified Sooner, Análisis Digital, 9.13.2012 [Translation] en Español
El procurador general del STJ ordenó que se inicie una causa judicial por los casos de abuso de menores en el Seminario, Analisis Digital, 9.14.2012
Statement Released by the Archbishop of Paraná in Response to the Charges, Diario Junio, 9.14.2012 [Translation] en Español
Un sacerdote reveló que Ilarraz también fue abusado en el Mariápolis cuando tenía entre 10 y 11 años, Analisis Digital, 9.17.2012
[More] |
Rev. Virginio Juan Isottón

San Justo diocese
Laferrere diocese
Diocesan |
In July 1999, arrested on charges of “abuso deshonesto” of girls under age 13 during confession at Nuestra Señora de Fátima parish, in Cañuelas, where he ministered. He was alleged to have sat the children on his knees, caressed their legs, arms and backs, and kissed their necks. In October 2011, the court ruled that no crime had been committed and he was declared innocent. The judge said the priest’s actions could be interpreted as an "excess of affection" in an “eminently conservative town." In September 2017 Isotton was listed on the Laferrere diocesan website as Vicar of the Diocesan Clergy, Parish Priest Ntr.a Sra. de la Esperanza, Chaplain of A.D.I.S.C.A. (Scouts), Member of the College of Consultors and of the Presbyteral Council, Dean of Deanery No3. |
“Me autorizaron,” by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 4.28.2002
Un sacerdote procesado que aún sigue dando misa, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 10.30.2002
Ordenacion Diaconal de Carlos Rosello el Sabado 6 de Marzo en la Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Lujan de Baradero,, 3.16.2010
Priest Accused of Abuse Is Absolved; Locals Misinterpreted His “Excess of Affection”, El Recado, 10.4.2011 [Translation]
Isotton diocesan listing, accessed 9.20.2017
en Español |
Rev. Luis Ernesto Jaramillo Carvajal, O.F.M.Cap. |
Cali diocese (Colombia)
Medellin archdiocese (Colombia)
Barinas diocese (Venezuela)
Buenos Aires archdiocese
Los Angeles CA archdiocese (USA)
Baker OR diocese (USA) |
Capuchin Franciscans |
Colombian. Capuchin Franciscan. Worked in Colombia, Venezuela, Los Angeles CA and Hermiston OR in the U.S. Accused of sexually abusing two boys in CA in the mid-1980s. Transferred to OR where he was accused in 1989 of molesting a boy; admitted the abuse and sent to treatment. By October 1989 was at Santa Maria de Los Angeles parish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also spent time in Mexico. In May 1993 Jaramillo was awaiting assignment to the Philippines. His whereabouts today are not known.
Jaramillo documents,
Jaramillo personnel file,
Baker Diocese Named in New Sex Abuse Lawsuit, by Dan Thesman,
KVEW, 9.4.2014 |
Rev. Carlos Eduardo José

San Martín diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused by seven young women of sexually abusing them as children. The first criminal complaints were filed with the prosecutor in San Martín in April 2017. Two victims said that José had sexually abused them when they were age 10 and attending the San José Obrero School in Caseros.The allegations became public in July 2017, when the news outlet TN broadcast interviews of the two victims. José was arrested and detained following the broadcast.
In 2009, the parents of one of the victims had reported their daughter's abuse in writing to the San Martín diocese and met with Bishop Guillermo Rodríguez-Melgarejo (head of San Martín diocese 2003-2018). The bishop assured the parents and the victim that she would be "healed by the grace of God." He said that José was being investigated by the church and his ministry was restricted. This appears to have been untrue: the bishop reportedly sent the priest to the town of Azul, where he allegedly abused more children, and then to a shantytown in Buenos Aires, where his access to children continued.
After the TN broadcast in July 2017, the San Martín diocese's vicar, Msgr. César Gonzalez, told TN that he had not known about José's alleged abuses until two months earlier. In apparent contradiction, however, the vicar also said that José's ministry had been restricted more than a year earlier because of "other situations."
As of April 2019, José was awaiting trial.
Confesor y pedófilo: dos víctimas de un cura abusador se animaron a denunciarlo una década después, TN, 7.10.2017
Confesor y pedófilo: "La respuesta de la Iglesia verifica los abusos", dijo el fiscal que investiga al cura Carlos José, TN, 7.10.2017
Las incongruencias del vicario del Obispado de SanMartin sobre el cura acusado de pedofilia, TN, 7.10.2017
Confesor y pedofilo: renuncio el cura denunciado por abuso, TN, 7.11.2017
Confesor y pedofiló: "No le tengo miedo, le tengo bronca", dijo otra de las víctimas, TN, 7.11.2017
Confesor y pedófilo: el Vaticano le inciciará un juicio canónico al cura acusado de abuso, TN, 7.12.2017
Confesor y pedófilo: piden la detención de Carlos José, el cura acusado de abuso sexual, TN, 7.13.2017
Confesor y pedófilo: el Vaticano señaló que la renuncia del cura abusador "no tiene validez" , TN, 7.13.2017
Confesor y pedófilo: se entregó el cura abusador, TN, 7.14.2017
Pidieron LA Detencion Del Cura Denunciado Por Abuso Sexual De Menores, por Tom Boggioni, Raw Story, 07.14.2017
El Cura Acusado De Abuso Se Entrego a LA Justicia, Clarin, 7.14.2017
El Cura Abusador Quiere “formar Una Familia”, Pero Esta Profugo, El Dia, 7.14.2017
Las Denuncias De Abusos Clericales Se Disparan En Argentina, por Luis Andres Henao y Almudena Calatrava, AP via El Nuevo Herald, 10.29.2017
CREER EN LAS PIBAS: Entrevista a Karen Maydana, denunciante del cura Carlos José, by Analía Daniela López, revista Furias, 03.20.2018
Víctimas de abusos en Argentina tachan de "fachada" cumbre del Vaticano, by Sindy Valbuena Larrota, RCN Radio, 03.02.2019 |
Rev. "J. M." |
Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
In 2004, a young man publicly stated that in 1998, at age 18, he had been raped by a priest, identified only as "J.M.," in a parish of San Martín in the province of Mendoza. The victim gave Mendoza archbishop José María Arancibia a document identifying other abusers, other victims, and previous crimes by J. M.. In 2010, the victim brought a civil suit against the Archdiocese of Mendoza for concealment of evidence, citing Arancibia's refusal to return the revealing document. In late December 2011, ex-priest Andrés Gioeni, who had worked with J.M., testified in court that in 2001 he had reported sexual misconduct by J.M. to church officials and was sworn to silence by the Archdiocese. A ruling in the case was due in 2012. |
Llega a su fin el juicio contra el Arzobispado por ocultar datos en un caso de abuso sexual, por Carolina Pavón, Sitio Andino, 11.15.2011
Un ex cura complicó la situación del presunto sacerdote violador y del Arzobispado, by Carolina Pavón, 1.3.2012
Searching for Justice: “The Church of Mendoza Keeps Quiet and Lies,” Said the Alleged Victim of Sex Abuse by a Priest, by Carolina Pavón, Sitio Andino, 2.15.2012 [Translation] en Español |
Rev. Mario Koessler |
San Isidro diocese |
Diocesan |
In April 2019, Mario Koessler pled guilty to the aggravated sexual abuse of three women in 2014 and 2015 in the San José Parish in San Isidro, Buenos Aires. The women were adults at the time of the assaults. Koessler, aged 63, received a three-year suspended sentence. He entered his plea just days before his oral trial was set to begin with 30 witnesses, including Monsignor Oscar Ojea, the president of the Argentine Episcopal Confederation (CEA). Ojea served as bishop of the diocese of San Isidro when the abuses occurred. In September 2016, Ojea met with concerned parishioners and said Koessler acknowledged the abuse and had asked for psychiatric help. The CEA separated Koessler from the parish and forbid him from saying mass publicly. The Network of Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Argentina mentioned Koessler’s case, along with Ojea and Bishop Mario Poli, in its December 2018 report criticizing a culture of concealment in the Catholic Church. |
Mario Koessler imputado por abuso sexual agravado, Extradata, 04.17.2019
Un cura se decularo culpable por el abuso sexual a tres catequistas, Telam, 04.17.2019
Rev. Emilio Raimundo Lamas
Salta archdiocese
Tarija diocese (Bolivia) |
Diocesan |
The alleged crimes of Emilio Raimundo Lamas became public in September 2018, when the news outlet Infobae posted audio recordings made and provided by a victim who says he was raped by Lamas as a boy.
One recording was of the victim's testimony to the archdiocesan tribunal in December 2016. Another recording was of a conversation the victim had in 2017 with Rev. Alejandro Pezet, a Salta priest who served as the notary on the tribunal.
In his testimony, the victim describes being raped by Lamas in 1992, when he was 16. Lamas was the new parish priest in Rosario de Lerma, Salta, and the victim did chores at the church. One day, Lamas took the boy with him on an overnight trip to the rural mountain town of Alfarcito, where Lamas was celebrating Mass to celebrate the feasts in honor of the Virgin. That is when the alleged rape occurred.
In the victim's recording of his 2017 conversation with Pezet, the notary tells the victim that Lamas admitted to abusing him and others, and that Lamas asked to leave the priesthood.
In early October 2018, a second victim went public, alleging abuse at age 11 by Lamas at the Rosario de Lerma parish. (Another news report described the second victim as 13 or 14 years old at the time of the abuse.)
On October 16, 2018, Lamas was arrested for child rape. The prosecutor requested that the Salta archbishop, Mario Antonio Cargnello, provide information about Lamas' canonical trial. The archbishop refused, saying that the owner of the information is the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith, based at the Vatican. As legal justification for withholding the information, Cargnello invoked the 1966 Concordat, a treaty between Argentina and the Holy See. The court ruled in favor of the archbishop.
In December 2018, the public prosecutor requested that Lamas be brought to trial on three charges: sexual abuse with aggravated carnal access (because he committed the crime as a priest), simple sexual abuse, and corruption of minors. In April 2019, the attorney for the two victims said he will again request the evidence collected by the church in its internal investigation of Lamas.
As of April 2019, Lamas was under house arrest in Salta while the criminal process advanced. Previously, he had been working as a missionary priest in Bolivia, in the village of Villamontes, Tarija province. He had been sent there by the Salta archbishop in 2010. |
Un sacerdote salte�o ser� misionero en Bolivia, AICA,04.22.2010
Los estremecedores audios de una acusación de abuso en la iglesia salteña: "Hacía que lo toque y me empezó a violar," by Diego Rojas, infobae, 09.30.2018
Otra denuncia de abuso contra Emilio Lamas: "El cura violó a mi hija cuando tenía 11 años", La Gaceta, 10.03.2018
Detuvieron al ex cura Emilio Lamas, acusado de violación de menores en Salta, by Diego Rojas, infobae, 10.17.2018
El ex cura Emilio Lamas va a juicio por abuso sexual y corrupción de menores, La Gaceta, 12.18.2018
Piden juicio para el exsacerdote Emilio Lamas por abuso sexual, by Silvia Noviasky, El Tribuno, 12.19.2018
Ordenan elevar a juicio la causa por abuso contra el ex cura Emilio Lamas, Redacción de Vía Salta, 02.11.2019
#CasoLamas: volverán a pedir que la Iglesia revele sus investigaciones, Profesional FM 89.9, 04.11.2019
Pbro. EMILIO RAIMUNDO LAMAS, Portal Misionero, last viewed April 2019
Rev. Eduardo Lorenzo
La Plata archdiocese |
Diocesan |
In January 2019, parents of children at a Catholic school in the barrio of Tolosa in La Plata, the capital city of Buenos Aires province, learned that Lorenzo, a well-known priest, soon would be transferred to their parish and school. The parents publicly protested the appointment, citing an allegation against the priest that had surfaced a decade earlier, when he worked at a parish in the nearby barrio of Gonnet. In August 2008, the sponsor of a teenage boy living in a group home had filed a criminal complaint accusing Lorenzo of sexually abusing the boy for nearly two years. The criminal case was "archived" or dropped in January 2009. A contemporaneous internal church investigation concluded that there was no basis for the allegations.
The strong reaction by the laypeople of Tolosa in January 2019 re-ignited attention to the 2008 case. After an initial defense of Lorenzo, the archdiocese decided to stop the transfer. In February 2019, the alleged victim, known as “León," told his story publicly for the first time. On March 30, 2019, the same prosecutor who had archived the case in 2009 re-opened it at León's request.
Lorenzo denies the abuse. A February 2019 letter from the priest to the new La Plata archbishop, Monsignor Víctor Manuel Fernández, is posted on the archdiocese's website. Lorenzo decries the allegations against him as "slanders, insults and defamations." He writes, "I have never committed an act that is unworthy of my priestly ministry."
The archbishop recently concelebrated a Mass with Lorenzo at his longtime Gonnet parish in which the priest renewed his commitment to the priesthood. Lorenzo reportedly also remains in his post as the senior chaplain at the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service (SPB). In that capacity, he is said to be the confessor of Julio César Grassi, the celebrity priest serving a 15-year sentence for child molestation.
In April 2019, León's attorney, Juan Pablo Gallego, asked that former La Plata archbishop Héctor Aguer (2000-2018) be summoned to testify about his knowledge of Lorenzo's case. Gallego wants Aguer questioned about a 'canonical rebuke' of Lorenzo that, according to the attorney, pertained to the 2008 case.
El Arzobispado de La Plata defendió al cura Eduardo Lorenzo y ratificó su traslado a la parroquia del colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Vanesa, Ciudo Capital, 01.16.2019
Parroquia Inmaculada Madre de Dios, by Manuel B. Gonnet, 01.21.2019
Juntaron dos mil firmas y frenaron la llegada de un cura abusador a un colegio de Tolosa, by Daniel Satur, La IzquierdaDiario, 02.03.2019
Abusado por el Cura Lorenzo: “Terminaba la misa, cerraba la parroquia y era un ´viva la joda´,” Pulso Noticias, 02.24.2019
El Pbro. Eduardo Lorenzo renovó su misión como párroco de la Inmaculada Madre de Dios de Gonnet, Arzobispado de LaPlata, 03.25.2019
El confesor del cura Grassi y capellán del Servicio Penitenciario fue acusado de abuso sexual, by Miriam Lewin, Todo Noticias, 03.26.2019
Quién es Eduardo Lorenzo, el confesor de Grassi acusado de abuso sexual, Todo Noticias, 03.30.2019
Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone |
Santiago del Estero diocese |
Diocesan |
In August 2005 a videotape surfaced showing Maccarone having sex with a 23-year-old man. Maccarone claimed to be a victim of extortion. He resigned from his position as Santiago bishop, but remained in ministry. He died March 29, 2015. |
Bishop Caught up in Sex Scandal Apologizes to Argentine Episcopate, Catholic News Agency, 8.26.2005
Argentine Cleric Caught on Tape, by Colin McMahon, Chicago Tribune, 8.26.2005
Cinco años después del escándalo reapareció el ex obispo Maccarone, por Andrés Actis, Clarí, 12.12.2010 |
Rev. Finnlugh Mac Conastair, C.P

Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Passionist |
Irish. "Fr. Alfredo." Accused publicly in December 2016 of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy in 1977, when Mac Conastair was chaplain of Cardinal Newman school [Colegio Cardenal Newman] in San Isidro, Buenos Aires province. A student at Cardinal Newman, the boy disclosed to Mac Conastair during confession that his landlord had been abusing him since he was age four; Mac Conastair proceeded to take the boy to his room, made him pull down his pants and lie on the bed, put a pillow over his head and whipped him ten times with a belt while patting the boy's genitals and asking for sexual details. Mac Conastair's victim, Rufino Varela, said that he reported the abuse when he was in high school to another cleric, Desmond Finegan, and Finegan's response was that he had to forgive Fr. Alfredo because he was old. Mac Conastair was transferred in 1981 to San Cayetano in Jose Leon Suarez. He died at age 88 in 1997. Pope Francis telephoned Varela in February 2017. The school then issued an apology. By July 2017, the school acknowledged to hearing from five more victims of Mac Conastair. Varela said 20 other former students had contacted him on social media to report their abuse by the chaplain.
At the time Varela was being abused, the school's rector was Brother John Burke, C.F.C, an Irish Christian brother who as of 2019 was running that order's safeguarding activities in Europe. Burke says he removed Mac Conastair in 1981 because of an allegation of inappropriate conduct towards a student. He says he did not know the victim's identity nor that the abuse was sexual. Varela was contacted by the Northern Ireland police in 2017; the police reportedly said they would investigate Burke's possible complicity as part of their investigation into the Christian Brothers.
Colegio Cardenal Newman is a primary and secondary school for boys founded by and still affiliated with the Irish Christian Brothers. It was located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires until 1971, when it was re-located 13 miles away, to the city of San Isidro. Cardenal Newman is the alma mater of Argentine president Mauricio Macri and other members of Argentina's elite.
La larga lucha de un hombre para develar el abuso que sufrió hace más de 30 años, by Nicolás Cassese, La Nacion, 12.30.2016
El Colegio Newman, En Medio De Una Denuncia Por Abuso Sexual, The Clarin, 1.5.2017
La carta a ex alumnos del Cardenal Newman que fueron abusados, El Argention ZN, 4.14.2017
Cartas revelan el horror de los abusos en el Newman, por Nadia Galán, Perfil, 7.23.2017
Clerical Abuse Scandal Hits Argentine President's School, by Paul Byrne, Luis Andres Henao and Almudena Caltrava, US News, 8.14.2017
Pope phones Argentinian who spoke of abuse by Irish priest, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times, 8.16.2017
Irish priest in Argentine sex abuse scandal, by Eithne Shortall, Times (UK), 8.27.2017 |
Rev. Félix Alejandro Martínez

Mar del Plata diocese |
Diocesan |
Nuestra Señora del Camino school director in 2002 when accused by a group of parents of sexually abusing their children, ages 3 to 5, along with the school's physical education teacher, Fernando Melo Pacheco. Thirteen children testified at Melo Pacheco's trial in 2006 that Martinez, referred to by some of the children as "a man in black," touched them and warned them not to tell. In March 2006, Melo Pacheco was acquitted and Martinez' case was dismissed on the statute of limitations. In their ruling, the magistrates criticized the parents for acting in 'a persistent, militant and organized way' to 'harass and assault' the defendants. Martinez was not questioned by prosecutors, and there was not a church investigation. He remained at the school until 2012.
The acquittal of Melo Pacheco, the physical education teacher, was ratified by an appeals court in 2010 and again in 2014 by the Supreme Court of Buenos Aires province.
Over the years, the parents have demonstrated repeatedly, reiterating their allegations against Melo Pacheco and Martinez. In 2015, seven parents petitioned Mar del Plata bishop Antonio Marino for details of the canonical process to which Martinez should have been subjected under canon law. In April 2019, parents and parishioners protested again when Mar del Plata bishop Gabriel Mestre (2017- ) appointed Martinez to become the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Necochea, replacing the priest José Luis Serre, who was recently removed from the clerical state because of child sexual abuse. |
Un docente acusado de 21 casos de abuso sexual a menores, por Darío Palavecino, La Nacion, 8.31.2003
Doble Impunidad, por Flor Monfort y Luciana Peker, Pagina 12, 3.19.2010
Piden investigar en sede canonica al cura del caso Nuestra Senora del Camino, por Julia Drangosch, 7.21.2015
El cura que dio la misa por el homenaje a Cabezas en la cava tiene 13 denuncias por abuso a niños de entre 3 y 5 años,, 1.26.2017
Habla el cura de la misa por Cabezas denunciado por abuso de menores: ¿la Iglesia lo encubrió?, por Federico Fahsbender, Infobae, 1.27.3017
Diócesis de Mar del Plata, downloaded 6.1.2017
El reemplazo del cura Serre, envuelto en otra polémica por abuso, El Marplatense, 04.08.2019 |
Rev. Albano Mattioli, S.M. |
Verona diocese (Italy)
La Plata archdiocese |
Congregation for the Company of Mary |
Italian. Implicated as one of 24 priests, brothers and lay religious who allegedly sexually and physically abused children attending Verona, Italy's Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf during the 1950s-1980s. The Vatican opened an investigation after former students of the school went public in 2009 with the allegations. None of the accused were prosecuted due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Mattiolii was one of three of the priests and one religious brother transferred to Instituto Provolo in La Plata, Argentina. Instituto Provolo is a school attended by 80 hearing-disabled children and young people. Mattioli died in 2013. |
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse, Associated Press via NBCNews, 9.13.2009
Church, Deaf Students Square Off on Italian TV, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 3.26.2010
Hacia la integración a través de la comunicación y la formación laboral,, 9.5.2010
Falleció el sacerdote que hizo oír a miles de sordos,, 1.22.2013
Abuse Institute for the Deaf in Verona. The impunity of pedophile priests on the Italy - Argentina Pope Francis, anything to declare?,, 5.7.2014 |
Rev. Tulio Mattiussi |
San Nicolás de los Arroyos |
Diocesan |
Tulio Mattiussi, a priest of the San Nicolás de los Arroyos diocese, was arrested in December 2018 along with another adult. They are accused of abusing 3- and 4-year old children at a pre-school facility in San Pedro, Buenos Aires province. The complaint was filed by families of five alleged victims. The priest maintains his innocence. In January 2019, dozens of people, including mothers of other children at the facility, staged a demonstration in support of Mattiussi. As of early March 2019, the former parish priest of San Roque was in custody awaiting trial.
Jardin Belen: Detuvieron al padre Tulio y al portero Anselmo, la Opinion Semanario, 12.04.2018
Prison preventiva parael sacerdote Tulio y el ex portero del Jardin Belen, la Opinion Semanario, 01.11.2019
Sergio Bueno asume en la parroquia San Roque, en reemplazo de Tulio Mattiussi, 03.01.2019 |
Rev. José Antonio Mercau

San Isidro diocese |
Diocesan |
Convicted in 2011 and sentenced to 14 years in prison for sexually abusing four boys, ages 11 to 14, from 2001 to 2005. Released from prison in March 2014, after serving only a few years of his sentence. His laicization was announced 11/5/2014.
Detailed Summary
First accused in 2005. The abuse occurred in San Juan Diego Home, a home for destitute children run by Mercau in the diocese of San Isidro, in the town of General Pacheco, district of Tigre, Buenos Aires province. He lived there with more than 20 boys who had been abused or neglected, or who grew up in poor families. He gave some of his victims shoes in exchange for sex. Mercau also was pastor at the nearby San Juan Bautista parish in Tigre. After his 2005 arrest, he was removed from San Juan Diego Home but allowed to live in a Benedictine monastery, where he was reportedly visited by boys and enjoyed internet access. The parents of his victims attacked him in 2007 as he left the public prosecutor's office. In November 2012, a San Isidro court rejected his petition for temporary release, ruling that his risk of recidivism was high.
La parroquia que tiene su segunda denuncia por abuso, por Carlos Rodríguez, Página/12, 7.22.2007
Un cura acusado de cinco abusos sexuales fue a declarar y hubo incidentes en la fiscalía de Tigre, Clarin, 9.18.2007
Agredieron a un sacerdote acusado de abusar de cinco adolescentes, El Dia, 9.19.2007
Detienen en convento al cura José Mercau, La Arena, 8.22.2008
Excarcelan al cura Mercau condenado por abusar de al menos cinco niños, Telam, 3.26.2014
El papa Francisco sancionó a un sacerdote de San Isidro, AICA, 11.5.2014
[More] |
Rev. Néstor Fabián Monzón

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Arrested in April 2016 on allegations of sexually abusing a three-year-0ld girl while pastor of María Madre de Dios parish, in Reconquista, a city in Santa Fe Province, where he had been working since September 2015.
The girl's mother filed the criminal complaint in December 2015 with the Santa Fe Police department's Sexual Violence Unit. The alleged abuses occurred on two consecutive days at the end of November 2015 inside Monzón's parish residence. Investigators found the girl had a torn hymen and tested positive for a sexually transmitted infection.
Monzón, who was suspended from ministry following the allegations, maintained that he was innocent. After he was jailed for two months, a judge ordered his release and placed him on house arrest with restricted travel on the condition that he not have any contact with the victim or her family.
Prosecutors had argued that there was a risk of obstruction of justice, owing to a recorded conversation between Monzón and a lawyer for the Santa Fe diocese. In the recording, the lawyer was heard telling Monzón to "erase everything that he has, erase the messages, all the Whatsapp, erase everything that could link him to family members, to laity, even to his confessor. I've already done it, you do the same with the communications you have with me and the communications you have with the bishop."
A month after his release, Monzón was taken back into custody, this time on charges of sexually abusing the first victim's cousin, a four- or five-year-old boy, on the same two days in November 2015 that Monzón allegedly abused the girl.
Monzón's oral hearing was set to begin in the summer of 2017. Prosecutors said that they would ask for a 12-year sentence. No trial date has been announced.
As of October 2017, Monzón was still listed on the Reconquista diocesan website as pastor of María Madre de Dios. |
Detuvieron a un cura acusado de pedofilia en Santa Fe, Clarín, 4.19.2016
Cura argentino acusado de abuso sexual a una niña de 3 años, Religión Digital, 4.21.2016
La Justicia autorizó la libertad de un sacerdote acusado de abuso a una nena de 3 años, La Nacion, 6.22.2016
Nuevas denuncias contra cura acusado de abuso sexual, La Izquierda Diario, 7.7.2016
Otra acusación, otra vez preso, Pagina/12, 7.7.2016
Un testimonio en Cámara Gesell complicó a un cura acusado por abuso sexual, Clarín, 8.4.2016
Reconquista: el cura imputado de abuso a dos menores va a juicio oral, La Capital, 7.6.2017
Obispado de Reconquista, 10.2017
Rev. Jorge Luis Morello |
Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Psychologist. Accused of luring an 18-year old youth into a two-year sexual relationship 1998-2000. The youth had met then-Deacon Morello at a parish in San Martín where he had gone to learn about a possible career in ministry. After Morello ended things, the anguished young man allegedly told another priest, who sent him to a psychiatrist; the psychiatrist is said to have told the priest that the young man should be distanced from the parish immediately. In 2001 Morello's accuser sent a letter to the archdiocese with his allegations. The archdiocese investigated, finding that Morello had a habit of manipulating young people and confirming that there had been a homosexual relationship between him and his accuser. Morello denied the allegations, saying "85% was a lie." He received a canonical warning, was ordered to receive psychological treatment with a "spiritual accompaniment." Further, he was to participate more actively in "the priestly life." He was later transferred out of the parish; by 2010 he had been ordained a priest of the archdiocese. Morello's accuser was not informed of the outcome of the investigation, and his efforts to find out were rebuffed. He sued the archdiocese in 2012 for not providing him with the information. The Supreme Court of Mendoza ruled in the plaintiff's favor in April 2013. |
Cuando el silencio no es de los inocentes,, 7.3.2014
El caso llarraz llega a la ONU,, 5.27.2015
La Lista de los 62 Curas Denunciados por Abuso Sexual en la Argentina, Infobae, 5.14.2017 |
Rev. Marcelino Moya

Paraná archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained in 1992, Moya was a well-known "payador" or "gaucho minstrel" throughout Argentina and parts of Uruguay. He was also a military chaplain and a parish priest. In or around 2010, a former priest from Villaguay (Entre Ríos province) wrote and personally delivered a letter to then-Paraná archbishop Mario Luis Bautista Maulion that Moya had abused boys in the town in the 1990s. However, the archdiocese did not remove Moya from ministry until June 2015, when Analisis magazine made the allegations public, and a criminal investigation of "aggravated child corruption" was launched.
Analisis reported allegations by two former altar boys that Moya had sexually abused them in the 1990s at Villaguay's Santa Rosa de Lima parish and La Inmaculada school. They were 12 and 14 years old. One of the victims said Moya abused him at least twice per week for almost two years in the priest's room and during trips to Viale. Moya was accused, too, of abuse of volunteer soldiers, ages 18 to 21, who were stationed in Villaguay.
In 2017, the Paraná courts ruled that Moya's crimes were not prescribed. During the trial in March 2019, witnesses testified that church authorities had been warned about Moya as early as 1998.
On April 5, 2019, Moya was sentenced to 17 years in prison for "aggravated corruption of minors and simple aggravated sexual abuse." In their ruling, the judges criticized the dismissal by three consecutive Paraná archbishops of warnings and complaints : Cardinal Estanislao Esteban Karlic (1986-2003); Archbishop Maulión (2003 - 2010); and Archbishop Juan Alberto Puiggari (2010-present).
Moya remains free pending appeal. |
Cura gaucho y abusador, por Daniel Enz, Analisis, 6.25.2015
Moya relató que Puíggari lo tranquilizó y le dijo: “Tenés 20 años de cura y nunca nadie nos hizo una denuncia contra vos”,, 6.26.2015
El "cura payador" deberá enfrentar un juicio por abuseo de menores,, 5.19.2017
Los abogados del cura Marcelino Moya apelarán la elevacion a juicio y el caso llegará a la Cámara de Casación Penal, Analisis, 8.3.2017
Moya: encubrimiento, robo y abusos, Entre Ríos Ahora, 10.13.2018
Comienza esta semana el juicio contra el cura Marcelino Moya por abuso de menores, Análisis, 3.18.2019
Condenaron a 17 años de prisión al "cura payador" por abuso de menores en Entre Ríos, La Voz, 4.5.2019
Moya: la Justicia probó el encubrimiento de la Iglesia, Entre Ríos Ahora, 4.15.19 |
Rev. Reynaldo Narvais, C.R.I.

Rosario archdiocese |
Congregation of
the Canons Regular
of the Lateran |
Reported to church authorities in October 2008 for abuse of authority and sexual harassment of eight people, including a minor with a disability. The Laterans removed him from duties, sent him for treatment, and settled with one victim for 200,000 pesos. In 2010, the allegations became public when a prosecutor decided to intervene. In 2011, the Vatican reportedly ruled that he must undergo a church trial. Narvais denied the allegations, saying it was a plot against him. According to a March 2010 news report, Narvais was sent to live in a priests' home in Buenos Aires, located at Calle Rodríguez Peña 846 Capital Federal. In September 2015 it was reported that the civil case against him was closed for lack of evidence and he was returened to active ministry as pastor of a Buenos Aires parish. |
Para Monseñor Mollaghan son verosímiles las denuncias,, 2.3.2010
Párroco Acusado de Acoso Sexual en un Colegio Religioso Rosarino, por Daniel Abba, La Capital, 2.28.2010
El cura acosador de Pompeya vive en una casa para sacerdotes en Buenos Aires, La Capital, 3.21.2010
Church Scandal: The Vatican Arraigns Argentine Priest for Abuse [of Authority] and Sexual Harassment, El Sol, 6.14.2011 [Translation] en Español
Almagro: incorporan en una parroquia a un cura acusado de acoso sexual por el Vaticano, eldestape, 9.26.2015 |
Rev. Alfredo Nicola |
Paraná archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Alicia Pacheco/Sr. Micaela

Salta diocese |
Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista |
Sr. Micaela was arrested in December 2016 on charges of "grossly outrageous sexual abuse" of a 13-year-old girl, who was studying for confirmation with the Order. The alleged victim said the abuse occurred during 2004-2005 at her home and at Santa Cruz parish in Salta. The Order was started in 1996 by Rev. Agustín Rosa Turino, who was arrested several months previously and charged with threats, financial mismanagement of his Order, and the sexual abuse of an adolescent boy and of a former nun who worked with him. Per reports in August 2017, Pacheco was released while awaiting trial after a ruling that she "did not have the profile of a sexual aggressor," and citing "the early and improper sexual behavior" of her accuser. |
Malos hábitos: el cura acusado de abuso sexual juró por Dios ser inocente, TN, 12.19.2016
Malos hábitos: dos historias de abuso que desatan un nuevo escándalo en la Iglesia, TN, 12.20.2016
Malos hábitos: otra víctima de abuso sexual rompe el silencio, por Miriam Lewin y Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.26.2016
Malos hábitos: Rosa, el cura acusado de abuso sexual, en una cárcel común, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.27.2016
Malos hábitos: detuvieron a la monja que abusó de una nena de 13 años, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.30.2016
Malos hábitos: Piden prisión preventiva para la exmonja denunciada por abuso sexual, TN, 1.03.2017
Malos hábitos: Dictan la prisión preventiva al cura acusado de abuso sexual, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 1.4.2017
Liberaron a la exmonja acusada de abuso sexual a una menor de 13 años, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 8.28.2017
Agustín Rosa, accused of sexual abuse released, TN, 8.31.2017
Fuerte repudio a la liberación del cura Agustín Rosa, acusado de abuso: "Seguimos atrapados, no podemos vivir", TN, 9.1.2017
Incendiaron el auto de un cura, testigo en el caso de abuso de "la congregación de los malos hábitos", TN, 9.11.2017 |
Rev. Moisés Pachado
Diocese of Catamarca |
Diocesan |
In December 2018, a 30-year-old woman filed a criminal complaint accusing priest Moisés Pachado of fondling her and forcing her to perform oral sex in 1997, when she was nine years old and he was a priest in the village of Hualfín, Belén [Catamarca province]. The alleged victim, Ingrid Figueroa Cruz, said she later confided in another priest, who tried to comfort her but took no action. Figueroa said she was inspired by the Argentine actress Thelma Fardin, who spoke out about her rape at age 16.
As of March 2019, the public prosecutor had not charged Pachado, the former vicar general of the Catamarca diocese. A Belén judge rejected the defense's argument that the case should be dismissed due to the amount of time that has elapsed. The defense attorney will appeal the ruling.
Pachado denies the allegations, accusing the complainant of being motivated by her “gender ideology and rejection of the church.” |
Es cura, Barrionuevo le ofreció una candidatura y ahora lo denuncian por abuso sexual en Catamarca, by Miriam Lewin, Todo Noticias, 12.18.2018
Rechazan pedido de prescripción de un supuesto abuso sexual eclesiástico, El Ancasti, 03.24.2019 |
Rev. Domingo Pacheco

Goya diocese |
Diocesan |
Detained in September 2011 for alleged sexual abuse of a 20-year-old male in the town of Esquina, Goya diocese, Corrientes. The complaint stated the abuses took place at the chapel of San Antonio, where Pacheco had been a priest for five years. A second accusation, involving a 19-year-old male who accused Pacheco of having harassed him when he was age 14, was determined by the judge to be lacking merit. He was prosecuted for sexual abuse "with intercourse," which carries a 4 to 15 year sentence. In the summer of 2012, Pacheco remained in custody but his defense had appealed the ruling. He was released in November 2013 on bail, which was paid by the archbishop of Goya. A month later, the court absolved him of all charges; the prosecution had failed to present evidence and testimony that surpassed the standard of reasonable doubt. A Vatican investigation was underway. In June 2016 it was announced that the prosecution successfully appealed the December 2013 judgment, and the case was again to go to trial. Pacheco was convicted and sentenced to 13 years in prison in February 2017. The sentence was suspended and Pacheco remained free, pending his lawyer's appeal. |
Obispo argentino actúa con prontitud ante supuesto caso de abuso, aciprensa, 9.29.2011
After He Was Prosecuted for Sex Abuse, Father Pacheco Wanted to Testify, El Litoral, 11.24.2011 [Translation] en Español
Esquina: Stay of Proceedings in the Pacheco Case Is Refuted, Corrientes Online, 7.11.2012 [Translation] en Español
El cura Domingo Pacheco fue absuelto del caso de abuso sexual con acceso carnal,, 12.12.2013
El Fallo Completo Se Leerá En Febrero: Absolvieron en Goya al cura acusado de abuso sexual, by Dario Garcia,, 12.13.2013
Cura Pacheco va a juicio nuevamente por el caso de abuseo sexual,, 6.14.2016
Un sacerdote le responde al joven que lo denunció por violación, by Joaquin De Weert, 12.1.2016
Corrientes: condenaron a 13 años de cárcel a un ex sacerdote por abuso sexual, Misiones Online, 2.24.2017 |
Rev. Rubén Pardo

Quilmes diocese
Buenos Aires archdiocese[ |
Diocesan |
Admitted to the Quilmes bishop in August 2002 to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy a few days earlier. The bishop did not report him to police, and Pardo moved to a priests' home owned by the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, headed by Bergoglio, who had once lived at the home. Pardo reportedly taught children in an archdiocesan school. He died of AIDS in 2005. In 2013, the victim won a civil judgment against the Quilmes bishop for concealment.
Detailed Summary
Father Rubén Pardo sexually assaulted 15-year-old Gabriel Ferrini on 8/15/2002 at the priest’s residence at the Seminary House of Formation in Berazategui. Two days after the assault, the boy’s mother, Beatriz Varela, met with the bishop of the Quilmes diocese, Luis Stöckler. Varela, a devout Catholic and teacher at a Catholic school, asked Bishop Stöckler to report Pardo to civil authorities and expel him from ministry.
[More] |
Criminal Complaint against Pardo [image of original document], filed by Beatriz Varela, 2.7.2003. [See English translation.]
When Sexual Abuse Can Count on Protection, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 4.19.2004 [Translation]; en Español
Media Statement by Diocese of Quilmes, 4.19.2004 [Translation]; en Español
The Church’s Mere Reprimand, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 4.19.2004 [Translation]; en Español
Monsignor’s Words, Página/12, 4.19.2004 [Translation]; en Español
[More] |
Rev. Héctor Pared

Quilmes diocese |
Diocesan |
Convicted. Sentenced in March 2003 to 24 years in prison for first-degree sexual abuse and corruption of minors. Victims were boys at an orphanage, of which Pared was in charge, in Buenos Aires province. Charges included torture of the boys. Died four months into his sentence, of HIV-related illness. |
Preliminary Hearing Determination in Quilmes Court, Clarín, 8.17.2002 [Translation] en Español
Priest Will Be Tried, Clarín, 10.29.2002 [Translation] en Español
Priest Sentenced to 24 Years in Prison for Abuse of Minors, Clarín, 3.18.2003 [Translation] en Español
An Abusive Priest’s Worst Legacy, by Alejandra Dandan, Página/12, 9.4.2003 [Translation] en Español
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.6.2017 |
Rev. Felipe de Jesús Parma/Nicolás Parma Vega

Salta archdiocese
Vic diocese, Spain |
Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista |
Ordained 2007. Worked at parishes in Campana and Garín, then pastor of Exaltación de the Cross parish in Puerto Santa Cruz. Parma was in charge for six years of the María Auxiliadora Institute on the parish property, which housed 12 to 18-year-old male aspirants. In 2014 he was sent to Barcelona, Spain where he founded a Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista house. In December 2016 Parma was publicly accused of having sexually abused a 16-year-old María Auxiliadora Institute student in 2012. His accuser said Parma was violent. He also claimed abuse by the Order's founder and Parma's superior, Rev. Augustín Rosa. He said he had gone to Rosa about the abuse, that Rosa told him to forgive Parma, then later abused him, too. Rosa was arrested in Argentina on charges of child sexual abuse in December 2016. Parma remained in Spain. In 2011 María Auxiliadora Institute gym teacher, Pablo Troncoso, was accused of abusing children at the school; he was initially convicted, then acquitted. Relatives of Toncoso's alleged victims formed a group, "No more silence" to fight child sexual abuse. |
Malos hábitos: el cura acusado de abuso sexual juró por Dios ser inocente, TN, 12.19.2016
Malos hábitos: dos historias de abuso que desatan un nuevo escándalo en la Iglesia, TN, 12.20.2016
Puerto Santa Cruz, una comunidad conmovida por un cura abusador, Winfo Santa Cruz, 12.20.2016
El cura Rosa trabaja en su descargo, El Tribuno
"Te voy a partir en 8": otra denuncia contra curas por abuso sexual, diariopopular, 12.20.2016
Quién es Nicolás Parma, el sacerdote que se fue al Camp Nou minetras era acusado de abuso sexual, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.24.16
Malos hábitos: otra víctima de abuso sexual rompe el silencio, por Miriam Lewin y Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.26.2016
Malos hábitos: Rosa, el cura acusado de abuso sexual, en una cárcel común, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.27.2016
Relato del horror: otra víctima de abuso sexual rompe el silencio, misionesonline, 12.27.2016
Malos hábitos: detuvieron a la monja que abusó de una nena de 13 años, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.30.2016
Malos hábitos: Piden prisión preventiva para la exmonja denunciada por abuso sexual, TN, 1.03.2017
Malos hábitos: Dictan la prisión preventiva al cura acusado de abuso sexual, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 1.4.2017
Liberaron al cura Agustín Rosa, acusado de abuso sexual, TN, 8.31.2017
Red de víctimas emitió un durísimo comunicado, El Tribunal, 9.1.2017
Incendiaron el auto de un cura, testigo en el caso de abuso de "la congregación de los malos hábitos", TN, 9.11.2017 |
Rev. Martín Paz |
Salta archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Paz's suspension was announced in May 2003 by Salta archbishop Monsignor Mario Cargnello after a 17-year-old girl carrying Paz's baby had a miscarriage five months into her pregnancy. Paz worked at a parish in La Merced in the province of Catamarca. As of March 2014, Paz was still listed as a priest on the Salta archdiocesan website. He was no longer listed in September 2017. |
Separan de su cargo a cura sospechado de un romance, Diarioc, 5.27.2003
List of priests, Archdiocese of Salta website, 3.11.2014 |
Rev. Luis Pezzolo, S.D.B.

Quilmes diocese
La Plata archdiocese |
Salesians of Don Bosco |
Arrested in September 2003 for sexual assault and corruption of minors at Hogar Miguel Magone, a Salesians of Don Bosco institute that provides shelter for youth, located in Bernal, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province. Pezzolo had been director of the home for 13 years. He was also in charge of Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Guardia, a Salesian school, also in Bernal.
The case was brought in January or February 2003 by a boy who allegedly had witnessed the priest sexually abuse another boy for two years beginning when the victim was 11. Pezzolo allegedly paid the other boys at the institute to allow him to be alone with the victim.
In early 2003, as the boys prepared for their court appearance, Pezzolo was transferred to a school and parish in Ensenada and then to a Salesian office in La Plata. Following the priest's September 2003 arrest, the Salesians of Don Bosco issued a statement denying that their transfer of Pezzolo had been an attempt to obstruct justice.
For years, the trial was delayed because of Pezzolo's health; he remained under house arrest in various Salesian properties. In July 2008, he was released from house arrest, pending a public trial. The outcome of the trial could not be ascertained from online sources. As of June 2013, Pezzolo was reported to be living in a Salesian home in the city of Buenos Aires. |
Another Sexual Threat Underneath the Covers, Production: Paula Bistagnino, Página/12, 9.4.2003 [Translation] en Español
Noticias: Aclaración de Los Salesianos, Agencia Informativa Católica Argentina, 9.04.2003
Padre Pezzolo: excarcelación, Diario El Sol, 7.24.2008
Agenda 2013, Salesians of Don Bosco, southern Argentina province, 6.2.2013 |
Bro. Fernando Enrique Picciochi, S.M.

Buenos Aires archdiocese |
of Mary (Marianists) |
Convicted in 2012 for sexually abusing at least 5 children.
Detailed Summary
Picciochi molested Sebastián Cuattromo, age 13, and another 7th-grade student in 1989 and 1990 on a camping trip and at the Marianista de Caballito School in the city of Buenos Aires. Former Marianist superior Luis Casalá admitted that in 1991 he was
informed of an “act of aggression” by Picciochi against another student. That so-called act of aggression was actually attempted sexual abuse that the boy resisted and later revealed to his parents,
who went to the school and reported it in person to Casalá. As a result, Picciochi was sent for an evaluation; the results, according to Casalá, showed him to be “normal, not homosexual.” Two years later,
in 1993, the order transferred the cleric to a Marianist parish in Rio Negro, in the the south. In June 2000, Cuattromo and his former classmate informed the school of their abuse and said they would be seeking legal action against both Picciochi and the order. The Marianists persuaded them to accept compensation of $40,000 each in exchange for confidentiality and dropping the charges against the order.
[More] |
Settlement Agreement with Gag Order, Sebastián Cuattromo and Second Victim v Instituto Cultural Marianista, 12.27.2001 (2 pages)
Abuso con sotana, por Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 4.28.2002
Cuattromo Released from Gag Order: Ruling by Public Ombudsman, La Defensoria del Pueblo, Buenos Aires, 5.29.2002 (16 pages - see pages 11-16)
Referente Marianista Dijo Conocer un Caso de "Agresion" del Religioso Denunciado por Abuso, Telám,, 6.23.2012
El Largo Camino Hacia la Justicia, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 8.12.2012
Breaking the Silence, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 8.12.2012 [Translation]; en Español
Bishop Poli, Linked To “Net of Silence”, La Arena, 8.15.2012 [Translation] en Español
Llega el turno de la Justicia, por Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 8.21.2012
[More] |
Rev. Oscar Portillo |
Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Portillo and his fellow monk, Rev. Diego Roqué Moreno, co-founded the Monasterio del Cristo Orante (Monastery of the Praying Christ) in Tupungato, Mendoza Province, in 1996. In late December 2018, the two monks were criminally charged for the sexual abuse of a youth from 2009 to 2015. News reports subsequently revealed that the archdiocese had known of the victim's complaints since 2015.
According to the victim, his abuse by Roqué began soon after the boy entered the Cristo Orante monastery in 2009, at age 17. Alleged abuses by Portillo followed. In 2015, the victim and his father reported the abuse to the Mendoza archbishop, Carlos María Franzini. At the meeting with the archbishop, the victim identified only Portillo as an abuser: In an April 2019 interview, the victim says it took him more time to realize that Roqué also had abused him. Franzini transferred Portillo to another province but the monk was back at Cristo Orante a month later.
In March 2018, upon hearing that two more boys were joining the monastery, the victim again contacted the archdiocese. This time, in a meeting with auxiliary bishop Marcelo Fabián Mazzitelli, he cited rapes and sexual assaults by Roqué as well as abuses by Portillo. According to the victim, Mazzitelli told him to 'move on.' The new Mendoza archbishop, Marcelo Daniel Colombo, launched a canonical process against the two priests. (Franzini had died in late 2017.) Portillo acknowledged to the church investigators that he had committed sins 'in the sexual order' but said that it was the victim who was the harasser.
In August 2018, before the victim filed a complaint with civil authorities causing the allegations to become public, Archbishop Colombo sent a letter to the Holy See's Apostolic Signatura, the Catholic church's highest judicial tribunal. [See the letter and our English translation of it.] In the letter, the archbishop asked that the canonical trial of Roqué and Portillo be transferred to San Juan and also 'extended.' He explained that publicity about the shocking Provolo cases, which involved the sexual assaults of dozens of deaf children, had created "a hostile and negative climate" in Mendoza. He wanted to avoid "the possible judicialization" in "state headquarters" that might result from the monks' canonical trial. The faithful would be harmed by another 'legal scandal' ("strepitum fori"), he wrote.
In October 2018, the victim filed a complaint with criminal authorities. The monks were arrested and charged on December 27, 2018. News coverage of the arrests was the public's first notification of the allegations against the two monks.
In April 2019, Archbishop Colombo issued a statement in response to media revelations of his August 2018 letter to the Holy See. He was not seeking to conceal the alleged crimes, he wrote. He was instead asking for the "intervention of another [canonical] court" to prevent doubts about the "objectivity and impartiality" of the local canonical court.
As of April 2019, the two monks were under house arrest, awaiting trial. |
Letter from Marcelo Daniel Colombo, Archbishop of Mendoza, to Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, 08.17.2018 [See our English translation.]
Abusos en el monasterio de Tupungato: el denunciante era menor de edad, by Oscar Guillén, Los Andes, 12.29.2018
Abuse allegations at famed monastery rock pope’s native Argentina, by Inés San Martín, Crux, 01.07.2019
In countdown to summit, abuse scandals rock pope’s native Argentina, by Inés San Martín, Crux, 02.13.2019
Habló el joven de Mendoza que habría sido abusado por dos monjes en el Monasterio del Cristo Orante, by Alejandro Horvat, La Nacion, 04.09.2019
Denuncian que la Iglesia de Mendoza intentó ocultar un escándalo de abusos, by Mariana García, La Nacion, 04.09.2019
Cuestionan interpretación tendenciosa de un recurso en un caso de abusos en Mendoza, AICA, 04.10.2019 |
Rev. Eliseo Primati |
Verona diocese (Italy)
La Plata archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Italian. Implicated as one of 24 priests, brothers and lay religious who allegedly sexually and physically abused children attending Verona, Italy's Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf during the 1950s-1980s. The Vatican opened an investigation after former students of the school went public in 2009 with the allegations. None of the accused were prosecuted due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Primati was one of three of the priests and one religious brother who were transferred to Instituto Provolo in La Plata, Argentina. Instituto Provolo is a school attended by 80 hearing-disabled children and young people. In May 2017 a Japanese nun who lived at the Instituto Provolo 2004-2012, Sr. Kosaka Kumiko, was arrested and charged with helping the priests cover-up anal and vaginal rapes, fondling and oral sex. |
El Papa sabía y no accionó contra uno de los curas del instituto Próvolo,, 1.13.2017
La Lista de los 62 Curas Denunciados por Abuso Sexual en la Argentina, Infobae, 5.14.17 |
Rev. Renato Rasguido

Catamarca diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in March 2014 of the repeated sexual abuse in 2012 of a 13-year-old boy, said to have occurred in Andalgalá, Catamarca and during a trip to the Aconquija district. The boy disclosed the alleged abuse to his mother after he attempted suicide at age 15. She contacted authorities and Rasguido was charged on four counts; he denied the charges. Rasguido was given shelter in the bishop's residence. The boy's mother claimed the church offered her money for her silence. She filed a legal compaint in October 2016. In April 2017, at the request of Rasguido's attorney, an appeals court ruled that the investigation and request for trial had to start from the beginning. In September 2017, Rasguido was charged additionally with four counts of corrupting a minor. He reportedly is suspended from ministry but remains free. |
Cura imputado de abuso sexual, fmlaperla, 4.29.2014
El Párroco Renato Rasguido Acusado de Abuso declara el Miércoles,, 5.31.2015
Crece el escándal por el cura acusado de abusar de una chica, by Arel Arrieta, Clarín, 10.29.2015
Imputan por corrupción de menores al cura Rasguido,, 7.1.2016
Imputan al cura Renato Rasguido, por corrupción de menores,, 7.1.2016
El Tribunal resolverá el lunes si Rasguido es llevado a juicio,, 4.7.2017
Decretan nulidad por el caso Rasguido y lo indagarán otra vez,, 4.11.2017
Denuncian intento de abuso de un cura a dos menores, elancasti, 7.24.2017
El cura Renato Rasguido, será indagado esta semana por cuatronuevas imputaciones,, 9.11.2017 |
Rev. Carlos Robledo

Concepción diocese |
Diocesan |
In October 2012, a former seminarian named Alfredo Bázan stated publicly that in 1987 he had given the bishop of the diocese of Concepción, Jorge Arturo Meinvielle, a folder containing six teenagers' signed complaints of sexual abuse against Robledo. Bishop Meinvielle did nothing, and Robledo remained an active priest until his death in 2009. He ministered in the town of Monteros, Tucumán province. Bázan, the disillusioned whistleblower, left the priesthood. He regretted not reporting the abuse to authorities. |
"Parece que el caso del padre Ilarraz ha sido el detonante de muchas cosas," La Gaceta, 10.28.2012
Ex seminarista denunció hace 25 años a un cura por abuso, by Rosalía Cazorla, Cadena 3, 10.28.2012
Rev. Diego Roqué Moreno
(Also called Diego Roqué de Jesús) |
Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Roqué and his fellow monk Padre Oscar Portillo co-founded the Monasterio del Cristo Orante (Monastery of the Praying Christ) in Tupungato, Mendoza Province, in 1996. In late December 2018, the two monks were criminally charged for the sexual abuse of a youth from 2009 to 2015. News reports subsequently revealed that the archdiocese had known of the victim's complaints since 2015.
According to the victim, his abuse by Roqué began soon after the boy entered the Cristo Orante monastery in 2009, at age 17. Alleged abuses by Portillo followed. In 2015, the victim and his father reported the abuse to the Mendoza archbishop, Carlos María Franzini. At the meeting with the archbishop, the victim identified only Portillo as an abuser: In an April 2019 interview, the victim says it took him more time to realize that Roqué also had abused him. Franzini transferred Portillo to another province but the monk was back at Cristo Orante a month later.
In March 2018, upon hearing that two more boys were joining the monastery, the victim again contacted the archdiocese. This time, in a meeting with auxiliary bishop Marcelo Fabián Mazzitelli, he cited rapes and sexual assaults by Roqué as well as abuses by Portillo. According to the victim, Mazzitelli told him to 'move on.' The new Mendoza archbishop, Marcelo Daniel Colombo, launched a canonical process against the two priests. (Franzini had died in late 2017.) Portillo acknowledged to the church investigators that he had committed sins 'in the sexual order' but said that it was the victim who was the harasser.
In August 2018, before the victim filed a complaint with civil authorities causing the allegations to become public, Archbishop Colombo sent a letter to the Holy See's Apostolic Signatura, the Catholic church's highest judicial tribunal. [See the letter and our English translation of it.] In the letter, the archbishop asked that the canonical trial of Roqué and Portillo be transferred to San Juan and also 'extended.' He explained that publicity about the shocking Provolo cases, which involved the sexual assaults of dozens of deaf children, had created "a hostile and negative climate" in Mendoza. He wanted to avoid "the possible judicialization" in "state headquarters" that might result from the monks' canonical trial. The faithful would be harmed by another 'legal scandal' ("strepitum fori"), he wrote.
In October 2018, the victim filed a complaint with criminal authorities. The monks were arrested and charged on December 27, 2018. News coverage of the arrests was the public's first notification of the allegations against the two monks.
In April 2019, Archbishop Colombo issued a statement in response to media revelations of his August 2018 letter to the Holy See. He was not seeking to conceal the alleged crimes, he wrote. He was instead asking for the "intervention of another [canonical] court" to prevent doubts about the "objectivity and impartiality" of the local canonical court.
As of April 2019, the two monks were under house arrest, awaiting trial. |
Letter from Marcelo Daniel Colombo, Archbishop of Mendoza, to Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, 08.17.2018 [See our English translation.]
Abusos en el monasterio de Tupungato: el denunciante era menor de edad, by Oscar Guillén, Los Andes, 12.29.2018
Abuse allegations at famed monastery rock pope’s native Argentina, by Inés San Martín, Crux, 01.07.2019
In countdown to summit, abuse scandals rock pope’s native Argentina, by Inés San Martín, Crux, 02.13.2019
Habló el joven de Mendoza que habría sido abusado por dos monjes en el Monasterio del Cristo Orante, by Alejandro Horvat, La Nacion, 04.09.2019
Denuncian que la Iglesia de Mendoza intentó ocultar un escándalo de abusos, by Mariana García, La Nacion, 04.09.2019
Cuestionan interpretación tendenciosa de un recurso en un caso de abusos en Mendoza, AICA, 04.10.2019 |
Rev. Agustín Rosa Torino

Salta archdiocese |
Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista |
Rev. Agustín Rosa Torino is awaiting trial on charges related to three accusations of sexual abuse by former members of his religious group, including a nun and two men who say they were abused as adolescents. Torino is a former Salesian who founded the order Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista in 1996. He was arrested on December 21, 2016, spent nine months in jail, and was released to house arrest in September 2017. His criminal case may come to trial in the second half of 2019. The Vatican opened an investigation into Torino in 2015. He was not expelled from the clerical state, although he left active ministry. |
Malos hábitos: el cura acusado de abuso sexual juró por Dios ser inocente, TN, 12.19.2016
Malos hábitos: dos historias de abuso que desatan un nuevo escándalo en la Iglesia, TN, 12.20.2016
Malos hábitos: otra víctima de abuso sexual rompe el silencio, por Miriam Lewin y Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.26.2016
Malos hábitos: Rosa, el cura acusado de abuso sexual, en una cárcel común, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.27.2016
Malos hábitos: detuvieron a la monja que abusó de una nena de 13 años, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 12.30.2016
Malos hábitos: Piden prisión preventiva para la exmonja denunciada por abuso sexual, TN, 1.03.2017
Malos hábitos: Dictan la prisión preventiva al cura acusado de abuso sexual, por Nicolas Tillard, TN, 1.4.2017
Liberaron al cura Agustín Rosa, acusado de abuso sexual, TN, 8.31.2017
Casa Rosa Torino: recordá los detallados testimonios de las víctimas, El Tribuno, 8.31.2017
Fuerte repudio a la liberación del cura Agustín Rosa, acusado de abuso: "Seguimos atrapados, no podemos vivir", TN, 9.1.2017
Red de víctimas emitió un durísimo comunicado, El Tribunal, 9.1.2017
Agustín Rosa Torino, cura abusador salteno, esperará su juicio en libertad, La Izquierda Diario, 9.2.2017
Agustín Rosa, el cura denunciado por abuso sexual: "Me siento un perseguido", TN, 9.4.2017
El juez Costas minimizó denuncias por abuso sexual contra el cura Rosa, por Rubén Arenas, El Tribuno, 9.10.2017
Incendiaron el auto de un cura, testigo en el caso de abuso de "la congregación de los malos hábitos", TN, 9.11.2017
El cura Rosa también sería juzgado este año, by Rubén Arenas, El Tribuno, 01.13.2019
El crudo relato de una monja argentina abusada por un cura, by Eugenio Druetta, Perfil, 02.07.2019
Elevan a juicio la causa contra el cura Agustín Rosa Torino, EL Tribuno, 03.09.2019
La congregación de los malos hábitos: Agustín Rosa va a juicio oral, Todo Noticias, 03.11.2019 |
Rev. Alberto Rúa Hubeimar |
Paraná archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Rev. Julián Ruiz

Santiago del Estero diocese |
Diocesan |
Arrested May 2015 for allegedly sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy from March to May 2015. Ruiz was a priest of Pampa de los Guanoacos parish when arrested. Indicted in April 2016 on charges of sexual abuse and corruption of minors. Ruiz maintained his innocence, although he admitted to sending the youth "photos of some improper content." Three other youths also alleged abuse. Ruiz was released September 2016, after 15 months in jail. Judge ruled the allegation lacked merit ("la falta de mérito"). In July 2017, the Santiago del Estero appeals court ruled that the charges against Ruiz would be reduced to grooming or virtual harassment. |
Procesaron a un Cura por Abuso Sexual en Santiago del Estero,, 4.15.2016
Detienen a un cura acusado de violar a un adolescente en Santiago del Estero, La Capital, 5.21.2015
El obispado de Añatuya responde ante un presunto abuso sexual, aica, 5.21.2015
Detalles del informe psicológico demoledor contra el cura Ruiz, Tres Lineas Clipping, 7.8.2015
El sacerdote al que le faltó mérito, Pagina|12, 8.4.2016
Excarcelaron a un cura acusado de violar a un chico de 17 años,, 9.3.2016
Procesarán sólo por grooming a un cura que había sido acusado de violación, Clarín, 7.25.2017 |
Rev. Luis Sabarre, O.M.I.

Mendoza archdiocese |
Oblates of Mary Immaculate |
Filipino. Accused in September 2010 of inappropriately touching a 9-year-old girl. Criminal complaint was filed, and archdiocese suspended him from duties. He was reinstated in June 2011 by the archbishop of Mendoza, José María Arancibia, after the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ruled that no canonical violation had occurred. The criminal case ended without trial due to insufficient evidence and all accusations were dismissed. In July 2012, Sabarre was working as an administrator in Luján parish. When parents of students at Colegio Nuestro Señora de Luján expressed concern at Sabarre's proximity to the children, an official with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate said that Sabarre was an administrator at the parish, not the school, and would have no interaction with the student body. One parent said that such a clear line of separation was a lie. Continued to be active as of August 2017, including with youth. |
Filipino Foreign Missioner on Home Leave, by Jun Mercado, OMI 8.13.2010
Church Suspended Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by Leandro Sturniolo, Los Andes, 9.24.2010 [Translation] en Español
El P. Luis Sabarre vuelve a sus funciones ministeriales,, 6.15.2011
El Vaticano absolvió al cura Sabarre, que volverá a dar misa, Los Andes, 6.16.2011
Preocupación de padres de alumnos del Colegio Nuestra Señora de Luján por la designación del nuevo sacerdote,, 7.02.2012
Padres de alumnos del colegio Nuestra Señora de Luján dicen que no recibieron explicaciones sobre la presencia de Sabarr,, 7.4.2012
Youth Ministry, Nuestra Señora de la Carrodilla, Oblate Communications, 8.21.2017 |
Rev. Miguel Ángel Santurio

San Luis diocese
Puerto Iguazú (Misiones) diocese |
Diocesan |
Uruguayan by birth and naturalized Argentine. In April 2009, he was investigated in Puerto Iguazú, Misiones for human trafficking and several cases of sex abuse of young parishioners. Previously, he had been accused of abusing three local girls, but was found innocent by the Federal Court of Argentina. A church trial in November 2012 deemed him guilty of canonical crimes and expelled him from the clergy, after which he worked as a faith healer. He was arrested in July 2013, charged with nine counts of sexual abuse, to which he pleaded innocent.
In August 2013, he was released; the court found insufficient evidence to justify keeping him in custody. In November 2013, the Orthodox Church (la Iglesia Ortodoxa Americana), following in the footsteps of the Roman Catholic Church, announced his expulsion from their congregation, citing his “repeated actions and attitudes” that are “contrary to the spirit of our Holy Church.” Days later, the leader of the Orthodox Church of Argentina clarified that Santurio had not been expelled and was authorized to celebrate Mass in the name the Orthodox Church. He attributed the erroneously announced expulsion to a “misunderstanding” by the bishop of the diocese of San Luis. Santurio remained active in the Orthodox Church of Argentina in May 2015.
Sexual Abuse in the Church: Healing Priest Declares His Innocence, Misiones Cuatro, 7.18.2013 [Translation] en Español
El ex-cura Santurio recuperó la libertad por orden de la Justicia provincial, by YZH, Misiones Cuatro, 8.22.2013
Echaron a Miguel Santurio de la Iglesia Ortodoxa,, 11.2013
La Iglesia Ortodoxa Americana aclaró que Santurio no fue separado de ese credo, 11.2013
Lo echó el Vaticano por presunto abuso y da misas de sanación en Santa Lucia, Tiempo de San Juan, 5.11.2015
Rev. Mario Napoleón Sasso

San Juan archdiocese
Zárate-Campana diocese |
Convicted in 2007 of first-degree sexual abuse of five girls, ages 5 to 12, and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Assaults occurred in 2002 and 2003.
Detailed Summary
Sasso began his priesthood in the San Juan archdiocese, where he was diagnosed in the early 1990s as a pedophile. He was sent in 1996 or 1997 to Domus Mariae, a Catholic church-run treatment center for priests with pedophilia and other disorders in the diocese of Zárate-Campana, in the city of Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires province (25 miles northwest of the city of Buenos Aires). Sasso left the center in 1998 with instructions never to be in the company of children. In 2001, the Zárate-Campana bishop, Rafael Rey, assigned him to work at San Miguel de La Lonja, an impoverished parish in the city of Pilar, where Sasso was the sole priest and in charge of a community soup kitchen. There he sexually assaulted at least five girls, ages 5 to 12, all from extremely poor families.
[More] |
De la capilla a un calabozo, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 12.2.2003
Priest Accused of Sex Abuse Is Detained: The Victim Would Have Been a 12-Year-Old Girl, Clarín, 1.21.2004 [Translation] en Español
Investigan a dos sacerdotes por encubrir los abusos de Napoleón, Página/12, 2.09.2004
The House of the Fathers “In Crisis,” by Miguel Jorquera, Página/12, 9.5.2005 [Translation] en Español
La probation que cayó del cielo, por Horacio Cecchi, Página/12, 10.26.2007
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Rev. Jorge Scaramellini Guerrero

Corrientes archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in June 2001 of abusing two boys, ages 16 and 17, at Santa Catalina de Alejandría Catholic School in Corrientes, where he was director. The alleged abuse appears to have occurred shortly before it was reported. The priest was charged with "abuso deshonesto simple," which carried a sentence of 6 months to 4 years. Sources at the Archdiocese of Corrientes said they would await the court’s decision before taking any measures against Guerrero, who would continue as director of the school. Guerrero died in March 2004. |
Corrientes Priest Who Terminated Teachers Is Denounced, Página/12, 6.27.2001 [Translation] en Español
Nuestra Santa Madre [Our Holy Mother] by Olga Wornat [Scaramellini is covered in Chapter 9] |
Rev. José Luis Serre
Mar del Plata diocese |
Diocesan |
In October 2018, the Vatican removed priest José Luis Serre from the clerical state after accusations he sexually abused a child in 2017. The news of Serre's laicization became public in April 2019, when Bishop Gabriel Mestre of Mar del Plata issued a statement. The bishop pledged his cooperation with the ongoing criminal case against Serre. He added that the diocese would explore creating an office to receive reports of abuse.
Serre was in ministry for about 30 years. His last position was as a parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes in Necochea. He appears to have been removed from ministry in January 2018, when the victim's parents reported him.
Un cura denunciado por abuso sexual en Mar del Plata fue apartado de la Iglesia, infobae, 04.08.2019
Rev. "Seryo", S.A.C. |
Lomas de Zamora diocese |
Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) |
Rector for roughly 20 years of a Pallottine-run high school. Accused of being one of several sexual predators who taught at or managed the school. In May 2013, the order and local bishop vowed to investigate.
Detailed Summary
Seryo was accused of belonging to a ring of sexual predators who held positions of authority at Instituto Vicente Pallotti, a prestigious Catholic high school run by the Pallottines order in Turdera, Buenos Aires province. The existence of the ring was revealed in The Angel's Hunt (La cacería del ángel)) book published in March 2013 by Sebastián Di Silvestro. Seryo (a pseudonym) was rector of the school from the 1970s to the 1990s, the left for Rome. He later returned to Argentina and became a high ranking member of the Pallottines.
[More] |
The School Where the Silence Broke, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 5.19.2013 [Translation] en Español
Criminal Accusations Reach the Office of the Bishop, by Mariana Carbajal, Página/12, 5.19.2013 [Translation] en Español
The Office of the Bishop Gives Full Backing to Criminal Complaint for Abuses at Religious School, La Prensa, 5.23.2013 [Translation] en Español
Rev. Frank Sierra, S.F.

Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Sons of the Holy Family |
American. Ordained a priest of the Sons of the Holy Family in 1946 in Rome. Taught elementary school, high school and college in Bahia Blanca, Argentina 1947-1952. Returned to the U.S and went on to work in a number of dioceses. Left his order; incardinated in the San Diego CA diocese in 1981. Accused in 2002 of the sexual abuse of three girls, who were sisters, in the late 1950s when he was assigned to a CO parish. Accused in a lawsuit settled in 1996 of sexually abusing at least one girl in Santa Cruz NM, where he was an assistant parish priest 1960-1961. Sierra's name was included on the San Diego diocese's 2007 list of "credibly accused" priests. |
Park View Man Takes Priesthood Vows in Rome, Albuquerque Journal,
Greely Daily Tribune,
Headline: Catholic Orders Settle Abuse Suits, Santa Fe New Mexican
Names of Accused San Diego Priests, Lompoc Record [San Diego CA]
March 30, 2007
Documents released by San Diego diocese 10.27.2010
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.6.2017 |
Rev. Luis Eduardo Sierra, S.D.P. |
Lomas de Zamora diocese
Asunción (Paraguay) archdiocese |
Sons of Divine Providence |
Convicted in November 2004 of "first-degree sexual abuse" of three altar boys, ages 12 -14, in 2000 and 2001. The boys were students at the Ave Maria de la Obra Don Orione school in Claypole (a town in Buenos Aires province), where Sierra ministered. Sierra admitted abusing one of the victims to the boy's mother, who secretly recorded the conversation. Sentenced to 8 years in prison, but it is not clear if he ever was incarcerated: as of 2010, he reportedly was given an alternative to prison and has been serving his sentence confined to his home in La Plata with an electronic ankle bracelet. Sierra had transferred to Claypole from a school in Asunción, Paraguay, where reportedly he also abused children. |
Eight Years in Prison for a Priest Who Abused Three Altar Boys, by Marciel Seeger, Página/12, 11.17.2004 [Translation] en Español
Tras el escándalo por los curas abusadores, Quilmes vuelve al centro de la escena, by Fabián Rodríguez, Cambio21, 4.29.2010
Uno por uno, los 9 curas que ya fueron condenados por abusar de menores en Argentina, Clarín, 9.6.2017 |
Bishop Abelardo Silva |
San Miguel diocese |
Diocesan |
Rev. Alfredo Soiza-Piñeyro

Santiago (Chile) archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Argentine. Investigated in 2010 by the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Chile after a former seminarian accused Soiza-Piñeyro of sexually abusing him when he was a minor, between 1982 and 1987, in Santiago, Chile, where the priest ministered.
The archbishop of Santiago stated the priest had "failed to live up to priestly standards” and reported the case to the Vatican. Soiza-Piñeyro, known in the church as an expert in exorcisms, requested and was granted dispensation from the priesthood by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as announced in April 2013. |
Fiscalía investiga a sacerdote argentino por presunto abuso sexual,, 5.06.2010
Soiza-Piñeyro: El Experto En Exorcismos Indagado Por Abusos, La Nacion, 6.29.2012
Arzobispado confirma que Alfredo Soiza-Piñeyro deja ministerio sacerdotal,, 04.30.2013
Bro. Spinelli, S.M. |
Verona diocese (Italy)
La Plata archdiocese |
Congregation for the Company of Mary |
Italian. Implicated as one of 24 priests, brothers and lay religious who allegedly sexually and physically abused children attending Verona, Itlay's Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf during the 1950s-1980s. The Vatican opened an investigation after former students of the school went public in 2009 with the allegations. None of the accused were prosecuted due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Along with three priests, Spinelli was transferred to Instituto Provolo in La Plata, Argentina. Instituto Provolo is a school attended by 80 hearing-disabled children and young people. |
Church, Deaf Students Square Off on Italian TV, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, 3.26.2010
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse, Associated Press via NBCNews, 9.13.2009
Abuse Institute for the Deaf in Verona. The impunity of pedophile priests on the Italy - Argentina Pope Francis, anything to declare?,, 5.7.2014
Hacia la integración a través de la comunicación y la formación laboral,, 9.5.2010 |
Rev. Alejandro José Squizziatto

Mendoza archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained 2008. Accused of abusing a 4-year-old boy in 2014 while pastor of Santa Bernardita, in Guaymallén, Mendoza. The alleged victim told his mom that "father Alejandro...touched his private parts." The boy's mother reported the incident to the archdiocese of Mendoza and was told that it would be investigated.
The case did not surface publicly until the summer of 2017 when Marcelo de Benedectis, spokesman for the archdiocese of Mendoza, alluded to Squizziatto in an interview he gave to Unidiversidad, a university-affiliated digital publication. When asked about clerics who had been accused of abuse in Mendoza, he said Squizziatto "was never investigated because he was never accused, when the church asked the parents in a meeting at the archdiocese that they file a complaint with law enforcement, they didn't do so, and so the case was closed." The Mendoza Post later reported that the church notified civil authorities of the allegations but because the boy's parents chose not to pursue charges the case was closed.
Squizziatto was reportedly removed from ministry for more than a year while the church investigated the allegations against him. In 2016 he became pastor of a nearby Mendoza parish, Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, in Godoy Cruz. Parishioners there told the Mendoza Post that the archbishop of Mendoza made a visit to the parish to say that Squizziatto had been reassigned there because of an incident in which he was falsely accused. The boy's lawyer told a Mendoza newspaper that "there was evidence, there were witnesses, and they [the ecclesiastical court of Mendoza] are obligated to continue investigating until a definitive verdict is reached."
As of October 2017, Squizziatto was listed as an active priest on the Mendoza archdiocesan website. In addition to leading a parish, he is a member of the Presbyteral Council and vice-dean of the Godoy Cruz deanery. |
Squizziatto assignments, Arquidiocesis Mendoza, 4.15.2016
Curas mendocinos: el modus operandi de la impunidad en una historia de abusos, censuras y torturas, por Enrique Jasid,, 11.30.2016
La Lista de los 62 Curas Denunciados por Abuso Sexual en la Argentina, Infobae, 5.14.17
De Benedectis: "No Hay Espíritu de Ocultar", Unidiversidad, 6.19.2017
Sin querer, vocero de la Iglesia reflota caso de abuso,, 6.21.2017
Un niño mendocino fue abusado pero no tiene justicia, por Ana Montes de Oca, Mendoza Post, 7.7.2017
Squizziato assignments, Arquidiocesis Mendoza,10.9.2017 |
Archbishop Edgardo Gabriel Storni

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Resigned as archbishop in October 2002 at age 66, following published reports of his abuse of young men and boys. Sentenced in December 2009 to eight years in prison for the sexual abuse ("abuso sexual agravado") of seminary student Rubén Descalzo in 1992. His conviction was overturned in 2011. Died February 20, 2012.
Detailed Summary
In 1992, an 18-year-old seminarian, Rubén Descalzo, told a Santa Fe parish priest named Father José Guntern that Storni had sexually assaulted him. Guntern sent Storni a letter urging him to realize "the seriousness of your actions." Guntern soon was interviewed by Mendoza co-adjutor archbishop José María
Arancibia, who in 1994 conducted a seven-month investigation of Storni at the Vatican's request. Although a local newspaper, Rosario/12, reported the existence of the inquiry in late 1994, the church's determination was not made public, media interest apparently faded, and Storni remained archbishop.
“Arancibia pidió perdón a los seminaristas abusados,” by Roxana Badaloni, Los Andes, 8.18.2002
Storni, un obispo al borde del desempleo,, by Pablo Feldman and Desde Rosario, Página/12, 9.8.2002
Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Bastion of Catholicism, by Leslie Moore, Globe Correspondent, 9.15.2002
Justice Department Opens Criminal Investigation of Archbishop Storni, by José Enrique Bordón, La Nación, 8.28.2002 [Translation] en Español
Bro. Richard Suttle C.M.F.

Phoenix AZ (USA) diocese
San Antonio TX (USA) archdiocese
Los Angeles CA (USA) archdiocese
Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh (Viet Nam) archdiocese
Owerri (Nigeria) archdiocese
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) |
American. Accused 2008 of sexual abuse 1982-83 at Sacred Heart grammar school in Prescott, Arizona as teacher and coach. Phoenix diocese investigated; referred case to Claretians whose review board found allegation credible, i.e. possible. Suttle denies. Bourgade Catholic High School in Phoenix 1988-98; Director of Lay Mission Helpers for the archdiocese of Los Angeles, 2001-2002; Vietnam missionary 2002; principal of Sacred Heart 2006-2008. In residence IHM parish in San Antonio TX Summer 2008. Assigned in 2010 to direct HS in East Nigeria. As of August 2013, Suttle was working in Buenos Aires, a member of the Claretian's new UN team. In response to a news conference in Chicago by the US-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, a Claretian official stated that Suttle "has been removed from any ministry with children and assigned internal work for the order." The official said that Suttle is working under the supervision of a monitor in Buenos Aires. |
Suttle Assignment in Los Angeles Archdiocese, 2002 Official Catholic Directory
Community Notification Statement: Bro. Richard Suttle, CMF, Catholic Sun, 12.18.2008
Group: Diocese Didn't Inform Public about 2 Accused Abusers, Arizona Republic, 1.28.2009
Accused of Child Abuse Religious Teacher Moves to S.A., Express-News, 2.5.2009
Claretians East Nigeria Province Newsletter, 2.15.2012
Newsletter of the Claretian Ministry at the United Nations, Vol.1, Issue 1, 6.2013
Accused Cleric Sent to Argentina by Chicago-based Order, by Manya Brachear Pashman, Tribune, 8.2.2013 |
Rev. Avelino Trecco |
Córdoba archdiocese
Tucumán archdiocese |
Diocesan |
Sentenced in 1983 to eight years in prison for the 1982 murder of a boy whom he had molested. The Church reportedly said that Trecco was a "victim of defamation." While in jail he celebrated Mass and heard the confessions of Catholic youth. In 1986, after three years in jail, he was released and put in charge of the chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Caridad in Yerba Buena, in the archdiocese of Tucumán, then headed by Archbishop Horacio Alberto
Trecco's crimes were recounted in a 2011 book, Cinco curas, confesiones silenciadas [Five Priests: Silenced Confessions], written by five ex-priests of Córdoba. One of the co-authors, Elvio Alberione, had been a seminarian with Trecco at the major seminary in Córdoba. He writes that Trecco was accused of molesting minors as a seminarian. Alberione reported him to the
Córdoba archbishop, Ramón Castellano, but Trecco was ordained nonetheless. |
Pero igual fueron sacerdotes, by Sergio Carreras, La Voz Ciudadanos, 9.25.2011
"Lo más grave es querer ocultar el delito", by Redacción La Voz, La Voz, 9.25.2011 |
Unnamed Priest, S.D.P. |
Montevideo (Uruguay) archdiocese
Buenos Aires archdiocese |
Sons of Divine Providence |
In June 2013, an Argentine priest was accused of sexually abusing a mentally disabled 19-year-old at Cottolengo Don Orione, an all-male facility in Montevideo, Uruguay, affiliated with Pequeña Obra de la Divina Providencia (Little Work of Divine Providence), a Roman Catholic organization that is based in the city of Buenos Aires. The alleged victim lived on the floor of those considered "most vulnerable." His grandmother and mother filed a criminal complaint against the priest, who reportedly was sent back to Argentina. News reports did not give the accused priest's name. Workers at the the Montevideo facility suspect that others may have been abused, including a young man with a speech impairment. The facility houses 200 patients with severe mental and physical disabilities, some abandoned by their families. |
Investigan supuesto abuso de sacerdote a joven discapacitado, Subrayado, 6.19.2013
Investigan a sacerdote argentino por abuso a discapacitados del Cottolengo Don Orione, Causa Abierta, 6.19.2013
Los más perjudicados, Monte Video, 6.19.2013 |
Bishop Adolfo A. Uriona, F.D.P.
Añatuya diocese
Villa de la Concepción diocese |
Sons of Divine Providence |
Was Añatuya bishop when arrested in 2006 after a 24-year-old woman accused him of groping her during a bus ride. Uriona denied the charges. The case was dismissed. Appointed bishop of Villa de la Concepción in 2014. |
Argentina: Allegations of Illegal Adoptions Implicated Church, by Marcela Valente
Inter Press Service News Agency. 02.10.2006
"Ahora me da terror viajar en micro", por Alejandra Dandan
Página|12, 12.02.2006 |
Rev. Juan José Urrutia |
Alto Valle del Río Negro diocese |
On trial in October 2017 in the city of General Roca (Rio Negro province) for abusing a 14-year-old in 2010. The alleged abuse took place at Santa Catalina parish in the town of Allen. When news of the impending trial was first made public, in early October 2017, the current and two previous bishops of Alto Valle released an official communiqué, admitting that they had known for years of the allegations against Urrutia. In 2013, the diocese had suspended the priest after the 'conclusion of a canonical criminal administrative process.' The diocesan officials also had known of the criminal complaint against the priest since it was filed in 2014. Urrutia's departure from Santa Catalina parish in 2013 reportedly had been sudden and abrupt, with no explanation given to the public. |
Sacerdote va a juicio este viernes por un abuso sexual en Allen,, 10.3.2017
Comunicado sobre el juicio penal a un sacerdote de la diócesis de Alto Valle,, 10.4.2017
Jucio en Roca a un cura por abuso sexual a un menor,, 10.4.2017
La Diocesis del Alto Valle pidio perdon por el caso del sacerdote acusado de abuso, Radio Cinco Saltos, 10.4.2017
Juicio a un sacerdote: Habría abusado del menor en una casa lindante a la capilla,, 10.6.2017 |
Rev. Carlos Urrutigoity, S.S.P.X.

Scranton PA (USA) diocese
Ciudad del Este (Paraguay) diocese |
Society of
St. Pius X |
Argentine. Attended seminary of the traditionalist society of St. Pius X (SPPX) at Our Lady of Co-Redemptrix in La Reja, near the city of Moreno in the province of Buenos Aires. Accused of molesting a seminarian there. Left Argentina. Ordained in 1989 into the Society of St. Pius X in Winona MN. Expelled in 1997 for "plotting a new religious order" and for "molesting a seminarian." Obtained faculties in the Scranton PA diocese and founded another Tridentine Rite group called the Society of St. John in 1998. Scranton Bishop James Timlin permitted the SSJ to teach and live at a boys' boarding school, St. Gregory's Academy in Moscow PA. Urrutigoity was accused in 2002 of sleeping with and providing alcohol to boys at the school and of sexually assaulting an 18-or-19 year-old recent graduate. The society was suppressed and banned by Scranton Bishop Joseph Martino D.D. in 2004. Urrutigoity and his group relocated to the diocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. According to the Scranton Diocese, Bishop Martino urged Bishop Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano of Cuidad del Este not to incardinate Urrutigoity, describing him as "posing a serious threat to young people." As of August 2012, however, and perhaps earlier, Urrutigoity was vicar general (effectively, the second in command) of the Ciudad del Este diocese. Urrutigoity's high rank was first conveyed to the English-language media in March 2014 by In June 2014, a reporter confronted the priest, leading to extensive media coverage worldwide. In July 2014, Urrutigoity was removed from his post, and in September 2014, Pope Francis removed Livieres from his Bishopric. |
Special Reports: Catholic Bishops and Sex Abuse, Dallas Morning News, 6.12.2002.
Pennsylvania Bishop Suppresses Local Traditionalist Priestly Society, Catholic News Service [Scranton PA], 12.1.2004
Suppressed Society of Priests Surfaces in South America, Critic Faults the Diocese of Scranton, by Tom Kane, The River Reporter, 3.9.2006
Palpitations, by Horacio Verbitsky, Página/12, 2.8.2009 [Translation] en Español
Paraguayan Bishop Harbors Pedestry Cult of the Society of St. John, by Mike Ference, Examiner, 9.14.2009
Priest Accused of Abuses Officiates Mass, by the Hernandarias Correspondent, Crónica (Paraguay), 8.16.2012 [Translation] en Español
Members of the curia, diocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay [See screenshot taken 9.3.2013]
Diocese issues clarifying statement on accused pedophile Pike priest, Pocono Record, 3.15.2014
Statement Regarding the Status of Reverend Carlos Urrutigoity, The Diocese of Scranton, 3.15.2014
Dear Pope Francis, To Know Is Not The Same As To Do, by Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 3.24.2014
EXCLUSIVE: After US sex abuse scandals, an accused priest rises again in Paraguay, by Will Carless, Global Post, 6.3.2014
“No voy a pedir perdón mientras no se retracte de lo que dijo de mi sacerdote,”, 6.7.2014
Fiscalía investigará si aparecen denuncias,, 6.7.2014
El padre Urrutigoity es “perseguido,", 6.9.2014
Reports: Vatican Fires Paraguay Priest Accused Of Alleged Abuse, by Will Carless and Alex Leff, Global Post, 7.29.2014
Papal delegation suspends ordinations in Paraguay diocese, Catholic World Report, 7.29.14
Pope Sacks Paraguayan Bishop Accused of Protecting Abuser Priest, Reuters, 9.25.2014
A Catholic society used dreams of a medieval life and rebellion to groom young victims of abuse, by Corky Siemaszko, NBC News, 10.09.2018 |
Rev. Aníbal Valenzuela |
Puerto Iguazu diocese |
Diocesan |
Valenzuela was first the subject of multiple civil complaints of sexual abuse in Eldorado, a city in the province of Misiones. After "six years of proceedings," he was removed from ministry in November 2007 by Puerto Iguazú bishop, Marcelo Martorell, but not before he had become parish priest of Santa María del Yguazú (also in Misiones province). Parishioners there demanded his removal. Martorell professed his commitment to “protecting those who are weakest.” During the six years of proceedings, the complaints mounted; Martorell attributed the delay to his predecessor, Bishop Joaquín Piña. It was during Piña’s tenure that Valenzuela worked in Eldorado. Per news reports in 2017, Valenzuela was never investigated. |
El obispo Martorell suspendió a un cura denunciado por supuesto abuso, Misiones Online, 11.2.2007
Tres sacerdotes de Misiones entre los casos de abusos sexuales en la Iglesia, La Voz de Misiones, 5.15.2017
Rev. Cristian Vázquez

Río Gallegos diocese |
Diocesan |
Ordained in 2010. Assigned to Virgen del Carmen parish in Rio Grande. Suspended from public ministry in November 2016 due to allegations against him of the sexual abuse, including rape, of a 13-year-old girl, a parishioner, between December 26, 2012 and February 2013. The abuse is said to have occurred on three occasions: in a parish car, in the girl's home and at the priest's residence. Vázquez went away at some point for a year, then returned to Santa Cruz de Caleta Olivia. While away he sent a letter to the girl's family, asking for forgiveness. The girl's mother didn't understand what Vázquez was referring to. The mother didn't learn of the alleged abuse until August 2016 when her daughter was hospitalized after a suicide attempt, precipitated by her having seen the priest again at a mass. Vázquez denied the allegations at a April 2017 preliminary hearing. In October 2017, the priest was indicted for sexual abuse, but allowed to remain free. |
Gravísima denuncia contra un sacerdote en RG: Una historia de abusos, amante y burla a la Iglesia, Aire Libre FM 96.3, 11.16.2016
Abogada de la presunta víctima del sacerdote cuestionó que aún no lo hayan indagado,, 12.22.2016
Un sacerdote fue procesado por abusar sexualmente de una adolescente de 13 años,, 10.15.17
Rev. Carlos Vece, C.F.I.C. |
Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz archdiocese |
Hijos de la Inmaculada Concepción (Sons of the Immaculate
Conception) |
Accused in 2000 of sexual abuse, corporal punishment, and psychological abuse of two boys, ages 5 and 15, at Colegio Concepcionista San Cayetano, in the province of Santa Fe, where Vece taught and ministered. Several additional complaints of alleged abuse were made by other parents of children at the school. Vece's death in late 2000 apparently ended the criminal investigation of the allegations against him. He reportedly was a disciple and close friend of the Archbishop of Santa Fe, Edgardo Storni. His alleged crimes were recounted in Nuestra Santa Madre [Our Holy MVother] by Olga Wornat. |
Nuestra Santa Madre [Our Holy Mother] by Olga Wornat [Scaramellini is covered in Chapter 9] |
Rev. Fernando Yáñez

San Rafael Diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in a criminal complaint in April 2014 of sexually abusing a youth residing at Hogar de Jóvenes San Luis Gonzaga, in Monte Comán (San Rafael, Mendoza province), a residence for boys who have been in trouble with the law. Following the allegation, Yáñez was removed from active ministry and as director of the home. He appears to have returned to San Luis Gonzaga in 2015. In August 2016, Yáñez was brought before Judge Paula Arana of the First Investigative Court of San Rafael by DINAF (Directorate for Children, Youth and Family) over accusations of sexual abuse of two boys, both minors living in the San Luis Gonzaga residence.
In December 2016, a media outlet released an audio recording in which Yáñez admitted to the crimes, saying “I need affection.” The priest alleged that the audiotape had been edited, saying that the two boys had been paid by DINAF to accuse him after he tried to collect a 900,000-peso debt that DINAF owed him. He also accused the former lieutenant governor Carlos Ciurca and other officials of colluding against him because of damaging information he had revealed about Ciurca. (Ciurca immediately responded, saying he would be suing Yáñez for slander.)
The extensive media coverage of the audiotape, along with a new allegation involving another accused priest, Carlos Buela, prompted a press conference by Monsignor Eduardo María Taussig, the bishop of San Rafael. Yáñez had been suspended six years previously, Taussig said. Because of the priest’s “repeated disobedience," as well as the audiotape, Taussig said he would petition to remove Yáñez from the priesthood and that he expected the Holy See to grant this.
As of August 2017, judging from news reports on an unrelated matter, it appeared that Yáñez was still directing San Luis Gonzaga.
In June 2018, a preliminary hearing was held to prepare for the priest's criminal trial related to sexual abuse of minors at Hogar de Jóvenes San Luis Gonzaga in Monte Comán. Yáñez is charged with 'simple sexual abuse aggravated' by his roles as a custodian of youth and as a religious minister.
The priest's trial began in late April 2019. On April 26, 2019, he was acquitted of all charges against him due to the failure of the complainant to appear in court. The prosecutor apparently has not been able to locate the youth for several years. A second youth whom the complainant had identified as another victim testified in defense of Yáñez, saying that the priest had never abused him.
Yáñez said, "I forgive all those who falsely accused me." He said he hoped Bishop Taussig would revoke his suspension. The prosecutor said he would continue investigating whether the audiotape released in 2016 had indeed been edited, as Yáñez maintained. If so, he will pursue possible extortion charges against the complainant. |
El polémico cura Yáñez se aleja del Hogar de Monte Comán,, 5.27.2014
Esperan el regreso del padre Yáñez al hogar de menores,, 2.20.2015
Procesaron a un cura de San Rafael por abuso sexual, por Nicolás Munilla,, 8.31.2016
Cura procesado por abuso en San Rafael, por Catalina Rivas, La Izquierda Diario, 9.1.2016
Procesan a cura de San Rafael por abuso de menores, por Carlos Simón,, 9.1.2016
"Necesito cariño": la prueba clave contra un cura de San Rafael,, 12.6.2016
El cura acusado de abuso sexual dice que el audio difundido "está editado", El Dia, 12.6.2016
El padre Yáñez dijo que manipularon el audio, por Daniela Larregle,, 12.7.2016
Cirucá querellara al sacerdote Yáñez por calumnias e injurias,, 12.7.2016
El obsipo Taussig habló sobre las denuncias por violaciones que involucran a sacerdotes, DIario del Oeste, 12.12.2016
El obispó pidio al Vaticano la expulsión de Yáñez y reveló que Buela tuvo actos sexuales impropios en el IVE, por José Luis Salas,, 12.12.2016
Press conference of Monseñor Eduardo María Taussig, bishop of San Rafael, responding to recent publicity about accused priests Yáñez and Buela, 12.12.2016
Padre Yáñez y el supuesto Santiago: "Se lo veía nervioso",, 8.14.2017
Absolvieron al sacerdote Yáñez: “Perdono a los que me acusaron falsamente,” by Gonzalo Villatoro, Los Andes, 04.27.2019 |
Rev. Mario Yulán

San Isidro diocese |
Diocesan |
Accused in 2007 of sexually abusing an 18-year-old at San Juan Bautista parish in General Pacheco, Tigre. The 18-year-old said he also had been abused by Rev. José Antonio Mercau, who Yulán replaced as pastor in 2005 after Mercau was accused of sexually abusing five boys [see more].
In 2007, newspapers indicated that Yulán was removed from the parish after the allegation became public. In 2009, Yulán was assigned to the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the town of Rincón de Milberg, diocese of San Isidro. In August 2013, the San Isidro diocesan website listed Yulán as being outside the diocese, in Santiago del Estero in northern Argentina. But in December 2013, Yulán was back in ministry in San Isidro, assigned by Bishop Oscar Ojea to head the parish of María de Caná in Martínez. Yulán was honored on the occasion of his twenty years as a priest in 2015. He was assigned as pastor in 2016 to Párroco de Virgen de las Gracias (Villa Martelli). |
La parroquia que tiene su segunda denuncia por abuso, by Carlos Rodríguez, Página/12, 7.22.2007
“Te amo mucho, mucho...,” Pagina/12, 7.22.2007
Noticias: Nuevo vicario general del obispado y nuevos párrocos, AICA, 1.13.2009
Screenshot taken 8.28.2013 of list of clergy outside the diocese, Diocese of San Isidro website
2014 appointments by Bishop Oscar Ojea [Screenshot taken 2.18.2014]
El padre Mario Yulán cumple 20 años de ordenacion sacerdotal, El Liberal Santiago, 11.18.2015
El obispado dispuso nuevos destinos para sacerdotes de la diócesis, Portal Uno, 12.2015 |
Rev. Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta |
Orán diocese |
Diocesan |
Named bishop of Orán 7/23/2013. This was one of first episcopal appointments by Pope Francis, with whom Zanchetta has said he has 'a very close relationship.' Lay leaders in Zanchetta's prior diocese of Quilmes publicly protested the appointment, citing his alleged financial misdealings and abuse of power. Zanchetta abruptly resigned Orán post 7/29/2017, leaving the diocese "in a matter of hours," skipping the customary farewell Mass. In a brief public letter, Zanchetta attributed his hasty departure to ill health, but local media reported Zanchetta's alleged financial mismanagement and harsh treatment of respected priests. On 12/19/2017, Vatican announced Zanchetta's appointment to APSA, the office that manages the Holy See’s 5000+ properties and other financial holdings. Zanchetta's position, 'assessor,' hadn't existed previously; it was created for him, reportedly upon orders from the Pope. On 12/28/2018, the Salta newspaper El Tribuno reported Zanchetta's alleged sexual abuse of seminarians. Vatican announced 1/4/2019 that Zanchetta would step down while allegations were investigated; spokesperson said that allegations had first come to their attention in the fall of 2018. This was contradicted by an El Tribuno report, that Orán priests had informed papal nuncio Emil Tscherrig in 2015 of the bishop's alleged sexual abuse of seminarians. In 1/20/2019 AP report, former Orán vicar general said Pope had met with Zanchetta in both 2015 and 2017 to discuss allegations. Vatican again denied that there had been prior accusations of sexual abuse. |
Gustavo Zanchetta: ?No existen excusas para no enfrentar el desafío de la pobreza?, El Tribuno, 07.28.2013
Zanchetta, desgastado pastor, dejó en Orán una grieta eclesial, El Tribuno, 08.12.2017
Vatican: No prior accusation of sex abuse against Argentine, by Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press, 01.22.2019 |
Note: This database provides convenient access, for law enforcement and other interested persons, to the names of all Catholic clergy from or in Argentina accused publicly of sexually abusing children and/or vulnerable adults. Links are provided to the publicly filed court documents and mainstream media articles that are the sources for this database, and a factual summary of the allegations is provided for each accused person. Unless the person has been convicted, the Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. For more information on our approach, see the posting policy for our US database. |
Last updated May 6, 2019. |