Fr. Frank Sierra By Andy Murphy Silver City Daily Press January 25, 1968 Church catholic parishes in the area were notified Sunday that the Rev. Fr. Frank Sierra, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Bayard would be transferred the second week in February.
The Most Rev. S. M. Metzger, Bishop of El Paso, made the announcement to the parishes, stating that Fr. Sierra would become the pastor of Our Lady of the Light Catholic Church, El Paso, replacing the Rev. Fr. Thomas Rowland, who will be assigned to St. Matthew's Church, El Paso. The Rev. Fr. Anthony Fuentes, pastor of Santa Teresa de Jesus Parish in Presidio, Tex., will replace Fr. Sierra out our Lady of Fatima Church in Bayard. Father Sierra came to Bayard from Immaculate Conception Parish in Almagordo on Feb. 27, 1962. He will move to the parish in El Paso on Feb. 11. [portion of article is illegible.] He also placed the Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe on the mountain in Bayard and constructed the Way of the Cross on the trail leading to the Shrine. Other accomplishments made possible by the work foresight of Father Sierra include the converting of the basketball courts into a 500 person multi-purpose room, used now on Sundays for Mass, adding a kitchen and more exits to Fatima Hall, adding heat, light and public address system to the hall, remodeling and dedicating the new Community Center at Hanover and completed the remodeling of the church in Hanover. Father Sierra said Wednesday he was pleased with the attendance of young people at CCD classes and the starting of the parish senate in 1957 and 1958. Father Sierra mentioned some crisis he had been through while pastor in Bayard. He talked of the current copper strike and the huge mortgage on the rectory. He said the mortgage is in better condition, but cited the problem of the copper strike as severe. Father Sierra told the Daily Press the credit for the accomplishments in the parish must go to the numerous individuals and organizations that gave a willing helping hand. |
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