Aspects of the U.S. Abuse Crisis
It is well known that U.S. bishops often transferred accused
Catholic priests to other parishes or dioceses after receiving allegations.
But the hierarchy also moved accused priests across international
borders to other countries, where they continued to work with children
and were often able to evade prosecution or extradition. These transfers
are one of many ways in which global Catholicism affects the abuse
crisis in the United States. On this page, we offer a selection
of documents and articles on the international
aspects of the U.S. abuse crisis. |
Immigration from Catholic Europe and South America
has created Catholic enclaves in many American cities, and abusive priests
who worked among these traditional populations sometimes took advantage
of their preferred status to abuse the children in their care. Bishops
prized the priests who could minister to immigrant populations, and priests
in those ministries sometimes took advantage of their diocesan appointments
in order to abuse children. All immigrant populations are vulnerable in
this dynamic, which can be seen operating in Irish, Portuguese, Mexican,
and other immigrant communities.
The priest shortage has led to an influx of priests from Latin America
and Africa who have not been subject to recent attempts by U.S. bishops
to vet their seminarians. Once abuse is revealed, accused priests have
often taken advantage of connections with their native countries to evade
prosecution in the United States and to continue working among vulnerable
populations. Bishops and superiors of religious orders have sometimes
facilitated the flight of accused priests.
Bishops in the United States have sometimes used diocesan missionary
societies to send non-Latino priests who have been accused into unsuspecting
populations, and the superiors of religious orders have sometimes used
the international structures of their orders in the same way. Extradition
can be difficult, especially if a religious order or foreign bishop is
Abusive priests often use vacation areas in the United States as venues
for abuse, and as international travel has become more common, children
have been abused during trips to Mexico and Europe. Priests have also
practiced sex tourism with minors in places such as Thailand. The Internet
has facilitated these practices.
Below we offer a selection of documents and articles that illustrate
these developments.
to Rev. John McCormack about a Possible Safehouse for Accused Priests
and a Move to Costa Rica or Mexico, by Rev. Paul R. Shanley, Boston
Personnel Files (January 16, 1994) See also McCormack's deposition. |
Paul R. Shanley
Costa Rica, Mexico |
to Shanley about Safehouses, by Rev. John McCormack, Boston Personnel
Files (January 24, 1994) |
Paul R. Shanley
Costa Rica, Mexico |
Record of Rev. George A. Costigan, Showing His 2002-2004 Residence
in Spain, with His Account of a 1994 Spanish Pilgrimage |
George Costigan
Spain |
Manchester NH Diocesan
File of Rev. Anthony M. Hilary (1995) |
Anthony M. Hilary
India |
of Worldwide Catholic Order Accused of History of Abuse, by Gerald
Renner and Jason Berry, Hartford [CT] Courant (2/23/97) |
Marcial Maciel Degollado
Mexico, Spain |
Priest in Mexico, by Kathleen A. Shaw and Richard Nangle, Telegram
& Gazette (February 7, 2002) |
Thomas A. Kane
Mexico |
Abuser: For 2 Decades, in 3 Countries, Priest Left a Trail of Sex
Abuse, by Dean E. Murphy and Juan Forero, NY Times (April 20,
2002) |
Enrique Diaz Jimenez
Colombia, Venezuela |
Abusive Priests Continued Work: 1 Colorado Pastor Assigned to Mexico;
2nd Had Okla. Job, by Kirk Mitchell, Denver Post (April 29, 2002) |
Lucas A. Galvan
Mexico |
Search of a Confession, by Joel Grover, KCBS (May 1, 2002) |
Fidencio Silva
Mexico |
Visited Child-Sex Haven in Thailand, by Christopher Cox and Robin
Washington, Boston Herald (May 7, 2002) |
Paul R.Shanley
Thailand |
of Bishops Let Accused Priests Work: Bishop Michael Driscoll and Rev.
Eleuterio Ramos, Dallas Morning News (June 12, 2002) |
Eleuterio V. Ramos
Mexico |
of Bishops Let Accused Priests Work: Bishop Straling and Rev. Gustavo
Benson, Dallas Morning News (June 12, 2002) |
Gustavo Benson
Mexico |
of Bishops Let Accused Priests Work: Bishop Patrick Flores and Rev.
Xavier Ortiz-Dietz, Dallas Morning News (June 12, 2002) |
Xavier Ortiz-Dietz
Mexico |
Statement, by Michael Bland, speech at the USCCB meeting in Dallas
TX (June 13, 2002) |
John M. Huels OSM
Canada |
Priests Ease Shortage But Pose Accountability Challenge, by Mark
Wrolstad, Dallas Morning News (June 14, 2002) |
Carlos Peralta of Mexico, Oliver O'Grady
of Ireland, Gustavo Cuello of Colombia,
Anthony Nwaogu of Nigeria |
Named As Abuser Leaves Post, by Lisa Black, Chicago Tribune (August
7, 2002) |
John M. Huels OSM
Canada |
of Bishop John B. McCormack – Discussion of Shanley's Proposed
Move to Mexico or Costa Rica (November 22, 2002) |
Paul R. Shanley
Canada |
Show Fear of Scandal in '84 Alleged Abuse Case, by Michael Rezendes
and Matt Carroll, Boston Globe (December 19, 2002) |
Peter S. Kanchong
Thailand |
Bad Boy: Santa Rosa's Charismatic Catholic Bishop Got Busted Shaking
down a Priest for Sex: But He Had Friends in High Places – and
They Served Him Well, by Ron Russell, SF Weekly (March 19, 2003) |
G. Patrick Ziemann
Costa Rica |
Paid Indicted Priest: Disgraced S.F. Cleric Received 'Basic Sustenance'
Checks for 4 Years, by Elizabeth Fernandez, San Francisco Chronicle
(March 30, 2003) |
Austin Peter Keegan
Mexico |
Battles Personal Crime: He Can't Forget Molestation by His Priest,
by Tom Kisken, Ventura County Star (April 27, 2003) |
Fidencio Silva
Mexico |
Spotted near Mexico: Widera, 62, Is Accused of Sexual Abuse in Orange
County, Long Beach Press-Telegram (May 5, 2003) |
Siegfried F. Widera
Mexico |
No Evil, by Ron Russell, San Francisco Weekly (May 21, 2003) |
G. Patrick Ziemann Costa Rica |
Ex-Priest Jumps to His Death from Mazatlan Hotel Balcony, by Isaac
Guzman, Associated Press (May 27, 2003) |
Siegfried F. Widera Mexico |
Testifies Priest Raped Her in Rectory, by Andy Newman, New York
Times (June 6, 2003) |
Cyriacus Udegbulem
Nigeria |
Sues Dioceses over Alleged Abuse in Salinas, Arizona, by Alex
Friedrich, Monterey Herald (June 6, 2003) |
John Velez
Mexico |
Charges Dropped Court Ruling Ends Molestation Case, by Felisa
Cardona, San Bernardino Sun (July 10, 2003 ) |
Peter Luque
Vicar for Hispanic Affairs |
Charges Top Clergy of Hiding Rape by a Priest, by Joseph A. Reaves,
Arizona Republic (July 22, 2003) |
Saul Madrid
Mexico |
Letter to Vatican Sent Back: Sought Extradition of Indicted Priests,
by Dennis Wagner, Arizona Republic (August 6, 2003) |
Patrick Colleary in Ireland, Joseph
Briceno in Mexico |
Getting Lost in the Translation, by E.J. Montini, Arizona Republic
(August 10, 2003) |
Patrick Colleary in Ireland, Joseph
Briceno in Mexico |
Accused of Molesting 15-Year-Old Girl: A Visiting Cleric from a Mexican
Diocese Allegedly Fondled and Kissed the Teen While Hearing Her Confession,
by Richard Winton and Andrew Blankstein, Los Angeles Times (August
12, 2003) |
Audon Serratos
Mexico |
Sues over Abuse Complaint from 1970s, by Susan Gamble, Brantford
Expositor (September 5, 2003) |
Patrick Mackan
Canada |
Sex Industry Thriving in Mexico: Accused Include Americans, Men with
Ties to Powerful Figures, by Brooks Egerton and Brendan M. Case,
Dallas Morning News (November 2, 2003) |
Jose Borja
Mexico |
Abuse Reviews Show 12 Alaska Priests Accused, by Rachel D'Oro,
Associated Press (February 5, 2004 ) |
Javier Gutierrez
Mexico |
Mahony Ignored Warnings from Mexican Bishop, Associated Press
(April 30, 2004) |
Nicolás Aguilar Rivera
Mexico |
Priests: Hiding in Plain Sight, by Reese Dunklin et al., Dallas
Morning News (June 20, 2004) |
Klep, Peralta, Carrera, Macal, Manzo, Vásquez
Samoa, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala,
Bolivia, Chile, Italy, Costa Rica, Guinea, Nicaragua, Honduras |
Victims Group Aims to Penalize Salesians, by Gary Stern, Journal
News (June 24, 2004) |
Frank Klep, Enrique Vásquez
Costa Rica, Mexico, Australia, Samoa |
Catholic Leaders Impeding Search for Fugitive Priest, by Brendan
M. Case and Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning News (July 14, 2004) |
Enrique Vásquez
Costa Rica, Nicaragua |
the Shadow of the Vatican: Accused Clerics Serving in Rome, Heart
of the Catholic Church, by Reese Dunklin, Dallas Morning News
(September 12, 2004) |
James Tully, Edgar Hidalgo, Barry Bossa, Julian Fox, John Baptist
Ormechea, and Joseph Henn
Italy, Mexico, Australia |
Charged with Sex Abuse in Australia: News Reported He Had Been Working
in Samoa Despite Charges, by Reese Dunklin, Dallas Morning News
(October 5, 2004) |
Frank Klep
Australia, Samoa |
Keeps Sounding Alarm about Former Hoosier Priest, by Ruth Holladay,
Indianapolis Star (October 19, 2004) |
Ron Voss
Haiti |
in '80s Banned Two Priests, by Jean Guccione, Los Angeles Times
(December 10, 2004) |
Antonio Munoz, Antonio Camacho
Mexico |
Untruths: Mahony's Testimony in Sex Scandal Clashes with Earlier Statements
and Reality, by Jeffrey Anderson, LA Weekly (December 15, 2004)
[with Mahony deposition transcript] |
Antonio Munoz, Antonio Camacho
Mexico |
Acquitted of Sex Charge: Members of Detroit Church Cheer Verdict,
but Archdiocese Probe of Complaint Resumes, by Doug Guthrie, Detroit
News (January 14, 2005) |
Luis Javier de Alba Campos
Mexico |
Charity to Shanley Is More Than He Deserves, by Maureen Orth,
National Catholic Reporter (January 14, 2005) |
Paul Shanley
Costa Rica |
Sexual-Abuse Counts Filed against Former Inland Priest, by Michael
Fisher, Press-Enterprise (February 2, 2005) |
Jesús Armando Dominguez
Mexico |
Priest Questioned in Haiti Jailbreak: Man Who Has Led Powerful Ministry
Admitted U.S. Sex Abuse, by Brooks Egerton and Brendan M. Case,
Dallas Morning News (February 24, 2005) See also the original Indianapolis
Star series with articles about Rev. Ron Voss. |
Ron Voss
Haiti |
Thwarts U.S. Bishops' Abuse Policy by Crossing River: Rovira, Accused
of Rape in Texas, Finds 'Different Set of Rules' in Mexico, by
Brooks Egerton and Brendan M. Case, Dallas Morning News (March 16,
2005) |
Ivan Rovira, Cristobal Garcia, Manuel Fernández, Paul Madden,
Carl Tresler, José Luis Urbina, Gerardo Beltrán, Javier
Gutiérrez, Abraham Anthony, Jean-Level Eliscard
Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Peru, Australia,
India, Haiti, Canada |
Accused of Rapes Finds Prominence: Filipino Church Leaders Welcome
Garcia Despite Incidents with Altar Boys, by Brooks Egerton, Dallas
Morning News (March 16, 2005) |
Cristobal Garcia
Philippines |
Much Tolerance? Even As U.S. Catholic Leaders Tout Their Tougher Child
Abuse Policy, Some Have Allowed Fallen Priests to Start Over Abroad,
by Brendan M. Case, Brooks Egerton, and Reese Dunklin, Dallas Morning
News (March 16, 2005) |
Ivan Rovira, Cristobal Garcia, Manuel Fernández, Paul Madden,
Carl Tresler, José Luis Urbina, Gerardo Beltrán, Javier
Gutiérrez, Abraham Anthony, Jean-Level Eliscard
Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Peru, Australia,
India, Haiti, Canada |
Priests, 1 Former Cleric Leave Jobs Abroad after News Report: Story
Disclosed That They Had Sexually Abused Children in U.S., by Brooks
Egerton and Brendan M. Case, Dallas Morning News (April 13, 2005) |
José Luis Urbina, Ron Voss, Ivan Rovira
Haiti, Mexico |
Residents Learn of Priest's Past, by Shawn Pogatchnik, Associated
Press (May 12, 2005) |
Oliver O'Grady
Ireland |
Priest Pleads Guilty to Indecent Assault : Gets Two Years in Jail,
10 Years on Probation, by Ralph Ranalli, Boston Globe (July 16,
2005) |
Donald Bowen
Bolivia |
Priest Battles Extradition, by Gary Grado, East Valley Tribune
(July 24, 2005) |
Patrick Colleary
Ireland |
Adoration: A Lifetime of Pain, by Beth Miller, News Journal (November
21, 2005) |
Edward B. Carley
Canada, Mexico |
of the County Pedophiles: The Life, Death and Final Escape of Father
Eleuterio Ramos, by Gustavo Arellano, OC Weekly (December 14,
2005) |
Eleuterio Ramos
Mexico |
Avondale Priest Returns to Face Charges, by John Machay, West
Valley View (January 4, 2006) |
Joseph Cervantez Briceno
Mexico |
Official Wanted on Ontario Sex Charges, by Greg McArthur , Globe
and Mail (February 2, 2006) |
Bernard Prince
Canada, Rome |
Ex-Priest Thought to Be in Mexico: The Man Is Accused of Molesting
Two Boys in the Late 1980s in Perris and Coachella, by Michael
Fisher, Press-Enterprise (February 8, 2006) |
Jesus Armando Dominguez
Mexico |
of Abuse Forever Taints Priest's 51 Years in Order, by Bill McClellan,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (February 26, 2006) |
Robert Osborne
Italy, Mexico |
Recall Abuse: Men Recount How Priests Befriended, Abused Them,
by Mary Nevans-Pederson, Telegraph Herald (March 6, 2006) |
Robert Reiss
Mexico |
Priest Turns in Passport, by Mike Heine, Janesville Gazette (March
7, 2006) |
Donald J. McGuire, SJ
Africa, Central America, South America, Europe,
Australia, India, Mexico |
Victim of the Church in Mexico, by Maria Elena Salinas, NorthJersey.com
(May 30, 2006) |
Marcial Maciel Degollado
Mexico, Spain |
Makes "Most Honest Confession" of His Life, by Drew Griffin and
Kathleen Johnston, CNN (June 27, 2006) |
Oliver O'Grady
Ireland |
Priest Still out of 'Reach': Extradition Attempt or Request for Trial
by Foreign Country Possible If Ochoa Is Found, by Guy Kovner,
Press Democrat (July 1, 2006) |
Xavier Ochoa
Mexico |
Detail Abuse Allegations, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (July
28, 2006) |
Xavier Ochoa
Mexico |
Skips Out on Italian Officials, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic
(August 2, 2006) |
Joseph Henn
Italy |
Is Lying ... But Is It the 100 Alleged Abuse Victims or Fr. Maciel?
by Brian Mershon, Renew America (August 7, 2006) |
Marcial Maciel Degollado
Mexico, Spain |
Allegedly Abused by Priest Sues U.S., Mexican Cardinals, by Linda
Deutsch, Associated Press (September 19, 2006) |
Nicolás Aguilar
Mexico |
Attacked at Mexican News Conference on Clergy Sex Abuse, by Pamela
Miller, Minneapolis Star Tribune (September 21, 2006) |
Nicolás Aguilar
Mexico |
in Aguilar Mendez v. Mahony, reprinted in RenewAmerica (September
22, 2006) |
Nicolás Aguilar
Mexico |
Priest Gets Five Years in Prison, Associated Press (September
29, 2006) |
George Silva
France, Portugal |
Begins to Suspect Men of Cloth of Covering up Sex Abuse, by Laurence
Iliff, Dallas Morning News (October 6, 2006) |
Nicolás Aguilar
Mexico |
Note: The documents in these files are
offered solely for educational purposes. Should any reader wish to quote
or reproduce these documents for sale, the original publisher should be
contacted and permission requested. BishopAccountability.org makes no
claim regarding the accuracy of any document we post.
Please send suggestions for adding documents and articles to staff@bishop-accountability.org.