| New Garabedian List
April 11, 2012
Rev. James H. Lane
On April 11, 2012, Boston attorney Mitchell Garabedian announced that in the past year he had settled lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by twelve priests and brothers not on his original list of accused clerics. Below we are providing the assignment histories of these new priests and brothers. This page supplements our previous collection of assignment records for the new priests named by Garabedian on January 19, 2011. A complete list of all the clerics named by Garabedian clients is proviided on the law firm's website.
Names of clerics not yet in our Database of Accused Priests are noted in the list below. See also Settlements Are Reached in Clergy Sex Abuse Cases: Police Chaplain One of 12 Clerics, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe, April 11, 2012.
Two of the priests in Garabedian's second list – Revs. James H. Lane and Rickard/Richard J. O'Donovan – are priests of the Boston archdiocese, who should now be added by Cardinal O'Malley to his Boston list, which when it was released in August 2011 included names from Garabedian's first list. The new Garabedian list also includes religious order priests who worked in the Boston archdiocese.
Rev. James H. Lane of Boston worked for many years as a police chaplain. Sadly, it is not unusual for offending priests to use a chaplaincy with police or firefighters as a cover. Examples are Rev. Joseph T. Herp of Louisville KY, Rev. Gerard P. Walsh of Worcester MA, Rev. Stephen C. Foley of Hartford CT, and Rev. John Cornelius of Seattle WA.
Bro. Robert Burgess, S.D.B. (Salesians of Don Bosco)
Rev. Ignatius M. Burrill, S.J. (Jesuits)
Bro. Peter Claver, S.C. (Brothers of the Sacred Heart) [new name]
Rev. Glenn M. Davidowich (Eparchy of Passaic)
Bro. Vincent Jerome, F.M.S. (The Marist Brothers) [new name]
Rev. James H. Lane (Archdiocese of Boston) [new name]
Rev. James R. Nickel, SS.CC. (Diocese of Fall River) [new name]
Rev. Rickard/Richard J. O'Donovan (Archdiocese of Boston) [new name]
Rev. Henry Rancourt, S.M. (Marist Fathers)
Rev. James P. Robichaud, O.M.I. (Oblates of Mary Immaculate)
Rev. Augustus Scott, O.F.M.Conv. (Camden) [new name]
Rev. Leonard Walsh, O.F.M. [new name]