The Assignment Record Project has launched a
project to gather and post the assignment records of every U.S. Catholic priest who has been
accused of sexual abuse since 1940, so that vulnerable communities can be identified and
bishops' transfer policies can be determined.
See below for a brief description of assignment records and their importance, easy ways that you can help with this project, and our initial list of assignment records. For a more detailed account of assignment record research and how you can volunteer, see our guide.
Assignment Records: Why They Are Important
An assignment record lists all the
diocesan and parish appointments of a priest, including telltale periods of sick leave. A detailed
assignment record, like this assignment
record of John Geoghan created by the Boston Globe, identifies populations that have
been placed at risk, and is also cross-referenced with a list of accusations, so that the transfer
policies of the priest's bishops can be evaluated. By identifying a priests' seminary class and the
colleagues with whom he has worked, an assigment record can also begin to identify the circle of
colleagues who kept the priest's activities secret and who might even have been involved in the
abuse themselves.
Assignment records are all around us:
* Newspaper
accounts of the crisis
* Diocesan
* Investigative
* Obituaries and
other old newspaper reports
But these records are dispersed and difficult to find, and
complete assignment records for most accused priests are not publicly available. We urge the U.S.
bishops to publish detailed assignment records with treatment episodes and accusation dates for
every abuser. In the meantime, we are undertaking this work of research and collection ourselves.
See our initial
collection of assignment records below.
for the Assignment Record Project
Please send us any assignment records that
know about or come across:
* In your daily newspaper reading
* In your personal experience, if
you are a survivor of abuse
* In the research that you've done, if you are a lawyer or a reporter
working in this area
If you would like to join the Service Record Project as a volunteer --
for a few hours, or a few hours per week, or anything in between -- please read our guide to
service record research, and email us
to let us know you're interested. This is work that you can do at a local Catholic college library
or at most central city libraries, and you can email, snail mail, or even phone us the
List of Assignment Records
The staff at has begun to assemble a library of assignment records for accused priests
and others who figure in the crisis.Some we have developed ourselves from the Official
Catholic Directory, diocesan documents, and investigative reports. Others were created by
lawyers and investigative reporters. Others were created by the dioceses themselves and relinquished
under subpoena, or were prepared by the dioceses in response to investigation by law enforcement.
Viewed by Last Name:
Total Individuals: 178
Return to main database page. See abbreviations and posting policy. Send corrections.
Br. Andrew Abdon
- Obituary and Assignments 08.17.77
- Ortiz y Pino, M v Christian Brothers 05.17.95
- Ortiz y Pino, P v Christian Brothrs 05.17.95
- Sante Fe New Mexican 05.18.95
- Albuquerque Journal 05.19.95
- McGuire v Christian Brothers 06.28.95
- Albuquerque Journal 07.01.95
- Malone v St Charles College, Abdon & NOSF 08.03.95
- Albuquerque Journal 08.08.95
- Santa Fe New Mexican 11.30.95
- Santa Fe New Mexican 10.03.96
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe List 09.12.17
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe List 03.08.19
- De La Salle website accessed 04.02.20
- Albuquerque Journal 04.19.21
Fr. Leonard A. Abercrombie
- Assignment Record
- LA Times Database 04.20.06
- Anderson Ad Book 11.13.19
- Murphy Letter to Pope 06.30.93
- LA Archdiocesan Report 02.17.04
- Denver Post 09.13.05
- Denver Post 09.21.05
- LA Archdiocesan Report Addendum 11.15.05
- Denver Post 12.18.05
- Denver Post 02.04.06
- Rocky Mountain News 02.14.06
- Denver Post 05.06.06
- Rocky Mountain News 05.24.06
- Rocky Mountain News 06.01.06
- Denver Post 11.02.06
- Denver Post 11.13.06
- Denver Post 01.05.07
- Colorado Springs Gazette 02.18.07
- Rocky Mountain News 09.14.07
- Rocky Mountain News 04.12.08
- Colorado Springs Gazette 05.25.08
- Denver Post 07.02.08
- CO Attorney General Report 10.22.19
- CO Attorney General Special Masters Report 10.22.19
- Catholic News Service 12.04.20
Fr. Lionel Augustine Abeywickrema
Fr. Phillip Abinante
Fr. John L. Abrams
Fr. Joseph A. Abruzzese
Fr. Cletus L. Abts
Fr. Anthony Acciarito
Fr. Jeffrey N. Acebo
Fr. Francis Ackerson
Br. Jorge Acosta
Fr. John H. Acres
Fr. Ralph Herbert Adair
Fr. Alvin J. Adams
Fr. Archie H. Adams
Fr. Benedict Adams
- Diocese of Saginaw Assignment Record
- Diocese of La Crosse Assignment Record
- Capuchin Friars St. Joseph Province List 08.29.21
- FindAGrave 04.15.02
- Capuchin List of Friars with Confirmed Reports of Sexual Abuse of Minors 06.18.13
- Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St Joseph 06.18.13
- Diocese of Saginaw List 08.09.19
- Diocese of La Crosse List updated 02.05.20
- La Crosse Tribune 02.06.20
- Capuchin Friars St. Joseph Province List 08.29.21
Fr. Cletus Adams
Fr. James R. Adams
Fr. Raymond J. Adamsky
Fr. Thomas Adamson
- Letter by Fr Carlson to Adamson File 11.25.80
- Memo from Then-Bishop Carlson 06.29.84
- Time 08.19.91
- Adamson Personnel Files and Court Rulings 10.12.10
- Collection of Articles Prior to 01.01.12
- Minnesota Public Radio 01.09.12
- Post-Bulletin 03.02.12
- Star-Tribune 07.25.12
- Statement of Jeff Anderson 07.25.12
- LaCrosse Tribune 07.27.12
- Statement by Jeff Anderson & Assoc 07.27.12
- Legal Examiner 08.30.12
- Minnesota Public Radio 02.13.13
- Winona Daily News 04.27.13
- Patrick Wall Blog 05.20.13
- Winona Daily News 05.29.13
- Pioneer Press 05.29.13
- MPR News 05.30.13
- Winona Daily News 05.30.13
- Press TV 05.31.13
- Doe 16 v Diocese of Winona, 3rd District Court, Winona MN 08.27.13
- Winona Daily News (with documents) 08.29.13
- Post-Bulletin 08.29.13
- KIMT 08.29.13
- KAAL with Documents 08.29.13
- KTTC 08.30.13
- Riverfront Times (with documents) 09.16.13
- Pioneer Press 12.02.13
- Winona Daily News 12.04.13
- St Paul & Minneapolis List of Credibly Accused Priests released 12.05.13
- Star Tribune 12.05.13
- Catholic Spirit 12.05.13
- Fridley Patch 12.05.13
- Albert Lea Tribune 12.06.13
- MinnPost 12.06.13
- Pioneer Press 12.10.13
- Press Release by Anderson & Associates 12.10.13
- Star Tribune 12.10.13
- Winona Daily News 12.11.13
- Albert Lea Tribune 12.16.13
- Star Tribune 12.16.13
- Anderson & Assoc Press Release 12.16.13
- Diocese of Winona Statement and List of Accused Priests with Assignments 12.16.13
- Fridley Patch 12.16.13
- Pioneer Press 12.16.13
- Post Bulletin 12.16.13
- Post Bulletin 12.17.13
- Post-Bulletin 12.17.13
- Winona Daily News 12.17.13
- Post Bulletin 12.20.13
- Pioneer Press 01.03.14
- Star Tribune 01.03.14
- Winona Daily News 01.04.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 01.11.14
- SNAP MN Statement 01.13.14
- Star Tribune 01.13.14
- Pioneer Press 01.31.14
- Pioneer Press 02.04.14
- Bring Me The News 02.11.14
- KARE 11 02.11.14
- KSTP 02.11.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 02.11.14
- Pioneer Press 02.11.14
- Star Tribune 02.11.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul & Minneapolis 02.11.14
- KARE 11 02.12.14
- SNAP Statement 02.12.14
- Archdiocese of St Paul Statement re Appeal to MN Court of Appeals 02.14.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 02.14.14
- Pioneer Press 02.14.14
- SNAP Statement 02.14.14
- Star Tribune 02.14.14
- Winona Daily News 02.15.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 02.19.14
- Minnesota Public Radio Database 02.19.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 02.27.14
- Pioneer Press 02.27.14
- SNAP Statement 02.27.14
- Media Statement from Anderson & Associates (with Orders) 03.05.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 03.05.14
- MN SNAP Statement 03.05.14
- Pioneer Press 03.05.14
- Star Tribune 03.05.14
- Pioneer Press 03.18.14
- Winona Daily News 03.22.14
- Star Tribune 03.24.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 03.25.14
- Bring Me News 03.26.14
- Pioneer Press 03.27.14
- St Cloud Times 03.27.14
- Star Tribune 03.27.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis 04.02.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 04.03.14
- Pioneer Press 04.03.14
- St Cloud Times 04.03.14
- KSTP 04.16.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 04.16.14
- My Fox 9 04.16.14
- Pioneer Press 04.16.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul 04.16.14
- Pioneer Press 04.22.14
- DotCommonweld 04.25.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul 04.25.14
- Daily Reporter (AP) 05.08.14
- Star Tribune 05.08.14
- Deposition of Archbishop Flynn 05.14.14
- Adamson Deposition 05.16.14
- Star Tribune 05.24.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 05.28.14
- Pioneer Press 05.28.14
- Star Tribune 05.28.14
- Anderson & Assoc Media Release 06.04.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 06.04.14
- MN SNAP Statement 06.04.14
- Pioneer Ress 06.04.14
- Star Tribune 06.04.14
- Anderson & Associates Media Statement 06.09.14
- Archdiocese of St Paul Statement 06.09.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 06.09.14
- Pioneer Press 06.09.14
- St Louis Post Dispatch 06.09.14
- Star Tribune 06.09.14
- Video Excerpts and Documents from Archbishop Carlson Deposition 06.09.14
- Riverfront Times 06.10.14
- St Louis Post Dispatch 06.10.14
- The American Conservative 06.10.14
- Archdiocese of St Louis Statement 06.11.14
- Catholic Culture 06.11.14
- DotCommonweal 06.11.14
- Fox 2 06.11.14
- KAAL ABC 6 06.11.14
- KMOV 06.11.14
- KSDK 06.11.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 06.11.14
- National Catholic Reporter 06.11.14
- Pioneer Press 06.11.14
- PostBulletin 06.11.14
- SNAP Statement 06.11.14
- SNAP Statement 06.11.14
- St Louis Post Dispatch 06.11.14
- St Louis Post Dispatch 06.11.14
- St Louis Public Radio 06.11.14
- St Louis Review 06.11.14
- Star Tribune 06.11.14
- Catholic League 06.12.14
- Huffington Post 06.12.14
- KAAL TV 06.12.14
- KSDK 06.12.14
- Riverfront Times 06.12.14
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 06.12.14
- Fox 2 06.13.14
- KMOV 06.13.14
- LaCrosse Tribune 06.13.14
- St Louis Review 06.13.14
- Statement by Archbishop Carlson 06.13.14
- Winona Daily News 06.13.14
- MissouriNet 06.14.14
- Winona Daily News 06.15.14
- St Cloud Times (AP) 06.21.14
- Winona Daily News 06.21.14
- Diocese of Winona Updated List & Media Statement 06.23.14
- Winona Daily News 06.23.14
- WXOW 06.23.14
- Anderson & Associates Media Statement 06.24.14
- Austin Daily Herald 06.24.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul regarding depositions of key individuals 06.24.14
- Winona Daily News 06.24.14
- Daily Reporter 06.25.14
- Pioneer Press 06.25.14
- Star Tribune 06.25.14
- Star Tribune 06.25.14
- Star Tribune 06.25.14
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 06.28.14
- Star Tribune 07.07.14
- Affidavit of Jennifer Hasberger 07.15.14
- Anderson & Assoc 07.15.14
- National Catholic Reporter 07.15.14
- Star Tribune 07.15.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of St Paul 07.15.14
- Fox 9 07.16.14
- Anderson & Associated Media Release 07.18.14
- St Cloud Times 07.20.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 07.21.14
- Pioneer Press 07.21.14
- Fox 9 07.22.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 07.22.14
- Southern Minn 07.22.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 08.04.14
- Pioneer Press 08.04.14
- Pioneer Press 08.26.14
- Star Tribune 08.26.14
- Anderson & Associates Media Release 09.03.14
- Minnesota Public Radio 09.03.14
- Pioneer Press 09.03.14
- Star Tribune 09.03.14
- Winona Daily News 09.03.14
- KAAL 09.04.14
- Winona Daily News 09.04.14
- Star Tribune 09.10.14
- Winona Daily News 09.10.14
- Supplemental Pretrial Order 09.15.14
- WQOW 09.15.14
- St. Paul and Minneapolis List 10.23.14
- Winona Daily News 03.09.16
- KIMT 04.17.16
- Winona Daily News 05.22.16
- Winona Daily News 05.25.16
- Star Tribune 03.03.18
- California News Wire Services 10.25.18
- Star Tribune 03.05.19
- Legal Reader 05.17.19
- Brinkwire 05.22.19
- Anderson & Associates Media Release 09.15.25
- KAAL 08.26.23
Fr. Casimir Adasiewicz
Per the MI Attorney General's 10/2022 report, the Diocese received a report in 2008 that Adasiewicz molested and raped a girl, age 7, in around 1965, at Sacred Heart in L'anse. Adasiewicz allegedly told her that if she reported the abuse, her brother would die. His accuser said she believed that Adasiewicz abused a lot of kids. Adasiewicz died in 1981.
Fr. Daniel C. Aerts
Fr. James J. Agosta
Fr. Joseph V. Agostino
Br. Deogratias Aguilar
Named publicly as accused by the Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province on its list in 5/2021. Worked in IL, Mexico, NJ, NY, PA. Professed vows in 1969. Died in 2008. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. It notes an allegation by one person, occurring in the 1970s in Bordentown, NJ.
Fr. Ricardo Aguilar
- Diocese of Austin Assignments
- Diocese of Austin List 01.31.19
Fr. Nicolas Aguilar-Rivera
- Los Angeles Personnel File
- Collection of articles prior to 02.23.13
- LA Times 02.23.13
- LA Daily News 02.24.13
- Courthouse News Service 03.14.13
- Fresno Bee (AP) 05.13.13
- KMPH (AP) 05.14.13
- LA Times 12.01.13
- SNAP Statement 02.18.14
- Star Tribune (AP) 02.18.14
- LA Times 02.18.14
- KPCC 02.18.14
- La Opinion 02.19.14
- LA Times 02.19.14
- BishopAccountability Documents Page on Aguilar created 02.19.14
- Aguas Digital 02.19.14
- Los Angeles Daily News 02.19.14
- NBC Los Angeles 02.19.14
- AM 02.20.14
- Catholic Online 02.20.14
- Cardinal Roger Mahony Blog 02.23.14
- Catholic Culture 02.24.14
- SNAP Statement 03.10.14
- SNAP Statement 03.19.14
- The Patch [Culver City] 12.18.15
- Jornada Oriente 02.24.16
- ProPublica 03.06.20
- Imagen del Golfo 12.03.20
Fr. Robert Gerald Aguirre
Named publicly as accused by the Archdiocese on its list updated 5/4/2023 of those with substantiated allegations against them of the sexual abuse of a minor(s). Resigned in 1/2007. Laicized in 3/2014.
Fr. Honesto Agustin
Fr. Thomas Kieran Ahearn
- Associated Press 01.21.93
- Boston Globe 01.22.93
- Hartford Courant 03.11.93
- Hartford Courant 03.28.93
- Hartford Courant 03.08.94
- Boston Globe 03.10.94
- Danbury News-Times 12.19.97
- Connecticut Post 11.13.02
- Diocese of Bridgeport Settlements List 03.22.19
- Associated Press 01.26.21
- Connecticut Post 06.03.24
Fr. Richard J. Ahern
- Boston Faculties Record
- Letter Documenting Ahern’s Work with Shanley
- Assignment History
- Stigmatine Biography
- Diocese of Springfield MA List updated 06.02.21
- Restricted from Springfield MA & Difficulties in Lynn
- Description of 1959-61 Abuse
- Letter re allegations of abuse by Ahern and others 08.18.93
- Boston Globe 08.10.02
- Boston Globe 12.12.02
- Boston Herald 12.12.02
- Michael Moe et al v The Trustees of the Stigmatine Fathers, Inc aka Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata et al, Cause No 05-0059, 06.04.08
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Telegram & Gazette 03.21.12
- Berkshire Eagle 01.13.19
- Berkshire Eagle 01.19.19
- Diocese of Springfield MA List updated 06.02.21
- The Berkshire Eagle 06.02.21
Fr. Theodore Ahrens
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Multiple allegations notes, occurring in the early 1960s in Hurley. Removed from or left ministry in 4/78. Died in 2003.
Deacon Arturo Federico Ahumada
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA
Fr. Robert Aiduk
Named publicly as the subject of substantiated allegations by the Archdiocese on its list in 10/2023, received in 12/2022. Aiduk allegedly sexually abused two minors while assigned to Sacred Heart in Mound City, KS 1963-1967. He left the priesthood in 9/1967 and went on to marry and raise a child. He had a long career as a doctor of clinical psychology. He was voluntarily laicized in 2016. Aiduk died in 2019.
Fr. Roy Francis Aiken
Fr. Elias Aiyako
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Order's Chicago Province. Noted to be a former member of the Province. Assigned in Jamaica 2004-2007; in Papua New Guinea 2007-present (2/2024). Abuse noted to have occurred in Jamaica in 2006.
Fr. Santiago Alamaguer
Fr. Pierre Albalaa
Deacon William Steven Albaugh
Fr. Henry A. Albeke
Fr. Jose Daniel Alberran
Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT
Fr. John C. Albino
Fr. G.R. Keith Albrecht
Deacon Dennis Albrechtson
Diocese: Archdiocese of Seattle WA
Fr. Paul R. Alderman
Fr. Juan Alers
Br. Joseph J. Alexander
- assignment record
- Associated Press 04.16.02
- Owensboro Diocesan List with Assignments 04.12.19
- Associated Press 04.15.02
- Associated Press 04.15.02
- Associated Press 04.15.02
- Associated Press 04.15.02
- Advocate 04.16.02
- Advocate 04.16.02
- Daily Advertiser 04.16.02
- Advocate 04.16.02
- Daily Advertiser 04.16.02
- Advocate 04.16.02
- Daily Advertiser 04.16.02
- Daily Advertiser 04.16.02
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.10.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.10.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.10.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.10.02
- Advocate 09.27.14
- Advocate 09.27.14
- Advocate 09.27.14
- Advocate 09.27.14
- KATC 01.13.19
- KATC 01.13.19
- KATC 01.13.19
- KATC 01.13.19
- Diocese of Lafayette LA List 04.12.19
- Diocese of Lafayette LA List 04.12.19
- Diocese of Lafayette LA List 04.12.19
- Diocese of Lafayette LA List 04.12.19
- Owensboro Diocesan List 04.12.19
- Owensboro Diocesan List 04.12.19
- Owensboro Diocesan List 04.12.19
- Owensboro Diocesan List 04.12.19
Fr. Marc R. Alexander
- Catholic News Agency 01.27.11
- Honolulu Civil Beat 01.05.12
- Star-Advertiser 01.06.12
- Honolulu Civil Beat 01.06.12
- Garden Island 01.06.12
- Pacific Business News 01.06.12
- Maui Now 01.06.12
- Honolulu Civil Beat 01.24.12
- Hawaii News Now 01.28.12
- Honolulu Civil Beat 02.10.12
- Honolulu Civil Beat 02.10.12
- Star-Advertiser 02.10.12
- Hawaii News Now 01.24.14
- Star-Advertiser 04.23.14
- Honolulu Civil Beat 04.24.14
- KHVH 04.24.14
- Honolulu Civil Beat 02.07.17
- Honolulu Civil Beat 02.09.17
Br. Donald Paschal Alford
Fr. John C. Allard
- Holts Sons Funeral Home Obit
- The Patch 02.25.13
- Providence Journal 02.25.13
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 02.25.13
- Valley Breeze 02.25.13
- WJAR 02.25.13
- CT Post 02.25.13
- GoLocalProv 02.25.13
- NBC 10 02.26.13
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Holts Sons Funeral Home 04.27.18
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
Fr. Edward Terry Allen
Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 2/6/2019. An allegation of abuse of a male minor in 1973 was brought to the Review Board in 2005. Deemed credible. Resigned from active ministry in 2005. Settlement with victim in 2012. Allen died 12/24/2018.
Seminarian Francis Allen, II
Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA
Fr. John G. Allen
Per diocesan records, there were concerns about Allen as early as 1970. Reportedly abused multiple young boys in the 1970s-1990s. Sent for evaluation in 1991. Arrested in 1992 for soliciting sex from an undercover police officer. Other allegations in 1985 of sex with several young men from a local college. Resigned in 2002 after confronted with credible allegations of abusing boy, ages 14-18, starting about 1979. Laicization announced in 6/2006. Included on diocese's 8/1/2018 list. Lawsuit in 8/2018 by a 29-year-old former Penbrook altar boy claiming abuse for 3 years, beginning in 1999. Named in 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Arrested in 3/2019, on charges related to claims he abused two young Penbrook altar boys 1997-2002. Pleaded guilty 11/5/2020. Sentenced in 2/2021 to five years' probation and to register as a sex offender for life.
- Associated Press 04.14.02
- Intelligencer Journal 04.16.02
- CruxNews 07.23.04
- Concerned Catholics Courier 07.31.05
- Concerned Catholics Courier 07.31.05
- Patriot News 08.25.05
- Patriot News 06.30.06
- Patriot News 07.22.07
- York Daily Record 08.09.16
- York Daily Record 08.01.18
- York Daily Record 08.01.18
- PennLive 08.01.18
- Diocese of Harrisburg List 08.01.18
- York Daily Recored 08.09.18
- Daily Item 08.09.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- York Daily Record 08.22.18
- Penn Live 03.13.19
- York Daily Record 03.14.19
- CBS 21 03.14.19
- WHTM TV 04.24.19
- York Daily Record 04.24.19
- York Daily Record 11.05.20
- New York Daily Record 02.16.21
- PennLive 02.16.21
- WHTM 02.17.21
- Washington Post 10.05.23
Fr. Michael E. Allen
- Diocese of Evansville List 02.22.19
- Evansville Courier & Press 05.05.02
- Courier & Press 05.05.02
- Courier & Press 05.06.02
- Courier & Press 05.06.02
- Courier & Press 05.07.02
- Courier & Press 05.07.02
- Courier & Press 06.08.02
- Kokomo Tribune 06.08.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Courier & Press 06.15.02
- Courier & Press 07.02.02
- Kokomo Tribune 07.02.02
- Courier & Press 11.14.02
- Courier & Press 12.19.03
- Courier & Press 03.21.04
- Diocese of Evansville List 02.22.19
Fr. Peter A. Allen
Fr. Richard J. Allen
Fr. William Edward F. Allen
Fr. Thomas G. Allender
Fr. Robert Allgaier
Report to police in 10/01 that Allgaier had viewed child pornography on his computer. Archbishop knew of the allegation in 2001 but reassigned him to a middle school after evaluation. Removed in 2/02 just prior to charges being filed. Pleaded guilty to attempted possession of child pornography for using computers to view internet photos of children involved in sex acts. Sentenced to two years probation. Left priesthood in 2005. Was on the state sex offender registry, from which he was removed in 2014. On diocese's list 11/30/18.
- Omaha World Herald 03.01.02
- Omaha World Herald 03.05.02
- Omaha World Herald 03.12.02
- Omaha World Herald 03.19.02
- Omaha World Herald 03.25.02
- Omaha World Herald 03.28.02
- Omaha World Herald 05.17.02
- Omaha World Herald 06.10.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Omaha World Herald 06.18.02
- Omaha World Herald 08.16.02
- Associated Press 01.30.04
- Omaha World Herald 05.10.05
- The Catholic Voice 12.03.18
- Archdiocese of Omaha List updated 06.01.19
- NE A.G. Report 11.04.21
Fr. Stanley J. Allie
Ordained for the Diocese of Albany. Transferred to the Archdiocese of Anchorage in 1969, where he remained until his death in 11/2020. Accused in a 5/2021 lawsuit, along with Fr. Francis Murphy, of sexually abusing a minor in the mid-1980s. Said to have settled. Had been identified in on the Archdiocese's list in 1/2020 of credibly accused of "sexual misconduct involving a vulnerable adult on or about 1986."
Fr. Michael P. Allison
Ordained for the Diocese of Palm Beach in 1991. Moved to the Diocese of Erie in 1997 where he was incardinated in 2000. Parish priest, educator, campus minister. Held several Chancery positions. Named publicly as accused by the Erie diocese on its list in 1/2024. "Under investigation." Died in 6/2020.
Fr. William G. Allison
- Gallup Independent 08.03.05
- Gallup Independent 05.27.11
- John Doe 75 Complaint 07.21.11
- KION 08.02.11
- Monterey County Herald 08.02.11
- Sacramento Bee 08.03.11
- KION 08.04.11
- Monterey County Herald 04.11.12
- Gallup Independent 06.20.13
- Sacramento Bee 06.24.13
- New Mexican 06.25.13
- Daily Times 09.05.13
- Gallup Independent 11.11.13
- ABQ Journal 12.14.13
- Albuquerque Journal 12.16.14
- Arizona Journal 11.21.15
- Gallup Independent 04.09.18
- Diocese of Gallup List 04.28.18
- KSBW TV 01.02.19
- Diocese of Monterey List 01.02.19
- Diocese of Alexandria List 02.06.19
- Avoyelles Today 02.10.19
- KTAL 07.15.20
- Shreveport Times 07.19.20
- Associated Press 12.16.20
- Shreveport Times via Daily Advertiser 12.16.20
- The Sun-Gazette 08.11.21
- Diocese of Fresno List accessed 01.17.22
Fr. Leo A. Allyson
Fr. Santiago Almaguer
From Mexico. Name also spelled Almageur and Alamaguer. Accused in a 4/2012 civil suit against the Dioceses of Las Cruces and El Paso, and Our Lady of Health parish in Las Cruces. One man alleged that "Santiago" abused him in 1978 at Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM, then at the retreat center for the El Paso diocese. The suit claims other known victims. Reportedly deceased. Included on the Las Cruces diocese's list with full name 11/8/2018. Abuse reported to the diocese in 2012, alleged to have occurred 1975-1978. Noted to have worked in the diocese at Our Lady of Health in 1978. Assigned to St. Anthony Seminary in El Paso in 1975. On the El Paso diocese's list 1/31/2019. On the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans list 5/31/2019. Noted to have returned to his Mexico Province in 1979 and left the Franciscans.
Fr. Jose Alonso
- Star Ledger 08.12.87
- Bishop Rodimer Deposition 08.14.89
- The Record 04.14.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Denver Post 06.13.04
- Herald News 11.04.04
- Herald News 02.16.05
- Daily Record 02.16.05
- NorthJerseycom 05.05.05
- Herald News 05.08.05
- Star Ledger 07.23.06
- Herald News 07.23.06
- The Record 04.27.08
- Diocese of Paterson List 02.13.19
Fr. Sebastian Altamirano Torres
Fr. Philip A. Altavilla
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- WNEP 04.03.14
- Diocese of Scranton Statement 04.03.14
- WNEP 04.04.14
- Times Leader 04.04.14
- SNAP Statement 04.04.14
- Times-Tribune 04.04.14
- PA Home Page 04.04.14
- Times-Tribune 04.05.14
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- Times-Tribune 04.11.14
- PA HomePage 04.14.14
- WNEP 04.14.14
- Times-Leader 04.15.14
- Go Lackawanna 04.15.14
- Times-Tribune 04.15.14
- PA HomePage 05.27.14
- WNEP 05.27.14
- Times-Tribune 05.28.14
- WNEP 08.01.14
- ABC 27 08.01.14
- Times-Tribune 08.01.14
- Citizens Voice 08.02.14
- PA Homepage 08.02.14
- Citizens Voice 08.08.14
- Times-Tribune 09.04.14
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 10.22.18
Fr. Louis Altendorf
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Order's Chicago Province. Included in 5/2023 on the Chicago Archdiocese's list. Assigned in China, MO, IL NY, DC. Abuse occurred in St. Louis MO in the 1940s-1950s, WI 1962-1964 and Chicago IL in the mid-1960s. Died in 1989. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, with at least two "reported survivors".
Fr. Cletus Altermatt
- Mankato Free Press 03.29.16
- Diocese of New Ulm List 03.29.16
- KEYC 03.29.16
- CBS Minnesota 03.29.16
- BishopAccountability Lists 03.29.16
- Bemidji Pioneer 03.29.16
- Star Tribune 03.29.16
- Minnesota Public Radio 03.29.16
- Diocese of Falls-Billings List 08.21.18
- WTOV 10.31.18
- Diocese of Steubenville List 10.31.18
Fr. Gregory M. Altermatt
Fr. Donald Althoff
Fr. Curtiss Alvarez
Fr. Eugene F. Alvesteffer
Fr. Joseph F. Alzugaray
- Napa Valley Register 12.26.03
- The Wanderer 02.06.04
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report, page 3, 02.17.04
- Press Democrat 03.21.04
- NBC 4 05.21.04
- L.A. Times 09.21.04
- Napa News 09.23.04
- Register 03.14.05
- Napa Valley Register 04.10.06
- Pasadena Weekly 06.15.06
- L.A. Times 09.19.06
- Napa Valley Register 09.23.06
- City News Service 04.15.08
- Press Democrat 09.16.08
- Press Democrat 04.24.10
- Press Democrat 04.28.10
- Press Democrat 05.03.10
- Treadway & Wigger Funeral Home 02.01.14
- SNAP Statement 02.04.14
- Diocese of Santa Rosa List 01.12.19
Fr. Pedro (Richard) Amen
Also known as Pierre Amen. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province, joined the Vice Province of St. Benedict of the Amazon in Brazil 3/11/1990. Died in 2006. (Placing Amen for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Sacred Heart Province is based.)
Fr. Roman Ament
Fr. Michael J. Amy
Fr. Andrew Christian Andersen
- L.A. Times 04.26.86
- L.A. Times 09.30.86
- Altoona Mirror (UPI) 11.25.86
- L.A. Times 11.25.86
- OC Register 01.04.87
- San Jose Mercury News 12.31.87
- San Jose Mercury News 12.31.87
- OC Register 05.03.90
- OC Register 07.19.90
- L.A. Times 01.11.04
- OC Weekly 02.05.04
- OC Weekly 04.12.04
- OC Register 05.17.05
- NY Times 05.19.05
- L.A. Times 05.25.05
- OC Weekly 05.27.05
- California Catholic Daily 10.12.07
- Orange County Weekly 02.10.16
- Diocese of Orange 08.12.16
Fr. Alexander R. Anderson
- Most Sacred Heart Church Anderson Statement 04.20.02
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 04.22.02
- Most Sacred Heart Church Anderson Statement 06.02.02
- Anderson v Andreas Petition for Defamation 07.31.02
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 08.10.02
- Anderson v Andreas Answer and Counterclaim 09.04.03
- Andreas v Archdiocese First Amended Petition 09.04.03
- Most Sacred Heart Church Anderson Statement 01.10.04
- St Louis Post Dispatch 01.17.04
- Press Democrat 03.22.04
- Catholic News Service 04.08.04
- Associated Press 08.26.04
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 08.26.04
- St Louis Post Dispatch 09.07.04
- Anderson Letter to Parishioners 06.10.08
- NY Times 05.16.10
- SNAP Statement 08.24.20
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 08.28.20
- St Louis Today 08.28.20
- St. Rose of Lima Bulletin note from Anderson 09.06.20
- KMOX 02.11.22
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 02.16.22
- The Leader 02.21.22
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 02.21.22
- Anderson Note to Parishioners 02.27.22
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 03.03.22
- Anderson Note to Parishioners 03.06.22
Fr. Arthur C. Anderson
Rev. Basil Joseph Anderson
Named publicly as credibly accused by St. Benedict's Abbey of Benet Lake WI on its list 1/24/23. Noted to have abused in TX in the late 1970s and to have died in 2002. (Placing him in the Milwaukee archdiocese, where the Abbey is located.)
Fr. David E. Anderson
Fr. John C. Anderson
- Galesburg Register-Mail 08.06.59
- Diocesan Press Release 05.30.02
- Copeland News Services 05.30.02
- Chicago Tribune 05.31.02
- Pantagraph 05.31.02
- Chicago Tribune 06.02.02
- Catholic Post 06.09.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Chicago Sun-Times 10.18.18
- WGLT 10.18.18
- Diocese of Peoria List 12.21.18
- News Tribune 01.15.19
- Diocese of Peoria List 01.28.20
- Journal Star 06.01.23
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
Fr. Joseph K. Anderson
Fr. Robert C. Anderson
Fr. Roger Anderson
From Ireland. Began his priesthood in the U.S. in 1938 in Ukiah CA. Also assigned in Bend and Roseburg OR. Pastor 1970-1978 of Old Mission Santa Ines in Solvang CA. Died in 1980. In its 2004 report, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles counts two accusers. Named in at least one civil suit.
Fr. Stephen A. Anderson
Fr. Thomas Anderson
Per the 10/2022 MI Attorney General's Report, a man told the diocese in 2002 that he was sexually abused by Anderson 1963-1967, when he was in grades 1-5 at St. Agnes in Iron River. The abuse allegedly included sodomy. The man said he told his teacher, who called him a liar, and that he was not allowed to return to the school for 6th grade. In 2020 a second man alleged abuse at age 9 by Anderson, in Kingsford, MI. Anderson died in 1981.
Fr. Thomas Andert
- Assignment Record
- 1994 Letters from Andert to Student
- Letter from Sipe to Hanley 09.30.07
- Statement from St John’s Abbey 10.26.07
- St Cloud Times 10.27.07
- The Record 11.02.07
- Sipe Article 11.04.07
- St Cloud Times 11.07.07
- International Business Times 09.25.15
- MPR 12.18.15
- Legal Examiner 12.27.15
- Jeff Anderson and Associates 04.11.16
- Pioneer Press 04.12.16
Fr. Manuel Andrade, Jr.
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
Fr. Stephen Andrel
Fr. John Wesley Andries
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Advocate 04.19.02
- Daily Town Talk 04.20.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.10.02
- Daily Advertiser 05.23.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Daily Town Talk 01.16.03
- Lafayette Daily Advertiser 05.03.03
- Daily Town Talk 05.03.03
- Advocate 05.21.03
- Daily Town Talk 11.21.03
- Daily Town Talk 02.12.04
- Daily Comet 03.30.10
- KATC 01.13.19
- Diocese of Alexandria List 02.06.19
- Avoyelles Today 02.10.19
Fr. Mark Andrzejczuk
Br. Lawrence A. Angel
Fr. Joseph Angeli
- Boston Daily Globe 03.19.59
- BishopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- KTSA 12.17.15
- Archdiocese of San Antonio List 01.31.19
- Diocese of Las Cruces List Updated 06.24.19
- Santa Fe New Mexican 07.27.24
Fr. Paul F. Angelicchio
- Rome Sentinal [NY] 12.08.16
- NewYorkUpstate 12.09.16
- CNY Central 12.10.16
- WSYR 12.10.16
- Observer-Dispatch 12.13.16
- Upstate New York 12.23.16
- Rome Sentinel 12.23.16
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse 12.23.16
- Syracuse com 12.23.16
- Post-Standard 02.14.19
- Rome Sentinel 02.20.19
- Rome Sentinel 08.31.19
- Post Standard 11.20.19
- WSYR 02.01.20
- Syracuse com 02.04.20
- Syracuse com 02.14.20
Fr. Henry F. Angelino
Named publicly as credibly accused on the Fresno diocese's list in 2021. Ordained for the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno. Noted to have left the diocese in 1952. The 1954 Official Catholic Directory (which reflects 1953-1954) shows Angelino as a priest of the Monterey-Fresno diocese, retired. The following year he is indexed as a U.S. Army chaplain. Per news articles in April 1952, Angelino was arrested and charged on two counts of "immoral conduct" with a boy, and admitted to "improper conduct" with two boys for over more than a year. He was pastor of Sacred Heart in Merced at the time. In 1977 a news piece shows that Angelino was appointed by the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement to Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Walnut Creek CA. He died in 1986.
Fr. Girard F. Angelo
Fr. Sebastian (Joseph) Angers
Ordained: 1944
Status: Accused
Died: 06/14/1978
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN
Included on the Dominicans St. Albert the Great Province list 4/21/2022, which notes that the Province first learned of Angers' sexual abuse of young boys in Fall 1975. Removed from ministry, sent to counseling. Sent in Fall 1976 to Villa Pius XII treatment center in Albuquerque NM, then to Via Caeli for treatment in Jemez Springs, where he died in 1978. Named added in 6/2022 to the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Assigned to St. Albert the Great in Minneapolis 1963-1965 and was Extraordinary Confessor to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in St. Paul 1964-1965. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, with at least one "reported survivor."
- The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 06.07.69
- Dominicans St. Albert the Great Province List 04.21.22
- Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis 06.01.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
Fr. Thomas M. Anglim
Fr. Kenneth J. Anich
Named publicly as credibly accused of the sexual abuse of a minor(s) by the Society of the Divine Word's Chicago Province. Abuse occurred in WI in 1980. Per its website in 6/2023, Anich is prohibited from public ministry, presenting himself as a priest and to contact with minors. Living since 2021 in Techny IL, where the Province is headquartered.
Sister Annette
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO
Accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing a girl 1999-2002 at Holy Innocents in Tower Grove Park. Also accused of sexually abusing the girl is Rev. James Grady. Allegedly Sr. Annette heard about the abuse by Grady, told the girl she was bad, then sexually abused her daily and gave her detention when she resisted. Further, other priests and the school principal were said to have accused the girl of lying. The girl was a special education student.
Fr. Armando Andrew Annunziato
Fr. Joseph C. Ansaldi
Fr. Charles Antekeier
Fr. Nicholas Cornelius Antle
Fr. Aloysius (Luis William) Antlitz
Br. Antonio F. Antonucci
Antonucci ran a street ministry for young children. He was charged in 1993 with fondling a 15-year-old boy; acquitted in in 5/1996. He was also named in a civil suit against Fr. Albert Liberatore in Scranton, PA. The suit claimed Liberatore's victim went to Antonucci for help and that Antonucci encouraged him not to tell because it would ruin his (the victim's) life and the lives of others. In 3/2007 the court dismissed the "aiding and abetting claim" against Antonucci, which was part of the suit. In 2019 two brothers claimed in a lawsuit that Antonucci sexually abused them as teenage boys at their home in Shoreham in 1977. They and their mother reported the abuse to their parish, where Antonucci was employed, but nothing was done. The brothers learned in 2019 that another brother was also abused by Antoucci, at age 6. Included on the Rockville Centre diocese's list in 3/2021, which notes alleged abuse in a private home in Port Jefferson. (Per the list, Antonucci was of the O.S.F. order; the lawsuit shows him as an O.S.B. monk.) In 11/2024 the two brothers were included in the Diocese's bankruptcy settlement with 600 survivors. Antonucci died 11/19/2019.
Fr. Roland Joseph Antus
Fr. Russell Gerald Appleby
Fr. E. Everett Apt
Fr. Romannilo Apura
- The Trentonian 08.21.14
- Statement by Diocese of Trenton 08.21.14
- Planet Princeton 08.21.14
- Mercer County Prosecutor 08.21.14
- Times of Trenton 08.21.14
- CSNPhilly 08.21.14
- CBS Philly 08.21.14
- Courier-Post 08.22.14
- Asbury Park Press 08.22.14
- Philly Com 08.22.14
- New Jersey Com 11.20.15
- The Trentonian 11.20.15
- Asbury Park Press 02.18.19
- Diocese of Trenton List Corrected 03.17.19
- Diocese of Trenton List 06.24.21
Fr. Sofronio A. Aranda
Fr. Arnulfo Arandia
Fr. Mario Arbelaez Olarte
- Assignment Record
- Diocese of Salt Lake City List 12.04.18
- Deseret News 05.16.03
- Salt Lake Tribune 05.17.03
- Deseret News 05.20.03
- Casper Star Tribune 05.27.03
- Deseret News 05.28.03
- Deseret News 06.03.03
- Associated Press 09.10.03
- Deseret Morning News 09.10.03
- Salt Lake Tribune 11.05.03
- Deseret News 11.07.03
- Chicago Tribune 03.11.12
- Diocese of Salt Lake City List 12.04.18
Fr. Paul Marion Arbogast
Removed in 9/2003 from Covington Latin School, where he was a teacher, after allegations of abuse. He was headmaster of the school 1968-1973. Left the priesthood in the 1980s. Laicized and married in 1993. Returned to Covington Latin in 2002 as a lay teacher. Identified as "Priest 32" in pending litigation. Named in pleadings in other pending litigation against the Covington and Lexington dioceses, which say he was part of a ring of priests in the 1970s who held parties to which they brought boys as their dates. Sent for treatment in the 1970s. Died 10/16/2013. Included on the diocese's 7/31/2020 list of those with substantiated allegation(s). On the Lexington diocese's list in 8/2020, where he worked at Lexington Catholic High School 1981-1986.
Fr. Jules M. Arceneaux
Placed on leave in 7/2004 after the FBI seized a church computer holding possible child pornography. A boy said he had downloaded the images; the U.S. Attorney's office said the boy had not. It closed its investigation in 4/2005 without filing charges against priest, saying it did not have sufficient evidence to meet "prosecutable standard," i.e., it could not prove those in the pictures were minors. The Diocese then resumed its investigation; Arceneaux remained on leave. He reportedly was leading the rosary at funerals in Lafayette in 2013. Included on diocese's list in 4/2019; remained on leave.
Fr. Paul J. Archambault
- The Republican 07.11.13
- The Republican 07.11.13
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 07.11.13
- SNAP Statement 07.11.13
- WWLP 07.11.13
- WWLP 03.29.16
- SNAP 03.29.16
- WCVB 03.29.16
- The Republican 03.29.16
- MassLive 03.29.16
- New England Public Radio 03.29.16
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 03.29.16
- Diocese of Springfield Statement 03.29.16
- The Republican 03.31.16
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 04.05.16
- The Republican/MassLive 07.14.20
- Diocese of Springfield List udpated 06.02.21
Fr. Richard Raphael Archer
Named publicly as accused by the Dominicans St. Joseph Province on its list in late 2018. Became part of the Province of St. Martin de Porres when it was formed in 1979. Removed from public ministry in 2002. No indication as to when or where alleged abuse occurred. (We're placing him in the New Orleans archdiocese, where the province is based.) Per the website of St. Dominic in New Orleans, Archer was in residence; the parish has a K-7 school. Archer's 65-year anniversary as a priest was celebrated by the archdiocese in 2017. On 3/28/2019, the day after SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) publicly complained of Archer's presence at the parish, the archdiocese asked the Dominicans to move him. Name added in 1/29/2020 to the Baton Rouge diocese's list.
Fr. Marvin Archuleta
- Santa Fe New Mexican 01.11.96
- Palm Beach Post 06.28.98
- ABC 04.03.02
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe list 09.12.17
- Rio Grande Sun 09.26.17
- Santa Fe New Mexican 10.25.18
- National Catholic Reporter 11.29.18
- KOAT TV 02.08.19
- Santa Fe New Mexican 02.11.19
- Associated Press 02.16.19
- KRQE 02.16.19
- New Mexican 03.01.19
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe List 03.08.19
- Bloomberg 01.08.20
- Santa Fe New Mexican 01.28.20
- AP via US News & World Report 01.31.20
- Sante Fe New Mexican 01.31.20
- KOB 4 02.04.20
- KOB 4 02.05.20
- Santa Fe New Mexican 02.04.20
- Rio Grande Sun 02.07.20
Fr. Edward Ardolf
Fr. Brion T. Ares
Br. Roger Argencourt
- Associated Press 03.27.02
- Associated Press 03.28.02
- Union Leader 03.29.02
- Associated Press 04.24.02
- Union Leader 04.25.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 09.25.02
- Associated Press 09.25.02
- The Telegraph (Nashua, NH) 09.25.02
- Associated Press 10.01.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 10.07.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 01.05.03
- Associated Press 02.12.03
- Documents from Manchester Report by NH Atty General 03.03.03
- Manchester Report by NH Atty General 03.03.03
- Manchester Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 04.02.03
- Lowell Sun 09.03.03
- Associated Press 11.19.03
Fr. Andreas Arias
Fr. James L. Arimond
- Assignment Record
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee Assignment Record
- Chicago Tribune 07.25.90
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 04.17.02
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 07.09.03
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee List 07.09.04
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 07.10.04
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee website (updated 1 01.26.07
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee List of Clergy Offenders 03.03.12
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 05.10.18
Fr. Richard A. Arko
- Akron Beacon Journal 01.23.04
- Cleveland Plain Dealer 01.23.04
- Akron Beacon Journal 01.26.04
- Akron Beacon Journal 02.05.04
- Akron Beacon Journal 02.11.04
- Cleveland Plain Dealer 04.07.04
- Akron Beacon Journal 08.13.04
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10.30.04
- Diocese of Cleveland Notice 07.20.15
- Diocese of Cleveland List 06.21.19
Fr. Gerald A. Armstrong
Fr. James L. Armstrong
Fr. Peter Gomez Armstrong
Fr. Eugene P. Arnaud
Fr. Francis Arokiam
Deacon Alejandro Arroyo
Fr. David Arsenault
Fr. Susai Arul
Fr. Eusebius Arundel
Included on the Holy Name Province Franciscans' list in 10/2021 of those with substantiated allegations against them. Eusebius died in 1968. No other details provided as to when or where the abuse occurred. (Placing him in the New York archdiocese, where the Province is based.)
Bishop Juan Arzube
Fr. Scott A. Asalone
- Diocese of Arlington List 02.25.19
- Asbury Park Press 03.16.20
- Loudoun Now 03.16.20
- WRIC 03.16.20
- Catholic Herald 03.17.20
- Washington Post 03.17.20
- Daily Voice 03.18.20
- Independent 03.18.20
- Washington Post 03.19.20
- Washington Post 12.12.22
- Attorney General of Commonwealth of Virginia 12.12.22
- Associated Press 12.12.22
- WDBJ 06.06.23
- Loudoun Now 06.06.23
Fr. John Asare-Dankwah
Pastor of St. Peter Claver in Treme LA when accused in a lawsuit filed in 1/2021 of rape and assault of a boy, age 10, during confession at a retreat in Montgomery AL in 2008. The boy was a parishioner of Blessed Trinity in New Orleans, where Asare-Dankwah was assigned. The alleged victim said the priest pulled him out of bed the morning after the sexual assault and repeatedly struck him, while praying and accusing the boy of being a homosexual. Suspended pending investigation. Asare-Dankwah was visiting family in Ghana when the suit was filed. He denied the allegations. Police were investigating. Asare-Dankwah countersued his accuser. He was reported to federal authorities after an archdiocesan audit completed in 8/2021 showed possible financial crimes committed during his time at St. Peter Claver. In 12/2022 the Asare-Dankwah and the man accusing him of the 2008 abuse agreed to drop their lawsuits against each other.
Br. Berthold Ascher
Fr. G. Barry Ashwell
- Seattle Times 04.12.02
- Seattle Times 04.14.02
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 04.24.03
- Seattle Archdiocesan Case Review Board Report 06.01.04
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 08.19.04
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 08.19.04
- Seattle Post intelligencer 08.19.04
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 08.19.04
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 01.06.05
- Seattle Times 01.22.05
- Seattle Post Intelligencer 07.28.05
- Seattle Times 11.15.05
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer 11.16.05
- Seattle Times 02.21.06
- Whidbey News Time 08.31.10
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- Central Kitsap Reporter 01.15.16
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- KIRO 01.15.16
- The Columbian 01.15.16
- Edmonds Beacon 01.16.16
- USA Today 11.15.19
- Seattle Times 12.09.22
Fr. Rene Astruc
- Northwest Jesuit, Spring 2002
- Northwest Jesuit, Fall 2002
- Anchorage Daily News 06.30.02
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Anchorage Daily News 12.26.18
- Archdiocese of Anchorage List 01.16.20
Fr. Michael J. Aten
Br. Gregory Atherton
Fr. John T. Atwater
Documents revealed in 2002 that in 1993 Atwater was accused of abuse of a 14-year-old boy, who was a Cardinal Cushing Academy boarding student in 1971 when Atwater was the school's Director. Atwater denied the allegations. He retired in 2002. Sent to treatment where it was determined that he "had no sexual conflicts." In 2/2002 another man alleged he was abused by Atwater at the same school some time after 1967. In 9/2004 a man said he was abused by Atwater at age 12 in approximately 1969. Atwater died in 2006. Canonical investigation not complete at the time of his death. Included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2011.
Fr. Ronald J. Atwood
- Fox 28 07.17.13
- Columbus Dispatch 07.17.13
- 10 TV 07.17.13
- NBC4i 07.17.13
- SNAP Statement 07.17.13
- Newark Advocate 07.18.13
- Fox 28 07.07.14
- Bostoncom 03.28.16
- Columbus Dispatch 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- SNAP 03.29.16
- 10TV 03.29.16
- Columbus Dispatch 03.30.16
- Columbus Dispatch 04.26.16
Fr. Paul L. Aube
- Manchester Diocesan File Summary
- Assignment Record with Links to Articles and Documents
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
- Union Leader 02.16.02
- Associated Press 05.15.02
- Union Leader 05.16.02
- Union Leader 11.27.02
- Boston Globe (AP) 02.16.03
- Union Leader 02.19.03
- Manchester Report by NH Atty General 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Concord Monitor 08.13.05
- NH AG Audit Records 03.26.09
- Concord Monitor 10.16.16
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
Fr. Joseph Emile Aubin
Fr. Charles E. Aubut
Fr. John L. Audibert
- Associated Press 02.10.02
- Portland Press Herald 02.12.02
- Portland Press Herald 02.17.02
- Portland Press Herald 03.10.02
- Portland Press Herald 03.11.02
- Boston com (AP) 02.28.06
- Portland Press Herald 03.01.06
- Portland Press Herald 03.01.06
- Courier Gazette 03.02.06
- Bangor Daily News 01.29.07
- MGME 07.10.09
- Bangor Daily News 03.03.13
- Portland Press Herald 08.14.23
- WCSH 08.14.23
Fr. Oderic Auer
Fr. Louis Aufiero
Fr. Henry J. Auger
Fr. Thaddeus A. Augustyn
Fr. John R. Aurelio
- Buffalo News 12.21.93
- Buffalo News 12.22.93
- Buffalo News 12.22.93
- Statement by Bishop Head in Buffalo News 12.22.93
- Buffalo News 12.23.93
- Buffalo News 12.27.93
- Buffalo News 12.29.93
- Buffalo News 12.30.93
- Buffalo News 04.02.02
- Buffalo News 02.28.18
- WIVB 03.13.18
- Buffalo News 03.20.18
- Diocese of Buffalo 03.20.18
- Buffalo Stories 03.20.18
- Olean Times Herald 03.21.18
- Buffalo News 03.21.18
- Spectrum News 08.24.19
- WIVB 08.24.19
- WKBW 08.25.19
- Buffalo News 03.13.20
- Buffalo News 03.17.20
- Buffalo News 03.22.20
Fr. Edmund Austin
Fr. Hugh James Austin
Worked in IL, NJ, PA, KS, Ontario Canada. Died in 1966. Included on the Carmelite's list of accused in 2020, as James (Hugh) Austin. (The Official Catholic Directory lists him as Hugh J.). Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, noting at least one "reported survivor."
Fr. William Authenrieth
- United Press International 11.28.85
- Associated Press 11.07.86
- St Petersburg Times 03.18.87
- St Petersburg Times 05.06.87
- San Jose Mercury News 12.31.87
- Orlando Sentinel 09.17.95
- Ledger 04.08.02
- Newsday 10.16.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Newsday 07.12.05
- Orlando Sentinel 07.23.12
- SNAP Statement 07.23.12
- WESH 07.23.12
- Orlando Sentinel 10.02.13
- NEWS 13 08.13.14
- Orlando Sentinel 08.13.14
- WFTV 08.13.14
- SNAP Statement 08.13.14
- SNAP Statement 08.14.14
- TheMediaReport 08.19.14
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Orlando List 10.06.21
Fr. Charles Authier
Fr. Edward George Authier
Fr. Paul Avallone
Br. James Avant
Fr. Roland (Robert) Averbeck
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Averbeck for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.)
Fr. Joseph E. Avery
Fr. Jose Maria B. Avila
Fr. Englebert M. Axer
Fr. Jerome J. Axton
Fr. Saul Ayala
From the Archdiocese of Morelia in Mexico. Arrived in CA in 1982, incardinated into the Diocese of San Bernardino. In 6/2002 an allegation of "sexual harassment and misconduct involving a minor" was filed with the church by a woman. Placed on leave. In 9/2002 two sisters filed suit alleging Ayala abused them at ages 7 and 9 in 1988 and 1989 when he baby-sat them. Their mother had reported their abuse to the Diocese in the late 1980s, with no response. The Diocese settled with them for $30K in 2004. Ayala moved to Mexico shortly after he was placed on leave; possibly in active ministry there. Indications in 2014 he was a retired priest there. Name included on the San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/2018, noted to be "permanently barred from ministry in the Diocese."
Fr. James W. Aylward
Fr. Daniel M. Azzarone, Jr.
- Detailed Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 11.16.01
- Boston Globe 03.20.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.20.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.06.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.25.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Providence Journal 07.18.05
- Providence Journal 09.06.05
- Providence Journal 09.07.05
- Providence Journal 12.02.07
- Providence Journal 08.31.08
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 02.12.10
- WPRO 08.23.11
- SNAP Letter to Bishop Tobin 08.23.11
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
Brother Albert
Brother Alex
Fr. John Adriani
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY
Accused in a lawsuit filed under the NY Child Victims Act in 10/19 of molesting a boy, age 11, in 1953 at St. Joseph's in Niagara Falls. (The Official Catholic Directory shows a Fr. Igino Adreani, CRSP as at the parish at that time; John Adriani not found.)
Fr. Louis John Affrica
Named as a perpetrator of abuse of minors in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's report. Prior to his 1975 ordination, Affrica was a Holy Cross Brother for eleven years. Taught high school in MA and in Forrestville MD as a Holy Cross Brother. Accused in 2005 of abuse of a boy, ages 15-18 during 1973-1976. Abuse allegedly occurred at the parish rectory and on a weekend retreat, and involved alcohol and marijuana. Accused in 2007 of abusing a girl, age 15 or 16, in the late 1970s, also involving alcohol. Both alleged victims said that many kids would hang out with Affrica at the rectories. Went on leave in 1981, married, and became a licensed social worker. Requested laicization in 2016.