has launched a project to gather and post the assignment records of every U.S. Catholic priest who has been accused of sexual abuse since 1940, so that vulnerable communities can be identified and bishops' transfer policies can be determined.

See below for a brief description of assignment records and their importance, easy ways that you can help with this project, and our initial list of assignment records. For a more detailed account of assignment record research and how you can volunteer, see our guide.

Assignment Records: Why They Are Important

An assignment record lists all the diocesan and parish appointments of a priest, including telltale periods of sick leave. A detailed assignment record, like this assignment record of John Geoghan created by the Boston Globe, identifies populations that have been placed at risk, and is also cross-referenced with a list of accusations, so that the transfer policies of the priest's bishops can be evaluated. By identifying a priests' seminary class and the colleagues with whom he has worked, an assigment record can also begin to identify the circle of colleagues who kept the priest's activities secret and who might even have been involved in the abuse themselves.

Assignment records are all around us:
Newspaper accounts of the crisis
Diocesan records
Investigative files
Obituaries and other old newspaper reports

But these records are dispersed and difficult to find, and complete assignment records for most accused priests are not publicly available. We urge the U.S. bishops to publish detailed assignment records with treatment episodes and accusation dates for every abuser. In the meantime, we are undertaking this work of research and collection ourselves. See our initial collection of assignment records below.

Volunteering for the Assignment Record Project

Please send us any assignment records that know about or come across:
* In your daily newspaper reading
* In your personal experience, if you are a survivor of abuse
* In the research that you've done, if you are a lawyer or a reporter working in this area

If you would like to join the Service Record Project as a volunteer -- for a few hours, or a few hours per week, or anything in between -- please read our guide to service record research, and email us to let us know you're interested. This is work that you can do at a local Catholic college library or at most central city libraries, and you can email, snail mail, or even phone us the results.

List of Assignment Records

The staff at has begun to assemble a library of assignment records for accused priests and others who figure in the crisis.Some we have developed ourselves from the Official Catholic Directory, diocesan documents, and investigative reports. Others were created by lawyers and investigative reporters. Others were created by the dioceses themselves and relinquished under subpoena, or were prepared by the dioceses in response to investigation by law enforcement.

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Total Individuals: 180

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Fr. Rubin Abaya

Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

One of seven priests named as defendants in 1984 civil suits filed by a 16-year-old girl sexually abused by Santiago (Henry)Tamayo and then by six other Filipino priests in Los Angeles. All fled the country (with support from the Archdiocese) after the suits were filed. The other priests were Henry Caboang, Valentine Tugade, Sylvio Lacar, Victor Balbin, and Angelo Cruces. One of the priests (revealed in 2007 to have been Tugade) fathered the girl's child. The Archdiocese contributed to support of the child after the dismissal of one suit. The survivor received $500K as part of the large 2007 Los Angeles settlement.

Br. Andrew Abdon

Order: FSC
Ordained: 1945
Status: Settled

Died: 08/17/1977
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Also known as John Christenson. In separate 1995 lawsuits, two brothers and another man claimed abuse as grade-schoolers in the 1950s by Abdon and other Christian Brothers, at St. Michael's in Santa Fe and at the College of Santa Fe. Last of lawsuits settled in 10/1996. A woman filed suit in 1995 alleging abuse by Br. Abdon at St. Michael's. Trained at the Juniorate in Las Vegas, NM and De La Salle Novitiate in Lafayette, LA. Took the habit in 1936; final profession 1945. Died 8/17/1977. The stadium at St. Michael's is called Brother Abdon Field, as late as 2022. There is also a street in Santa Fe named after Abdon. Name included on the Santa Fe the archdiocese's list of accused 9/12/2017. New suit in 4/2021.

Fr. Leonard A. Abercrombie

Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Died: 10/23/1994
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

In a 7/1993 letter to Pope JP II, Denver's Archbishop Stafford, and Los Angeles' Cardinal Mahony, a man alleged he was sexually abused as a boy 1953-1957, from age 7, and said that others were also abused. Further, he said that in 1991 Abercrombie admitted the abuse to his (the man's) sister. Abercrombie was a USAF chaplain 1950-1953 in L.A.; Baker diocese 1962-1964; listed on sick leave. V.A. chaplain in L.A. 1972-1993. Retired. Died in 10/1994. Abuse in the late 1950s reported to the Archdiocese of Denver in 2002. Suit filed in CA in 2003. The L.A. Archdiocese 2/17/2004 report noted two CA victims in the 1970s. Lawsuit in CO filed 9/20/2005. At least 9 men alleged abuse. Some suits were mediated. Others settled in 7/08. Per the CO Attorney General's Report 10/22/2019, at least 18 boys were abused there by Abercrombie 1946-1972, and Denver knew as early as 1963. Victims were still surfacing in 2019.

Fr. Lionel Augustine Abeywickrema

Ordained: 1951
Status: Settled

Died: 11/12/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

From Sri Lanka. Accused by three sisters of sexually abusing them in the mid-1960s, when he was at St. Bernadette's parish in Albuquerque and they were ages 6-14. The women reached an out-of-court settlement with the archdiocese, announced 7/1/1993. Abeywickrema was removed from public ministry. Died 11/12/2008. Included on Santa Fe archdiocese's list 9/12/2017.

Fr. John L. Abrams

Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

'Sick leave '1989 until 1997 when 'retired.' Some time after 2002 several men reported to the Diocese that they were sexually abused by Abrams during 1979-1982, when they were boys and he was pastor of Sacred Heart in Queens. No criminal charges. The Diocesan Review Board deemed the allegations credible in 11/2007; Abrams was permanently removed. Case referred to the Vatican. Died 7/5/2008. Accused in 6/2019 by two men of raping them when they were 10- to 13-year-old altar boys and students at St Patrick's in Bay Ridge in the 1980s. They said he drove them around to places such as the beach and movies, and gave them beer, cigarettes and porn. Included on the Diocese's list in 2/2019.

Fr. Joseph A. Abruzzese

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1990
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Placed on leave 12/1/93. Pled no contest in 1994 to second-degree sexual assault for grabbing and fondling a 16-year- old boy in a local park. Sentenced to 5 years probation and counseling. Shown as Absent on Leave in the 1995 -2002 Official Catholic Directories. Not listed after 2002. On the diocese's list 7/1/19 (name misspelled Abbruzzese).

Fr. Jeffrey N. Acebo

Ordained: 1986
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Oakland CA

As a newly ordained priest, Acebo confessed to Bishop Cummins in 1986 that he had molested a 16-year-old girl. He wanted to make the 'relationship' public but Cummins refused. He sent Acebo for treatment and reassigned him. Acebo served in four parishes over the next 15 years. Named in civil suit and apology service. Included on the Diocese's list in 2019, which notes abuse 1986-1988, and that Acebo was removed in 4/2002. Given a life of prayer and penance.

Fr. Francis Ackerson

Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown PA

Monsignor. Named in the 3/1/16 PA Grand Jury Report on the Diocese of Altoona Johnstown among priests "alleged to have engaged in sexually abusive acts with children." Abuse alleged 1955-56 of 15 year-old boy at St. Mary's Orphanage in Cresson PA, and included oral and attempted anal rape. Died 8/11/02.

Br. Jorge Acosta

Order: SDB
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of St. Petersburg FL

Joined seminary at age 17. Left religious life in 1983. Age 46 in 2005 when named as abuser "Br. Jorges Acosta" by two men in a civil suit against the Salesians and Mary Help of Christians School in Tampa. Admitted in a 2/2007 deposition to sexual relations with three students in 1983 when he was teacher and cleric at school. He told the principal about two of the incidents; not reported to law enforcement. A second suit was filed in 4/2007. One settlement was announced in 7/2008. Amount confidential. Acosta developed a career as an actor in Tampa FL and NYC under the name JL Rey. No criminal charges due to the statute of limitations. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.

Fr. John H. Acres

Donate Photo
Order: SJ
Ordained: 1983
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Accused in a 2002 lawsuit of the abuse of students at Boston College High School in the late 1980s. Claims were referred to the Suffolk District Attorney. Left the order in 1995. Included on the Northeast Jesuits list of credibly accused 1/15/2019, which notes he admitted to the abuse. Included on the Fall River diocese's list in 1/2021.

Fr. Alvin J. Adams

Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

Removed in 3/2009 from parish assignment and position as chaplain at Bishop Canevin High after an allegation that he had sexually abused a minor in the late 1960s in his first assignment. Three accusers known as of 2/2010; the only one deemed credible by the diocese was a woman who alleged he fondled her at Mon Valley HS in the late 1970s. Permanently restricted in 2/2010 to supervised ministry as a convent chaplain; assignment withdrawn after complaints from parents of a nearby school. In the 8/14/18 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, the profile of accused priest John J. Huber states that when Huber worked at St. Canice church in Knoxville PA in the Pittsburgh diocese (he was assigned there 1968-1973), a boy in the fourth or fifth grade disclosed in confession with Huber that "another priest by the name of Father Adams had touched him in his genital area." Huber subsequently abused the penitent himself, it is alleged.  The 1970 Official Catholic Directory lists Rev. Alvin J. Adams as one of Huber's colleagues at St. Canice. Adams was assigned to St. Canice in 1967-1972 and was accused in 2009 of abusing a boy during that assignment. It is not known whether the 2009 accuser is the same boy who is mentioned in the Huber entry of the Pennsylvania report. It is also not known whether a redacted entry in the Pennsylvania report is about Rev. Alvin J. Adams.

Fr. Archie H. Adams

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Madison WI

First named publicly in a news article in 2/03 as one of four priests against whom documented and substantial allegations of serious abuse had been made. Adams was granted a medical leave and retired status in 1994. The 2002 Catholic Directory continues to list him as on sick leave. By 8/05 he was "no longer in the priesthood" and the diocese did not keep track of him. Included in 7/20 on the diocese's list of credibly accused, which notes that Adams died in 2008.

Fr. Benedict Adams

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 04/15/2002
Diocese: Archdiocese of Detroit MI

Named in the 6/18/2013 Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Died 4/15/2002. Worked in Wisconsin for much of his career. On the Saginaw diocese's list 8/9/2019, where he worked 6/26/1963-7/29/1964. Added to the La Crosse diocese's list 2/5/2020; worked at some point at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Marathon

Fr. Cletus Adams

Order: TOR
Ordained: 1941
Status: Accused

Died: 12/31/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Rapid City SD

Member of T.O.R community in Hollidaysburg PA. Per PA Grand Jury Presentment 3/15/16, accused of molesting a little girl 1972-80 in Rapid City, SD. Bishop Dimmerling moved him to another parish due to the accusation and released him from diocese 1984. Adams worked in PA 1941-68, VA 1968-70, SD 1972-83. Returned to PA 1971-72, then 1984. In 1993 wanted to teach children piano lessons. T.O.R Provincial Giles Schinelli denied the request after reviewing Adams' file, writing "it is best he is now on our list of retired friars." Adams died 12/31/96. On Rapid City diocese's list in 3/19.

Fr. James R. Adams

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the PA Grand Jury report released 8/14/2018. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused. In 1992 a man told Fr. David Zubik that Adams sexually assaulted him in the 1970s when he was and 8- to 12-year-old parishioner of Francis of Assisi in Finleyville. The man said Adams touched his genitals over his clothes while driving on outings, and that the priest would do this to other boys, too. Adams was sent to treatment at St. Michael's Community in St. Louis, MO but left before the program. His faculties were with drawn in 2003 and he was permanently removed from ministry. Adams died in 2011.

Fr. Raymond J. Adamsky

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 10/3/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Assigned to 11 parishes in 34 years. Accused of molestation in 1961, 1964, 1965, 1971 and 1983. Name appears on Archdiocese's 4/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry because of credible allegations of abuse. Adamsky retired in 1993 and was fully restricted from priestly ministry. Case sent to the Vatican for review in 2004. Prayer and Penance requested. Died 10/3/14.

Fr. Thomas Adamson

Ordained: 1958
Status: Settled

Died: 02/25/2019
Diocese: Diocese of Winona-Rochester MN

Reportedly 100+ victims. At least 12 lawsuits filed the late 1980s-early 1990s. Permanently removed from ministry in 1984. Trial in one suit with major verdict for plaintiff in 12/1990. Civil suit filed in 4/2006. Adamson abused in Winona prior to his 1975 transfer to the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese. All settlements estimated at over $6M. One 2006 case dismissed in 2010 was reinstated by Court of Appeals in 6/2011; rejected by MN Supreme Court in 7/2012. Was living in Rochester MN. Banned from church property. New suits 5/30/2013 and 8/28/2013 under a new MN law. Laicized in 2009. Deposition in 5/2006 released 6/11/2014. Adamson was to draw a monthly pension with medical and dental coverage for the rest of his life. Judge ruled for plaintiff 9/03/2014. Included in 10/2014 on the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese's list of accused. New suit filed 4/17/2016. Suit filed 5/23/2016 claimed abuse of a fourth-grade boy at the Cathedral 1969-1972. Named in a 10/2018 suit by four men against the Vatican. Died 2/25/2019. Reportedly in 5/2019, another victim joined the suit against the Vatican. Dismissed by a federal judge in 8/2023.

Fr. Casimir Adasiewicz

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Ordained: 1931
Status: Accused

Died: 04/13/1981
Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Per the MI Attorney General's 10/2022 report, the Diocese received a report in 2008 that Adasiewicz molested and raped a girl, age 7, in around 1965, at Sacred Heart in L'anse. Adasiewicz allegedly told her that if she reported the abuse, her brother would die. His accuser said she believed that Adasiewicz abused a lot of kids. Adasiewicz died in 1981.

Fr. Daniel C. Aerts

Ordained: 1977
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Grand Rapids MI

In 4/2002 Aerts admitted to sexual misconduct with a teen in 1979 while assigned to St. Thomas and Holy Spirit parishes in Grand Rapids. Apparently the victim sent him a letter in 2002 and he forwarded it to the Diocese. He resigned from his position. The bishop said there was no prior knowledge of abuse.

Fr. James J. Agosta

Ordained: 1966
Status: Sued

Died: 01/4/1995
Diocese: Diocese of Allentown PA

Accused in a 3/20 lawsuit of sexually abusing a young altar boy decades prior. The boy was allegedly 'shared' with multiple priests. Per the diocese in 2020, Agosta's file was given to the state grand jury in 2016 because of a complaint, but because the accuser was anonymous and Agosta was dead, there could not be an investigation. Agosta died in 1995.

Fr. Joseph V. Agostino

Order: CM
Ordained: 1983
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

A man notified the Diocese and Order in 2003 that Agostino had abused him. The Order investigated and could not find sufficient information to support the allegations. Kept in ministry. Bishop met with the accuser. In 4/09 the same man came forward again, this time with more evidence and proof that he was a minor at the time of the abuse. The Diocese told the County D.A. and the Order removed Agostino from his assignment at St. John the Baptist, pending further investigation. He reportedly was moved in 2009 to Philadelphia and assigned to various projects by the Vincentians' Superior General. The Philadelphia archdiocese's website in 6/20 shows him as there at St. Vincent's Seminary.

Br. Deogratias Aguilar

Donate Photo
Order: SVD
Status: Indicted

Diocese: Diocese of Trenton NJ

Named publicly as accused by the Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province on its list in 5/2021. Worked in IL, Mexico, NJ, NY, PA. Professed vows in 1969. Died in 2008. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. It notes an allegation by one person, occurring in the 1970s in Bordentown, NJ.

Fr. Nicolas Aguilar-Rivera

Ordained: 1970
Status: Charged

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Priest of the the diocese of Tehuacan, Mexico, where he was accused in 1987. Would have young men and teenagers spend the night with him at his parish rectory. Severely beaten in 1986 or 1987, possibly one or more of these guests. Sent to the U.S. Archdiocese of Los Angeles, assigned to a parish. Warrant issued 1988 for abuse of at least two boys. L.A. archdiocesan officials didn't contact police until after confronting Aguilar. Fled to Mexico. Reportedly abused at least 26 boys in L.A. in 10 months. Estimated to have abused at least 60 children in Mexico, before and after his time in the U.S. Criminally charged in Mexico in 1997, convicted in 2003. Not sentenced, allowed to stay in ministry. In 9/2006, some survivors filed suit in L.A. accusing a Cardinal from Mexico of covering up Aguilar's past and helping him transfer to U.S. before abuse. Laicization announced in 7/2009. New suits 6/2009, 8/2010, 12/2010 and 3/2013. Personnel files released 1/2013. Settlement of 11 claims 2/18/2014. Suit filed 6/2014 by two brothers claiming Aguilar sexually abused them at St. Agatha's in L.A. in 1987, when they were ages 9-11; settled 12/2015. In 2013 was known to be wanted for sexual abuse in Mexico and L.A. Reportedly in 12/2020, the Archdiocese of Mexico City said they believed Aguilar was dead and that they were not aware of complaints against him.

Fr. Honesto Agustin

Ordained: 1982
Status: Suspended

Diocese: Diocese of Reno NV

Ordained in the Philippines. Placed on leave in 6/2006 from St. Therese of the Little Flower after an allegation of improper conduct with a minor. Investigation dropped prior to 8/2007 after "police investigation cleared him of any criminal wrongdoing." Active priest at St. Albert's Parish in Reno as of 2012. Placed on leave and asked for early retirement in 4/2015 after a nude video of him surfaced on social media.

Fr. Thomas Kieran Ahearn

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1964
Status: Convicted

Died: 12/17/1997
Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Arrested in 1/1993. Charged with molesting a 16-year-old boy he picked up while on a skiing vacation. Found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Sentenced to two years probation. His victim filed a civil suit in 1995. Settlement. Personnel file produced to court in 1999. Ahearn died in 12/1997. Accused in a lawsuit in 1/2021 of sexually abusing a St. Mary's in Bethel altar boy, ages 7-10, including raping the boy at age 9 in 1992, on the day of the boy's sister's wedding. Settled in 6/2024.

Fr. Richard J. Ahern

Order: CSS
Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Died: 02/1/2001
Diocese: Diocese of Richmond VA

Parish priest. Worked in the Archdioceses of Boston and NYC and Dioceses of Richmond VA and Springfield MA. Director of a summer camp for boys in the 1960s in Wellesley, MA. Several lawsuits. At least four men have come forward alleging abuse by Ahern as children, three of them at the camp. Also accused of abusing a Richmond VA altar boy 1959-1961. The Stigmatines knew of allegations as early as 1979. Ministry restricted by 1988. Ahern died 2/1/2001. Omitted from the 2011 Boston AD database because he was an order priest. Settlement of $75K from the Springfield diocese to one man in 2008. Added to the Springfield diocese's list 6/2/2021, which notes more than one credible allegation, of abuse 1968-1969 and 1980.

Deacon Arturo Federico Ahumada

Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Deacon. Pleaded no contest in 3/2002 of providing pornographic material to two boys and to misdemeanor sexual battery on one of them between 1999-2000 at Epiphany Church in South El Monte. Taken into custody in 5/2002 pending sentencing. Sentenced in 6/2002 to one year in county jail, a 44-month suspended state prison term and five years felony probation. Required to register as sex offender. Per the Los Angeles archdiocese's list in 12/2018, Ahumada is deceased.

Fr. Robert Aiduk

Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 01/4/2019
Diocese: Archdiocese of Kansas City KS

Named publicly as the subject of substantiated allegations by the Archdiocese on its list in 10/2023, received in 12/2022. Aiduk allegedly sexually abused two minors while assigned to Sacred Heart in Mound City, KS 1963-1967. He left the priesthood in 9/1967 and went on to marry and raise a child. He had a long career as a doctor of clinical psychology. He was voluntarily laicized in 2016. Aiduk died in 2019.

Fr. Santiago Alamaguer

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Ordained: 1975
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of El Paso TX

From Mexico. Accused in a 4/12 civil suit against the Dioceses of Las Cruces and El Paso, and Our Lady of Health parish in Las Cruces. One man alleged that "Santiago" abused him in 1978 at Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM, then at the retreat center for the El Paso diocese. Suit claims other known victims. Reportedly deceased. On the Las Cruces diocese's list with full named 11/8/18. Abuse reported to the diocese in 2012, alleged to have occurred 1975-78. Noted to have worked in the diocese at Our Lady of Health in 1978. Assigned to St. Anthony Seminary in El Paso in 1975. On El Paso diocese's list 1/31/19. On the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans list 5/31/19 (spelled Alamaguer). Noted to have returned to Mexico Province in 1979 and left the Franciscans.

Fr. Pierre Albalaa

Ordained: 1995
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Maronite Rite priest with authority to practice within Maronite and Latin Rite churches. Suspended from ministry at a Columbus OH parish in 5/2018 due to an investigation in Los Angeles of a credible allegation that he had sexually abused a minor in 2004. On the Los Angeles archdiocese's updated list 12/6/2018; noted to have left the archdiocese in 2007. On the Columbus diocese's list 3/1/2019. Removed from ministry.

Deacon William Steven Albaugh

Ordained: 1996
Status: Arrested

Died: 08/2/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Deacon of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Nottingham since 1996. Arrested 3/1/2013 and released on bail for possession of child abuse images which he stored on thumb drives and on his Verizon Online cloud storage system. Verizon Online reported the presence of the images. Albaugh admitted he stored the images but said he would never harm a child. Suspended from his duties. Died 8/1/2016.

Fr. Henry A. Albeke

Ordained: 1973
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

Multiple allegations. Placed on leave in 8/2002 after a man reported he had been abused as a minor by Albeke in 1978 at St. Jude's in Monroe. Claims against Albeke (also spelled Albecke) were settled by the Diocese in a massive settlement  in 10/2003. The Diocese paid $21M to 40 people with claims of abuse by 16 priests. Laicized in 2007. Per a report commissioned by the Diocese in 2019, Holzberg abused a girl, age 14, in 1976; a boy, age 12 in 1976-1977; a boy, age 16 in 1978.

Fr. Jose Daniel Alberran

Donate Photo
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Bridgeport CT

From the Diocese of Barcelona, Venezuela. Worked in the Bridgeport diocese as a visiting priest at St. Peter's in the summer of 1991. Named publicly as accused by the Bridgeport diocese on its list 3/22/2019. Subject of settlement(s). Per a 2019 report commissioned by the diocese, his victim was a 14-year-old girl.

Fr. John C. Albino

Ordained: 1990
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

One of four priests at St. Simon Stock in the Bronx alleged to have sexually abused a 16-year-old boy 1/1996-8/1998. The priests were said to have offered the boy money for sex, threatening to harm him if he told. Also accused of participating in mutual masturbation with the other priests while the boy watched. The boy and his family reported the abuse to the Archdiocese in 1999. Suit filed in 2000 and settled by 2002. Removed from ministry. Laicized. On the Archdiocese's list 4/26/19.

Fr. G.R. Keith Albrecht

Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Died: 11/10/2019
Diocese: Archdiocese of Cincinnati OH

Expelled by the Franciscans in the early 1970s prior to taking solemn vows; ordained for the priesthood in Cincinnati in 1977. Had assignments in Beavercreek, Dayton, Xenia and Coldwater. Placed on leave in 1993 after accusation of sexual abuse of a teen boy in the late 1970s-early 1980s. Another accuser then surfaced alleging abuse as an 8th grade boy by Albrecht on a trip to New York. Albrecht would target troubled adolescent males, two of whom were known to have lived with him in his rectory. Admitted to sexual behavior with four youths, saying he thought he was "acting out of love." Laicized as of 10/2005. A 2004 suit alleging abuse 1977-1981 was dismissed after the Ohio Supreme Court ruled victims must file before the age of 20. Died in 11/2019.

Fr. Juan Alers

Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Died: 02/1/2011
Diocese: Diocese of Lake Charles LA

Ordained for the Archdiocese of San Juan in Puerto Rico. Taught for 14 years there at Catholic University. Was also Vice Chancellor, Diocesan Vocations Director and Director of Catholic Charities. In residence 2/1986-1/1987 at Our Lady of Lourdes in Atlanta while chaplain at the Federal Penitentiary. Placed on leave from the Penitentiary after a background check, which revealed allegations of abuse of youth in a program for runaways in Puerto Rico. Arrived in the Lake Charles diocese in 1987, reportedly from the Diocese of Orlando. Appointed in 4/1988 as Coordinator for Hispanic Ministries in the Diocese of Lafayette, LA. Was also pastor of an Oakdale parish and chaplain for Torrance County Detention Center in NM. Lake Charles received an allegation in 1997 that Alers sexually abused minors 1980-1985 in Puerto Rico. Removed from ministry in 2002. Died in 2011. Named publicly as accused by the Lake Charles diocese on its list 4/11/2019. Included on the Atlanta archdiocese's list in 11/2020. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Br. Joseph J. Alexander

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Owensboro KY

Placed on leave by the Lafayette LA diocese in 4/2002 due to an allegation that he had abused a teen boy prior to ordination in the early 1960s, while a Benedictine brother. Alexander acknowledged his involvement in the incident. At the time of the abuse, Alexander was a monk at St. Maur's Priory in South Union KY and the boy was a student, apparently at St. Maur's Preparatory Seminary. Alexander had joined the Benedictine order in 1955. Ordained a Benedictine priest in 1973. Arrived in the Lafayette LA diocese in 1984. An allegation was reported to Lafayette in 1/2019 of abuse of a minor by Alexander while at St Anthony's in Eunice, where he worked 9/1988 - 4/2002. Included on the Owensboro diocese's list 4/12/2019, which states that the St. Maur allegation was considered substantiated. On the Lafayette LA diocese's list in 4/2019.

Fr. Marc R. Alexander

Ordained: 1985
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Honolulu HI

Held many key positions in the Diocese of Honolulu, including Vicar General, before leaving to accept a position as the Governor's homeless coordinator in 2/2011. Priestly privileges were withdrawn at that time. Resigned from the homeless position in 1/2012 after admitting that he had a sexual relationship with a woman while he was a priest. Allegations were made that he was involved with numerous women and that the Diocese had sent him to St. Luke's Institute for treatment before he left his priestly duties. Sued 4/23/2014 by a woman who alleged he abused her as a minor while he was at St. John Vianney in Kailua in the 1980s. Case settled in 2016. Appointed by Honolulu mayor in 2/2017 to lead the Housing Office.

Br. Donald Paschal Alford

Order: CFC
Ordained: 2004
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Norwich CT

From Australia. Professed vows as a Christian Brother in 1959. Reportedly worked at an orphanage in Geelong, Victoria 1970-1978. Alleged to have sexually abused several residents there. Arrived in the U.S. in 1993 where he worked for 10 years at the Academy at Mount Saint John for at risk children in Deep River. Per news in 11/2018, Alford was named in lawsuits filed by 24 men claiming they were sexually assaulted as 11- to 15-year-old residents of the facility 1986-1996. Named in two of the suits, one in which he was accused of forcing a 13-year-old boy to perform oral sex. Alford was the leader of the school's Boys Scout troop. He died 4/14/2004.

Fr. John C. Allard

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Msgr. Allard was removed 2/25/13 from positions at St Agatha and Precious Blood parishes and the Father Marot CYO Center after allegation that he sexually assaulted a minor boy in 1981 while assigned to Immaculate Conception in Cranston. He was at that parish 1975-1984. The diocese stated that Allard admitted the abuse and expressed profound remorse for the harm he caused. No criminal charges due to the statute of limitations. Died 4/27/18. On diocese's list 7/1/19.

Seminarian Francis Allen, II

Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Seminarian. Name included on the diocese's list released 8/1/18. Included in the PA Grand Jury report 8/14/19. Report to the diocese in 1989 from a woman that Allen sexually abused her son in the 1970s. She reported the alleged abuse again in 2002. In 1994 another woman told the diocese her son was molested by Allen in 1974-75, when the boy was a 5th-grader. Allen died 10/16/11.

Fr. John G. Allen

Ordained: 1970
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Harrisburg PA

Per diocesan records, there were concerns about Allen as early as 1970. Reportedly abused multiple young boys in the 1970s-1990s. Sent for evaluation in 1991. Arrested in 1992 for soliciting sex from an undercover police officer. Other allegations in 1985 of sex with several young men from a local college. Resigned in 2002 after confronted with credible allegations of abusing boy, ages 14-18, starting about 1979. Laicization announced in 6/2006. Included on diocese's 8/1/2018 list. Lawsuit in 8/2018 by a 29-year-old former Penbrook altar boy claiming abuse for 3 years, beginning in 1999. Named in 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Arrested in 3/2019, on charges related to claims he abused two young Penbrook altar boys 1997-2002. Pleaded guilty 11/5/2020. Sentenced in 2/2021 to five years' probation and to register as a sex offender for life.

Fr. Michael E. Allen

Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Evansville IN

Parish priest, teacher, Army chaplain. Worked at the diocesan youth camp. Accused in a 1993 letter to Bishop Gettelfinger of sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy in 1976. The boy had been hospitalized for depression after his father died, and Allen became his counselor. Allen admitted the abuse in 1994, was sent for treatment, then returned to ministry. His accuser came forward again 5/5/2002; Allen was not removed until 6/2002.  Working in 2004 in a civilian commissary in Kuwait, on contract with the U.S. Military. He was seen saying mass but the Archdiocese of Military Services said he had no privileges. Included on the Diocese's 2/22/2019 list of credibly accused.

Fr. Peter A. Allen

Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Placed on leave from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in 12/06 after prosecutors told diocese of credible allegation of abuse by one person. Allen was mentioned in a 2003 civil suit filed against Fr. Eugene Vollmer and Diocese. Suit says he knew or should have known of abuse of 4 boys by Vollmer at rectory of St. Joseph's parish in Ronkonkoma. Retired 2011. On the diocese's list in 2021.

Fr. Richard J. Allen

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Died: 08/22/2007
Diocese: Diocese of St. Petersburg FL

In 2002 a man told the Diocese that Allen abused him for two years, when he was ages 12-13. Allen resigned from his position and his privileges were suspended in 4/2002. The Diocese denied any prior knowledge. No criminal charges were filed. In 5/2002 the Diocese stated that Allen's file did not raise any red flags during its review of the files of 240 active priests. Died 8/22/2007, age 64. Per his obituary, Allen was a licensed mental health therapist. Name included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. William Edward F. Allen

Ordained: 1931
Status: Accused

Died: 10/19/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese on its list 6/2/2021. One known allegation of abuse, occurring in 1943. Left the Diocese in 1954. By 1955 was at a parish in Cottonport, LA and became director there of Don Bosco Boys' Home. Was in Shreveport by 1968. Per the 1979 Official Catholic Directory, Allen was "on duty outside the diocese" in Miami Beach, FL. In 1997 he was retired and living in Chicopee, MA. Remained a priest of the Diocese of Springfield. Died in 1998.

Fr. Thomas G. Allender

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Sacramento CA

Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Sacramento on its list 4/30/2019. Worked at Jesuit High School 1970-1975. Report from Jesuits West to the diocese in 2019 of allegation deemed credible of abuse of a boy 1970-1975. Included on the Jesuits West Province list in 12/2020. Noted to have been removed from ministry and living under a safety plan at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, CA.

Fr. Robert Allgaier

Ordained: 1998
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Omaha NE

Report to police in 10/01 that Allgaier had viewed child pornography on his computer. Archbishop knew of the allegation in 2001 but reassigned him to a middle school after evaluation. Removed in 2/02 just prior to charges being filed. Pleaded guilty to attempted possession of child pornography for using computers to view internet photos of children involved in sex acts. Sentenced to two years probation. Left priesthood in 2005. Was on the state sex offender registry, from which he was removed in 2014. On diocese's list 11/30/18.

Fr. Stanley J. Allie

Ordained: 1958
Status: Settled

Died: 11/15/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau AK

Ordained for the Diocese of Albany. Transferred to the Archdiocese of Anchorage in 1969, where he remained until his death in 11/2020. Accused in a 5/2021 lawsuit, along with Fr. Francis Murphy, of sexually abusing a minor in the mid-1980s. Said to have settled. Had been identified in on the Archdiocese's list in 1/2020 of credibly accused of "sexual misconduct involving a vulnerable adult on or about 1986."

Fr. Michael P. Allison

Ordained: 1991
Status: Accused

Died: 06/27/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

Ordained for the Diocese of Palm Beach in 1991. Moved to the Diocese of Erie in 1997 where he was incardinated in 2000. Parish priest, educator, campus minister. Held several Chancery positions. Named publicly as accused by the Erie diocese on its list in 1/2024. "Under investigation." Died in 6/2020.

Fr. William G. Allison

Ordained: 1948
Status: Sued

Died: 12/6/1987
Diocese: Diocese of Alexandria LA

Ordained for Diocese of Alexandria LA. Also worked in AZ and CA. Was in treatment at the Paraclete center and working in Gallup NM. There were allegations against him in Flagstaff in 1963 and a civil suit in Fresno. Died in 1987. A CA civil suit filed in 7/2011 claimed abuse in 1966. It may have been dismissed due to a 2012 CA Supreme Court ruling. Accused of abuse in Gallup, deemed credible in 2005. Suit filed in AZ in 6/2013 against the Gallup Diocese. On the Gallup diocese's list 4/28/2017.  On the Monterey diocese's list 1/2/2019. It notes a report in 2003 of abuse there 1964, 1966 and 1969. On the Diocese of Alexandria's list 2/6/2019; allegation found in file in 2019 of abuse of a boy in 1961, deemed credible. Suit in 7/2020 alleged abuse by Allison and a male college student named Henry of a young altar boy in a Monroe LA parish in the 1970s. The college student lived in the rectory. All 9 judges in the Second Circuit recused themselves from the lawsuit in 12/2020. Case reassigned to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Included in 8/2021 on the Fresno diocese's list of credibly accused.

Fr. Robert J. Allmendinger/Allmen

Ordained: 1980
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Named publicly as accused by the Diocese on its list 3/18/2021, which notes that abuse is alleged to have occurred at St. William the Abbot in Seaford, in Allmendinger's car and home in the Hamptons and at a family member of the priest's home. Assigned to St. William's 1/1980-1982. Appears not to have had an assignment after 11/1986. Changed his name to Robert Allmen. Per Linkedin in 2/2025, "Allmen" refers to himself as an Archbishop of the American Catholic Church and is based at Good Shepherd Parish in Hampton Bays. He performs wedding ceremonies around Long Island. His profile also states that he is Executive Director of the Family Counseling Center and that he is "an outspoke advocate for the protection of children against sex abusers... ." Another source states that he has been Bishop at Good Shepherd and Executive Director of the Family Counseling Center since 1989.

Fr. Leo A. Allyson

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Ordained: 1934
Status: Accused

Died: 01/18/1989
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

One person alleged in a 12/03 report to the diocese that he had been fondled by Allyson in Lebanon NH and Bradford VT on several occasions between 1946 and 1949. Complainant was between ages 6 and 9 at the time. Alleged events occurred in a car and at Camp Pius in Enfield NH. Died in 1989.

Fr. Santiago Almaguer

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Order: OFM
Status: Indicted

Diocese: Diocese of El Paso TX

From Mexico. Name also spelled Almageur and Alamaguer. Accused in a 4/2012 civil suit against the Dioceses of Las Cruces and El Paso, and Our Lady of Health parish in Las Cruces. One man alleged that "Santiago" abused him in 1978 at Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM, then at the retreat center for the El Paso diocese. The suit claims other known victims. Reportedly deceased. Included on the Las Cruces diocese's list with full name 11/8/2018. Abuse reported to the diocese in 2012, alleged to have occurred 1975-1978. Noted to have worked in the diocese at Our Lady of Health in 1978. Assigned to St. Anthony Seminary in El Paso in 1975. On the El Paso diocese's list 1/31/2019. On the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans list 5/31/2019. Noted to have returned to his Mexico Province in 1979 and left the Franciscans.

Fr. Jose Alonso

Ordained: 1968
Status: Convicted

Died: 09/19/2003
Diocese: Diocese of Paterson NJ

Rector from 1973 of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist when accused in 7/87 of sexually assaulting two teenage brothers. Resigned in 8/87. Sent to New Mexico for treatment. Convicted in 1988 of the sexual abuse of the two boys. Sentenced to five years. Died 9/19/03, shortly after release from prison. Named in at least three civil suits. At least two claims included in settlement with diocese in 2005. (One news article spells his last name Alonzo.)

Fr. Philip A. Altavilla

Ordained: 1992
Status: Charges Dropped

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA

Vicar General and moderator of the curia 9/11-10/12. Pastor of St. Peter's Cathedral in 4/14 when arrested and arraigned for molesting a 13-year-old altar girl in 112/15/98 after a midnight mass at St. Patrick's. Accuser told police 4/2/14 that Altavilla gave her alcohol in the rectory, then drove her home. She said he he pulled into a parking lot and touched her inappropriately. Police had her call him; he reportedly admitted to giving her alcohol, touching her feet, and moving his hands up her thigh towards her vagina. He admitted to pantyhose, feet, strangulation and chloroform fetish. Diocese removed him and suspended his faculties. After accuser testified at preliminary hearing 5/27/14, magistrate ruled that matter to go forward to trial. Charges dropped 8/1/14 due to SOL. Civil suit filed, settled in 2014.

Fr. Louis Altendorf

Order: SVD
Ordained: 1935
Status: Accused

Died: 06/16/1989
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Order's Chicago Province. Included in 5/2023 on the Chicago Archdiocese's list. Assigned in China, MO, IL NY, DC. Abuse occurred in St. Louis MO in the 1940s-1950s, WI 1962-1964 and Chicago IL in the mid-1960s. Died in 1989. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, with at least two "reported survivors".

Fr. Cletus Altermatt

Ordained: 1934
Status: Accused

Died: 03/13/1978
Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Included on the New Ulm diocese's list released 3/29/16 of priests credibly accused of child sexual abuse. Ordained for the Great Falls diocese. Transferred to MN in 1962 and was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm in 1968. Died in 1978. On the Diocese of Steubenville's list 10/31/18. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1952. On Billings-Great Falls list 8/21/18.

Fr. Gregory M. Altermatt

Ordained: 1976
Status: Sued

Died: 06/4/2023
Diocese: Archdiocese of Hartford CT

Removed from ministry 2/3/2012. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 4/2018 of the sexual abuse of a boy, ages 7-15, starting in 1976. Per the suit, the boy's mother died suddenly in 1979 and Altermatt offered to help the family. The abuse allegedly occurred in the rectory of St. Anne's in Waterbury, a Waterbury movie theater, Altermatt's car, the boy's home in Bristol and the priest's mother's Florida condominium, where he had taken the boy on vacation. Included on the Archdiocese's list 1/22/2019. Died 6/4/2023.

Fr. Curtiss Alvarez

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Ordained: 1976
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Madison WI

Alvarez is one of four priests named in a 2/03 news article as having documented and substantial allegations of sexual abuse raised against them. He was reportedly removed from ministry in 1985. As of 2005, he was "no longer in the priesthood," and the diocese did not keep track of him. Per the diocese's list of credibly accused in 7/20, Alvarez was laicized in 2010.

Fr. Joseph F. Alzugaray

Ordained: 1967
Status: Sued

Died: 01/31/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Ordained for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 1967. Incardinated into the Diocese of Santa Rosa 6/17/1996. Sued in 2004 for the alleged sexual abuse of a girl 1967-1970, beginning when the girl was age 8 and a student at Immaculate Conception Parish school in Monrovia, where Alzugary was assigned. He then sued her for defamation of character; his suit was dismissed in 4/2006. He also sued SNAP and the woman's attorney.  SNAP sued him for malicious prosecution and settled. The Santa Rosa Diocese said Alzugaray was absolved of wrongdoing in 1995 and again in 2005. The Diocese reopened the investigation in 2/2008. The Bishop ignored the Review Board's advice; Alzugaray was still active as of 4/2010. He retired 10/31/2011 and died 01/31/2014. Included on the Diocese of Santa Rosa's list 1/12/2019.

Fr. Pedro (Richard) Amen

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Order: OFM
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 04/28/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Also known as Pierre Amen. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province, joined the Vice Province of St. Benedict of the Amazon in Brazil 3/11/1990. Died in 2006. (Placing Amen for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Sacred Heart Province is based.)

Fr. Michael J. Amy

Ordained: 1978
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Erie PA

the Name included on Erie diocese's list released 4/6/2018. Included in 8/14/2018 PA Grand Jury Report. Admitted to the diocese in 1993 that while a seminarian 1974-1975 he molested several boys. Said he admitted this to police at the time, but was not arrested. His superiors knew and had intervened on his behalf. Also admitted to involvement with male prostitutes, many of them minors, while a priest, in Erie, Pittsburgh and Baltimore. One contacted the diocese in 1991 to report involvement with Amy at age 14. Amy was sent to St. Luke's Institute for treatment. Assigned to parishes and high schools. Catholic Scouting Committee chaplain. Sick leave 12/2091. A former Erie Cathedral Prep student told the diocese in 12/2002 that Amy sexually abused him in the early 1980s. Laicized at some point, living in Florida. Added to Baltimore's list in 9/2018.

Fr. Andrew Christian Andersen

Ordained: 1982
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Orange CA

Convicted in 1986 of 26 counts of felony molestation of four boys. Sentenced to five years probation after treatment at Servants of the Paraclete. Continued to molest boys while in therapy. Arrested in New Mexico in 1990 for abuse of another youth. Sentenced to six years prison for violating CA probation. Laicized in the mid-1990s. Prior to 2005 there were $4.62M in settlements regarding Andersen.

Fr. Alexander R. Anderson

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in 2002 of abusing a boy in 1987 at St. Joseph's Home for Boys in St. Louis, where Anderson was  chaplain. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Naumann stated in 2002 that the Archdiocese investigated the complaint and found it without merit. Anderson denied the allegation and filed a slander suit against the man making the claim. Complainant then sued him. Both men dropped their lawsuits in 2004, with the Archdiocese paying $22,500 for the complainant's counseling but admitting no wrongdoing. Another man came forward in 2004 to allege abuse in 1988. Naumann, then the archdiocesan administrator, voiced support for Anderson after an archdiocesan committee found the second allegation without merit. Anderson was pastor of St. Rose of Lima church in De Soto as of 8/20/2020. New suit in 2/2020 claimed abuse of a boy in the late 1980s at the Home. The Archdiocese deemed the allegation "without merit." Accused in a 2/2022 lawsuit against the Archdiocese of molesting a boy at the Boys Home in the late 1990s-early 2000s. The Archdiocese stated that the allegation was "demonstrably false," because Anderson was not assigned to the Home when his accuser was a resident.

Fr. Arthur C. Anderson

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 3/21. Abuse allegedly occurred at St. Pius X Preparatory Seminary in Uniondale, where he was on faculty for 19 years, beginning in 1963. Retired in 2003. Died 10/1/11.

Fr. John C. Anderson

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Ordained: 1959
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Peoria IL

Removed from assignment at St. Edward's in Chillicothe in 1993 when an allegation surfaced that Anderson had sexually abused a boy a decade earlier. Sent to treatment. Anderson's accuser said Bishop Myers told him he was lying. Continued to work in administrative positions "on special assignment" until 2002. Named in a 10/2018 suit against all of the Catholic dioceses in IL, claiming Anderson sexually abused a boy at ages 8-14 in the late 1970s-early 1980s, also at St. Edward's. The plaintiff said the Diocese told him they knew Anderson had abused young boys and suggested he forgive the priest. Included on the diocese's list of accused in 12/2018. In 6/2018 was reportedly living in a Bloomington retirement community, presenting himself as a priest. (The Diocese's 2020 list shows Anderson as having died in 2009 and a 1948 ordination date, yet news articles from the era show that he was ordained in 1959. John C. is first listed in the Official Catholic Directory in 1960, which reflects the year 1959-1960. The Directory does not show a John Anderson in Peoria prior to then.) Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes 7 "reported survivors."

Fr. Joseph K. Anderson

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Order: OSB
Ordained: 1954
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Las Cruces NM

Sent to the Las Cruces diocese by his Order in Wisconsin, where he had been assigned. Suit filed 7/12/2018 against the Diocese of Las Cruces NM, Paracletes and Benedictines by a man claiming Anderson and Rev. David Bentley of Holy Family in Deming NM sexually abused him hundreds of times 1994-2001 when he was an altar boy. The abuse allegedly began when the plaintiff was age 9. Anderson was relieved of his duties in 1999. He died in 5/2002.

Fr. Roger Anderson

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1938
Status: Sued

Died: 08/7/1980
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

From Ireland. Began his priesthood in the U.S. in 1938 in Ukiah CA. Also assigned in Bend and Roseburg OR. Pastor 1970-1978 of Old Mission Santa Ines in Solvang CA. Died in 1980. In its 2004 report, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles counts two accusers. Named in at least one civil suit. 

Fr. Thomas Anderson

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Ordained: 1933
Status: Accused

Died: 04/5/1981
Diocese: Diocese of Marquette MI

Per the 10/2022 MI Attorney General's Report, a man told the diocese in 2002 that he was sexually abused by Anderson 1963-1967, when he was in grades 1-5 at St. Agnes in Iron River. The abuse allegedly included sodomy. The man said he told his teacher, who called him a liar, and that he was not allowed to return to the school for 6th grade. In 2020 a second man alleged abuse at age 9 by Anderson, in Kingsford, MI. Anderson died in 1981.

Fr. Thomas Andert

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1975
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Diocese of Saint Cloud MN

Andert, appointed prior of St John Abbey in 6/07 and member of the abbey's External Review Board, was investigated in 1994 for an improper sexual relationship with a minor student at St John Prep. Abbey spokesman denied credible charges were found but Richard Sipe, chair of the Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute at St John's in 1994, gave a detailed account in 2007, stating the investigation was inadequate, and that an inappropriate sexual relationship did occur. The former student who was the subject of the "relationship" with Andert took his own life in 12/14. In 8/15 Andert was placed on leave due to an allegation of sexual abuse of another former St. John's Prep student, in 1979 or 1980, who also claimed abuse by Rev. Allen Tarlton. St. John's announced in 2/16 that the allegations were found unsubstantiated by a review board; Andert was reinstated. His accuser filed suit in 4/16.

Sr. Mary Andre

Order: OP
Status: Sued

Died: 04/14/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Given name Christine McCardle. Married name after leaving the Dominicans was Muriel A. Muraskin. Entered the Dominican order in Caldwell NJ in 1957. Professed final vows in 1964. Accused in 1967 of sexually abusing a girl in NJ, beginning in 1965 when the girl was 12. Her parents met with the Order's mother superior, who at first didn't believe the accusation. Letters from Sr. Andre to the girl and the nun's journals confirmed the abuse. Sr. Andre had been assigned in Mobile, AL before Newark and was transferred to CT in 1967. The church paid for the girl's counseling; she died by suicide in 1989. Sr. Andre left religious life in about 1969 and moved to CO, where she worked in a hospital lab until her retirement in 1998. She died in 2014. Per a lawsuit in 10/2021, Sr. Andre sexually abused a female student at St. Catherine's in Hillside NJ, beginning when the girl was age 11 in 1964. The abuse allegedly occurred in the parish rectory and the girl's home. Further, Sr. Andre wrote the girl letters, called her on the phone every night, and gave her gifts. A neighbor told the girl's mother in 1967 that she believed the nun was abusing the girl. The mother reported the abuse to the mother superior of the Dominicans, Sr. Carmelita, who was also the school principal. Sr. Carmelita allegedly threatened the mother not to report the abuse. The girl learned that Sr. Andre also abused one of her friends. 

Fr. John Wesley Andries

Ordained: 1996
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 12/31/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Alexandria LA

Accused in 1998 of fondling a boy. Suspended. Sent to treatment. Returned to ministry. Accused of sexual contact with 16-year-old boy at the home of boy's family in 4/2001. Pleaded innocent in 5/2002. Pleaded guilty in a plea bargain in 5/2003 to a charge of sexual battery. Sentenced to five years in prison with all but two years suspended. Suit filed in 1/2003; settled in 2012. Laicized in 2007. Registered sex offender as of 6/2010. Died 12/31/2013. On the diocese's list 2/6/2019.

Fr. Mark Andrzejczuk

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Order: OFM Conv
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 10/19 under the NY Child Victims Act of sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl in 1978 and 1979 while assigned to Cardinal O'Hara High School in Tonawanda. The girl was a student. Another former student also sued in 2019, claiming Andrzejczuk molested her 1978-81 when she was ages 14-17. Andrzejzuk died in 2011.

Br. Lawrence A. Angel

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Order: CFC
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Listed by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers as accused by at least two persons in claims settled in bankruptcy proceedings. Angel is deceased. The Christian Brothers did not provide assignment information; until we are able to establish assignments and location of the alleged abuse, we have placed Angel in the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Christian Brothers state that the merits of most of the claims settled in the bankruptcy were not tested.

Fr. Joseph Angeli

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Ordained: 1942
Status: Sued

Died: 05/5/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

From Italy. Priest of the Diocese of Tacna, Peru. Assigned in Boston MA in 1959 after 27 years in South America, transferred to the San Antonio archdiocese in 1960, was in the Diocese of El Paso by 1965, then the Las Cruces diocese when it was created in 1982. Died 5/4/1993. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 01/19/2011. Per Garabedian, at least one claim settled with the Boston Archdiocese. Omitted from the 2011 Boston AD database because he was a "visiting priest." In 12/2015 a woman stated publicly that she was abused as a minor in the early 1960s in Hondo, TX by Angeli; she called on the San Antonio archdiocese to verify her allegations and settle her claim. On the San Antonio archdiocese's list 1/31/2019. On Las Cruces diocese's list 6/24/2019. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 7/2024 of sexually abusing an altar boy, age 10, multiple times around 1980. The boy was from Tortugas.

Fr. Paul F. Angelicchio

Ordained: 1977
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Syracuse NY

Pastor of St. John the Baptist and Transfiguration parishes when placed on leave 11/16 pending a diocesan investigation of allegation he abused a minor 27 years prior at St. Ann's in Manlius. He denied the allegation. D.A. could not substantiate the claims. In 12/16 the diocesan review board deemed the allegations unfounded. Returned to ministry. Accused in a lawsuit filed in federal court 2/14/19, along with Revs. Charles Eckermann and James F. Quinn, of abuse of a 15-year-old altar boy in 1988 and 1989 at St. Ann's in Manlius. Per plaintiff, Angelicchio at least once stood guard outside a room during a rape by Eckermann. Suit was "stayed" in 5/19. The man filed another suit in 8/19, in Onondaga County Supreme Court. Angelicchio was placed on leave in 11/19 after he was accused in a new lawsuit of sexual abuse of a child 1980-81. Returned to ministry by 2/1/20 after the review board determined it could not substantiated the allegations.

Fr. Henry F. Angelino

Ordained: 1943
Status: Arrested

Died: 08/30/1986
Diocese: Diocese of Fresno CA

Named publicly as credibly accused on the Fresno diocese's list in 2021. Ordained for the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno. Noted to have left the diocese in 1952. The 1954 Official Catholic Directory (which reflects 1953-1954) shows Angelino as a priest of the Monterey-Fresno diocese, retired. The following year he is indexed as a U.S. Army chaplain. Per news articles in April 1952, Angelino was arrested and charged on two counts of "immoral conduct" with a boy, and admitted to "improper conduct" with two boys for over more than a year. He was pastor of Sacred Heart in Merced at the time. In 1977 a news piece shows that Angelino was appointed by the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement to Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Walnut Creek CA. He died in 1986.

Fr. Girard F. Angelo

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report. A man told the diocese in 9/02 that he was sexually abused by Angelo at age 14 in the early 1960s, when Angelo was assigned to Mater Delorosa in Williamsport. Angelo denied the allegations. Bishop Timlin suggested the man contact Angelo and gave him Angelo's contact information. Angelo died in 2009.

Fr. Sebastian (Joseph) Angers

Order: OP
Ordained: 1944
Status: Accused

Died: 06/14/1978
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN

Included on the Dominicans St. Albert the Great Province list 4/21/2022, which notes that the Province first learned of Angers' sexual abuse of young boys in Fall 1975. Removed from ministry, sent to counseling. Sent in Fall 1976 to Villa Pius XII treatment center in Albuquerque NM, then to Via Caeli for treatment in Jemez Springs, where he died in 1978. Named added in 6/2022 to the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Assigned to St. Albert the Great in Minneapolis 1963-1965 and was Extraordinary Confessor to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in St. Paul 1964-1965. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, with at least one "reported survivor."

Fr. Thomas M. Anglim

Ordained: 1954
Status: Sued

Died: 01/19/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Venice FL

From Ireland. Pastor of St. Francis Xavier in Ft. Myers FL 1966-2004. Retired in 2004. Died in Ireland in 1/2010. Accused in a 4/2010 civil suit of abuse of at least one youth 1967-1968. Per the plaintiff, there were other victims. The suit names the Archdiocese of Miami and the Diocese of Venice, which was part of Miami at the time of the alleged abuse. Anglim supervised two other known abusers. (Uncle of Frs. Edward and Nicholas McLaughlin, both accused priests of the Diocese of Venice.)

Fr. Kenneth J. Anich

Order: SVD
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Named publicly as credibly accused of the sexual abuse of a minor(s) by the Society of the Divine Word's Chicago Province. Abuse occurred in WI in 1980. Per its website in 6/2023, Anich is prohibited from public ministry, presenting himself as a priest and to contact with minors. Living since 2021 in Techny IL, where the Province is headquartered.

Sister Annette

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Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing a girl 1999-2002 at Holy Innocents in Tower Grove Park. Also accused of sexually abusing the girl is Rev. James Grady. Allegedly Sr. Annette heard about the abuse by Grady, told the girl she was bad, then sexually abused her daily and gave her detention when she resisted. Further, other priests and the school principal were said to have accused the girl of lying. The girl was a special education student.

Fr. Joseph C. Ansaldi

Ordained: 1962
Status: Settled

Died: 11/12/2015
Diocese: Archdiocese of New York NY

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 4/26/19. Claims against Ansaldi eligible for IRCP. Died in 2015. Accused in an 8/15 lawsuit, along with Revs. Eugene Mangan and James Keehan, staff member Bill Finley and other lay counselors, of sexually abusing a boy who resided at a Mount Loretto orphanage 1953-67. Accused in another lawsuit of abusing a boy, ages 15-16, in 1984-85 while principal of St. Joseph by the Sean High School on Staten Island. The boy was a student. The suit settled in 2020 in the mid-five figures.

Fr. Charles Antekeier

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Grand Rapids MI

Retired in 2000. Alleged to have sexually abused a minor 1984-1985 while pastor of St. James in Grand Rapids. Permanently removed from ministry in 8/2015, ordered to lead a 'life of prayer and penance.' Per a 8/2015 news report, Antekeier was also accused of abuse, including rape, of a prepubescent St. James altar boy in the early 1970s. The alleged victim's father said that, as a result of the abuse, his son was an alcoholic by age 14, became violent and spent time in prison. When he became sober in his 40s, he told his father of the abuse. The father said he told the D.A. and the church, but nothing happened.

Fr. Aloysius (Luis William) Antlitz

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Order: OFM
Ordained: 1930
Status: Accused

Died: 08/28/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

Also known as Luis William Antlitz. Entered the Franciscans in 1924. Named publicly as accused on the Santa Barbara Province Franciscans list 5/31/2019. Allegations noted of the sexual abuse of minors 1934-1950s, with a report in 1934. Worked in CA, AZ and NM. Antlitz left the order in 1966. Incardinated into the Diocese of Alexandria LA in 10/1966, where he was assigned in Moreaubille, Alexandria, Pineville and Ebarb. He died in 8/1992.

Br. Antonio F. Antonucci

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Order: OSF
Status: Settled

Died: 11/19/2019
Diocese: Diocese of Worcester MA

Antonucci ran a street ministry for young children. He was charged in 1993 with fondling a 15-year-old boy; acquitted in in 5/1996. He was also named in a civil suit against Fr. Albert Liberatore in Scranton, PA. The suit claimed Liberatore's victim went to Antonucci for help and that Antonucci encouraged him not to tell because it would ruin his (the victim's) life and the lives of others. In 3/2007 the court dismissed the "aiding and abetting claim" against Antonucci, which was part of the suit. In 2019  two brothers claimed in a lawsuit that Antonucci sexually abused them as teenage boys at their home in Shoreham in 1977. They and their mother reported the abuse to their parish, where Antonucci was employed, but nothing was done. The brothers learned in 2019 that another brother was also abused by Antoucci, at age 6. Included on the Rockville Centre diocese's list in 3/2021,  which notes alleged abuse in a private home in Port Jefferson. (Per the list, Antonucci was of the O.S.F. order; the lawsuit shows him as an O.S.B. monk.) In 11/2024 the two brothers were included in the Diocese's bankruptcy settlement with 600 survivors. Antonucci died 11/19/2019. 

Fr. Roland Joseph Antus

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 06/21/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Duluth MN

The Diocese announced in 8/2018 that Antus was credibly accused of sexually abusing a child in the 1980s at St. James Parish in Duluth. Per the diocese's list 11/26/2019, Antus was removed from ministry 5/16/2016 and his faculties revoked. He died 6/21/2020.

Fr. Russell Gerald Appleby

Order: MSF
Ordained: 1966
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of St. Petersburg FL

Also known as Gerald Russell Appleby. In 1994 a young man accused Appleby of molestation over a 2-year period. Suit filed in 1996; later dropped. Appleby left St. Petersburg in 1979; Diocese said no knowledge of complaints until 1994. Order paid the accuser $4,800 for therapy in 1995. Removed by Order in 1990 or 1991; laicized in 1995. Arrested in TX on FL abuse charges in 3/2003. Pleaded guilty in 2004; sentenced to 12 years prison and 20 years sex offender probation. Died in prison in 2005. On the Corpus Christi diocese's list 1/31/2019. It notes removal from ministry in the diocese in 1983.

Fr. E. Everett Apt

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Ordained: 1947
Status: Settled

Died: 05/30/1985
Diocese: Diocese of Sioux City IA

Retired in 1979. Died in 1985. Accused in a lawsuit in 8/2004 of abusing an altar boy in the early 1960s at an Alvord parish. The suit alleged that the Diocese knew Apt had sexual contact with children as early as 1950, but concealed his actions and transferred him whenever facts might become public. Settled in 3/2005 for an undisclosed amount. Included on the Diocese's list in 2/2019, which notes three allegations of abuse of boys, occurring during the 1950s-1970s. Its updated list on 9/24/2019 shows four allegations.

Fr. Romannilo Apura

Ordained: 1975
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of Trenton NJ

Arrested 8/21/2014, charged with molesting a 16-year-old boy in a Trenton home in late spring or early summer. A second incident occurred in June, when Apura attempted to remove the same boy's pants. Suspended without privileges during investigation. Had been assigned to St. Martha's in Point Pleasant since July 2012. Prior to that was at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral in Trenton June 2007-July 2012. The Diocese said this was the only complaint it had received regarding Apura. Pleaded guilty in 8/2015 to aggravated criminal sexual contact. Sentenced 11/20/2015 to three years in prison, ordered to register as sex offender, and lifetime parole. Time to be served at a specialized adult treatment center for sex offenders. Mental health evaluation found Apura to have "repetitive and compulsive behavior." Released 11/30/2017. Included on the diocese's list 2/13/2019. Removed from ministry. Per the list in 2021, Apura was laicized.

Fr. Francis Arakal

Order: OCD
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Stockton CA

From India. Arrived in the U.S. in 1998. Placed on leave in 4/2002, reinstated in 7/2002. A woman filed suit in 9/2002 claiming Arakal had touched her two daughters, ages 11and 13, in 2001. One  of the girls told another priest who told Arakal; both men confronted the girl. A jury cleared Arakal of sexual battery but awarded the family $20K for way the two priests responded. In 2009 Arakal was parochial vicar at St. Bernard in Tracy, CA.

Fr. Sofronio A. Aranda

Ordained: 1963
Status: Settled

Died: 03/24/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Orange CA

"Pon." Aranda was born in the Philippines and arrived in the U.S. in 1975. He worked in Corona CA  for five years, and moved to Texas in 1992 or 1993, where he worked in the Diocese of Galveston-Houston as chaplain at a county hospital. Named by the Diocese in 2004 as one of six priests accused of the sexual abuse of minors. Allegations against all six were received during 2003 and were deemed credible. Subject of a $1.55M settlement in 2005. Died in 3/1996 in Houston.

Fr. Arnulfo Arandia

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Ordained: 1980
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Miami FL

From Diocese of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Accused of abusing a youth, age 15, in Miami in 1988. Moved to the Jackson MS diocese in 2000. Suspended in 6/2002 when charges surfaced. Believed to have fled to Ecuador. Arandia's accuser said he told a deacon about the abuse in 1988 and Arandia was immediately transferred. The same man also accused Fr. Castellanos of abuse. Prosecutors decided in 1/2004 not to file criminal charges because the statute had run. Included on the Jackson diocese's list 3/19/2019.

Fr. Mario Arbelaez Olarte

Ordained: 1994
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Salt Lake City UT

Arrested 5/03, charged with enticing a minor over the internet. Claimed he was doing research. Posed as a 20-year-old. Agreed to meet a 15-year-old boy ; the "boy" was a police officer. Placed on leave, his computer seized. In 9/03 he pled no contest to the criminal charges. Did not show up for sentencing 11/03. Defense attorney said Olarte had returned to his native country of Colombia as part of plea agreement. Prosecutors denied.Judge issued an arrest warrant. On sex offender registry. Laicized 3/31/06. On Salt Lake diocese's list 12/4/18.

Fr. Paul Marion Arbogast

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 10/16/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Covington KY

Removed in 9/2003 from Covington Latin School, where he was a teacher, after allegations of abuse. He was  headmaster of the school 1968-1973. Left the priesthood in the 1980s. Laicized and married in 1993. Returned to Covington Latin in 2002 as a lay teacher. Identified as "Priest 32" in pending litigation. Named in pleadings in other pending litigation against the Covington and Lexington dioceses, which say he was part of a ring of priests in the 1970s who held parties to which they brought boys as their dates. Sent for treatment in the 1970s. Died 10/16/2013. Included on the diocese's 7/31/2020 list of those with substantiated allegation(s). On the Lexington diocese's list in 8/2020, where he worked at Lexington Catholic High School 1981-1986.

Fr. Jules M. Arceneaux

Ordained: 1990
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Lafayette LA

Placed on leave in 7/2004 after the FBI seized a church computer holding possible child pornography. A boy said he had downloaded the images; the U.S. Attorney's office said the boy had not. It closed its investigation in 4/2005 without filing charges against priest, saying it did not have sufficient evidence to meet "prosecutable standard," i.e., it could not prove those in the pictures were minors. The Diocese then resumed its investigation; Arceneaux remained on leave.  He reportedly was leading the rosary at funerals in Lafayette in 2013. Included on diocese's list in 4/2019; remained on leave. 

Fr. Paul J. Archambault

Ordained: 2005
Status: Settled

Died: 07/3/2011
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA

Chaplain at Baystate Medical Center and a part-time parochial vicar at St. Mary Parish in Hampden. Died by suicide 7/3/2011 at rectory of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, where he lived, after being confronted with abuse allegations. On 7/10/2013, a 20-year-old man filed a civil suit alleging abuse by Archambault at St. Patrick's in Chicopee over a four-year period, starting when he was age 13. He alleges the Diocese and pastor failed to protect him from Archambault. In 3/2016 the Diocese settled and added Archimbault's name to its list of credibly accused priests. Per its updated list in 6/2021, there was more than one credible allegation.

Fr. Richard Raphael Archer

Order: OP
Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Named publicly as accused by the Dominicans St. Joseph Province on its list in late 2018. Became part of the Province of St. Martin de Porres when it was formed in 1979. Removed from public ministry in 2002. No indication as to when or where alleged abuse occurred. (We're placing him in the New Orleans archdiocese, where the province is based.) Per the website of St. Dominic in New Orleans, Archer was in residence; the parish has a K-7 school. Archer's 65-year anniversary as a priest was celebrated by the archdiocese in 2017. On 3/28/2019, the day after SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) publicly complained of Archer's presence at the parish, the archdiocese asked the Dominicans to move him. Name added in 1/29/2020 to the Baton Rouge diocese's list.

Fr. Marvin Archuleta

Order: SF
Ordained: 1970
Status: Acquitted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Around five cases involving Archuleta were settled in the mid-1990s. Accused in a 1994 suit of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy daily during a 1971 car trip from NM to DC. Sent to St. Luke's, then Vianney Renewal Center for treatment. Suit settled in 12/1995. Archuleta said the plaintiff exaggerated. Removed from ministry. Found by a news outlet working as a priest in the Archdiocese of Mexico City in 2002. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 9/12/2017. Suit filed in 10/2018 by a 38-year-old man claiming Archuleta raped him when he was a grade school student at Holy Cross in Santa Cruz NM in 1986-1987. Arrested 2/8/2019 on charges of the kidnapping and rape of a 6-year-old boy in 1986. Trial began 1/30/2020. Report to the D.A. in 2/2019 of abuse of an altar boy in the early 1990s. Acquitted in 2/2020.

Fr. Edward Ardolf

Ordained: 1964
Status: Sued

Died: 08/1/2016
Diocese: Diocese of New Ulm MN

Accused in civil suit filed 4/15/16 of sexual abuse of a boy, ages 7-10, during 1978-80 at St. Raphael's in Springfield MN. Retired in 2012. No prosecution because the alleged victim was deceased and his therapist would not testify. Ardolf worked in Winsted, New Ulm, North Mankato, Springfield, Canby, St. Leo, Sleepy Eye, and Nicollet. Died 8/1/16.

Fr. Brion T. Ares

Ordained: 1987
Status: Accused

Died: 12/21/1998
Diocese: Diocese of Worcester MA

Charged in late 1993 with raping a 20-year-old man who came to him for counseling. Acquitted in 10/1994 on the rape charge and a mistrial was declared on a charge of indecent assault. Defense claimed that the alleged victim had consented to oral sex after a night of drinking at the rectory. Prosecutors said the victim was too drunk to consent. Ares died in 1998.

Br. Roger Argencourt

Order: SC
Status: Settled

Died: 09/23/2002
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Also known as Br. Odillon. Placed on leave in 1/02. Sued in 4/02 for abuse in 1973-74 at Bishop Guertin High School. He admitted abuse in court records. Also admitted abuse of another student. Second suit filed at a later date. One case settled in 11/03. Authorities in RI were preparing to file charges for abuse at Mount Saint Charles Academy when Argencourt died in 9/02.

Fr. James L. Arimond

Ordained: 1965
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Milwaukee WI

Placed on leave in 1/90 when allegations surfaced of abuse of a boy in 1988; privileges suspended in 7/90 when charges filed. Pleaded no contest in 7/90. Sentenced in 10/90 to 18 months probation and 45 days in a House of Corrections under a work-release program. Laicized in 1996. Began working in 1995 as a state-licensed professional counselor until ordered by the state to surrender his license in 7/03.

Fr. Richard A. Arko

Ordained: 1990
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Cleveland OH

Arrested 1/2004 on charges that he was growing marijuana in the church rectory and selling it. Police learned of the marijuana from an informant who also said he had been in a sexual relationship with Arko since he was 15 and that the priest would give him gifts, money and drugs in exchange for sex. In 7/2004 Arko also lost his state license to perform massage therapy, based on the felony conviction for growing pot. Resigned from ministry in 2005. Laicization announced 7/20/2015. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused in 6/2019.

Fr. Gerald A. Armstrong

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1944
Status: Sued

Died: 04/16/1996
Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 11/2019 of sexually abusing, along with Rev. Alan Pilie, a girl who was in first through third grades, beginning in 1968 in Albuquerque. She attended a school near Immaculate Conception parish, where the priests were assigned. His accuser said she was often forced to drink alcohol before the abuse. The alleged abuse was first reported to the Jesuits in 2009, and was deemed not credible. Armstrong died 4/16/1996.

Fr. James L. Armstrong

Ordained: 1977
Status: Accused

Died: 05/3/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh PA

First named publicly as accused in the PA Grand Jury report released 8/14/2018. Included on the diocese's list of credibly accused. The diocese knew as early as 1990 that Armstrong was accused of giving homeless Pittsburgh boys drugs, alcohol and money in exchange for sex. Sent to St. Luke Institute in MD for evaluation in 5/1991. Placed on leave, sent to inpatient treatment at St. Michael Center in St. Louis 7/1-91-12/1991. Returned to ministry. On leave again 7/2007. In 2009 an alleged victim asked the diocese for counseling in 9/09. He had been a "street kid" and said "Fr. Tom" had him and a "hustler" perform violent sex acts on him for several years when he was a teen in the mid-1980s. Armstrong died in 2012.

Fr. Peter Gomez Armstrong

Ordained: 1954
Status: Accused

Died: 11/17/2009
Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Monsignor. Parish priest, longtime director of boys' homes, CYO director. Held numerous chancery positions. Chaplain for the San Francisco 49ers. At some point between 1992 and 2002 a teenage Marin County boy accused Armstrong of having improper contact with him.  Died 11/17/2009.

Fr. Francis Arokiam

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Order: SIOL
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Boise ID

Priest of the Secular Institute of Our Lady, from India. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Boise diocese on its list in 10/2019. It notes an incident in 1996 while assigned to St. Mary Immaculate in St. Maries, reported the same year. Arockima was expelled from the diocese and sent back to India.

Deacon Alejandro Arroyo

Ordained: 1991
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Sacramento CA

Deacon. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 4/30/2019, Assigned to St. Anthony's in Winters 1991-2012. Two allegations received by the diocese in 2012 of abuse of girls under age 14, occurring 1977-1983. One of the allegations had been reported to the parish in 2009, but not to the diocese. Removed from ministry and faculties withdrawn in 2012.

Fr. David Arsenault

Ordained: 1981
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown PA

On 2/6/16 Bishop Bartchak announced that Arsenault and Rev. James Coveney had been put on leave while the diocese reexamined allegations of abuse. The PA Attorney General's 3/1/16 Grand Jury Report, describes sexual assaults in the early 1980s by Arsenault of a boy age 17-18, while assigned to St. Joseph's in Renovo PA. The priest became chaplain of a local high school's athletics program, hanging out with the boys in the locker room. One boy's parents encouraged their son to spend time with Arsenault, who insisted he counsel the boy at the parish twice a week. During sessions Arsenault would "wrestle" with the boy, then massage him, touching his legs and thighs. At least once he tried to grab the boy's penis. On a trip to D.C. the boy awoke to Arsenault grinding his penis into him and kissing him. The victim went on to attempt suicide twice. Arsenault remained in ministry, even after admitting to diocesan officials in 2005 to "horseplay" with the boy.

Fr. Susai Arul

Ordained: 1957
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Lafayette LA

From the Diocese of Kottar in India. Arrived in the U.S. in 1973. Held a Masters degree in guidance and counseling from Villanova University in PA; worked on a doctorate in Exceptional Child Education at the University of S. Florida in Tampa. Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese of Mobile on its list 12/6/2018, for "misconduct" 1989-1990. Worked at some point at Little Flower parish. The list shows Arul as an Order priest, but doesn't name the Order. Prohibited from ministry in the archdiocese. Accused in a 2015 lawsuit of abuse in 1981 of a 10-year-old altar boy in Ville Platte in the Diocese of Lafayette LA. Settled. Included on the diocese's list in 4/2019, which notes he resigned in 1988 and died in 2002.

Bishop Juan Arzube

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Died: 12/25/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

From Ecuador. Ordained for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Accused in 2003 of abuse of an 11-year-old boy 1975-1976, while pastor at St. Alphonsus parish in East Los Angeles. Arzube denied the allegations. Retired in 1993. Included in the Archdiocese's report in 2004, one accuser noted. Named in a civil suit which was included in a $660M settlement with the Archdiocese in summer 2007. Died 12/25/2007. Limited personnel file released in 1/2013.

Fr. Scott A. Asalone

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1983
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Arlington VA

Named publicly as accused by the Arlington diocese on its list in 2/2019. Rector of St. Frances de Sales in Purcellville 1984 until his removal in 1993, after an allegation of sexual abuse. Dismissed from his order in 2007. Living in NJ when arrested in 3/2020; charged with "carnal knowledge of a minor between 13 and 15 years old." The abuse happened in VA over several months in 1985. His victim reported the abuse to the church in the 1990s when he was in his early 20s, and received a settlement. Convicted in 12/2022. Sentenced in 6/2023 to eight years in prison and required to register as a sex offender for life.

Fr. John Asare-Dankwah

Ordained: 1994
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

Pastor of St. Peter Claver in Treme LA when accused in a lawsuit filed in 1/2021 of rape and assault of a boy, age 10, during confession at a retreat in Montgomery AL in 2008. The boy was a parishioner of Blessed Trinity in New Orleans, where Asare-Dankwah was assigned. The alleged victim said the priest pulled him out of bed the morning after the sexual assault and repeatedly struck him, while praying and accusing the boy of being a homosexual. Suspended pending investigation. Asare-Dankwah was visiting family in Ghana when the suit was filed. He denied the allegations. Police were investigating. Asare-Dankwah countersued his accuser. He was reported to federal authorities after an archdiocesan audit completed in 8/2021 showed possible financial crimes committed during his time at St. Peter Claver. In 12/2022 the Asare-Dankwah and the man accusing him of the 2008 abuse agreed to drop their lawsuits against each other.  

Br. Berthold Ascher

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Order: OFM Cap
Status: Accused

Died: 05/20/1967
Diocese: Diocese of Great Falls-Billings MT

Capuchin Brother. Named publicly as accused by the Great Falls-Billings diocese on its list 8/21/18. Died in 5/67. Included on the St. Joseph Province Capuchins' list of those with substantiated allegations against them.

Fr. G. Barry Ashwell

Ordained: 1969
Status: Settled

Died: 03/27/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Seattle WA

Accused in lawsuits of sexually abusing boys at St. Augustine's in Oak Harbor, where he was assigned 1978-2000. Ashwell was a state-licensed foster father and some of the the boys alleging abuse were living him as foster children. The Archdiocese settled with one in 1996. Allowed to stay in ministry. Accused in a 2001 lawsuit of sexually abusing an altar boy in the 1970s at St. Joseph's in Vancouver. Placed on leave. Three other men filed suit in 7/2005. Laicized in 2005. New suit filed 8/30/2010. By 2010 there were five known accusers. Included on the Archdiocese's list of credibly accused 1/15/2016. Settlement in 2022 related to sexual abuse occurring in about 1976 at St. Vincent de Paul in Federal Way. Ashwell died 3/27/2020.

Fr. Rene Astruc

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1954
Status: Accused

Died: 06/28/2002
Diocese: Diocese of Fairbanks AK

From France. Two or more pending claims against Astruc shown in bankruptcy reorganization documents for the Fairbanks diocese 1/25/2010. Per the Jesuits West Province 12/7/2018 list, Astruc sexually abused teenage girls over three decades in remote Native schools and orphanages where he worked. He died 6/28/2002. On the Anchorage archdiocese's list 1/16/2020. It notes sexual misconduct with a minor in 1976 and vulnerable adult, and that he lived at the Jesuit residence in Anchorage 1971-1996.

Fr. Michael J. Aten

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Ordained: 1977
Status: Accused

Died: 06/24/2001
Diocese: Diocese of Gallup NM

Professed vows as a Marianist brother in 1964, Province of St. Louis. Worked in MO and WI. Withdrew from the Marianists in 1971. Graduated from Holy Trinity Seminary in Dallas. Ordained in 1977. Worked in AZ for many years. Named as abuser by Gallup diocese in 5/1993. Incidents occurred in about 1988. Sent for treatment. Multiple allegations. Removed from ministry in 5/1991. Died 6/24/2001. Included on the Marianists list of accused 6/24/2020.

Br. Gregory Atherton

Order: OSM
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Orange CA

Sued in 1993, accused of abuse of three boys. Per the Los Angeles Archdiocese's 2/2004 report, there were five accusers alleging abuse 1967-1986. Three Servite High School students alleged abuse 6/1967-1975; Atherton was assigned to the school as registrar, office manager and music director. The abuse occurred in multiple places, including on road trips from CA to Portland OR, Utah and British Columbia. The Order knew of the abuse by 1990; Atherton was working in 1990 Portland OR at the National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, also called The Grotto. He was sent to the Servants of the Paraclete in NM for treatment. He was also accused of abusing in the Diocese of Orange CA where two suits were filed in 1/2003. The Diocese settled in 2005 for $4,169,325 but did not include Atherton on its list of accused priests. Reportedly in 2002 he was still a member of his order, still working at The Grotto, under close supervision. He "fully acknowledged" the abuse. His personnel file was released in 2015. The Los Angeles Archdiocese's list in 12/2021 shows Atherton to be deceased.

Fr. John T. Atwater

Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Died: 11/7/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Documents revealed in 2002 that in 1993 Atwater was accused of abuse of a 14-year-old boy, who was a Cardinal Cushing Academy boarding student in 1971 when Atwater was the school's Director. Atwater denied the allegations. He retired in 2002. Sent to treatment where it was determined that he "had no sexual conflicts." In 2/2002 another man alleged he was abused by Atwater at the same school some time after 1967. In 9/2004 a man said he was abused by Atwater at age 12 in approximately 1969. Atwater died in 2006. Canonical investigation not complete at the time of his death. Included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2011.

Fr. Ronald J. Atwood

Ordained: 1969
Status: Settled

Died: 04/14/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Columbus OH

Removed 7/16/2013 without faculties after an allegation was received 7/15/2013 of sexual abuse at Bishop Ready High School and/or St. Stephen the Martyr and St. Peter parishes in Columbus between 1976 and 1979. Investigated. In 1999, Atwood was charged with public indecency in a park known for homosexual activity. Pleaded no contest in 2000 to urinating on a tree; paid fine. Included on Attorney Garabedian's list 3/28/2016 of accused clerics named in civil claims resulting in settlements or arbitration awards, regarding alleged abuse of a boy while assigned to Bishop Ready High School in Columbus OH, 1975-1980. Claim settled in 2/2015. Case sent to the Vatican. Died 4/14/2016.

Fr. Paul L. Aube

Ordained: 1970
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Police found Aube and a boy having sex in a car in 1975. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 4/2002 of abusing a youth 1979-1986 in Rochester, NH. A 5/2002 suit alleged he abused a 13-year-old boy 1970-1972. Placed on leave in 1994. One claim settled for $25K. At least one claim included in a 11/2002 $5M settlement involving 62 plaintiffs and 28 priests. Laicized by Pope Benedict XVI 5/20/2005. Included on the Diocese's list in 2019. Said to have died in 10/2021.

Fr. Charles E. Aubut

Ordained: 1941
Status: Accused

Died: 04/19/2002
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Accused of abuse on an unspecified date and location per diocesan records. Supervisor of credibly accused priest  Paul Desilets. (Desilets was transferred to Canada after parents complained to Aubut.) Aubut was named in at least one lawsuit because he was Desilets' immediate supervisor. Retired in 1984. Died 4/19/2002. Included in 8/2011 on the archdiocese's list. No formal determination of guilt either because he died prior to canonical investigation or it was not complete at his death.

Fr. John L. Audibert

Ordained: 1967
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Portland ME

Accused in 1993 of abuse of a minor 1974-1976. Received treatment. Case evaluated by the Diocesan Review Board and Audibert was returned to active ministry. Removed from active ministry without privileges in 2002. He told his parishioners about the claims. Permanently removed from ministry by the Vatican in 3/2006 and ordered to lead a life of prayer and penance. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/2023 of sexually abusing an altar boy, age 12, in the late 1960s.

Fr. Thaddeus A. Augustyn

Ordained: 1944
Status: Sued

Died: 08/10/1981
Diocese: Diocese of Superior WI

Arrested in 1966 and pled guilty to public indecency in a bus station. Frequently visited in the Miami archdiocese and worked in various parishes there. Died 8/10/81. Named in a 1992 civil suit against the Superior diocese. One man alleged abuse 1955-61 when he was a minor and Augustyn was assigned to St Joseph's in Shell Lake WI. Diocese said suit was dismissed due to the statute of limitations; no settlement was paid. Included in 11/22 on the diocese's list of credibly accused. Multiple allegations noted, of abuse occurring 1943-1946 in Lublin and 1955-1965 in Shell Lake. Removed from or left ministry 11/2/66.

Fr. John R. Aurelio

Ordained: 1966
Status: Sued

Died: 08/26/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

In 1993 Aurelio admitted to sodomizing 3 boys, ages 12-14, 15-20 years prior. Acted with another priest, Bernard M. Mach. Both suspended. Claimed boys seduced him. Admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking pot with young boys. Also accused of abuse of another youth. Living in 2002 in Florida, no longer functioning as a priest. Died 8/26/09. Included on 3/20/18 diocesan list. One man alleging abuse by Aurelio at age 11 in 1968 filed suit in 2019 under the NY Child Victims Act.

Fr. Edmund Austin

Donate Photo
Order: OFM
Ordained: 1927
Status: Sued

Died: 05/23/1975
Diocese: Archdiocese of Los Angeles CA

One of several religious assigned to Santa Barbara who were named as abusers in civil suit filed in 8/2008 which alleged that the Franciscans constituted "an ongoing public nuisance as a result of their practice of shuttling pedophile priests among communities without warning members of the public that a sexual predator might be in their midst." Abuse allegedly took place in the 1970s.

Fr. Hugh James Austin

Order: OCarm
Ordained: 1932
Status: Accused

Died: 12/27/1966
Diocese: Archdiocese of Chicago IL

Worked in IL, NJ, PA, KS, Ontario Canada. Died in 1966. Included on the Carmelite's list of accused in 2020, as James (Hugh) Austin. (The Official Catholic Directory lists him as Hugh J.). Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, noting at least one "reported survivor."

Fr. William Authenrieth

Ordained: 1962
Status: Settled

Died: 06/24/2015
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY

Had 'relations' with a youth of "about 18" in the Brooklyn diocese in 1973. Transferred to Orlando after the youth threatened to reveal. Removed from ministry in 10/1985. Sent to the House of Affirmation in MA. Named in a Brooklyn civil suit in 2003. At least four civil suits were filed in 1985 against Authenrieth and the Orlando Diocese claiming abuse of boys. Suits settled out of court; at least $2M paid to three; a fourth settled for $490K. Authenrieth admitted abuse; never prosecuted. New suits in 7/2012 and 10/2013 in Orlando. Another was filed in 8/2014 alleging abuse at All Souls in Sanford, FL. Known in 2014 to have been living in a MA retirement community. Died 6/24/2015. Included on the Brooklyn diocese's list in 2/2019. Included on the Orlando diocese's list of credibly accused 10/6/2021.

Fr. Charles Authier

Ordained: 1944
Status: Settled

Died: 07/24/1980
Diocese: Diocese of Manchester NH

Worked in the dioceses of Amos in Quebec, Canada, and the Dioceses of Lafayette LA, Springfield MA, and Manchester NH. Named as abuser of a 12- to 13 year-old youth at Saint Charles Church and School in Dover, NH in a civil suit involving accusations by 16 people against 7 priests. Entire case settled in 10/2002. Died in 1980. Included on the diocese's list 7/31/2019.

Fr. Edward George Authier

Ordained: 1930
Status: Accused

Died: 09/16/1970
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA

Name surfaced publicly as accused 5/29/2019. His accuser was a 67-year-old man who also alleged abuse as a boy by Bishop Weldon, and by Rev. Clarence Forand at St. Anne's in Chicopee. The allegations were deemed credible by the Diocesan Review Board in 9/2018. Authier died in 1970. Included on the Diocese's list 6/2/2021 of credibly accused, for abuse of a minor alleged to have occurred in 1960.

Fr. Paul Avallone

Order: SDB
Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 07/31/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of New Orleans LA

First named publicly as accused by the New Orleans archdiocese on its list 11/2/2018. Received allegation from Salesians in 2011 of abuse in the archdiocese late 1950s, early 1960s. Died 7/31/2008 in NJ. Per his obituary, he was director-principal of Salesian high schools in Sherbrooke, Quebec and Marrero, LA. Reportedly also worked at Hope Haven in Marrero. Also, director of Salesian High in New Rochelle NY, and superintendent of New Rochelle Province schools. Master of novices at Don Bosco College Seminary in Newton NJ. Spiritual advisor for 18 years of Salesian Cooperators unit in Paterson and the Don Bosco Volunteers. Assistant for two years of St. Anthony's in Paterson, and guidance director and P.R. director at Don Bosco Tech in Paterson.

Br. James Avant

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Order: OFM Cap
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

In 1993 a woman alleged that Avant abused her son and other boys in the early 1970s at St. Martin's rectory. Her son was an 8th-grader at the time in question. Allegations reported to the Capuchins. Avant had left the order in 1990. He was assigned to Morgan State University starting in 1972, St. Martin (Baltimore) 1972-1978 and Charles Lwanga Center 1979-1984. Requested dispensation from religious life in 1995. Included on the Baltimore archdiocese's 2002 list of accused religious priests and brothers. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Jose Maria B. Avila

Ordained: 1930
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Fall River MA

One of 21 names of accused priests published by the Fall River District Attorney in 9/02. Name was misspelled as George Avellar. List says one alleged victim. D.A.'s office confirmed allegations regarding Avila 9/26/02. May have molested over 100 children over his 44 year career. Apparently his history was well known around several of the older Portuguese parishes. Retired in 1974. Died in 1988. Included on the diocese's list in 1/21 of those with credible accusations of the sexual abuse of a minor(s).

Fr. Englebert M. Axer

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1939
Status: Settled

Died: 09/27/1989
Diocese: Archdiocese of Seattle WA

In 11/2006, Seattle University announced that it had received a report that Axer sexually abused a minor in 1956.  Professor at Seattle University 1956-1987. Worked in Japan 1950-1955. Died 9/27/1989.  At some point, the University removed his name from an endowed chair in the philosophy department because of the abuse. There was  least one settlement as of 11/2007. Name included on the Seattle archdiocese's list 1/15/2016. On the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018.

Fr. Jerome J. Axton

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Ordained: 1983
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Biloxi MS

Named publicly as accused by the diocese, along with two other priests on its list in 1/19. Prohibited from ministry in 1992 after accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl 1985-86, while assigned to Nativity BVM Cathedral in Biloxi and St. John's in Gulfport. The diocese had first received the report of abuse in 1989.

Fr. Saul Ayala

Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of San Bernardino CA

From the Archdiocese of Morelia in Mexico. Arrived in CA in 1982, incardinated into the Diocese of San Bernardino. In 6/2002 an allegation of "sexual harassment and misconduct involving a minor" was filed with the church by a woman. Placed on leave. In 9/2002 two sisters filed suit alleging Ayala abused them at ages 7 and 9 in 1988 and 1989 when he baby-sat them. Their mother had reported their abuse to the Diocese in the late 1980s, with no response. The Diocese settled with them for $30K in 2004. Ayala moved to Mexico shortly after he was placed on leave; possibly in active ministry there. Indications in 2014 he was a retired priest there. Name included on the San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/2018, noted to be "permanently barred from ministry in the Diocese."

Fr. James W. Aylward

Ordained: 1964
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Francisco CA

Accused of abuse of a boy in 1997. Another priest saw them "wrestling" and notified authorities. The boy denied the abuse but his parents sued. Settled for $750K in 2000. Aylward was supported by the archbishop until Aylward admitted in a 1999 deposition that he inappropriately touched numerous boys over a 12-year period. Placed on leave in 2000. Retired in 2005.

Fr. Daniel M. Azzarone, Jr.

Ordained: 1978
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI

Complaints received as early as 1985, 1992 and 1998-1999. Placed on leave 11/01 after accused of abusing a 15-year-old boy on a Caribbean cruise in 11/00. Abuse continued until 2001, often in rectory. Another youth also accused him of abuse. Pled no contest to two counts of first-degree sexual assault 9/05. Sentenced to 3 years prison and 7 years probation. Named in a 2005 civil suit; settled 8/08 as part of $1.326M settlement by Providence diocese. Laicized 6/12/09, announced 2/10. On diocese's list 7/1/19.

Brother Albert

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Order: FMS
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Brother Albert (no last name known) was named in 2005 civil suit as having abused one man at Central Catholic High School, Lawrence, during the years 1969 - 1971 when the accuser was a student and Albert taught there. The suit involved multiple plaintiff

Brother Alex

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Order: FSC
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Santa Fe NM

In a 1995 civil suit, a man alleged he was abused by Brother Alex when he was a student at the Junior Novitiate of The College of Santa Fe 1955-1957. The same man also alleged abuse by Brother Abdon and by a scout master. Settled in 1996.

Fr. Louis John Affrica

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Died: 06/5/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Named as a perpetrator of abuse of minors in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's report. Prior to his 1975 ordination, Affrica was a Holy Cross Brother for eleven years. Taught high school in MA and in Forrestville MD as a Holy Cross Brother. Accused in 2005 of abuse of a boy, ages 15-18 during 1973-1976. Abuse allegedly occurred at the parish rectory and on a weekend retreat, and involved alcohol and marijuana. Accused in 2007 of abusing a girl, age 15 or 16, in the late 1970s, also involving alcohol. Both alleged victims said that many kids would hang out with Affrica at the rectories. Went on leave in 1981, married, and became a licensed social worker. Requested laicization in 2016.

Sr. Agnes

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Order: OSB
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of San Antonio TX

In a 1991 or 1992 lawsuit, a woman age 57 claimed sexual, physical, and emotional abuse as a child by Sister Agnes, a teacher in the elementary school of Immaculate Heart of Mary church in San Antonio. The lawsuit named the archdiocese, the Benedictine Sisters, who staffed the school, and the Claretian Missionaries, who staffed the parish. The Benedictine Sisters are listed in the 1945 Official Catholic Directory as Benedictine Sisters of Diocesan Jurisdiction, who also maintained a Motherhouse and Novitiate of Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica's Convent in San Antonio. The complaint stated that the girl reported the abuse in confession with two priests of the parish: Fr. Leonard Cuellar CMF and Fr. Raymond Sunyé CMF (the pastor). After an injury in Spring 1990, a CAT scan caused the woman to react with fear and hysteria. Referred to a psychiatrist, she recovered memories of the abuse that had previously been repressed. A lower court dismissed the suit. Appeals court affirmed the dismissal in February 1994.

Sister Alice Bernadette

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Order: SC
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Newark NJ

Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth in Morris Township, NJ. Accused, along with Sr. Maria Michael Garner, C.S., of restraining a 10-year-old girl at Immaculate Conception School in 1971 while Rev. William Dowd raped her. Dowd denied the allegations. Sr. Alice Bernadette is reportedly deceased.

Sister Anne

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Order: OSF
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Buffalo NY

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 8/19 of sexually abusing a 7-year-old in about 1973-74 at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lancaster NY. Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis (Williamsville NY) ran the parish school, per the 1974 Official Catholic Directory.