List People

Lists of Accused Priests
Released by Dioceses and Religious Institutes

This page gathers the lists of accused priests (see below) that have been released by dioceses and religious orders, since the first such list was posted by the Diocese of Tucson on June 21, 2002. Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas [3] was co-adjutor bishop at the time, and the Dallas charter's goal of transparency was cited as the rationale for the release.

Cardinal William H. Keeler [4] released a list for the Archdiocese of Baltimore on September 25, 2002 and explained that he and the other U.S. bishops were making "an absolute commitment" to disclosure in order to earn forgiveness and rebuild trust – the church's "crisis of trust" was brought on, he wrote, by "horrible an criminal actions, and by inaction and secrecy."

Keeler was criticized by some for posting his list; one commentator wrote that he had "burnished his reputation by trashing the reputations of his priests." The Baltimore list was removed from the archdiocesan website before Keeler's retirement in 2007, and for a decade under his successors, Cardinal Edwin F. O'Brien and Archbishop William E. Lori, it was unavailable there. The archdiocese recently – apparently in January 2016 – restored the list to their website in a supplemented version.

So far, 162 dioceses and 42 religious order provinces have released lists, to begin with often in compliance with the nonmonetary requirements of a settlement (see, for example, the bankruptcy reorganization plan of the Jesuits' Oregon Province), but more recently, after the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, voluntarily and in greater numbers. Pro Publica has helpfully collated the names on the lists. The lists vary in completeness, and some are no longer online; we have cached copies of the lists, including the ones no longer available on diocesan websites. When a list has not been released according to the terms of a legal agreement, there are still pressures and considerations of various kinds. It is illuminating, for example, to compare Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli's public letter about the original Wilmington diocesan list, as published in the diocesan newspaper, with the vicar general's letter to an accused priest about the release. After the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, more than a dozen attorneys general began similar investigations, as did federal investigators. Those investigations are part of the context for the dramatic increase in diocesan and religious order releases of lists.

As of 3/10/25 the following dioceses have not published lists of accused:

• Baker OR
• Grand Island NE
• Grand Rapids MI
• Honolulu HI

• Laredo TX
• Miami FL
• Military Archdiocese
• Palm Beach FL

• Portland ME
• Saint Thomas VI
• San Francisco CA
• Venice FL
• Worcester MA

In addition, the Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo dioceses in Colorado have not published lists of their own, but they cooperated with the Colorado Attorney General in the AG's production of a report with lists and a supplemental report.

Scroll down to view our linked list of lists, or click on a diocese or religious order to jump directly to that entry on the page below. This page was last updated on 3/10/25, and updates continue to be made.



Albany NY
Alexandria LA
Allentown PA
Altoona-Johnstown PA
Amarillo TX
Anchorage AK
Arlington VA
Atlanta GA
Austin TX
Baltimore MD
Baton Rouge LA
Beaumont TX
Belleville IL
Biloxi MS
Birmingham AL
Bismarck ND
Boise ID
Boston MA
Bridgeport CT
Brooklyn NY
Brownsville TX
Buffalo NY
Burlington VT
Camden NJ
Charleston SC
Charlotte NC
Cheyenne WY
Chicago IL
Cincinnati OH
Cleveland OH
Columbus OH
Corpus Christi TX
Covington KY
Crookston MN
Dallas TX
Davenport IA
Des Moines IA
Detroit MI
Dodge City KS
Dubuque IA
Duluth MN
El Paso TX
Erie PA
Evansville IN
Fairbanks AK
Fall River MA
Fargo ND
Fort Wayne-South Bend IN
Fort Worth TX
Fresno CA
Gallup NM & AZ
Galveston-Houston TX
Gary IN
Gaylord MI

75. 76.
108. .

Great Falls-Billings MT
Green Bay WI
Greensburg PA
Harrisburg PA
Hartford CT
Helena MT
Houma-Thibodaux LA
Indianapolis IN
Jackson MS
Jefferson City MO
Joliet IL
Juneau AK
Kalamazoo MI
Kansas City KS
Kansas City-Saint Joseph MO
Knoxville TN
La Crosse WI
Lafayette IN
Lafayette LA
Lake Charles LA
Lansing MI
Las Cruces NM
Las Vegas NV
Lexington KY
Lincoln NE
Little Rock AR
Los Angeles CA
Louisville KY
Lubbock TX
Madison WI
Manchester NH
Marquette MI
Memphis TN
Metuchen NJ
Milwaukee WI
Mobile AL
Monterey CA
Nashville TN
Newark NJ
New Orleans LA
New Ulm MN
New York NY
Norwich CT
Oakland CA
Ogdensburg NY
Oklahoma City OK
Omaha NE
Orange CA
Orlando FL
Owensboro KY
Paterson NJ
Pensacola-Tallahassee FL
Peoria IL
Philadelphia PA

111. 112.

Phoenix AZ
Pittsburgh PA

Portland OR
Providence RI
Raleigh NC
Rapid City SD
Reno NV
Richmond VA
Rochester NY
Rockford IL
Rockville Centre NY
Sacramento CA
Saginaw MI
Saint Augustine FL
Saint Cloud MN
Saint Louis MO
Saint Paul and Minneapolis MN
Saint Petersburg FL
Salina KS
Salt Lake City UT
San Angelo TX
San Antonio TX
San Bernardino CA
San Diego CA
San Jose CA
Santa Fe NM
Santa Rosa CA
Savannah GA
Scranton PA
Seattle WA
Shreveport LA
Sioux City IA
Sioux Falls SD
Spokane WA
Springfield IL
Springfield MA
Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO
Steubenville OH
Stockton CA
Superior WI
Syracuse NY
Toledo OH
Trenton NJ
Tucson AZ
Tulsa OK
Tyler TX
Victoria TX
Washington DC
Wheeling-Charleston WV
Wichita KS
Wilmington DE & MD
Winona-Rochester MN
Yakima WA
Youngstown OH

Religious Institutes:


Benedictines – Benet Lake WI
Benedictines – Conception Abbey MO
Benedictines – Marmion Abbey IL
Benedictines – St. John's Abbey MN
Benedictines – Saint Joseph Abbey LA
Capuchins – Province of St. Conrad CO KS MO IL
Capuchins – Province of St. Joseph IL MI WI
Carmelites – Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary (Based in Darien IL)
Crosiers AZ MN
Christian Brothers NY IL CA
Columbans (Missionary Society of St. Columban)
Dominicans – Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western U.S.)
Dominicans – Province of St. Joseph (Eastern U.S.)
Dominicans – Province of St. Albert the Great (Midwest)
Franciscans – Several Provinces, Compiled by Our Lady of Guadalupe Province (Based in Atlanta GA)
Franciscans – Holy Name Province (Based in New York City)
Franciscans – Province of St. Barbara (Based in Oakland CA)
Franciscans – Province of St. John the Baptist (Based in Concinnati OH)
Glenmary Home Missioners
Congregation of Holy Cross – United States Province
Jesuits – Central and Southern Province
Jesuits – Maryland Province
Jesuits – Midwest Province
Jesuits – Northeast Province
Jesuits – Former Oregon Province
Jesuits – West Province
Legionaries of Christ – North American Province
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Norbertines – St. Norbert's Abbey
Oblates of Mary Immaculate – Former Central Province
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales – Wilmington and Philadelphia Province
Paulist Fathers
Salesians – Province of St. Philip the Apostle (Canada and Eastern U.S., New Rochelle NY and Montréal QC)
Society of the Divine Word – Chicago Province
Society of the Divine Word – Southern Province
Society of the Divine Word – Western Province
Vincentians – Western Province
Xaverian Brothers

Partial Lists and Lists No Longer Posted: Cleveland OH | Grand Rapids MI | Madison WI | Manchester NH | Orange CA | Portland ME | Venice FL |

The U.S. bishops and superiors of religious orders maintain highly detailed records of accused priests and religious, and their chanceries and provincial houses contain millions of pages of files documenting the abuse. Yet the general impulse to make some of that information public has come from outside the church. The first list of accused priests and religious was embedded in the index of Lead Us Not into Temptation, the fundamental 1992 history of the crisis by Jason Berry [number 1 in the photos above]. Berry's work was based on countless conversations with survivors, whose connections with each other – individually and through the organizations SNAP and The Linkup – enabled them to piece together the beginnings of a comprehensive list. Confidentiality clauses in settlements and other mechanisms were designed to keep survivors apart. Yet the victims of these deeply secret crimes gradually connected with each other and began to understand the connections among the abusers and enablers. In 1996, The Linkup released a list of so-called Fallen Catholic Clergy [2, with the late Rick Springer], compiled by Tom Economus and his colleagues. Attorney Sylvia Demarest and the volunteers of Survivors First pursued a similar goal, and their lists were the basis for's database.

In the years 2002-2023, the releasing of lists of accused persons by 160 bishops and 30 religious order superiors (see below) is a very positive development. The pace of disclosure has increased since the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report. It is to be hoped that a complete list of accused U.S. diocesan and religious order priests will eventually be released, and that the quality of the church lists will improve, as the better lists encourage other dioceses to enhance theirs. The U.S. list will then serve as a model for a global list. The contingent and conservative nature of the current church lists may be seen from the following examples:

• After Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham [6] released a Grand Jury Report on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, including assignment histories of accused priests, Cardinal Rigali posted similar information on the archdiocesan site.

• After a 2003 SOL window in California made it possible for hundreds of survivors to file lawsuits alleging abuse by many Los Angeles priests, and the lead attorney for the survivors began posting a list of the accused, Cardinal Roger Mahony [5] released his own list of accused priests in early 2004. Mahony's list did provide useful information on the number of people accusing each priest, and a sequel offered assignment information and selective summaries of the files.

• Cardinal O'Malley of Boston [7, pictured with then-Cardinal Bergoglio, later Pope Francis] released a list of accused priests in August 2011, a positive step. However, he admitted that he had not included the 91 accused priests whose names were known to him but unknown to the public, and he also excluded religious order priests from his reckoning – although religious order priests have staffed scores of parishes and schools in the archdiocese, comprise nearly half the priest population, and have abused many children. The Boston Globe provided a list of 70 religious order and visiting clerics that the archdiocese had left off its own list. O'Malley's list is really the achievement of Boston survivors who came forward in the 1990s and 2000s, and especially of Gregory Ford [8, pictured with his father Rodney, his attorney Eric MacLeish, and mother Paula], whose lawsuit made public more than 130 priest files from the archdiocese.

• A list for the Seattle archdiocese, contained in a 2004 Case Review Board Report posted by the archdiocese in 2009 or 2010, provided the names of a mere 9 accused priests (the name of a tenth is redacted). But a 2006 press release counts 53 accused priests. In 2016, the archdiocese posted a much-improved list, responding in part to survivors and Catholic activists.

Several trends point to the release of additional diocesan and religious order lists in the future. More and more, survivors have insisted on a list as one of the nonmonetary conditions of a large settlement, because a list promotes healing among victims and helps prevent future abuse. In the Diocese of Joliet IL, survivor David Rudofski [9] demanded the files of accused priests as part of his settlement. The release of the files compelled the diocese to add names to its public list. Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli of Wilmington issued his list for the same reasons, after a suspended Wilmington priest was arrested for abusing a child out of state – the list would "help prevent or deter any further incidents" and "encourage victims of clerical sexual abuse to come forward and seek help." The Capuchin Province of St. Joseph cited similar reasons for its release of names, and in addition hoped that their approach would enhance community support of troubled brothers and hence lower the risk of reoffending. Lawsuits in Minnesota have demanded the release of diocesan lists as a public safety measure and have prevailed [10, attorneys Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan; and 11, Archbishop Harry J. Flynn and Archbishop John C. Nienstedt].

The U.S. bishops could decide to adopt the diocesan list as a best practice and could endorse the most effective features of the current lists. Those lists vary greatly in comprehensiveness and usefulness. Some provide assignment histories (e.g., Boston), photographs (e.g., Philadelphia), and information on allegations (e.g., Sacramento). Some include religious order priests (e.g., Baltimore), many do not (e.g., Milwaukee).

As the Vatican works, one hopes, to globalize the abuse Norms developed in the United States, the U.S. bishops and superiors of religious orders could pioneer the next step in transparency by together issuing state-of-the-art lists for all dioceses and provinces in the United States.

Lists of Accused Priests Released by Dioceses and Religious Institutes

Albany NY – On 11/12/15, the Diocese of Albany posted an Offenders List. We have cached a copy of the 11/18/15 list, with an 11/19/15 message about the list by Bishop Edward Scharfenberger. We also cached an 11/22/15 intro page to the list and to Scharfenberger's message. On 6/30/18, the diocese announced that it would be adding Fr. Jeremiah Nunan to the list. We cached a copy of the 6/30/18 announcement. We cached a copy of the 1/15/19 revision of the list. We cached a copy of the 12/4/19 revision of the list. That revision updates Fr Joseph Romano's status and adds six priests/brothers from other lists: Fr Thomas Bayley (Syracuse), Fr Joseph Finch (Omaha), Fr Joseph Szarek (Saginaw), Br James Hanney CFC, Br Clement Adan Murphy CFC, and Br Robert Post CFC. The three brothers are from the Irish Christian Brothers' list. We cached copies of the 7/7/20 revision of the list and the 11/20/20 revision. We cached a copy of the 6/2/21 revision. We cached a copy of the 10/26/22 revision.

Alexandria LA – On 2/6/19, the Diocese of Alexandria released a list of accused clergy. Assignment histories were not included. We cached a copy of the 2/6/19 list on 2/21/19. On 1/16/20 we cached a copy of the list, which included four additions made during 2019: Fr Nino Viviano, Fr Theordore Lelieveld, Fr Adrian Molenschot, and Fr Yves Robitaille. We cached the list on 12/9/20, including Fr Gielse Boyer, who had been added by the diocese on 7/6/20.

Allentown PA – On 8/1/18, the Allentown diocese posted a list of priests credibly accused of abuse of minors, in anticipation of the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. On 8/19/18 we cached a copy of the Allentown list. On 1/16/20 we cached a copy of the list containing two additional priests: Fr Stephen J. Halabura and Fr Robert J.Potts. We cached a copy of the list on 12/9/20. We cached a copy of the list on 2/13/23. It showed that since 12/9/20, three priests had been moved from the living to the deceased list (Halabura, Hulko, and Soderlund), and it also no longer included a pending allegations section. In the 12/9/20 list, there were two priests in that section: Francis A. Nave and Robert J. Potts. On the 2/13/23 list, Nave and Potts do not appear. The 2/13/23 list also noted the laicization of Lonergan. We cached a copy of the list on 2/28/25.

Altoona-Johnstown PA – On 5/3/16, Bishop Bartchak posted a list of 21 credibly accused priests, 1 accused deacon, and 6 priests who had been suspended from ministry after an allegation. We have cached a copy of that 5/2/16 list. An updated version of the list is dated 7/14/16; we have cached a copy of the 7/14/16 list. The 7/14/16 list does not add any new names, but it changes the status of 4 priests to "Deceased." Two of the priests were already dead (Boyle on 12/14/11 and Coleman on 3/12/14) when the original version of the list called them "Removed From Public Ministry" (Boyle), and "Laicized" (Coleman). The two other priests were Kovach (changed from "Removed From Public Ministry" to "Deceased"), and Luddy (changed from "Laicized" to "Deceased"). Kovach was alive as of 3/17/15, when he testified before the Grand Jury. Luddy was described as "currently in poor health and residing in New Mexico" in the Grand Jury report, which was released on 3/1/16.

We cached a copy of the list as of 1/16/20. That list includes one credibly accused priest not listed on the 7/14/16 list: Fr Harold Biller. It also lists 7 new priests as on leave after allegations: Fr Donald Dusza, Fr Stephen J. Gergel, Fr Nicholas J. Mancini, Msgr Robert Mazur, Fr Matthew Misurda, Fr Anthony Petracca, and Fr David Rizzo. The 1/16/20 list does not include one priest who was listed on the 7/14/16 list as credibly accused: Fr Mario Fabbri.

The release of the Altoona-Johnstown list fulfilled a commitment made by Bartchak on 3/3/16, after a grand jury report was released on 3/1/16. The grand jury report discussed in detail the allegations against 35 priests. Bartchak lists 28. The 8 priests discussed by the AG but not listed by Bartchak are: Fr. Peter A.M. Bodenschatz, Msgr. Harold J. Burkhardt, Fr. Leonard Inman, Msgr. Thomas Mabon, Fr. Regis Myers, Fr. John Palko, Fr. Gerard Ream, and Fr. Benedict Wolfe. The 1 cleric listed by Bartchak but not discussed by the grand jury is Deacon Thomas Lemmon. The AG report states (p. 12, PDF p. 10): "The Grand Jury was able to document child sexual abuse by at least 50 different priests or religious leaders within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown."

On 3/7/03, Bishop Joseph Adamec had issued a statement listing 13 accused priests. The list is still online, in a superseded but still-live diocesan website. We have cached a copy of Adamec's statement. The bishop was responding to a series of complaints filed by attorney Richard Serbin and media coverage of those complaints, especially in the Tribune-Democrat newspaper. The complaints had described allegations against a list of priests, in addition to the priest whose abuse was directly alleged in the complaint. The first complaint, Gergely, Hoover, and John Doe 1 v. Diocese of Altoona Johnstown, Bishop Adamec, and Bishop Hogan, was filed on 2/6/03. On 2/23/03, additional names were made public through the efforts of lay whistleblower George Foster. Adamec's list was an amalgam of the Serbin and Foster names.

On 3/1/16 a grand jury report detailed allegations against 35 Altoona-Johnstown priests, including some priests not publicly known as accused. As mentioned above, the report stated that the grand jury had documented allegations against 50 priests and religious leaders. Bishop Bartchak responded by stating, "I will publish a list of all priests who have been the subject of credible allegations, along with each priest’s current status. The list will be posted on our website." We have cached a copy of Bartchak's statement.

On 3/15/16, the grand jury released a presentment detailing allegations against 8 Third Order Regular Franciscans who had worked in the Altoona-Johnstown diocese. None of these men is included by Bartchak in his list, which is limited to diocesan priests.

Amarillo TX – On 1/31/19 the Diocese of Amarillo released a list of priests accused of abusing minors. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list.

Anchorage AK – On 1/16/20, the Archdiocese of Anchorage released a list of priests, religious, and lay ministers with credible evidence of sexual misconduct with minors or vulnerable adults. We cached a copy of the 1/16/20 list and letter.

Arlington VA – On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Arlington posted a list of credibly accused. We cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list. We also cached a copy of the 2/25/19 list, which includes a Spanish version appended below the English. We cached a copy of the list on 12/9/20.

Atlanta GA – On 11/6/18 the Archdiocese of Atlanta published a "list of priests, deacons, seminarians and religious credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor," with an introductory page. We cached a copy of the 11/6/18 list and the 4/1/19 updated list. We cached a copy of the 11/5/20 updated list.

Austin TX – On 1/31/19 the Diocese of Austin posted a list of priests, deacons, and religious with credible allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list. We also cached copies of the assignment summaries linked from the list. The assignments are organized alphabetically by town in two groups: in the Diocese of Austin and elsewhere.

Ricardo Aguilar
Paul M. Clogan
Daniel Joseph Delaney
Daniel Michael Drinan
Milton Eggerling
Claude Faust
James Gallagher
Jim Castro/Santiago Garcia
James H. Greenwell
Chester Culver Hand, Jr.
Conrad Kinder
Michael Francis Krol
Gerald Muller
C. Richard Nowery
James R. O'Connor
Rafael Rendon Ozuna
Longinus Juventius Reyes
Victor G. Robles
Alberto Matta Tijerina
Vincent Waiches
Adrianus Johannes Willemsen
Louis J.Wozniak

Baltimore MD – The Baltimore list was originally released by Cardinal William Keeler on 9/25/02 and explained in this letter. Each of the 57 names on the original list was linked to a separate page that provided an assignment history for the priest. The Baltimore Sun published the list verbatim, with names and assignments all conveniently displayed together on a single page. In addition to the list and the letter, Keeler also posted a statement of commitment, an explanation of the list, a summary of the costs of the abuse crisis in Baltimore since 1987, a schedule of listening sessions at nine parishes, and help for victim-survivors (including archdiocesan and states attorney phone numbers and links to SNAP). See media coverage and commentary on the list: 1 2 3 4 5 6. In his letter, Keeler stated that he and the other U.S. bishops were making "an absolute commitment" to disclosure in order to earn forgiveness and rebuild trust – the church's "crisis of trust" was brought on, he wrote, by "horrible and criminal actions, and by inaction and secrecy."

Keeler did not include in his list 26 priests and brothers whose allegations were received by the archdiocese after their deaths. "We have no reason to disbelieve the victims, however, we have determined not to disclose these names since we cannot question the accused." Notably, for each of the priests and brothers whom Keeler did include, brief information about assignments and allegations was provided. The assignment information included assignments that had not been listed in the Official Catholic Directory at the time of the assignment. In these respects, the list is superior to other diocesan lists.

On 9/26/02, the list and related materials were published in The Catholic Review. The archdiocese posted a copy of this edition of The Catholic Review, perhaps on 4/24//19, on its accountability page. We have cached a copy of the 9/26/02 Catholic Review and the accountability page.

In Bristol's DA Lists Names of Accused Priests (9/27/02), Michael Rezendes and Matt Carroll of the Boston Globe compared Keeler's list to a list that Sean O'Malley, then bishop of Fall River MA, failed to release. But Keeler was criticized by some for posting his list; one commentator wrote that he had "burnished his reputation by trashing the reputations of his priests." The Baltimore list was removed from the archdiocesan website before Keeler's retirement in 2007, and for nearly a decade the list and its supporting materials were not publicly displayed by Archbishop O'Brien or Archbishop Lori.

Then, apparently in January 2016, without publicizing his action, Archbishop Lori posted the Baltimore list again, in a different format, and with 14 new names appended, providing detailed accounts of some clerics accused since Keeler's list was released in September 2002. In April 2016, a glitch was fixed that had made it difficult to navigate from the archdiocesan homepage to the revised and reposted list.

The reposted list was publicly noticed for the first time in Baltimore archdiocese posts list of accused priests, by Alison Knezevich, Baltimore Sun (5/9/16).

The revised list had a serious flaw. As mentioned above, each name on Cardinal Keeler's old list was linked to a separate webpage that provided brief information about the cleric's assignment history and allegations. It was not a convenient implementation, but the information was accessible. Archbishop Lori's list put the assignment and allegation information in an HTML title tag under each name. When the reader moused over the name, the information appeared in a box but could not be printed.

In order to make Archbishop Lori's revised list usable, on 4/4/16 we extracted all the information from the title tags, using the HTML source code for the page, and assembled the information in viewable and printable form. We also reformatted the information so that each assignment is bulleted.

Then we created an Excel spreadsheet with all the assignment information in sortable form, so that the list can be analyzed and understood more easily.

In his introduction, Lori states that "for greater context, the documents accompanying the 2002 disclosure can also be found at the links further below." We have cached a copy of Lori's Key Policies page, which is revision of Keeler's Commitment to Action. Lori's Key Policies page links to four documents, which we have cached:
     • Cardinal's Letter [Fall 2003] - Incorrect link; should have been linked to Keeler's 9/25/02 letter
     • A Public Accounting - A revision of Keeler's Explanation of List: A Public Accounting
     • Financial Details - Apparently identical to Keeler's version, posted on 9/25/02
     • Help and Healing - An updated version of Keeler's Help for Victim-Survivors, with SNAP contact information removed

We cached a copy of the 4/20/17 list. No names had been added to this list since the Lori list that we cached on 4/4/16.

We cached a copy of the 9/12/17 list. No names had been added to this list since the Lori list that we cached on 4/4/16.

On 9/7/18, the archdiocese announced that it had updated the list, adding 10 priests who had been identified in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. We cached a copy of the 9/7/18 announcement. The new names were:

• Fr Michael Amy (Diocese of Erie)
• Fr Francis A. Bach (Harrisburg)
• Fr John Bostwick (Richmond; service in Harrisburg)
• Fr Robert G. Cofenas (Allentown)
• Fr John A. Geinzer (Pittsburgh)
• Fr Stephen E. Jeselnick (Erie)
• Fr Arthur Long (Jesuit)
• Fr Neil McLaughlin (Jesuit)
• Fr William Presley (Erie)
• Fr Carl J. Steffen (Harrisburg)

We cached a copy of the 12/14/18 list. By this time, the archdiocese had added other names, besides the 10 Pennsylvania priests, and reformatted the list to make it more user-friendly, eliminating the roll-over feature. The list now totaled 88 names and was divided into three sections: 1) Keeler's original 57 Priests and Religious Named in the September 2002 Disclosure; 2) Lori's section of Additional Allegations, now expanded with the addition of 7 new names for a total of 21; and 3) Additional Priests Named in the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report (the 10 names acknowledged in the 9/7/18 announcement above). The 7 new names added to the Lori section were:

• Msgr Joseph Davies
• Fr Luigi Esposito
• Fr Joseph Kenney
• Fr E Neil Magnus
• Fr Robert Michele (Paulist)
• Fr Urbano Vazquez-Ortega (Capuchin)
• Fr Jorge Antonio Velez Lopez

The article List of Maryland Priests Accused of Child Sexual Abuse, by Deb Belt, Patch (2/15/19) reproduces the Baltimore list current at that time. We cached a copy of the 2/15/19 article. It shows that in the time since the 12/14/18 list above, the archdiocese had added 11 accused priests to its list, all but one from recently released lists of accused Jesuits:

• Fr Michael L. Barber (Jesuit)
• Fr John F.X. Bellwoar (Jesuit)
• Fr Francis C. Bourbon (Jesuit)
• Fr H. Cornell Bradley (Jesuit)
• Fr C Jeffries Burton (Jesuit)
• Fr Robert B. Cullen (Jesuit)
• Fr Stephen M. Garrity (Jesuit)
• Fr William Earl (Jay) Krouse (Washington DC)
• Fr Garrett D. Orr (Jesuit)
• Fr Claude L. Ory (Jesuit)
• Fr William J. Walsh (Jesuit)

On 4/24/19, the archdiocese announced that it had added to the list 23 names of priests "who had been accused of child sexual abuse after they were deceased." We cached a copy of the 4/24/19 announcement and list. This list had been reformatted by the archdiocese to list all the priests alphabetically in one sequence, instead of breaking the list into groups. The 23 new names are italicized in the list, and the original Keeler names are marked with an asterisk. Revisions to the Keeler descriptions are also italicized. The 23 new names were:

• Fr W. Vincent Bechtel
• Fr William A. Braun (Sulpician, Baltimore)
• Msgr John J. Corbett
• Fr Robert W. Duerr
• Fr Alfred Ewanowski (Conventual Franciscan)
• Fr Carl A. Fisher (Josephite, LA)
• Fr Sylvan Fondriest (Capuchin)
• Fr Daniel Free (Passionist)
• Msgr George L. Hopkins
• Fr Joseph H. Hopkins
• Msgr. Simon E. Kenny
• Br Xavier Langan (Christian Brother)
• Fr James V. Lannon (Sulpician, Baltimore, DC)
• Fr Regis F. Larkin
• Fr Robert J. Lochner
• Fr Benedict Mawn (Passionist)
• Fr Eugene Ambrose McGuire (Passionist)
• Fr Jerome A. Moody (Redemptorist)
• Msgr John B. Peacock
• Fr Adrian Poletti (Passionist)
• Fr Francis Roscetti (Capuchin)
• Fr Alcuin W. Tasch (Benedictine)
• Fr Howard F. Yeakle

In addition to those 23 new names, the 4/24/19 list contains 4 other new priests not yet on the list when the 2/15/19 article above was written:

• John Gallen (Jesuit)
• John J. McCarthy (Jesuit)
• Fr Edward A. Sheehy (Paulist)
• Fr Rudolph T. Vorisek (Paulist)

Perplexingly, as of 6/29/19, the Archdiocese of Baltimore's website no longer provided the up-to-date 4/24/19 list. Instead, the archdiocese has on its website a superseded version dated 4/16/19 (see this 6/29/19 screenshot). There are significant differences between the out-of-date 4/16/19 posted version and the 4/24/19 updated version that is no longer online. We cached copies of both the 4/16/19 list and the 4/24/19 list. Then we used Microsoft Word's document comparison feature to compare the two versions. See the changes made in the 4/16/19 version to create the 4/24/19 version. See also a complete copy of the 4/16/19 version with the changes redlined that were made to create the 4/24/19 version. Note that each list has the same 126 names, but the texts of some of the descriptions are different. The differences include changes in information about assignments and laicization status.

We cached a copy of the updated 7/23/19 list.

We cached a copy of the 11/4/19 revised list, which added Fr William Migliorini.

We cached a copy of the 11/3/20 updated list., which adds the following priests:
• Thomas J. Doyle SM
• Guillermo Izqiuerdo LC
• Walter A. Klick SM
• Robert A. Lindemann SM
• John Padian (Diocese of Brooklyn)
• John J. Sheehan SM
• Raynor Ziemski OFM Conv

We cached a copy of the 6/23/22 updated list.

Baton Rouge LA – The Diocese of Baton Rouge released a list of accused clergy on 1/31/19. We cached a copy of the original 1/31/19 list as it appeared in the press, and the 1/31/19 FAQs. We also cached copies of the 2/8/19 revised list and the 3/27/19 revised list. We cached a revised list dated 7/3/19, which includes two new names, Fr. Joseph Guidry and Fr. Robert Limoges, whose addition to the list was announced on 7/7/19. We cached a copy of the revised 6/30/20 list as modified on 11/3/20, which included two new names: Fr Richard Raphael Archer OP and Fr Lawrence Dark CSC.

Beaumont TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Beaumont released a list of clergy with credible allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list and the 4/24/19 revised list, which added two names.

Belleville IL – On 12/19/18, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan linked from a press release to a Belleville diocesan list of "clergy removed from ministry," in connection with her Preliminary Findings of the Investigation into Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors in Illinois, also dated 12/19/18. We have cached copies of the 12/19/18 Preliminary Findings, the 12/19/18 press release, and the list linked from the release. On the website of the Illinois Catholic Conference is a version of the list whose file name dates the version to 10/18/18. We have cached a copy of this 10/18/18 version of the list. The 10/18/18 version was apparently released in response to a complaint filed by attorney Jeff Anderson on 10/17/18. But AG Madigan observes: "The Dioceses of Belleville, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield did not take the basic step of publishing a comprehensive list of clergy who had been “credibly” accused until the Office became involved. Even now, these lists, for the most part, remain difficult to locate on the Illinois Dioceses’ websites." The diocese disagrees, stating that "the names of all 17 removed clergy were posted on the Diocese’s website, before the Attorney General’s investigation," but does not say when. A copy of that page was saved by the Internet Archive on 3/25/18. At that time, the page did not yet provide a link to the list of names. We have cached a copy of that 3/25/18 page. We have cached a copy of the 4/24/29 list.

We cached a 7/7/20 revised list that supplied lists of assignments (without years) for diocesan priests. The revised list added two diocesan priests: Fr Thomas W. Miller and Fr Arthur W. Niemeyer. The revised list also listed (without assignments) 15 accused religious order priests:

• Michael Charland OMI
• James V. Fitzgerald OMI
• Eugene T. Fitzsimmons SM
• Charles E. Gaiter SJ
• Paul Kabat OMI

• Larry Lorenzoni SDB
• Patrick J. McNulty SM
• Louis J. Meinhardt SM
• Thomas G. Meyer OMI
• Orville L. Munie OMI

• Anthony J. Pistone SM
• Thomas P. Purcell SM
• Kenneth Roberts (Diocese of Dallas)
• Francis Skube (Brothers of Christ the King)
• Emil Twardochleb OMI

Benedictines of Benet Lake WI – This list was released on 1/24/23. We cached a copy of the 1/24/23 list. One of the six priests on this list is Fr. Benet Joseph Holey OSB. The list does not mention that "Fr. Holey" is the same person as the diocesan priest Fr. David A. Holley, listed in the 1964 Official Catholic Directory (OCD) as the curate at St. Philip's in Grafton MA in the Worcester diocese; the parish priests also attended Grafton State Hospital. Previously, his Benedictine entries are:
- 1959 OCD: Genet [sic] Holey OSB, Glastonbury Monastery, Hingham MA, Boston archdiocese
- 1960 OCD: Benet Holey OSB, St. Benedict's Monastery for Home Missions [linked to Benet Lake], Reading PA, Allentown archdioces
- 1961 OCD: Benet Holey OSB, St. Benedict's Monastery for Home Missions [linked to Benet Lake], Reading PA, Allentown archdiocese
- 1962 OCD: Benet Holey OSB, St. Benedict's Church, Reading PA, Allentown archdiocese [indexed here, not listed]
As of 2/24/23, Glastonbury, the Reading monastery, and the Worcester diocese have not released lists. Boston and Allentown do not list Holey / Holley. But he is listed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and by the Amarillo, El Paso, Las Cruces, and San Angelo dioceses.

Benedictines of Conception Abbey MO – This list was released on 8/5/19. We cached a copy of the 8/5/19 list. We cached a copy of the 4/22/20 revised list, which added Fr Victor Heinen OSB.

Benedictines of Marmion Abbey IL – This list was released by 2/24/23. We cached a copy of the list on 2/24/23.

Benedictines of St. John's Abbey MN – This list was released on 12/9/13, shortly after the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (see below) was ordered by a judge to release their list. We have cached a copy of the 12/9/13 list. In April 2011, St. John's had released an earlier version of this list in compliance with a settlement. That earlier list was sent to prep alumni in a letter dated 4/15/11 from Abbot John Klassen and two "Survivor Representatives in Resolution Process." An undated copy of the letter was posted on the abbey website in April 2011 and removed in Summer 2012. We link to our cached copies of the letters, obtained from Patrick Marker's, which offers useful analysis.

We cached a copy of the list as of 1/17/20. It included three names added in 2017 and not included in our 12/9/13 cache: Fr James Kelly OSB, Fr Casimir Plakut OSB, and Fr Augustine John Strub OSB.

Benedictines of Saint Joseph Abbey LA – This list was released in late 2018. We cached a copy of the list.

Biloxi MS – On 1/24/19, the Diocese of Biloxi released a list of 3 accused priests. We cached a copy of the 1/24/19 list.

Birmingham AL – On 12/14/18, the Diocese of Birmingham released a list of accused clergy. We cached a copy of the 12/14/18 list. As of 12/9/20, the list is apparently no longer on the diocesan website.

Bismarck ND – On 1/2/20, the Diocese of Bismarck released a list of clergy with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/2/20 list.

Boise ID – On 10/21/19, the Diocese of Boise released a list of credibly accused. We cached a copy of the 10/21/19 list. The diocese posted a revised copy of the list dated 10/24/19. The revised list included one new name (Fr. Colman King); it adjusted Fr. Michael Kiuper in the diocesan list, changing his incident(s) timeframe from 1974 to 1974-1975; it deleted Fr. Michael Kiuper from the order/extern list, where he had also been listed in the 10/21/19 list with different information; it moved Fr. Ruben Garcia from the order/extern list to the diocesan list and adjusted his information; and for all the priests it added their assignments at the time of the abuse incident(s), but without start/stop dates or years. We cached a copy of the 10/24/19 list.

Boston MA – We have cached the original main list posted on 8/25/11; the entire Publication With Respect to Archdiocesan Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse of a Child as it existed on 1/9/13; and the 1/9/13 posting in its several parts: Cardinal O'Malley's introductory letter, the main list of accused priests, a glossary, the list of priests whose allegations are considered by the archdiocese to be unsubstantiated, O'Malley's letter to priests, and his letter to survivors. We have cached the list on the following dates (U indicates a caching of the "Unsubstantiated" list; dates without a U indicate a caching of the main list with its five categories).

12/18/11 U

02/23/12 U
05/18/12 U
06/08/12 U

01/09/13 Lists & Ancillary Materials
01/09/13 U
01/26/13 U

07/03/13 Lists & Ancillary Materials
07/03/13 U
07/23/13 U

03/11/14 U
12/14/14 U

03/25/15 U

07/03/15 U
09/10/15 U
10/08/15 U
10/23/15 U
11/03/15 U

03/04/16 at 11:28 am
03/04/16 at  7:09 pm
03/29/16 at 9:53 am
03/29/16 at 2:05 pm
03/29/16 U

10/11/18 U

06/08/19 U

01/17/20 U

• 12/09/20
12/09/20 U

05/25/24 U

O'Malley limited his list to diocesan clergy – no religious priests, brothers, or sisters were included. Nor were diocesan priests working as externs in Boston. For an analysis of this approach, see Many alleged abusers left off church list, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (11/20/11). O'Malley also excluded from the initial list any priests who were not already known to be accused. Indeed, O'Malley admitted in his accompanying letter that "there are 91 names that are not being included on the lists published today."

In contrast, attorney Mitchell Garabedian has maintained a list on his website of all the priests who have been accused of abuse by clients he has represented. See the previous Garabedian lists that we have cached: 1/24/11, 3/28/13, 10/31/14, and 10/1/17.

We cached copies of the archdiocese's list as of 1/17/20 and the unsubstantiated list as of 1/17/20. Fr Leonard E. Pelletier had been moved from section C to A; Fr Frederick Barr had been moved from C to unsubstantiated; Fr Francis V. Strahan had been added to C; Fr Richard Donahue had been added to unsubstantiated. Fr Joseph C. Byrne continues to be double-listed in section E and in unsubstantiated.

We cached copies of the Boston archdiocese's list as of 12/09/20 and their unsubstantiated list as of 12/09/20.

We cached the archdiocese's list as of 5/25/24 and its unsubstantiated list as of 5/25/24.

Bridgeport CT – This list is dated 12/31/15 but the PDF as posted was created on 2/1/15, and it is presented on the diocesan website by a letter from Bishop Caggiano dated 11/14. The letter states that the diocese " is re-promulgating its list" as the USCCB Charter "requires." The list itself cites the diocesan Policies and Procedures, Section 11.2, which " states that the Diocese will maintain a public record, including a website, that lists the names of diocesan priests and deacons who have been removed from ministry under this Policy." We have cached a copy of the 2/1/15 list; the 11/14 Caggiano letter; the 2003 version of the Policies and Procedures, as revised in 2007; a revision of the Policies and Procedures created on 12/2/14, included in a diocesan Handbook, and dated 2015; and Caggiano's letter and decree, both dated 11/30/14, presenting the Handbook. The diocesan list provides lists of assignments but not the years of those assignments. For that information on some of the priests, see the 12/3/14 list posted by the law firm of Tremont Sheldon Robinson Mahoney. On 3/22/19, the Bridgeport diocese announced a letter by Bishop Caggiano describing the release of a revised list (as a webpage and PDF) and a list of accused priests whose allegations hade been settled (as a webpage and PDF). We have cached copies of the 3/22/19 announcement, letter, web settlement list, PDF list of credibly accused, and PDF settlement list. On 5/6/19 we cached the web list of credibly accused.

An investigation and file review commissioned by the diocese resulted in a report released on 10/1/19. The report includes a Credibly Accused section that provides more information than the diocese's list.

We cached the 1/22/20 web list of credibly accused and the 1/22/20 PDF list of credibly accused. New on those lists were Fr Stephen Gleeson, Fr Jaime Marin-Cordona, Fr Paul Vincent Cleary, and Msgr William A. Genuario.

Brooklyn NY – The Diocese of Brooklyn released a list of clergy with allegations on 2/15/19. We have cached a copy of the 2/15/19 list and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio's accompanying letter. The list was revised on 2/22/19, adding Fr. John D. Capillo to the list and Fr. Vincent Zollo and Fr. James C. Tugwood to the footnotes; details about several other priests were added or adjusted; we cached a copy of the 2/22/19 list. The list was revised on 6/29/19, adding Fr. Eugene Arnaud and Fr. Francis Evans, and adjusting details re other priests; we cached a copy of the 6/29/19 list. We cached a 9/20/19 revised list, which added: Fr John W. Byrnes and Fr John H. Maurer with their assignments. We cached a 12/7/21 revised list. We cached a 4/15/24 revised list.

Brownsville TX – On 1/31/19, along with the other Texas dioceses, the Diocese of Brownsville released a list of accused priests. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list published in the press, and Bishop Daniel E. Flores' accompanying 1/31/19 letter in English and Spanish. We also cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list on 5/23/19.

Buffalo NY – On 3/20/18, the Buffalo diocese posted a list that identified "diocesan priests who were removed from ministry, were retired, or left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. This list also includes deceased priests with more than one allegation made against them. The year of death is listed next to those who are deceased." We have cached a PDF of the 3/20/18 list, and a PDF of the list that the diocese released to the news media. The list named 42 accused diocesan priests, 27 of whom had not been publicly named before as accused. On 2/27/04, Msgr. Robert J. Cunningham, Diocesan Administrator, had stated that the Buffalo diocese counted 53 accused diocesan priests, but had not provided names. For the 3/20/18 release of names, see Under Pressure, Buffalo Bishop Names 42 Priests Accused of Abuse, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (3/20/18). See also the Chrism Mass Homily of Bishop Richard J. Malone. The 3/20/18 list provided no information besides names and death years. Assignment histories were not included; nor were the number or nature of allegations detailed, beyond the statement that deceased priests included on the list had more than one allegation. Moreover, the list as of 6/30/18 was still in the form of a press release on the website of Western New York Catholic, the diocesan newspaper; it was not on the diocesan website, which linked to the press release from its main Protecting God's Children page.

- On 11/5/18, the diocese published a list of 36 additional priests accused of abuse. We cached a copy of the 11/5/18 additional list. See Buffalo diocese expands list of credibly accused clerics, by Jonah McKeown, Catholic News Agency (11/5/18). This list included 20 diocesan priests and 16 religious order priests.

- On 1/7/19, the diocese announced that two priests (Maryanski and Wolski) had been added to a "website 'List of priests with substantiated allegations of child sexual abuse.'" The announcement linked to a list that consolidated the two new names with the names on the 3/20/18 and 11/5/18 lists. We cached copies of the 1/7/19 announcement. We also cached the consolidated list on 3/27/19 and 4/29/19. On 1/15/19, a week after the 1/7/19 announcement about Maryanski and Wolski, the Jesuit's Northeast province released their list of accused, including lists of assignments (without years or dates). The Northeast Jesuit list included eight Jesuits who had worked in Buffalo assignments (at Canisius HS, Canisius College, St. Michael's church, and St. Anne's church):

• Fr. Cornelius Carr SJ
• Fr. Peter Conroy SJ
• Fr. Thomas Denny SJ
• Fr. John L. Farrand SJ
• Fr. Raymond Fuller SJ
• Fr. James Gould SJ
• Fr. Vincent Mooney SJ
• Fr. William Scanlon SJ

Of these eight, only two (Conroy and Gould) appeared among the 16 religious order priests on the 11/5/18 Buffalo list. Instead of adding the six new Jesuits to the Buffalo list, the Buffalo diocese chose to delete the two Jesuits it had listed, and provide a link to the Northeast Jesuit list. This approach may be seen on our 3/27/19 cache of the Buffalo list.

We cached a copy of the revised list dated 8/14/19, a PDF which was actually created on 8/20/19.

We cached a copy of the 11/5/19 updated list of diocesan priests with substantiated allegations. New on that list were Fr Gerald P. Collins, Fr Richard C. Crumlish, Fr Louis S. Dolinic, and Msgr Charles A. Klauder. We cached a copy of the 11/5/19 revised list of order priests with allegations.

We cached a 1/10/22 credibly accused list and a 1/28/22 administrative leave list.

Burlington VT – On 8/22/19, the Diocese of Burlington released a list of credibly accused. We cached a copy of the 8/22/19 list, as well as Bishop Coyne's 8/22/19 letter with other materials and the 8/22/19 list of members of the file review committee. See also Seven Days Tracks Down Ex-Priests Accused of Sex Abuse in Vermont, by Molly Walsh and Derek Brower, Seven Days (9/11/19) with a database version of the Burlington list and its assignments. We cached a copy of the article.

Camden NJ – On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Camden released a list of credibly accused clerics. We cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list. We cached a copy of the list as of 9/26/22. This revised version adds Kenneth James Johnston, Patrick Joseph Mulligan, Daniel James Norton, John Lawrence O'Connor, and Paul C. Wise; and removes Alfred J. Vasapolli.

Capuchins – Province of St. Conrad CO KS MO IL – The province released a list of accused religious on 3/28/19, with a letter from the provincial, a press release, and a FAQ. The Diocese of Salina also published the information in its diocesan newspaper. We cached the province's intro page, the 3/28/19 list, the provincial's letter, the press release, the FAQ, and the Salina diocesan newspaper.

Capuchins – Province of St. Joseph MI – We cached a copy of a list of friars with confirmed allegations and the relevant pages of the report. that included the list: Michael Burnett, Fr. Thomas Doyle, and Dr. James Freiburger, Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph (June 18, 2013); a revised version of the report was created on 6/28/13, when a revised version of the executive summary was also created. We cached a copy of the 6/6/19 statement containing the 1/19 revised list. The 1/19 list noted changes of status for a brother and a priest and added five priests to the list. The new priests were: Fr Roman Ament, Fr Bertold Ascher, Fr Robert Harrison, Fr Emmet Hoffman, and Fr Elmer Stoffel. We cached a copy of the updated 10/1/20 list, which added Fr. Gus Cops to the "Current members" part of the list.

Carmelites – We cached a list of credibly accused dated 11/22/20. We cached updated lists dated 1/20/21 and 5/30/23.

Charleston SC – On 3/29/19, the Diocese of Charleston released a list of credibly accused priests, in English and Spanish, together with a letter from Bishop Robert Guglielmone (E & S), and Questions and Answers (E & S). We have cached copies of the 3/29/19 list (E and S), letter (E & S), and Questions and Answers (E & S). We cached a copy of the 12/31/19 revised list, which added two new names: Fr Louis Williamson and Fr John Gallagher. We cached a copy of the 3/27/20 revised list, which added Fr John [H.] Dux to the Abuse Outside the Diocese of Charleston sublist.

Charlotte NC – On 12/29/19, the Diocese of Charlotte released a list of credibly accused clergy (and two brothers). We cached a copy of the 12/29/19 list. The diocese provided (in pop-ups) each accused person's Charlotte assignments, listed in alphabetical order with no dates or years for each assignment; along with the assignments were accounts of the allegations. In order to facilitate comparisons among the assignments, we combined all the pop-ups into a single PDF. On 2/28/20, the diocese updated their list, adding Fr. Hugh Clarke and Fr. Harold J. Johnson to the list of priests "accused elsewhere." We cached a copy of the 2/28/20 updated list and of the two pop-ups about Clarke and Johnson.

Cheyenne WY – On 6/12/19, the Diocese of Cheyenne published a list of clergy with substantiated allegations, including Bishop Emeritus Hart. We cached a copy of the 6/12/19 list and related materials. We also cached a full copy of the June 2019 issue of the Wyoming Catholic Register in which the list appeared. We cached a copy of the 11/8/19 updated list, which added Fr. Donn Shelley and also adjusted several entries, including the abuse information on Hart and Tellez. We cached a copy of the revised list on 12/11/20, adding Fr Joseph P. Fraher.

Chicago IL – We have cached many versions of the report in its more recent landscape format, which includes a detailed "Action Taken" column, distinct from the "Status" column: 9/25/12, 10/8/13, 1/15/14, 1/30/14, 12/11/14, 3/25/15, 10/26/15, 10/26/16, 11/28/18, 2/4/19, 6/12/19, 10/14/22 (which added Duluth's Fr. William C. Graham), 5/4/23, 3/7/24, and 9/20/24 (which removed Duluth's Graham).

The 1/30/14 version of the Chicago list is the first to display the date on which the list was updated. See also our cached copies of the earlier portrait version of the list (numbers in parentheses indicate additions, subtractions, and totals of priests with substantiated allegations, as shown on the list): 3/20/06 (+15=55; see Brachear article for prior total); 9/15/08 (+7=62); 1/4/10 (+3–1=64); 1/14/10 (+1=65); 10/4/10 (same total as 1/14/10 but updated entries on Craig, Hagan, Hoder, Holihan, Huppenbauer, Kissane, Mayer, McCaffrey, and Weston); 7/5/11 (same total as 10/4/10 but updated entries on Bowman, Flosi, Hoder, and Kissane); 7/19/11 (downloaded 1/9/14). The Chicago list was first released on 3/20/06, when the archdiocese also released the Defenbaugh report (on archdiocesan handling of the McCormack and Bennett cases) and the Childers report (on monitoring problems). See Audit Says Archdiocese Botched Abuse Inquiry, by Manya A. Brachear and Margaret Ramirez, Chicago Tribune, March 21, 2006; and Cardinal: I Should've Done More, by Cathleen Falsani, Chicago Sun-Times, March 21, 2006. See also Cardinal Francis E. George's deposition, pp. 277 ff and 53-54.

Christian Brothers – This list was originally created on 5/30/14, in compliance with Item 3 of the Non-Monetary Commitments of the bankruptcy settlement, and was posted on the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North America website by 6/3/14. As per the Non-Monetary Commitments, the Christian Brothers posted the names of brothers included in the settlement "who are identified in at least two (2) Sexual Abuse Claims filed as proofs of claim (including proofs of claim for future claims)." We have cached copies of the original 5/30/14 PDF of the list, a 6/30/14 PDF (identical to the first version, but with a date of May 30, 2014 added at the bottom), a 1/15/15 PDF (with Br. J. Matthew Walderman added), and an 11/22/15 PDF that corrects the spelling of Br. Robert E. Beckstrom's name. We have also cached a copy of the Non-Monetary Commitments. Br. J. Matthew Walderman, previously known as Br. John M. Walderman, had been listed in the Christian Brothers' 1/10/14 Reorganization Plan as one of the brothers whose names were being withheld "pending completion of the Province's review of the Abuse Claims against them." Walderman pleaded not guilty in 1986 to charges of transporting a 17-year-old boy for prostitution and solicitation, and the charges were dismissed in 1987. But Walderman was again removed by the order when the 1986 allegation came to light in 2007. We cached a copy of the 5/21/17 revised list, which changes the status of Br John Heathwood to deceased.

Cincinnati OH – We have cached copies of this status report: 2/7/06, 10/19/07, 6/6/09, 1/9/13, 2/22/14, 1/27/16, 6/8/19, and 1/26/20. When this list first appeared, by 2/7/06, it publicly named for the first time: Brunner, Cooper, Feldhaus, Kuhn, Pater, and Schoettmer. The 1/26/20 version added other order priests to the Jesuits listed in the 6/8/19 list.

Cleveland OH – The Diocese of Cleveland gathered on its website notices of some removals of priests annd laicizations since early 2002. The first notice provides a partial list. We cached a copy of the list of notices, and of each notice it is linked to, including the partial list of 22 priests. On 6/21/19, the diocese released an expanded list. We cached a copy of the revised 6/21/19 list, Bishop Perez's accompanying 6/21/19 letter, and the 6/21/19 press release. We cached a revised list on 8/26/22.

Columbans – This list resulted from a Kinsale Consulting file review, with the Columbans' Review Board considering those Kinsale findings. The introduction to the list states in part: "There have been 463 priests attached to the North American region of the Columban Fathers since 1950... there are names of certain deceased Columban priests not being disclosed at this time, either because allegations about them remain under investigation or they are the subject of pending legal proceedings. If further investigation results in a conclusion that credible allegations are present, or when legal proceedings are concluded, those names will be added to the list. In some cases, files have also been turned over to Columban leaders in other countries for their investigation and follow up action." We cached a 2/15/21 version of the list and a 2/2/22 revised list.

Columbus OH – This list was released on 3/1/19, with a letter from Bishop Frederick Campbell. We have cached a copy of the 3/1/19 list. It is a very basic list, providing only name, ordination year, and status for each priest. No assignment histories are included, and the alleged abuse is not described. A footnote acknowledges that the recently accused Msgr. Thomas Bennett is not on the list; nor are Fr. James Csaszar, Br. Robert E. (Paul) Hayden LBGS, or Br. Fintan Shaffer LBGS. But the list does publicly state for the first time the names of 15 priests accused of abuse whose identities were not known before:

• Fr. Hector Bellinato PIME
• Msgr. Harry Estadt
• Fr. Kenneth France-Kelly OP
• Fr. John Geiger
• Fr. Louis Hoffman
• Fr. Robert Hunt CPPS
• Deacon James Hutson
• Fr. Timothy Keane SSCC
• Fr. Robert Luchi
• Fr. Bernard McClory
• Fr. Robert Schmidt
• Fr. Ted Spires
• Fr. Alan Sprenger
• Fr. John Tague
• Fr. George Tumeo

An updated Columbus list was released on 5/23/19, and we cached a copy of the updated 5/23/19 list. We cached a 12/3/19 updated list that removed Msgr Robert A. Brown. It addded Fr John Gamba, Fr Stuart Campbell OP, Fr Joseph Herlihy OP, Fr James Kilkenny OP, Fr Thomas McCarthy OP, Fr Joseph McGuiness OP, Fr Robert Pelkington OP, Fr John Powers OP, and Fr David Schilder. We cached the 2/10/20 revised list, which added Fr. Richard J. McCormick SDB.

Corpus Christi TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Corpus Christi released a list of clerics credibly accused of abusing a minor. We cached a news article reproducing the original 1/31/19 list; we also cached the list as it appeared on 5/23/19.

Covington KY – On 7/31/20, the Diocese of Covington released a list of priests, brothers, sisters, lay employees, and deacons with substantiated allegations of abuse of a minor. We cached a copy of the 7/31/20 list.

Crookston MN – This list was originally released at the request of the Grand Forks Herald. See Crookston Diocese Releases List of Accused Priests, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (1/24/14). We have cached the 1/24/14 list. On 3/26/14 the diocese created a revised list, adding Rev. Othman Hohmann OSB. We have cached the 3/26/14 list. On 10/23/14, the diocese created a revised list that included Rev. Gerald Foley; we have cached a copy of the 10/23/14 list. On 9/21/17, the diocese released a statement about two Benedictines, Fr. Casimir Plakut OSB and Fr. Augustine John Strub OSB, who had been named by St. John's Abbey on 9/18/17 as accused. (We have cached the 9/21/17 statement.) Crookston added Plakut and Strub to the diocesan list, but did not specify where the priests had been assigned. St. John's had stated that Plakut's Crookston assignments were in Detroit Lakes and Naytahwausch, and that Strub's Crookston assignments were in Naytahwausch and Callaway. In addition, St. John's stated that Plakut had worked in towns of the Duluth and St. Cloud dioceses, and that Strub had worked in towns in the Duluth diocese. As of 9/28/17, the Crookston diocese had two versions of its list on its website, one created on 9/21/17 that includes Plakut and Strub, and one modified on 3/26/14 that does not. We have cached the 9/21/17 and 3/26/14 lists. Both of those lists no longer include Fr. Gerald Foley. He had been added to the list on 10/23/14, but has since been deleted from the list. As of 9/28/17, the Crookston diocese's Reporting Abuse page links to the list that does not include Plakut and Strub, and no longer includes Foley. As of 9/3/19, those three priests were included on the list.

On 1/26/20 we cached the revised and expanded list with assignment and other information, The priests listed since our previous 9/21/17 cache were:
• Fr Robert Bester
• Fr James Bernauer
• Fr Richard Boyd
• Fr Victor Cardin
• Fr Lawrence Davis
• Fr Donald Dummer
• Fr Gerald Foley
• Fr Charles Gormly
• Msgr Roger Grundhaus
• Fr Louis Heitzer
• Fr Paul Kabat
• Fr Stephen Murawski
• Fr Luke Odor
• Fr Michael O’Reilly
• Fr James Rellihan
• Fr Joseph Richards
• Fr Aloysius Simon
• Fr Pat Sullivan

Crosier Fathers and Brothers – We have created a web version of the Croziers' 3/7/14 list, and we have cached a printable PDF version, because the first version of the list (which we have also cached) had security restrictions that prevented printing. We have also cached another version of the list, a PDF created on 2/3/15 but dated 11/14 in its file name. We've also cached two versions of a 3/6/14 press release by Lisa Cassidy about the list: a revision dated 7/28/14 and another revision dated 11/3/14. The earlier release includes a quote that "the last occurrence of abuse took place more than 20 years ago." The later version revises that statement to read "25 years ago."

A revised version of Cassidy's statement was posted on 1/27/17, containing a link to a revised version of the Crosiers' PDF list of credibly accused. We have cached copies of the 1/27/17 statement and list. The 1/27/17 list does not include Fr. Kenneth M. Opat OSC as credibly accused. As of 6/7/17, the 1/27/17 list was the version of record. According to a 5/4/16 Crosier statement, the Crosiers received word on 5/2/16 of a lawsuit alleging that Opat had sexually abused a minor.

In 6/02 the Crosiers had hired the Minneapolis law firm of Faegre & Benson to review the order's abuse cases and files, after revelations regarding alleged abuse by Bro. Gregory Madigan in 5/02. On 10/8/02 the order released materials on cases and policies, and a list of eight clerics restricted because of abuse allegations. Earlier a newspaper report had stated that eleven Crosiers had been accused of abuse. Media coverage 1 2 provided the names of the eight, but the Crosiers' online materials appear not to have included the names, and the order appears not to have posted the names since. See also media coverage later in 2002 and the Crosiers' reply 1 2.

We cached the 12/6/23 revised list.

Dallas TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Dallas released a list of accused priests. We cached copies of the list on 2/7/19 and 5/23/19. We cached copies of the priest detail pages for each of the accused on 7/10/19. Those Priest Details pages are linked here:

Fr. Matthew Bagert
Fr. Richard Brown
Fr. Alejandro Buitrago
Fr. Robert Crisp
Fr. Paul Detzel
Fr. John Duesman
Fr. James Fitzpatrick
Fr. Michael Flanagan
Fr. Timothy Heines
Fr. William Hoover
Fr. William Hughes
Fr. Richard Johnson
Fr. Rudy Kos
Fr. William Lane
Fr. Justin Lucio
Fr. Patrick Lynch
Fr. Henry McGill
Fr. Jeremy Myers OSB
Fr. Edmundo Paredes
Fr. Robert Peebles
Fr. James Reilly
Fr. Kenneth Roberts
Fr. Jose Saldana
Fr. Raymond (John) Scott
Fr. Michael Barone (Tyler)
Fr. Peter Barusseau (Ajaccio)
Fr. Thomas Behnke OCD
Fr. Gabriel Hentrich OCD
Fr. Patrick Koch SJ
Fr. Vincent Malatesta SJ
Fr. Anthony Nwaogu (Umuahia, Nigeria)
Fr. Benjamin Smylie SJ

Davenport IA – This table has been updated periodically by the diocese. We have several cached versions: 7/14/08, 5/21/09, 7/6/12, 11/2/12, 2/23/16, 6/16, 10/8/18, 10/1/19, and 12/12/19 (adding Fr Richard Poster), as well as Bishop Franklin's 2/25/04 report and the report with our commentary. The list PDF'd on 10/1/19 is still stated on the diocesan homepage to have been "revised 10/2018." But the 10/1/19 PDF differs from the 10/8/18 list both in its name and in its "created" date. On August 21, 2012, the Bankruptcy Court ordered the diocese to add three new priests to its list. The diocese did its own investigation, and "found that the allegations were not substantiated by clear and convincing evidence, a more rigorous standard [than preponderance of the evidence] always utilized with deceased priests because they are not alive to defend themselves." The diocese listed the three priests separately on its site, in a file entitled Court-Ordered Listing, instead of including them in its List of Credible Allegations Against Priests, Brothers and Lay Employees. We have cached a 9/5/12 copy of the Court-Ordered Listing.

Des Moines IA – On 4/4/19, the Diocese of Des Moines released a "list of substantiated abuse" with a letter from Bishop Richard Pates. We have cached copies of the 4/4/19 list and 4/3/19 letter.

Detroit MI – We have cached the reformatted and updated status reports as of 1/10/13, 1/27/14, 2/15/16, and 4/4/16, as well as the 11/02, 4/09, 10/09, and 5/10 status reports. We have also cached news releases and other materials to which the archdiocese's list is or has been linked: Baker (with Kurtz, McNeely, and Williams), Cain, Conlon, Grandpre, Farris, Kurtz, Murray, O'Dea, Richey, Roth (with the OSFS abuse policy), Schulte, Walsh, West, and (on 3/28/16) Lauinger. We cached copies of the 6/10/19 list and the 6/10/19 advisories. We cached a copy on 1/27/20 of the updated and reformatted list, which is divided into "categories" that can be viewed only one at a time. Our cache saves the list so that all categories are visible at once.

Dodge City KS – On 10/1/19, the Diocese of Dodge City released a list of priests and seminarians with substantiated allegations. The list resulted from a file review and audit done by retired Kansas District Judge Robert J. Schmisseur. We cached a copy of the 10/1/19 list with Bishop John B. Brungardt's letter and other supporting information, the 10/1/19 list in Spanish, and the 10/6/19 Southwest Kansas Catholic, containing the letter, the list, and other supporting materials. We cached a copy of the 10/31/19 updated list, which added assignment histories with years.

Dominicans – Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western US) – We cached a copy of the 10/26/21 list.

Dominicans – Province of St. Joseph (NY and Eastern US) – On 10/27/18, the provincial announced in a letter that the province would release a list on 11/8/18. That list has been revised since then. As of 4/17/19, the posted list is dated 12/21/18. We have cached copies of the 10/27/18 letter and the 12/21/18 list. We cached a 6/21/19 revised list that included one new name: Fr William Ferrer Kopfman OP.

Dominicans – Province of St. Albert the Great (NY and Midwest US) – On 4/21/22 the Dominicans of the Province of St. Albert the Great posted a list showing the Status of Friars with Established Allegations. We cached copies of the 4/21/22, 7/8/22, 11/30/22, and 6/9/23 lists.

Dubuque IA – The table has been updated periodically by the archdiocese. We have cached several versions: 2/21/06, 9/22/06, 4/20/09, 4/26/10, 7/15/12, 8/1/13 and 9/13/18; see also our webpage collating the two 2006 versions.

Duluth MN – As of 3/25/14, the diocesan homepage provided links to the list as revised on 3/19/14 and related materials. We have cached the list that was originally released on 12/31/13, and that list separately and together with related pages as they existed on the diocesan website on 1/6/14: homepage, sexual misconduct page, list, statement by Bishop Sirba, disclosure Q&A, Charter Q&A, and glossary of terms used in the John Jay study. We have also cached the 2/20/14 revision of the list that added two names: Conlon and Porter; and the list as updated on 3/19/14 to include Rev. Urban Schmitt OSC, after the Crosiers included him in the list that they released on 3/7/14. We have also cached two other versions, created on 12/3/15 and 12/9/15, which added other accused priests to the Addendem [sic], including accused priests listed on 7/6/15 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate under the nonmonetary terms of a settlement. We cached the 11/26/19 revised list, which added Fr Robert Bedrosian MSF, Fr Roland Antus, and Fr William C. Graham. The 11/26/19 list also adds a section of links to lists of religious orders and other dioceses. We cached the 6/23/20, 1/7/21, and 9/22/22 lists. We cached the 3/28/24 revised list, which removed Graham. We cached the 9/19/24 list.

Edmundites – On 9/25/19, the newspaper Seven Days published an article about a list of Edmundites with allegations, "quietly" posted by the Society of St. Edmund. We cached a copy of the article. The PDF of the list was created on 8/7/19, but it is not known when the Edmundites posted the list on the web. We cached a copy of the 8/7/19 PDF, and on 10/1/19 we cached a copy of the Edmundites' Safe Environments page, which contains the PDF list.

El Paso TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of El Paso released a list of clergy with credible allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list and related materials. The El Paso diocese also posted on 1/31/19 a copy of the list of the Central and Southern Province of the Jesuits. A confusing introductory note states: "We are including the list that was recently published by the Jesuits U. S. Central and Southern Province because it contains the names of two [sic] Jesuits who served in El Paso for a time but whose known cases of abuse did not take place here. T[h]ey are: Austin N. Park, Benjamin Wren, Edward D. De Russy, Claude L. Ory, Claude P. Boudreax and Patrick H. O’Liddy."

Erie PA – The Erie diocese released its list on 4/6/18 along with Bishop Persico's statement, Communications Director Anne-Marie Welsh's statement, and a revised diocesan abuse policy. We've cached copies of the list, Persico's statement, Welsh's statement, and the revised policy. The initial list and subsequent revisions provided basic information: name, current location, and status. Ordination year, assignments, and allegation information were not included.
- On 5/18/18, the diocese updated the list, adding a layperson (Mr. Randolph A. Byrd) and five priests (Fr. Barry M. Hudock, Fr. Patrick B. Vallimont, Fr. Kevin E. Cray SDS, Fr. Fidelis G. Lazar OSB, and Fr. Andrew W. Pawlaczyk). We have cached a copy of the 5/18/18 list.
- On 7/18/18, the diocese announced updates to the list. The new names were: Charles R. Cooper, Fr G. Matthew Daly, Msgr. James Hopkins, Msgr. Louis Lorei, Vincent “Vance” Valentine, Jonathan Borkowski, and Fr William A. Rice. We have cached a copy of the 7/18/18 announcement and the resulting 7/18/18 list.
- On 8/14/18, the diocese released another updated version of its list. We cached a copy of the 8/14/18 updated list. It includes the following persons newly named as accused: Fr Gregory P. Furjanic OFM, Fr Jerry Kucan OFM, Br Edmundus Murphy SVD, Fr Richard Lynch, Fr Jan Olowin, and Msgr Thomas Snyderwine. On the day of the update, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was released in redacted form after legal challenges, together with responses. Bishop Persico issued a statement on the report; we have cached a copy of this 8/14/18 statement. The responses included a response by K&L Gates on behalf of the Erie diocese dated 6/20/18. K&L Gates is conducting the diocese's ongoing review of priest files and allegations. The diocese subsequently posted the response on their website. We cached a copy of the 6/20/18 Erie response.
- On 9/27/18, the diocese announced updates to its list. We have cached a copy of the 9/27/18 update announcement.
- On 10/30/18, the diocese announced updates to its list. We have cached a copy of the 10/30/18 update announcement.
- On 12/3/18, the diocese released another updated version of its list. We cached a copy of the 12/3/18 updated list.
- On 4/5/19, the diocese announced what it called a fifth update to its list. We cached the 4/5/19 news release and the 4/5/19 list.
We cached the 1/6/23 revised list. We cached the 2/1/23 revised list. We cached the 2/15/23 revised list. We cached the 1/18/24 revised list.

Evansville IN – On 2/22/19, the Diocese of Evansville released a list of credibly accused clergy. We cached a copy of the 2/22/19 list. and a copy of Bishop Joseph M. Siegel's 2/22/19 letter. On the same day, the diocese posted statements on investigations of Fr. Raymond Kuper and Fr. Dave Fleck. We cached copies of the 2/22/10 Kuper statement and the 2/22/19 Fleck statement. Kuper and Fleck were not included in the 2/22/19 list.

Fairbanks AK – We have kept a cache of this page saved on 2/7/12, and another version saved on 2/15/16 that adds two priests, Rev. John Baud and Rev. Clint Landry, and also increases the number of allegations noted for some priests. We cached a version revised on 10/18/18. The number of allegations against Landry is not specified. By adding the number of "reports" of abuse, the diocese improved the original list prepared during the bankruptcy proceedings. We have cached on our site a copy of that original bankruptcy list, consolidating two files 1 2 posted on the diocesan site on 12/29/09 and linked from a page providing other documents relating to the diocese's bankruptcy filing. We have also cached all the bankruptcy documents that were provided on the diocesan site.

Fall River MA – On 1/7/21, the Diocese of Fall River released three lists of accused clergy. On 1/26/21 we cached those lists of credibly accused, publicly accused, and cases in process. We also cached ancillary materials on 1/26/21: a news release, a summary of the diocesan response, a glossary and FAQs, and a letter about the file review and the creation of the lists. On 12/13/21, the diocese announced that allegations had been found credible against Fr James F. Buckley, Fr Edward J. Byington, and Fr Richard E. Degagne. We cached a copy of the 12/20/21 list, which added those priests by moving them from the cases-in-process list. On 8/25/22, the diocese announced the addition to the credibly accused list of Fr John A. Gomes and Fr Michael Kuhn, and the addition of Fr Adrian Donachie OFM to the list of publicly accused. We cached copies of the 9/29/22 credibly accused list and the 8/25/22 publicly accused list showing these additions.

Fargo ND – On 1/2/20, the Diocese of Fargo released a list of clergy with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/2/20 list.

Fort Wayne-South Bend IN – The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend released a list of credibly accused priests on 9/18/18. We have cached a copy of the 9/18/18 list. A revised list was posted on 3/28/19; we have cached a copy of the 3/28/19 list. We cached a copy of the 1/18/20 revised list, which included two new names: Fr Joseph W. Gaughan and Fr Ralph Luczak CSC. We cached the revised 12/4/20 list, which added Fr Barry (Finbar) Coyle OFM and Fr. John J. Powell SJ.

Fort Worth TX – This list with assignments of "priests with allegations with semblance of truth," posted on the diocesan website as of 2/16/16, was created by the diocese on 2/5/15. We have cached five versions of this list: and 3/30/07; 12/11/09; 11/22/10; 7/18/13; and 2/5/15. The 2009 and 2010 lists appear to be identical. We cached a 10/9/18 revised list that included one new name: Deacon Russell William Detwiler.

Franciscans – Holy Name Province – This list was posted on 10/8/21. We cached a copy of the 10/8/21 list.

Franciscans – Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe – This list was posted by the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, but the priests listed are friars (priests and brothers, not distinguished) from Holy Name Province, Assumption Province, Sacred Heart Province, and St. John the Baptist Province. We cached a copy of the list on 1/16/24.

Franciscans – Province of St. Barbara – This list was released on 5/31/19. We have cached a copy of the 5/31/19 list and the FAQs. We cached a 9/8/20 updated list. We cached a 11/2023 updated list that included men who were not on the 2020 List of Credibly Accused but have been accused of child sexual abuse in one or more of the recently filed lawsuits under legislation reopening the statue of limitations.

Franciscans – Province of St. John the Baptist – We cached a copy of this list as of 6/18/22.

Fresno CA – This list was released on 8/6/21. We cached a copy of the 8/6/21 list.

Gallup NM and AZ – The Diocese of Gallup released its list on December 15, 2014, while its 11/12/13 filing for bankruptcy protection was in process. The diocese initially posted a version of the list without assignment histories for 11 of the 31 accused persons. Our cache of Gallup's initial page was collected on December 16, 2014. The diocese updated the page to provide those assignment histories, as well as a Spanish translation of the bishop's letter. The revision also corrects the entry for Carl Todaro, who was a seminarian, not a priest, as previously stated. We cached the diocese's revised list as a PDF on 1/6/15 and as a webpage with convenient navigation on 2/28/15. Nine persons on the diocese's list were not previously known as accused: Baz, Coutu, Messier, Newton, Runnebaum, Schreiber, Todaro, and Viramontes. The last name of the priest identified incorrectly on the list as Fr. Lucien Meurnier was Meunier. He was a Canadian priest who appears in the Tucson list as Rev. Lucien Meunier de la Pierre, and was also known as Lucien-Luc Meunier and L. Luke Meunier. The Gallup list does not include some accused persons whose allegations were already known publicly. See Some Names Not Included on Diocese Abuser List, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent, December 23, 2014. We also cached the page on 2/16/16, by which time the status of six priests had been changed to "deceased" since our previous cache on 1/6/15. A date of death is not provided, so it is not clear whether these six priests all died in the last year, or whether the list has simply been made more accurate. The priests are: Baz, Clark, Messier, Murphy, Newton, and Roper. On April 28, 2017, the diocese updated the list, adding Fr. Ephraim Beltramea OFM, Fr. Diego Mazon OFM, and Bro. Mark Schornack OFM. We have cached a copy of the 4/28/17 list.

We cached a copy of the 12/10/18 revised list, which added five priests and brought the total to 39 (see Diocese’s list of accused local priests grows to 39, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, December 15, 2018). We cached a copy of the 4/9/19 revised list, which added one priest and brought the total to 40 (see Gallup Diocese adds priest to list of accused, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent, April 10, 2019). We cached a copy of the 8/2/19 revised list, which added four accused priests: Br Dennis Duffy OFM, Fr Camillus Cavagnaro OFM, Fr Sylvester Mancuso OFM, and Fr Roman Pfalzer OFM. We cached a 11/5/21 update. We cached a 7/2023 update. We cached a 12/2023 update.

Galveston-Houston TX - The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston released a list on 1/31/19. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list with the assignment sections expanded.

Gary IN – In late August 2018, the Diocese of Gary posted a link to a list of "Priest Offenders." The PDF of the list was created on 8/27/18, and the diocesan spokesperson discussed the list on 8/28/18, as reported in Diocese of Gary names 10 former priests it found guilty of 'credible actions of sexual molestation of minors', by Carole Carlson, Post-Tribune (August 29, 2018). Above the list on the homepage was posted a link to Bishop Donald Hying's Statement on Recent Reports of Sexual Abuse in the Church, which is dated 8/15/18, but the PDF of the statement was created on 8/29/18. The statement pertains to Rev. Raymond Lukac, who was identified publicly for the first time in the PA GJ report as an accused priest. The report discusses an allegation that Lukac abused a girl in the Gary diocese. Bishop Hying's statement explains that the Gary review board "concluded that there was insufficient evidence to affirm credibility" of the allegation. Lukac is not included in Hying's list of "Priest Offenders." We have cached copies of the 8/27/18 list, the statement, and the look of the diocesan homepage on 9/4/18. We cached a copy of the 9/25/18 revision of the list, which softened the language of the introduction and added assignment information.

Gaylord MI – On 11/14/18, WWTV reported that the Diocese of Gaylord had posted a list of accused priests. We cached a copy of that list on 11/16/18. Google had cached a copy of the list on 11/10/18. WWTV also included in their video report images of a diocesan memo to its priests and staff, stating that "we are not notifying the media regarding this posting at this time and do not want you to make any kind of announcement." We have transcribed the memo as it was shown in the video. The Gaylord diocesan list contained 10 names, of which 4 were already known as accused. The 6 "new" names were: Fr Lionel Harnish, Fr Benedict Marciulionis, Fr Terrence Raymond, Fr Robert Gordon Smith, Fr Laurus Rhode OFM, and Fr Leo Olschaysken O Praem. (Rhode is a Franciscan priest; Olschaysken is a Norbertine.) In addition, Fr. John Tupper, who is known to have been accused by at least two persons, was not included in the Gaylord diocesan list. The Gaylord list named 8 diocesan priests, but in 2004, then-Bishop Cooney counted 10 accused diocesan priests. We cached the list as of 1/18/24.

Glenmary Home Missioners – On 10/11/19, the Glenmary Home Missioners released a list of credibly accused, with a letter from Fr. Dan Dorsey, President of the order. We cached a copy of the 10/11/19 letter and list.

Great Falls-Billings MT – On 8/21/18, the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings posted on its website, in compliance with the Non-Monetary Commitments of the bankruptcy settlement, a list of "accused priests/sisters." We have cached a copy of the 8/21/18 list, downloaded on 12/17/18.

Green Bay WI – On 1/17/19, the Diocese of Green Bay released a list of diocesan priests with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/17/19 list. We also cached copies of the list on 1/24/19, and of the 4/4/19 revised list and the 5/23/19 revised list. We cached the 1/17/19 revised list including further revisions made on 5/23/19. Our cache combines in a single file the assignment histories that are each in a separate file on the diocesan website. We cached assignment and allegation information updated on 5/6/20 for Buzanowski and Schuh.

Greensburg PA – On 8/14/18, the Greensburg diocese released a list of clergy with credible and substantiated allegations against them, in anticipation of the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. We cached a copy of the 8/14/18 list.

Harrisburg PA – On 8/1/18, the Diocese of Harrisburg posted a list of clergy and seminarians accused of sexual abuse of a child. On a Youth Protection website separate from the Diocese of Harrisburg website, a brief statement by Bishop Ronald W. Gainer prefaced links to 1) a description of the diocese's Youth Protection Program (effective 8/15/18), 2) a statement by Gainer on child sexual abuse, 3) a statement by Gainer releasing survivors from confidentiality clauses in settlements, 4) the list of clergy and seminarians accused of child sexual abuse with a letter explaining the list, and 5) Gainer's decree that anyone accused of child sexual abuse will have his name removed from any diocesan position of honor, and that the names of all Harrisburg bishops who served from 1947 will be removed from all buildings, facilities, and rooms. We've cached copies of these 8/1/18 documents (1  2  3  4  5) and also a copy of the introductory page. Bishop Gainer's release of the Harrisburg list came a week before the August 8, 2018 date set by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for the release of the redacted 40th Grand Jury Report, unless there were objections to the special master's redactions. The Supreme Court noted in its order that the report depicted "more than 300 clergymen as 'predator priests'" – Gainer includes 71 names on his list, 47 of whom were not previously known to be accused. For Gainer's unusual building decree, see Pennsylvania Diocese Orders Removal of Former Bishops’ Names from Church Buildings, by Laurie Goodstein, NY Times (8/1/18). On 8/6/18, the diocese released an update of the list. We cached a copy of the 8/6/18 updated list. The updated list added one accused priest and appended a list of assignments in an unusual format, organized by parish.

Hartford CT – On 1/22/19, the Archdiocese released a list of "clergy who have been the objects of legal settlements or otherwise credibly accused," as well as credibly accused externs and religious order priests. We cached a copy of the original 1/22/19 list as it was reprinted in the press. The photos in that reprint were added by the Hartford Courant and were not part of the archdiocesan release. We cached copies on 4/28/19 and 5/9/19 of the archdiocesan list and related materials as they appeared together. Names on the archdiocesan list are linked to pop-ups that provide assignment histories and other information on each priest. We cached those pop-ups and created a page that gathers all the assignment and other information as of 6/10/19. We cached the pop-ups again on 5/26/24.

Helena MT – On 4/29/15, the Diocese of Helena posted a list of accused perpetrators, in compliance with the nonmonetary terms of the 3/4/15 Reorganization Plan in the diocese's bankruptcy proceedings. We have cached a copy of the 4/29/15 list.

Congregation of Holy Cross – On 6/12/19, the U.S. Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross released a list of credibly accused priests, brothers, and seminarians. We cached a copy of the 6/12/19 list and the 6/12/19 letter by Rev. William M. Lies CSC, the Provincial. We cached a copy of the list that added Fr. David Tushar CSC in 10/20.

Houma-Thibodaux LA – The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux disclosed on 1/10/19 or 1/11/19 the names of priests who admitted, were convicted, or pled guilty to sexual abuse of minors. We cached a copy of the original list as reprinted on 1/11/19 in the press. We also cached a copy of a 1/13/19 brochure the diocese released to discuss the list. We cached a copy of the list as of 2/24/19.

Indianapolis IN – On 10/12/18, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis posted a "list of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse of [a] minor or young person". The list included two priests with "a single claim deemed credible which involved a vulnerable adult, age 18, who was an adolescent when at least the emotional aspects of the relationship began." The archdicoese also separated out four priests accused of abuse by single accusers after the priest's death. The archdiocese states that the "Archdiocesan Review Board recommended, out of an abundance of caution and transparency," that the four be listed. More than half of the names on this list (15 out of a total of 29) were not previously know to be accused. We cached a copy of the 10/12/18 list. The archdiocese updated the list on 12/18/18; we cached a copy of the updated 12/18/18 list.

Jackson MS – On 3/19/19, the Diocese of Jackson released a list of clergy and religious credibly accused of abusing minors, with a letter from Bishop Kopacz. We have cached copies of the 3/19/19 list and the 3/18/19 letter. We cached a copy of the list as of 1/30/20, which included Br William Wright GHM, added since our last cache. We cached a 12/21/20 copy of the list which shows that Fr. Paul Canonici died in 2020.

Jefferson City MO – On 11/8/18, the Diocese of Jefferson City released a list of "priests and religious brothers credibly accused and/or removed from ministry" in the diocese, along with a statement by Bishop McKnight and a packet comprising the list and related materials. We have cached copies of the 11/8/18 list, statement, and packet. The diocese updated the list (with changes indicated in red) on a new version of the list dated 12/16/18. The revision contained two new priests' names: Fr. Don Greene and Fr. Mel Lahr. We have cached a copy of the 12/16/18 revised list. We cached the 7/2/20 revised list (adding Fr. John Condit) and the 10/12/20 revised list (adding Fr. Severin Lamping OFM and Fr. Stephen Lamping OFM). On 12/21/20, we cached a copy of the diocesan listening sessions.

Jesuits – Central and Southern Province – This list for the consolidated Central and Southern Province of the Jesuits was released on 12/7/18. The publication comprised a list, a FAQ, and a statement by Fr. Ronald A. Mercier SJ, the provincial, with an introductory page that linked to them. We have cached copies of the 12/7/18 list, statement, and FAQ. We also cached a copy of the 12/7/18 introductory press release. On 2/27/20. the province posted a revised version of the list, adding four new names after a Kinsale file review was completed: Br Everard J. Booth SJ, Fr José Angel Borges SJ, Fr James D. Loeffler SJ, and Fr Benjamin Smylie SJ. In addition, a priest already on the list was moved from the single allegation to the multiple allegation section: Fr Vincent R. Malatesta SJ. We cached a copy of the 2/27/20 revised list. We cached the 12/17/21 revised list, adding Koch, Ray, and Patrick Walsh. We cached the 2/8/23 revised list, adding Daniel Campbell and David V. Meconi.

Jesuits – Maryland Province – On 12/17/18, the Maryland Province released lists of Jesuits with "credible or established offenses against a minor"; see Reports 1 2 3 4. They also released FAQs and a letter by the provincial, Fr. Robert M. Hussey SJ. We have cached copies of the 12/17/18 Reports 1 2 3 4, as well as the announcement page, the letter, and the FAQs. We posted a single PDF that consolidates the four 12/17/18 Reports in one file. We cached an updated consolidated list that the East Province created on 7/17/20. We cached a 1/21/22 revised list. We cached a 3/9/23/revised list.

Jesuits – Midwest Province – On 12/17/18, the Midwest Province released a list of "Jesuits with an established allegation of sexual abuse of a minor." We have cached copies of the 12/17/18 list and the announcement page, with a letter from the provincial, Fr. Brian G. Paulson SJ. On 12/21/18, the province released a list of assignments of priests with allegations. We cached a copy of the 12/21/18 assignments list. On 2/21/20, the province posted a revised list and a revised assignments list. We cached a copy of the 1/14/22 revised list and the 1/14/22 revised assignments list. We cached the 10/30/23 revised list and the 10/30/23 revised assignment list. We cached the 3/8/24 revised list and the 3/8/24 revised assignment list.

Jesuits – Northeast – On January 15, 2019, the Northeast Province announced the release of a list of credibly accused Jesuits. The announcement was a letter from Fr. John J. Cecero, S.J., the provincial, with links at the bottom to the list, FAQs, Ethics in Ministry policy, and a PDF of Cecero's letter. We have cached copies of the 1/15/19 announcement, list, FAQs, policy, and letter. An updated list was posted on 3/26/19. We have cached a copy of that 3/26/19 list. We cached a copy of the 11/1/19 revised list, which added two names not on previous Northeast lists: Fr. Jose Angel Borges SJ and Fr. Richard J. Hartnett SJ. We cached a 2/27/20 revised list, which added Fr. James [D.] Loeffler SJ. We cached a 1/21/22 revised list. We cached a 1/23/23 revised list.

Jesuits – Oregon Province – This revised list, created by the Province on 3/13/15, was one of the nonmonetary commitments in the bankruptcy settlement. The Third Modified Joint Plan of Organization, as originally posted is still online, but its links are broken. At the current location, the Plan links to a version of the list as revised by the Province on 3/13/15. We have cached the list as it was on 7/5/13 and also the 3/13/15 revision. In the latter version, one name has been deleted: Thomas Connolly SJ. We also cached the linked Third Modified Joint Plan on 7/5/13.

Jesuits – West Province – This list for the consolidated West Province of the Jesuits, which includes the old Oregon Province territory, was released on 12/7/18: a list with assignment histories, a FAQ, a letter from the provincial, Fr. Scott Santarosa, and a summary. Links to Spanish versions of these pages were provided on the web version of Santarosa's letter. We have cached copies of the 12/7/18 list, FAQ, letter, and summary. We cached a 12/11/20 revised list., which added Fr. Thomas G. Allender SJ and Fr. Richard D. Perry SJ. The revised list also moved Beezer and Whitten to the deceased sub-list and removed Fr. Jose Ribeiro SJ as "mistakenly identified." We cached the 7/21/22 list and the 6/26/23 list.

Joliet IL – This list has been updated periodically by the diocese. We have cached seven versions: 4/9/06, 6/18/08, 11/14/11, 3/22/12, 3/12/13, 10/12/16, and 12/6/18. The 3/12/13 list was posted shortly before the court-ordered release of diocesan documents (see Chicago Tribune 3/21/13), and the revised list added six accused priests not previously known publicly but soon to be identified in the document release: Revs. Andrew Buczyna, Paul Dinan, William Dugal III, John Malzone, James Storm, and Oliver Walsh. In addition to those priests, four priests appeared on the diocesan list for the first time in its 3/12/13 version, though their accusations had been previously known (year of first public allegation is provided in parentheses): Revs. James Burnett (2006), James A. Nowak (2012), F. Lee Ryan (2010), and William D. Virtue (2006). We have also cached the list created on 6/4/15, which was the version still posted live on the diocesan site as of 2/16/16. The 6/4/15 list adds Rev. Gerald Simonelli, who was not previously known to be accused, and it adjusted the status of several others. Rev. Anthony Meis and Rev. Carroll Howlin died in 2015, and Rev. James Nowak's canonical process was apparently completed. Nowak's name was moved up to the main list. Subsequently, there have been at least two iterations, 10/12/16 and 12/6/18. We cached a copy of the 12/13/19 revised list (which added Duluth's Fr. William C. Graham). We cached a copy of the 2/22/21 revised list, which moved Dennerlein and Simonelli (now laicized) to the main list from "canonical process pending"; noted the recent laicizations of Flores and Mullins and the deaths of Gibbney, Nowak, and Poff; adjusted other status notes; and added to the order/extern list Beatty, Jablonski, McBrien, Rogge, Sprouffske, and Wert, all known elsewhere as accused. We cached a copy of the 1/28/22 list. We cached a copy of the 5/13/22 list. We cached a copy of the 3/30/23 list. We cached a copy of the 5/9/24 list (which removed Duluth's Graham).

Juneau AK – On 8/21/19, the Diocese of Juneau released a list of creddibly accused. We cached a copy of the original 8/21/19 list, and a copy of a second version, still dated 8/21/19, that was created on 8/22/19.

Kalamazoo MI – On 4/18/24, the Kalamazoo diocese posted a list of persons disqualified from public ministry. We cached the 4/18/24 disqualified list. The list does not identify the persons on the list who are disqualified because they are credibly accused of child abuse or possession of "child pornography." It does not distinguish among the persons listed for various criteria:
-continued violations of a child-protection policy after warnings,
-failing as a mandated reporter to report allegations of abuse of minors,
-failing to act to prevent abuse that they knew to be happening,
-furnishing pornography to minors,
-the possession/use of child pornography,
-physical abuse of minors,
-direct sexual abuse or sexual assault of minors.

Kansas City KS – On 1/25/19, the Archdiocese of Kansas City KS published in The Leaven, the archdiocesan newspaper, a list of clergy with substantiated claims, along with FAQs and other supporting information. We cached a copy of that 1/25/19 Special Report in the paper edition of The Leaven, and copies of the 1/25/19 list and Archbishop Naumann's 1/25/19 letter as they appeared with comments on The Leaven's website. We cached the list as it appeared on the archdiocesan website as of 7/6/19. We cached the list as it appeared on 3/6/20; Fr Christopher Rossman had been moved from the Unsubstantiated to the Substantiated section and his laicization is noted as pending, and Fr Anthony Palmese had been added from the Omaha list.

Kansas City-Saint Joseph MO – On 9/6/19, the Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph released a list of clergy with substantiated abuse of minors allegations. We cached a copy of the initial list, created on 9/5/19, and a copy of a revision created 9/7/19. We also cached a 9/5/19 letter by Bishop James Johnston with resource links appended, a FAQs, and a Glossary. We cached a revised list created on 3/28/20, which added Fr. Peter Vatter. The diocese published an announcement of the revision on 4/5/20. We cached a revised list on 4/30/21, which adjusted the status for Tierney (newly laicized and deceased) and for Hart, and added the order priests Hartway, Spegele, and Vetter, all known elsewhere as accused.

Knoxville TN – On 11/2/18, the Diocese of Knoxville issued a statement commmenting on the Diocese of Nashville's list of accused priests, because before 1988, the territory of the Knoxville diocese was part of the Nashville diocese. In the statement, two accused Knoxville priests were discussed briefly. We cached a copy of the 11/2/18 statement. We cached a copy of the list as it appeared on 3/6/20. By that date, the Knoxville list had been expanded to include accusaed priests who had worked in the Knoxville diocesan territory when those counties were still part of the Nashville dioese. The 2/28/20 Memphis report had provided a similar section for Western Tennessee. See map showing the separation of the Memphis diocese from Nashville in 1971, and the separation of the Knoxville diocese in 1988. In the expanded Knoxville list, the following accused priests were added as of 3/6/20:
• Edward James Cleary
• William Floyd Davis
• Walter M. Emala
• Paul Frederick Haas
• James A. Kemper
• Edward Joseph McKeown
• Francis J. McManus SJ
• James William Murphy Jr.
• Joseph L. Reilly
• Franklin T. Richards
• James Arthur Rudisill
• Paul Wiley St. Charles
• Anthony G. Stredny
• Edward Albert Walenga

La Crosse WI – On 1/18/20, the Diocese of La Crosse released a list of clergy with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 1/18/20 list and of Bishop Callahan's 1/18/20 letter. The diocese lists the accused priests as links; clicking on the link opens a new file with information about assignments and allegations of the priest. In our cache of the list, we display all the information in a single PDF. On 2/5/20, the diocese posted an updated list, with seven names of religious order priests added: Fr. Benedict Adams OFM Cap, Fr. J. Michael Cannon SJ, Fr. Thomas R. Haller SJ, Fr. J. Roger Lucey SJ, Fr. Charles Meyer CPPS, Fr. James V. O'Connor SJ, and Fr. Michael A. Spegele CPPS. We cached a copy of the 2/5/20 revised list and also saved the assignment and other information for the priests added on 2/5/20. We cached the list as of 12/21/2020, which included six new priests, with links to their assignments and other information:

Cletus L. Abts
Stephen Andrel
Paul Flad
Hugo Koehler
Joseph Sullivan
Carl A. Wohlmuth

Lafayette IN – On 9/28/18, the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana published in its newspaper, Catholic Moment, a list of priests with "substantiated allegations." This publication is unusual in citing media coverage in 1997 that first broke the story of abuse in the diocese, including a series in the Indianapolis Star. We have cached a PDF of the 9/28/18 list. On 11/5/18, the diocese released a revised list, adding Fr. Gordon Wagoner; we cached a copy of the 11/5/18 list. On 11/25/19, the diocese posted an updated list, which included one additional name: Fr. Robert Matichek CPPS. The cover page notes the 11/25/19 revision date, but the lists themselves do not. We cached a copy of the 11/25/19 revised list.

Lafayette LA – On 4/12/19, the Diocese of Lafayette LA disclosed a list of credibly accused clergy, with a 4/10/19 letter from Bishop Douglas Deshotel and a FAQ dated 4/9/19 but PDF'd 4/10/19. Both the list and the FAQ are called "updated." The FAQ is an update of a previously released FAQ, but the list is the first public version of the list. We have cached a copy of the 4/12/19 list, the 4/10/19 letter, and the 4/9/19 FAQ. We also cached a copy of the earlier FAQ, downloaded on 2/24/19. Lafayette station KATC covered the story of the list extensively, and published a list of their own for the Lafayette diocese on 1/13/19. We cached a copy of the 4/12/19 revised list.

Lake Charles LA – On 4/11/19, the Diocese of Lake Charles released a list of credibly accused clergy with a letter by Bishop Glen Provost. We have cached a copy of the 4/11/19 list and the letter. On 11/19/19, the diocese posted a revised list including one additional name: Fr. Edward Normanmtowicz MS. We cached a copy of the 11/19/19 revised list. Note that the diocese's file name for this revised list provides the 11/19/19 date, and that is also the date on which the diocese's PDF was created. But at the top of page 1, the 11/19/19 list is labeled "Updated November 14, 2019." We cached a revised list dated 2/4/21, which noted an additional allegation regarding Pullman, received by the diocese in 2/21.

Lansing MI – On 9/27/19, the Diocese of Lansing released a list of clergy with credible allegations. We cached a copy of the 9/27/19 list and the 9/27/19 press release. We cached a copy of the 10/22/19 revised list. We cached a copy of the 7/13/20 revised list., adding Fr. Lehr Barkenquest OSFS, Fr. Eugene Fish, and Fr. Alexander T. Fitzgerald.

Las Cruces NM – On 11/8/18, the Diocese of Las Cruces published a list of "priests and religious credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors who have served within the current territorial boundaries of the diocese of Las Cruces." The list was also published at a slightly different URL. We cached a copy of the 11/8/18 list. The diocese added 13 more names to the list on 2/11/19; we cached a copy of the diocese's 2/11/19 list of additional names and a 2/11/19 press report on the additions. A revised list was posted on 5/9/19, which included the 2/11/19 additions. We cached a copy of the 5/9/19 revised list. A revised list was created on 6/24/19. We cached a copy of the 6/24/19 list. We cached the 1/14/20 revised list. We cached a copy of the 11/13/20 revised list., which added Fr. Barry Coyle OFM, Fr. Lambert Dannenfelser, Fr. Fran Davied OFM, Fr. Kevin McDonald, Fr. Juan Montoya OFM, and Fr. Roman Pfalzer.

Las Vegas NV – On 4/12/19, the Diocese of Las Vegas released a list of credibly accused clergy, with a letter from Bishop and a FAQs. The materials were also released in Spanish. We cached the 4/12/19 letter, FAQs, and list in English and Spanish. We cached an updated 8/21/20 list including Fr. Henry Brian Highfill.

Legionaries of Christ – On 12/21/19, the Legionaries of Christ released a list of 4 members with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 12/21/19 list and of the press releases that it linked to: Francisco Cardona, Fr. Benjamin Cieply LC, Fernando Cutanda, Fr. Guillermo Izquierdo LC. We cached a list updated on 3/22/21. We cached a list updated on 4/19/23. We cached a list updated on 1/16/24. We cached a list updated on 1/30/25.

Lexington KY – On 8/14/20, the Diocese of Lexington released a report listing priests with substantiated, credible, and public allegations of abusing a minor. We have cached a copy of the 8/14/20 report and the 8/17/20 revision. The diocese's report with list does not appear to be on the diocesan website any longer.

Lincoln NE – On 4/2/19, the Diocese of Lincoln released a list of priests with substantiated allegations. We have cached a copy of the 4/2/19 list.

Little Rock AR – On September 10, 2018, the Diocese of Little Rock released a list of "clergy for whom allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have been admitted, substantiated or determined or considered to be credible." In addition to the list, which provided status, victim information, and assignments, the diocese released a letter from Bishop Anthony B. Taylor and a FAQ page. Taylor stated that the diocese had retained Kathleen McChesney's Kinsale Management Consulting to review diocesan files, after which the list would be updated. Kinsale would also assess the performance of bishops and superiors of religious orders. We have cached copies of the 9/10/18 list, the Taylor letter, and the FAQ. On 10/23/18, Bishop Taylor released a letter stating that 26 additional allegations had been received since the initial release of the list, some regarding priests not yet listed by the diocese. We cached a copy of the 10/23/18 letter. We cached a copy of the list on 11/16/18, at which time the list showed no updates to the numbers of accusers nor the names of accused. On 2/8/19, Bishop Taylor announced the end of the Kinsale file review, and described the revisions to the list that the review required. We cached a copy of the 2/8/19 Taylor letter and the 2/6/19 Kinsale exit letter. The names Taylor stated had been added to the list were Rajmund, Wright, Behnke, Hentrich, Holmes, McCarthy, Mitchell, Nicholson, and Thorne. We cached a copy of the list on 7/17/19, which showed those priests having been added; it also listed two additional priests, De Dominicis and Schwellenbach. The 7/17/19 list also changed Zimmer to Zimmerer, and increased the victim counts of Correnti, McDaniel, and Haas. We cached a copy of the list on 10/23/19. It added one name, Myers, and increased the victim count for Mooney. As of 10/23/19, 9 victims had been added to the original 9/10/18 list, out of the 26 additional allegations that Bishop Taylor had announced in his 10/23/18. It is not known how many victims have come forward to the diocese since 10/23/18.

We cached a copy of the list with assignment information as of 12/22/20, which added (since our 10/23/19 cache): Fr. Gary Carr, Fr. Patrick Hannon OSB, Fr. Conrad Kinder SVD, Fr. Edward Simpson, and Fr. Francis Zimmerer OSB. Unfortunately, in late 2019 or early 2020, the list was modified to make a binary distinction between priests with a single allegation and priests with "multiple" allegations, instead of specifying the number of allegations for each priest.

Los Angeles CA – On 2/17/04, Cardinal Mahony released a list of 211 named clerics accused in the Los Angeles archdiocese, as an Appendix to his Report to the People of God, which counted (as opposed to naming) 244 accused. On 5/17/04, the list was removed from the archdiocesan site, as stated in a second errata sheet released by the archdiocese. A third errata sheet stated that the list and the three errata sheets could be requested from the archdiocese via snail mail. The complicated history of the Los Angeles archdiocesan lists, and their publications and removals from the archdiocesan website, is detailed below.

On 12/6/18, the archdiocese released an update and supplement to the various lists it had published over the 14 years previous, but still did not post online the lists that it was updating. We have kept copies online of those lists:
- Original list: the appendix to the Report to the People of God (2/17/04)
- Errata Sheets 1, 2, and 3 (2004)
- Addendum Version 1 (10/12/05) and Version 2 (11/15/05)
- Final Addendum (dated 2008, but PDF created 1/31/13)

The archdiocese's 12/6/18 update was published as a Consolidated List noting the current status of all the priests and brothers originally listed in those seven previous lists, without posting the lists themselves. We've cached a copy of the 12/6/18 Consolidated List. The Consolidated List was described as presenting the "current status" of "persons named in the Report to the People of God through 2008," but in fact, the list from the original Report to the People of God and the various additional names were never collated and consolidated into a public revision of the Report to the People of God. Indeed, the Report and the various additions have been and remain unavailable on the archdiocesan site, though they are available here, at the links above.

The Consolidated List included one name not included on any of the other lists, Fr. Ruben Abaya, who had been publicly known since the 1980s as accused, but had never been listed by the archdiocese.

The status noted in the Consolidated List was very brief. Each priest and brother had one of these after his name: Deceased [with no date], Lay State [with no date], Retired/No Faculties to Minister [with no date], Left Archdiocese [with no date and no whereabouts], Exonerated/Retired/Full Faculties to Minister or Exonerated/Full Active Ministry [with no account of the exoneration], Inactive, Lay State (Excommunicated) [with no date or explanation], Left Order [with no date or explanation], Active Service, and Unknown

On 12/6/18, the Los Angeles archdiocese also posted a 2018 Update listing allegations reported to the archdiocese 2008-2018 regarding priests not listed in previous updates. We have cached a copy of the 12/6/18 2018 Update.

As of 12/13/18, the Los Angeles archdiocesan website provided the following lists: the bare-bones Consolidated List noting the current status of accused through 2008; the 2018 Update listing priests accused 2008-2018; and a list of the accused whose files were released on 1/31/13 by the archdiocese under the nonmonetary terms of the 2007 settlement, with links to those files.

The history of the Los Angeles list, its deletion from the archdiocesan website, and its replacement with an even more incomplete and much less detailed list, albeit backed by 11,756 pages of clergy files, and the lists' update in 2018, is a complicated one. Our brief history of the LA list, provided below, is based on cached copies of the list that we have saved over the years, and on copies of the list preserved by the Internet Archive. The record of the Internet Archive appears to have been adjusted and modified. There are gaps in the record, PDFs that no longer load, and links that are redirected to different pages or different states of the requested page. Hence the following assessment is a provisional reconstruction of the Los Angeles list's history.


1) Report with List: Cardinal Mahony first released his list of 211 accused as an Appendix to his 2/17/04 Report to the People of God. See media reports on the initial publication of the Report. In all copies we have obtained, the list is labeled in a footer "Rev: 2/18/2004," although the report to which it is an appendix is dated 2/17/04. Several factors appear to have influenced Mahony's decision to issue a list. The pressure to identify accused priests had already been evident in Mahony's leaked emails from 3/02, and the 8/18/02 LA Times report had included a list of 34 accused, reminiscent of the Boston Globe's 1/31/02 list of convicted and accused. In 2003, many suits were filed in CA during the SOL window, and attorneys at Kiesel, Boucher and Larson maintained an online list of accused priests (see an example created by KBL on 6/9/03 and posted on their website). At the same time, Mahony was completing detailed surveys for the John Jay College describing each accused LA priest and his victim(s). The USCCB encouraged its member bishops to issue their own reports, based on the surveys they had submitted, and many of them did. A few of those reports provided lists of accused priests; for example, Toledo released a list, and Tucson updated theirs.

But Mahony's list was extensive and is unique among bishops' lists in counting the accusers of each cleric and providing "incident dates" during which the alleged abuse was committed. These data were later used to create a 2007 chart showing the number of perpetrators accused of abuse in a given year and mapping that data across the periods that Mahony and his predecessors were archbishops in LA. Unlike the JJC effort, which was limited to 1950-2002, Mahony's list covered 1930-2002, thereby expanding the context of Mahony's years in LA and increasing the denominator of total priests. When clergy files were released in 2013, under the terms of the 2007 settlement, excerpts from the archdiocese's Confidential Database were among the files made public (see pages from Fr. Nicolas Aguilar Rivera's database record). Clearly, Mahony's chancery maintained highly detailed records about accused priests, victims, and allegations – crucial information in any future state-of-the-art lists.

2) Errata Notices: In the year following the release of the Report to the People of God, three errata notices were issued (1 2 3), which named 10 more accused clerics and provided information about them. In one version of the Report to the People of God, created in late 2005 and preserved by the Internet Archive in early 2006, the errata notices were appended to the end of the Report. The Errata were also repackaged with a discussion of false allegations and posted as a webpage entitled Appendix and Errata; the Internet Archive preserved an example of this on 2/23/06. But the revisions and the new entries provided in the Errata were never integrated into the main list, so that the entire list could be consulted and maintained.

3) Addendum: On 10/12/05, the archdiocese issued an Addendum to the Report to the People of God, naming 26 more accused clerics and providing information about them, in the same format as the original list in the Report. On 11/15/05, the archdiocese issued a revision of the Addendum, adding one more name, to make 27 accused, and correcting some missed redactions of a survivor's name. This Addendum also provided selective summaries of the files of accused clerics, based on "proffers" submitted by the archdiocese in the settlement process. The Internet Archive shows that the Addendum was still accessible on 8/12/07, but it has not been available on the archdiocesan website for some time. For more information on the Addendum, see our Notes to the Addendum, our Example of the Rev. Lynn Caffoe File, and Details on 11 Priests Missing in '04 Report, by Jean Guccione and William Lobdell, LA Times (4/20/06). In 2005-2007, a website ( was maintained by Hennigan, Bennett and Dorman, the archdiocese's attorneys. The site, which is no longer online as of 11/15/15, provided links to the Report, Errata, and Addendum, and also offered critiques of dozens of LA Times articles.

4) First Deletion of the List: On 11/12/08, the archdiocese removed the list of accused from the Report to the People of God and posted the abbreviated Report, in place of the Report with the list. This was still the posted version of the Report on 1/28/10, when the Internet Archive preserved it. This very significant change was apparently not flagged on the archdiocesan website. The link to the Report looked the same as it had before, but the Report it linked to no longer contained the list. On 5/11/12, discussed the missing list with an official of the archdiocese.

5) Restoration of the List: On 12/3/12, the archdiocese created a version of the Report to the People of God that once again incorporated the list. This restored version of the Report, including the list, was still online when the Internet Archive preserved it on 2/28/13. Note that the text of this list was identical to the original 2/18/04 version of the list; it had not been updated.

6) Second Deletion of the List: On 2/7/14, the archdiocese created a new version of the Report to the People of God, once again without the list included. This version was preserved by the Internet Archive on 9/11/15. As of 11/12/15, the version without the list was still the one on the archdiocesan website. In this second deletion of the list, the list has been replaced in the Report with an explanation, which states that the list was "out of date," and referring the reader to the clergy files list instead.

7) Final Addendum: On 1/31/13, the archdiocese created a PDF of a document called Final Addendum and posted it on their website, apparently at the same time that they posted, under court order, the files of accused priests. See the L.A. Archdiocese Adds Priests' Names to Abuse List, by Harriet Ryan, LA Times (2/14/13). The two-page Final Addendum bore the date October 2008 and provided three lists totaling 49 names, including 24 names not previously made public. The introduction to this document stated:
  The following list includes names of clergy from a follow up review of Archdiocesan files, and names of clergy involved in Clergy I litigation which were not previously posted. The final portion of the global settlement of clergy cases has been concluded. Consequently, further updates to the Report to the People of God are not anticipated.

The Final Addendum was still available on the archdiocesan website on 5/17/13, when the Internet Archive preserved a copy. As of 11/14/15, the Final Addendum was not on the archdiocesan site. Also on that date, the Report to the People of God was available on the site, but in abbreviated form, without the list of accused. The Errata and Addendum were not available on the site. The list of clergy files was still online, and continued to provide the names of 128 accused, with links to their files.

Instead, the Report ends with an explanation that the list is "outdated" and has "been removed." The reader is asked to "refer to the clergy files website," where a list of 128 priests is linked to the priest files released by the archdiocese on 1/31/13 under the nonmonetary terms of the 2007 settlement and after a protracted legal battle. The Internet Archive has preserved the clergy files list as it appeared on 2/4/13, after initial revisions brought the list up to 128 priests (6 of them with names redacted, designated Z-I, Z-II, Z-III, etc.), and we cached the files list on 11/12/15, by which date the list had been organized by category as well as alphabetically. It is that version that we link at the beginning of this entry.

8) Consolidated List and 2018 Update: See above. This list, posted on 12/6/18, comprises priests accused since the previous list, i.e., since the Final Addendum (see above) dated October 2008. The Consolidated List provides basic information: name, order abbreviation, status and year of the status change, year(s) of alleged (incident(s), and year(s) reported to the archdiocese. But clicking each name opens a page about the priest, providing the above information again, plus assignments in the archdiocese with start and stop years (in reverse chronological order), and a bulleted description of the priest's status that sometimes provides detail on how the case was handled, with some information about the allegation. Some bullets provide the date when the bullet was updated. At some point between 12/6/18 and 6/18/19, a rollover feature was added, which displayed the priest's information in white font in a black box. Clicking continued to open a page with the same text. On 6/18/19, we cached the priests' pages:

Albalaa, Pierre, MLM
Altamirano Torres, Sebastian
Anderson, David E
Babilonia, Delfin
Barco, Roberto
Bautista, Gaspar
Bond, Robert
Campbell, Stuart B
Cano, Juan
Carvajal Hernández, Raúl
Casey, Michael Joseph
Colosimo, Eugene J, SJ
Cook, Ozias Bailey
Cuevas, Jose Luis
Diamond, William L
Doherty, Roger, SSCC
Dove, Thomas, CSP
Elanjimannil, Sebastian, SJ

Encinas, Andrew Gabriel
Flannery, Patrick
Flynn, Vincent Stephen
Garcia, Sergio
Hardy, Paschal
Harman, Charles
James, Melvin, SVD
Juarez, Robert Jesus
Killeen, John
Lalor, Michael
Lane, Timothy, CJ
Mayer, Charles Patrick
McCabe, Vincent
McGrath, Sean, SSC
Mejia Gonzalez, Jose
Mohan, Thomas J
Morales, Raymond D
Murphy, Francis J, CM

Ochoa, Javier, MSC
Pacheco, Mario
Paone, Ernest
Person, James
Poon, Stanislaus
Quatannens, John C
Reina, Nicholas, SDB
Rosas Flores, Fidel
Ryan, Thomas
Salazar, Armando
Sanchez, Jose L, CMF
Selmo, Louis, CSJ
Shepherd, John R, SJ
Spader, Robert William
Tubbs, Leo, OP
Turba, Jerome
Vorisek, Rudolph, CSP
Wertz, Gerald, SDB

Note that as of 6/18/19 the archdiocesan pages do not provide this kind of in-depth priest information about the priests on the so-called Consolidated List. We have cached a copy of the 12/21/21 updated Consolidated List.

Louisville KY – On 2/8/19, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz released "Overview and Analysis of Files Provided by the Archdiocese of Louisville," by Mark L. Miller, including lists of priests with substantiated allegations and priests whose allegations were not fully investigated or confirmed. The names in the Miller report are linked to assignment histories of each priest. We cached a 2/11/19 revision of the Miller report. We also cached copies of Kurtz's 2/8/19 Restoring Trust announcement and the 2/8/19 Religious Order Priests and Others list of order priests about whom the archdiocese received accusations of abuse. No assignment information is provided for the order priests. The latter document also lists Bishop J. Kendrick Williams of Lexington for "accusations of the sexual abuse of minors ... related to his time serving as a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Louisville. This case was referred to the Holy See."

We cached the archdiocese's PDF of accused archdiocesan priests with assignment histories as of 12/22/20, and as of 5/31/22.)

Lubbock TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Lubbock released a list of credibly accused. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list and the 2/19 diocesan newspaper that reported on the list. We cached a copy of the 4/10/19 revised list.

Madison WI – On 10/9/19, we cached copy of a list posted by the Diocese of Madison. We do not know when the list was posted by the diocese, but there were various announcements previously. See, for example, the letter by Bishop Bullock (2/17/03), the announcement of a file review by Defenbaugh (6/11/19), and the announcement of the conclusion of that review (9/3/19). We cached a copy of the 1/17/20 revised list with Fr Patrick Doherty added.

Manchester NH – On 7/31/19, the Diocese of Manchester released a list pf priests accused of abuse. We cached the 7/31/19 list with Bishop Libasci's letter and FAQs. We cached the list again on 8/29/19. On 3/3/03, the same day that NH AG released its report, the diocese released detailed career-history timelines of the eight accused priests examined closely in the AG's report. Those diocesan timelines were appended to the diocese's 3/3/03 Restoring Trust report. We cached a copy of the list on 5/31/22. We cached a copy of the revised 4/15/24 list.

Marianists – The Marianists released a list on 6/24/20 of members found to have sexually abused a minor. We cached a copy of the 6/24/20 list. We cached a copy of their 11/10/21 updated list.

Marquette MI – The Internet Archive first preserved a copy of the Diocese of Marquette's Status Report on Clerics Accused of Sexual Abuse of Minors on 9/26/16. This list described the status of Revs. Joseph D. Carne, James L. Menapace, and Gary A. Jacobs. The list was updated periodically. We have cached a copy of the list as of 12/13/18, by which time two priests had been added: Rev. Frank M. Lenz and Richard T. Craig.

Memphis TN – On 2/28/20, the Diocese of Memphis released a "Report as to Priests Credibly Accused of Sexual Misconduct Involving Minors that have Served within the Diocese of Memphis." This report was prepared by the diocesan review board and signed by its chairman, Mr. Patrick Lawler. A letter by Bishop Talley and a recent backgrounder about the diocesan review board accompanied the release. We cached a copy of the 2/28/20 release, report, letter, and review board backgrounder. The 2/28/20 list provided in a separate section the names of accused priests who worked in Western Tennessee before the Diocese of Memphis was erected. See map showing the separation of the Memphis diocese from the Nashville diocese in 1971, and the separation of the Knoxville diocese in 1988.

Metuchen NJ – On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Metuchen released a list of credibly accused clergy. We cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list.

Milwaukee WI – This list has been updated periodically by the archdiocese; we have cached the following versions: 7/9/04 [downloaded 8/12/04], with then-Archbishop Dolan's Letter, 12/4/04, 2/6/05, 11/2/05, 1/28/06, 2/9/06, 10/15/06, 2/2/07, 4/4/07, 10/14/07, 11/26/07, 12/21/07, 9/27/08, dated 12/09, 3/2/11, and 3/13 [downloaded 7/1/13]. On 7/1/13 the archdiocese released files that had been placed under seal by Judge Susan V. Kelley early in the archdiocese's bankruptcy. Survivors had sought the release of the documents, and the archdiocese had opposed a release, until it became clear that Kelley intended to unseal at least some files. On the archdiocesan website, the List of Clergy Offenders (see also a cached PDF of the list) was transformed into a portal for accessing the documents: each name, previously not explained, was linked to a description, which was in turn linked to the priest's file and a timeline. The diocese also released an interesting file called Release of Names: Notes on the process to release the clergy offender names in 2004. Compare the way the documents were posted by Jeff Anderson & Associates and by the Journal Sentinel.

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart –We cached the MSC list on 4/22/20. We cached the list on 3/3/21.

Mobile AL – On 12/6/18, the Archdiocese of Mobile released a list of priests and male religious credibly accused of abusing children. We have cached a copy of the 12/6/18 list. As of 6/1/22, the archdiocese appears no longer to offer the list on its website.

Monterey CA – On 1/2/19, the Diocese of Monterey released a list of credibly accused priests. We cached a copy of the 1/2/19 list, along with a copy of Apostolic Administrator Gerald Wilkerson's 1/2/19 letter. We cached a copy of the revised 9/15/21 list.

Nashville TN – On 11/2/18, the Diocese of Nashville posted an article stating that the diocese was publishing "the names of the 13 former priests who served in the diocese who have been accused of sexually abusing a minor." The article is accessible on the diocesan homepage by expanding the "News" items and opening the November 2018 archive. We have cached a copy of the 11/2/18 article. On 11/8/18, the Nashville diocese posted a revision of the original article, correcting an error (Joseph L. Reilly was not deceased), adding assignments for a number of priests, and adding three more priests, Emala, Kemper, and Pratt. The revised article is accessible on the diocesan homepage by expanding the "News" items. We have cached a copy of the revised 11/8/18 article with its list. As of 11/21/18, the article/list is not accessible from the Safe Environment section of the diocesan website. The list is mostly a list of accused diocesan priests, but it includes a Benedictine (Fr. Roger R. Lott OSB) and a Jesuit (Fr. James F.X. Pratt SJ). The list provides dates of birth, ordination, retirement, and death. Sometime a date of dismissal from the priesthood is provided; sometimes just the year. Places of assignment are given, but without start/stop years or dates. Of the names on the list, 11 were already known to be accused, whereas 5 were publicly identified for the first time by the diocesan list. Those "new" accused priests were: Fr. Edward James Cleary, Fr. James Arthur Rudisill, Fr. Edward Albert Walenga, Msgr. William Floyd Davis, and Fr. Joseph L. Reilly. We cached a 10/13/23 updated list.

Newark NJ – The Diocese of Newark posted a list of credibly accused clergy on 2/13/19, with a letter from Archbishop Tobin in English and Spanish. We have cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list, English letter, and Spanish letter.

New Orleans LA – The archdiocese released a list on 11/2/18 of archdiocesan and religious order priests accused of abusing minors. We cached a copy of the 11/2/18 list, which provided lists of the priests assignments as individual images. On 11/8/18, we cached a second version of the list, in which the assignments were in text format. We also created a webpage of the 11/2/18 list for more convenient viewing and linking. The assignment lists appear to be in alphabetical order, rather than chronological order; no start/stop dates or years are provided for the assignments. A letter by Bishop Gregory Aymond dated 11/2/18 explained the list. We cached a copy of that letter on 11/11/18. In addition to the religious order priests included on the main list, a second list of two Benedictine priests was posted on the archdiocesan site, with a link to a 11/2/18 statement and list on the Saint Joseph Abbey site. We cached the 11/2/18 Aymond letter again after it was modified to include a link to the list as updated on 6/24/19. That updated 2019 list unfortunately has the same URL as the old 2018 list. We used the 6/24/19 link to access the 6/24/19 list and cached a copy of it on 7/22/19. We cached a copy of the 12/23/19 revision of the 2018 Report. We cached the report as of 12/8/20.

New Ulm MN – This list was released on 3/29/16 jointly by the diocese at that URL and by Jeff Anderson & Associates at this URL. We have cached copies of the 3/29/16 diocesan and Anderson lists, as well as their joint statement 1  2. Anderson also posted photographs of the priests, which we have cached. The diocesan list linked to assignment histories for the priests. We have cached copies of those histories: Altermatt, Becker, Buckley, Clark, Fitzgerald, Gleason, Heitzer, Henrich, Majerus, Markey, Marks, Murphy, Roney, Schleisman, Skoblik, and Stark. In addition, we have cached the assignment record provided by Anderson for Fr. Germain Kunz, an accused priest not included on the jointly released list, along with a document posted by Anderson as evidence of the Kunz allegation. Anderson announced the list at a press conference at which two survivors of abuse by Fr. David Roney spoke: Kim Schmit (formerly Jane Doe 18) and Lori Stoltz (formerly Jane Doe 7). At that press conference, Anderson stated that files for the accused priests would be released, and that his firm had worked or was working with 30 Roney victims, 13 Henrich victims, 12 Fitzgerald victims, and 14 Skoblik victims.

New York NY – The Archdiocese of New York released a list of 120 credibly accused priests on 4/26/19, together with a letter from Cardinal Timothy Dolan. We cached a copy of the 4/26/19 list and the letter. The list does not include religious order priests, brothers, or sisters, or extern priests. It provides no information on assignments and no description of the allegations. The list is in three parts: 1) credibly accused archdiocesan priests, 2) accused priests "awaiting final canonical or archdiocesan disposition of allegations," and 3) priests accused in the IRCP process, when those claims were judged eligible. Of the 120 names on the 4/26/19, 67 are "new," i.e. the priests were not previously known publicly to be accused. One of the "new" ones is Bishop James F. McCarthy, removed for alleged sexual misconduct with adult women, but not previously known to have been accused of abuse of a minor. We have not included Fr. John Voglio on this list of newly accused persons, because he seems to be the same priest as Fr. John Voglio SDB, about whom the NH AG received a 2002 complaint of abuse. The 67 new names on the 4/26/19 list are:

Adamo, Joseph
Ansaldi, Joseph
Barjacoba, Peter
Betances-Torres, Martin
Brennan, Robert J.
Carbo, Richard
Carden, Robert
Carroll, Maurice
Carson, John F.
Cassiero, Daniel
Clyne, Vincent
Colleran, Kevin
Connolly, Eugene
Croston, Daniel
Cullen, Bernard
Cunningham, Thomas
Dickson, Donald (Deacon)
Dobransky, Edward
Dougherty, Daniel M.
Fitzgerald, Joseph
Flaherty, John
Flanagan, John D.

Fox, Vincent
[Name removed by archdiocese]
Gerathy, Kenneth
Gibbons, Thomas
Golden, Matthew
Haverty, John
Heide, Herman
Hickey, Joseph
Hicks, Eugene
Kearns, Walter
Kelly, Kevin
Kelly, Stephen
LeBar, James
Leone, Arthur
Logue, Francis
Lynch, John J.
Maguire, Stephen
Mangan, Eugene
Marino, Umberto
Mathews, Stanley
McCarthy, James F. (Bishop)
McGirr, Charles
McNeill, Lawrence (Deacon)

Melican, Mortimer
Murphy, Arthur E.
O’Brien, Edward J.
O’Brien, William B.
Parsons, Harold
Pfeiffer, James
Phillips, Thomas
Quinn, Lawrence T.
Reinheimer, George
Roos, Edward
Ryan, Joseph
Sardy, John
Shine, Raymond
Sullivan, Daniel J. L.
Sullivan, Paul
Taglienti, Vincent
Taylor, Samuel
Tos, Aldo
Walsh, James
Weckbach, Joseph (Deacon)
[Name Removed by Archdiocese]
Wilkinson, John

In addition to the 120 priests on the 4/26/19 NY lists, notes to the lists name six priests not included or not yet included on the lists: Fr Christopher Pliauplis, Fr James McLucas, Deacon James Rush, Msgr Harry Byrne, Fr Thomas Kreiser, and Fr. Daniel M. O'Hare.

On 8/10/20, we cached a copy of the New York list. In the time since the original publication, Fr Charles Coen was moved from List 2 to List 1; Fr John Dwyer was added to List 1; Msgr William Williams and Fr Robery Jeffers were moved from List 2 to the footnote after List 1; Fr Edward M Barry and Fr John McDonagh were added to List 1; Fr Thomas Kreiser and Fr Daniel M O'Hare were removed from the footnote below List 2; and Fr George Murdock was added to List 3. The bolded names are newly accused in the public record.

We cached a copy of the New York list on 6/16/22.

Norbertines – St. Norbert's Abbey WI – On 7/19/19, the Norbertines of St. Norbert's Abbey released a list of Norbertines with credible allegations. We cached a copy of the 7/19/19 list.

Norwich CT – On 2/10/19 the Diocese of Norwich posted a "List of Clergy with Allegations of Substance of Sexual Abuse of a Minor," along with a letter from Bishop Michael Cote. We cached a copy of the original list and the letter. The original list included a name in error, and left out several others. See Norwich diocese admits mistake, removes priest who championed gay rights from list of those accused of sexual abuse, by Dave Altimari, Hartford Courant, February 22, 2019; and Survivors say Norwich Diocese’s list of priests accused of sexual abuse is missing names, by Dave Altimari, Hartford Courant, February 13, 2019. On 2/22/19, the diocese corrected the list, removing the the priest it had accused in error and adding three names: Fr. George St. Jean OMI, Fr. Joseph Owens SJ, and Fr. John F. Dority OFM. We have cached a copy of the 2/22/19 corrected and expanded list. We cached a copy of the 3/8/19 updated list. We cached a copy of the 5/12/21 list.

Oakland CA – On 2/17/19 the Diocese of Oakland released a list of priests with credible accusations. We cached a copy of the 2/17/19 list. See also Oakland diocese sat on secret of five priests’ abuse of kids for years, by John Woolfolk, Mercury News (2/20/19). On 6/1/19, the diocese posted an updated version of the list to include priests listed by the Franciscan's Province of St. Barbara in their 5/31/19 list. We cached a copy of the 6/1/19 Oakland list. On 7/6/19, we cached the assignment, photos, and other information about Oakland diocesan priests on the list. We cached a copy of the list on 6/16/22, with a copy of the assignments, photo, and other information of convicted priest Fr. Hector David Mendoza Vela.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate – Former Central Province – This list of seven credibly accused Oblates in the order's former Central Province was created on 7/6/15 by the Oblate's United States Province in compliance with their settlement of claims by Doe 30, and was posted on 7/7/15 by Jeff Anderson and Associates, with a statement from the province. We have cached copies of the 7/6/15 list and statement. Two priests on the list, Rev. Michael Charland OMI and Rev. James Vincent Fitzgerald OMI, were previously known to be accused. The remaining five were new names: Revs. Paul Kabat OMI, Orville Lawrence Munie OMI, Thomas Meyer OMI, Robert Reitmeier OMI, and Emil Twardochleb OMI. The list was released by Anderson at a 7/7/15 press conference at which Joseph McLean, who alleges abuse by Charland, spoke. The United States Province of the Oblates has not itself, as far as we know, posted the list. Nor was the order required to disclose the names of credibly accused priests from its other four former provinces. The disclosure of the Central Province names was a nonmonetary provision of the settlement in late February 2015 of Doe 30 v. Diocese of New Ulm, Diocese of Duluth, and Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Doe 30's lawsuit, alleging abuse of the 13-year-old Doe 30 by Fr. James Vincent Fitzgerald OMI, commenced on 1/29/14. After the Oblates settled in 2/15, the dioceses moved for summary judgment, and District Court Judge John H. Guthmann dismissed the claims against the Diocese of New Ulm. Guthmann granted Duluth's motion in part, but denied its motion to dismiss Doe 30's negligent supervision claim. That claim went to trial on 10/19/15, and on 11/4/15, the jury found for the plaintiff, ordering the Diocese of Duluth and the Oblates to split $8.1 million in damages 60/40. The Oblates had settled previously with Doe 30 for an undisclosed amount; the Diocese of Duluth is responsible for $4.9 million, 60% of the damages. On 7/7/15, Anderson posted assignment timelines for the seven accused Oblates on the 7/6/15 list. The assignments were researched and established by Anderson; they were not released by the Oblates.
Michael Charland OMI
James Vincent Fitzgerald OMI
Paul Kabat OMI
Thomas Meyer OMI
Orville Munie OMI
Robert J. Reitmeier OMI
Emil Twardochleb OMI

Oblates of St. Francis de Sales – Wilmington and Philadelphia Province – This list was posted as a PDF created on 8/4/11. We cached a copy of the 8/4/11 list.

Ogdensburg NY – On November 10-11, 2018, a letter from Bishop Terry LaValley was "read at Masses or inserted in bulletins." The letter announced that the Diocese of Ogdensburg would release "the names of priests removed from ministry according to the provisions of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People." On the diocesan website, LaValley's letter is in the Bishop's Messages page of LaValley's section of the site. We have cached a copy of the 11/10-11/18 letter. On Tuesday 11/13/18, while the USCCB's General Assembly was holding its 11/12-14/18 meeting in Baltimore, the Ogdensburg diocese posted its "List of Offenders." On 11/20/18 we cached a copy of the 11/13/18 list and also saved a screen shot. Beyond a three-line introduction at the top of the list, no description or explanation was provided by the diocese. Statements by diocesan Director of Communications Darcy Fargo are quoted in Catholic diocese names 28 priests accused of abuse, by Aaron Cerbone, Adirondack Daily Enterprise (11/14/18). We have cached a copy of the article.

The list comprised 28 names of diocesan priests, including 16 deceased priests; no religious order priests were included, and no brothers or nuns. The list included 8 priests already publicly identified as accused of abuse, and 20 priests who were publicly identified for the first time as accused. The list did not provide any information besides first and last name and whether the priest was deceased: no middle initials, no ordination years, no assignment histories, and no information about allegations. Below we list the "new" priests on the Ogdensburg list. In order to identify the priests precisely, we have included middle initials, ordination years, and death dates, where we could determine them from the Official Catholic Directory, obituaries, and articles in North Country Catholic, the diocesan newspaper.
•  Fr. Fay W. Ager (ordained 1979)
•  Fr. Joseph A. Conti (ord 1967; deceased)
•  Fr. Joseph A. Degen (active by 1957)
•  Fr. Robert O. Duford (ord 1906; died 10/10/49)
•  Fr. Ronald J. Farchette (active by 1970)
•  Fr. Bruce T. Favreau (ord 1980)
•  Fr. Edward L. Franklin (ord 1962; deceased)
•  Fr. Edwin A. Kennedy (ord 1951; died 10/18/90)
•  Fr. John M. Kennedy (ord 1935; died 8/11/79)
•  Fr. Emile G. Lalonde (ord 1941; died 7/3/11)
•  Fr. James M. Larche (ord 1991)
•  Fr. Roger M. Martin (ord 1951; deceased)
•  Fr. Gerald McGrath (ord 1958; died 7/20/16)
•  Fr. Roland V. Menard (ord 1964)
•  Fr. Albert R. Plante (ord 1948; died 8/31/00)
•  Fr. Gerald Sharland (ord 1945; died 8/5/73)
•  Fr. Thomas D. Squires (active by 1976)
•  Fr. George W. Tobin (ord 1950; died 8/25/10)
•  Fr. Michael A. Toth (ord 1974)
•  Fr. John F. Wiley (ord 1956; died 2/26/84)

We cached a revised 5/20/22 list, which added Fr. Paul [E.] Oehler.

Oklahoma City OK – On 10/3/19, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City released (in English and Spanish) a list of priests with substantiated allegations, together with supporting materials: a report by the McAfee & Taft law firm on a review of the archdiocese's files, a letter by Archbishop Coakley, a FAQs, a statement on the removal of Fr. James Mikus from ministry, and three graphics. We have cached copies of the 10/3/19 list (E), the file review report (E, S), a summary of the report (S), the Coakley letter (E, S, Vietnamese), the FAQs (E, S), the statement on Mikus (E, S), and the graphics (E 1 2 3; S 1 2 3). The archdiocese also reprinted Top 10 Myths About Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church, a blog post by Thomas G. Plante. We cached a copy of the post. We cached a 1/21/20 revised list that included assignment histories (without dates or years) and added Fr Marvin Francis Leven.

Omaha NE – The archdiocese released on 11/30/18 a list of accused priests, described as a "list of substantiated claims of clergy sexual abuse of or sexual misconduct with a minor." A very brief "status" of the priest and "description" of the allegation were included, as well as partial lists of assignments without start and stop years. The press release announcing the list stated that it was also included in documents given to the Nebraska attorney general "pertaining to church personnel accused of criminal sexual misconduct since 1978." A FAQ was posted as well.

We cached a copy of a 11/30/18 press report that listed the priests in the original Omaha list and their assignments (without dates or years), the 11/30/18 press release, the 11/30/18 FAQs, a 3/1/19 revised list, and a 6/1/19 revised list. For the cached lists, we cached the priests' information individually so that the cached copy captured the entire list. In the archdiocese's original list, only one priest in each section of the list displays at any one time.

Orange CA – We have cached a copy of a 1/10/04 press release that names the accused priests whose cases were included in the data submitted by the diocese to the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Many bishops released statements about their John Jay College submissions, but very few named any accused priests. We cached a copy of an 8/12/16 announcement naming "Members and former members of clergy removed from ministry." Msgr. Stephen Doktorczyk alludes to that announcement in a 12/7/18 letter. A revision of that announcement was apparently released on 11/26/18; we do not have a copy of that revision. Another revision was released on 4/2/19; we cached a copy of the 4/2/19 list. We cached a 12/18/20 revision of the list.

Orlando FL – We cached the 10/6/21 list.

Owensboro KY – On 4/12/19, the Diocese of Owensboro released a list of priests with substantiated allegations. The main page on accountability comprised a letter from Bishop William Medley and links to the other elements, including the list of accused priests with expandable assignment histories, PDFs of Medley's letter in English and Spanish, a PDF of the list without assignments, background, and FAQs. We have cached copies of the 4/12/19 list with assignments expanded, the main accountability page, the list without assignments, the Medley letter in English and Spanish, the background, and FAQs. We cached a copy of the 4/26/19 revision in English and Spanish. That revision does not provide assignments. We cached a copy of the webpage list with assignments as of 7/6/19. On 6/18/22 we cached a copy of the webpage list as updated on 5/18/22.

Paterson NJ – The Diocese of Paterson posted a list of credibly accused priests and deacons on 2/13/19, with a letter from Bishop Serratelli, an explanation of the list, and "questions and answers" about the list. We cached the 2/13/19 list with those materials on 2/23/19. We cached a revised list on 6/18/22.

Paulist Fathers – The Paulists released a list on 3/8/19, with assignment histories and very basic informnation about the allegations. We cached a copy of the 3/8/19 list. We cached a copy of the 10/7/19 revised list, which added Fr. Vincent Francis Holden CSP. We cached the 10/15/20 update.

Pensacola-Tallahassee FL – The Pensacola-Tallahassee diocese posted the names (with assignments) of the accused persons listed by the FL Attorney General, as well as additional names with assignment information. We have cached copy of those lists dated 11/6/20.

Peoria IL – The Internet Archive first preserved a version of the Peoria list on 12/1/18. We have cached copies of the list as it appeared on 12/1/18 and 12/21/18. On 12/21/18 we also cached the seven press releases linked from 16 of the 19 names then on the list. [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who opened an investigation in August 2018 of the six Catholic dioceses in the state, observes: "The Dioceses of Belleville, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield did not take the basic step of publishing a comprehensive list of clergy who had been “credibly” accused until the Office became involved. [Madigan's investigation began in August 2018.] Even now, these lists, for the most part, remain difficult to locate on the Illinois Dioceses’ websites." The diocese's response does not discuss the timing of its list. We cached a copy of the list as of 1/28/20. We cached a copy of the list as of 6/18/22. We cached a copy of the list as of 5/17/23. We cached a copy of the list as of 6/26/24.

Philadelphia PA – The archdiocese maintains three lists of "credibly" accused priests: pending and restricted, laicized, and deceased. The Philadelphia lists provide photographs, assignment histories including time in treatment facilities, and current status. These pages had their beginnings in a page called Laicization Updates. The earliest version of this page that is available from is dated 11/21/05, shortly after the Philadelphia Grand Jury report was released on 9/15/05. We have created a PDF of the 11/21/05 Laicization Updates, using the earliest available version of the linked description for each priest. The next stage of the list bundled all three categories together; we have created a PDF of the earliest version preserved at, dated 8/25/06.

Phoenix AZ – We cached a copy of the 10/15/12 lists. See a news report on the release of the list. On 1/28/20, we cached the following lists:
          • Table 1 - Accused Phoenix Diocesan Priests (10/29/19)
          • Table 2 - Accused Priests of Other Dioceses (12/23/19)
          • Table 3 - Accused Priests of Religious Orders (10/29/19)
          • Table 4 - Accused Brothers of Religious Orders (10/29/19)

Pittsburgh PA – The Pittsburgh diocese posted a list of accused Pittsburgh priests after the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was released on 8/14/18. We have cached copies of the four sub-lists that the Pittsburgh diocese released in PDFs:
1) Those who are living and have been removed from ministry;
2) Those removed from ministry who are now deceased;
3) Those who were deceased when an allegation was made against them;
and a separate list of clergy of the Diocese of Pittsburgh against whom allegations were made which were not substantiated as child sexual abuse.

On 10/2/22, we cached these lists:
1) Those who are living and have been removed from ministry
2) Those against whom allegations were made and are now deceased
3) Those who were deceased when an allegation was made against them
4) Allegations not substantiated as child sexual abuse, but whose names appear in the Grand Jury Report
5) Allegations pending an investigation

Portland OR – The archdiocesan Catholic Sentinel newspaper on 4/27/07 carried a list of accused Portland priests as part of its coverage of the archdiocese's bankruptcy settlement. The table, which provided the names and number of allegations of 13 priests, was called "Accused against whom highest number of claims were filed (before and during bankruptcy)." To comply with the terms of the bankruptcy settlement and a court order lifting the seal on disputed documents, the archdiocese also posted in 2007-2009 multiple overlapping lists of names of 30 accused priests, linked to selected documents 1 2. As of 5/2/21, the links to the documents were broken. On 11/12/06, The Oregonian posted a list of 69 accused persons. As of 5/2/21, includes 87 accused persons in its Portland archdiocesan list.

Providence RI – On 7/1/19, the Diocese of Providence released a list of credibly accused clergy. We cached a copy of the 7/1/19 list and the 7/1/19 FAQs. Names on the list are linked to assignment histories; we cached those assignment histories on 7/4/19.

Raleigh NC – In October 2018 the Diocese of Raleigh released a list of accused clergy. We have cached a copy of the list as of 12/17/18; copies of the list created on 5/29/19 in English and Spanish (adding Msgr. Hugh Clarke and switching Fr. William Presley to the list of priests who abused in Raleigh); and a copy of the 10/22/19 revised list (adding Fr. William Ward and Fr. Donald Scales OSB). We cached the 2/7/20 list, which no longer included Fr. Albert J. Gondek OSFS, but added Fr. Harold Johnson (an extern priest from Boston) and Fr. Edward William Smith (a Glenmary Home Missioner). We cached a 4/24/20 updated list, which added Gondek back in, but removed Smith, Johnson, McGovern, and Pechulis. The 4/24/20 list also states that Edgar Sepulveda has been "dismissed from the clerical state." On the previous list, his status was "suspended, Vatican trial in progress." We cached a copy of the 3/31/21 revised list, which added Smith, Johnson, McGovern, and Pechulis; deleted Gondek; and changed Ghisalberti's status to deceased.

Rapid City SD – On 3/19/19, it was reported that the Diocese of Rapid City had released a list of accused clergy. The initial list and letter from Bishop Robert Gruss was posted as a PDF created on 3/15/19. A revised list was created on 3/21/19. We have cached copies of the letter and list in their 3/15/19 and 3/21/19 versions.

Reno NV – On 4/5/19, the Diocese of Reno released a list of credibly accused clergy, with a letter from Bishop Randolph Calvo and FAQs. We have cached a copy of the 4/5/19 letter, FAQs, and list.

Resurrectionists – On 10/27/21 the Resurrectionists posted a List of Credibly Accused. We cached the 10/27/21 list.

Richmond VA – On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Richmond released a list of priests with credible and substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 2/13/19 list, along with Bishop Knestout's 2/13/19 letter in English and Spanish. We cached a copy of the 6/27/19 revised list, as well as the 6/27/19 announcement of that revision, which added 6 names to the list.

Rochester NY – We cached a copy of the 6/6/12 list on 7/7/12. We cached a copy of the 10/18 revision on 7/6/19.

Rockford IL – On 11/14/18, the Diocese released a list of priests of the diocese "against whom allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have been substantiated." We have cached a copy of the 11/14/18 list. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who opened an investigation in August 2018 of the six Catholic dioceses in the state, observes: "The Dioceses of Belleville, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield did not take the basic step of publishing a comprehensive list of clergy who had been “credibly” accused until the Office became involved. Even now, these lists, for the most part, remain difficult to locate on the Illinois Dioceses’ websites." We cached the 5/12/22 updated list. We cached the 3/6/23 updated list. We cached the 4/22/24 updated list.

Rockville Centre NY – The Rockville Centre diocese has posted a link for downloading a List of Accused Clergy, in connection with their Chapter 11 filing. We have cached a copy of that PDF dated 3/18/21. The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors posted a list of Accused Persons Missing from the List Released by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. We cached a copy of that list downloaded on 1/15/25.

Sacramento CA – The Diocese of Sacramento released a list of credibly accused clergy on 4/30/19. We have cached their PDF version of the 4/30/19 list, along with Bishop Jaime Soto's letter in English and Spanish. We have also cached web versions of this list downloaded on 5/2/19 and 5/17/19. In the web versions, the list provides name, years active in the diocese, and status. Clicking on the name provides a detailed account of the priest, including details of individual reporting victims and the abuse they suffered. We have cached the priest pages linked from the 5/17/19 list:

Gerardo Beltran Rico
Vincent Brady
James Casey
Andrew Coffey
Malachy Conway
Hector Coria
John Crowley
Rodolfo Delgado
Michael Dermody
Thomas Dermody
William Feeser
Oscar Figueroa
Francisco Javier Garcia
John Hannan
David Hernandez Cota
Francisco Hernandez-Tovar
William Hold
Michael Lynch
James Mennis
Vito Mistretta
Jorge Moreno
Uriel Ojeda
Jose Antonio Pinal
William Storan
Simon Twomey
Jose Urbina
Murrough Wallace
Michael Walsh

John Dowling
J. Patrick Foley

Religious Order Priests
Thomas Allender, SJ
Mario Blanco Porras, SDB
Edward Boyle, CSsR
David Brusky, SDS
Robert Casper, SDS
Pablo Cortes, SDB
Arthur Falvey, SJ
Jerome Henson, OP
Robert Marsicek, SDS
James Thomas Monaghan, SJ
Z. Enrique Perez, CO
Vernon Petrich, SDS
Michael Proulx, OSsT
John “Casper” Watts, CP
Permanent Deacons
Alejandro Arroyo
Jesus Magallanes

Allegations Elsewhere
Laurence Brett
Melvin Bucher, OFM
Charles Gormley
Joseph Hoan
Gus Krumm, OFM
Louis Ladenburger, OFM
Victor Marron
Luis Martinez, SF
Kevin McBrien, OCarm
Patrick McCabe
James McSorley, OMI
Oliver O'Grady
Luis Michael O'Halloran, OP
Carlton Whitten, SJ
William Wood, SJ
Luke Zimmer, SSCC

Saginaw MI – The Saginaw diocese announced the list on 4/14/18. The announcement was made by Judge Michael J. Talbot, appointed as delegate the day before by Bishop Joseph R. Cistone, whose home and office had been raided by law enforcement stating that the diocese had failed to cooperate with an ongoing investigation. We cached copies of the diocesan list of accused clergy on 4/25/18, 4/10/19, and 8/9/19. We cached copies of assignment and other information linked from the list, beginning on 7/23/19 and finishing on 8/9/19.

Permanently Removed from Ministry
Stanislaus A. Bur
John E. Hammer
Richard L Howard
Jack J. Leipert
Richard T. Szafranski
Leonard F. Wilkuski
Deceased Saginaw Clergy
Martin Ignatius Kalahar
James Aloysius Mulvey
Neil Francis O’Connor
Thomas William Ryan

On Administrative Leave
Robert J. DeLand
Ronald J. Dombrowski
Dennis H. Kucharczyk
Order and Extern Clergy
Benedict Adams, OFM Cap
Baldwin Beyer, OFM Cap
Art Cooney, OFM Cap
Camillus Frigo, O.Praem
Ronald Vincent Gronowski
Francis M. Landwermeyer, SJ

James LaRéau, OFM Cap
James Marron, C.S.Sp., and obit
Francis McHugh, O.Praem
Raymond John Pilarski
• John Steven Rabideau, OMV
Terrence Andrew Raymond
Austin Schlaefer, OFM Cap
Robert Gordon Smith
Ken Stewart, OFM Cap
Elmer Stoffel, OFM Cap
Joseph Szarek

Saint Augustine FL – The Diocese of Saint Augustine released a list of accused on 11/6/20. We cached a copy of the 11/6/20 list. The diocese's release of the list coincided with the Florida Attorney General's 11/6/20 release of his brief report, which also included a list. The diocesan website apparently no longer includes the diocesan list.

Saint Cloud MN – We have cached a copy of Bishop Donald J. Kettler's original 1/3/14 statement and list. We have also cached a 1/31/14 news report on diocesan revisions to the assignment histories in the original list and on a caveat regarding those histories. Those revisions were incorporated into Kettler's original statement and list; we have cached a copy of the updated version. After the Crosiers released their list (see above) on 3/7/14, Kettler announced on 3/14/14 four additional names (Emon, Funcheon, Weger, and Moeglein) derived from the Crosier list. Kettler did not include a fifth Crosier in his additions, Wendell Mohs, although Mohs is described on the Crosier list as having been on the "Weekend retreat staff, Central Minnesota TEC Program, 1979–82." The Teens Encountering Christ (TEC) Program conducts its retreats at Holy Family Parish, Belle Prairie MN, in the St. Cloud diocese. We have cached a copy of the 3/14/14 announcement of additions. As of 3/18/14, the diocesan website did not maintain this information in a single easily located list. Instead, the original 1/3/14 list is available in the chronologically organized news section, incorporating the 1/31/14 revisions; then the four additional Crosiers are listed in Kettler's 3/14/14 statement, with a partial listing of their St. Cloud assignments. We cached a "list of clergy likely to have abused minors" as revised 5/24/19.

Saint Louis MO – On 7/26/19, the Archdiocese of Saint Louis released of archdiocesan clergy and externs with substantiated allegations. We cached a copy of the 7/26/19 list with other materials. We also cached a copy of the special 7/26/19 edition of the St. Louis Review, which is devoted to the list.

Saint Paul and Minneapolis MN – The archdiocese first released a list under court order, added to it twice on the advice of Kinsale Management Consulting, and added more names after reaching a settlement with Jeff Anderson & Associates:
1) On 12/5/13 the archdiocese released the original list to comply with the order of Judge John B. Van de North in litigation of claims of John Doe 73C (John Keenan) and Doe 1. We have cached a copy of the archdiocesan newspaper's web and paper versions of the original list. See also Archbishop Nienstedt's article on the original release (and our cache of the article). The list provides the names behind a count of archdiocesan accused priests, based on the diocese's completed John Jay College survey questionnaires and announced on 12/11/03. That announcement was summarized in a 2/27/04 press release.

2) On 2/17/14 the archdiocese released a first revised list, resulting from a comprehensive file review done by Kinsale Management Consulting, under contract with the archdiocese. Nine accused persons were added to the list at this time: Blumeyer, Funcheon, Gansmann, Gillespie, Kolar, LaVan, Montero, Stark, and Walsh. We have cached a copy of the list, the statement describing it, and a Q&A explaining it. We have also created a PDF that assembles all the assignment histories linked from the archdiocese's 2/17/14 list. On 2/19/14 Minnesota Public Radio aired and posted Number of alleged sex abusers greater than archdiocese has revealed, by Madeleine Baran, together with MPR's own detailed list, Accused priests: Who they are, where they’ve served, what’s alleged.

3) On 5/22/14 the archdiocese released a second revised list, resulting from a comprehensive file review done by Kinsale Management Consulting, under contract with the archdiocese. We have cached a copy of the second revised list, bundled with the related statement and the new assignment histories for the five accused persons added to the list: Baker, Frost, Ruglovsky, Weger, and Zachman.

4) On 10/23/14 the archdiocese released a third revised list, adding the names and assignment information of 17 accused persons not previously listed. This "cooperatively-developed disclosure list" resulted from a 10/13/14 settlement between the archdiocese and Jeff Anderson & Associates. Nine of the 17 had substantiated claims of abuse within the archdiocese: Dummer, Filbin, Goniea, Krakovsky, Majerus, Marks, Mohs, Potocki, and Wolski. Eight of the 17 are accused of abuse outside the archdiocese but spent some time in it: Beutner, Clark, Ericksen, Foley, Nickel, Owens, Porter, and Vedro. Five of the 17 were not publicly known previously: Clark, Dummer, Majerus, Owens, and Potocki. Besides the 17 accused, three men whose allegations were previously listed by the archdiocese as unsubstantiated were recategorized as having substantiated allegations: Corica, Loftus, and Vaughn. We've cached: a) a copy of the revised list, b) Archbishop Nienstedt's statement, c) Nienstedt's statement bundled with the disclosure pages for each of the 17 newly listed persons, d) revised FAQs, e) the revised list bundled with all the disclosure pages, both of the 17 newly listed and of the persons previously listed. We have cached all the disclosure pages, because they have been revised by the archdiocese to note the date on which each person was added to the list, and f) the disclosure list, linked to cached copies of each individual disclosure page for all the listed accused persons.

5) On 2/11/15, the archdiocese released four additional names (Michael Bik, James Robert Murphy, James Namie, and Raimond Rose) one of which (Namie) was also on a list of 17 new names released by Jeff Anderson & Associates on the same day. All four new archdiocesan names were included in a comprehensive list of clergy "served lawsuits or notice of claims" by Anderson. That comprehensive list was appended to the list of 17 new names. We have cached a copy of the archdiocese's 2/11/15 list of four, as well as Anderson's 2/11/15 list of 17. See also MPR's story on the 2/11/15 names, and our cached copies of stories about the 17 names from MPR, the Star Tribune, and the Pioneer Press.

Saint Petersburg FL – We saved an Internet Archive copy of a Saint Petersburg list dated 5/19/11 and cached 3/9/15. We also cached a 9/12/18 revised list.

Salesians – Province of St. Philip – Canada and Eastern U.S. – New Rochelle NY and Montréal QC – We cached the Salesian list on 5/16/21.

Salina KS – On 3/29/19, the Diocese of Salina published a list of accused clergy and related materials on its website and in the diocesan newspaper. We have cached copies of the 3/29/19 website list and materials and the newspaper.

Salt Lake City UT – On 12/21/18, the Intermountain Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, reported that the diocese had posted a list of accused priests as of 12/17/18. A 12/14/18 article had stated that the list was posted on 12/14/18. The list posted as of 12/25/18 was dated 12/4/18; the PDF was created on 12/13/18. In addition to the list, the diocese posted a statement and a Glossary of Terms. We cached the 12/21/18 article and the 12/17/18 list, statement, and glossary. We also cached the 12/14/18 article. We cached the 9/20/19 revised list.

San Angelo TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of San Angelo released a list of credibly accused clergy. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list. We cached a copy of a 2/13/19 revised list.

San Antonio TX – On 1/31/19, the Archdiocese of San Antonio released a report on child abuse by clergy, including names of accused clergy and descriptions. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 report and 1/31/19 remarks by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS.

San Bernardino CA – On 10/9/18, Bishop Gerald R. Barnes released a list of "clergy credibly accused of child sexual abuse," along with a letter and a brief "About the List." The list was also released in Spanish. We have cached copies of the 10/9/18 English list, Spanish list, Barnes's letter (in English and Spanish), and About the List (in English and Spanish). We cached the revised 2/6/19 list and the revised 5/10/21 list.

San Diego CA – On 3/30/07 as part of the bankruptcy process, the San Diego diocese released lists of accused diocesan, religious order, and extern priests with assignment records, The lists were subsequently removed from the diocesan website but preserved on this page. A month after the release of the Pennsylvania grand jury report, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported on 9/13/18 that the Diocese of San Diego had "added eight priests to the list of those believed to have molested children." On 9/14/18, the diocese consolidated and re-posted its old lists with the new names added, with an introductory webpage. We have cached the Union-Tribune report, which describes the added priests and provides photographs of five; the diocese's introduction; and its 9/14/18 list. We have cached a revised 11/6/20 list.

San Jose CA – On 10/18/18, the Diocese of San Jose released a list of "clergy with credible allegations of sexual abuse of children" in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. They also released a letter about the list by Bishop Patrick J. McGrath (E, S, V); and a FAQ explaining the list (E, S, V). We have cached copies of the 10/18/18 list (E, S, V); the letter (E, S, V); and the FAQ (E, S, V). The list named 15 priests, 7 of whom were being named for the first time: Revs. Thomas Bettencourt, Laurent Largente, George Moss, Noel Senevirante, Hernan Toro, Joseph Dondero SJ, and Phil Sunseri SJ. After Jeff Anderson & Associates released a Bay Area report on 12/23/18, the San Jose diocese issued a 10/24/18 press release about why some names associated with San Jose in the Anderson report were not included in the San Jose diocesan list. (All the accused priests discussed in the press release were already listed in's Database of Accused Priests, either as San Jose priests, or as priests in a different diocese.) Many of the priests discussed in the press release were religious order priests; most accused religious were excluded from the diocesan list. We have cached a copy of the 10/24/18 diocesan press release.

The Diocese of San Jose posted a summary of Kinsale's file review dated 3/30/19; we cached copies of the 3/30/19 summary in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. On 4/2/19, the diocese announced additions to their list; we cached copies of the 4/2/19 announcement (E, S, V). The diocese released a revised list dated 4/5/19; we cached copies of the 4/5/19 revised list (E, S, V).

Santa Fe NM – The Santa Fe Archdiocese released a list on September 12, 2017, together with a letter from Archbishop John C. Wester explaining his decision and dthe criteria for inclusion. The list includes the names of more than 20 priests not previously known to have been accused. It also includes the names of externs and religious order priests. We've cached a copy of Santa Fe's initial 9/12/17 list with Wester's 9/12/19 letter. We cached a 3/28/18 revision of the list. We cached a 3/8/19 updated list with assigments added. We cached a 4/17/19 list of three priests from elsewhere (Gallup and Las Cruces) who also worked in the archdiocese. We cached a 9/4/20 update of that "second" list. We cached a 10/1/20 update of the main list. We cached a copy of the elsewhere list as revised on 5/19/21; it added Davied, Doody, Downing, Goltz, Gopaul, Judd, Kaiser, Lovell, McCabe, Parry, and Silva. We cached a copy of the main list as revised on 9/20/21, noting as recently deceased Bruckner, Griego, and Sierra. We cached a copy of the main list as revised on 1/4/22, noting as deceased Martin/Peralta. We cached a copy of the 8/29/23 second list of those accused elsewhere. We cached a copy of the 2/19/24 main list.

Santa Rosa CA – The Diocese of Santa Rosa released a list on 1/12/19. We cached a copy of the 1/12/19 list. We also cached a copy of the 1/19 diocesan newspaper containing the list and related materials.

Savannah GA – On 11/8/18, the Diocese of Savannah released a list of "priests credibly accused of abuse of a minor." The diocese also had on their site a 11/16/18 updated list. We have cached copies of the 11/8/18 list and 11/16/18 list. As of 7/25/19, neither list seems to be on the diocesan website.

Scranton PA – The Scranton diocese released a list of credibly accused individuals on 8/14/18, the same day that the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was released. On 8/19/18 we cached a copy of the Scranton list. An update to the Scranton list was reported on 12/22/18. We cached a copy of the updated 12/22/19 list on 8/13/19. The update added 11 names:
- Three lay accused, noted as missing from the list on 8/22/18 by the Citizens' Voice (Maroni, Smith, Yarros)
- Three Jesuits named by the Maryland province on 12/17/18 (Bourbon, Garrity, Long)
- Two diocesan priests named for the first time on 12/22/18 (Polcha, Pulicare)
- Three religious order accused, two priests and one nun, named for the first time on 12/22/19 (Fertal, Sr. Pisaneschi, Rebovich)

Seattle WA – A partial list for the Seattle archdiocese, contained in a 2004 Case Review Board Report posted by the archdiocese in 2009 or 2010, provided the names of 9 accused priests (the name of a tenth was redacted). But a 2006 press release counted 53 accused priests. We cached a copy of the Case Review Board Report and the press release. See also the Letter to Archbishop Sartain, by members of the Case Review Board, May 6, 2014, objecting to a May 2, 2014 statement that the archdiocese issued about Fr. Harry Quigg, and citing the letter they co-authored to Archbishop Brunett on December 20, 2004. The archdiocese revised its Quigg statement somewhat and reissued the revision on May 9, 2014.

On 1/15/16, the archdiocese released a more complete list, making many names public for the first time. This new list included 60 priests (30 Seattle archdiocesan; 14 externs; and 16 order priests); 2 deacons; 14 religious brothers; and 1 religious sister. We cached a copy of that 1/15/16 list, with Archbishop Sartain's letter and FAQs. The FAQs state:

"To identify those archdiocesan clergy and religious men and women who served or were known to have resided in the Archdiocese of Seattle for whom allegations of sexual abuse of minors were admitted, established or determined to be credible, the archdiocese hired Dr. Kathleen McChesney and her firm, Kinsale Management Consulting, to conduct an independent review of Archdiocesan files. The names of those identified in this review were then provided to the Archdiocesan Review Board [link] and to Archbishop Sartain who approved the publication of the names set forth in this disclosure... [T]he published list contain[s] all of the names of clergy and religious brothers and sisters that Kinsale Management and the Archdiocesan Review Board determined were credible." The link in the FAQs to the list of Review Board members is broken. We have cached the 9/19/15 list of review board members.

On 1/26/16, the archdiocese posted a revised list, which cross-listed Rev. John Cornelius as Rev. John Cornelius McKenna. We cached a copy of the 1/26/16 revised list. Some Seattle parishes have posted a PDF that sorts the archdiocesan list by parish/school. This PDF was created on 1/13/16 by Vice Chancellor Ben Altenhofen, is dated 1/15/16, and was revised 1/29/16. To our knowledge, Seattle is the first diocese or religious order to present their list in this significant format. We obtained our copy from the parish website of St. Theresa's Parish in Federal Way. As of 9/7/16, the parish sort did not appear to be posted on the archdiocesan website. The archdiocese posted a second revision of the list, dated 6/15/16; we have cached a copy of the 6/15/16 list, which does not add any new names. It changes the status of Br. Edward Courtney CFC from "Unknown" to "Left Ministry." We have also cached copies of the 3/3/17 list, which added Fr, Otto Koltzenberg to the list; and the 8/10/18 list, which added Msgr. Philip H. Duffy to the list, as explained in our cached copy of a 8/14/18 press release. That press release incorrectly states that Duffy was the first addition "since first publication in 2016." Koltzenberg first appeared in the 3/3/17 list; his name was not on the previous 6/15/16 list or earlier lists.On 2/28/20, the archdiocese announced that Fr. Mario Cruz had been added to the list. We cached a copy of the 3/2/21 updated list. We cached a copy of the 3/31/23 list. See also the 3/31/23 press release, noting the addition to the list of Sr. Jerry Lyness OP and Fr. Thomas Phelan.

Shreveport LA – On 2/6/19, the Diocese of Shreveport released a list of clergy removed for abusing minors. We cached a copy of the 2/6/19 list.

Sioux City IA – On 2/25/19, the Diocese of Sioux City released a list of credibly accused priests dated 2/22/19. A link prominently displayed on the diocesan homepage pointed to a main page wth links to the list, a backgrounder, a letter from Bishop Nickless, and a FAQs. We have cached copies of the 2/25/19 list, backgrounder, letter, and FAQs. The 2/25/19 list comprises 28 names. The list's introductory text notes: "The list originally contained 29 names; however, the diocese received notification that one of the priests has appealed to Rome, and therefore his information is being withheld pending resolution." The FAQs note that Bishop Lawrence D. Soens has been left off the list, although he is accused of abusing many boys in the Davenport diocese, because he is not accused of abuse during the thime he was Bishop of Sioux City. The following priests who are accuse of abusing children in the Sioux City diocese were not included on the list: Fr. Brian J. Danner, Fr. Gerald Hartz (former superintendent of the Sioux City Catholic schools), and Fr. John Kurzak.

• Fr. Alver William Behrens
• Fr. Richard Wayne Birdsall
• Fr. Paul Joseph Bruening
• Fr. John Francis Cain
• Fr. John William Cullen
• Fr. Linus Joseph Eisenbacher
• Fr. Clarence Edward Farrelly
• Fr. Louis Henry Greving
• Fr. Victor Everett Kollasch
• Fr. Bruce Anthony Lefebvre
• Fr. Jan Lisowski
• Fr. Bernard Joseph Montag
• Fr. Thomas Joseph Munn
• Fr. Ronald Joseph Reicks
• Fr. Ralph William Reinhart
• Fr. Laurence Frances Schoeppner
• Fr. Donald Joseph Slaven
• Fr. Verne Peter Stapenhorst
• Fr. Fergus Stevenson OFM
• Fr. Joseph Edward Tolan
• Fr. Donald William Wingert
• Fr. John Charles Yetmar

We cached a 3/28/19 revised list for Sioux City that added one priest, Fr. Eric Middlecamp SDS. We cached the 9/24/19 revised list.

Sioux Falls SD – On 3/21/19, the Diocese of Sioux Falls published a list of priests with substantiated allegations, and a letter from Bishop Paul Swain. We have cached a copy of the 3/21/19 list and the letter, dated 3/20/19 but PDF'd on 3/21/19.

Society of the Divine Word – Chicago Province – We cached a copy of the list on 2/26/24.

Society of the Divine Word – Southern Province – We cached the Southern Province list as of 2/26/24.

Society of the Divine Word – Western Province – The Western Province posted a list in July 2021. We cached the July 2021 list.

Spokane WA – In addition to a cached copy of the diocesan list as of 1/28/10, we have cached the identical 11/3/09 version of the list, as well as the text of Bishop Skylstad's 10/23/02 announcement). We cached the list as of 5/28/24.

Springfield IL – On 11/29/18, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois released a "summary of all substantiated cases of sexual abuse of a minor by clergy in this diocese as disclosed in our recent voluntary review with the Illinois Attorney General’s office." Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who opened an investigation in August 2018 of the six Catholic dioceses in the state, observes: "The Dioceses of Belleville, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield did not take the basic step of publishing a comprehensive list of clergy who had been “credibly” accused until the Office became involved. Even now, these lists, for the most part, remain difficult to locate on the Illinois Dioceses’ websites." The diocese's response does not discuss its list. We cached a copy of the Springfield IL list as of 12/2/18 with related materials. On 6/18/19, the diocese added to the list Fr. James Patrick O'Hara and Fr. Louis C.Shea. We cached a copy of the Springfield IL list on 6/19/19 showing those two additions.

Springfield MA – The diocese originally posted the list on their site on 8/25/11, the same day that Cardinal O'Malley first posted his Boston list. We cached the original Springfield Word document and also a PDF version. On 3/29/16, the diocese posted a revised version, adding Rev. Paul Archambault. We cached a copy of that 3/29/16 list. A considerably revised list was posted on 6/2/21; we have cached a copy of the 6/2/21 list. We cached an updated list as of 5/26/24.

Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO – We cached a copy of the 11/19/18 list called "13 Diocesan priests credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor." Survivors pressed the diocese to release more names. See Abuse survivors urge diocese to add seven priests to credibly accused list, by Mark Bliss, Southeast Missourian (1/17/19). We cached a copy of the 3/15/19 list entitled "16 diocesan priests with allegations of sexual abuse of a minor." We cached a copy of an expanded 4/1/19 list, presented in a letter by Bishop Edward M. Rice. The list in the letter offers basic information on the accused priests, including religious order priests and externs, whereas the previous two lists of diocesan priests included assignment histories. The more detailed lists link to press releases on some of the priests: Fr John Brath, Msgr Mark C Ernstmann, Fr Lawrence Gregovich, Fr Fred Lutz, Fr Ernest Marquart, Msgr John J Rynish, and Fr John Wells.

Steubenville OH – This list was released by the Diocese of Steubenville on 10/31/18. We cached a copy of the 10/31/18 press release on 11/11/18.

Stockton CA – A list of accused was originally posted by the Stockton diocese in compliance with the non-monetaries in the bankruptcy settlement, which took effect on February 19, 2017. We cached a 2/23/17 copy of the list. A prominent link to the list is provided on the diocesan home page, as required by the non-monetaries. On 11/12/20, the diocese released an updated version of the list. We cached a copy of the 11/12/20 revision.

Syracuse NY – On 12/3/18, the Diocese of Syracuse released a list of "clergy with credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor." We have cached a copy of the 12/3/18 list.

Superior WI – On 11/22/22, the Diocese of Superior released an "Abusive Clergy List" with a letter from Bishop James P. Powers and a "Abusive Clergy List Publication Standard." We have cached a copy of the 11/22/22 letter and list and of the standard. Our cached list shows all the listed priest information in a single view, whereas the diocese's posting of its list permits the reader to view the information only one priest at a time.

Toledo OH – The diocesan website included a partial list of accused priests and their status dated 12/31/09. We cached a copy of that list, a copy of a 2/17/05 list , and a 3/30/04 article on an earlier partial list. We cached a copy of the expanded list as of 1/28/20. We cached the list again on 12/8/20; we also cached the assignment histories linked from the list as of 12/8/20:

Beauregard, Fr. Thomas J.
Beaver, Fr. Nelson G.
Burger, Fr. Karl L.
Fate, Fr. Albert A.
Fisher, Fr. Robert
Gallen, SJ, Fr. John
Garand, Fr. Frederick A.
Gray, Fr. Dennis L.
Hemstreet, Fr. John
Knapp, CSSR, Fr. Paul
Kokocinski, Fr. Bernard

Liston, Fr. Richard S.
Lucas, Fr. C. Neil
McCullen, Fr. John L.
McLaughlin, Fr. Michael
Meiring, Fr. Thomas E.
Pinter, Fr. Alexander
Punnoor, Fr. Samuel
Richey, Fr. Herbert
Rogers, Fr. Stephen G
Scharf, Fr. Lawrence
Schmelzer, Fr. Joseph

Schmit, Fr. George A.
Shiffler, Fr. John
Shrimplin, Deacon Glen
Thomas, Fr. Robert
Tynan, Deacon J. Michael
Varney, Fr. Lawrence
Warren, OSFS, Fr. Chester
Welch, Fr. Leo
Wojciechowski, Fr. Stanislaus
Yeager, Fr. Robert
Zacharias, Fr. Michael J.

We cached Toledo's 2/23 Clergy Status report with assignment histories for three accused persons added to the list: Fr. Richard G. Miller, Fr. Frank E. Nieset, and Deacon Bernabe Romo.

Trenton NJ – On 2/13/19, the Diocese of Trenton released a list of credibly accused clergy. We cached a copy of the original 2/13/19 list. We cached a copy of the list as updated on 2/15/19 and corrected on 2/22/19. We cached a copy of the 4/25/19 updated list. We cached a copy of the 6/24/21 list. We cached the 12/11/23 list.

Tucson AZ – The diocese posts this list of accused clergy and other personnel with assignment records on the diocesan website. We have cached a copy of the 4/2/10 list. An earlier version was released on 2/27/04 as part of the John Jay report process; Tucson first posted their list on 6/21/02, and was the first diocese to do so. News coverage of the initial release: 1 2 3 4. We have cached the list as of 3/1/24.

Tulsa OK – On 10/2/19, the Diocese of Tulsa released in English and Spanish a report on credible allegations with a list of priests. We cached a copy of the 10/2/19 report (E, S).

Tyler TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Tyler posted a letter by Bishop Joseph Strickland describing the case of Fr. Gustavo Cuello, a now-laicized priest from Equador convicted of aggravated assault of a female minor in Tyler. Strickland also described the cases of two other priests listed by the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Diocese of Dallas who had worked in Tyler. We have cached a copy of the 1/31/19 letter.

Viatorians – We cached a copy of the Viatorians' list downloaded on 10/31/20.

Victoria TX – On 1/31/19, the Diocese of Victoria posted a list of accused. We cached a copy of the 1/31/19 list.

Vincentians – Western Province – On 6/12/20, the Western Province of the Vincentians posted a list of accused. We cached a copy of the list on 12/7/20. We cached the list as of 3/1/24, which adds Fr. James Beighlie CM.

Washington DC – The Archdiocese of Washington released a list on 10/15/18 of "clergy ... credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors," along with a press release explaining their action. We have cached copies of the 10/15/18 list and statement. The 31 priests included in the list were organized as diocesan (28 priests) and non-diocesan religious order (3 priests). Assignment histories were not provided, but basic milestones of the priests' careers and of canonical and criminal action are listed, not with a date, but with the year. Some information about treatment and transfers to other dioceses was also included. Eight priests on the archdiocesan list had not been publicly accused previously: Revs. Salvatore F. Bucca, Joseph B. Coyne, Roger P. Gallagher, James V. Lannon, Thomas W. Lyons, James A. Scott, Paul T. Twiddy, and Miguel Umana Zelaya. At least eight other priests, known to have been accused, who lived, worked, or allegedly abused in the Washington archdiocese were not included on the archdiocesan list. We cached the list as of 3/1/24.

Wheeling-Charleston WV – On 11/29/18, the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston (DWC) released two lists: 1) a "list of clergy who were credibly accused while serving in DWC – 1950 to present," and 2) a list of "clergy who served in DWC for whom no complaints were received but were credibly accused elsewhere." A 11/29/18 press release explains the lists. These lists were tweaked frequently in the days after their release. We have cached versions of the list posted on 12/5/18 – 1 2. We cached the 11/29/18 press release. We cached the two lists updated 5/21/19 – 1 2.

Wichita KS – On 9/20/19, the Diocese of Wichita released a list of "individuals [all priests] with substantiated allegations." We cached a copy of the 9/20/19 list of names with a Q&A in English and Spanish, and the information that each listed name is linked to:

Substantiated allegations in Wichita:
Paul Alderman
Robert Blanpied
Peter Duke
Robert K. Larson
Charles O'Connor
Robert Schleiter
Alonzo Smithhisler
Charles Walsh
William Wheeler
Worked in Wichita, listed by another diocese or order:
Michael Baca [OFM; disclosed by Gallup diocese]
John Habethier [disclosed by San Bernardino diocese]
Stephen Muth [disclosed by Parma eparchy]
Thomas O'Donohue [disclosed by Salina diocese]
Robert Schleiter [disclosed by Salina diocese]
Arthur J. Van Speybroeck [disclosed by Salina diocese]
John [E.] Walsh [disclosed by Salina diocese]
We cached a copy of the list on 2/28/24. It included additional Wichita assignment histories of: John Hough SJ, Joachim N. Lux OFM, Charles Meyer CPPS, Juvenal Pfalzer OFM, Roman Pfalzer OFM, George Pieper SJ, Alfred Pimple OFM.

Wilmington DE and MD – We cached a copy of the Wilmington list on 2/7/12. The list is required as part of the non-monetary undertakings of the bankruptcy settlement, which also requires a release of documents; Bishop Saltarelli, who had been opposed to posting a list, published his list on 11/16/06 in the diocesan newspaper, at the unanimous urging of his Review Board, after the arrest of Francis DeLuca for alleged rape of a child.

Winona-Rochester MN – The diocese released this list on 12/16/13 to comply with the order of Judge John B. Van de North in litigation of claims of John Doe 73C (John Keenan) and Doe 1. We have cached a copy of the 12/16/13 letter and related assignment histories. Two priests named in this release were already known on the date of release (click name to view the released assignment history): Adamson and Koppala. Twelve priests had never been named publicly before and were previously unknown: Brown, Cashman, Cook, Curtis, Feiten, Hatch, Kaiser, Krough, Kuisle, Lennon, Smith, and Taylor. The list provides the names behind Bishop Bernard Harrington's 2003 count of accused priests, based on the diocese's completed John Jay College survey questionnaires and announced in the 3/03 issue of the Courier, the diocesan newspaper. On 6/23/14, the diocese posted additional information on the priests. We cached those descriptions: Fr. Thomas P. Adamson, Fr. Sylvester F. Brown, Fr. Joseph C. Cashman, Fr. Louis G. Cook, Fr. William D. Curtis, Msgr. John R. Feiten, Fr. Richard E. Hatch, Fr. Ferdinand L. Kaiser, Fr. Leo Charles Koppala, Fr. Jack L. Krough, Fr. Michael J. Kuisle, Fr. James W. Lennon, Fr. Leland J. Smith, and Fr. Robert H. Taylor. We cached the list as of 2/27/24, and the assignment records for these additions to the list: Fr. Thomas Duane, Fr. Joseph Haley, Fr. Harold Mountain, and Fr. James Nickel.

Xaverian Brothers – On 7/12/19, the Xaverian Brothers released lists of accused with related materials. We cached copies of the 7/12/19 lists of living accused, deceased accused, and accused whose allegations have a semblance of truth but could not be fully investigated. We also cached copies of Br. Edward Driscoll's 7/12/19 letter, the 7/12/19 FAQs, and the main page for the 7/12/19 release. We cached copies of the 3/21 lists of living accused, deceased accused, and accused whose allegations have a semblance of truth but could not be fully investigated.

Yakima WA – On 7/10/19, the Diocese of Yakima announced its list of priests with substantiated allegations. The diocese posted its list in the form of a PDF download link on its announcement page, which in turn is on a dedicated site, not the diocesan website. We cached a copy of the 7/9/19 list (it is dated one day earlier than the announcement) and the 7/9/12 FAQs. We also cached a copy of the 7/10/19 announcement page. We cached a copy of the 11/30/21 list. We cached a copy of the 10/10/23 updated list. When accessed through the diocesan website, as of 2/27/24, the Yakima list requires a Google login.

Youngstown OH – On 10/30/18, the Diocese of Youngstown released a list of credibly accused priests. A 11/9/18 list is also posted on the diocesan site. We have cached copies of the 10/30/18 list and 11/9/18 list. We cached a copy of the 6/17/19 updated list. We cached a copy of the 3/5/20 list. We cached the 10/19/20 list. We cached the 3/20/23 list. We cached the 8/29/23 list.


Grand Rapids MI – This newspaper report states that on 5/16/02 the diocese released a chart containing a partial list of 8 accused priests, after the county prosecutor met with the diocesan attorney, who provided a list of 11 accused priests; the list is not on the diocesan website.

Madison WI – Bishop Bullock's letter is no longer on the diocesan website; we cached this copy.

Manchester NH – This very interesting timeline and table presentation was created in March 2003 and is no longer on the diocesan site. It displays assignments, alleged abuse, notice, and diocesan actions for eight accused priests: Aube, Boulanger, Chalifour, Densmore, Fortier, Laferriere, Landry, and MacRae. These priests were also the subject of the NH attorney general's report, and their files (along with dozens of others) were released by the AG as part of the report + archive + audit deal that the AG negotiated with the diocese. See also our hypertext version of the AG's chapter on MacRae, with links to the documents.

Portland ME – This article reports on a press conference by Bishop Malone. See also another article. However, as of 1/28/10, the diocesan website does not provide a copy of Malone's statement, and it does not provide a list of accused priests.

• Venice FL – These press releases 1 2 and a letter 3 provide some names of accused priests. These materials are no longer on the diocesan website.



Court Order re Motions to Compel (5/13/13)
Court Order (12/31/13)
Relators' Motion for Stay (1/2/14)
Relators' Motion to File Under Seal (1/2/14)
Relators' Writ Petition (1/2/14)
Relators' Writ Summary (1/2/14)
Relators' Writ Suggestions (1/2/14)
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibits 01-05
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibit   06
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibits 07-15
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibits 16-20
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibit   21
Relators' Writ Suggestions – Exhibits 22-23


USA Today 11/11/02 list of accused priests: 61 named priests
Reilly report 7/23/03 count: 237 unnamed priests [PDF p. 19]
Boston Globe 3/5/03 list of priests removed: 48 named priests
Boston John Jay 2/26/04 count: 216 unnamed priests: 162 diocesan, 44 order, 10 extern
Garabedian 1/19/11 list of priests with settlements against them: 117 priests, including 19 newly identified
Boston archdiocesan list released by Cardinal O'Malley on 8/25/11: 159 archdiocesan priests named; 250 archdiocesan priests counted
Boston Globe 11/20/11 list of priests missing from O'Malley's list: 70 priests [lists 1 2] 11/20/11 list of accused clerics who have worked in Boston: 276 named clerics



List of 236 Accused Priests from 10 Largest U.S. Dioceses (11/11/02)

Cases of Abusive Priests Moved to New Locations - List compiled by SNAP from 1/6/04 USCCB audit of Charter compliance











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