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Fr. Pedro (Richard) Amen

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Order: OFM
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 04/28/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Also known as Pierre Amen. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province, joined the Vice Province of St. Benedict of the Amazon in Brazil 3/11/1990. Died in 2006. (Placing Amen for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Sacred Heart Province is based.)

Fr. Alexander R. Anderson

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in 2002 of abusing a boy in 1987 at St. Joseph's Home for Boys in St. Louis, where Anderson was  chaplain. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Naumann stated in 2002 that the Archdiocese investigated the complaint and found it without merit. Anderson denied the allegation and filed a slander suit against the man making the claim. Complainant then sued him. Both men dropped their lawsuits in 2004, with the Archdiocese paying $22,500 for the complainant's counseling but admitting no wrongdoing. Another man came forward in 2004 to allege abuse in 1988. Naumann, then the archdiocesan administrator, voiced support for Anderson after an archdiocesan committee found the second allegation without merit. Anderson was pastor of St. Rose of Lima church in De Soto as of 8/20/2020. New suit in 2/2020 claimed abuse of a boy in the late 1980s at the Home. The Archdiocese deemed the allegation "without merit." Accused in a 2/2022 lawsuit against the Archdiocese of molesting a boy at the Boys Home in the late 1990s-early 2000s. The Archdiocese stated that the allegation was "demonstrably false," because Anderson was not assigned to the Home when his accuser was a resident.

Sister Annette

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Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing a girl 1999-2002 at Holy Innocents in Tower Grove Park. Also accused of sexually abusing the girl is Rev. James Grady. Allegedly Sr. Annette heard about the abuse by Grady, told the girl she was bad, then sexually abused her daily and gave her detention when she resisted. Further, other priests and the school principal were said to have accused the girl of lying. The girl was a special education student.

Fr. Wayne J. Barron

Order: CMF
Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 05/29/2011
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/2019. It notes alleged abused in 1972, reported in 2003. Removed from ministry in the 1990s. Died 5/29/2011. Included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Michael O. Barry

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Order: SJ
Ordained: 1979
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

One of four priests included in settlement of lawsuit in 4/07. Teacher and, at some point, a hospital chaplain in St. Louis. Accused of having sexually abused a student at a St. Louis Jesuit high school 1982-85. Barry's accuser said the priests plied him with alcohol and "played mind games" to silence him. Barry died 2/19/87. On the Province's list 12/7/18.

Fr. John C. Baskett

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Ordained: 1945
Status: Settled

Died: 06/23/1995
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in 2007 of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in 1952 after using alcohol to incapacitate her. Suit filed 3/08. Abuse included intercourse and continued through 1954. He was then transferred to a parish later located in the Jefferson City, MO diocese. Became Air Force chaplain in 1955, first as part of Kansas City MO, then as Springfield-Cape Girardeau priest. Per Catholic Directories, had a Kitty Hawk, NC address, in the Raleigh diocese 1978-79. Died 6/23/95 in Las Vegas. Civil suit settled 8/08 in $10M settlement involving 12 priests. On Springfield-Cape Giradeau diocese's list updated 4/1/19. It notes that he left the priesthood in 1975. On KC-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Deacon Carl Beckman

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Ordained: 1986
Status: Arrested

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Deacon. Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry. Admitted to molesting "about four boys" in the mid-1960s when he was an assistant Boy Scout troup leader. News reports in 1964 show he was arrested, having lured about 15 children, boys and girls ages 4-13, into his car, then masturbating and sometimes touching their thighs. Committed to a state hospital 1965-68. Married in 1970. Archdiocese became aware at some point when a woman who knew of Beckman's history spoke up; he was moved to another parish. Was asked in 2002 to "quietly step down."

Fr. Hugh Behan

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

From Ireland. Accused in 1993 of abusing a 13- year-old girl in 1983. Also claim of sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old woman. Allowed to continue working until 1999 when a different bishop placed him on leave. In 2002 he was working for Disney World in Florida as a greeter. Parishioners from MO saw him and reported to diocese. Disney World fired him immediately but he claimed he quit for health reasons. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. James T. Beighlie

Order: CM
Ordained: 1979
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Parish priest, high school faculty member, hospital chaplain. Assigned to St. Vincent de Paul Parish in St. Louis when removed by his order in 5/2021 after colleagues found nude photos of him on a church printer. Investigators found about 6000 child sexual abuse images on one computer, 236 images on another and 40 videos. Beighlie had also created two PowerPoint presentations of the images. Pleaded guilty in 10/2022 to possession of child pornography.Sentenced in 1/2023 to five years in prison and ordered to pay restitution to one of the victims in the images and other child crime victims. Living in 1/2023 at the Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer MO. Included on the Vincentians Western Province list of credibly accused.

Fr. James A. Beine

Ordained: 1967
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Civil suit filed 1994 alleged abuse of two boys beginning in 1967. Seven other suits filed. Left priesthood in 1977. Two claims settled for $110K. Beine was working as school counselor as of 2002. Convicted 2003 on federal charge of possession of child porn (later overturned). Also convicted 2003 of exposing himself to three students. Sentenced to twelve years but overturned by Court. At least 36 claims of abuse in MO. Laicized 2005. MO permanently revoked teaching license as of 10/07. Reportedly living in Las Vegas 8/07. On Wheeling-Charleston list (misspelled "Biene") in late 2018, where he taught high school 1979-81. On St. Louis archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Lived at some point in Highland IL.

Br. Felix Bland

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Order: FSC
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Pleaded guilty in 1995 to sodomizing an 11-year-old boy in 1988. Assault occurred at LaSalle Institute in Wildwood. Police knew of the assault prior to 1995 while Bland was working as a missionary in Africa. Upon his return, his victim wore a wire and he was arrested. Sentenced to 15 years prison with all but 1 year suspended. The year was spent in a work release program so he only spent nights in jail. One man filed suit alleging abuse of 5 of his sons; suit settled on eve of trial in 1997.

Fr. John A. Brath

Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Died: 06/25/2014
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

First named publicly as accused by diocese in 10/18. Parish priest. In Air Force 1971-74. Retired in 2007. Died 6/25/14. Allegedly sexually abused a minor in the 1970s. 

Fr. Michael E. Brewer

Ordained: 1986
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a 1993 lawsuit of allegedly fondling a 17-year-old boy in 1990, during an overnight at the rectory. When informed, the diocese's answer was "this happens to young men all the time" and that the victim "would get over it." Trial court dismissed 6 of 9 counts against defendants. Appeals court allowed claims of negligent supervision. MO Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that judges and juries should not question how the church supervises its clergy. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19 of accused clergy, with multiple substantiated allegations. Denied allegations. Permanently removed from ministry. Moved to CO in 1995. Became an attorney, involved with a foundation in Boulder with a mission to serve disadvantaged youth and their families.

Fr. Donald G. Brinkman

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Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Parish priest, named executive director of the. National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors in 1987. Medical leave mid-1990s. Not indexed in Catholic Directories beyond 1999. Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry.

Fr. Geoffrey A. Brooke

Ordained: 2015
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Associate pastor of Immaculate Conception Church and School in Jefferson City when placed on leave in 3/2019 due to allegations of "boundary violations with minors." The school community was informed by Bishop McKnight via letter on 3/10/2019. The Diocesan Review Board was to review the allegations. Prior to ordination, Brooke worked at Catholic News Service in Washington DC. First assignments in the diocese were in Sedalia, at Sacred Heart and St. Patrick's. Also worked at the the University of Missouri's Newman Center. Reportedly, in 9/2019 police and civil authorities decided not to pursue charges. Voluntarily laicized in 2014.

Rev. Daniel V. Campbell

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1940
Status: Accused

Died: 11/25/1986
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Added in 2/2023 to the Jesuits' Southern and Central Province's list of credibly accused. Campbell was a St. Louis University faculty member in the late 1950s. Abuse estimated to have occurred during 1955-1959. Per his obituary, Campbell taught at St. Louis University High School, SLU's Parks College in Cahokia and Marquette University. He was a member of the Province's Mission Band, preaching at retreats in the 1940s, and for eight years an Air Force chaplain. He died in 1986.

Fr. John J. Campbell

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1950
Status: Settled

Died: 04/10/2009
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

"Jack." Order paid $185K in 2003 to a former student who alleged abuse by Campbell in the early 1970s in "therapy sessions." Officials said this was the 13th man to bring credible allegations but the first to make allegations public. Not all were minors. Over $575K in settlements and medicals paid in 14-year period. Removed from contact with children in 1987, from public ministry in 1989, and lost priestly faculties in 1993. Order moved him to Denver in 1991. Died 4/10/2009. New suit filed in 6/2012 against the Order and Gonzaga Prep. On Province's list 12/7/2018. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. John Robert Campbell

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Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Archdiocese announced in 8/17 it had recently received an allegation that Campbell sexually abused a minor in the 1960s at St. Louis Prep Seminary, where he was on faculty. Also taught at St. Pius X High in Festus in the 1980s and assigned to parishes in Crestwood, St. Louis, Wellston and Valley Park. Retired in 1989. Living in a private residence. Archdiocese stated it knew reports in the 1990s of abuse by Campbell, and that he has been on permanent administrative leave. On archdiocese's list 8/5/19.

Fr. Michael A. Campbell

Ordained: 1979
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Removed from ministry in 3/02. Admitted having "inappropriately touched" a 17-year-old boy about 13 years previously. At some point, Campbell confessed to the archdiocese. He was sent for treatment and reassigned. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Gary M. Carr

Ordained: 1982
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

In 4/2020 the diocese announced that its review board had determined that there was a "semblance of truth" to a recent allegation that, 30 years prior, Carr engaged in inappropriate contact with a boy, ages 10-13. Carr had been placed on leave with restricted ministry in 2008 due to "boundary violations." Reportedly, parents reported to church authorities for years behavior including Carr's parading around in a makeshift diaper at a grade school Mardi Gras party and wrestling shirtless with 5th grade boys. He retired in 11/2019, a month after an allegation was reported. By 7/2020 there were new credible allegations by three men that Carr sexually abused them as children in the 1980s and 1990s. In 7/2020 Carr was living in St. Louis. On the Diocese of Little Rock's list in 12/2020, where he filled-in 10/2020-10/2030 at St. John the Baptist Latin Mass Community. Included on the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese's 4/13/2021 list of accused. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 6/19/2021, where he was assigned 1/2006-11/2006 and assisting while on health leave 8/10/2006-7/11/2008.

Fr. Leonard R. Chambers

Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Bernard Law, then Bishop of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese, responded to a 1981 allegation against Chambers by sending him for extended treatment and then reassigning him to two other parishes. Chambers was placed on restrictions in the mid-1990s by Bishop Leibrecht. Permanently removed from ministry in 1998 after violating the order forbidding him to be alone with any child. He had worked in a total of 22 parishes. Not indexed in the Official Catholic Directory after 2002, and is last known to have been living in Joplin. Per the diocese's list in 11/2018, Chambers was laicized in 2006. Its updated list in 4/2021 shows his laicization to have been on 12/9/05. Named in a federal lawsuit in 9/2024.

Fr. William Anthony Christensen

Order: SM
Ordained: 1973
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Sued 2002 by a man alleging sexual abuse by Christensen and Bro. John J. Woulfe at Chaminade Prep in St. Louis, when the boy was ages 15-17 in 1973-75. Abuse allegedly included oral sex, anal sodomy, and viewing porn. Christensen not served with suit until 10/07. Plaintiff died in 2008; his family settled in 2011. Lived and worked in Bangladesh for 20 years, where he allegedly abused 30 Muslim children. Laicized in 2010; he appealed laicization. Reportedly still in Bangladesh in 6/18, running an NGO he founded in 2012. He had filed defamation lawsuits against one of his accusers and against a former nun who had reported him to his provincial.

Fr. Norman H. Christian

Ordained: 1961
Status: Arrested

Died: 10/29/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Sent to Paraclete Center for treatment in 1986. Arrested in St. Louis in 2003 on sexual abuse charges. Named in several civil suits filed in 2004 and 2005. The archdiocese admitted that it removed Christian from ministry in 1995 after at least eight boys had come forward with allegations of abuse. He lived in a "monitored environment" until his death 10/29/2004 and was buried as a priest in good standing. One suit settled in Fall 2004. Included on the archdiocese's list of those with substantiated allegations 7/26/2019.

Fr. Kevin Clohessy

Ordained: 1985
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Assigned to Student Center at Northeast MO State Univ in 1993 when a student claimed that Clohessy had sexually abused him. Diocese substantiated claim, removed him from active priesthood, and sent him for treatment. Reassigned to new parish in 1995; took voluntary leave in 2000. A 2003 civil suit alleged abuse of one minor boy by Clohessy and a second priest. Clohessy allegedly abused the boy 1984-1993. As of 11/18 Clohessy had not been laicized. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. John C. Condit

Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Assigned to the St. Louis area and southern MO parishes until 1953. Navy chaplain 1953-1973. Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul in Boonville until 1977, when named pastor of St. Francis Xavier in Taos. Died in 1994. In 6/2020 the Archdiocese of St. Louis informed the Jefferson City Diocese that it had substantiated allegations that Condit had engaged in sexual misconduct with minors. The alleged abuse reportedly may have occurred while Condit was a military chaplain. Added to the Jefferson City Diocese's list in 12/2020.

Fr. James A. Condon

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1939
Status: Accused

Died: 03/28/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused on the Jesuits Central and Southern Province list 12/17/2018. From the Chicago (Midwest) Province. Died 3/28/1993. Accused after his death of abuse in the 1960s. On the Midwest Province's list 12/17/2019. Allegation of abuse in 1965 in Cincinnati, OH while assigned to St. Xavier High School. On the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 1/2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Thomas T. Cooper

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Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a 2005 lawsuit of abusing a boy 1970-71, when the boy was age 12-13. Suit claimed abuse occurred at Cooper's vacation house while assigned to St. Mary Magdalen parish in south St. Louis. Cooper retired in 1993 and died in 12/03. Judge ruled in 3/10 that church was not responsible because contact took place away from church property. MO court of appeals upheld decision in 7/11.

Fr. Philip J. Coury

Order: CM
Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Worked in TX, MO, IL, CO. The Diocese of KC-St. Joseph announced on 4/6/2017 that it had received a credible allegation of sexual abuse of a minor by Coury while he was on staff at St. John Minor Seminary 1975-1978. The Order restricted Coury's public ministry prior to notifying the Diocese. Included on Diocese's list 9/5/2019. Permanently removed from ministry. On the Vincentians list in 2020, which notes abuse in the 1980s reported in 2010, and that he was removed from ministry and living under supervision. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Walter G J Craig

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Ordained: 1923
Status: Accused

Died: 12/16/1971
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Louis; became priest of Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese when it was established in 1956. In late 2012, the diocese announced it had received a credible complaint that Craig sexually abused a boy in the mid-1960s. Craig was assigned to Immaculate Conception in New Madrid at that time. He died 12/16/71. On Springfield-Cape Girardeau's list 11/19/18. On the St. Louis archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Hubert E. Creason

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 09/1/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Creason resigned from St. James Church in Catawissa in 2002 after allegations that he had sexually abused a minor about 25 years previously. Another complaint alleged abuse from about 30 years previously. Church substantiated both allegations and asked for his resignation. He left an earlier assignment at Our Lady Queen of Peace abruptly in late 1989 or early 1990. His next assignment was in 1/1991. Died 9/1/2006. Included on the archdiocese's list 7/26/2019.

Fr. Thomas Cronin

Ordained: 1969
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

A woman filed suit 10/10 in MO alleging she was abused by both Cronin and Fr. John Tulipana at separate times.T old diocese in 2009 that in 1979, at age 17, she confessed to Cornin that she was being sexually abused by a relative. She said Cronin molested her on multiple occasions. He left KC in 1996 to work as a hospital chaplain in Reno NV. "Retired" in 2004. Worked as Administrator of St. Mary in the Mountains in NV in 2010, per their bulletin. Removed 10/22/10. Involved with Rachel's Sanctuary (for homeless women) in NV. Included on KC-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19, deemed "unsuitable for ministry out of concern for the safety of our youth."

Fr. Manus Daly

Ordained: 1965
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Removed from active ministry in 3/02 on past allegations that he abused a student at St. Thomas Aquinas seminary. Student said Daly, dean of students, tried to seduce him once, on a trip to Belleville. His accuser complained to the Diocese in 1996 about Daly, Fr. John Fischer, AND (later Bishop) Anthony J. O'Connell. The diocese paid a $125K settlement to the man in 1996. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. John F. Degnan

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Ordained: 1951
Status: Settled

Died: 12/9/2010
Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Ordained for the Diocese of Gallup, where he was assigned until his transfer in 1961 to the Diocese of Jefferson City.  Accused in 2001 of abusing a MO boy in the 1960s. Additional allegations in 2002 and 2005. At least 17 and up to 50 alleged victims. One accuser received a $60K confidential settlement in 2005. Pastor of St. Joseph Church, Westphalia, 1961-1962 and 1971-1974; Immaculate Conception, Montgomery City, 1982-1987. Also assigned to Pilot Grove, Boonville, Linn, Gravois Mills, Versailles, St. Elizabeth, Dixon, and Chouteau Springs. Lived in supervised residential treatment center in Missouri. Died 12/09/2010. Included on the Gallup dioces's list of credibly accused. On Jefferson City diocese's list 11/8/2018.

Fr. Charles M. DeGuire

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Ordained: 1934
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in lawsuit filed 6/21/16 of sexually abusing a St. Aloysius Gonzaga altar boy beginning in 1967, when the boy was a 10-year-old 5th grader, and continuing until the boy was in 8th grade. Abuse allegedly included DeGuire forcing the boy to perform oral sex on him. Accuser said a visiting priest knew and another priest also abused him. DeGuire died in 1982.

Fr. Eugene Deragowski

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Died: 08/23/1981
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Ordained for the Diocese of Kansas City, MO, prior to creation of the Springfield Cape-Girardeau diocese in 1956. Diocese announced in 12/06 that in 10/06 it had received a complaint that Deragowski sexually abused a minor in the 1960s. Deragowski died in 1981. A second allegation of abuse in the 1960s was made in 1/07. On the diocese's list 11/19/18. Included on the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. Warren J. Discon

Order: CM
Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 08/30/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused of abuse by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. It notes a single allegation reported in 2005 of abuse in the 1970s. Discon died in 1993. The list does not reveal the place of the alleged abuse. Discon had assignments in IL, TX, MO and LA. The Official Catholic Directory lists Discon as on staff at the Servants of the Paraclete's Foundation House in Jemez Springs, NM in 1987. The Vincentians' posted assignment history for Discon does not reflect this. (Placing Discon's entry under St. Louis for now, where the Order is headquartered.) Included in the 5/23/2023  IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. William E. Donovan

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 02/9/1975
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Died 2/9/75. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list updated 3/15/19. Allegedly abused a minor in 1968. In 11/19 the diocese announced that it had received a second allegation, of abuse 1968-72.

Fr. Brendan Doyle

Ordained: 1963
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Assigned to Helias High School when placed on temporary leave 11/11 after a computer technician found "inappropriate images." Computer was sent for further examination. Remained in residence at Immaculate Conception as of 12/2/11 but not allowed to perform his duties as associate pastor. "Whistleblower" sent letter to SNAP in 12/11 advising of prior knowledge of Doyle's inappropriate actions in 2008 by the diocese. Review Board recommended continued suspension in 3/12. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. Dennis J. Doyle

Ordained: 1965
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in an 8/2024 lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy while assigned to Corpus Christi Church 1989-1990. He allegedly caught the boy drinking wine in the rectory, then fondled him after ordering him to undress. Doyle denied the allegation. He was suspended from ministry pending "more clarity."

Fr. George Dreher

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Ordained: 1915
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Monsignor. First named publicly as an abuser in 10/19 by a woman, age 84, who claimed Dreher sexually abused her when she was age 4 in 1939 and he was pastor of Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in South St. Louis.The woman said Dreher had a key to the family's house, which was just behind the church. Her mother was in the basement doing laundry; Dreher allegedly entered the basement and sexually assaulted the girl's mother; when she screamed, the girl ran down the basement stairs and was then also assaulted. Dreher died 6/19/1962.

Fr. Robert W. Duesdieker

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Ordained: 1980
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Placed on leave 12/28/16 during investigation by diocese and law enforcement of report of inappropriate conduct with minors 25 years prior. Incidents said to have occurred while Duesdieker was assigned to Immaculate Conception in Owensville. He denied the allegations. Added to diocese's list 12/16/18, after the diocesan review board deemed the allegations credible.Laicization announced in 7/20.

Fr. Vincent J. Duggan

Ordained: 1940
Status: Settled

Died: 12/21/1984
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Founding pastor of Our Lady of Providence Parish in Grantwood, where he was assigned 1954-83. Died in 1984. In 3/21 the archdiocese announced that it had added Duggan's name to its list of those with substantiated allegations against them of the sexual abuse of a minor. Duggan was first accused after his death, per the list. His accuser stated that he was sexually abused by Duggan as grade school student in the 1970s at Our Lady of Providence, and that the abuse went on for two years. The man received a settlement. Also added to the Diocese of Jefferson City's list in 3/21.

Fr. Louis (William) Dunnigan

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1918
Status: Accused

Died: 04/5/1968
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Dunnigan for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Worked in WI, MN, IN. Spent summers in Lansing, MI. louisDied in 1968.

Fr. Wallace G. Ellinger

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Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Died: 02/14/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list updated 3/15/19. Allegedly abused a minor in the 1960s. Ellinger was laicized in 1976 and went on to marry, settling in Austin, TX. He died in 2007.

Fr. Mark C. Ernstmann

Ordained: 1951
Status: Accused

Died: 08/7/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 11/19/18. Alleged to have had "sexual interactions" with a 17-year-old in the early 1970s. It was first reported to the diocese in 2002, and again in 2018. Ernstmann retired in 2004 and died 8/7/13. Included on the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. Stephen L. Faletti

Ordained: 1983
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Native of Peoria IL, ordained for the Diocese of Jefferson City. In 2002 a youth worker (later fired by diocese) reported complaints about conduct of Faletti and another priest at a seminary for high school in 1991. Per diocese, Faletti was removed from active priesthood in the mid-1990s after credible allegations that he had molested children. Absent on leave per 2002 Catholic Directory. Faletti died 1/21/17. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. Charles Faso

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Noted to have been removed from public ministry in 2008. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Faso in the St. Louis archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) A civil suit against Faso and the Franciscans settled in 12/2023.

Fr. John H. Fischer

Ordained: 1964
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Per 3/2002 news, a man alleged in 1996 that he had been molested as a boy by Fischer at a Catholic school. The man said that when he was 11 Fischer pulled him over and kissed him on the lips during confession, and that Fischer continued to molest him for two more years. Diocese gave the accuser $125K in settlement for claims against Fischer, Fr. Manus Daly and (future) Bishop Anthony J. O'Connell. Removed from priesthood in 1993 after allegations involving other children. On diocese's list 11/8/2018. Died in 2023.

Fr. Tarsicius (Laverne) Fischer

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1946
Status: Accused

Died: 02/20/1998
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Fischer for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Longtime pastor of St. Peter's in Chicago. Assigned for a short time to Sacred Heart in St. Paul, MN. Musician. Died in 1998.

Judith R. Fisher

Order: CSJ
Status: Settled

Died: 01/11/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Name is spelled both Fischer and Fisher. Accused in a 2003 suit of sexually abusing a female student, beginning at age 12 in 1971 and continuing until 1979. Abuse is alleged in the parish school, the convent, the church, the Cenacle Retreat House, other places in St. Louis, and on trips to CO and KS. Fisher left the order in 1977. She died in 2004 prior to her deposition. The case was settled by The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 2004.

Fr. Alfred J. Fitzgerald

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Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Known to have worked at Bishop DuBourg High School in St. Louis in 1977. In 1996 a woman alleged abuse by Fitzgerald when she was a high school student in the early 1970s and went to him for counseling. Settled for $25K and a written apology from him. He was placed on medical leave. Diocese wanted to return him to ministry in 1999, but the woman protested and they did not. In 2005 he was living at Regina Cleri Retirement Home in Missouri. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. James H. Ford

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Ordained: 1973
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

A civil suit filed in 2/12 alleges that Ford abused a boy in the 1970s. He worked as associate pastor in three parishes in the Kansas City area 1973 - 1983, completed an advanced degree and then worked for a religious training center for adults. Resigned from ministry in 1986. Died in 1992, possibly of AIDS. One accuser went to the diocese in 1995. Accepted counseling and settlement. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19, with multiple substantiated allegations.

Fr. Bruce Forman

Ordained: 1974
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

A 14-year-old boy wrote to the Archdiocese in 1983 complaining of assault on several occasions by Forman, and said "I know it's happened before." The priest allegedly gave the boy pornography and beer. No response from Archdiocese. The boy said he gave another priest a list of 10-15 names of boys who said they believed that Forman had been inappropriate with them. In 1995 the same person sued the archdiocese; it was dismissed on statute problems. Forman remained an active priest in 1/16. Founder and director in the archdiocese of Young Catholic Musicians.

Fr. Burton J. Fraser

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1935
Status: Accused

Died: 05/6/1971
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Ordained for the Missouri Province, member of the Wisconsin Province when it was formed in 1955. Educated in MO and KS. Assigned in WI, SD, CO, NE. Studied Spanish 1950-1951 in Coyoacan, Mexico in the Archdiocese of Mexico City. Died 5/6/1971. Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central Province on its list 12/7/2019. Allegation of abuse in the 1950s reported after his death; unclear as to where the alleged abuse occurred. On the Midwest Province list 12/17/2019. It notes a single allegation reported after his death of abuse while a military chaplain 1953-1957.

Fr. Michael A. Freymuth

Ordained: 1979
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Suspended in 12/04 from duties as chaplain at Cardinal Ritter High School and as part-time associate pastor at a parish after allegations against him were raised in lawsuit against another priest. Another man also made allegations to the archdiocese in 2002, but no action. Freymuth was quietly allowed to return to parish work at some point. In 1/09 he was again removed after a third man notified the archdiocese that he planned to sue, alleging abuse by Freymuth as a grade-schooler in the 1980s. The man first complained in 2005. He filed suit in 7/09.

Fr. Martin Henry Froeschl

Ordained: 1949
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Monsignor. Died 11/5/06. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 12/13 by a man, age 50, of sexually abusing him as a boy, ages 9-11, while assigned to Guardian Angels in Kansas City. Allegedly, Froeschl gave his accuser and other boys wine, and the abuse included sodomy. Per the diocese, the A.G. "determined no substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor." The lawsuit settled in 2014 for $277K.

Fr. James A. Funke

Ordained: 1974
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Assigned to Bishop DuBourg High 1979-86. Funke and a lay teacher, Jerome Robben, were arrested 10/86 and charged with sexual assault of a youth. Funke pled guilty in 1987 to ten counts of second-degree deviate sexual assault of two boys. Police found child porn in his possession. Received ten years prison; released in 1992. First victim to report Funke died by suicide at age 21. Laicization announced 11/03/06. One of six priests included in 7/08 settlement. On MO sex offender registry as of 5/15/11. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Chester E. Gaiter

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1976
Status: Settled

Died: 08/14/2010
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

One of four priests included in a $140K settlement of a lawsuit in 4/2007. Abuse is alleged to have occurred in 1985-1987 at Cardinal Ritter High School. Gaiter "retired from the priesthood" in 1993 or 1994 after exhibiting signs of alzheimer's disease. Another suit filed 11/2007, settled early 2009. Last known to be living at St. Louis University's Jesuit Hall. Died 8/14/2010 at age 70. On Jesuits' Central and Southern Province's list 12/7/2018. Included on the Diocese of Belleville's list 9/20/2022. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Br. Richard Geimer

Order: FSC
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Terminated from position at Archbishop O'Hara High School 11/13 after student found one picture on his school computer and notified the school administrators 10/13. He had been at the school for 28 years. Principal said picture was disturbing enough (and involved a youth) to warrant immediate termination, even before FBI completed its investigation.

Fr. Francis G. Gillgannon

Ordained: 1954
Status: Sued

Died: 06/5/2004
Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Monsignor. Died in 6/2004. Accused in a lawsuit filed 9/12/2024 of sexually abusing a boy, along with a "Fr. Dave," in the 1970s. The boy was ages 9-11 at the time of the alleged abuse, and a student at the St. Joseph Cathedral School. The suit was dismissed in 12/2024 "due to a lack of action by the plaintiffs."

Fr. Theopane (William) Goett

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Order: OFM
Ordained: 1940
Status: Accused

Died: 10/14/1973
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Gaylord on its list updated in 4/2021. Noted to have returned to his order in 1951. Died in 1973. Added in 10/2023 to the Diocese of Nashville's list. Mentioned in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 report. Included on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list as of 1/2024. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province; placing him for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.)

Fr. James Patrick Grady

Ordained: 1977
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Arrested in 7/2009 after arranging via the internet to have sex with a 16-year old girl at a secret location. The contact was actually an an undercover FBI agent in a sting. Immediately placed on leave from his assignment at St. Raphael the Archangel. Child pornography was found on his computer. Pleaded guilty in 3/2010 to child pornography and agreeing to pay for sex with a 16-year-old. Sentenced in 6/2010 to 6 years, 8 months in prison and to register as sex offender. Included on the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019. Laicized. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 7/2024 of sexually abusing a girl, ages 8-12, during 1999-2002. Grady's accuser said she was also sexually abused by a Sister Annette during that time. She said she told other priests and her Catholic school principal in St. Louis City, but was told she was lying. 

Fr. Thomas J. Graham

Ordained: 1960
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Convicted in 2005 of orally sodomizing a boy in the late 1970s. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. Archdiocese investigated in 1994 but allegations weren't substantiated. Archdiocese posted bond while case was being appealed. MO Supreme Court overturned the conviction and prison sentence 11/06, saying sodomy had a 3-year statute of limitation. New suit filed 3/11 by a man who alleged abuse twice in 1966. Another sued 5/12, claiming 1966 abuse. Graham "no longer in public ministry." Trial in civil suit 3/13. New allegation 4/16 of sex abuse in 1980s at a Wildwood parish. On permanent administrative leave. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19, noting allegations substantiated.

Fr. Lawrence E. Gregovich

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 02/2/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Forced to retire in 1992 over allegations that he abused at least three boys 1982-85, while pastor of Immaculate Conception in New Madrid. Parents of one youth came forward in 1992. Died 2/2/17. New complaint of abuse late 1970s-early 1980s announced by diocese 5/17. On diocese's list 11/19/17.

Fr. James L. Gummersbach

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in the 1990s of abusing boys in the 1950s-60s. In 1999, a jury awarded a man $1.2M after several other alleged victims testified; the verdict was later reversed by an Appeals Court, which ruled that the statute of limitations had expired. Laicization announced 11/03/06. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19 of those with substantiated allegations. Died in 2014.

Fr. Denis (Joseph) Hall

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1942
Status: Accused

Died: 02/14/1996
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Gaylord on its list updated in 4/2021. Noted to have returned to his order in 1978. Died in 1996. Per his obituary, Hall worked in IN, IL, IA, OH, MN, NE. Mentioned in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report. Included on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list as of 1/2024. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province; placing Hall for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.)

Bishop Joseph Hubert Hart

Ordained: 1956
Status: Settled

Died: 08/23/2023
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

KC-St. Joseph priest, Cheyenne bishop 1976-2001. Resigned. Two allegations to KC-St. Joseph in 1989 and 1992 of abuse of boys in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Psych eval, returned to ministry in WY. Accused in 2002 of abusing a boy in 1976 in WY. D.A. cleared, accuser discredited. Accused in 2004 suit by three men of abuse as boys. More suits in 2005. Settled in 8/2008. New suit in 11/2011. Settlements in 2014. By 7/2018 named by 10 in lawsuits. Investigation in 2018 after a man alleged abuse as child in WY. Investigator said credible, that the 2002 investigation was flawed and those claims were credible. Report to Vatican in 5/2018. Restrictions on Hart continued; he denied accusations. Investigation reopened in 8/2018. Diocese announced three new credible allegations in 9/2019. WY prosecutors again did not pursue. Per Cheyenne list in 11/2019, there were six male accusers of abuse as teens 1977-1983. "Cleared" in 1/2021 by the Vatican on seven accusations; said five others could not be proven; two of the boys were ages 16 and 17 when abused, so unable to prosecute as not minors, per Church. The diocese reportedly said Hart was accused of the abuse of 11 males and one female. In 10/2022 Hart, age 91, was to return to KC to live in a senior facility. Reportedly in 6/2023, Hart did not relocate to KC after all. Died 8/23/2023.

Fr. John M. Harth

Ordained: 1987
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Prior to entering seminary at age 31, worked in radio broadcasting. Parish priest, police chaplain. Accused in a federal lawsuit filed in 9/2024 of sexually abusing a girl for three years, beginning when the girl was age 9 or 10 in the late 1980s. Per the suit, the girl told her mother in 2019, who told the Diocese; the Diocese did not respond.

Fr. Alan Hartway

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1976
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

The KC-St. Joseph diocese announced on 7/31/20 that it had received a credible allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor against Hartway. The Order announced the allegation the previous day. The abuse occurred when Hartway was assigned to St. James in Liberty, MO. Hartway was pastor of a Mead, CO parish when removed 11/27/19, due to the allegation. Included on the diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations. Permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. Donald Henry Heck

Ordained: 1963
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Abused a boy in 1990 and was sent to treatment "for stress" for one year. Already working in another parish when he was indicted in 1991. In 1992 he entered Alford Plea (defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the state has enough evidence to win a conviction) and was sentenced to four years in jail. He also abused at least one other boy in 1990. On sex offender registry in MO as of 5/11. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Died in 2015.

Fr. Kevin F. Hederman

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Joined the Latin America Apostolate in 1998 and began working in Belize, Central America. Removed from position in Belize after he was accused in a 5/2009 civil lawsuit of sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy in the early 1990s. The boy was a Christian Brothers College High School student and Hederman was assigned to North American Martyrs Church in Florissant. A similar suit was filed in the 1990s. Both settled. Hederman denied the allegation. Included on the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019, which notes that allegations were substantiated and Hederman was removed from ministry.

Fr. John P. Hess

Ordained: 1983
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Hess pled guilty in 5/02 to one felony count of possessing child pornography received over the Internet. Federal agents seized Hess' computer from rectory in 3/02 as part of Operation Candyman sting. Allowed to change guilty plea from possession of child pornography to lesser charge of possession of obscene materials because of problems with warrants. Sentenced in 2003 to 3 months in a halfway house, 5 years probation, and a fine of $5,000. Removed from ministry. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Ardwin (Frederick) Hiller

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Died: 08/9/1981
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Hiller in the St. Louis archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) Pastor 1954-1978 of Little Flower Church in Monroe LA.

Fr. Mark A. Honhart

Ordained: 1980
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a 3/11 civil suit of molesting an 8- to 9-year-old boy at Holy Cross in KC 1985-86. Settled in 2015. Fr. Hugh Monahan was accused of abusing the same boy when he was 13. Honhart worked in MO 1980-2002 before transferring to PA in 2003. KC -St. Joseph diocese said no complaints made to superiors in MO during ministry. Placed on leave by Scranton diocese 2/2/11 "for health reasons" after it learned of accusations. Also worked in NM. New suits filed in 8/11 and 11/11. Named in 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report, in which name misspelled "Honart." On Scranton diocese's list 8/19/18. On KC-St. Joseph list 9/5/19 with multiple substantiated allegations. Permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. Sylvester J. Hoppe

Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

A man filed suit in California in 6/02 alleging abuse by Hoppe for three years, beginning when he was age 12 in 1951. The suit said abuse took place in MO and at Boy Scout Jamboree in California. Hoppe, age 90, was banned from celebrating mass. Accuser said he told police in 1985; no record of complaint found. Suit settled 9/03 for $10K. Two more men filed suit in 2005 alleging abuse by Hoppe in the 1950s. Hoppe died in 2002. Claims settled in 8/08 as part of $10M settlement involving 12 priests. In 12/17 the diocese confirmed that there was a seventh claim of child sexual abuse against Hoppe, dating to 1953-56. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19 of clergy with substantiated allegations.

Fr. John W. Hough

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Order: SJ
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/2019. Accused of abuse in the 1970s. Unclear where the abuse allegedly accused. Worked at Jesuit high schools in Wichita, KS and St. Louis, MO. Left the Jesuits and priesthood in 1977. Allegation received after 1977. Included on the Wichita diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Deceased. 

Deacon Fred Hummel

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Ordained: 1986
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Ordained for the permanent diaconate in 1986. Assigned to Holy Innocents 1986-1993. Comptroller of the archdiocese from 1988 until 1993 when he was "demoted" to Priests' Mutual Benefit Society, until 2014. Named publicly as accused by the Archdiocese on its list 7/26/2019. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry. Laicized. Accused of molesting a 17-year-old boy he had met at a Teens Encounter Christ retreat in 1993. The abuse allegedly occurred during a week the boy spent "shadowing" Hummel, which his parents had arranged. The boy filed a lawsuit, settled two years later for $80K.

Fr. Xiu Hui Jiang

Ordained: 2010
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

From China. Charged 6/12 with fondling a teen girl and victim tampering. Removed. Girl's family filed suit 7/13 v archdiocese and archbishop. Per the suit, Jiang left the family a $20K check after admitting abuse and Archbishop Carlson attempted evidence tampering. Charges were dropped 11/21/13. Jiang was arrested 4/17/14, charged with sodomy of a boy at Cathedral school in 2011 and 2012. Pleaded not guilty 6/2/14. Charges were dropped 6/15. Jiang sued the police, city, boy's parents and SNAP for defamation and conspiracy to deprive him of civil rights due to race and religion. Judge sanctioned SNAP in 8/16 for resisting discovery order, and ordered them to pay the priest's legal fees. Re the 7/13 suit, jury ruled in favor of the archdiocese and Jiang in 4/17. Jiang was to undergo a "process for return to active ministry." The alleged victim requested a new trial in 5/17; denied. Judge ordered her to pay the archdiocese and Jiang's legal expenses. Lawsuit v SNAP settled in 11/17. Jiang was assigned in 5/18 to St. Gabriel's. Rescinded after parents of the parish school objected. He was to remain at Cathedral. In 8/22 a judge ruled that Jiang could have his 2014 arrest record expunged. He was working to also have his 2013 arrest record expunged. Jiang was reportedly studying in Rome in 2022.

Br. Earl Johnson

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Order: OFM Cap
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a 6/2008 civil suit of abusing a boy at St. Elizabeth's in Kansas City for three years during the 1970s. Per the suit, on one occasion a priest closed a door to the room where the abuse was going on. Johnson left the order at some point and in 2008 was possibly working in Kansas City as a public elementary school teacher. Claim settled in 8/2008 as part of $10M settlement involving 12 priests. Included on the diocese's 9/5/2019 list.

Fr. Robert F. Johnston

Ordained: 1962
Status: Charged

Died: 04/4/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

In 2002 a man said Johnston abused him as a teenager in about 1978, at Sacred Heart parish in Valley Park. Johnston admitted the abuse and resigned from his current parish. Two men filed suit in 12/2004 alleging abuse 1977-1980. Arrested in 1/2005; criminally charged in 6/2006 for alleged abuse of a youth in 1978. Four lawsuits were moved to federal court. Named in settlement announced in 7/2008. Laicized in 2002. In 6/2011 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled that the Archdiocese was not responsible for Johnston's behavior. Included on the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry. Included on the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau's list updated 4/13/2021; assigned 1962-1964 to a Poplar Bluff parish. Died 4/4/2021.

Fr. Stephen A. Juda

Order: CR
Ordained: 1942
Status: Accused

Died: 10/10/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/2019. It notes an incident in 1972, reported in 2004. Included on the Resurrectionists' list in 10/2021. Included in 10/2022 on the Chicago archdiocese's list of credibly accused. Named in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. Juda died in 2006, age 91. 

Fr. John J. Kaske

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Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry. Laicized. Reportedly kissed a teenage girl in 1959 while driving her home from a church event. He claimed she kissed him and he said "no." She reported it the following year, and Kaske was sent to the Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez Springs, NM for treatment. Left the priesthood, went on to marry.

Seminarian Francis J. Kegel

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Order: SJ
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/18. Left the Jesuits in 1953. Allegation of abuse in the 1940s received after 1953. Unclear as to where alleged abuse occurred. Worked at Jesuit high schools in St. Louis and Kansas City, MO. Died 2009.

Fr. Louis F. Kertz

Ordained: 1948
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

A lawsuit filed in 8/05 alleged abuse of a 13-year-old boy in 1981 at All Saints in St. Peter's, MO. Kertz was reportedly transferred several weeks after the 1981 incident. Another suit filed in 5/06 claimed abuse 1976-79 at the same parish. Kertz died in 1985. In 11/08 the MO Appeals Court dismissed the 2005 suit due to the statute of limitations. Included on the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated.

Fr. John M. Kilcullen

Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Died: 12/13/1998
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 9/1993 of abusing a girl, ages 6-7, in 1954 and 1955. The girl was a student at Most Sacred Heart Elementary School during the time of the alleged abuse. Kilcullen was a frequent guest at the girl's aunt's home, where the abuse allegedly occurred. Per the complaint, on one occasion, when Kilcullen was babysitting the girl, he got into the bathtub while she was in it, had "intercourse" with her, then prayed with her and asked for her forgiveness. A year later Kilcullen allegedly grabbed her arm when she was leaving the bathroom, and another time said to her, "once a slut, always a slut." Another (unknown) priest was also accused in the complaint of sexually abusing the girl when she was ages 6-14. The lawsuit was dismissed in 1994. Kilcullen died 12/13/1998.

Fr. Philip D. Kraus

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/2019. Restricted from ministry with minors in 1996. Removed from ministry in 2003. Allegation of abuse in the 1970s, unclear as to where. Noted to be living under supervision. Included by 1/2020 on the Peoria diocese's list. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Bryan M. Kuchar

Ordained: 1993
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Confessed on tape in 2002 to sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy in 1995; later complained that he had been coerced by police. First trial ended in hung jury in 5/2003. Convicted 8/03 of abuse. Received three consecutive one-year sentences. Civil suit also filed. Released in 8/06; bishop was to assign him to "secure and monitored residence" within the archdiocese. Laicization announced 11/03/06. Registered sex offender. Wrongful death suit filed 5/13 by parents of another victim who was abused 1999-2002 at age 12-14 and died by suicide in 2009. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Melvin J. Lahr

Ordained: 1972
Status: Charged

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Added to the diocese's 12/16/2018 updated list of credibly accused. Removed from ministry. Lahr was absent on sick leave 1988-1989 and 1990-1991. He was assigned 1989-1990 to a parish in Salisbury MO. He appears to have not been in ministry after 1990. Also accused of the sexual abuse of a married woman who had gone to him for counseling. She sued and received a settlement. Laicization announced in 7/2020. Criminally charged in 3/2024 with promoting and possessing child pornography. Admitted to accessing images online for about 30 years, to taking photos of two 14-year-old girls, and to sexual activity with a minor 20 years prior.

Fr. Severin Lamping

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1929
Status: Accused

Died: 04/13/1986
Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Priest of Order of St. Francis, Province of St. John the Baptist. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jefferson City diocese on its list updated 10/12/2020. Retired in 1973. Died 4/13/1986. (Twin of accused Franciscan Fr. Steven Lamping.) Included on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's list in 2/2022. Noted to have left the order and been secularized. Added in 6/2022 to the Peoria diocese's list. Also on the St. John the Baptist Franciscans list in 6/2022. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. 

Fr. Richard L. Lause

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Order: CM
Ordained: 1977
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a suit filed in 8/2004 of abusing a boy in the 1980s at St. Vincent de Paul High School. The boy's mother had taken him to a seminary in IL in 1985 and the priests agreed to raise him. The boy later transferred to the school in St. Louis. The Vincentians were told of the abuse in 1988, sent Lause to counseling, then reassigned him in 1989. He was placed on leave in 2003 after his victim again complained. Claim settled by order in 1/2005. Name included on the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese's list updated 4/1/2019 and on the Vincentians list in 2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. James Lawbaugh

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Order: CM
Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a civil suit filed in 2/08 of abusing a 10-year-old boy at St. Vincent's in Kansas City in 1968. Left the priesthood in 1969 to marry. Living in FL at time of lawsuit. Denied the allegations. Claim settled in 8/08 as part of $10M settlement involving 12 priests. On the Kansas CIty-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. Gerhardt B. Lehmkuhl

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1974
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Arrested in 1995 for receiving child pornography through the mail. Checked himself into St. Luke's Institute for treatment after he pled guilty, before sentencing. Sentenced in 1996 to one year in prison. Also ordered to get mental health treatment after release from prison. Per 2009 news, he worked at Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University--Jesuit Hall. Died 3/9/12. On the Province's list 12/7/18. It notes that he was removed from ministry in 2002.

Fr. Joseph P. Lessard

Ordained: 1952
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Admitted in 2002 to sexually abusing 12 boys in three parishes in the 1970s. Allegedly threatened victims with a gun; older victims coerced younger ones. Used camper in abuse. After a 1976 complaint Lessard was transferred to a new parish, then treated in MN. Went to NM Paraclete halfway house in 1979 and was a hospital chaplain afterward. Was parish priest again before retiring in 1993. Archdiocesan lawyers settled two complaints 1996-97. New suit filed 6/05 alleged abuse from 1985-92. May have settled 7/08. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Died in 2014.

Fr. Alexander Lippert

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Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

In 8/14 the archdiocese deemed credible accusations that Lippert had sexually abused a minor in the early 1970s. No details were released by the Review Board except that Lippert had died in 4/2000, prior to the allegations, and that officially the allegations were deemed "credible though unsubstantiated" because he could not defend himself. Notes on his assignments indicated he was on leave of absence in 1970 while residing at St. Paul the Apostle in Pine Lawn. In 7/88, Lippert took sick leave. He was then relieved of priestly duties and granted retirement in 1/91. Per the archdiocese's list 7/26/19, allegations were substantiated.

Archbishop George J. Lucas

Ordained: 1975
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Ordained in 1975 for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Elevated to Monsignor in 1994. Bishop of Springfield IL 1999-2009. Named Archbishop of Omaha in 2009. Accused in a 7/2024 lawsuit of the sexual assault in 1988 of two students at St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, where Lucas was Dean of Education. He denied the allegations.

Fr. Frederick J. Lutz

Ordained: 1973
Status: Charged

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

First named publicly by diocese as accused in 10/18. It notes that Lutz allegedly sexually abused a minor in the early 1970s. In 2006 a man told the diocese that Lutz abused him at age 17 in 1972 at St. Mary's in Cape Girardeau. On leave 1981-87 and 2009. Retired 2011. After a MO A.G. investigation, Lutz was arrested and charged 2/18/20 with multiple counts of child sex abuse, including forcible sodomy, of a 17-year-old boy in 2000, in the rectory of St. Joseph's in Advance. A Catholic school teacher was reportedly told about the abuse a few days after it allegedly occurred, and Lutz apologized to the boy's father. The diocese admitted in 2/20 that it knew in 2002 of the allegations. Lutz pled not guilty.

Fr. Ernest Marquart

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list updated 3/15/19. It notes a review of Marquart's file yielded an allegation in 2003 that Marquart took inappropriate photos of youths swimming in the 1980s. Ministry restricted.

Fr. Robert Marquitz

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

In 6/20 the archdiocese announced that it had received allegations of child sexual abuse against Marquitz, which it deemed substantiated. Marquitz had at some point been removed from ministry and laicized. Known as a champion soccer player in the 1950s and 1960s. Per a St. Louis Soccer Hall of Fame bio, Marquitz went on to coach at the parish and select levels, as well as for Special Needs Kids (SPENSA) and at the St. Louis Soccer Park.

Fr. Aloysius J. Marschner

Ordained: 1936
Status: Accused

Died: 02/10/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Ministry restricted. Died in 2004. Included on the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese's list updated 4/13/21.

Fr. J. Dennis Martin

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Order: CM
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 10/2/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. Multiple allegations of abuse occurring in the 1960s and 1980s were reported in 2003. Martin was removed from ministry. Assigned in 1995 to Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. Died in 2014. (The list does not indicate where the abuse is said to have occurred; placing Martin's entry for now under St. Louis, where the Order is headquartered.) Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Robert L. McCarthy

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Died: 02/22/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Monsignor. Parish priest, longtime director of Catholic Cemeteries. Died in 2/2022. Accused publicly in 3/2023 of molesting girls at Christ the King Grade School in St. Louis, where he was assigned 1962-1967. Molestations allegedly occurred when he fitted the girls for their athletic uniforms. Said to have asked "purient" questions of at least one high school girl during confession.

Fr. Dennis J. McClintock

Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/2019. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry in 1993. Laicized. Reportedly "crossed boundaries" with girls at a St. Louis County parish and elementary school. Went on to marry and adopt a son. Worked for hotels; until 2009 was manager of a hotel used for retreats at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Snows in Belleville. In 8/2019, working as a physical therapy rehab aide in O'Fallon.

Fr. John Roger McDonough

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Ordained: 1965
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Accused in a 2006 civil suit of abuse of a boy somewhere between ages of 11-13 in 1982. McDonough died in 1985. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. It notes substantiated allegations, received after his death.

Fr. Francis E. McGlynn

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Retired in 1992; privileges removed 2002. Sued 2003. Plaintiff claimed McGlynn sexually abused him in 1971 and 1974 while Plaintiff was an altar boy at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Trial set for 10/07 but case settled 9/27/07 for $225K. Two women also filed separate suits in 2003 and 2004. The 2003 suit dismissed on SOL in 12/04. At least one claim settled in an 8/08 $10M settlement involving 12 priests. New suit filed by a woman 10/11 claimed abuse in 1963-64. McGlynn died in 5/12. Plaintiff dropped name from suit -- diocese still in. Included on the diocese's 9/5/19 list of accused clergy, with multiple substantiated allegations.

Fr. Michael S. McGrath

Ordained: 1974
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Assigned to many parishes, led one for a brief time. Taught at parish schools and at DuBourg High. Suspended in 1997 after allegation he fondled a boy in the 1970s while a seminarian. Sent to treatment, reinstated after a year. A 6/03 civil suit alleged a man had recently killed himself after lifetime of turmoil due to abuse by McGrath as a child in the 1980s. Suicide was just after man learned McGrath could not be prosecuted due to SOL. At least 20 more suits followed of men and women alleging abuse as children by McGrath. He would take children on outings in his van, some overnight trips. Most allegations are of fondling, at least one of forced oral copulation. In 8/04 17 people settled claims against McGrath in archdiocesan settlement. In 12/07, MO Court of Appeals upheld dismissal of 1 suit by the lower court. One of 6 priests in 7/08 settlement. Laicized in 2005. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Paul McHugh

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Died: 06/4/1983
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

In 10/02 a man alleged abuse by McHugh as a boy in 1982. Bernard Law was bishop of the diocese at the time of the alleged abuse. The man said he told Bishop Law on two occasions (once was before McHugh's death) but Law did not want to hear the details and told him not to tell anyone. McHugh died 6/4/83. Bishop Law presided at weekend masses in the parish for two months. The man said that he approached the Bishop for the second time then. Included on the diocese's list 11/19/18.

Fr. James Clyde McLain

Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 09/15/1998
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Parish priest and pastor. Educator assigned to DeAndreis High School, St. Thomas Aquinas High School and Rosary High School. Named publicly by the Archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Died in 1998. McLain is the subject of substantiated allegations, received after his death.

Fr. James P. McNally

Ordained: 1980
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

McNally, a 1980 graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, was on staff there in 1986 when he befriended a 16-year-old student and became a favorite with the boy's family. Abuse reportedly continued on trips and at rectories for eight years. Alleged victim told Bishop McAuliffe in 1996 and McNally was sent for therapy. Public not told of his behavior until 2004 news article. McNally left priesthood, was laicized and married. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Br. Louis J. Meinhardt

Order: SM
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Professed vows in 1923 as a Marianist brother, St. Louis Province. Worked in IL, MO, MI, IA, TX. In 9/2011 a former St. Louis Chaminade College Prep student came forward to the Order, alleging sexual abuse in the 1970s by Br. Meinhardt and Br. John Woulfe. Letters were sent to 1,600 school alumni who graduated 1958-1982. At least 15-16 responded with credible allegations of verbal and sexual abuse by the two men. Meinhardt worked at the school 1958-1982. He died in 1990. Original accuser had come forward in 2003 and 2009; others had also come forward before 2011. Civil suit filed 2/23/2012. Another suit filed in 12/2015. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/2020 list of accused. On the Diocese of Belleville's list 9/20/2022. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Louis Meteye

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Order: CM
Ordained: 1938
Status: Accused

Died: 10/25/1979
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. Multiple allegations of abuse, occurring in the 1960s, were reported in 2003. Meteye died in 1979. (The list does not indicate where the alleged abuse occurred, so placing him for now under St. Louis, where the Order is headquartered.)

Fr. Charles H. Miller

Order: SM
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Professed vows in 1953 for the Marianists, St. Louis Province, ordained in 1964. Worked in MO, GA, TX. In 2005 a woman reported to the Marianists that Miller groomed and fondled her at age 14 in 1976 in St. Louis, and that he molested her when she was 17 in 1980 in San Antonio, TX. In 2007 the Order admitted privately that the allegations were "credible." Order found that Miller had been involved with two other women. In 2007, the Order restricted Miller's ministry and moved him from TX, where he was a teacher at St. Mary's University, to their headquarters in Rome. Still there in 2/19. On San Antonio archdiocese's list 1/31/19. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/20 list of accused.

Fr. James J. Mohan

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Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Possibly from Ireland. Died 3/17/90. Accused of sexual molestation of at least two teen boys. Removed suddenly from last assignment at Visitation parish, Vienna, MO. Arrest warrant may have been issued for him. Reportedly the Diocese pulled him from the parish in the middle of the night and put him on a plane to England. Official Catholic Directory reported him on duty outside the diocese for much of the 1980s. On diocese's list 11/8/18. Noted to have died in 1990.

Fr. Hugh F. Monahan

Ordained: 1968
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Six men filed five suits in the early 2000s alleging abuse as boys by Monahan,1970s to the mid-1980s. One of the plaintiffs was Monahan's nephew, who claimed the abuse began when he was age 11, went on for five years, and included rape. Another said he lived with Monahan for a time and the diocese knew it. Monahan took leave from the priesthood in 1973, then returned. Left again in 1989. May have moved to Puerto Rico. Claims settled 8/08 as part of $10M settlement involving 12 priests. Monahan and another priest were named in new suit filed by a man in 3/11. Also named in a 8/11 suit. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19, with multiple substantiated allegations. Laicized. Said in 11/21 to have married in 2000 and to be living in FL.

Fr. Deusdedit Mulokozi

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 2003
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

"Fr. Deo." From Tanzania. Priest of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (C.PP.S.) Arrived in MO (part of his Order's Kansas City Province) in 2014 from Tanzania. Assigned 2014-15 to the parishes of Sacred Heart and St. Patrick in Sedalia and St. John the Evangelist in Bahner. First named publicly as accused on the Diocese of Jefferson City's list 11/8/18. In 5/15 a 15-year-old girl reported to the police that Mulokozi gave her a "dirty hug" after a counseling session at Sacred Heart. Detectives requested he be charged with third-degree assault; prosecutors chose not to pursue. Review board found Mulokozi guilty of boundary violations. Sent to Liberty, then to a Houston treatment center for evaluation. Expelled from the diocese. Returned by his Order to ministry in Tanzania. Per website in 2/19, active priest in Numbyani, Kenya parish.

Fr. Stephen J. Muth

Ordained: 1982
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Ordained in Toronto, Canada. Removed from KC position in 2004 after an allegation surfaced that he abused a 12-year-old boy in 1992 and again later when the accuser was an adult. Member of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma Ohio, administrator of a parish in the KC-St. Joseph diocese. Civil suit filed in 4/2006. Investigated and cleared by the diocese. Civil suit against Muth and Parma dismissed in 4/2009. Per news in 6/2019, Muth was in active ministry in MO, TX and then in Whiting, IN, retiring in 1/2018. Placed on administrative leave by the Eparchy in 10/2018. Included on the Wichita diocese's list 9/20/2019. On KC-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/2019.

Fr. Thomas J. O’Brien

Ordained: 1950
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Monsignor. Multiple allegations of the abuse of minors. Chaplain at a Kansas City MO Hospital until he retired in 4/2002. Often worked in schools. Several plaintiffs filed suit in 1/2004 against O'Brien and two other priests. More suits filed 2004-2005. Settlement of one announced in 4/2007. Some claims settled in 8/2008 as part of a $10M settlement involving 12 priests. Named in new suits in 2/2011, 9/2011 and 11/2011. One was a wrongful death suit in the case of the 1983 suicide of a 14-year-old alleged victim. Named in over two dozen lawsuits. Wrongful death suit settled for $2.25M in 7/2013 during jury selection. Died in 10/2013. Settlement in 2014 for $10M with 31 plaintiffs involving 13 priests, including O'Brien. On the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese's list updated 4/1/2019, which notes allegations of abuse 1950-1954, reported in 2013. On the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph list 9/5/2019.

Bishop Anthony J. O’Connell

Ordained: 1963
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Bishop of Knoxville 1988-98. Bishop of Palm Beach 1998-2002. Resigned 3/02 after admitting inappropriate behavior with minors in MO decades prior. Two claims settled 2004 for $5K each, paid by O'Connell, and more from Jefferson City diocese. Numerous other claims from MO. None known from the Palm Beach diocese. New accusers in MO in 5/12, shortly after O'Connell's death 5/4/12. On Jefferson City diocese's list 11/8/18. Suit in 7/19 claimed abuse, along with Rev. Xavier Mankel, of a boy in the 1990s. Settled in 12/19. On Knoxville diocese's list 3/6/20.

Fr. Thomas O’Hern

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Order: CM
Ordained: 1977
Status: Accused

Died: 11/11/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Worked in MO, IL, and Kenya, where he founded and was the Executive Director of Family Hope Charity. Named publicly as accused by the Vincentian Order on its list 11/12/2020. Multiple allegations of abuse occurring in the 1980s reported in 1991. Location of abuse not revealed. Sent to a residential program in St. Louis 11/1991-3/1992. Returned to ministry in Kenya in 1994. Removed from ministry in 2004, left the Order in 2006. Died in 2014. (Placing O'Hern's entry under St. Louis for now, where the Order is based.) Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Robert R. Osborne

Order: SM
Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

President of St. John Vianney High School when accused in a lawsuit in 2006 of "sexually, physically and emotionally" abusing a student. The boy had recently disclosed abuse to his therapist and family. Osborne stepped down from his position pending the investigation. A second student also came forward. Osborne denied the allegations. He did acknowledged having been accused in 1982 of inappropriate behavior with a high school boy in Creve Coeur. Vianney High School officials asked him to leave in 8/06 because the lawsuit would distract from his job. In 10/06 the prosecutor announced there was no evidence to support criminal charges. Civil suit settled with Order in 6/07. As of 2/08, Osborne claimed to be chaplain for Kirkwood Police Dept. Faculties removed in 5/09 by interim bishop Herrmann after news of previous investigation. Osborne died 4/27/14 in a care facility for Marianists in Cupertino, CA.

Fr. Thomas Parrott

Order: CM
Ordained: 1950
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Ordained for the Vincentians. Incardinated in 1974 into the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. Allegation in 2010 that Parrott molested a boy over two years, beginning when the boy was age 14 in 1966 and a student at St. John's Minor Seminary in Kansas City. Parrott was his spiritual advisor and confessor. Parrott's accuser settled with the Vincentians. Parrott retired from Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese in 1987 and moved to Florida. He died in 1/1996. Included on the Springfield-Cape Girardeau list 4/1/2019. Also on the Vincentians list in 2020, which notes multiple allegations of abuse occurring in the late-1950s to mid-1960s, reported in 2002. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Bede Parry

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1983
Status: Sued

Died: 11/27/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

A 6/2011 lawsuit alleged Parry, then a Benedictine priest and boys' choir director at Conception Abbey in northwest MO, sexually abused a boy in 1987 at summer choir camp. Parry had been affiliated with the abbey since 1973. He admitted to the Abbot in 1981 that he had been involved in three "inappropriate relationships" 1973-1979. Dismissed in 2002. Became an Episcopal priest in Las Vegas 10/15/2004. Resigned in 2011 after the suit was filed. Admitted to abuse of several. A second suit filed 7/2011. Died 11/27/2013. Included on the Las Vegas diocese's list 4/12/2019. (No known allegations there.) On the Conception Abbey Benedictines' list 8/5/2019. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 5/19/21, which notes assignments there in 1978, 1990 and 1992.

Fr. James J. Pavlik

Ordained: 1963
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Placed on leave in 2000 without privileges after archdiocese substantiated claims that he engaged in sexual misconduct. The archdiocese had also investigated in 1994 but could not substantiate an allegation of sexual abuse in the 1970s. In 2002 a man said he met Pavlik in Japan in 1970 when he was 17. When he returned to the states at age 18 and visited Pavlik in St. Louis, Pavlik tried to molest him at a rectory until he threatened to get a knife and use it on the priest. Pavlik was named in an 8/05 civil suit. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Died in 2015.

Fr. Paul C. Pilgram

Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/18. Restricted from ministry with minors in 1991. Multiple allegations of abuse occurring 1970s-1990s. Unclear as to where. Removed from ministry in 2003. Noted to be living under supervision. Per a news outlet in 5/19, Pilgram was living at Jesuit Hall, near the St. Louis U. campus.

Seminarian Nickolas Eugene Pinkston

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Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Also known as R.A. Manfir. Started seminary in 2007. Worked at Ascension, Our Lady of the Presentation and St. Ambrose parishes. Taught childrens' confirmation class. Removed from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in 1/10 after officials learned he was having an affair with an adult woman. Arrested in 7/11 for attempting to receive child pornography through the mail in 2010. Pled guilty 5/31/12 to federal child porn charges. Was to be sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Fr. William C. Poepperling

Ordained: 1934
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

One woman filed suit 4/05 alleging abuse by Poepperling between 1956-1959. A second woman filed suit in 8/05 alleging abuse for 4 years, beginning when she was 4 in the 1950s. Poepperling died in 1983 at age 78. Most counts in each case were dismissed by the trial court in 2008 or 2009 and dismissals were upheld by Court of Appeals 2/10. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. It notes substantiated allegations, received after his death.

Fr. Gary W. Pool

Ordained: 1982
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

In 2003, a man filed suit alleging abuse 1979-1984 by former priest and deacon Pool. Pool's accuser said he went to another priest for counseling, and that he was abused by that priest 1984-1993. Pool denied all charges. He took a leave of absence in 1987. Laicized in 1993. He later married. On the Jefferson City diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. Thaddeus Posey

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1971
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Posey was one of four priests named in a 2004 lawsuit. Settlement reached in 4/07, but claims against Posey were not settled. Suit alleged abuse in 1970s-80s. Posey is shown in a Spring 2013 Capuchin Midwest newsletter as a member of a Prayer Ministry for retired Capuchins. Died 8/7/13. On Capuchin Province of Mid-America's list 3/1/19. Per the Salina diocese, Posey had more than one credible allegation against him.

Fr. Edgar Probstfield

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 02/11/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/19. Abuse allegedly occurring in the 1970s was reported in 2014. Probstfield died 2/11/07. Included on the Conception Abbey Benedictines list 8/5/19. Given name is Victor David Probstfield. Brother of accused priest Regis Probstfield, O.S.B.

Fr. Regis Probstfield

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 11/4/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Named publicly by the Conception Abbey Benedictines on their list 8/5/19. Abuse alleged to have occurred in Missouri in 1976. Reportedly worked off and on at Conception Abbey before 1981, then became pastor in Parnel. Also worked in North Dakota, returning to the Abbey in 1996. Probstfield died 11/4/08. Given name Vernon Charles Probstfield. Brother of accused priest Edgar Probstfield, O.S.B.

Fr. Protase (Maximilian) Kuberek

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1906
Status: Accused

Died: 06/6/1959
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Spent all but the first several years of his priesthood at St. Stanislaus in Cleveland OH, where he established and led a band. Died in 1959. First name also spelled Protazy.

Fr. Shawn Francis Ratigan

Ordained: 2004
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

School principal complained of behavior 5/10. Not removed from St. Patrick until 12/10, after child porn found on laptop.Tried suicide. Police told of one picture but said not porn. Assigned to say mass for nuns. Reported to police 5/11. Arrested 5/19/11. Sued several times. Some civil suits settled, including one for $1.3M. Two more settled 2/14 for $1.8M. Pled guilty to federal pornography charges in 2013. Sentenced to 50 years 9/11/13. Sentenced to three 7-year sentences 10/13 on state charges. Laicized in 1/14. Federal Appeals Court upheld the 50-year sentence 07/24/14. On diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. John Rausch

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1976
Status: Accused

Died: 11/26/2019
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. Reportedly in 8/2024, Rausch was accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing a teenage boy in the late 1970s while assigned to St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Oakville. He died in 2019.

Fr. Thomas M. Reardon

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Died: 01/16/2022
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

First suits filed in 2004 by six who alleged abuse by Reardon and two other priests at a lake home or at church. The priests allegedly would give the kids drugs and alcohol. Reardon left active ministry in 1989 and resigned from the priesthood. Worked as substance abuse counselor. Suit against Reardon and one other priest settled in 4/2007. Other claims settled in 8/2008 as part of a $10M settlement involving twelve priests. Named in 2/2011, 4/2011 and 1120/11 suits claiming abuse of boys. At least 24 accusers. Suit filed in 7/2018. On diocese's list 9/5/2019; multiple substantiated allegations noted. Laicized. Credible allegation announced 10/2020 of abuse of a child in 1972 at Camp Little Flower; Reardon was camp director. Settlement in 2021. Died 1/16/2022 at a senior living facility in south Kansas City.

Fr. Michael Rice

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19 under the category, "Clergy who have served in Diocese of KCSJ found by the Diocesan Bishop to be unsuitable for ministry out of concern for the safety of our youth." Retired in the early 2000s. Per a news account in 2002, Rice allowed accused priest Thomas Ward to assist at St. Margaret's in Lee Summit, where Rice was pastor.

Fr. Joseph D. Ross

Ordained: 1969
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Pled guilty 1988 to sex assault of 11-year -old boy in 12/86. Sentenced to 2 years probation and treatment. Admitted then he had been accused of molesting a youth in the 1970s, and had been arrested for propositioning a police officer and public indecency. Allowed to return to work. Removed 3/02. Civil suit filed 11/02 alleged abuse of a 14-year-old boy in 1977. Laicization announced 8/02. Arrested 9/08 on new charges from 2000. Charges dropped 8/10. Living in AR. Suit filed 10/11 claiming abuse of girl. Case settled 07/06/14 under confidential terms. Possibly living in St. Charles, MO as of 7/15/14. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. John J. Rynish

Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 09/23/2001
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Monsignor. Retired in 1993. Died 9/23/01. First named publicly as accused by diocese in 10/18. Allegedly sexually abused a minor in the early 1970s. Included on the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese's list 9/5/19.

Fr. Mark Santo

Order: OSM
Ordained: 1960
Status: Accused

Died: 05/3/2008
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Given name Charles Edward Santo. Worked in a number of dioceses and archdioceses including Chicago, Winona, Lansing, Miami, Los Angeles. Assignments included parishes, schools, and prison ministry. Left the order in 1988. Incardinated into the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, reportedly transferred to Los Angeles after a short time. Died 5/3/2008 in Canada. Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/2019 (with a wrong death date). Alleged abuse in the 1960s reported in 2018.

Fr. Andre (Charles) Schludecker

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 09/30/2022
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Schludecker in the St. Louis archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) Worked in IL, OH, WI, AK, MI, MO. Died in 2022.

Fr. Stephen A. Schneider

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 03/3/2016
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Removed in 2/06 from position at St. Peter the Apostle parish in Joplin after allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor, which were made in 12/05. No information as to when alleged abuse occurred. No criminal charges filed. His actions violated church policy but did not break the law. Died in 2016.

Fr. Robert G. Scobee

Ordained: 1937
Status: Accused

Died: 04/30/1979
Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

First assignment was at Immaculate Conception (later became St. Pius X) parish, in Moberly MO. On leave of absence at Paraclete facility in Jemez Springs NM 1970-1972. Reassigned to a parish 1973-1974. No assignment in 1975. Retired in 1976. Died 4/30/79. On diocese's list 11/8/18. On the Diocese of Superior's list in 11/22, where he worked at some point in Lake Tomahawk and Rhinelander. Noted to have a single allegation against him, occurring outside of the diocese.

Fr. Thomas Seifner

Ordained: 1992
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Pastor of parishes in Loose Creek and Bonnots Mill beginning 7/09. Removed 12/09 after allegations that he had engaged in "inappropriate electronic communication" with a minor male five years previously. Review board found his actions to be true sexual abuse of a minor. On diocese's list 11/8/18.

Fr. Amel A. Shibley

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Died: 09/13/2002
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Allegations in 1993 and 1995 that Shibley abused two boys in the 1980s. There was reportedly an investigation in the 1980s. Allowed in 1997 to return to ministry part-time as administrator at another parish, with restrictions. Placed on leave again in 3/02, faculties permanently removed. Died 9/13/02. Included on the diocese's list 11/19/18.

Fr. Anthony J. Short

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1971
Status: Accused

Died: 11/10/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/18. Removed from ministry in 2008. Allegation of abuse alleged to have occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. Unclear as to where. Worked or resided in St. Louis, MO; St. Stephen's, WY; Centennial, CO; Sedalia, CO; Denver, CO. Noted to be living in a skilled nursing facility under supervision. On the Jesuits Midwest Province list 12/17/18. Died 11/10/20.

Fr. Ildephonse (Edward) Skorup

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 01/23/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Skorup for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Worked in Cleveland OH, MO, Chicago IL. Retired in 2013 to Blessed Giles Friary in Manitowoc WI. Died in 2020.

Fr. James Frederick Stauber

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 08/14/2010
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Priest of the La Crosse diocese, transferred to San Bernardino in the early 1980s. Resigned in 1993 without admitting wrongdoing after he was accused of having had sex with a minor in St. Louis, MO 22 years prior. Bishop Straling placed him on leave. Stauber admitted to being a recovering alcoholic. Died 8/14/10 in CA. Buried as priest in WI. On San Bernardino diocese's list 10/9/18. On St. Louis archdiocese's list 7/26/19. On the La Crosse diocese's list 1/18/20, noting multiple substantiated allegations.

Br. James Bernard Steinbach

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Order: CM
Status: Accused

Died: 12/26/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. It notes alleged abuse in the 1960s, reported in 2007. Steinbach was removed from ministry in 2007. Died 12/26/2007. The list does not reveal the location of the alleged abuse. (Placing him under St. Louis, which is where the Order is based.)

Fr. Donald J. Straub

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Complaints of abuse received in 1978; sent to treatment and reassigned in 1979. New allegations in 1986 involving current parish; placed on leave, sent to treatment for three years. Assigned to cathedral in Dodge City KS diocese 9/90-1/91.Two men filed suits in MO in 2004 alleging abuse in the 1970s and early 1980s. At least six more accusers came forward. Some settled in 2005. Laicization announced 1/05. A 2006 suit settled 5/07. Another suit filed 5/29/07. One of six named in 7/08 settlement. On archdiocese's list 7/26/19. On Dodge City diocese's list 10/1/19.

Bishop Joseph Vincent Sullivan

Ordained: 1945
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Ordained for Diocese of Kansas City, MO. Auxiliary Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese 1967-74. Bishop of Baton Rouge Diocese 1974-1982. Died 9/4/82. Accused in a 4/04 lawsuit of abusing a 17-year-old boy in 1975. Baton Rouge diocese's review board deemed claim "serious and deserving of careful attention." Settled 10/04; sealed. Named in 2005 suit in HI dating to time in KC; settled 2007. New suit filed in 2007 in TX; settled 10/09 for $225K. On Baton Rouge diocese's list in early 2019. It notes multiple allegations reported 2004, 2005, 2007, of abuse 1974-82. On Corpus Christi diocese's list 1/31/19. On KC-St. Joseph diocese's list 9/5/19.

Br. Gregory J. Sutton

Order: FMS
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Principal of a Catholic school in MO. Arrested in 8/95 on charges he molested students in Australia in the 1980s. No accusations in MO. Extradited at the request of Australian officials in 5/96 after several court battles. US officials knew he was wanted in Australia for almost year but did not know he was a school principal. Pled guilty In Australia in 5/96 to numerous charges of abuse between 1976-1987. Sentenced to 18 years in jail on 67 charges against 15 children. As of 5/14, he had been ranked as one of Australia's most-publicized child sex offenders.

Fr. Thomas Thelin

Order: CM
Ordained: 1973
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Vincentian Order on its list in 2020. Worked in LA and TX. Abuse estimated to have occurred in the 1980s, reported in 1990. Left the Vincentians in 1985, married in 1991. Dismissed from the Order in 2002. Location of the alleged abuse not revealed. (Placing his entry under St. Louis for now, where the Order is based.)

Fr. James Thiel

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Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Living in Grand Rapids MI in 2004 when accused in a lawsuit of abuse of a middle-school boy 1978-81 at a parish in Pine Lawn, MO. Had resigned in 1994 from Grand Rapids High School in Grand Rapids MI after the Redemptorists informed the Grand Rapids dioceses of allegations that Thiel had abused in St. Louis. Faculties in the Grand Rapids diocese revoked. There were reportedly several confidential settlements related to allegations of abuse dating from the 1970s. The Redemptorists said they asked Thiel to leave the order in 1997. Another man sued in 2005, claiming abuse as a boy by Thiel 1974-79 and that the priest gave him a sexually transmitted disease. The 2004 suit settled in 3/07 for $140K. Three other priests were named in the settlement.

Fr. Michael Tierney

Ordained: 1969
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a 9/30/10 lawsuit of fondling a 13-year-old boy in 1971 when the boy was helping move items at Tierney's mother's house. Diocese learned of allegations in 2008. Named in two other suits. Retired with privileges. Removed from ministry in 6/11 due to credible reports of sexual misconduct with minors in 1970s-80s. Tierney denied the misconduct. Named in a second suit 6/30/11 claiming 1970s abuse. More suits 7/11 and 10/11. Parts of original suit dismissed 7/11 and 5/12. Dismissal upheld by Appeals Court 11/13. Included in 2014 massive settlement. On diocese's 9/5/19 list, which notes multiple substantiated allegations. Permanently removed from ministry. Died 12/15/20. He had been laicized 12/11/20.

Fr. Maximilian Toczylowski

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Order: OSB
Ordained: 2016
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Director of the junior school of Saint Louis Priory School when removed in 5/18 after 'inappropriate images' were found on his computer. The school contacted Creve Coeur police 5/30. Faculties removed by Bishop Carlson. Toczylowski was involved in the school's athletics and had worked at a summer program for urban students. He graduated from St. Louis Priory school in 2000.

Fr. Michael W. Toohey

Ordained: 1967
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 8/5/19. Allegations deemed substantiated. Removed from ministry. Laicized in 1972. Went on to marry and raise a family. Filed suit in 11/19 against the archdiocese, claiming it falsely named him as an alleged abuser. Toohey denied abuse, said the archdiocese had not informed him of the accusation before the list was released, and that it refused to provide details of the allegations.

Fr. Daniel A. Triulzi

Order: SM
Ordained: 1981
Status: Settled

Died: 08/20/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Professed vows in 1966 as a Marianist, St. Louis Province. Ordained in 1981. Placed on leave from parish in Ft. Worth TX diocese in 8/05 after recent claim of sexual misconduct with a minor in 1996 at Chaminade College Prep in St. Louis. Accuser had just filed suit in circuit court in St. Louis. Taught at Nolan High School in Ft. Worth 1983-87 before transfer to parish. Suit settled in 2007; announced in 2/08. Died in 2017. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/20 list of those "found to have sexually abused a minor." Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/22. Noted to have been removed from ministry.

Fr. Isaac True

Order: OSB
Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

A man filed suit in 9/11 alleging abuse by True (a relative) and by Msgr. Thomas O'Brien when the accuser was a 9-year-old altar boy at Nativity Church in Independence in late the 1970s. True would also allegedly abuse him during visits to his home, and on trips. True was President-Rector of Conception Seminary 1973-88. Also worked at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in Bethany, Mo. Lawsuit against order settled 11/13 for $125K. Removed from ministry. Included on the Conception Abbey Benedictines list of credibly accused 8/5/19.

Fr. John Tulipana

Ordained: 1972
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Resigned in 1/94 after reports that the diocese paid $150K to a youth in 1989 after he accused Tulipana of sexually abusing him. A second allegation also was settled with a payment. Tulipana was counseling a victim of earlier abuse by (future) Bishop A. O'Connell when knowledge became public. This victim immediately went to the diocese and disclosed abuse by O'Connell. Named in a 12/06 civil suit regarding 1978 abuse in TX. Claims settled in 8/08. New suit by a woman filed10/10. Four brothers filed another suit 2/12. Died 11/5/12. On diocese's list 9/5/19 with multiple substantiated allegations noted. Suit filed in 7/20 claims abuse in 1977 of a boy, age 13, at Coronation of Our Lady in Grandview. The boy gone to Tulipana for counseling after his father died of cancer.

Fr. James Urbanic

Order: CPPS
Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Removed in 7/11 after recent allegations of sexual improprieties with two minors in the 1970s, while assigned to St. Francis Xavier Church in St. Joseph. Review board found allegations credible. He admitted to order that early in his priesthood he acted inappropriately. Previously served as provincial for the Society. Named by one plaintiff in a civil suit filed 2/8/12. Plaintiff said abuse occurred in mid-1970s at Bishop LeBlond High School. Suit settled 12/13 for $130K. On diocese's list 9/5/19, noting multiple substantiated allegations. Permanently removed from ministry.

Fr. Leroy A. Valentine

Ordained: 1977
Status: Settled

Died: 04/29/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

A woman reported in 1982 that Valentine sexually abused her three sons, ages 10, 11 and 12. Police sent her to the Archdiocese. Lawsuit filed in 1995; each boy received a $20K settlement in 1998. Valentine was sent for treatment and transferred. Allegations became public in 3/2002; the Archdiocese refused to remove Valentine, saying the allegations were unsubstantiated. Retired in 3/2002 after another person alleged abuse in 1978. The Review Board deemed the allegations substantiated 5/1/2013. Privileges removed. A lawsuit filed in 10/2015 claims repeated sex abuse, including rape, of a boy attending Immaculata School 1977-1981, beginning when the boy was age 11. The plaintiff said Valentine told him the abuse was "special training" to become an altar boy. Included on the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019 of those with substantiated allegations against them. Valentine died 4/29/2020.

Fr. William F. Vatterott

Ordained: 2003
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

First assignment was at Holy Infant Church in Ballwin. Removed from assignment at St. Cecilia Parish 6/2011 after allegations that he engaged in "inappropriate electronic exchanges" with two teenagers (at least one was a girl.) Also accused of being involved with underage drinking and other inappropriate behavior. Indicted in 4/2013 on federal charges of the possession of child pornography in 2010-2011. Pleaded guilty 8/30/2013 to possessing child pornography and 'sexting' with a minor boy. Sentenced to Three years in prison. Included on the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019. Noted to have been laicized. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 7/2024 of sexually abusing an altar boy, ages 11-14, during 2008-2011.

Fr. Bernard Vedder

Order: OMI
Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 05/30/2024
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

"Bernie." Named publicly as accused by the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese on its list updated 4/1/2019, which notes alleged abuse occurring in the 1960s, reported in 1995. (The list erroneously notes that Vedder died in 1993.) Its 2021 list shows that he was laicized in 1995. He died 5/30/2024. Per his obituary, Vedder married in 1984. In retirement Vedder drove a school bus in MN then in WI, and "...made a great effort to know the names of the children on his bus... ."

Fr. Donald L. Wallace

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Parents of four boys accused Wallace in 1997 of "boundary violations" or inappropriate behavior. Wallace underwent treatment was assigned to hospital ministry in 1998, under supervision. He was reassigned to parish work in 2000. Retired in 2002 rather than undergo "further evaluation." On diocese's list 11/8/18. Noted to have been removed from ministry.

Fr. Thomas J. Ward

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Ordained: 1962
Status: Settled

Died: 11/4/2012
Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Suspended in 1993 or early 1994 for nine months. Reinstated. When he was reassigned in 1994, the bishop wrote to parishioners that Ward's evaluation "gave no reason to believe that the allegations might be true." A 1994 civil suit alleged Ward abused a boy for 10 years, beginning when the boy was 14. Suit settled 1999 in for $20K. "Retired" in 1996; continued to be active part-time. Claims settled in 8/08 as part of $10M settlement involving 12 priests. Died 11/4/12. On the diocese's list 9/5/19, with multiple substantiated allegations noted.

Fr. Jerry Joseph Wegenek

Ordained: 1964
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

In 2012 the diocese acknowledged that it had removed Wegenek from ministry in 6/94 after an allegation that he had been involved in sexual misconduct with a teenage boy in the 1970s. A man told the diocese in 2001 that he had been abused by Wegenek. On 9/13/12 a man filed a civil suit alleging Wegenek gave him alcohol and repeatedly raped him beginning at age 10 and lasting several years, when Wegenek was assigned to St. Gabriel and St. Patrick parishes in Kansas City, MO in the late 1960s. Wegenek died in 2011. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19, which notes multiple substantiated allegations.

Br. Ralph Wehner

Status: Suit withdrawn

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly in a 7/2024 lawsuit filed in St. Louis of sexually abusing an altar boy, ages 13-15, at St. Alban Roe Parish in Wildwood, during 1982-1984. The plaintiff said that Wehner was in charge of the altar boys at the parish, and that he would fondle and grope him as he helped him with his robes. Wehner was found in 2024 to be working as a deacon in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, there since 2009. Suspended pending investigation. Wehner's accuser dismissed his claim in 12/2024 "for personal reasons." Wehner remained suspended pending recommendation of its Internal Review Board. On 12/26/2024 the Diocese announced that Wehner was restored to active ministry.

Fr. John Wells

Ordained: 1950
Status: Accused

Died: 12/28/1972
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Ordained for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Incardinated 1964 into the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. Died 12/28/72. Diocese announced in 2/19/18 that it had received an allegation that Wells sexually abused a minor in the late 1960s. He was assigned during that as pastor of St. Joseph's in Advance and St. Anthony Mission in Glennon.

Fr. Keith M. Westrich

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Ordained: 1981
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as accused by the archdiocese on its list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry in 1986. Moved to Massachusetts, worked for Dept of Education. Associate commissioner with a focus on "preparing children for life after high school" when placed on leave after name released in 7/19. Retired after publicity, investigated by the state of MA.

Fr. John J. Whiteley

Ordained: 1967
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Jefferson City MO

Accused in a 1991 lawsuit of sexually abusing David Clohessy 1969-1973, beginning when the boy was age 11. The abuse included touching the boy's genitals and lying on top of him during trips, some of them out-of-state. Whiteley allegedly abused others including Clohessy's brother Kevin, later a priest and himself accused of abuse. Whiteley was a college chaplain from 1983; Army reserve chaplain by 1990; chancery job in 1991; resigned and disappeared in 1992. Case dismissed in 1992 after a MO Supreme Court decision on a new statute of limitations law. Whiteley later reportedly became a flight attendant. He was last known to be living in Naples FL, and possibly moved to the Miami area. The Diocese gave David Clohessy a $40,000 settlement 8/19/2015. Clohessy asked the Diocese to post names of proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics on parish websites and to warn FL Catholics about Whiteley; the Diocese did not meet that request. As of 11/2018 Whiteley had not been laicized. Included on the Diocese's list 11/8/2018. Laicization announced by the Diocese 3/17/2025.

Fr. John R. Wieberg

Ordained: 1918
Status: Accused

Died: 12/14/1963
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Worked in parishes in St. Charles County, and in several rural parishes in Advance, Charleston (later part of Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese) and Arcadia. Archbishop Carlson announced 3/16/11 that several individuals (at least 5) had come forward in recent years to accuse Wieberg of abuse almost 50 years prior. Wieberg died in 1963. One man, now 80, said he was abused in 1940 at age 9. Reports were found credible by archdiocesan review board. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. On Springfield-Cape Girardeau list updated 4/1/19. It notes abuse 1942-45 reported in 2004 and 2018.

Fr. Method (Claude) Wilson

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 07/2/2018
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Sacred Heart Province. (Placing Wilson for now in the St. Louis archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Died in 2018. Worked in IN, IA, LA, MO. Retired in 2001.

Fr. Stephen Wise

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Ordained: 1979
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph MO

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 6/08 of molesting a boy at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception over a four-year period in the late 1970s. Wise left the priesthood in 1986 and later married. At least one claim was included in an 8/08 $10M settlement involving 12 priests. New civil suit filed 10/11 by a man claiming Wise abused him for two years when he was ages 10-12, and that a bishop knew of allegations against Wise before the abuse. Laicized. Included on the diocese's list 9/5/19, with multiple substantiated allegations noted.

Fr. Gary P. Wolken

Ordained: 1993
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Convicted in 2002 of abuse of a boy over a three-year period beginning when the boy was age five in about 1997. Sentenced to 15 years in prison. Tried for early release in 2006. Had abused another boy 25 years prior; not prosecuted. Sent for therapy. Civil suit filed in 4/2004, settled for $1.675M. Laicized in 2007. Released from prison after 12 years, in 2/2015. On the Archdiocese's list 7/26/2019. Settlement of $1M in 6/2023 with a man who filed suit in 2018, alleging abuse, including rape, by Wolken beginning when he was a 4th-grader and continuing through 1995.

Br. Robert D. Wood

Order: SM
Status: Accused

Died: 12/6/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Professed vows in 1945 as a Marianist brother, St. Louis Province. Educator. Worked in MO, TX, IL. Also Canada, Japan, Peru, Mexico. Died in 2016. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/20 list of those "found to have sexually abused a minor." Location of abuse not indicated - placing him in the St. Louis archdiocese for now.

Br. John J. Woulfe

Order: SM
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Professed vows in 1958 for the Marianists, St. Louis Province. Worked in MO and TX. Accused in a 2002 lawsuit, along with Rev. William A. Christensen, of sexual abuse of a boy, ages 15-17, at Chaminade Prep in St. Louis. On appeal, the MO Supreme Court ruled that repressed memories were admissible and the suit was not time-barred. New accusations in 9/11 and confirmed by letters to school alumni in 2012. Woulfe was at the school for 9 years before leaving the Order in 1977. Died in 2005. New suit filed by a man 4/9/14 alleged abuse at Chaminade Prep in about 1970. Suit filed in 11/15 claimed Woulfe sexually abused a Chaminade student 1968-71, including masturbation and oral sex during "college counseling" meetings. On the Order's 6/24/20 list of those "found to have sexually abused a minor."

Fr. Louis J. Wyrsch

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 01/7/1997
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau MO

Diocese announced in 12/07 that it had recently received a credible allegation against Wyrsch involving abuse of a minor about 40 years prior. Worked in Poplar Bluff and Joplin before taking leaving in 1969. Returned as a chaplain at SW Missouri State College in 1970. Left active ministry again in 1973, was laicized in 1989, and died in 1997. On the diocese's list 11/19/18.

Fr. Robert J. Yim

Ordained: 1974
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Sued by three people in 2003 who claimed he sexually assaulted them as boys. Removed from active ministry in 1990, then assigned as hospital chaplain. Yim "chose to resign from active ministry in 1995" but continued w hospital chaplaincy as a United Church of Christ minister. He was suspended from the UCC, per 8/04 article. Three men filed two civil suits in 2003; another man filed similar suit in 4/04. Claims settled 8/04. Laicization announced 1/05. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19.

Fr. Dennis B. Zacheis

Ordained: 1975
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of St. Louis MO

Worked in South St. Louis, Manchester, Lemay, Krakow, Wildwood and Sullivan parishes. Retired without faculties 2010 due to allegations of financial irregularities at parish he pastored. Accused 11/17 of sexual abuse of a boy 1975-78, while assigned to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in Mehlville. Zacheis denied the allegation. Accuser, age 55, filed suit 11/15/17. On the archdiocese's list 7/26/19. Allegations substantiated. Removed from ministry.