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Fr. Leonard A. Abercrombie

Ordained: 1946
Status: Settled

Died: 10/23/1994
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

In a 7/1993 letter to Pope JP II, Denver's Archbishop Stafford, and Los Angeles' Cardinal Mahony, a man alleged he was sexually abused as a boy 1953-1957, from age 7, and said that others were also abused. Further, he said that in 1991 Abercrombie admitted the abuse to his (the man's) sister. Abercrombie was a USAF chaplain 1950-1953 in L.A.; Baker diocese 1962-1964; listed on sick leave. V.A. chaplain in L.A. 1972-1993. Retired. Died in 10/1994. Abuse in the late 1950s reported to the Archdiocese of Denver in 2002. Suit filed in CA in 2003. The L.A. Archdiocese 2/17/2004 report noted two CA victims in the 1970s. Lawsuit in CO filed 9/20/2005. At least 9 men alleged abuse. Some suits were mediated. Others settled in 7/08. Per the CO Attorney General's Report 10/22/2019, at least 18 boys were abused there by Abercrombie 1946-1972, and Denver knew as early as 1963. Victims were still surfacing in 2019.

Fr. Thomas Patrick Barry

Ordained: 1939
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

A woman filed suit against the Denver Archdiocese in 10/2007 alleging sexual abuse by Barry in about 1970, when she was age 16 and had troubles at home. He gave her a place to live before abusing her. The girl's sister walked in on Barry and her sister, who were naked in bed. Their mother reported the abuse to the Archdiocese in 9/1973. No action. Barry died in 2003 at age 97. Barry's alleged victim came forward to the Archdiocese in 2006. Her 2007 lawsuit was dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Included in the CO Attorney General's Report 10/22/2019.

Fr. John R. Beno

Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 12/5/2000
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named in the Colorado Attorney General's Report released 10/23/2019. Accused in 1995 of the rape of a girl, age 5, in 1961. Beno denied knowing her and the Diocese paid her a settlement.  In 2005 another woman alleged he raped her at age 16 in the late 1960s. She said she tried to meet with Beno in the mid-1980s and that he had three lawyers with him and threatened her with eternal damnation. The Diocese later substantiated her claims. Beno was a Denver state senator 1981-1986. He died 12/5/2000.

Fr. Delbert F. Blong

Ordained: 1952
Status: Settled

Died: 07/26/1999
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Monsignor. Held prominent chancery positions. Accused of molesting a boy beginning when the boy was age 14 in 1971 and continuing for 22 years, and of infecting his alleged victim with HIV. His accuser lived in the rectory when he was a minor. A 1993 civil suit settled in 12/1994. Blong admitted a 'relationship' with the plaintiff but countersued, claiming the plaintiff had given him AIDS. The Diocese removed his privileges. Included in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report, noting six known victims, beginning in his first assignment in the 1950s and continuing after treatment and transfers into the 1990s. The Diocese knew of Blong's behavior as early as 1953. He died in 1999.

Fr. Leo Bonfadini

Ordained: 1974
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/19 CO Attorney General's report. The diocese received an allegation in 1994 that Bonfadini sexually abused a boy, age 17, while assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe. When confronted, Bonfadini did not confirm nor deny, but said he had "made regrettable decisions... ." Sent to St. Luke Institute for treatment. Voluntarily relinquished his faculties in 5/1995. Went on to become a U.S. Air Force officer, V.A. counselor, then wellness coordinator and pastoral counselor for a nonprofit in Trinidad, CO. In 10/2019 Bonfadini denied raping the boy.

Fr. Joseph J. Bosetti

Ordained: 1908
Status: Accused

Died: 01/22/1954
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. From Milan, Italy. Ordained in Switzerland. Arrived in CO in 1911. Founded Camp St. Malo. Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. Accused in 2002 of sexually abusing a boy, ages 16-17, in the chancery offices 1949-1950, while Chancellor and Cathedral Boys Choir Director. Died in 1954.

Fr. Charles C. Brown

Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the CO A.G.'s report 10/22/2019. Allegations to the archdiocese in 2005 that Brown sexually abused a boy 1962-1966, beginning when the boy was age 13. Faculties quietly removed. Brown was assigned during the time of the alleged abuse to St. Joseph's in Fort Collins. He transferred in 1970 to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Retired in 2002. Brown denied the allegations. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 5/19/2021.

Fr. Walter P. Buetzler

Ordained: 1942
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

From Germany. Named in the CO Attorny General's report released 10/23/2019. Accused in 1953 of sexually abusing an 11-year-old boy at St. Joseph's in Monte Vista. The boy's father complained to the parish council and the the bishop. Buetzler transferred to CA in 1954 and became a professor of classical languages at the San Diego College for Men. He died in 8/1988. Per the San Diego diocese, Buetzler moved to Germany in 1968. The 1988 Official Catholic Directory shows him as a retired priest of the Diocese of San Diego, but does not note his whereabouts.

Fr. Andrew A. Burke

Ordained: 1969
Status: Settled

Died: 09/21/2005
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Included in 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report, which notes that the Diocese knew in at least 1968 that Burke had a "psychosexual disorder" and knew during Burke's seminary years that he had a "problem." Assigned in 1971 to a hospital chaplaincy and part-time ministry at St. Pius X. Left the priesthood in 1973, was laicized in 1974 and married. A former St. Pius X altar boy came forward in 2004 and sued in 2005, claiming sexual abuse by Burke at ages 11-13 in the early 1970s. Another man alleged in 2005 that Burke abused him 1972-1975, beginning when he was hospitalized at age 10 and Burke was chaplain. Burke died by suicide in 2005 after the second accuser surfaced. He had been the social work director at the CO Mental Health Institute. A third man alleged in 2006 that Burke abused him beginning at age 17 in 1971. The Diocese deemed the allegation by the first accuser credible in 11/2006 but rejected his settlement demands. He and the second accuser filed suits in  7/2008; settled in 9/2009. The third man sued in 2009; settled.

Fr. Rafael Jairo Calle

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Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Extern priest from Ecuador, arrived in Denver in early 1997, assigned to St. Stephen's in Glenwood Springs. Previously was in the Salt Lake archdiocese. Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. It notes reports of recent child sexual abuse to the Diocese in 3/1997, that Calle tried to fondle a 12-year-old boy in a swimming pool, and that he sexually abused a 17-year-old boy in a car. When confronted Calle fled CO and returned to Ecuador.

Seminarian Wilfred Laurent Carignan

Order: OCSO
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Carignan, described as a "monk-in-training" who was not accepted into the order, was accused in 2011 of molesting a boy while working at St. Benedict's Monastery as a beekeeper. The boy was a 6th- or 7th-grader who was being tutored by Carignan in about 2000 when the abuse occurred. At the time of his arrest, Carignan was serving two separate sentences:  6-years to life and 8-years to life for the abuse of another boy. Conviction was in 2008.

Fr. Bernard R. Casper

Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Ordained for the Diocese of Pueblo, CO. Included in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report, as "Father I." The report notes "strong evidence he abused children in the Pueblo diocese 1955-1963. Took a "health" leave of absence in 1963. Underwent treatment at the Paracletes in NM. Began working in NY in 1970s. In 2002 twin brothers accused Casper of molesting them for years, starting when they were altar boys in Albany. They met Casper in early 1970s; in 1973 he became their guardian. When the two came forward in 2002, both the Albany and Rochester Dioceses contended that Casper never had authority to act as priest in New York state. His faculties were suspended. The two brothers sued in 5/2003, then dropped the suit in 2005. One of them was offered financial support from the Pueblo diocese. In 2006 and 2009, Pueblo asked Bernard to seek laicization; he refused, denying the allegations. Pueblo initiated laicization in 2015-2016. Last known to be living in Buffalo NY.

Fr. Meinrad Richard Chung

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Order: OSB
Ordained: 1982
Status: Sued

Died: 03/20/1992
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

From Hawaii. Had taught religion at St. Mary's High School in Colorado Springs for four years when accused of "inappropriate touching" of a male student in 1992. Chung died by suicide 3/20/1992, a day after he was informed that the Diocese was investigating the allegation. Named in a 2004 civil suit by a man who alleged Chung abused him when he was a 14-year old student in 1982 at Holy Cross Abbey, a boarding school in Canon City, CO.

Fr. Bennett Colucci

Order: OFM Cap
Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Died: 09/24/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

A woman reported to the Capuchin Franciscans in 2/2015 that Colucci sexually abused her in the 1980s, when she was a student at Marycrest High School. The Order deemed the allegations credible. The Archdiocese of Denver was investigating, per its 3/3/2016 statement. Colucci worked in Denver 1970 until 1993, when he was removed for "reported misconduct." His assignments included Marycrest High School, Annunciation Parish and Samaritan House. The woman and the Archdiocese reported the allegations to law enforcement. Colucci was living in a Hays KS parish as of 1994. Retired in 2005, living in a Victoria KS parish at least until 2014. Included on the Capuchin Province of Mid-America list 3/1/2019. Died 9/24/2020, at age 89.

Fr. Dorino DeLazzer

Order: CS
Ordained: 1959
Status: Accused

Died: 05/12/2021
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Ordained in NY City in 1959 for the Scalabrinians. Assigned in the Diocese of Buffalo until 1967, then in the Archdiocese of NY. Does not appear in the Official Catholic Directory for the years 1973-1976. Resurfaces in 1977, assigned to a parish in Denver, still as a Scalabrinian. Left the order and was incardinated into the Archdiocese of Denver in 1978. Retired from active ministry in 2005. Placed on leave by the Denver archdiocese without privileges in 5/2010 after a woman alleged sexual misconduct by him in the early 1970s, when she was a minor living in another state. DeLazzer denied the allegations. He died 5/12/2021, age 86.

Fr. Michael C. DeScoise

Ordained: 1975
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's Report released 10/23/2019. In 2018 the diocese received an allegation that DeScoise sexually abused a 14-year-old boy in 1986 or 1987, while assigned to St. Joseph's in Grand Junction. His accuser said the abuse occurred during what was supposed to be confession and spiritual counseling on a walk in a rural area. DeScoise denied the allegation. Faculties suspended. Case sent to the Vatican. In 2016 his faculties had been suspended after he admitted to sexual activity with adult men; they were restored in 2017 after counseling.

Fr. Timothy Joseph Evans

Ordained: 1993
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Issues with "relational dynamics" evident during seminary; ordination delayed until an evaluation said "problems were fixed." Charged with two counts of the sexual abuse of three teenage boys 1995-1997 and in 1999. Removed from active ministry in 2003. Judge was to allow other accusers to testify. Pleaded innocent to all charges. Found guilty in his first trial in 3/2007 and again in another county in a second trial in 4/2007. Named in a civil suit in 4/2007. Sentenced to 14 years to life in prison in 5/2007 with four more years added a day later in another case. The lawuit settled in 4/2008. Laicized in 2013. Included in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. Denied parole in 12/2019. Granted parole in 7/2020. A new lawsuit in 1/2023 claims abuse 1999-2003 of a boy, beginning when the boy was 14.

Fr. Lucas A. Galvan

Order: CR
Ordained: 1980
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Full name Lucas Antonia Galvan Valdez. Pleaded guilty in 1989 to sexually fondling an 11-year-old girl; sentenced to 1- or 2- year suspended jail sentence and deferred adjudication. Sent to Via Coeli in NM for treatment. Charges then dismissed. Girl settled a lawsuit against the Pueblo diocese for more than $90K. Reportedly through the international Theatine Fathers, Galvan was able to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1992 before finding sanctuary in Mexico City. He moved to the Archdiocese of Mexico City in 1997 where the bishop was aware of his conviction. Still active there until removed from ministry in Mexico City 4/22/2010, after a Mexican magazine publicized the case. Apparently allowed to work in other Mexico dioceses. On the Las Cruces diocese's list 6/24/2019, where he worked in 1991.

Fr. William Thomas Gleeson

Ordained: 1966
Status: Accused

Died: 02/7/2018
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Ordained in Newark NJ for the Diocese of Pueblo in 1966. Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. The Diocese received an allegation in 9/1993 that Gleeson sexually abused a boy, age 13 or 14, in the Spring of 1969, when Gleeson was pastor of St. Pius X. The abuse allegedly occurred at the rectory after a road trip with his accuser and another boy. Gleeson is said to have plied the boys with alcohol. He denied the allegation. Sent to counseling, kept in ministry. Died 2/7/2018.

Fr. Marshall Gourley

Order: CR
Ordained: 1982
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Accused in a 9/1997 civil suit of abusing a teenage boy in 1981-1984 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. The alleged victim testified that he reported the abuse to church authorities in the early 1980s. Gourley was placed on leave in 10/1997. The civil case was dismissed in 1998 due to the statute of limitations. Plaintiff appealed; case dismissed in 1999. In 2002 Gourley was working in the medical technology filed, traveling on business between the U.S. and Mexico.  A suit filed in 8/2022 claims Gourley sexually abused a girl, ages 7-11, at Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Fr. William J. Groves

Ordained: 1980
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Included in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. Took in runaway Native American and Hispanic children; gave them drugs and alcohol. Previously worked in MO, NE and KS. Pled guilty in 1990 to the 1989 sexual assault of a 14-year-old boy when pastor of St. Ignatius in Ignacio. Sentenced to 90 days in jail and 4 years probation. Sent to treatment. Left the priesthood. Admitted in 1992 to abusing 4 "Ute boys." Spent 10 years working in OK as a counselor and chaplain at a drug and alcohol rehab center. Fired in 2002 when his past was discovered. Report in 2004 of abuse of of a boy, ages 8-15, 1982-1989. Groves denied it. Accused in 2009 of abuse of boy, age 12-13, repeatedly 1987-1988, and giving him alcohol and marijuana. Named in a 2009 civil suit by two men in CO. Became affiliated with the "Spiritual Light Center" in Franklin, NC; still active there in 2019. In 3/2025 is retired and living in NC. 

Fr. Neil C. Hewitt

Ordained: 1962
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Multiple alleged victims. The Archdiocese knew of allegations in 1992. In 2002 a woman told the Archdiocese that Hewitt sexually abused her cousin in the 1960s. She gave the Archdiocese a letter her cousin had written to Hewitt about the abuse. Her cousin died by suicide in 1991. In 10/2017 a man told a news outlet that Hewitt abused him at age 14 during a trip to Expo '67 in Montreal. He said another priest and two other boys were on the trip. The man came forward to the Archdiocese in 12/2017. Hewitt acknowledged when contacted by another news outlet in 5/2019 that he did things that were "wrong," involving "around eight, maybe nine" boys. Hewitt left the priesthood in 1979 and married. He was laicized in 2018. Included in  the 10/22/19 CO Attorney General's Report. Living in AZ in 2019. As a seminarian in 1958, worked at Camp St. Malo where a deaf boy disappeared and was later found dead. Two other seminarians there at the time were later found to be serial child sex abusers.

Fr. Richard Hiester

Ordained: 1937
Status: Accused

Died: 11/23/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Parish priest, military chaplain during WW II, Cathedral Choir director, director of Camp St. Malo 1954-1968. (In 1958 a boy disappeared from the camp; his remains were found a year later. Hiester waited three days to notify police that the remains were found.) Accused in a lawsuit filed in 11/2023 of sexually abusing an altar boy, age 6, in the 1970s. The boy and his family attended Notre Dame Parish in Denver, where Hiester was assigned. Two other priests are also accused in the lawsuit of sexually abusing the boy over a 10-year period. Hiester died in 1993.

Fr. John V. Holloway

Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 12/9/1982
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the CO Attorney General's report 10/22/2019. It noted that Holloway appeared to use his skills as a PhD psychologist to groom and rape six boys 1962-1982. Further, that his behavior was "the most calculated, horrific, and predatory we saw in our entire review." It also strongly criticized the Archdiocese's response to the victims in the 1990s and early 2000s, noting they did not investigate or report any of the allegations to law enforcement. Also per the report, in 2017 the Archdiocese told the Vatican that an allegation received then was not substantiated, despite not investigating it. Holloway died in 1982.

Fr. Marvin J. Kapushion

Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 04/20/2020
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Monsignor. Longtime director of Catholic Charities. Named as credibly accused in the CO Attorney General's  supplemental report released 12/1/2020. Kapushion's accuser told the Diocese 4/7/2020 that Kapushion sexually abused him as a teenager in 1984 at a Christmas party at the priest's home. The boy was a resident of Sacred Heart Orphanage where Kapushion was his counselor. Kapushion died 4/20/2020. The Diocese reportedly waited until after the priest's death to inform law enforcement of the allegation.

Fr. Daniel E. Kelleher

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 05/17/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as credibly accused by the CO Attorney General in its supplemental report 12/1/2020. Sexually abused a 15-year-old girl in 1962, while assigned to St. Paul Parish in Colorado Springs. Left the priesthood at some point, married and raised a family. Died in Arizona in 2008. Kelleher's victim came forward via the IRRP in 12/2019.

Fr. Gary L. Kennedy

Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's report released 10/23/2019. Allegation received in 9/2019 that Kennedy sexually abused a boy, ages 13-15, during 1967-1969. The priest was assigned to St. Mary's in Montrose at the time of the alleged abuse. He is said to have wrestled with altar boys, one at a time, on a mattress behind a curtain in the church basement. His accuser said that Kennedy would grab him and grind his genitals against him. Kennedy retired in 2011. He was assisting at a Pueblo parish when accused. Removed.

Fr. Richard James Kurtz

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1977
Status: Convicted

Died: 09/14/2024
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Arrested 11/21/2011 in Chicago on charges that he sexually assaulted a boy, age 10, in 2001 outside Denver. Pleaded guilty. Sentenced in 12/2012. Living at Vianney Renewal Center, Dittmer MO under restrictions, but worked at the Columbiere Retreat Center in Clarkston MI 10/2008 to 11/2011. On MO sex offender registry. Teacher at University of Detroit Jesuit High School at the time of the 2001 assault, visiting Denver. Initial report made in 2001 to the Jesuits. Arrested 9/29/2014 in Dittmer on charges of production, transportation, and possession of child porn, after two priests contacted the FBI. Accused of filming boys on the University of Detroit Jesuit High School hockey team while they changed in the locker room during the 1998-1999 season, and of transporting child porn from Clarkson to Chicago. Included on the Jesuits Midwest list 12/17/2018; noted to be incarcerated in federal prison since 2014. On Detroit's list 6/10/2019. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least two "reported survivors." Died 9/14/2024.

Fr. Michael Kurz

Ordained: 1975
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Working in the Rockford diocese as Judicial Vicar of Diocesan Tribunal when accused in a 5/2008 lawsuit filed in Pueblo, CO. The suit claims abuse occurred at Christ the King Church in Pueblo, beginning in 1976 when plaintiff was in his early teens. Rockford said the allegations were unfounded and false since Kurz was not assigned to the parish when abuse is alleged and wasn't yet ordained during another time when abuse was alleged. Settled.

Fr. Conan Lee

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1943
Status: Accused

Died: 08/3/1978
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named publicly as accused by the Franciscans' Santa Barbara Province on its list 5/31/2019. It notes an allegation reported in 2010 of the sexual abuse of a minor 1957-1961. Assigned to Holy Family in Pueblo, CO 1956-1958, and to St. Anthony's in Tigard, OR 1958-1962. Lee died 8/3/1978. Included on the Oakland diocese's list in 2019.

Fr. Delisle Lemieux

Ordained: 1926
Status: Accused

Died: 10/10/1977
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused in the CO Attorney General's report 10/22/2019. In 7/2017 a man told the Archdiocese that Lemieux orally and anally raped him repeatedly when he was a 13-year-old altar boy in about 1969. Lemieux was retired and assisting at Notre Dame Parish in Denver during the time in question, and a family friend. He allegedly invited the boy on a four-day fishing and golfing trip, during which the abuse occurred. Further, Lemieux said to the boy that if he told  anyone about the abuse, he would see that his mother lost her job at the church and that the family would lose their house. The archdiocese's Conduct Response Team found the man "very credible." Lemieux died in 1977. (Per news reports in 1961, Lemieux shot and killed a man whom he caught stealing from the rectory of St. Catherine's.)

Fr. Daniel C. Maio

Ordained: 1966
Status: Settled

Died: 06/9/2006
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Left active priesthood in 1974. Died 6/9/2006. Civil suit filed 3/2010 alleged abuse of a 15-year-old boy 1968-1969 while Maio was Diocesan Youth Director, leading a "SEARCH" program, and assigned to St. Patrick's. Maio allegedly gave the boy and other youths alcohol and marijuana and had them play strip poker. A second suit filed 4/2010 alleged same circumstances, also in 1968. Both suits settled in 5/2011. Included in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report.

Fr. Philip Marin

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1957
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Priest of the Diocese of Pueblo. Transferred to the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1957, where he was assigned until 1973. Died in 1976. Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. It notes a report in 2009 that Marin sexually abused a girl, age 5 or 6, in 1956 or 1957, at Our Lady of Assumption in Trinidad CO.  His accuser said the abuse occurred in the rectory basement, that Marin turned out the lights, put his had over her mouth and said, "It's okay, I love you." She said he also groomed her with presents.

Fr. John F. Martin

Status: Settled

Died: 03/27/1974
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

In 2006 a man reported to the Diocese that Martin and another priest, Andrew Burke, sexually assaulted him on multiple occasions in the early 1970s, when the man worked as a janitor at St. Pius X Parish. Some of the abuse allegedly occurred prior to his 18th birthday. Martin died in 1974. Martin's accuser filed suit in 10/2009. Settled. Included in the CO Attorney General's Special Masters Report in 2019. The report noted that there was no indication in Martin's file that the Diocese investigated after the man came forward in 2006, nor that officials reported it to law enforcement.

Fr. William Martinez

Ordained: 1980
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. Placed on leave and his faculties removed after admitting in 1993 to sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy 12/1980-1/1981, while assigned to Holy Apostles in Colorado Springs (prior to the establishment of the CO Springs diocese). Martinez was in charge of the parish youth group and the boy was a member. Sent to treatment. Resigned from ministry in 1996. His victim sued and received a settlement in 9/1995. Martinez allegedly abused another teenage boy in 1985 or 1986, while assigned to Annunciation Parish in Leadville. The allegation was reported to the CO Springs Diocese within several years; no action by the Diocese, per the Attorney General. Martinez was voluntarily laicized in 2006.

Fr. Mark N. Matson

Order: CR
Ordained: 1976
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Accused of abuse of two in CO in 1987. Acquitted of abuse of one in 1989 in CA. Convicted 2000 in HI of 1998 sexual assault on 13-year-old boy. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. Also worked in San Antonio. Civil suit filed in 2002. Another CO man came forward in 2005 to allege abuse in 1982. He received $22.5K from the order. New civil suit filed in 4/2010 claiming abuse in a CO seminary in 1976. Matson was in prison and on sex offender registry in HI as of 12/2011. Parole denied in 2/2012 but granted in 7/2013. Accused in a civil suit of repeated rape of a boy, age 8, in HI in the late 1990s at Tripler Army Base, where Matson was a chaplain. Per the suit, the alleged victim became mentally incapacitated as a result and his mother became his guardian and conservator. The Theatines' motion to dismiss the suit was denied 12/30/2019.

Fr. James S. Moreno

Ordained: 1976
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly in the CO Attorney General's report in 12/2020 as having abused a boy, ages 15-17, many times during 1978-1980. Moreno plied the boy with alcohol and marijuana, and raped him. His victim first came forward via the IRRP in late 2019. Moreno admitted to the abuse. Laicization pending. His victim filed a lawsuit in 1/2022 alleging abuse 1978-1982, from freshman year at St. Andrew's Preparatory Seminary High School and into his college years. He also alleged that Moreno and other priests raped him at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on one occasion. Accused, along with two other priests, in a lawsuit filed by a 53-year-old man in 11/2023 of sexual abuse 1979-1989. The plaintiff said the abuse occurred at the St. Thomas Seminary library, among other places, and that he was passed around to different priests and raped at Camp St. Malo in Allenspark. The priests allegedly threatened to kill his family if he told. He and his family attended Notre Dame Parish in Denver. Moreno denied the allegations.

Br. William C. Mueller

Order: SM
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Professed vows in 1957 as a Marianist brother, St. Louis Province. Worked in MO, TX, CO. Left the Order in 1986. Multiple lawsuits against the Marianists and Diocese of Pueblo in 2005 and 2006. Accused of drugging and sexually abusing at least 40 students in the 1960s-1980s. Some litigation filed in TX and MO. Dioceses allegedly knew as early as 2002. One MO suit settled in 10/1997. Settlement of 23 suits in 1/2008 for $4M from the Order and Diocese of Pueblo. Another claim settled in 8/2010 for $500K. Included on the Marianists' 6/24/2020 list of accused.

Fr. Edward P. Murphy

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1942
Status: Accused

Died: 06/11/1975
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/2018. Died in 1975. An allegation was received after Murphys death of abuse occurring in the 1940s-1950s.

Fr. J. Bart Nadal

Order: CR
Ordained: 1947
Status: Accused

Died: 02/1/2015
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

From Spain. Arrived in the U.S. in 1949, had a long career in CO. Pastor of Holy Family in Ft. Collins in 1989 when two young sisters, ages 7 and 8,  said he molested them. Nadal, 67, said there was a conspiracy against him within the parish. The family pressed charges. Parishioners harassed the family; the girls needed a police escort to and from school. A jury deliberated ten minutes and acquitted him. Nadal held prominent positions, including rector of St. Andrew's Seminary in Denver and collaborator for the Liturgical Congress of the Denver and Pueblo dioceses. He died 2/1/2015.

Fr. Clifford A. Norman

Ordained: 1960
Status: Accused

Died: 05/3/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/19 CO Attorney General's rReport. Allegation in 1998 to the Diocese that Norman repeatedly sexually abused an altar boy, age 12, in 1968, while pastor of Sacred Heart in Avondale. Norman denied the abuse. He left the Pueblo diocese in 1975 and moved to central Mexico, where he founded a home for abused and neglected children. He died 5/3/2013 in Colon, Queretaro, Mexico.

Fr. John G. O’Flaherty

Donate Photo
Order: SJ
Ordained: 1942
Status: Sued

Died: 06/19/1987
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Worked in OH, MO and CO. Named as accused of the sexual abuse of a child in an amended civil complaint filed in Pueblo in 3/2011. Died 6/19/1987.
    • Amended Complaint in John Doe 24 et al v Bishop of Pueblo, Cause No 201CV561, Pueblo Co District Court
      • Kansas City Star 06.21.87
      • Amended Complaint in John Doe 24 et al v Bishop of Pueblo, Cause No 201CV561, Pueblo Co District Court

Fr. Patrick Henry O’Liddy

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1990
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Joined the Jesuits in 1977. Ordained in 1990. Pleaded guilty in 1999 to sending a lewd photo of himself to a 14-year-old girl over the Internet. Her mother reported the photo to police; O'Liddy was arrested at a meeting site. Sentenced in 8/2000 to 10 years probation and 200 hours of community service. On leave from the Jesuits at the time of the offense. After the court sentence he resigned from the Order. On the Colorado Sex Offender Registry. Included on the Jesuits Central and Southern Province list 12/7/2018.

Fr. Michael J. O’Brien

Ordained: 2000
Status: Reinstated

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Placed on leave in 9/2021 after the Archdiocese received a report that O'Brien abused an altar boy in the early 2000s. His accuser filed a lawsuit in 12/2021, alleging that O'Brien sexually assaulted him over four years, beginning in 2004 when he was age 7. O'Brien would allegedly beat the boy if he did not comply with his sexual demands. O'Brien was assigned to St. Mary's in Aspen 2002-2011, went on sabbatical for 6 months for health reasons, then was assigned as pastor to St. Anthony's in Julesburg. He denied the allegations. In 4/2023 the Archdiocese announced that law enforcement had determined that the allegations were "baseless" and the criminal case was closed. After the Archdiocese's investigation concluded it was announced that O'Brien would be returned to ministry 7/1/2023. A civil trial scheduled for 12/2023 was cancelled in 7/2023.

Fr. Francis A. Pettit

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1937
Status: Accused

Died: 01/7/1987
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

In 1989 a priest of the Denver archdiocese received a report from someone who said they witnessed Pettit sexually abuse a girl in about 1963. His alleged victim was a student at the St. Therese parish grade school. She was deceased by the time abuse was again reported to the archdiocese in 2019. Pettit died in 1987.

Fr. James W. Rasby

Ordained: 1952
Status: Accused

Died: 07/23/2014
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception rector for 20 years. Co-founded the Samaritan House. Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's Report released 10/23/2019. In 1975 a 13-year-old boy told another priest at the Cathedral that Rasby fondled his genitals. Rasby wrote a note to the boy saying "You have every right to be mad at me." Kept in ministry. In 1990 a 16-year-old boy told his parents - who informed the Archdiocese - that Rasby had been hugging him and kissing him on the cheeks, then later kissed him on the lips, despite the boy's protest. As pastor, Rasby had hired the boy as a Saturday receptionist at St. Vincent de Paul parish. Rasby denied kissing the boy on the lips. Sent to outpatient treatment, access to boys restricted. Kept as pastor, retired in 1995. Died 7/23/2014.

Fr. Joseph A. Reade

Ordained: 1954
Status: Settled

Died: 10/4/1990
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

From Ireland. Was an actor in Ireland and briefly in Hollywood prior to entering seminary. Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's Report released 10/23/2019. In 1986 a psychiatrist informed the Diocese of a recent allegation that Reade kissed and fondled an 11-year-old boy at a social gathering. Reade was suspended, then reinstated after the allegation was deemed unsubstantiated. Reade denied the allegation. A report was received by the Diocese  in 1994 that Reade sexually abused a boy, ages 10-12, 1969-1971, while assigned as chaplain to two Grand Junction hospitals. The Diocese settled with the alleged victim, who told investigators there may have been other victims. In 2016 the Diocese reported to Pueblo police an allegation of abuse by Reade in the mid-1950s. Reade died in 1990.

Fr. Gerald Duane Repola

Ordained: 1964
Status: Accused

Died: 03/5/1971
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Named publicly as credibly accused in the CO AG's supplemental report 12/1/2020.(Referred to as Duane Repola; the Directories show Gerald D. Repola. Also called "Jerry.") In 12/2019 a man reported to the IRRP that when he was ages 14-15 in 1967, Repola sexually abused him. Repola was assigned at the time of the abuse to Immaculate Heart of Mary. The report notes that Repola's assignment history indicates the diocese knew he was "engaged in such behavior." He was moved between parishes after short durations, then to a chaplaincy and, soon after, he was removed from ministry. He was placed on leave in 1971 and told to undergo counseling. Repola's personnel file did not explain reasons for the transfers, removal or counseling. He died 3/5/1971, age 33. As a seminarian in 1958, Repola worked at Camp St. Malo, where a deaf boy disappeared and was later found dead. Two other seminarians there at the time were later found to be serial child sex abusers.

Fr. Leonard Scezney

Ordained: 1985
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/19 CO Attorney General's Report. In 3/2007 the Archdiocese received a report that Scezney had sexually abused a 16-year-old girl in about 1985. The girl was a member of the parish youth group at Spirit of Christ in Arvada, where Scezney was assigned. Scezney allegedly took the girl to dinner, was increasingly affectionate toward her, then fondled her breasts under her shirt on multiple occasions. Scezney's faculties were removed by the Archdiocese in 1992.

Fr. John Harley Schmitt

Ordained: 1940
Status: Accused

Died: 06/25/2003
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. In 2010 a woman told the Archdiocese that Schmitt sexually abused her when she was ages 8-9 during 1963-1964 and a student at All Saints in Denver, where Schmitt was assigned. The Archdiocese's Conduct Response Team deemed the allegation not credible. The A.G. report noted the Team's" flawed" process and asserted that it reached the wrong decision. In 1993 a man told the Archdiocese that Schmitt molested him in 1963 while assigned to All Saints, when the man was age 13. Schmitt denied the allegation. He died in 2003.

Fr. Lawrence R. Sievers

Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Left the priesthood in 1973. Laicized. Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's report released 10/23/2019. In 2014 a woman told a diocesan employee that Sievers sexually abused her in 1969, when she was age 17. In 2018 she reported her alleged abuse to the Denver archdiocese. In 1969 Sievers was assigned to St. Joseph's in Grand Junction, temporary chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital and as the the diocese's Youth Moderator of the Grand Junction District.

Fr. Gregory Smith

Ordained: 1922
Status: Settled

Died: 09/14/1992
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Named publicly as credibly accused in the CO Attorney General's supplemental report released 12/1/2020. In 12/2019 the IRRP received a report that Smith sexually abused a boy, ages 9-14 during 1971-76, over 1,000 times while pastor of St. Frances de Sales. The abuse occurred at the church, including in the confessional. Smith would whip the boy while naked and fondle the boy's genitals. His victim received a settlement. Smith died 9/14/1992.

Fr. Lawrence H. St. Peter

Ordained: 1959
Status: Settled

Died: 08/18/2003
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Monsignor. Superintendent of Catholic schools, Vicar of Priests, parish priest. One complainant settled with the archdiocese 7/1/2008 as part of a $5.5M settlement of 18 people alleging abuse by 3 priests. Per the CO Attorney General's report released 10/23/1209, the Archdiocese received allegations against St. Peter as early as 1970. Church files show reports that he abused children, including rape, from the 1960s through the 1990s. He was absent on leave 1993-2002 and died 8/18/2003. Was said to have been living and working at Queen of Peace parish in Denver at the time of his death. In 2/2019 a man stated publicly that St. Peter sexually abused him for years, leading to rape at age 8, twice in 1982. St. Peter was the boy's father's best friend.

Fr. John Francis Stein

Ordained: 1944
Status: Convicted

Died: 11/16/2001
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

In 1991 a man told the Archdiocese that Stein sexually abused him as a boy hundreds of times over a three-year period at St. Catherine of Siena parish in Iliff, beginning in 1953 when he was age 10. The man received a settlement in 9/1996 with a strict confidentiality agreement. Stein had been convicted in 1946 in Golden CO for "indecent liberties" with a 6-year-old boy. He was sentenced to 18-months in jail; the Archdiocese intervened and he did not serve his sentence. Stein allegedly abused at least three boys while at St. Catherine's. He was arrested again in 1956 for child sexual abuse, then released on condition that he leave town. He was sent to treatment in Denver, Oshkosh WI, then to the Paracletes in Jemez Springs NM. Per his file, there were at least four victms in NM. Stein was laicized in 1958. He died in 11/2001 at age 84. His obituary referred to him as "Rev." Stein.

Fr. Melvin F. Thompson

Ordained: 1967
Status: Reinstated

Died: 12/20/2016
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Ordained in 1967 for the Wichita diocese. Transferred to CO in 1969. Removed as parochial vicar at St. Thomas More in Centennial in 4/2010 after recent allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor boy in the 1970s. He denied the allegations. In 5/2010 a man said he told the Archdiocese of "inappropriate sexual behavior" with him by Thompson in the early 1990s when he was age 20. Thompson was sent for alcohol abuse treatment. The Diocesan Review Board found that the allegations were not supported by evidence. Thompson was reinstated in 1/2011 and then retired. He died in 12/2016.

Fr. Joseph J. Walsh

Ordained: 1935
Status: Accused

Died: 04/29/1960
Diocese: Diocese of Pueblo CO

Monsignor. Parish priest, Director of Catholic Charities, hospital chaplain. Died died 4/29/1960. Named publicly as credibly accused by the CO Attorney General in its supplemental report released 12/1/2020. Allegedly sexually abused children, male and female, at Sacred Heart Orphanage in the 1950s. One victim told the bishop in 1969 and the next bishop in 1981. The second bishop told the victim that no one would believe him and that his allegation would hurt the church if it became public. This accuser said the abuse occurred when he was ages 4-8. The second accuser said Walsh abused her at ages 7-13. She first came forward in 2019.

Fr. George L. Weibel

Ordained: 1948
Status: Accused

Died: 11/1/2008
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named as accused in the CO Attorney General's report released 10/23/2019. An allegation was reported in 1988 that Weibel fondled a girl at a swimming pool 1969-1972, and that he similarly abused her and her friends on ice-skating trips. In 2014 the Archdiocese received an allegation that Weibel groped a girl and her friend at a swimming pool when they were 12 year olds in 1966. In 10/2019 a woman told a news outlet that Weibel groped her breasts over her swim suit when she was age 10 in 1959. He died 11/01/2008.

Fr. Robert Whipkey

Ordained: 1983
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the CO A.G. report 10/22/2019. In 1998, during a four-day field trip to a camp in Florissant CO, Whipkey, as chaperone, shared a cabin with four sixth-grade boys. Their parents complained to the archdiocese that Whipkey was naked much of the time in the cabin and put shaving cream on the boys' faces while naked to wake them up at least one morning. Pastor of St. Anthony's in Sterling, Sacred Heart in Peetz, and St. Catherine in Iliff during that time. Required to receive therapy, and was sent to St. Louis for a three-day evaluation. He first denied, then later admitted to a sexual motivation for his behavior. After a year and five months, and despite his therapist's warning, he was reassigned without restrictions to the Cathedral in Denver. Arrested in 6/2007 for walking down a street nude. Placed on leave in 8/2007 after publicity. Convicted in 6/2008 of indecent exposure. Sentenced to five-years probation, community service, and to register as a sex offender. Accused, along with two other priests, of sexually abusing a boy during 1979-1989. The abuse allegedly occurred in various locations, including at the St. Thomas Seminary library and Camp St. Malo in Allenspark, where different priests would rape him. The priests are said to have threatened to kill the boy's family if he told. Whipkey denied the allegations.

Fr. Harold Robert White

Ordained: 1960
Status: Settled

Died: 11/14/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Sued in 2005 and 2006. Suits by at least 30 men and women claimed abuse by White when they were children. Archdiocese allegedly knew about White's behavior as early as the 1960s yet kept him in ministry. Sent to NM for treatment in 12/1981, reassigned to a parish in 1/1982. Worked in 11 parishes over 33 years. Removed in 1993. Laicized in 2004. Died 11/14/2006 in Cancun, Mexico, reportedly while on vacation. Ten suits settled in 1/2007. Others settled in 7/2008. Three more filed in 7/2008. Included in the CO A.G.'s report 10/23/2019; it noted White to be "the most prolific known clergy child sex abuser in Colorado history" and to have likely abused at least 63 children. As a seminarian in 1958, worked at Camp St. Malo where a deaf boy disappeared and was later found dead. Two other seminarians there at the time were later found to be serial child sex abusers.

Fr. Thomas Woerth

Ordained: 1966
Status: Accused

Died: 01/4/2023
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

Named publicly as accused in the 10/22/2019 CO Attorney General's Report. The Archdiocese received an allegation in 3/2019 that Woerth sexually abused a male high school student in 1971, 1972 and 1973, while assigned to both Holy Trinity Parish and St. Mary's High School in Colorado Springs. Woerth denied the allegation. The Archdiocese removed his faculties. News reports in 1983 show that in in 9/1983 Woerth allegedly pushed an 18-year-old young woman down a flight of stairs and punched a female youth counselor, who tried to intervene, in the face. He reportedly was angry at the way the woman played tambourine during mass. He faced misdemeanor assault charges and was ordered to a pre-trial hearing. No further news of the case found. Woerth was pastor of St. Joseph's in Fort Collins at the time of the incident. Per the Official Catholic Directory, he was assigned the following year as an assistant to Holy Family in Denver. Woerth retired in 2008 and moved to FL. He died 1/4/2023.

Fr. Charles B. Woodrich

Ordained: 1953
Status: Accused

Died: 11/10/1991
Diocese: Archdiocese of Denver CO

"Fr. Woody." Monsignor. Founded a homeless shelter, called "Denver's patron saint of the poor." Died 11/10/1991. Named in the CO Attorney General's supplemental report released 12/1/2020, which said Woodrich abused three boys, ages 12-16, in the 1970s and 1980s. The priest allegedly gave two of the boys alcohol and asked another to pose in his underwear, then took pictures. Woodrich's victims reported their abuse via the IRRP in 12/2019, 1/2020 and 2/2020.