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Fr. Charles Arnold Bartles

Donate Photo
Order: SJ
Ordained: 1965
Status: Accused

Died: 07/28/1993
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Assigned in FL, Jamaica, GA and AK. One pending claim against Bartles shown in bankruptcy reorganization documents for Fairbanks diocese 1/25/2010. Died 7/28/1993. On the Jesuits Central and Southern Province list 12/7/2018. It notes multiple allegations of abuse, occurring in the 1970s or 1980s. Removed from ministry. On the Jesuit West Province's list 12/7/2018, noting allegations reported in 2009 0f abuse 1973-1974 and 1978. Location of alleged abuse not indicated. Assigned 1972-1978 to Marist School in Atlanta, GA, then to Our Lady of the Snows church in Nulato, AK 1978-1982. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report, which shows that there were reports in 2016 that Bartles molested Marist School students in the 1970s, after plying them with alcohol.

Fr. Joseph J. Beltran

Ordained: 1955
Status: Sued

Died: 04/30/1995
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly as accused in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Accused in 1971 of inappropriately touching a male parishioner during massages. Beltran admitted to the massages but denied "sinful" intent. Accused in a lawsuit in 3/1994 of molesting a a male in the 1960s while assigned to St. Thomas More in Decatur, GA. Accused in 4/2002 of sexually abusing a 16-year-old altar boy at All Saints in Dunwoody, where he was assigned 1977-1985. His accuser said that Beltran didn't touch him, but would run around the rectory with his genitals exposed. Retired in 1993. Died in 1995. Younger brother of Archbishop Eusebius Beltran.

Fr. Clarence Biggers

Order: SM
Ordained: 1950
Status: Settled

Died: 03/3/2009
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

In 2002 several women accused Biggers of molesting them as children in Marietta, GA in the early 1960s. Transferred to Baton Rouge diocese in 1964. In 2000 a woman told the Baton Rouge diocese he sexually abused her as a girl 1965-1967. Biggers was transferred back to Atlanta in 1967. Began living in a monastery in Conyers, GA in 1969. In 2003 ten women settled for $25K each. Personnel file had a letter from the early 1960s showing that parents of some of the girls had complained to the Marists. His victims were as young as age 10.  Biggers died in 2009. Included on the Atlanta archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. On the Baton Rouge diocese's list in 2019. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Jacob A. Bollmer

Ordained: 1968
Status: Case Dismissed

Died: 08/18/2000
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assigned to Catholic Social Services, included as Executive Director, 1969-1987, while living at Village of St. Joseph, which was a home for troubled youth. An alleged victim said in a news interview in 11/2018 that when he was age 15 in the 1970s, Bollmer asked him to pull his pants down and spin around at Bollmer's St. Joseph Village residence. The man said he reported the incident to the archdiocese after the clergy abuse crisis in Boston was revealed in 2002. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report which details reports of abuse of five children. In 10/1987 another priest reported that Bollmer had sexually abused him since age 12 during overnights at the Village of St. Joseph, and that he lived with Bollmer from ages 14-29. Bollmer admitted to the allegations. Removed from ministry. Ordered to treatment, would not comply. Laicized in 1989. Settlement in 1/1989. Died in 2000. Another man alleged in 2007 abuse beginning at age 11, 1973-1974. Two more men, who were brothers, alleged in 2008 that Bollmer abused them as boys 1973-1978. Settled in 2009.

Fr. Richard Roy Boucher

Order: MS
Ordained: 1960
Status: Settled

Died: 05/1/2020
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Priest of the Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette. Named publicly as accused on the Atlanta archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Worked in the archdiocese at Our Lady of LaSalette. Removed from ministry in 1992 after parishioners complained about Boucher's behavior with young boys, including hugging, squeezing and kissing them. He allegedly abused a nine-year-old boy in the confessional by putting the boy on his lap, having the boy's knee touch his (the priest's) penis, then sighing and kissing the boy on the lips. After his removal, Boucher was moved to the Order's Hartford House in CT, where over many years he was given the roles of superior, treasurer and house council member. Settlement in 1994 related to allegations of a abuse of a boy, age 12. Boucher died in 2020. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Wayland Yoder Brown, Jr.

Ordained: 1977
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 06/8/2019
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

First complaint in 1969 when Brown was a lay CCD teacher in Savannah. Ordained by Bishop Lessard despite advice from Vocations Director. Complaints through the late 1980s. Returned to ministry after treatment at St. Luke's 10/1986-6/1987. Permanently removed from ministry in 7/1988. Three men alleged abuse as children by Brown in the 1960s and 1970s. Pled guilty in 9/2002 to abuse of two boys in 1974 while at Catholic University Seminary in DC; sentenced 2/6/2003 to 10 years prison in MD. Laicized in 7/2004. Released from prison in 2008. New suit in 6/2008; settled in 10/2009 for $4.24M. On Sex Offender Registry. Suit filed in 11/2011; settled in 7/2016 for $4.5M. Indicted in 8/2017 in SC for the rape of two boys in the late 1970s and 1980s on trips to SC, while assigned to St. James in Savannah; the boys were students at the parish school. Pled guilty. One victim said the abuse began at age 9, and that Brown put a gun to his head, threatened to kill him, his family and his dog, and that he liked killing small animals. Sentenced in 10/2018 to 20 years in prison. On the  diocese's list 11/8/2018. Died in prison 6/8/2019. Suit filed in 9/2020. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Sergio Calle Perez

Ordained: 1998
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

From Colombia. Named as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assigned to St. John Neumann 1998-1999, St. Marguerite d'Youville 1998-1999 and Prince of Peace in 1999. Laicized in 2004. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report, which shows multiple teenage and young male victims. Sent to therapy while a seminarian after offering a male parishioner a back massage. Accused of putting his hand down the front of a teenage boy's shirt and squeezing his neck or chest, in the sanctuary behind the altar at St. Marguerite in Lawrenceville, between 1999-1998. Ordered to continue therapy. Sent in Spring 2002 to St. Louis for evaluation due to concerns about boundary violations with a boy, age 17. Removed as pastor of Prince of Peace, placed on leave. One teenage boy complained that Calle-Perez touched him inappropriately during confession. Another said the priest tried to grab his penis while they were swimming. Another accuser said the priest grabbed his crotch while arm wrestling. On one occasion Calle-Perez allegedly took some boys to dinner and a movie, then to his apartment where he gave the boys alcohol then refused to take them home. In 11/2013  a man alleged oral rape by Calle-Perez in 1995, when the man was 15. No prosecution due to the statute of limitations. 

Fr. John J. Calnan

Ordained: 1964
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Priest of the Cork and Ross, Ireland, ordained in 1964. Assigned 1964-1966 to St. Joseph Parish in Augusta, GA. Appears to have left the U.S. in or around 1966. Returned to Ireland, where he spent the remainder of his priesthood. Pleaded guilty in 2012 at the Central Criminal Court to attempted rape and three counts of indecent assault of a girl and one count of indecent assault of a boy; sentenced to 8 years in prison with 3 years suspended. Pleaded guilty in 2/2015 at Cork Circuit Criminal Court to one count of indecent assault of a young girl. Pleaded guilty in 4/2015 to sexually assaulting a girl age 7 in West Cork in 1989, digitally penetrating her while he heard her first confession; sentenced to three years in jail, with the final year suspended. Pleaded guilty in 3/2018 to digitally penetrating a little girl in the late 1980s while hearing her first confession; received a suspended sentence because of his age. Received a suspended sentence in 4/2018 of 18 months for digitally penetrating three girls, 6 to 12 years of age, in 1974-1978, two of them during first confession.

Seminarian Kenneth Joseph Cassity

Order: MS
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 06/10/2006
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Seminarian of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. In 11/1999 a woman told Cassity's supervising priest at St. Ann's in Marietta GA that Cassity was behaving inappropriately with her son, age 8. Sent to St. Luke's Institute for evaluation. Arrested in 4/2002 in Lake Wales, FL, where he had been working since 11/01/2001 as Director of Youth Ministry at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Charges related to allegations of abuse of three boys in 7/1999-12/2000 while working at St. Ann's in Marietta. Pleaded guilty in 7/2003 to molesting 12-year-old twin boys. The third boy was age 16 when allegedly abused. Sentenced to six years in prison and nine years' probation The family sued; settled in 12/2003 for $10M. Cassity died in 2006. Included on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Also reportedly worked 1994-1999 in Silver Spring MD as a youth minister at St. John the Baptist, and briefly as Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Sacred Heart in Glyndon, MD between his assignments in GA and FL. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Jorge Cristancho

Ordained: 1978
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assigned to seven parishes over his career. On leave of absence 1987-1988. On the diocesan Hispanic Liaison Personnel Board 1991-1997. Laicized in 2003. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report, which shows multiple male victims, teenagers and men. It also notes a long history of sexual misconduct with men and women, and that he had been in and out of treatment 1981-2004. In 1979 a man reported that Cristancho had molested his 19-year-old son in the sacristy of Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) parish. Parish leaders allegedly told the man to keep it quiet and not return to the parish. Accused in 1981 of soliciting a 14-year-old boy. In 1989 a man, who was in spiritual direction with Cristancho, reported that the priest sexually assaulted him. In 2005 another man reported abuse at age 15 by Cristancho, at IHM.

Fr. Joseph Dean

Order: GHM
Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Died: 02/14/2007
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Savannah on its list 11/08/2018. Worked in the diocese before 1962. Pastored missions including VA, KY, NC, MS, GA, TX, OK. Died 2/14/2007 in Mt. Pleasant, TX. The diocese's list updated 11/16/2018 notes that Dean was investigated by an "independent investigator", Praesidian, and "exonerated" in 2004. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. 

Fr. John Douglas Edwards

Ordained: 1961
Status: Sued

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assignments included fourteen parishes over the years, often for only a year or two. Leaves of absences 1973-1974 and 1986-1987. Last assignment was 1987-1989. Removed from ministry in 2/1990. Laicized in 1992. Died in 1997. Lawsuit filed in 12/2018 by a man alleging abuse 1976-1978 when he was an altar boy, ages 12-15. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Indications in Edwards' personnel file of issues as early as 1962, when he admitted to "charges" involving boys, leading to Archbishop Hallinan prohibiting Edwards from visiting private homes and requiring him to report monthly to the Archbishop. In 2018 a man disclosed that Edwards abused him at ages 12-13 in 1962-1964. The PAC report details reports of abuse of boys in every decade of his career, and that he was sent to treatment and reassigned, despite concern expressed to the Archdiocese from at least one fellow priest, a nun, and parishioners.

Fr. Philip S. Gage

Order: SM
Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Officials of the Marist School announced in 1995 that Gage had been removed in 1993 after allegations that he molested a 17-year-old student in 1989. The victim became seriously ill with cancer, during which time Gage molested him. During the investigation, officials learned of another possible victim who was 18 at the time of the alleged abuse. Gage was sent to his Order's headquarters in Washington D.C. Possibly living in the Atlanta area as of 2009. Per the Marist website accessed 10/2017, Gage was a Council of the Province member. Included on the Wheeling-Charleston diocese's list in late 2018. Worked there at St. Vincent de Paul 1979-1981. Included on the Atlanta diocese's list in 11/2020 which notes "Supervised by Order." Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Adolphe J. Gall

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1921
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly as accused on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Noted to have worked in the diocese 1932-1960. Deceased. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. In 2004 a woman disclosed that she was sexually abused 1956-1958 at ages 7-9 by Gall and Fr. S. John Murray, at Immaculate Conception in Augusta, GA.

Fr. Lorenzo Garcia

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1997
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 11/8/2018. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. In 8/2004 a man in his early 20s reported that Garcia made sexual advances toward him. Report to diocesan officials in 9/2004 of 'inappropriate behavior' with a boy. Also, a 16-year-old Mexican boy was living in the rectory with Garcia. May have been sent to St. Luke's Institute for treatment. Suspended in 8/2008 after an allegation in that he sexually abused an altar boy, age 10, 1998-1999. Laicized.

Fr. Eugene A. Gavigan

Order: OCSO
Ordained: 1954
Status: Accused

Died: 07/25/1959
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named as accused on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Joined the Trappists in 7/1947 and took solemn vows 8/15/1951. Ordained at Holy Ghost Abbey in Conyers in the Atlanta archdiocese. Released from cloister reportedly for ill health and to 'pursue his talent as a sculptor at Notre Dame.' After teaching assignments he worked in Savannah 1958-1959 as assistant pastor of St James' parish. Died at age 30 on 7/28/1959 in a fall, during a camping trip to the Grand Canyon with two 16-year old boys, one of whom also died. Included in 11/2020 on the Atlanta diocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. It shows that in 2002 a woman reported that Gavigan sexually abused her multiple times in 1959, when she was age 6 and a student at St. James Parish School in Savannah. She said Gavigan was babysitting her when he blindfolded her and stuck his penis in her mouth, and that he tried to put it into her vagina. She said the priest told her father she had been bad, so her father spanked her.

Fr. Henry B. Groover

Order: OP
Ordained: 1992
Status: Sued

Died: 01/17/2017
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Assigned in GA, FL, LA. Arrested in 2003 for exposing himself to a police officer. Accused in a 1/2017 lawsuit of luring a young boy into sex acts 1983-1986, when Groover was a tugboat captain in GA, prior to ordination. The plaintiff's lawyer said Groover raped, molested and drugged his client, destroying his childhood. He also said Groover bought a house near the now-adult victim and his family and that he observes and approaches his client's children. Groover died by suicide 1/17/2017, days after he was served the lawsuit. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. 

Fr. James A. Harrold

Order: SMA
Ordained: 1942
Status: Accused

Died: 08/30/2009
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

From Ireland, where he was ordained. Assigned in GA in 1947. Named publicly as accused on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018, his surname misspelled 'Harold.' Middle initial A is given in the Official Catholic Directory. Noted on the list to have worked in the Savannah diocese 1948-1956. Assigned in Atlanta and then to an African-American parish and high school in Savannah. Subsequently he was a fundraiser based in Tenafly NJ, Doylestown PA, and Dedham MA, with two stints as a West African missionary in Liberia. He was also treasurer of the American province 1958-1962 and superior in Dedham 1974-1976. In 1982 he returned to Ireland, where he died 8/30/2009. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Allegedly raped a minor in 1957, resulting in the birth of a boy.

Fr. Raymond F. Horan

Ordained: 1968
Status: Accused

Died: 06/9/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Moved through eleven parishes during career, assigned to a high school 1969-1971. Sabbatical in 1987. Removed from ministry in 1992. Died in 2017. Included in the GA PAC's Report 3/24/2023., which shows that in 1992 a man told the Archdiocese that Horan sexually abused him at age 14 in 1974 during a camping trip. Horan admitted the abuse. Also, a woman reported in 2/1991 that her son was sexually abused by Horan in 1983 at age 17.

Fr. Benedict Yu Bok Hyon

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1977
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

From the Diocese of Chon Ju, South Korea. Assigned to Korean Martyrs Catholic Church in Doraville, GA 1990-1992. Named publicly as accused in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Suspended from ministry in 11/1992 after a report that Hyon 'improperly touched' a young girl on several occasions. The girl's family did not want to prosecute. Hyon returned to Korea, his Bishop informed of the allegations.

Fr. Bartholomew Keohane

Donate Photo
Order: SMA
Ordained: 1929
Status: Accused

Died: 12/5/1989
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Assigned in West Africa, GA and CA. Named publicly as accused on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Noted to have worked in the diocese 1947-1961. Died December 5, 1989, age 85. Had been living in Tenafly, NJ. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Report to the Savannah diocese in 2002 that Keohane sexually abused two girls in the 1950s.

Fr. John Peter Krzyzanski

Order: OFM Conv
Ordained: 1982
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Found in 2000 by superiors with child pornography; sent to St. Luke's in MD for treatment. Admitted to viewing child porn and to an attraction to girls as young as age 11. Denied sexual contact with children. Underwent three psych evaluations over time. Moved in 2008 to a home for senior friars near Albany NY. Accused in a federal lawsuit settled in 2018 of sexually abusing a 6-year-old boy in suburban Atlanta 1997-1998. Allegedly called the boy out of his first communion class for confession, then had the boy touch his genitals under his robes. On a second occasion Krzyzanski was said to have made the boy perform oral sex on him, telling the boy that if he didn't comply, he wouldn't get into heaven. Dismissed by a judge due to the statute of limitations; settled out of court. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's report, name redacted. Referred to as #151. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC report (name misspelled Kryzanski).

Fr. Austin Martin

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Order: SDS
Ordained: 1958
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly by the Savannah diocese on its list 11/8/2018. Noted to have worked in the diocese 1964-1969, and to have been laicized. Deceased. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report, which shows that Martin was assigned in the diocese 1963-1968. Allegation to the diocese in 2005 of abuse of a girl in the 1960s at St. Benedict's in Columbus, GA. Martin allegedly first raped the girl when she was 15, and their 'relationship' continued for "quite some time." She had gone to Martin at age 14 in 1963 for help with a family issue. His alleged victim said he may have also been involved with two other girls.

Fr. Leonard Francis Mayhew

Ordained: 1955
Status: Accused

Died: 02/20/2012
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Named publicly as accused on the archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assigned to parishes in Decatur, Atlanta, Athens, Monroe and LaGrange. Removed from ministry in 1966. Laicized in 1968. Died in 2012. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Multiple allegations of abuse 1962-1968. Admitted in 1964 to "initiation for altar boys in the rectory" which included "divesting clothes, shaving cream, cold shower. Massaging abdomen until red...wrestling." In 1966 a 15-year-old boy reported the "initiation" behavior toward him by Mayhew, which included the priest forcing his penis into the boy's body. The boy was interviewed by Church officials in 10/1966, witnessed by Fr. Joseph L. Bernardin. 

Fr. John Molloy

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1984
Status: Guilty plea

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

From Ireland. Ordained for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Per the Atlanta archdiocese on its list 11/05/2020, Molloy went to Ireland on leave of absence in 1985. He was in active ministry in the Archdiocese of Tuam in Galway until removed in 1995 after admitting to molesting two boys, ages 4 and 5. Laicized in 1998. Pleaded guilty in Ireland in 2003 to sexually abusing two other children, between 1985 and 1991. Sentenced to two one year terms, to run concurrently. Placed on the Permanent Register of Sex Offenders. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. 

Fr. Anton Mowat

Ordained: 1967
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

From England. Arrived in the Archdiocese of Atlanta in 11/1985. Subject of complaints of "misconduct" in England, Atlanta Archdiocese not informed. In Summer 1986 a fellow priest at Corpus Christi parish in Stone Mountain, Fr. Richard Wise, reported to his supervising priest, Fr. Kenney, concerns that Mowat had young boys hanging around the rectory and sleeping over. Kenney reportedly did nothing. Mowat was removed from ministry in 10/1987 due to allegations of abuse of boys at Corpus Christi. Returned to his home diocese in England, admitted to a treatment facility 11/2/1987. Indicted in 4/1988 on charges of abuse of four altar boys, ages 12-14, in Stone Mountain, GA. Fled to a monastery in Italy. Superiors in England knew of his whereabouts, did not inform U.S. authorities. Extradited from England in 1990 and convicted. Sentenced to 6 years jail and 9 years probation. Served 15 months; released and deported to England. Changed his name in 1992 to Paul Francis Scott. The Atlanta archdiocese paid at least $358K to families of three of the boys. In 1997 Mowat was again extradited on charges of violating his probation by inappropriately touching an 11-year-old boy in 1994 in England. Ordered ordered back to prison in 11/1997 for four years. Included on the Atlanta archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Joseph E. Moylan

Ordained: 1917
Status: Accused

Died: 04/11/1967
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Monsignor. Held prominent Chancery positions, including Vicar General. Named publicly as accused in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Report to the Archdiocese in 8/2006 that Moylan sexually abused an altar boy on one occasion in 1952, while assigned to Christ the King in Atlanta. The boy allegedly rode his bike home and told his father, who the boy didn't know was Moylan's best friend. His father slapped, hit and beat the boy with his belt.

Br. Robert (Hugh) Murphy

Order: OCarm
Status: Settled

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Assigned in WI, GA, Ontario Canada, IL, NJ. In 2002 Murphy admitted that he had received treatment for sexual misconduct with children in Georgia in 1973 and for inappropriate behavior with boys in Chicago in the 1980s. He was removed from his assignment in 1985 and reportedly sent for treatment 1985-1999. Resigned from the Board of Members at Joliet Catholic Academy after his admission. Included on Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Noted to have worked in the diocese 1969-1971. On the Carmelites' list 11/22/2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes that he was removed in 2005 from public ministry and placed on a safety plan. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. The Carmelites settled for $2.9M in 9/2023 with a former Mount Carmel High School student in Chicago, for claims that Murphy abused him 1982-1986. The plaintiff said he told a school official of the abuse at the time, but no action.

Fr. S. John Murray

Order: SMA
Ordained: 1956
Status: Accused

Died: 05/17/1996
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Noted to have worked in the diocese 1959-1960. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report, which notes that he was assigned in the diocese 1957-1960. Murray died in 1996. In 2004 a woman disclosed that she was sexually abused 1956-1958 at ages 7-9 by Murray and Fr. Adophe Gall, at Immaculate Conception in Augusta, GA.

Fr. Joseph W. Paulantonio

Ordained: 1945
Status: Accused

Died: 10/29/1997
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Ordained for the Diocese of Marquette MI. Worked also in the Archdiocese of New York, the Dioceses of Brooklyn, Richmond and Trenton, and the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Several leaves of absence. Named publicly as accused on the Atlanta archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Assigned there for a few years in the 1970s in to St. Jude the Apostle. Accused in 1993 of sexually abusing two sisters, ages 11 or 12 and 13, while assigned to St. Jude. Died in 1997. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report.

Fr. Nicholas Quinlan

Donate Photo
Ordained: 1932
Status: Accused

Died: 05/8/1981
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly as accused on the diocese's list 11/8/2018. Leave of absence 1946-1953. Retired in 1972. Died in 1981. In 2005 a woman told the Diocese that when she was a resident in the 1940s at St. Mary's Catholic Home for girls, three nuns physically abused her and she was sexually abused by Quinlan. The woman said she was placed at the Home at age 5 and that the abuse went on for four years. In 2018 a man reported that Quinlan sexually abused him as a 12-year-old altar boy in 1962-1963.

Fr. Alberto Rodriguez

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Order: OP
Ordained: 1971
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

In a 2005 civil suit filed in Miami, a man accused Rodriguez of abusing him as a minor at Holy Cross in Atlanta. Plaintiff alleged that Rodriguez kept him locked in the basement of the rectory, drugged him and abused him over a 30-day period. The plaintiff also alleged abuse by multiple other priests in Miami. He fled to Atlanta to escape the abuse. Supposedly Rodriguez admitted abuse to Fr. Hector Gonzales Abreu. Suit settled 2007.

Fr. Louis P. Rogge

Order: OCarm
Ordained: 1954
Status: Guilty plea

Died: 08/8/2007
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Traveled the country for short-term assignments with the Carmelite missions. Pleaded guilty in 1974 to child molestation charges in Athens GA for abuse of a boy in 1972. Sentenced to six years' probation. Returned to active ministry in 1976. Accepted into the Joliet diocese in late 1992, where he sexually abused two brothers in 1996 and 1999. Removed from public ministry in 2002. Indicted in 12/2006 on criminal charges for the abuse of the two Joliet boys; pleaded guilty in 4/2007. Was expected to receive a 60 day sentence and probation. Died in 8/2007 before sentencing. Included on the Atlanta archdiocese's list 11/6/2018. Included on the Carmelites list 11/22/2020. Added in 2/2021 to the Joliet diocese's list. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC report.

Deacon Rigoberto Santiago

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Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Ordained for the diaconate in 1987. From the Diocese of Ponce in Puerto Rico. Assigned to GA parishes 1994-2000. Named publicly as accused in the GA PAC Report. Faculties suspended 1/26/2008 after an allegation that Santiago sexually abused a girl, age 15, about 16 years prior. Santiago denied the 'incident' with the girl, but said that in 2005 an 'incident' occurred with a 15-year-old girl who was staying with the other girl's family.

Fr. Wayne Schimmelmann

Order: CMF
Ordained: 1986
Status: Accused

Died: 01/12/2017
Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

Assigned in MO, NJ, IL, GA. Named publicly as accused in the GA PAC Report. In 9/1995, the Archdiocese received a report Schimmelmann behaved inappropriately toward a 13-year-old girl, by pressing her against a wall and tickling her, and pulling her to sit in his lap at the inside of his thigh. Accused in a 2004 lawsuit of sexually harrassing a female CNA at a nursing home the previous year, where he was chaplain; the woman said she was fired from her Catholic hospital job in retaliation for the allegation. She said Schimmelmann fondled her on numerous occasions. He died 1/12/2017.

Fr. Robert J. Teoli

Ordained: 1955
Status: Settled

Died: 12/12/1980
Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 11/8/2018. Died in 12/1980. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. In 8/2004 a woman reported that Teoli sexually abused her 30 years prior, when she was in grades 7 and 8 and he was pastor of St. Michael's in Tybee. She said the abuse continued after his transfer to Nativity in Thunderbolt, GA. She was offered but declined a $40,000. settlement. Accused in 1/2007 of sexually abusing a boy  1963-1967. The Diocese deemed the allegations unsubstantiated and gave the man $5000. In 4/2008 a woman alleged abuse by Teoli around 1956-1963, beginning when she was age 8. She received a settlement of $50,000. Another woman alleging abuse as a child by Teoli also received a $50,000. settlement in 2008.

Fr. William John Tuffy

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Ordained: 1970
Status: Accused

Diocese: Archdiocese of Atlanta GA

"Liam." From Ireland, where he was ordained for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Worked in South America 1972-1975 with the Society of St. James the Apostle Missions, then the Archdiocese of Boston 1975-1990. Incardinated into Boston 1986. Left the priesthood in 1990. Named publicly as accused in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. The Archdiocese received a report in 2013 that Tuffy sexually abused a boy, age 12, at St. Jude's in Sandy Springs, GA, where he was assigned 1970-1972. Per his accuser, Tuffy was living in 2013 in Ireland and was shown on Facebook to be a retired Fireman.

Fr. Patrick Tuttle

Order: OFM
Ordained: 1994
Status: Accused

Diocese: Diocese of Savannah GA

On 4/4/2024 the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province Franciscans announced that Tuttle had been removed from public ministry, due to allegations of sexual misconduct. Four months prior he was removed from active ministry and as pastor of Holy Spirit in Macon, GA. The order stated that Tuttle was "under the strict supervision of an independent monitor."