Fr. Edward B. Carley

Accused of abuse of boys in the 1950s-1980s. A parent complained in 1957; nothing done. Another complained in 1995. Suit filed in 1997; dismissed due to the statute of limitations. Name publicly released when one man settled for $65K in 2005. Retired in 1993; died in 1998. Name on list of abusive priests released by the Diocese 11/16/2006. More suits filed in 12/2006 and 7/2008. A 2006 suit settled in 4/2009 for $1.5M. The plaintiff died day after signing the settlement agreement. At least three other settlements in 2010 and 2011. Personnel files released in 2/2012.
- Findagrave 01.25.98
- CBS 3 / KYW 02.14.05
- News Journal 02.16.05
- News Journal 11.20.05
- News Journal 11.21.05
- The Dialog 11.16.06
- News Journal 12.28.06
- NBC 10 12.28.06
- News Journal 12.29.06
- Daily Times 12.29.06
- News Journal 07.20.08
- News Journal 04.09.09
- News Journal 04.24.09
- News Journal 10.28.09
- News Journal 04.12.10
- News Journal 01.06.11
- Diocese of Wilmington list of Acused Priests 02.19.12
- News Journal 02.19.12
- Houston Chronicle 11.19.13
- News Journal 07.30.14
- Delaware Law Weekly 08.01.14