| Lawsuit Filed against Priest for Allegedly Luring Minor into Illegal Sex Acts
By David Klugh
January 12, 2017
Henry Groover's 2003 mugshot at the Chatham County Jail. (Source: CCSO)
A Savannah resident and ordained priest was served a lawsuit claiming that in the 1980's, he lured a minor into illegal sex acts.
Henry Groover has a criminal history. In fact, he was arrested in 2003 for exposing himself to a Savannah-Chatham Metro Police officer.
The victim's lawyer Mark Tate says Groover specifically sought out a new house to be near the victim, who is now an adult. He said Groover knew where the victim and his family lived.
"He's using his position. He's cleared the foliage and he's observing my client and approaching his children, knowing full well that he raped, abused, molested, drugged and otherwise just totally destroyed this young man's entire childhood and really his entire life,” said Tate.
Tate says he believes Groover's history has not made many headlines in Savannah because Groover is Paula Deen's brother-in-law.
He says the ultimate goal, in this case, is to encourage more childhood sexual abuse victims to come forward. Tate adds he hopes to have this case prepared for trial in six months.
We will keep you updated on its progress.