Abuse Tracker 2013
Part 6: November to December 2013
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
November 2013
November 1
- State High Court May Sway Case against Maplewood Priest, by Abby Simons, Star Tribune (October 31, 2013)
- Restore Image of Priests for Obsolete Doctrines,vatican Concordats, Narcissist “saint” John Paul Ii, Mass Fake Cloning of Christ Religious Spectacle?, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (October 31, 2013)
- Bishop Bares Soul on How He Caused Hurt to His Priests, Failed to Understand Abuse Victims and Struggled to Cope with the Murder of Michaela Mcareavey, by Liam Clarke, Belfast Telegraph (November 1, 2013)
- Dominicans Seek Polish Priest Wojciech Gil on Child Sex Rap, in Hong Kong Standard (November 1, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse Well South of the Border: Will Latin America Be a Test for Francis?, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (November 1, 2013)
- William Richardson, Youth Minister, Accused of Sexually Abusing Girl, 9, by David Moye, Huffington Post (November 1, 2013)
- Catholic Church Might Reinvent Itself As Fianna Fail Has Done, Says Priest, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (November 1, 2013)
- Dominican Republic Asks for Extradition of Another Polish Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Children, in inSerbia (November 1, 2013)
- How Abuse Within the Churches Was Allowed to Develop and What Is Needed to Ensure It Never Recurs, in The Tablet (October 30, 2013)
- Acusan a Sacerdote De Violacion Sexual Contra Un Menor En Ayacucho, in La Republica (November 1, 2013)
- Piden Extradicion a Republica Dominicana De Sacerdote Polaco Acusado De Pedofilia, on BBC (November 1, 2013)
- Bishops under Fire in Italy, the United States, and Spain, in Chiesa (November 1, 2013)
- Polish Priest Wanted over Dominican Child Sex-abuse, on BBC (November 1, 2013)
- 2002 Document: Archdiocese Did Not Ask Abusive Priest for Names of Victims, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (November 1, 2013)
- Polish Priest Abused Seven Minors, in Dominican Today (November 1, 2013)
- Review of Murphy Commission's Work Says Process It Followed Was Unfair, by Sarah MacDonald, The Pilot (November 1, 2013)
- North Yorkshire Police Cleared over Jimmy Savile Contact, in BBC (November 1, 2013)
- Testimony from Brothers about Accused Archbishop "Unreliable:" Defence Lawyer, by Chinta Puxley, Brandon Sun (November 1, 2013)
- Abp Jozef Wesolowski Poslugiwal Sie Falszywymi Dokumentami, Zeby Uciec Z Dominikany? Duchowny Przebywa W Watykanie, in Natemat (November 1, 2013)
- Renewed Calls for Independent Investigation into Magdalene Laundries, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (November 1, 2013)
- Younger Magdalene Survivor to Seek Compensation for Loss of Right to Education, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (November 1, 2013)
- Tebartz-van Elst Findet Aufnahme Im Kloster Metten, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (November 1, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse Case Filed against Portland Archdiocese, in OPB (November 1, 2013)
- Playin" Church with Francis; the "Bergoglio of Saskatchewan'; and Iraq, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (November 1, 2013)
- Joseph T. Herp, Ex-priest Accused of Abuse, Dies at 67, in The Courier-Journal (November 1, 2013)
- Text Error Classifies Pedophilia As Sexual Orientation in Medical Manual, by Travis Gettys, Raw Story (November 1, 2013)
- Another Accuser Names Grammond, in Catholic Sentinel (November 1, 2013)
- Dominican Prosecutors Seeks to Extradite Polish Priest Accused of Child Sex Abuse, by Amanda Schiavo, Latin Times (November 1, 2013)
- Dominican Authorities Send Catholic Priest’s Indictment to Poland, in Dominican Today (November 1, 2013)
- Boy, Girl Allege Sexual Abuse by Priest at St. Peter’s Church in Cambridge, by Erin Baldassari, Wicked Local Cambridge (November 1, 2013)
November 2
- Former Church Group Leader Charged with Abusing Two Children, by Cheryl Conner, ABC 2 (November 2, 2013)
- Former Leader of Church Youth Group Charged with Sexual Abuse of Teens, by Brian Hooks, The Patch (November 1, 2013)
- Baltimore Church Youth Group Leader Arrested for Teen Sex Abuse, in Fox (November 1, 2013)
- Baltimore Church Youth Group Leader Charged in 1997 Sexual Abuse Case, in Baltimore News Journal (November 1, 2013)
- Police Watchdog Clears North Yorkshire Force over Jimmy Savile Allegations, in The Press (November 1, 2013)
- P.s. More on Vatican Directive to Bishops" Conferences to Poll the Faithful: the Response of Bishops" Conference of England and Wales, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (November 2, 2013)
- Attorney General May Continue Mccort Abuse Investigation, by Kathy Mellott, The Tribune-Democrat (November 2, 2013)
- Mary Young: Law Must Aid Abused Children, in Reading Eagle (November 2, 2013)
- Dominicans Seek Polish Priest Wojciech Gil on Child Sex Rap, in Hong Kong Standard (November 2, 2013)
- Procuraduria General Envia Expediente Formal Acusatorio Del Sacerdote Alberto Gil a Polonia, in El Nuevo Diario (November 2, 2013)
- Piden Extradicion De Sacerdote Polaco En Republica Dominicana, in Andina (November 1, 2013)
- I Don't Want to Hate Anymore. Help US Forgive, by Frank Laferriere, Berlin Daily Sun (November 2, 2013)
- A Call for the Resignation of Archbishop Nienstedt!, by The Minnesota SNAP (November 2, 2013)
- Government Should Read Review of Murphy Report before Launching Further Investigations, by The Association of Catholic Priests (November 1, 2013)
- Albany Diocese Ordered to Turn over Clergy Abuse Files, by Brendan J. Lyons, in The Albany Times Union (November 2, 2013)
- Da: McCort Abuse Scandal Report to Be Handed to State Investigators, by WJAC (November 2, 2013)
- Church's Spending Habits a Bit Rich, by The Brisbane Times (November 3, 2013)
November 3
- Hidden priests, secret pasts: Church silent about where it houses credibly accused clerics, by Mark Mueller, in The Star-Ledger (November 3, 2013)
- Louisville Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz Poised for Higher Calling Within the Church, by Peter Smith, in The Courier-Journal (November 3, 2013)
- Oratory of Saint Joseph Pedophile Priests! Montreal: Second Class-Action Suit Targets Congr�gation De Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross Cannot Protect Children!, by Paris Arrow, in The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (November 1, 2013)
- Religious Right Extinct? Not As Far As USCCB Is Concerned, by William D. Lindsey, in The Bilgrimage (November 2, 2013)
- Cardinals, bishops, and the pope's diplomat to greet Newark's new assistant archbishop, by Jeff Green, in The Record (November 2, 2013)
- El Cura Pederasta Decia a Los Menores Que Irian «al Infierno� Si Contaban Los Abusos, by The Levante (November 2, 2013)
- Judge Approves $1.35 Million Settlement in Ratigan Lawsuit, by Judy L. Thomas, in The Kansas City Star (November 2, 2013)
- Esther Rantzen leads calls for law to compel doctors, teachers and social workers to report suspected cases of child abuse, by Paul Cahalan, in The Daily Mail(November 3, 2013)
- Reactie Op De Uitgave Van Het Vrouwen Platform Kerkelijk Kindermisbruik, by Den Haag, in The Onderzoek (October 29, 2013)
- I Am Lost, by Sylvia, on The Sylvia's Site (November 1, 2013)
- Column: Pope Francis Has Energized Many Catholics, by Don Heinzman, in The ABC Newspapers (November 1, 2013)
- Tevlin: Unlikely Church Rebel Wants Change Now, by Jon Tevlin, in The Star Tribune (October 30, 2013)
- McCort Case in Limbo, by Kathy Mellott, in The Tribune-Democrat (November 2, 2013)
- Should Pope Fix the Way the Vatican Is Run?, by Brittany Tressler, in The Patch (November 3, 2013)
- Could This Married Feminist Be the Catholic Church's First Woman Cardinal? Rumours Rife That Reforming Pope Francis Is Preparing to Break with 900 Years of History, by Lizzie Parry, in The Daily Mail UK (November 3, 2013)
- Former Priest Charged with Indecent Assault against Children, by The South Coast Register (November 4, 2013)
- Judge Oks $1.3m Settlement in Kc Priest Lawsuit, by The Daily Journal (November 3, 2013)
- Action Call on Background Checks, by Patrick Billings, in The Examiner (November 4, 2013)
- Priest Is Suspended As Child-Abuse Probe Starts, by Nicola Anderson, in The Irish Independent (November 4, 2013)
- Bishop Tells Mass-Goers Parish Priest on Leave over Child Sex Allegations, by Patsy McArdle, in The Irish Times (November 4, 2013)
- Fiscalia Dominicana Exige a Polonia Detener a Ex Sacerdote Acusado De Pederastia, by The Analitica (November 3, 2013)
November 4
- Bishop: Priest Has 'Presumption of Innocence' in Cavan Sex Abuse Investigation, by The Nationalist (November 4, 2013)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse and the Church: Views from Rome and Washington, by Joan Frawley, in The National Catholic Register (November 4, 2013)
- Audio: Bishop Won't Comment on Priest Accused of Abuse, by The Newstalk (November 4, 2013)
- Times Writers Group: Archdiocese Leaders Fail to Practice What They Preach, by Lois Thelen, in The Times Writers Group (November 3, 2013)
- Failing to Report Child Abuse Should Be a Crime Says Keir Starmer, by John Bingham, in The Social Affairs (November 4, 2013)
- Former Church Youth Leader Charged with Child Sex Abuse, by The CBS Baltimore (November 3, 2013)
- 'Without a Change in the Law There'll Be Another Savile' - Warns Top Barrister, by The Irish Independent (November 4, 2013)
- Child Abuse Victim: 'I Had This Special Attention', by The BBC News (November 4, 2013)
- Failure to Report Child Sex Abuse Should Be a Crime Otherwise There Will Be Another Savile Says Former Top Prosecutor, by Suzannah Hills, in The Daily Mail (November 4, 2013)
- Prosecute Professionals Who Stay Silent on Child Abuse Claims � Keir Starmer, by Josh Halliday, in The Guardian (November 4, 2013)
- 'Savile Abuse Victims Let down by Lack of Reporting by Professionals', by The BBC News (November 4, 2013)
- Not Reporting Child Abuse 'Should Be Criminal Offence', by Sanchia Berg, in The BBC News (November 4, 2013)
- Poll: Should It Be Illegal to Fail to Report Child Sexual Abuse?, by The Shropshire Star (November 4, 2013)
- Archdiocese Reveals More Clergy Misconduct after Prayer Service, by Anthony Lonetree, in The Star Tribune (November 4, 2013)
- Church: 2 Minn. Priests Taking Leaves of Absences, by Patrick Condon, in The Seattle Pi (November 4, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Father David Barrett, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford (November 3, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Father Paul Moudry, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford (November 3, 2013)
- Two Mn Priests on Voluntary Leaves of Absence, by The Valley News Live (November 4, 2013)
- 2 Minn. Priests Take Leaves of Absences Due to 'Prior Misconduct', by Leslie Dyste, in KAAL (November 4, 2013)
- 2 Minn. Priests Take Unrelated Leaves of Absences, by WCCO (November 3, 2013)
- Guest Column: Catholic Church 'Collaborative' Plan Shrouded in Hypocrisy, by Mary Garrity, in The Wicked Local Walpole (November 3, 2013)
- Bishop: Priest Has 'Presumption of Innocence' in Cavan Sex Abuse Investigation, by The Irish Examiner (November 4, 2013)
- Priest Steps Aside As Garda� Investigate Child Abuse Allegations, by The Irish Examiner (November 4, 2013)
- Kilmore Parish Priest Voluntarily Steps Aside As Abuse Allegation Investigated, by The RTE News (November 4, 2013)
- Priest Steps Aside As �child Safeguarding␝ Complaint Is Investigated, by The Journal (November 4, 2013)
- Popular Catholic Priest Suspended over Child Inquiry, by The Irish Mirror (November 4, 2013)
- Order Told State to Scrap Vow on Abuse Redress, by Conor Ryan, in The Irish Examiner (November 4, 2013)
- Catholic Priest Finian Egan Found Guilty of Eight Counts of Child Sex Abuse , by Paul Bibby, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 4, 2013)
- Catholic Priest Finian Egan Guilty of 30 Years of Sexual Abuse, by News.com.au (November 5, 2013)
- Sydney Priest Father Finian Egan Guilty of Eight Child Sex Offences, by Thomas Oriti, in The ABC News (November 4, 2013)
- Jury Finds Nsw Priest Guilty of Child Sex, by Lema Samandar, in The 7 News (November 4, 2013)
- Priest Faces Sex Abuse Inquiry, by The Belfast Telegraph (November 4, 2013)
- Trinity Professor Tipped to Be Church's First Female Cardinal, by Sarah Macdonald, in The Irish Independent (November 4, 2013)
- Lassa: My Bills Will Help Victims of Sexual Assault Get Justice COLUMN, by Julie Lassa, in The Stevens Point Journal (November 3, 2013)
- Child Sexual Abuse Victims Will Get Better Support, by The Messenger (November 3, 2013)
- St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese Faces Clamor for Leadership Change, by Brian Roewe, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 4, 2013)
- Santander Made Child Sex Abuser an Executive Boss, by Dominic Gover, International Business Times (November 4, 2013)
- Sex, Lies and Video Tapes: Is It Time for the Black Church to Change?, by Huffington Post, Sophia A. Nelson (November 4, 2013)
- A Challenge for the Good Priests, by Joelle Casteix, They Worthy Adversary (November 4, 2013)
- "I Lost My Innocence:" Commission Hears of Childhoods Lost in Residential Schools, by Michael Wright, Calgary Herald (November 4, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Michael Jerome Keating, in BishopAccountability.org (November 4, 2013)
- Bend Priest Appeals Bishop's Decision to Remove Him from Church, in The Republic (November 4, 2013)
- Two Minn. Priests Step Aside for "Prior Misconduct", by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (November 3, 2013)
- 2 Twin Cities Priests on Leave for Misconduct "Many Years Ago", by John Brewer, Pioneer Press (November 4, 2013)
- Top Santander Executive Quits after He Is Exposed As Convicted Paedophile, by Wills Robinson, Daily Mail (November 4, 2013)
- Vatican Spokesman: Female Cardinals "Theoretically Possible", by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (November 4, 2013)
- Vatican Dismisses Reports of Women Cardinals, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (November 4, 2013)
- Can Francis Really Change the "Old Boys" Club" That Controls Bishop Appointments?, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (November 4, 2013)
- Irish Priest Found Guilty of Child Sex Abuse in Australia, by Padraig Collins, Irish Times (November 4, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest to Be Sentenced Next Week, in Cyprus Mail (November 4, 2013)
- Media Release, in Road to Recovery (November 4, 2013)
November 5
- Pray That Justice Is Done, by Sylvia, on The Sylvia's Site (November 4, 2013)
- a Catholic Brother Is to Face a Court in Queensland, by The Broken Rites (November 4, 2013)
- The Church Harboured Fr Finian Egan While He Abused Children, by The Broken Rites (November 4, 2013)
- Doblin: a New Bishop for Newark on Election Day, by Alfred P. Doblin, in The Record (November 4, 2013)
- Businessman Arrested in Chabad Child Sex Abuse Case, by Shmarya Rosenberg, in The Failed Messiah (November 4, 2013)
- Royal Commission Calls for Victims from the North Coast Children's Home, by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Chile Sexual Abuse (November 4, 2013)
- NJ - Nothing Changes Today in Newark Archdiocese, by Snapclohessy@aol.com, in The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 5, 2013)
- Ricardo Aldana Pervert Catholic School Teacher Charged with Molesting Teen Still Not Tried Nearly Three Years after Arrest, by Gustavo Arellano, in The Orange County Weekly (November 5, 2013)
- Daniel Hayman Charged over Child Sex at Bondi's Jewish Yeshiva Centre, by Richard Baker, in The Age (November 5, 2013)
- A Child Protection System That Is Not Fit for Purpose, by The Colette Douglas Home (November 5, 2013)
- Child Abuse Charges Laid against Former Yeshiva Volunteer, by Sarah Farnsworth, in The ABC News (November 5, 2013)
- Catholic Church Wary of Vic Abuse Report, by The Herald Sun (November 5, 2013)
- Jury Finds 78-Year-Old Aussie Priest Guilty of 3 Decades of Sex Crimes with Young Girls As Victims, by Vittorio Hernandez, in The International Business Times (November 5, 2013)
- Australian Living in U.S. Arrested for Child Sex Abuse, by JTA (November 5, 2013)
- Sexual Assault Arrest in Sydney, by J-Wire (November 5, 2013)
- Cyprus: Priest Convicted in Abuse Case of Young Girl, by Nikoleta Kalmouki, in The Greek Reporter (November 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese LED Lobby to Stop Abuse Law Change, by Tony Kennedy, in The Star Tribune (November 5, 2013)
- New Jersey Capitol Report Ep. 330, by NJTV (November 5, 2013)
- Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM, by Hunter Stuart , in The Huffington Post(November 5, 2013)
- Abuse Victims Await Truth in Vic Report, by The 9 News (November 5, 2013)
- Law Change Must Follow Vic Clergy Report, by The 9 News (November 5, 2013)
- Suicide Support Wanted from Vic Report, by The 9 News (November 5, 2013)
- Irish Priest Found Guilty of Child Sexual Abuse in Australia, by The Journal (November 5, 2013)
- Extend Statute of Limitations for Child Victims of Sex Abuse: Editorial, by The Star-Ledger (November 5, 2013)
- John Paul's Secretary Says It Was Mistake to Meet Legionary Founder, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (November 5, 2013)
- DNA Results Absolve Catholic Priest of Paternity Accusation, by Willis Oketch, Standard Digital (November 5, 2013)
- Bishop of Limerick’s Message to Victims of Abuse, in Limerick Leader (November 5, 2013)
- $1.4 Million Settlement for Priest's Sex Abuse, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (November 5, 2013)
- Sacerdote Si Podria Quedar En Libertad, in Jornada (November 5, 2013)
- Our View: Archdiocese Should Right Its Wrongs in Abuse Cases, in St. Cloud Times (November 5, 2013)
- Computer-generated Preteen Girl with Webcam Helps Identify 1,000 Pedophiles, in Raw Story (November 4, 2013)
- First Payments to Madgalene Laundry Survivors Will Be Made in 4 to 6 Weeks, in Journal (November 5, 2013)
- A Call for the Resignation of Archbishop Nienstedt, in Progressive Catholic Voice (November 5, 2013)
- Jpii "Knew Nothing" about High Profile Serial Predator Priest, in SNAP (November 5, 2013)
- Prosecutor of the Faith, by Lucinda Schmidt, Sydney Morning Herald (November 6, 2013)
- Big Announcement, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (November 5, 2013)
- Idaho Priest Removed from Missouri Parish, by Bill Roberts, Idaho Statesman (November 5, 2013)
- Priest Ousted, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 4, 2013)
- Former Residential School Supervisor Found Guilty of 10 Sexual Offences, in StarPhoenix (November 5, 2013)
- Ex-residential School Worker Convicted of Abusing Boys, in CBC News (November 5, 2013)
- Former Residential School Supervisor Convicted, in Global News (November 5, 2013)
- Former Supervisor of Saskatchewan Residential School Convicted of Molesting Boys, in GlobalPost (November 5, 2013)
November 6
- Ex-Priest on Child Sex Charges Closer to Trial, by Victoria Nugent, in The Armidale Express (November 6, 2013)
- Ten Prelates Nominated for US Bishops' Conference President, by The Cna Daily News (November 6, 2013)
- U.S. Bishops General Assembly — November 11-14, by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 6, 2013)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Seeks Abuse Suit Dismissal, by Alan Scher Zagier, in The Associated Press (November 6, 2013)
- " Imagine Your Five Year Old Being Taken Away" - Wilson, by Sian Thomson, in The Courier-Islander (November 6, 2013)
- Let's Make Sure This Never Happens Again, by The Courier-Islander (November 6, 2013)
- €50k for Magdalenes, by The Irish Independent (November 6, 2013)
- Former Residential School Worker Guilty of 10 Sexual Offences, by CTV (November 6, 2013)
- Pope's " Advice" to Newark: It's Time to Talk, by The Whispers in the Loggia (November 6, 2013)
- a Catholic Brother Is Charged Re Sydney School Children, by The Broken Rites (November 6, 2013)
- Retired Catholic Brother Charged with Historical Indecent Assaults of Sydney School Children, by The New South Wales Police Force (November 6, 2013)
- Catholic Brother Charged over Historic Dural Sex Assaults, by The Telegraph (November 6, 2013)
- Retired Catholic Brother Arrested over Child Sex Offences, by The Northern Rivers Echo (November 6, 2013)
- Brother Charged over Schoolboy Assaults, by The 9 News (November 6, 2013)
- Zenit-Linked Priest Wanted for Suspected Child Sex Abuse, by The Ria Novosti (November 6, 2013)
- St. Pete Priest Suspected of Child Molestation, by The Interfax (November 6, 2013)
- Other Pontifical Acts, by The Vatican Information Service (November 6, 2013)
- Football: Zenit Priest Charged with Molesting Children, by The Globalpost (November 6, 2013)
- Priest Denies Accusations of Child Molestation, by The Interfax (November 6, 2013)
- With vote, bishops may set new tone or 'hunker down', by Joshua J. McElwee, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 6, 2013)
- Proces Des Redemptoristes : Doyle Reconnu Comme Expert Apres Un Long Debat, by Isabelle Mathieu, in The Le Soleil (November 5, 2013)
- The Best Path for Archbishop Nienstedt Is to Step Aside, by Eric S. Fought, in The Minnpost (November 6, 2013)
- Cardinal Dziwisz on Maciel: a Very Limited History, by Tom Roberts, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 6, 2013)
- MO - Victims Challenge Kc Bishop on Two Priests, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 6, 2013)
- MO - Snap: Archbishop Continues Decades-Long Pattern of " Legal Dodging", by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 6, 2013)
- NY - New Catholic Bishop for Rochester Is " Awful", by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 6, 2013)
- Polska Otrzymala Materia Ly Ws. Afery Pedofilskiej Na Dominikanie. " 650 Kart I Dysk Twardy", by Tomasz Baliszewski, in The Natemat (November 6, 2013)
- First Charges in Sydney Child Abuse Probe, by The Australian Jewish News (November 7, 2013)
- Hayman Told He's Not Welcome, by The J-Wire (November 6, 2013)
- Your Tax Dollars at Work: Minnesota Public Radio Manufactures Story and Repeatedly Smears Innocent Priest, by The Mediareport (November 4, 2013)
- St. Paul Priest's Criminal-Sex Conviction Upheld in High Court, by Emily Gurnon, in The Pioneer Press (November 6, 2013)
- Minnesota Supreme Court Again Upholds Law on Clergy Sex, by Abby Simons, in The Star Tribune (November 6, 2013)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Seeks Abuse Suit Dismissal, by Alab Scher Zagier, in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (November 6, 2013)
- Mn Supreme Court Upholds Conviction of Priest, by KARE (November 6, 2013)
- Mn - Catholic Priest Loses at Mn Supreme Court; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 6, 2013)
- Archdiocese Lobbied against Extending Time Limit for Sex Abuse Suits, by Brian Lambert, in The Minnpost (November 5, 2013)
- For Rochester, Rome Declares Matano Law – Vt. Prelate to Upstate Post, by The Whispers in the Loggia (November 6, 2013)
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester Welcomes Bishop Salvatore Matano, by Linda Quinlan, in The Webster Post (November 6, 2013)
- Pope Names Bishop Matano of Vermont to Head Diocese of Rochester, N.Y., by The Catholic News Service (November 6, 2013)
- MO - Carlson Wants Suit Dropped; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, November 6 (November 6, 2013)
- Norbert Denef Auf Dem Petersplatz in Rom, by The Schwigen (November 6, 2013)
- Act of Reconciliation – N. 555.086, by Netzwerkb (November 6, 2013)
- Krankenhaus Statt Papstaudienz, by Pisaversteher.com (November 6, 2013)
- Numbers - Not Souls: a Culture Ripe for Abuse, by The Watch Keep (November 6, 2013)
- Poland Gets Documents on Priests in Dominican Rep. Child Abuse Case, by The Dominican Today (November 6, 2013)
- NBC Charlotte Obtains Confidential Elevation Report, by Stuart Watson, in WCNC (November 5, 2013)
- Minn. Court Upholds Clergy Sex-Misconduct Law, by The Associated Press (November 7, 2013)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Seeks Dismissal of Abuse Suit, by Alan Scher Zagier, in The Associated Press (November 6, 2013)
- Second Priest Accused of Sex Abuse in Ayacucho Peru, by Rachel Chase, in The Peru This Week (November 6, 2013)
- Senior Leader in Legionaries of Christ Resigns, by Edward Pentin, in The National Catholic Register (November 6, 2013)
- Priest Denied New Trial in Conviction for Sexual Relations with Parishioner, by Laura Yuen, on The Minnesota Public Radio (November 6, 2013)
- Matano Oversaw Dark Days at Diocese, by Keith McGilvery, in WCAX (November 7, 2013)
- 5 Officials at Longmont Church Accused of Failing to Report Alleged Child Abuse by Youth Pastor, by Lan Gathright, in The Denverchannel (November 6, 2013)
- Boulder Police Ticket Vinelife Church Officials for Failing to Report Alleged Sex Assault, by Mitchell Byars, in The Daily Camera (November 6, 2013)
- Jason Roberson Vinelife Church Youth Pastor, by Charged with Sexually Assaulting Minor for Years, in The Huffington Post (November 6, 2013)
November 7
- Salvatore R. Matano Introduced As Rochester's Next Bishop, by Sean Dobbin, Democrat and Chronicle (November 6, 2013)
- Longmont Church Leaders Accused of Failing to Report Sexual Assault Case, in KDVR (November 6, 2013)
- LONGMONT Church Officials Involved in Sexual Assault Investigation, in 9 News (November 7, 2013)
- Police Bill for Jimmy Savile Sex Abuse Investigation Hits ?2.7milllion Including ?490,000 in Overtime Payments, by Amanda Williams, Daily Mail (November 7, 2013)
- Former Anchorage Deacon Sentenced in Child-pornography Case, by Yereth Rosen, Alaska Dispatch (November 6, 2013)
- Some Rich Minnesota Donors Turn from Archbishop Nienstedt, by Baird Helgeson, Star Tribune (November 7, 2013)
- Archbishop Thomas Wenski Among Nominees for Catholic Leadership Role, by Howard Cohen, Miami Herald (November 7, 2013)
- Pornography, Liturgy Among Topics at Upcoming Bishops’ Meeting, in Headlines from the Catholic World (November 7, 2013)
- Kerk En Slachtofferkoepel Klokk Bieden Gezamenlijk Rapport Aan, in knr (November 5, 2013)
- Former Priests Cop Legal Bill, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 7, 2013)
- Minn. Supreme Court Upholds Clergy Sex-misconduct Law, in KAAL (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Resigns from Legion of Christ General Council, in Zenit (November 7, 2013)
- Ex-priest from Moree/armidale Nsw Faces Court Again, in Broken Rites (November 7, 2013)
- Father Jerome Kern Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, in Jeff Anderson and Associates (November 7, 2013)
- With Horror Film, Uxbridge Filmmaker Gets a Dark Revenge, by Victor D. Infante, Telegram & Gazette (November 7, 2013)
- Pa. Priest Removed in 2009 Enters Child Porn Plea, by Joe Mandak, Times Union (November 7, 2013)
- Lutheran Official Says Catholic Bishops Misled Him, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- A Response to Today's Star Tribune Article: “archdiocese LED Lobby to Stop Abuse Law Change”, in St. Paul Area Synod (November 5, 2013)
- Cultural Differences Allow Paedophiles to Escape the Law, Says Child Sex Abuse Investigator Chris O'connor, in Herald Sun (November 7, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Freeze Pensions for 8,500, by Harold Brubaker, Philadelphia Inquirer (November 6, 2013)
- Victims Praise Prosecutors in Boulder Church Abuse Case, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Abp. Wesolowski Podejrzany O Pedofilie. Osadzi Go Watykan!, in Super Express (November 7, 2013)
- Archbishop Robert Carlson Asks to Dismiss Witness Tampering Charges in Sex Abuse Case, by Lindsay Toler, Riverfront Times (November 7, 2013)
- Govt Agrees Magdalene Redress Scheme Implementation, in RTE News (November 7, 2013)
- Convicted Molester Works at Tucson Church, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Compensation for Laundries Victims, in Belfast Telegraph (November 7, 2013)
- Pa. Priest Removed in 2009 Enters Child Porn Plea, in WTAE (November 7, 2013)
- Western Pa. Priest Removed from Ministry over Sex Abuse Allegation Enters Child Pornography Plea, by Joe Mandak, The Republic (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Once Stationed in Chicopee Accused of Abuse, by Anthony Fay, WWLP (November 7, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse Allegation Made against Franciscan Friar Michael Kolodziej, Formerly in Chicopee, by Anne-Gerard Flynn, The Republican (November 7, 2013)
- Former Rector of Local Basilica Accused of Abusing a Minor, in iobserve (November 7, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Fr. Michael Kolodziej, Ofm Conv., in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Who Served in Chicopee Facing Abuse Allegations, in iBerkshires (November 7, 2013)
- Baltimore Priest and High School Teacher Accused of Sex Abuse of a Minor, in Fox 45 (November 7, 2013)
- Fr Eugene Lewis in Court Battle over Child Abuse Convictions, in BBC News (November 7, 2013)
- Priest to Fight Sex Abuse Convictions, in UTV (November 7, 2013)
- Head of Italian Religious Order Held in Corruption Inquiry, by Tom Kington, The Guardian (November 7, 2013)
- Latest Clergy Abuse Suit Claims Archdiocese Moved Priest from St. Paul to Edina, by Jean Hopfensperger And Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (November 7, 2013)
- Father Jerome Kern Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, in Jeff Anderson and Associates (November 7, 2013)
- Stepinac H.s. Rocked by Rape Allegations against Former Teacher Amanda Iles, in News 12 (November 7, 2013)
- 27-year-old Female Teacher Arrested for Raping 14-year-old Student, in Gothamist (November 7, 2013)
- Catholic School Teacher Charged with Raping 14-year-old Student, by Brett Wilkins, Digital Journal (November 7, 2013)
- Religion Teacher Accused of Raping Teen Boy, in WABC (November 7, 2013)
- Former Religion Teacher at White Plains School Accused of Having Sex with Student, in CBS New York (November 7, 2013)
- Former Teacher at Westchester Catholic School Accused of Raping Student, in PIX 11 (November 7, 2013)
- Female Former Stepinac Teacher Charged with Rape of Boy, in Daily Voice (November 7, 2013)
- Conn. College, Others Face More Sex Abuse Lawsuits Involving Founder of Haiti School, in Washington Post (November 7, 2013)
- Removed Charleroi Priest Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Porn, by Rich Lord, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (November 7, 2013)
- Poland Examines Dominican Republic Child Sex Abuse Allegation Files, in The News (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Who Worked in Springfield Is Accused; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Art & Argentina Stories Give Me Hope, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Pastoral Priorities from Pope Francis for the US Bishops, in National Catholic Reporter (November 7, 2013)
- The Dangers of Keeping Organizational Secrets, by Rick Cohen, Nonprofit Quarterly (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Investigated for Alleged Abuse in 1970s, by Robert Lang, WBAL (November 7, 2013)
- Former Curley Student Accuses Priest of Abuse, in ABC 2 (November 7, 2013)
- Former Chicopee Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse in Maryland, in WGGB (November 7, 2013)
- Lawsuit Alleges Church Officials Knew Priest Abused Children As Early As 1969; Kept Him in Ministry, by Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio (November 7, 2013)
- Former Charleroi Priest Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Pornography, by Brian Bowling, The Tribune-Review (November 7, 2013)
- Judge Says Dying Ky. Priest Fit to Stand Trial, in Daily News (November 7, 2013)
- Priest, Accused of Abusing Two Boys, Found Competent to Stand Trial, in WHAS (November 7, 2013)
- Catholic Group to Hold Rally Urging Nienstedt to Step Aside, by Baird Helgeson, Star Tribune (November 7, 2013)
- No Stumbling into the Flowerpot Now As Enda Plots Collision Course with Church, in Irish Independent (November 6, 2013)
- Anger As Catholic Orphanage Abuse Inquiry Ends, by Nic Rigby, BBC News (November 7, 2013)
- Priest's Abuse in St. Paul Covered up by Archdiocese, Suit Claims, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (November 7, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Minn. Priest, by Leslie Dyste, KAAL (November 7, 2013)
- Former Louisville Priest Will Stand Trial on Sex Abuse Charges, by Courtney Godfrey, WDRB (November 7, 2013)
November 8
- Priest Facing Abuse Lawsuit Has 10 Victims, Attorney Says, in Star Tribune (November 7, 2013)
- Former Archbishop Curley Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Colin Campbell, Baltimore Sun (November 7, 2013)
- Victim in Sex Abuse Case Feared Vinelife Church Leaders Would "Not Take Matter Seriously, by Mitchell Byars, Daily Camera (November 8, 2013)
- Abuse Victim Says "It's Time to Speak up", by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 8, 2013)
- Jail Threat for Clergy Who Cover up Child Sexual Abuse, by James Campbell, Courier Mail (November 8, 2013)
- Former Duluth Teacher Convicted of Sex Abuse Now Directs Arizona Choir, by Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune (November 8, 2013)
- Reporting Abuse, by Paul Handley, Church Times (November 8, 2013)
- Children Still at Risk, Says New Report, by Tim Wyatt, Church Times (November 8, 2013)
- Inician Audiencia Contra Sacerdote De Constanza Por Presunto Abuso Sexual, in Entorno Inteligente (November 8, 2013)
- Some Magdalene Survivors to Get Compensation before Christmas, by Joanne Hunt, Irish Times (November 7, 2013)
- Priest Suspended after Affair with 18-year-old, by Tim Wyatt, Church Times (November 8, 2013)
- Deacon Sentenced for Child Pornography Conviction, in KTVA (November 7, 2013)
- N.J. Priest Barred from Ministry over Claim He Sexually Abused Mentally Disabled Man in "90s, by Mark Mueller, The Star-Ledger (November 8, 2013)
- Bishop Ignored Child Sex Charges, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 8, 2013)
- Jealousy Could Be a Reason for Defaming the Priest Suspected in Pedophilia - Paper, in Interfax (November 8, 2013)
- Anglican Church May Value Hindsight, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 8, 2013)
- Kc Catholic School Leader Fired over Suspicious Photos on Computer, by Michelle Pekarsky, Charly Arnolt and Macradee Aegerter, Fox 4 (November 7, 2013)
- Catholic High School Staff Member Fired over Alleged Porn Report, by Laura McCallister, Multimedia Producer, KCTV (November 8, 2013)
- Archbishop O'hara High School Teacher Fired over "Suspicious" Picture, in KSHB (November 8, 2013)
- Brother at O'hara High School Fired for "Suspicious Photo", in KMBZ (November 8, 2013)
- Who Is Allan Kitchingman? (or: Where’s Phil?), in lewisblayse.net (November 8, 2013)
- Far from Exhaustive…, in Sylvia's Site (November 7, 2013)
- "Towards Healing" Helps the Church, Rather Than the Victims, in Broken Rites (November 8, 2013)
- Submission to the Royal Commission Re "Towards Healing", in Broken Rites (November 8, 2013)
- Police in Italy Kidnap Plot to Prevent Priests Voting, in The Australian (November 8, 2013)
- Editorial, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (November 8, 2013)
- Experts Discuss Why the Struggles of Priests Are So Well Publicized, by Patrick Cooley, Cleveland.com (November 8, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Victims Request Disability Pension, in ABC (November 8, 2013)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Survivors Call for Pension Plan, in ABC News (November 8, 2013)
- Priest Who Worked in Atlanta Area Is Accused; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Middlesex County Priest Barred from Ministry after Sex Abuse Allegation, in NJToday (November 8, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Child Molestation Will Be Detained When He Crosses Russian Border - Investigations Committee, in Interfax (November 8, 2013)
- Predator Priest Can Stand Trial; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 8, 2013)
- Catholic Female Teacher Accused of Rape; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- More Secrecy & Delay by Finn in New Clergy Sex Case, in SNAP (November 7, 2013)
- Citing Policy Violation, St. Elizabeth Fires Coach Tom Ferrier, in News Journal (November 8, 2013)
- Holtan Makes Headlines, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (November 8, 2013)
- Put Concrete Realities on US Bishops" Agenda, in National Catholic Reporter (November 8, 2013)
- Verona Pastor Charged with Child Sex Abuse, by Todd Densmore, WHSV (November 8, 2013)
- Buena Vista Pastor Arrested on Sex Offenses, by Roberta Anderson, The News-Gazette (November 8, 2013)
- DCFS Investigating Alleged Sexual Incident at Hales Franciscan, by Adam Sege, Chicago Tribune (November 8, 2013)
- Another Priest Assumed Guilty, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (November 8, 2013)
- Alexandria Priest Imposed Life of Prayer and Penance, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria (November 8, 2013)
- Again, Catholic Officials Refuse to Call Police, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 8, 2013)
- Vatican Seems to Miss Deadline, in SNAP (November 8, 2013)
- Prosecutor Replaces Church As Monitor of Accused Ex-wyckoff Priest Michael Fugee, by Abbott Koloff And Kibret Markos, The Record (November 8, 2013)
- Bergen Prosecutor Rips Newark Archbishop, Says Charged Clergyman Will Leave Priesthood, by Mark Mueller, The Star-Ledger (November 8, 2013)
- Victims Blast Bishop for Secrecy about Predator, in SNAP (November 8, 2013)
- Mo. Minimum Wage Established, in Berger's Beat (November 8, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct Remains out of Ministry, by Susan Loyer, MyCentralJersey (November 8, 2013)
- Experts Discuss Media Coverage of Catholic Priests" "Struggles," Odd Bouts of Navel-gazing Ensue, by Eric Sandy, Cleveland Scene (November 8, 2013)
- Bergen Prosecutor Blasts Newark Archdiocese, Accused Pedophile Pastor Leaves Priesthood, in Cliffview Pilot (November 8, 2013)
- Consent Order in State of New Jersey V. Fr. Michael Fugee, in Superior Court of New Jersey (November 1, 2013)
- NJ Prosecutor Blasts Newark Archbishop, in SNAP (November 8, 2013)
November 9
- Newark Priest Agrees to Laicization As Punishment for Court Order Violation, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (November 8, 2013)
- Resolution of 4th Degree Criminal Contempt Charge against Michael Fugee, in Bergen County Prosecutor's Office (November 8, 2013)
- SNAP to Protest outside a Tucson Church This Sunday, by Mari Herreras, Tucson Weekly (November 8, 2013)
- Children's Advocacy Center Urges Adults to Make Kids" Safety a Priority, in Arkansas Matters (November 8, 2013)
- NJ Priest in Court Flap Agrees to Leave Priesthood, by Katie Zezima, ABC News (November 8, 2013)
- Rabbi Pleads Not Guilty to Child Sex Abuse Allegation, in KABC (November 8, 2013)
- Former Buffalo Priest Facing Sex Abuse Allegations, in WKBW (November 8, 2013)
- Retired Alexandria Priest Ordered to "Life of Prayer and Penance" in Sexual-misconduct Case, by Jodi Belgard, Alexandria Town Talk (November 9, 2013)
- Priest with Ties to Buffalo Accused of Abuse, by Dave McKinley, WGRZ (November 9, 2013)
- Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss..., in Berlin Daily Sun (November 8, 2013)
- Spared Prison, the Rev. Michael Fugee Faces Loss of His Priesthood, Lifetime of Restrictions, in Star-Ledger (November 8, 2013)
- Accused Priest Fugee Admits to Contempt, Agrees to Leave Priesthood, in The Record (November 9, 2013)
- Former Wny Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by Rich Newberg, WIVB (November 8, 2013)
- Catholic Group Calls on Twin Cities Archbishop Nienstedt to Resign, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (November 9, 2013)
- A Call for the Resignation of Archbishop Nienstedt!, in Minnesota SNAP (November 9, 2013)
- Saturday Protest at the Cathedral Will Call for Archbishop Nienstedt's Resignation, by Joe Kimball, in The Minnpost (November 08, 2013)
- Group of Catholics Rallying for New Leadership, by WCCO (November 08, 2013)
- Sprawa Arcybiskupa Wesołowskiego. Watykan Milczy, by The Money (November 09, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Case Ends in Mistrial, by Rachel Davis, in The Daily Mountain Eagle (November 09, 2013)
- Should Public Arts Organizations Give $ to Convicted Sex Offenders?, by Joelle Casteix, in The Worthy Adversary (November 09, 2013)
- Greek Priests Embezzle Nearly One Million Euros, by Ioanna Zikakou, in The Greek Reporter (November 09, 2013)
- Confidant Cardinal Tells New Tales about Pope John Paul's Role in Scandal, by Jason Berry, in The Globalpost (November 08, 2013)
- Archdiocese's Involvement in the Minnesota Religious Council, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 07, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Press Conference on Jerome Kern, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 07, 2013)
- Demonstrators Call for Nienstedt's Resignation, by Tom Scheck, in The Minnesota Public Radio (November 09, 2013)
- Protesters in St. Paul Ask Archbishop to Resign, by Will Ashenmacher, in The Pioneer Press (November 09, 2013)
- Catholic Group Asks Archbishop Nienstedt to Step down, by Renee Tessman, in KARE (November 10, 2013)
November 10
- Sydney Priest Kevin Lee the First Confirmed Australian Death in Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, by Patrick Lion, in The Courier Mail (November 10, 2013)
- Catholics Gather at Cathedral to Protest Archbishop Nienstedt, by WCCO (November 09, 2013)
- Church to Pay Eur 80.000 As Landmark Paedophile Ruling Becomes Final, by STA (November 09, 2013)
- Protestors Ask for Nienstedt to Resign, by Joel Runck, in KEYC (November 10, 2013)
- Popular pope, but same old church, by Brian Cahill, in CNN (November 09, 2013)
- Priest Who Taught Here Faces Sexual Abuse Charge in Baltimore Diocese, by Melinda Miller, in The Buffalo News (November 09, 2013)
- Ex-Sydney Priest Among Philippines Dead, by The Telegraph (November 10, 2013)
- Former Nsw Priest Kevin Lee Who Blew the Whistle on Child Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church Feared Dead in Philippines Typhoon, by Patrick Lion, in The Herald Sun (November 10, 2013)
- Former Australian Priest Kevin Lee Dies in Philippines Typhoon, by The Australian (November 10, 2013)
- Archdiocese Protest, by The Star Tribune (November 09, 2013)
- This Government Inquiry Can Expose Church Cover-Ups, by The Broken Rites (November 11, 2013)
- U.S. Bishops To Meet November 11-14 In Baltimore, Hear Addresses By Cardinal Dolan, Nuncio, by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 10, 2013)
- Officials in Public Offices Should Be Held to Higher Standards: News Comment of the Day, by Cleveland.com (November 10, 2013)
- Ex-Priest Kevin Lee Dies in Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines, by Dan Harrison, in The Wa Today (November 11, 2013)
- Media Advisory, by The Catholic Democrats (November 10, 2013)
- Gary bishop turns 75, offers pope his resignation, by The Associated Press (November 10, 2013)
- Pastor Resigns Following Sex-Abuse Allegations, by Sulaiman a Bdur-Rahman, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (November 10, 2013)
- Don’t cheer just yet, Pope appoints new bishop who went after outspoken US nuns, by Tom Deignan, in The Irish Central (November 10, 2013)
- Twin Cities Catholics Divided on Church Leadership, by Josh Rosenthal, in KTSP (November 10, 2013)
- Michael Fugee, ex-Colts Neck priest, agrees to leave priesthood, by The Asbury Park Press (November 09, 2013)
- Our Lady of Calvary, by Sister Mildred, in The Our Lady of Calvary (November 10, 2013)
- Ex-Priest a Victim of Storm, by Harry Edwards, in The Australian (November 11, 2013)
- In the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, "Regime Change is Not Enough" , by Bob Beutel, in The Progressive Catholic Voice (November 10, 2013)
- Retired Alexandria Priest Ordered to 'Life of Prayer and Penance' in Sexual-Misconduct Case, by Jodi Belgard, in The Advertiser (November 10, 2013)
- Priest from Northeast Philadelphia Church Resigns, by WPVI (November 10, 2013)
- Priest Resigns after Alleged Sex Abuse Claims, by The My Fox Philly (November 11, 2013)
- Priest Removed for Theft of Funds at St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church, by Christie Ethridge, in WRDW (November 11, 2013)
- Philippines Typhoon Haiyan YOLANDA Deaths: Sydney Priest Married to Filipina Among Dead in Philippines, by Athena Yenko, in The International Business Times (November 11, 2013)
- Parish Parents Not Considered 'Pertinent Parties' in Pastor's Child Abuse Alllegations, by Susan Matthews, in The Catholics4change (November 11, 2013)
- SNAP Protests against Convicted Church Music Director, by Mauricio Marin, in The Tucson News Now (November 11, 2013)
November 11
- Abusive Priest Hid in Plain Sight for Years, Retired Quietly to New Prague, by Madeleine Baran (November 11, 2013)
- Archbishop Pledges to Release Names of Priests Who Sexually Abused Children, by Madeleine Baran, in The Minnesota Public Radio (November 11, 2013)
- Parishioners React to Priest Resignation, by The My Fox Philly (November 11, 2013)
- Buffalo Catholic Diocese Hotline Number for Victims of Child Abuse Not Working, by Hilary Lane, in The Wkbw (November 11, 2013)
- Colorado Church Leaders Accused of Covering up Youth Pastor Sex Abuse Scandal, by Morgan Lee, in The Christian Post (November 10, 2013)
- Silence Is Not an Option | Mgr Charles Scicluna, by Matthew Vella, in The Malta Today (November 11, 2013)
- School Assistant Could Face Jail over Sex Video with 16-Year-Old Belfast Pupil at St Mary's Christian Brothers Boy's Grammar School, by Amands Ferguson, in The Belfast Telegraph (November 11, 2013)
- USCCB General Assembly - 2013 November - Live Stream, by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 11, 2013)
- Bishops beyond Shame, by Mark Silk, in The Spiritual Politics (November 11, 2013)
- Statement of James Goodness. Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark. on the Conclusion of the Matter of Michael C. Fugee, by The Roman Catholic Diocese of New Jersey (November 8, 2013)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops in Baltimore to Elect New President, by Jonathan Pitts, in The Baltimore Sun (November 11, 2013)
- U.S. Bishops' Vote May Set New Path for Church, by Mary Wisniewski, in The Columbus Dispatch (November 11, 2013)
- Catholic Bishops Gather to Elect New Leadership, by Peter Smith, in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (November 10, 2013)
- Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron in Running to Lead Bishops Group, by Patricia Montemurri, in The Detroit Free Press (November 11, 2013)
- U.s Bishops Get Ready to Elect New President, by The Rome Reports (November 10, 2013)
- Groups urge US bishops to speak on poverty, build ‘church for the poor’, by Joshua J. McElwee , in The National Catholic Reporter (November 11, 2013)
- Bishops, at annual meeting, invited to Catholic Worker dinner for peace, by Joshua J. McElwee , in The National Catholic Reporter (November 11, 2013)
- USCCB Meeting Begins; Profiles of Candidates to Succeed Cardinal Dolan As President, by The Catholic Culture (November 11, 2013)
- Sd- Predator Priest Admits Molesting Sd Kids, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 11, 2013)
- Father Barrett on Leave While 'Past Misconduct' Is Reviewed, by Chuck Kajer, in The New Prague Times (November 07, 2013)
- Mo- Archdiocese Claims Its Abuse Costs Rising, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 11, 2013)
- St. Paul Archdiocese to Name Abusive Priests, by Amy Forliti, in The Associated Press (November 11, 2013)
- Open Letter from Archbishop John Nienstedt Regarding Clarance Vavra, by John C. Nienstedt, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 11, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Name Abusive Priests, by Tony Kennedy, in The Star Tribune (November 11, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Release Names of Abusive Priests, by Mike Durkin, in The Fox 9 (November 11, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Release Names of Priests Who Abused Children, by The Valley News Live (November 11, 2013)
- Mn- " Worse Revelation Yet" in Mn Archdiocese, by SNAP Says, in The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 11, 2013)
- Register Radio: Dolan USCCB Legacy/ Instruction on Medjugorje, by Jeanette DeMelo, National Catholic Register (November 11, 2013)
- Archbishop Promises Partial Predator List, in SNAP (November 11, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Name Abusive Priests; Critics Skeptical, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (November 11, 2013)
- Finally, a Shepherd for Newark; Welcome, Archbishop Hebda!, in Sunlit Uplands (November 11, 2013)
- After Latest Revelation, Archdiocese Promises to Release Names ... with Conditions, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (November 11, 2013)
- No Priest Is Safe, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (November 11, 2013)
- El Padre Alberto Gil Uso Facebook Para Huir De LA Justicia, in Entorno Inteligente (November 11, 2013)
- Pope's Rep: US Bishops Shouldn't Preach Ideology, by Rachel Zoll, WOWK (November 11, 2013)
- US Bishops Open Assembly with Changes in Emphasis, Tone, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (November 11, 2013)
- Priest Resigns Amid Abuse Investigation, by William Bender, Philadelphia Daily News (November 11, 2013)
- Priests Publicly Accused of Abuse, in Gallup Independent (November 11, 2013)
- Diocese to File for Chapter 11 Protection, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (November 11, 2013)
- Diocese to File for Chapter 11 Reorganization on November 12, by Suzanne Hammons, Voice of the Southwest (November 11, 2013)
- Dolan on Poor Church for the Poor, in National Catholic Reporter (November 11, 2013)
- "Be Witnesses" – As Francis Looms Large, the Nuncio Upstages Elvis, in Whispers in the Loggia (November 11, 2013)
November 12
- Catholic Church Protected Abuse Priest Russell Walker, by Says Judge, in AAP (November 12, 2013)
- Catholic Church Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse a Scandal, by Says County Court Judge Felicity Hampel, by Paul Anderson (November 12, 2013)
- Former Priest Jailed for Abuse of Altar Boys, by Mark Russel, in The Age (November 12, 2013)
- NE Philadelphia Pastor Resigns Due to Stress from Allegations, by Matthew Gambino, in The Catholicphilly (November 11, 2013)
- Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Minor Put in Charge of Children's Ministry, by Phelan M. Ebenhack, in The Rt (November 11, 2013)
- Former Youth Pastor Facing Charges Allowed to Volunteer at North Syracuse Church, by Marnie Eisenstadt, in The Post-Standard (November 09, 2013)
- North Syracuse Youth Pastor Charged with Sexually Abusing Minor in Maryland, by Khier Casino, in The Opposing Views (November 11, 2013)
- Acknowledging Failures, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (November 12, 2013)
- Criminal Case Can Proceed, by Kathy Mellott, in The Tribune-Democrat (November 12, 2013)
- Alleged Victims Withdraw Lawsuit, by Kathy Mellott, in The Tribune-Democrat (November 12, 2013)
- Challenge over Child Abuse, by The Yorkshire Post (November 12, 2013)
- South Yorkshire Police Slammed for 'Continuing to Prioritise Burglary and Car Crime over Child Grooming', by Ted Thornhill, in The Daily Mail (November 12, 2013)
- South Yorks: Commissioner Demands More Effort to Fight Child Sex Exploitation, by The Gainsborough Standard (November 12, 2013)
- South Yorkshire Police Slammed for Failing to Protect Children from Grooming, by Rob Parsons, in The Crime Correspondent (November 12, 2013)
- Royal Commission into Child Abuse Calls for More Staff, by Sarah Farnsworth, in The ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Abuse Royal Commission Chair Asks for More Staff to Cope with Influx of Evidence, by Sarah Farnsworth, in The ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Royal Commission into Child Abuse Swamped by Submissions, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 12, 2013)
- Former Catholic Priest Russell Robert Walker Sentenced to Five Years in Jail for Abusing Boys, by The ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Royal Commission Publishes New Australia-Wide Private Session Dates, by The J-Wire (November 12, 2013)
- Institutionalised Abuse Report Needed to Reinforce Community's Plea for New Approach to Issue, by The Courier Mail (November 12, 2013)
- Advocates Urge Action on Vic Abuse Report, by The 9 News (November 12, 2013)
- St. Paul Archdiocese to Name Abusive Priests, by WCCO, November 11 (November 11, 2013)
- The Prevention Summit, by The Icontact (November 12, 2013)
- LA Araucania: Rechazan Recurso De Sacerdote Condenado Por Abuso Sexual Reiterado Contra Menores, by Patricia Acuna, in The Bio Bio (November 12, 2013)
- Church Protected Abuse Priest: Vic Judge, by Joel Cresswell, in The 7 News (November 12, 2013)
- Senior Priest Denies Charges of Indecency, by The Visitor (November 12, 2013)
- Not Clear Why Archbishop Thinks Judge Must Unseal Priest List, by Brian Lambert, in The Minnpost (November 12, 2013)
- Victorian Report To Be Released Wednesday (Or: Quick, George, Get On The Phone!), on lewisblayse.net (November 11, 2013)
- This Archishop Covered up a Priest's Crimes, by The Broken Rites (November 12, 2013)
- USCCB General Assembly - 2013 November - Presidential Address, by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 11, 2013)
- Media Alert 11 November 2013 � Child Abuse Final Report to Be Tabled on Wednesday, by Victoria Inquiry, in The Victoria Inquiry (November 12, 2013)
- State Played Important Role in Denying the Adopted a Sense of Their Origin, by Robbie Roulston, in The Irish Times (November 11, 2013)
- AAfter Ugly Campaign, Finding Little Grace in Brooklyn District Attorney’s Exit, by Michael Powell , in The New York Times (November 11, 2013)
- Slowenische Justiz: Di�zesen Haften F�r Missbrauchsgeistliche, by KIPA-APIC (November 12, 2013)
- Chasidic 'Whistleblower' Case Suffers Setback, by Hella Winston, in The Jewish Week Correspondent (November 11, 2013)
- Prosecutors Want To Drop Case Against Sam Kellner Due To Lack Of Credible Evidence, Hynes Overrules, Demotes Them, by Shmarya Rosenberg, in The Failed Messiah (November 11, 2013)
- Vecchione Kicks out Two Brooklyn Assistant DAS, by Josh Saul, in The New York Post (November 11, 2013)
- Inquiry Report to Slam Church, by John Ferguson, in The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- Clergy Inquiry to Call for Reporting Laws, by The Aap (November 12, 2013)
- Abuse Inquiry Has 'Helped Jewish Victims', by Patrick Caruana, in The 7 News (November 12, 2013)
- Suicide Support Wanted from Vic Report, by The Sbs (November 05, 2013)
- NY - in Reversal, by Brooklyn DA Pursues Case Vs. Whistleblower, in The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 12, 2013)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Name Louisville Archbishop Conference Head, by The Reuters (November 12, 2013)
- USCCB returns to tradition with election of new president, vice president, by Joshua J. McElwee, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 12, 2013)
- Archbishop Kurtz Elected President of U.S. Bishops' Conference, by The National Catholic Register (November 12, 2013)
- Bishops Elect Louisville Archbishop New President, by Rachel Zoll, in The News Observer (November 12, 2013)
- Former Valley Priest Elected to Lead U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, by Dan Sheehan, in The Morning Call (November 12, 2013)
- Archbishop Kurtz, Cardinal DiNardo elected president, VP of the USCCB, by Catherine Harmon, in The Catholic World Report (November 12, 2013)
- TX - Houston's Top Catholic Official Wins National Post, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 12, 2013)
- " Dolan Effect" Evident in USCCB Voting, by The Catholic League (November 12, 2013)
- Vatican - Date Set for Catholic Officials to Appear in Geneva, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 12, 2013)
- Ky - Victims Sad about Louisville Catholic Archbishop's Promotion, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 12, 2013)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Paid Nearly $1 Million in Abuse Costs Last Year, by KMOX (November 12, 2013)
- Pa - Philly Archbishop Loses His Bid for Higher Office, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 12, 2013)
- Attorneys for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and Its Insurers Reach Confidential Settlement Excluding Sexual Abuse Survivors, by The Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 12, 2013)
- Louisville Archbishop Kurtz Easily Wins Election to Head U.S. Catholic Group, by Nathan Porter, in The Washington Times (November 12, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest Gets 18 Months, by The Cyprus Mail (November 12, 2013)
- USCCB Returns to Tradition with Election of New President, Vice President, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (November 12, 2013)
- U.S. Bishops Adjust to Francis by Choosing Pragmatic Leaders, by John Allen, Vatican Insider (November 12, 2013)
- Supreme Court Rules against Augusta Man in His Suit against Catholic Diocese over Priest Abuse, by Judy Harrison, Bangor Daily News (November 12, 2013)
- Victims Challenge Juneau Bishop in His New National Post, in SNAP (November 12, 2013)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Name Leaders and Immigrant Advocate, by Mary Wisniewski, Thomson Reuters Foundation (November 12, 2013)
- Bishops Select Two Leaders Who Reflect New Tone Set by Pope, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (November 12, 2013)
- Clergy Abuse Case V. Maine Diocese Loses; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 12, 2013)
- Sen. Claire Mccaskill & ” Kitchen Table Talk”, in Berger's Beat (November 12, 2013)
- Murio Jose Andres Aguirre, El "Cura Tato", in Cooperative (November 12, 2013)
- Bishops Call for Pastoral Statement on Pornography, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 12, 2013)
- Sd Reservation Opens Investigation into Minn. Priest's Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (November 12, 2013)
- Archbishop Kurtz Elected President of U.S. Bishops Cardinal Dinardo Elected Vice President, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (November 12, 2013)
- Kurtz's Encounters on the Margins, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (November 12, 2013)
- Bishops to Address Pornography in New Statement, in Catholic Sentinel (November 12, 2013)
- Attorney: 4 Top Catholics Bear "Criminal Responsibility", in Minnesota Public Radio (November 12, 2013)
- Child Abuse Inquiry Demands Legal Reform, in NEWS.com.au (November 12, 2013)
- What Do the USCCB Elections Mean?, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (November 12, 2013)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Paid $10 Million in 10 Years in Clergy Abuse, Misconduct Costs, by Lindsay Toler, Riverfront Times (November 12, 2013)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Announces Deal with Insurer As It Works to Resolve Bankruptcy Case, in Star Tribune (November 12, 2013)
- Bond Set for Buena Vista Pastor Facing Child Sex Charges, in NBC 29 (November 12, 2013)
- In Ritual Bathhouses of the Jewish Orthodoxy, Children Are Systematically Abused, by Christopher Ketcham, Vice (November 12, 2013)
- Wanted Rabbi to Be Expelled from Morocco, in Arutz Sheva (November 12, 2013)
- Bond Set for Buena Vista Pastor Accused of Molesting Teens, by Aaron Martin, Tim Ciesco (November 12, 2013)
- Missouri Appeals Court Affirms Ruling in Priest Abuse Civil Case, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (November 12, 2013)
- Law Enforcement Opens Probe into Sd Predator Priest, in SNAP (November 12, 2013)
- The Compensation Issue (or: Placing a Value on a Life), in lewisblayse.net (November 12, 2013)
- Ballarat Sex Abuse Survivors Thankful for Inquiry, in ABC (November 12, 2013)
- Victims Anxious about Findings of Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, in ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Victims Blast Catholic Officials over New Ruling, in SNAP (November 12, 2013)
- Buggars, in Wandervogel Diary (November 12, 2013)
- Consent Order Requires Priest Charged with Sexual Misconduct to Petition Vatican for Removal from Priesthood, in Religion Clause (November 12, 2013)
- Maine’s Top Court Rules in Diocese’s Favor in Sex-abuse Case, by Scott Dolan , Morning Sentinel (November 12, 2013)
- Court: No Evidence Diocese Concealed Abuse, in Houston Chronicle (November 12, 2013)
- Catholic Church Condemned in Abuse Report, in Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-government Organisations., in Victoria Inquiry (November 12, 2013)
- Victorian Government Moves Swiftly to Implement Recommendations of Abuse Inquiry, by Jeff Waters, ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse Slams Catholics, Recommends Sweeping Change, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (November 13, 2013)
- Executive Summary, in Victoria Inquiry (November 12, 2013)
- Calvinist Preacher Dropped from Program, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (November 12, 2013)
- Un Committee Raises Numerous Human Rights Issues with Ireland, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (November 12, 2013)
- Major Insurers Agree to Settle Suit in Archdiocesan Bankruptcy, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (November 12, 2013)
- Ultra-orthodox Sex Abuse Whistleblower Describes "Child-rape Assembly Line", in Gothamist (November 12, 2013)
- Brooklyn Da’s Office Wants to Delay Extortion Case until after New Prosecutor Takes Control, by Oren Yaniv, New York Daily News (November 12, 2013)
- Judge Blasts Brooklyn Da’s Office for Case Delay, by Josh Saul, New York Post (November 12, 2013)
- Troubled Trial of Sam Kellner Is Delayed — Claimed His Son Was Abused, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (November 12, 2013)
- Cardinal Dinardo, the New Kingmaker?, by Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter (November 12, 2013)
- VIC Report Gives Victims Justice: Lawyers, in 9 News (November 12, 2013)
- Recommendations of the Victorian Parliament's Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations, in ABC News (November 12, 2013)
- Victorian Parliamentaryinquiry into Child Sex Abuse Prompts Push to Make Silence a Crime Abuse, by Matt Johnston, The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- ABUSE Inquiry Refers 135 Cases to Vic Cops, in 9 News (November 12, 2013)
- Priest's Admission of Sexually Abusing Kids Comes to Light: What Happens Next?, by Madeleine Baran, Tom Crann, Minnesota Public Radio (November 12, 2013)
November 13
- Victims Cheer Reforms to Protect Children, by News.com.au (November 13, 2013)
- Sd Reservation to Investigate Minn. Priest, by The Associated Press (November 12, 2013)
- Rome Meeting for Priest and His Sex 'Victim', by The Lancashire Evening Post (November 13, 2013)
- Catholic Church in the Gun over Child Sex Cover-Ups, by Keith Moor, in The Courier Mail (November 13, 2013)
- Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse Prompts Push to Make Abuse Silence a Crime, by Matt Johnston, in The Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Church Sex-Abuse Delusion Shattered, by The Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Inquiry into child sex abuse slams Catholics, recommends sweeping change, by Barney Zwartz, in The (November 13, 2013)
- More on the Archdiocese's List of Accused Priests, by The Associated Press (November 12, 2013)
- Baptist Pastor Resigns Amid Abuse Allegations, by Bob Allen, in The Christian Century (November 07, 2013)
- Parliamentary Inquiry Condemns Church Cover up of Child Sexual Abuse, by Heather Ewart, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Slovenia Church Warns of Lawsuit Flood after Abuse Ruling, by The Globalpost (November 13, 2013)
- Australia Church Abuse Inquiry Urges Sweeping Changes, by Martin Parry, in The Agence France-Presse (November 13, 2013)
- New Hope for Justice in Child Abuse Cases, by The Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Compo Needed for Abused: Church Body, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Inquiry Recommends New Child Sex Abuse Crimes, by Darren Mara, in The World News Australia Radio (November 14, 2013)
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse Welcome Victorian Inquiry Recommendations, by Alison Caldwell, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Catholic Church Slammed by Vic Child Abuse Inquiry, by Samantha Donovan, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart Stands by Confessional Despite Abuse Recommendations, by Jeff Waters, in The Radio Australia (November 13, 2013)
- Victoria's Path to Child Sex Abuse Prosecution, by Ray Cassin, in The Eureka Street (November 13, 2013)
- Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Uncovers Generations of Cruelty and Moral Corruption, by Olivia Monaghan, in The Conversation (November 13, 2013)
- Hang your heads in shame, Denis Napthine tells Catholic leaders, by Hannah Jenkins, in The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- Victims Vindicated As Church Sex Abuse Inquiry Delivers, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 13, 2013)
- Church Mistakes in Child Sex Abuse Response Indefensible, by Says Archbishop, in The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- Abuse Inquiry Puts Cardinal George Pell in Spotlight, by The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- Hiding child abuse 'should be a crime', Victorian parliamentary inquiry finds, by John Ferguson, in The Australian(November 13, 2013)
- Victims of Church Abuse Hail 'Watershed' Parliamentary Report, by The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Police Probing 135 New Sex Abuse Claims, by The Sky News (November 13, 2013)
- Survivors 'euphoric' about report, but concerned about future, by Alison Caldwell, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Victorian Abuse Report to Feed into Royal Commission, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Religions 'Punished' Vic Abuse Victims, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Pell Welcomes Critical Report, by Mike Hedge, in The Aap (November 13, 2013)
- Millions Spent to Hide Their Evil, by James Campbell, in The Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Prison for Child Sex Abuse Lies, by News.com.au (November 13, 2013)
- Out of the misery and shame, there are lessons for us all, by Frank McGuire, in The Herald Sun (November 13, 2013)
- Church Allowed Abuse to Happen: Vic Report, by Patrick Caruana, in The Aap (November 13, 2013)
- Catholic Church Responds to 'Inexcusable' Findings Handed down by Parliamentary Inquiry, by Mark Colvin, in The ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Archbishop Denis Hart Welcomes Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Report, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne (November 13, 2013)
- Victorian Government Releases Abuse Inquiry Report, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney (November 13, 2013)
- Abuse Report 'Can't Undo Damage', by The Sky News (November 13, 2013)
- Uniting Church Backs Vic Abuse Report, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Child Abuse Report Reveals a Betrayal of Trust 'Beyond Comprehension', by David Marr, on The Theguardian.com (November 13, 2013)
- Extent of Abuse Surprising: Vic Chairwoman, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Much to Learn from State Probe, by John Ferguson, in The Australian (November 14, 2013)
- Local Bishop Says He Recognises the Hurt, by Merran Reed, in The Bendigo Advertiser (November 13, 2013)
- Inquiry Heard of Abuse No Child Should Have to Endure, by Fiona Henderson, in The Courier (November 13, 2013)
- Sources: Police Reopen Investigation into Former Minn. Priest, by Jay Kolls, in The Kstp (November 13, 2013)
- Neighbor 'Totally Shocked' to Hear Clergy Allegations, by Jana Shortal, in KARE (November 12, 2013)
- Anglican Church Backs Vic Abuse Report, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Anglican Church Welcomes Report of Inquiry into Child Abuse, by The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (November 13, 2013)
- Salvos Ashamed at Abuse in Its Care, by Melissa Iaria, in The Aap (November 13, 2013)
- Foul crimes, wilful blindness and evil men, by Frank McGuire, in The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Ave Maria Wins Premio Del Pubblico Award at the Interiora Horror Festival, by The Skipshea (November 13, 2013)
- Significant Legislative Changes Recommended by Committee, by The Victoria Inquiry (November 13, 2013)
- Victorian Parliamentary Committee Has Listened to Victims of Child Sexual Assault, by The SNAP Australia (November 13, 2013)
- A Litany of Abuse and Betrayal, by The Australian (November 14, 2013)
- Napthine Targets Child Grooming, by John Ferguson, in The Australian (November 13, 2013)
- Victorian Government Moves Swiftly to Implement Recommendations of Abuse Inquiry, by Jeff Waters, in The 7 News (November 13, 2013)
- Vatican - Date Set for Catholic Officials to Appear in Geneva, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, November 13 (November 13, 2013)
- Other Pontifical Acts, by The Vatican Information Service (November 13, 2013)
- Government Report Slams Catholic Church for Cover-Ups, by The Broken Rites (November 13, 2013)
- This Archishop Covered up a Priest's Crimes, by The Broken Rites (November 13, 2013)
- Vic Govt to Act Swiftly on Abuse Report, by The 9 News (November 13, 2013)
- Validation is a start, say victims, by Rachel Baxendale, in The Australian (November 14, 2013)
- 'We'll Say You Touched Us': Robbers Attempt to Extort Priest with Threat of Abuse Claim, by Themediareport (November 12, 2013)
- Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope in response to his anti-corruption sermons, warns leading Italian prosecutor, by Hannah Roberts, in The The Guardian (UK) (November 13, 2013)
- Pope Francis 'Is Mafia Target after Campaigning against Corruption', by The Guardian (November 13, 2013)
- Pope Francis 'May Be at Risk from Italian Mafia', by Nick Squires, in The Telegraph UK (November 13, 2013)
- Pope Vents Fury at Corruption, by Nick Squires, in The Irish Independent (November 12, 2013)
- Insurance Companies to Buy Back Policies As Part of Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy, by WTAQ, November 13 (November 13, 2013)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Reaches Deal with Insurers, by Bob Hague, in The Wisconsin Radio Network (November 13, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Families Hear the Words So Badly Wanted, by Jane Lee, in The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Striking down the Silence of Sex Abuse, by The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Report Urges New Laws to Punish Perpetrators, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 14, 2013)
- New Offence Sought for Leaders Who Put Young at Risk of Abuse, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Reforms Remove Barriers to Church Victim Payouts, by Jane Lee, in The Age (November 14, 2013)
- MD - Priest, accused of abuse in Baltimore, gets “off the hook", by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 13, 2013)
- Padre Acusado De Abuso Sexual Conhece Sentenca Em Dezembro, by The Redaccao (November 12, 2013)
- Philadelphia Press Conference Today, by The News Release (November 13, 2013)
- Judge Allows Release of Some Records in Priest Sex-Abuse Case., by Mary Duan, in The Monterey County Weekly (November 13, 2013)
- Judge Plans to Release Documents from Clergy Abuse Lawsuit, by Larry Parsons, in The Monterey County Herald (November 13, 2013)
- Pa - Wrongful Death Suit Filed Vs. Predator Priest; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 13, 2013)
- Overdose Victim's Family Sues Archdiocese for Wrongful Death, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (November 14, 2013)
- Pa. Family Who Lost Son Sues Church in Abuse Case, by The Ct Post (November 13, 2013)
- Family of Priest Accuser Sues Philadelphia Archdiocese over Young Man's Death, by Mark Abrams, in The CBS Philly (November 13, 2013)
- TV report: Archbishop Nienstedt, others under criminal investigation, by Brian Lambert, by The MinnPost (November 13, 2013)
- Charges Dropped against Priest, by The Daily Observer (November 13, 2013)
- The Victorian State Parliamentary Enquiry Report OR: Better Than We Thought POSSIBLE, by Lewisblayse.net (November 13, 2013)
- Hasidic Rabbi on the Run from the Law Holes up in Zimbabwe, by Shmarya Rosenberg, in The Failed Messiah (November 13, 2013)
- Former Lawrence Pastor Accused of Abuse Ion Maryland, by Yadira Betances, in The Eagle-Tribune (November 12, 2013)
- Bishops' Planned Statement on Pornography - Come Again?, by The National Survivor Advocates Coalition (November 13, 2013)
- Altar Boy's Family Sues Church in Sex Abuse Case, by The NBC 10 (November 13, 2013)
- O’Hara Principal Fired, Says She Fended Off Harassment, by Joel Mathis, in The Philadelphia Weekly (November 13, 2013)
- The Heron's Nest: the Battle of O'Hara, by Phil Heron, in The Delaware County Daily Times (November 13, 2013)
- Crown Withdraws Sex Assault Charges against Pembroke Priest, by Meghan Hurley, in The Ottawa Citizen (November 14, 2013)
- North Coast Children's Home under Royal Commission Spotlight, by Jessica Grewal, in The Daily Examiner (November 14, 2013)
- Finger-waggers and life lessons, Tucson style., by Joelle Casteix, in The Worthy Adversary (November 13, 2013)
- Family Sues Archdiocese in Sex Abuse Scandal, by The My Fox Philly (November 13, 2013)
- Police Sift through New Evidence of Alleged Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests, by Laura Yuen, in The Minnesota Public Radio (November 13, 2013)
- 'I Apologise Again for Failures', by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (November 14, 2013)
November 14
- More People Have Reported Priest Sex Abuse, St. Paul Police Say, by Richard Chin, Pioneer Press (November 13, 2013)
- Archbishop Apologises for Catholic Church's Handling of Sexual Abuse, in ABC News (November 13, 2013)
- Teen Testifies against Pastor in Sex Case, by Malinda Rust, Lawton Constitution (November 14, 2013)
- Abbott's Response to Child Sexual Abuse by Clergy Angers Victims, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (November 15, 2013)
- The Past's Price, by Mari Herreras, Tucson Weekly (November 14, 2013)
- All States Urged to Act on Vic Report, by Genevieve Gannon, Courier Mail (November 14, 2013)
- BROTHER Backs Call for Church to Be Liable, in 9 News (November 14, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Victims Urged to Come Forward, by Carla Penman, Newstalk ZB (November 14, 2013)
- Victims Question Church Inaction, by Mike Hedge, 7 News (November 14, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Caregiver Handed "Joke" Sentence - Parent, in TVNZ (November 14, 2013)
- Tony Abbott Defends Cardinal Pell's Role in Church Handling of Abuse, by Dan Harrison, Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (November 14, 2013)
- Family Anger over Sex Abuse Sentence, in NZ City (November 14, 2013)
- "Complicated but Possible" to Amend Legal Standing of Catholic Church, in ABC News (November 14, 2013)
- The Royal Commission into Child Abuse Continues; Catholic Church Implicated, in Pedestrian TV (November 14, 2013)
- Pell First to Act on Abuse: Abbott, in Herald Sun (November 14, 2013)
- Govt to Act Quickly on Abuse Report, in Sky News (November 14, 2013)
- Catholic Church Backs Sex Abuse Compensation Scheme, by Jane Lee, The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Surge in Child Abuse Reports, by Angela Pownall, West Australian (November 14, 2013)
- Vindication for Victims As Report into Child Sex Abuse Hailed, by Peter Collins and Clare Quirk, The Standard (November 14, 2013)
- Salavation Army in Australia "'ashamed'" and "'sorry'" for Past Brutal Abuse of Children, by Barney Zwartz, Sydney Morning Herald (November 14, 2013)
- Child Sex Abuse Victim Who Fights against Sex Abuse Coverups Speaks at National Rally against Abuse, in Failed Messiah (November 14, 2013)
- Exposing Church Excuses, in Newcastle Herald (November 14, 2013)
- VIC Report into Abuse "Dream Come True", in 9 News (November 14, 2013)
- Catholic Church Welcomes Child Abuse Report but Defends Its Patch, by David Marr, The Guardian (November 13, 2013)
- SCATHING Report Service to Church: Priest, in 9 News (November 14, 2013)
- Tony Abbott Defends George Pell after Criticism from Child Abuse Inquiry, by Katharine Murphy, The Guardian (November 14, 2013)
- Prison Push for Child Sex Abuse Lies Follows Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Institutional Failures, by Matt Johnston, James Campbell, Herald Sun (November 14, 2013)
- Priest Tells of His ‘shock’ at Arrest, in Lancashire Evening Post (November 14, 2013)
- 26 Perlitz Victims File Lawsuits against Fairfield, in The Mirror (November 14, 2013)
- The Holy See to Fight Graft, in Voice of Russia (November 14, 2013)
- Inquiry Findings Tipped to Bring out More Child Abuse Survivors, in ABC News (November 14, 2013)
- JCCV Appreciates Opportunity to Provide Input into Sexual Abuse Inquiry, in J-Wire (November 14, 2013)
- More Vic Jewish Home Abuse Claims Likely, by Charisse Ede, The Australian (November 14, 2013)
- Stephen Budd Case Update: the Topic of a Plea Deal Came up at a Court Hearing Wednesday, by Brian Entin, WPTV (November 14, 2013)
- Key Tape in Lebovits and Kellner Case Has "Gone Missing", by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (November 13, 2013)
- Sam Kellner's Tangled Hasidic Tale of Child Sex Abuse, Extortion and Faith, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (November 14, 2013)
- Hear Sam Kellner — in His Own Words, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (November 14, 2013)
- Crackdown on Child Sex Abuse Unravels, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (October 31, 2011)
- Secret Tape in Lebovits and Kellner Trials Allegedly “goes Missing” from D.a.’s Office, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (November 14, 2013)
- Georgie Crozier and David O'brien Join ABC News Breakfast, in ABC News (November 14, 2013)
- Ex-mormon Bishop Admits Sex Crimes with Teen Church Members, by Sarah Burge, The Press-Enterprise (November 13, 2013)
- Former Menifee Mormon Bishop Pleads Guilty to Sex Crimes, by Kristen Spoon, Menifee 24 (November 13, 2013)
- John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz Book: “jpii Knew Nothing” about Bestial Pedophile Priest Fr. Maciel Is Vatican Titanic Deceits, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (November 14, 2013)
- A Litany of Abuse and Betrayal, in The Australian (November 14, 2013)
- Child Advocates Seek Aggressive Investigation into Church Sex Abuse Claims, by Nick Winkler, KSTP (November 14, 2013)
- Overdose Victim's Family Sues Archdiocese for Wrongful Death, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (November 14, 2013)
- Family of Late Man Who Accused Priest of Abuse Sues Archdiocese, by Mensah M. Dean, Philadelphia Daily News (November 14, 2013)
- How the Paedophile-catchers Responded (or: Thanks, Mate), in lewisblayse.net (November 14, 2013)
- The Victorian Inquiry: Sinful Behaviour, or Dangerous Belief?, by Peter Sherlock, The Conversation (November 14, 2013)
- Heed the Voice of the Wounded Child, by Moira Rayner, Eureka Street (November 14, 2013)
- Priest Convicted of Sexually Abusing Young Sisters Steps up, in Fermanagh Herald (November 14, 2013)
- Jewish Child-sex Claims Inquiry, by Rachel Baxendale, The Australian (November 15, 2013)
- Abbott's Response to Child Sexual Abuse by Clergy Angers Victims, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (November 14, 2013)
- Writer Locked in Legal Battle with John Furlong Demands Apology, by Lori Culbert, Vancouver Sun (November 13, 2013)
- John Furlong Libel: Lawyer for Journalist Demands Apology from Ex-olympics CEO, by Keven Drews, CTV (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul Police: Kstp "Inaccurate'; but Not Wrong on Archdiocese Investigation, by Jay Kolls, KAAL (November 14, 2013)
- Bishop: We Didn't Do All That Much in Baltimore, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (November 14, 2013)
- The Shocking Scandal at the Heart of American Zen, in The Daily Beast (November 14, 2013)
- Statement by the Honourable Bernard Valcourt on the Mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, by Canada NewsWire, Digital Journal (November 14, 2013)
- Trc Given One Year Extension to Complete Mandate: Valcourt, in APTN (November 14, 2013)
- Pope Shuns Presidential Guard Escort for Italy State Visit Amid New Security Fears over Reform, by Nicole Winfield, Newser (November 14, 2013)
- Pope Francis Now a Mafia Target over War on Graft, Claims Leading Prosecutor, in Irish Independent (November 14, 2013)
- Archdiocese in Court Friday, Seeks to Limit Discovery, in SNAP (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul Police Says Top Archdiocese Officials Are Not Being Criminally Investigated, by Lindsey Seavert, KARE (November 14, 2013)
- 65 Aussies Arrested in Canadian Porn Bust, in 9 News (November 14, 2013)
- Child Porno Ring Busted, in Triple M (November 14, 2013)
- Nsw Police Arrest Four Men As Part of Global Investigation into Online Child Exploitation, in New South Wales Police Force (November 15, 2013)
- 386 Kids Rescued in Child Porn Bust, by Charmaine Noronha, ABC News (November 14, 2013)
- 348 People Arrested in Child-porn Case Connected to Canadian Firm, in Globe and Mail (November 14, 2013)
- Hundreds Held over Canada Child Porn, in BBC News (November 14, 2013)
- Child Porn Bust: Anatomy of an International Child Pornography Investigation, by Robert Cribb Foreign, Toronto Star (November 14, 2013)
- Report of Australian Commission on Child Abuse in Religious Organizations Unsparing in Criticism of Catholic Church, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (November 14, 2013)
- Another “win” for Kansas City’s Convicted Bishop Finn, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul-minneapolis Archdiocese Names Kinsale Management Consulting to Review Priest Files, in The Republic (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul Cops Deny That Nienstedt, Others under Investigation, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (November 14, 2013)
- Neinstedt Hires Another Catholic Figure; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (November 14, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Hiring of outside Firm for Clergy File Review, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 14, 2013)
- We Will Never Get over It, Says Sex Abuse Victim, in Border Mail (November 15, 2013)
- Archdiocese Names Firm to Review Priest Files, in KARE (November 14, 2013)
- Archdiocese Hires Los Angeles Firm to Review Priest Files, by Tom Scheck, Minnesota Public Radio (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul Police: Kstp "Inaccurate'; but Not Wrong on Archdiocese Investigation, by Jay Kolls, KSTP (November 14, 2013)
- Lake Haven Retired Priest in Child Sex Abuse, in Newcastle Herald (November 15, 2013)
- Ex-fbi Official’s Firm to Review Clergy Abuse Files, in Star Trubune (November 14, 2013)
- St. Paul-minneapolis Archdiocese Names Kinsale Management Consulting to Review Priest Files, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (November 14, 2013)
- 66 Australians Arrested As Canadian Police Smash "Horrific" Child Sex Abuse Ring, in ABC News (November 14, 2013)
- Brennan Still Faces Civil Suit, by Larry Miller, Philly Trib (November 14, 2013)
- Wa Children Removed from Harm and Offenders Charged As Part of International Child Sex Abuse Ring, in ABC News (November 14, 2013)
November 15
- Law Firm Chosen to Review Minnesota Priest Files, in Faribault County Register (November 15, 2013)
- St. Paul Police Fault Archdiocese's Handling of Priest before Arrest in Abuse Case, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (November 14, 2013)
- Lake Haven Retired Priest in Child Sex Abuse, in Newcastle Herald (November 15, 2013)
- New Jersey Sex Crimes: a Potential Change in the Statute of Limitations, in Digital Journal (November 14, 2013)
- Joining the Grassroots Revolution in the Catholic Church, by Grace Kelly, Twin Cities Daily Planet (November 13, 2013)
- Judge Doubts Sex Offender's Remorse, in Otago Daily Times (November 15, 2013)
- Police Drop Rabbi Chaim Halpern Investigation, by Simon Rocke, The JC (November 14, 2013)
- Against Gay Marriage, General Bergoglio Sent the Nuns in to Fight, in Chiesa (November 14, 2013)
- Quote for Day: Institution's Politics "Too Unholy to Abide Much Longer" (with Commentary on USCCB Meeting), by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (November 14, 2013)
- Our View: a Most Heinous Crime That Should Be Dealt with Accordingly, in Cyprus Mail (November 15, 2013)
- Public Hearing Commencing 9 December 2013, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (November 14, 2013)
- Court-ordered Disclosure Would Offer Best Hope of Full Accounting in Priest Sex-abuse Cases, by Beth Hawkins, MinnPost (November 15, 2013)
- Ihm Church Responds to Former Priest's Sexual Misconduct, by Becky Glande, Patch (November 15, 2013)
- Child Sex Abuse Complaint against Deceased Priest, by Mike Hoey, ABC 10 (November 15, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse Allegations Arise against Deceased Priest, by Ty Czarnopis, Upper Michigan Source (November 15, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse Allegation against Deceased Religious Order Priest Deemed Credible, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Marquette (November 15, 2013)
- Doctor and Priest Among ‘totally Broken’ Men Charged in Massive Child Porn Bust, in Metro (November 15, 2013)
- What’s Bugging the St. Paul Police?, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (November 15, 2013)
- Lancaster Cathedral Canon Stephen Shield Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Young Man, in Lancaster Guardian (November 15, 2013)
- L'eglise De France Reconnait Des Derives Sectaires En Son Sein, by Jean-Marie Guenois, Le Figaro (November 14, 2013)
- Dean of Lancaster Cathedral Convicted of Sex Offences, in BBC News (November 15, 2013)
- Lancaster Man Convicted of Sex Offences, in Virtual Lancaster (November 15, 2013)
- Judge Orders Archdiocese to Turn over Record of Sex Abuse Complaints, in Fox 2 (November 15, 2013)
- Top Priest Faces Jail after Sex Trial, in Lancashire Evening Post (November 15, 2013)
- Chicago Jesuit Is Accused of Molesting in Michigan, in SNAP (November 15, 2013)
- Victims to Hold Vigil outside Courtroom, in SNAP (November 15, 2013)
- Bankruptcy Will Not Affect Parishes, by Donald Jaramillo, Cibola Beacon (November 15, 2013)
- Enfield Primary School Caretaker John Lyon, Has Been Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing Two Girls Aged Six and Seven, in This is Local London (November 15, 2013)
- Jailed: School Caretaker Who Sexually Assaulted Young Girls at Holiday Camps, by Robin De Peyer, London Evening Standard (November 15, 2013)
- French Bishops Acknowledge and Decry "Spiritual Abuse" in Some Ecclesial Communities, in Catholic Culture (November 15, 2013)
- Documents Suggest Archdiocese Interfered in Wehmeyer Case, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (November 15, 2013)
November 16
- Former Northeast Portland Baptist Sunday School Teacher Accused in Child Molestation Suit, in Willamette Week (November 16, 2013)
- The Unbearable Lightness of Seeing, by Barney Zwartz, Sydney Morning Herald (November 16, 2013)
- Thompson Wants Delay in Rabbi Case, by Sean Gardiner, Wall Street Journal (November 15, 2013)
- Incoming Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson Inserts Himself into Hasidic Sex Abuse Case, by Oren Yaniv, New York Daily News (November 15, 2013)
- A Mess Grows in Brooklyn, in New York Daily News (November 16, 2013)
- Thompson: Adjourn Lebovits Case, by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (November 15, 2013)
- Thompson Asks Hynes to Freeze Case against Accused Haredi Pedophile Rabbi Baruch Lebovits, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (November 16, 2013)
- Mafia Targeting the Pope? Vatican Sees No Cause for Alarm, in Daily Star (November 16, 2013)
- Italian Investigator Says Pope Could Be Target of Calabrian Mafia, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (November 16, 2013)
- Head of Victorian Sex Abuse Inquiry Wants Catholic Church to Increase Victim Payments, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (November 16, 2013)
- An Unspeakable Betrayal of Trust: One Parent's Journey, by Chrissie Foster, Sydney Morning Herald (November 16, 2013)
- Australian Report Finds "Substantial Criminal Child Abuse" in Church, by Mark Brolly, The Tablet (November 15, 2013)
- Sydney Priest Father Ed Sedevic, 72, Is Charged Re Child-porn, by Broken Rites, Broken Rites (November 16, 2013)
- Sixty-five Australians - Including Teachers, Priests - Snared in Worldwide Child Porn Ring, by Ben McClellan, Perth Now (November 15, 2013)
- Archdiocese Hires Insider to Conduct Review of Priest Files, by Mike Finnegan, Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 15, 2013)
- Judge Orders Archdiocese to Turn over Record of Sex Abuse Complaints, by Chris Regnier, in The Fox 2 (November 16, 2013)
- Former Pastor Going to Prison, by Joe Wiercinski, in The Herald (November 16, 2013)
- Dizzy from Archdiocesan Spin and Furious about the Facts, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (November 16, 2013)
- Statement on Curtis Wehmeyer Investigation, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 15, 2013)
- Lay Groups Launch Surveys to Answer Vatican Questionnaire, by Brian Roewe, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 16, 2013)
- With Survey Vatican Seeks Laity Comment on Family Issues, by Jim Yardley, in The New York Times (November 16, 2013)
- Belgian Bishops Put Synod Survey Online Seek 'Widest Possible' Comment, by Joshua J. McElwee, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 8, 2013)
- Poll of the Pews, by The Tablet (November 09, 2013)
November 17
- Inquiry Focus on Anglican Abuse of Orphans, by The 9 News (November 17, 2013)
- More Sex Allegations at McCort, by Kathy Mellott (November 16, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Case Ends in Mistrial, by Rachel Davis, in The Daily Mountain Eagle (November 17, 2013)
- New Leader of U.S. Catholic Bishops Pledges to Carry Pope's Message of Mercy Amid Culture Wars, by Rachel Zoll, in The Associated Press (November 15, 2013)
- Editorial | Louisville Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz: Heed Pope's Welcoming Calls, by The Courier-Journal (November 17, 2013)
- Local Catholics Can Interact with the Archdiocese on Issues Church Typically Frowns upon, by David Madden, in The CBS Philly (November 17, 2013)
- Bishop of Lancaster Expresses 'Sorrow and Regret' to Abuse Victim, by The BBC News (November 17, 2013)
- Parish Fury As Catholic Church Suspends Rogue Priest over 'Sexual Bullying' Expose, by The Herald Scotland (November 17, 2013)
- Child Abuse Report Will Help Victims, by Cardinal George Pell, in The Sunday Telegraph (November 17, 2013)
- Catholic Hierarchy Must Follow Leader, by The Herald Scotland (November 17, 2013)
- Joe Soucheray: Archbishop Is Going about This All Wrong, by Joe Soucheray, in The Pioneer Press (November 16, 2013)
- Lowering Consent Age 'Sends Wrong Message', by The Itv (November 17, 2013)
- Call for Debate to Lower Age of Consent for Sex to 15, by The Itv (November 17, 2013)
- The Forward - Intentionally? - Gets It Wrong Again, by The Failed Messiah (November 16, 2013)
- Mea Culpa Woedend Om Opdragen Mis Wiertz in Koepelkerk, by The Dichtbij (November 16, 2013)
- London Police Drop Sex Abuse Charges against Prominent Rabbi, by The Jewish Press (November 16, 2013)
- A Priest's View: Media and Others Are Overly Focused on Sex Scandals Among Some Catholic Priests, by Rev. Richard Partika, in The Duluth News Tribune (November 17, 2013)
- Nl Sorry for Downplaying Priest Sex Abuse Cases, by The Nl Times (November 17, 2013)
- How the Paedophile-Catchers Responded OR: Thanks! MATE, by Lewisblayse.net (November 16, 2013)
- " We Bishops Are Responsible" ВђпїЅ at Guadalupe, by Chaput's " New World", in The Whispers in the Loggia (November 17, 2013)
- You Can Do It, by Sylvia, The Sylvia's Site (November 17, 2013)
- Canada Let Priest Charged with Sex Abuse Leave to Belgium: Oblate Official, by Bob Weber, The Canadian Press (November 17, 2013)
- As trial begins for Dutch priest, northern community hopes to move on, by Bob Weber, in The Canadian Press (November 17, 2013)
- A Timeline of Events in Nunavut Abuse Case Involving Former Priest, by The Canadian Press, (November 17, 2013)
- What Some Are Saying As Former Priest Goes on Trial in Nunavut, by The Canadian Press, (November 17, 2013)
- В«der Italiener Per Se Ist Kein HochrisikokundeпїЅ, by The Neue Zurcher Zeitung (November 15, 2013)
- Mountain of Evidence Swamping Child Sexual-Abuse Inquiry, by The Australian (November 18, 2013)
- Brutal Assaults at a Nsw Orphanage, by Annette Blackwell, on The News.com.au (November 18, 2013)
- Bracing for the Truth, by The Australian (November 18, 2013)
- Monday at 6: Secrecy around Sex Predators in the Diocese, by The Turn to 10 (November 17, 2013)
- Pastor of Oakdale Catholic Church Accepted $120.000 Check from Elderly Parishioner, by Laura Yuen, in The Minnesota Public Radio (November 15, 2013)
- Anglicans Elect First Woman Bishop, by The 9 News (November 17, 2013)
- Canberra's Sarah Macneil to Become Australia's First Female Anglican Head, by Peter Jean, in The Canberra Times (November 18, 2013)
- Bishop Speaks out after Senior Priest Found Guilty, by The Lancashire Evening Post (November 17, 2013)
- Anglicans Elect First Woman Bishop, by The Sky News (November 18, 2013)
- Some Victorian Victims' Comments OR: Real VOICES, by Lewisblayse.net (November 17, 2013)
- Ex-Priest to Go on Trial on Sex Charges in Canada, by The ABC News (November 17, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest Gerald Ridsdale Admits New Child Sex Offences, by Steve Butcher, in The Age (November 18, 2013)
- Priest Removed after Publication of Tell-All Memoir, by Shan Ross, in The Scotsman (November 18, 2013)
- Royal Commission Hearing Starts into Lismore Children's Home, by Ashleigh Raper, in The 7 News (November 18, 2013)
- Anglican North Coast Children's Home under Royal Commission Spotlight, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC - Am (November 18, 2013)
- Anglican Church Examines More Abuse Cases on Nsw North Coast, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (November 18, 2013)
- Royal Commission Examines Newcastle and Grafton Dioceses, by The ABC News (November 18, 2013)
November 18
- Victims of Pedophile Aussie Priest Reaches 45 As He Admits to New Charges, by Vittorio Hernandez, in The International Business Times (November 18, 2013)
- Anglican Bishop of Grafton Sarah Macneil Says Timing of Appointment Is 'Messy' As Diocese Appears before Royal Commission, by Heath Gilmore, in The Reporter (November 18, 2013)
- Church 'Denied Controlling Orphanage Where Children Were Abused', by The Australian Associated Press (November 18, 2013)
- Horrifying Evidence from Former Orphans of North Coast Children's Home, by The ABC - PM (November 18, 2013)
- Brutal Assaults at a Nsw Orphanage, by Annette Blackwell, in The 7 News (November 18, 2013)
- Gallup Diocese's Bankruptcy Hearing Starts, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, in The Abq Journal (November 18, 2013)
- Sexual abuse victim welcomed cancer diagnosis, hearing told, by Paul Bibby, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 18, 2013)
- Children at Anglican children's home in Lismore were physically and sexually abused by clergy and staff, Royal Commission is told , by Jim O'Rourke, in The Australian (November 18, 2013)
- 'You Hope for Death to Stop the Pain' Abuse Survivor Tells Royal Commission, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 18, 2013)
- Anglican North Coast Children's Home under Royal Commission Spotlight, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (November 18, 2013)
- Beaten Raped Starved by the Church - an Australian Story, by Candace Sutton, on The News.com.au (November 18, 2013)
- New Bishop for Diocese in Abuse Inquiry, by The Sky News (November 18, 2013)
- Congregation Unite in Protest at Suspension of Parish Priest, by The Herald Scotland (November 18, 2013)
- Gay Clergy Book Row Priest Father Matthew Despard Suspended, by The BBC News (November 18, 2013)
- Parishioners Walk out of Mass for Second Time in Support of Priest Suspended for Claiming Gay Sex Bullying Is Rife in Church, by Gary Fanning, in The Daily Record (November 18, 2013)
- Mass Walkout during Service, by Angela McManus, in The Evening Times (November 18, 2013)
- Fsin Chief Applauds Extension for Residential School Commission, by Jason Warick, in The Starphoenix (November 17, 2013)
- Locked in a cell, tortured and abused: Magdalene Laundries survivor tells of her fight for justice, in The Irish Mirror (November 18, 2013)
- Paedophile Catholic Priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale Admits to 14 New Victims, by Emily Portelli, in The Herald Sun (November 18, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest Guilty on New Charges, by The Sky News (November 18, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest Gerald Ridsdale Pleads Guilty to New Child Sex Charges, by The ABC News (November 18, 2013)
- Vic Priest Ridsdale an 'Evil Hypocrite', by Patrick Caruana, in The 7 News (November 18, 2013)
- Ridsdale Pleads Guilty to More Crimes, by Steve Butcher, in The Courier (November 18, 2013)
- Buffalo Catholic Diocese Hotline Number for Victims of Child Abuse, by Hilary Lane, in The NBC News (November 18, 2013)
- Corrientes: Obispo Pago LA Fianza Para Liberar a Cura Acusado Por Pedofilia, by The Imneuquen (November 18, 2013)
- Pope Francis, the poster boy for today’s Catholics, by Cristina Odone, in The Telegraph (November 17, 2013)
- Full Story: How the Church Concealed Father Ridsdale's Crimes, by The Broken Rites (November 18, 2013)
- Royal Commission Arrives in Cairns, by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (November 18, 2013)
- As Dejaeger trial starts in Nunavut, Belgian media keep a close watch, by David Murphy, in The Unatsiaq Online (November 18, 2013)
- Vlaamse Eskimopater Voor De Rechter, by The Vtm Nieuws (November 18, 2013)
- Priests 'raped and beat' children, Royal Commission told, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 19, 2013)
- Anglican Church in Spotlight at Royal Commission, by Joanne McCarthy, in The Newcastle Herald (November 18, 2013)
- Royal Commission Looks into North Coast Children's Home's History of Child Abuse, by Hannah Puyat, in The International Business Times (November 18, 2013)
- Pension Plea for Child Abuse Survivors, by Celine Foenander, in The ABC Gippsland (November 18, 2013)
- Dolan on Poor Church for the Poor, by Thomas Reese, in The National Catholic Reporter (November 11, 2013)
- Thoughts on the Usccb--Not Happy Ones, by The Enlightened Catholicism (November 14, 2013)
- Priest Who Said Catholic Church Suffered a 'Culture of Homosexual Bullying' Is Suspended, by The Pink News (November 18, 2013)
- Pay Continues for Employees during Bankruptcy Case, by The Houston Chronicle (November 18, 2013)
- New Mexico Diocese Begins Bankruptcy Process, by The National Catholic Reporter (November 18, 2013)
- Anglican Church Denied Sexual Abuse at Nsw North Coast Children's Home, by Paul Bibby, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 19, 2013)
- Twin Cities Crisis Gets Worse & Weirder, by Barbara Dorris, in The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 18, 2013)
- Grafton Diocese Admits to Receiving More Abuse Claims, by The ABC - Am (November 18, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Raymond P. Melville, in BishopAccountability.org (November 18, 2013)
- 5 Reasons You Should Stay off the Pope Francis Bandwagon, by Timothy McGrath, GlobalPost (November 18, 2013)
- Protection, Healing and Health, by William J. Marks, Noaker Law Firm (November 18, 2013)
- Children Were "Forced to Eat Their Own Vomit and Have Sex with Older Residents at Australian Orphanage Run by Anglican Church", in Daily Mail (November 18, 2013)
- Former Northern Priest Eric Dejaeger Pleads Guilty to Sex Charges in Nunavut, by Bob Weber, Toronto Star (November 18, 2013)
- Eric Dejaeger, Catholic Priest, Pleads Guilty to Sex Charges, in CBC News (November 18, 2013)
- Vatican Puts Third Department under outside Financial Scrutiny, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (November 16, 2013)
- US Accountants Ernst&young to Audit Vatican Finances, in Economic Times (November 18, 2013)
- Pope Francis" Motu Proprio on the A.i.f., in Vatican Information Service (November 18, 2013)
- International Team of Assessors on Administrative Activities, in Vatican Information Service (November 18, 2013)
- Vatican Tasks Ernst & Young with Auditing Its Financial Activities, in Rome Reports (November 18, 2013)
- Bischof Tebartz-van Elst Muss 20.000 Euro Zahlen, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (November 18, 2013)
- Nicht Gut, Aber Gerecht, by Daniel Deckers, Frankfurter Allgemeine (November 18, 2013)
- … Fr William Marks: Pedophile…, in Minnesota SNAP (November 18, 2013)
- Witness Says Inuit Girls Came up with Their Own Plan to Stop Attacks by Priest, by Bob Weber, The Province (November 18, 2013)
- Delaware Jury Weighs Clergy Sex Abuse Claims, by Randall Chase, WDEL (November 18, 2013)
- Delaware Jury Awards NJ Man $2.4 Million in Suit against Marist Brother, by Sean O’Sullivan, News Journal (November 18, 2013)
- DAS Katholische Weltbild, by Rainer Hank Und Georg Meck, Frankfurter Allgemeine (November 18, 2013)
- As Church Scandal Grows, Catholic Charities Keeps an Eye on Donations, by Cynthia Boyd, MinnPost (November 18, 2013)
- Lawsuit Expected against St. John's Abbey, Priest, by St. Cloud Times, David Unze (November 18, 2013)
- Media Advisory : Saint Luke Institute, Father Francis Hoefgen Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 18, 2013)
- The Third Case Study (or: Sugar-coated Salt), in lewisblayse.net (November 18, 2013)
- I-team: Letters Raise Questions about Alleged Sex Abuse in Diocese, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence (November 18, 2013)
- I-team: Letters Raise Questions about Alleged Sex Abuse in Diocese, by Katie Davis, NBC 10 (November 18, 2013)
- Diocese Reaches out to Victims of Sex Abuse, by Francis Campbell, The Chronicle-Herald (November 18, 2013)
- Meetings Planned to Discuss Future Direction of Church, in Cape Breton Post (November 18, 2013)
November 19
- Minnesota: Former altar boy sues church, alleging abuse by priest in late 1950s, by Emily Gurnon, in The Pioneer Press (November 18, 2013)
- Abuse Lawyer Slams 'Mean' Anglican Church, by The 9 News (November 19, 2013)
- Child Abuse Victim 'Manipulated' by Anglican Church, by The ABC News (November 19, 2013)
- Abuse victims 'missed boat' on compensation payments, commission told, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 19, 2013)
- Hell in Heaven: Paedophile Ring Priests Group Beat and Lick Children As Cleansing Ritual, by Athena Yenko, in The International Business Times (November 19, 2013)
- Royal Commission hears of cruel, barbaric hell, by Jessica Grewal, in The CQ News(November 19, 2013)
- Church Leader Accused of Sexually Abusing Children, by Brandon Todd, in The My Fox Dfw (November 19, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Allegations against Former Pastor Prompts Church School Meeting, by Tom Regan, The Wsbt (November 19, 2013)
- Police 'Unfair' in Their Evidence to Child Abuse Inquiry, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 19, 2013)
- Catholic School Teacher Exonerated of 'Perv' Charges, by The California Catholic Daily (November 18, 2013)
- John Fischler, Calif. teacher branded as "perv," awarded $362K in defamation case, in The CBS News (November 18, 2013)
- Teacher awarded $362,653 in defamation suit against former students for calling him a ‘perv’, by George Chidi, in The Raw Story(November 17, 2013)
- Jury: Girls, Parents Liable For Calling Catholic Teacher "Perv", in The Associated Press (November 19, 2013)
- Gallup Diocese Tries to Protect Itself, by Kim Vallez, in KRQE (November 18, 2013)
- The Forward's Freudian Slip, by The Failed Messiah (November 18, 2013)
- New Archbishop Calls for Greater Support for Victims of Child Sex Abuse, by Adrienne Francis, in The ABC News (November 19, 2013)
- Dispelling myths around sexual abuse - rapists don't look like Jimmy Savile and victims are never to blame, according to charity, by Joanna Morris, in The Northern Echo (November 19, 2013)
- Vatican's New Dominican Republic Envoy Arrives Amid Pedophilia Scandals, by The Dominican Today (November 19, 2013)
- Australian Bishops Welcome Report That Seeks Changes in Abuse Protocols, by The Catholic News Service (November 19, 2013)
- 7 Acts Australia Must Do for Humanity's Good Motivated by the Victorian Inquiry That Slams the Vatican ROMAN Catholic Church!, by Paris Arrow, in The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (November 18, 2013)
- Church to Probe Suspended Priest's Claims, by Gerry Braiden, in The Herald Scotland (November 19, 2013)
- Is the Catholic Church Image Tarnished?, by Rena Sarigianopoulos, in KARE (November 18, 2013)
- Abuse Lawyer Slams Anglican Church, by The Sky News (November 19, 2013)
- Harrowing Evidence against Anglican Diocese in Grafton Given at Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, by Matthew Benns, in The Herald Sun (November 19, 2013)
- Anglicans 'Broke Abuse Report Protocol', by The Sky News (November 19, 2013)
- Other Pontifical Acts, by The Vatican Information Service (November 19, 2013)
- Pope Francis Names Rev. Msgr. Michael F. Olson, S.T.D., M.A. as New Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, by The Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth (November 19, 2013)
- Pope Names New Bishop for Fort Worth Catholic Diocese, by Domingo Ramirez Jr, in The Fort Worth Star-Telegram (November 19, 2013)
- Saint Luke Institute, Priest Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Jennie Olson, in KAAL (November 19, 2013)
- Tragic story of Hana Williams, who died after abuse from her adoptive parents, on The News.com.au (November 12, 2013)
- OK - Alleged Predator Priest Who Lived in OK Gets �off the Hook", by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 19, 2013)
- $2.4 Million Jury Award in Priest Abuse Case, by Don Rush, in The Delmarva Public Radio (November 19, 2013)
- Police Treatment of Alleged Abuse Victim Discussed, by The Channel Online (November 19, 2013)
- Editorial - Tuesday, November 19: Good move, poor timing, by Jenna Cairney , in The Daily Examiner (November 19, 2013)
- Belgian Victims' Advocate in Nunavut Court to Complete Her Work on Eric Dejaeger, by David Murphy, in The Nunatsiaq Online (November 19, 2013)
- Nunavut court: Dejaeger trial opens with disturbing tales of child rape, bestiality, by David Murphy, in The Nunatsiaq Online (November 19, 2013)
- Bishop's Declaration Telegraphs Legal Intent, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, in The Gallup Independent (November 14, 2013)
- CA - Victims Want Bishop to Admit Few Allegations Are False, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 19, 2013)
- Diocese: 105 Clergy Sex Abuse Survivors?, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, in The Gallup Independent (November 19, 2013)
- Mn - Victims Applaud Suit Vs. Catholic Center, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 19, 2013)
- Defence Questions Memory, Motivation of Priest's Alleged Sex Abuse Victims, in Canadian Press (November 19, 2013)
- Gallup’s Victim Tally Rivals Dioceses Ten Times Larger, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (November 19, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Brion T. Ares, in BishopAccountability.org (November 19, 2013)
- Suit Says St. Luke Clergy Treatment Center Failed to Protect Victims, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (November 19, 2013)
- Lawsuit Says Ex-hastings Priest Abused Boy after Undergoing Sex-offender Treatment, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (November 19, 2013)
- Abuse Allegation against Deceased Priest Credible, in Mining Journal (November 19, 2013)
- Suit: Priest Admitted Abuse, Stayed Active, by Amy Forliti, Westport News (November 19, 2013)
- Latest Vatican Reform Has Scores of Priests Returning to Their Dioceses, by Andrea Gagliarducci, National Catholic Register (November 19, 2013)
- Good News for Fort Worth, by Michael Sean, National Catholic Reporter (November 19, 2013)
- Seminary Rector Named Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (November 19, 2013)
- New Ft. Worth Bishop Named; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (November 18, 2013)
- Editorial: Synod Questionnaire an Opportunity to Hear from the People, in National Catholic Reporter (November 19, 2013)
- Nienstedt Throws “pr Ploy” Task Force under the Bus, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (November 19, 2013)
- Plucking the Demon out of One Eye, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (November 16, 2013)
- El Plan De LA Iglesia Colombiana Para Atacar LA Pederastia, in El Tiempo (November 19, 2013)
- O’malley and Curia Reform, by Marco Tosatti, Vatican Insider (November 19, 2013)
- What Tommy Said (or: Saving the Furniture), in lewisblayse.net (November 19, 2013)
- Diocese Named in Another Suit over Alleged Clergy Abuse, by Kevin Sweeney, The Journal (November 19, 2013)
- Back to the Future for the Catholic Church?, by John MacMurray, LA Progressive (November 19, 2013)
- Probe Concludes: Vatican Envoy Sexually Abused 5 Dominican Boys, in Dominican Today (November 19, 2013)
- Priest Admitted Abuse but Stayed Active, in WCCO (November 19, 2013)
- Maplewood Priest Fondled Female Parishioner, Charges Say, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (November 19, 2013)
- Retired Minister from Cambridge Found Guilty of Sexual Offences, in The Record (November 19, 2013)
- Lawsuit: St. John's Priest Admitted Abuse, Returned to Ministry, in KMSP (November 19, 2013)
- Man Killed in Bear Motorcycle Crash Was Clergy Sexual Abuse Victim, in News Journal (November 19, 2013)
- Another Priest Faces Criminal Charges, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 18, 2013)
- New Ulm Diocese Named in Lawsuit, by Mitch Keegan, KEYC (November 19, 2013)
- Lawsuit Accuses St. John's Abbey Priest of Sexually Abusing Hastings Boy, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (November 19, 2013)
- Sexual Misconduct Charges Filed against Maplewood Priest, by Tom Scheck, Minnesota Public Radio (November 19, 2013)
- Archdiocese Planning Parish Closures; Announcement Due in September, in Journal News (November 19, 2013)
- Bishop Slater Handed over Reins to Man Linked to Abuse, by Jessica Grewal, Morning Bulletin (November 20, 2013)
- Letters Detail Alleged Sex Abuse in Diocese, by Katie Davis, NBC 10 (November 19, 2013)
- Another Lawsuit Filed against Southern Mn Pastor, in KDUZ (November 19, 2013)
- Priest Sex Abuse Victim Killed in Motorcycle Crash, by Randall Chase, Houston Chronicle (November 19, 2013)
- Maplewood Priest Charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct, Accused of Fondling Female Parishioner, in Daily Journal (November 19, 2013)
- Diocese Faces New Sex Assault Allegations, by Dan Nienaber, Mankato Free Press (November 19, 2013)
- Scotland: Parishioners Walk out of Mass in Protest at Suspension of Priest, by Dan Bergin, Michael Glacken, Independent Catholic News (November 19, 2013)
- Defence Questions Memory, Motivation of Priest's Alleged Sex Abuse Victims, in CBC News (November 19, 2013)
- News Conference Part 1: Attorney Jeff Anderson Discusses Priest Abuse Lawsuit, by Leslie Dyste, KSTP (November 19, 2013)
- Suit: Priest Admitted Abuse, Stayed Active, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (November 19, 2013)
- Documents: Stearns Priest Investigation File Destroyed in Routine Purge, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (November 19, 2013)
November 20
- Lawsuit Says Ex-Hastings Priest Abused Boy after Undergoing Sex-Offender Treatment, by Emily Gurnon, in The Pioneer Press (November 19, 2013)
- Inquiry Told Anglican Church Approach to Abuse Victims Was Antagonistic, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (November 20, 2013)
- Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse Hears More Harrowing Evidence against Anglican Diocese of Grafton, by Matthew Benns, in The Daily Telegraph (November 20, 2013)
- Clergy Misconduct Lawsuit Targets St. John's Abbey, by John Croman, in KARE (November 20, 2013)
- Priority Was Debt Not Sex Victims: Inquiry, by Annette Blackwell, in The Perth Now (November 20, 2013)
- Catholic Church at 'Critical Juncture', by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 20, 2013)
- Legal fight like being 'raped' again, child abuse victim tells Royal Commission, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 20, 2013)
- New Catholic Archbishop Christopher Prowse Calls for Greater Support for Child Sex Abuse Victims, by Adrienne Francis, in The 7 News (November 20, 2013)
- Police Accused of Unfair Evidence, by Barney Zwartz, in The Age (November 20, 2013)
- Alleged Victim of Child Sexual Abuse in Nsw Threatened Suicide, by Ashleigh Raper, in The ABC News (November 20, 2013)
- Witness Tells of Rape at Children's Home, by The Sky News (November 20, 2013)
- Church Urges All Catholics to Act on Abuse, by News.com.au (November 20, 2013)
- Catholic Brother Testifies about Sex Abuse, by The USA Today (November 19, 2013)
- N.J. Man Abused by Cleric More Than 30 Years Ago Awarded $2.4 Million, by Jeff Goldman, in The Star-Ledger (November 19, 2013)
- Abuse Survivor Slams Prime Minister's Stance, by Goya Dmytryshchak, in The Maribymong Weekly (November 20, 2013)
- Yeshiva Accused Daniel Hayman Free to Return to LA after Posting $1m Bail, by Emma Partridge, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 20, 2013)
- Hayman Allowed to Go Home, by The J-Wire (November 20, 2013)
- Ridsdale in Vic Court on New Sex Charges, by The 9 News (November 20, 2013)
- Sluitingsdatum Seksueel Misbruik Overledenen En Verjaarde Zaken, by KNR (November 19, 2013)
- 1:30 Today, Press Conference: Accused Priests Kept in Ministry by RI Diocese, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 20, 2013)
- Priest Grozovsky Suspended from Service, by The Interfax (November 20, 2013)
- St. Lawrence Parishioners Form Committee to Bring Back Ousted Priest, by Matt Camara, in The Southcoast Today (November 20, 2013)
- What CA and Ck Said OR: Ritual ABUSE, by Lewisblayse.net (November 20, 2013)
- The Name of the Game, by Sylvia, in The Sylvia's Site (November 20, 2013)
- Catholic Church Dragging out Sex-Abuse Case of Dying Man, by Mark Schliebs, in The Australian (November 21, 2013)
- Catholic Leader Wants Action for Abuse Victims, by Patrick Byrne, in The Courier (November 20, 2013)
- IL - Victims �out␝ 2 More Abusive Clerics, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 20, 2013)
- Woman Tells Court Accused Priest Starved Children to Force Them into Sex, by The Canadian Press (November 20, 2013)
- Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Releases Statement on Francis Hoefgen, by Cassie Hart, in KSTP (November 19, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Francis Hoefgen, by Jim Accurso, in The Media and Public Relations Manager (November 19, 2013)
- Archdiocese Removes Father Paul from Ministry without Announcement, by Susan Matthews, in The Catholics4change (November 20, 2013)
- Shatter Needs Extra �32 Million for Garda� and Magdalene Payments, by The Journal (November 20, 2013)
- National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company Appoints Managing Editor As Ceo/president, by The National Catholic Reporter (November 20, 2013)
- Nunavut Priest Accused of Raping Hungry Girl after Church Meal, by The Sun News (November 20, 2013)
- Woman Tells Court of Abuse after Being Sent to Priest Because She Was Hungry, by The Ottawa Citizen (November 20, 2013)
- Priest Abruptly Leaves Church in Kenosha after Accusations of Crude Facebook Posts, by Jonah Kaplan, in The Wtmj (November 20, 2013)
- St. Peter Priest Removed Amid Investigation, by Bill Guida, in The Kenosha News (November 19, 2013)
- Alleged Priest-Abuse Victims Call for Investigation of Providence Diocese, by The Providence Journal (November 20, 2013)
- Kenosha Priest Reportedly Removed for Facebook Posts, by Annysa Johnson, in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (November 20, 2013)
- Girl Sexually Assaulted by Priest after Seeking Food: Witness, by The CBC News (November 20, 2013)
- IL - Springfield bishop both likes and shuns limelight, SNAP says, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 20, 2013)
- Local Sexual Abuse Victim to Establish National Survivors Group, by Don Lajoie, in The Windsor Star (November 20, 2013)
- I-Team: Alleged Victims of Abuse Call for Investigation of Diocese, by Katie Davis, in The NBC 10 (November 21, 2013)
- Catholic Exorcism Planned to Rid Illinois of Abusive Priests. Correction. Same-Sex Marriage Advocates, by Barry Duke, in The Freethinker UK (November 20, 2013)
- Organization Seeking Answers to Alleged Abuse at Bishop McCort, by The Wjac (November 20, 2013)
- Kenosha priest on admin. leave, being investigated by police, by Bret Buganski, in The Fox 6 (November 20, 2013)
November 21
- 25 New Clergy Abuse Claims in Ohio School Case, in Seattle PI (November 21, 2013)
- Minnetonka Priest’s Tenant Is Ex-priest Who Abused Teen, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (November 20, 2013)
- Anglican Church Failed to Censure Alleged Paedophile Priests, by Dan Box, The Australian (November 21, 2013)
- Fired Kenosha Priest under Police Investigation, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (November 21, 2013)
- Witnesses Describe Drugs, Threats and Denial on Day Three of Nunavut Priest Trial, by David Murphy, Nunatsiaq Online (November 21, 2013)
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence Accused of Protecting Sex Abusers, by Zachary Malinowski, Providence Journal (November 21, 2013)
- More Sex Abuse Charges Lodged against Ri Priests, in NECN (November 21, 2013)
- Youngstown Diocese Receives $25 Million Demand Regarding Brother Baker, in Youngstown Vindicator (November 21, 2013)
- Regret over Church Abuse Claim Delay, by Ava Benny-Morrison, West Australian (November 21, 2013)
- Victim's Warnings about Clergyman Who Assaulted Him Ignored Because Offender Had Common Name, Inquiry Told., by Matthew Benns, The Telegraph (November 21, 2013)
- Anglican Church Should Have Disciplined Clergyman with Child Sex Convictions, Inquiry Told, in ABC News (November 21, 2013)
- Church "Didn't Discipline Pedophile", in Sky News (November 21, 2013)
- Former Youth Group Leader Charged with Sexual Abuse, in WSAZ (November 21, 2013)
- On Speak out Sunday, Congregations Will Focus on Sexual Abuse: Guest Opinion, by David Leslie and Rev. Amy Gopp, The Oregonian (November 21, 2013)
- "John Doe" Speaks out about Suing Boy Scouts, LDS Church, by Jamie Grey, KTVB (November 21, 2013)
- Judge May Allow Release of Some Records in Priest Sex-abuse Case., by Mary Duan and Sara Rubin, Monterey County Weekly (November 21, 2013)
- Camden Diocese, Accuser Reach Deal in Clergy Sex Abuse Case, by Jim Walsh, The Courier-Post (November 21, 2013)
- Pfarrer Aus Untersuchungshaft Entlassen, in Mittelbayerische (November 21, 2013)
- Open Files on Baker, by David Hurst, The Tribune-Democrat (November 21, 2013)
- Come Forward, Abuse Victims Urged, by David Hurst, The Tribune-Democrat (November 21, 2013)
- ABC 23 News Update 2 11/21/13, in ABC 23 (November 21, 2013)
- Church Let Convicted Pedophile Stay a Priest, by Dan Box, The Australian (November 22, 2013)
- Cathedral Allegedly Place for ‘less Than Savoury’, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 21, 2013)
- Diocese ‘unaware’ of Priest's Offences, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 21, 2013)
- Father Despard Has Been Unjustly Treated and Should Be Reinstated, in Herald Scotland (November 21, 2013)
- Comment: Church Deserves Praise, Not Approbation, in Scotsman (November 21, 2013)
- Dominican Republic Prosecutors Conclude Papal Nuncio Sexually Abused Boys, in Hispanically Speaking (November 20, 2013)
- Opinion: I Exposed Priest in Sexting Sting. Now Church Must Reform., by Tim Schmalz, The Star-Ledger (November 21, 2013)
- In Preparation for Synod on the Family October 2014, in Association of Catholic Priests (November 21, 2013)
- First Civil Suit to Be Filed under Child Victims Act Involving Sexual Abuse on a Reservation, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 21, 2013)
- Judge Rules against Archbishop, in SNAP (November 21, 2013)
- Just-suspended Priest Worked in Maine, in SNAP (November 21, 2013)
- Priest's Abuse Damaged Her Relationships: Witness, in Bay Today (November 21, 2013)
- Man Who Sued Twin Cities Archdiocese for Abuse Still Wants Justice, by Richard Meryhew, Star Tribune (November 20, 2013)
- Editorial: Don't Ignore Clergy in Effects of Pornography, in National Catholic Reporter (November 21, 2013)
- Witness Testifies but Can’t Face Accused in Nunavut Sex Assault Trial, by David Murphy, Nunatsiaq Online (November 21, 2013)
- Pastor's Sexual Exploitation Conviction Reversed on Appeal, by Grant Rodgers, Des Moines Register (November 21, 2013)
- Court Orders New Trial for Iowa Pastor in Sex Case, by Ryan J. Foley, Seattle PI (November 20, 2013)
- New Trial Ordered in Pella Pastor's, by Matt Milner, Ottumwa Courier (November 21, 2013)
- Cheers and Jeers, in Crookston Times (November 21, 2013)
- Man Claims Priest Abused Him at White Earth, in KTTC (November 21, 2013)
- Lawsuit Accuses Minn. Priest of Abuse on White Earth Reservation, by Dan Gunderson, Minnesota Public Radio (November 21, 2013)
- Man Claims Priest Abused Him at White Earth Indian Reservation, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (November 21, 2013)
- 46 Years Later, Memories of Abuse at Hands of Olm Priest Still Haunt, by Elizabeth McNamara, Patch (November 21, 2013)
- Member of White Earth Band of Chippewa Sues Crookston Diocese, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (November 21, 2013)
- Diocese of Crookston Faces More Allegations of Sexual Abuse, by Victor Correa, WDAZ (November 21, 2013)
- Court Told Priest's Sex Abuse Hurt Relationships with Woman's Parents, Husband, by Bob Weber, Winnipeg Free Press (November 21, 2013)
- Latest Archdiocese Lawsuit: Maryland Treatment Facility, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (November 19, 2013)
- Baylor President Writes Letter of Support for Child Molester, in Stop Baptist Predators (November 20, 2013)
November 22
- New Abuse Suit Filed against Crookston Diocese; Accusations Focus on Priest with Area Reservation Ties, by Stephen J. Lee, Bemidji Pioneer (November 22, 2013)
- When Hell Is a Children's Home, by Annette Blackwell, West Australian (November 22, 2013)
- Money Squirrelled Away at "Poor" Diocese, by Annette Blackwell, West Australian (November 22, 2013)
- Anglican Church Abuse Compensation Not Motivated by Suffering, Inquiry Told, by Ashleigh Raper and Thomas Oriti, ABC News (November 22, 2013)
- Shreveport Pastor Indicted on Federal Charges, by Carolyn Roy, KSLA (November 22, 2013)
- Catholics Back Compo Scheme for Abuse Victims, by Ildi Amon, SBS (November 22, 2013)
- Police Investigating Sexual Abuse Allegation against Head Start Teacher at Holy Redeemer Church, Archdiocese of Miami Says, in NBC South Florida (November 22, 2013)
- Child Sex Abuse Allegations at Holy Redeemer Head Start Program, in CBS Miami (November 22, 2013)
- Lawsuit Accuses Former South Dakota Friar of Child Abuse, by John Hult, Argus Leader (November 22, 2013)
- Letter Warned of Cover-up, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (November 22, 2013)
- How Many More ‘pious’ Sex Abusers Are There?, by Harry Maryles, Jewish Press (November 22, 2013)
- Fayette Pastor Accused of Indecent Contact with Girl, by Liz Zemba, The Tribune-Review (November 21, 2013)
- Pastor Accused of Improper Relationship with a Minor, in The Herald-Standard (November 21, 2013)
- What Cd, Cn and CM Said (or: O’neill’s Whip), in lewisblayse.net (November 22, 2013)
- More from the Father Eric Dejaeger Sex Abuse Trial, in Sylvia's Site (November 21, 2013)
- Abuse Victims at Anglican Home Told Church Had No Liability, in The Guardian (November 22, 2013)
- No Jersey Clergy to Be Disciplined over Abuse Complaint Handling, in BBC News (November 22, 2013)
- Bishop Won't Publish Report into Dean's Suspension, in Channel Online (November 22, 2013)
- Church Lied to Abuse Victim, by Jared Owens, The Australian (November 22, 2013)
- 2 Predator Priests Should Be Criminally Charged, SNAP Says, in SNAP (November 22, 2013)
- Retired Minister Found Guilty of Sexual Offences, in Cambridge Times (November 22, 2013)
- Royal Commission to Hold Public Hearing into Towards Healing Starting 9 December, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (November 22, 2013)
- Kenosha Priest Cleared by Law Enforcement, in Fox 6 (November 22, 2013)
- Criminal Charges against Catholic Priest Dismissed, by Betsey Bruce, Fox 2 (November 22, 2013)
- Former Blair Priest Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Minor, in Pilot-Tribune & Enterprise (November 22, 2013)
- Former Norfolk Priest Found Guilty of Abuse, in ABC 9 (November 22, 2013)
- Criminal Charges against Fr. Jiang Dropped, in St. Louis Review (November 21, 2013)
November 23
- Ex-magistrate Is Jailed for Sex Abuse of Girl, 10, in Oxford Times (November 23, 2013)
- ‘uncovering the Truth’, by Samantha Perry, Bluefield Daily Telegraph (November 23, 2013)
- Woman Claims She Was Fired by Church after Abuse, by Vic Lee, KGO (November 23, 2013)
- Sexual Abuse under Investigation at Bluefield Church, by Dan Thorn, WVNS (November 23, 2013)
- Bluefield Church Volunteer Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Paul Hess, WVWA (November 22, 2013)
- Archdiocese Delays Release of Abusive Priests List, by Jon Collins, Minnesota Public Radio, (November 22, 2013)
- Statement on Updated Schedule for Disclosure, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 22, 2013)
- Reflecting on God’s Blessings and Working to Do the Right Thing, by John C. Nienstedt, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (November 21, 2013)
- From Rev. Emmett Coyne: Interdict from below, in Bilgrimage (November 22, 2013)
- Baker Probe Moves Ahead, by Kathy Mellott, The Tribune-Democrat (November 23, 2013)
- Bishops to Visit Jersey, in Channel Online (November 23, 2013)
- Yeshiva U. Faces Growing Fiscal Crisis Amid Downgrades and Abuse Suit, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (November 22, 2013)
- Archdiocese Delays Release of Abusive Priests List, in Seattle PI (November 23, 2013)
- Archdiocese to Meet with Judge before Releasing Clergy Names, in KARE (November 23, 2013)
- Ghanaian Priest Rapes Young Girl Who Had Come for Prayers, in Spy Ghana (November 23, 2013)
- Dictaran Veredicto Contra Sacerdote Acusado De Presunto Abuso Sexual En Osorno, by Tania Lavado, The Bio Bio (November 23, 2013)
- Vuelven a Investigar a Un Cura Acusado De Abuso, by The Clarin (November 22, 2013)
- Los Angeles Files - Reagan, by Bishopaccountability.org (November 23, 2013)
- Seminary School Knew Of Pastor Ray Scott Teet's Sexual Misbehavior, Did Nothing: Lawyer (EXCLUSIVE), by David Lohr, by The Huffington Post (November 23, 2013)
- Twin Cities Archdiocese Delays Releasing Names of Priests Facing Substantiated Abuse Claims, by The Star Tribune (November 22, 2013)
- Lavada Breaks Silence on Flannery Case, by Michael Kelly, in The Irish Catholic (November 7, 2013)
- 'Rome Has Finished With' Cardinal Keith O'Brien Says New Archbishop, by The Stv (November 23, 2013)
- Archbishop: Vatican Will Take No Further Action against Cardinal Keith O'Brien, by The Herald Scotland (November 23, 2013)
- Criminal Charges against Catholic Priest Dismissed, by Betsey Bruce, in The Fox 2 (November 22, 2013)
- Racine Catholic Priest Won't Face Charges for Facebook Images, by Annysa Johnson, in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (November 22, 2013)
- Los Angeles Files - Reagan, by Bishopaccountability.org (November 23, 2013)
- Private middle school instructor charged with raping and molesting girl, 13, by Valerie Schremp Hahn, in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (November 22, 2013)
- Part-Time Instructor Accused of Molesting Student, by Kevin S Held, in The Ksdk (November 22, 2013)
- Vatican 'Finished with Cardinal Keith O'Brien', by Alistair Munro, in The Scotsman (November 23, 2013)
- Catholic Church Official Faces Sexual Harassment Charges, by Tim Redmond, in The 48 Hills (November 22, 2013)
- Once a Priest Always a Priest OR: My Wife Will Pray for YOU, by Lewisblayse.net (November 23, 2013)
- Lists of Accused Priests Released by Dioceses and Religious Institutes, by Bishopaccountability.org (November 23, 2013)
- More Lawsuits Possible for Fairfield U, by Meg Learson Grosso, in The Minuteman News Center (November 20, 2013)
- Scottish Bishops' Secret Sex Abuse File Handed over to Police, by Catherine Deveney, in The Guardian (November 23, 2013)
November 24
- Twin Cities Archdiocese Is Just at the Beginning of Its Sex Abuse Scandal, by Jean Hopfensperger, in The Star Tribune (November 24, 2013)
- Church Pastor Accused of Indecent Sexual Contact with 11-Year-Old Girl in Pennsylvania, by Morgan Lee, in The Christian Post (November 23, 2013)
- Former Church Leader Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, by Rachel Baldwin, in The Williamson Daily News (November 24, 2013)
- Hundreds of Church-Goers Urge Bishop to Give Suspended Priest Father Despard His Job Back, by Lauren Crooks, in The Daily Record (November 24, 2013)
- Two Priests' Stories Shows Catholic Church's Warped Priorities, by Alan Howe, in The Herald Sun (November 25, 2013)
- Revealed: Bishop Targeted Sex Claim Priest, by The Herald Scotland (November 24, 2013)
- Kenosha Priest Cleared of Wrong Doing in Social Media Post, by Mary Franzen, in The Wtmj (November 23, 2013)
- 2 Priests Found Guilty of Sex Abuse by Archdiocese Unlikely to Face Criminal Charges, by Michael O'Connor, in The World-Herald (November 23, 2013)
- More Graphic Testimomy from Iqaluit, by Sylvia, in The Sylvia's Site (November 23, 2013)
- an Altar Boy's Story, by The Broken Rites (November 24, 2013)
- Northboro Pastor Accused of Theft Is Replaced, by Bronislaus B. Kush, in The Telegram & Gazette Staff (November 23, 2013)
- Antigonish Continues Sex Abuse Reconciliation, by Deborah Gyapong, in The Canadian Catholic News (November 24, 2013)
- Money Matters OR: Scarier Than HELL, by Lewisblayse.net (November 24, 2013)
- Catholic Church Calls in Ex-Moderator, by The BBC News (November 24, 2013)
- Church Accused of Hiding from Abuse Claims, by Michael Glackin, in The Times (November 25, 2013)
- Catholic Church in Scotland to Reveal Past Abuse Cases, by The Itv (November 24, 2013)
- Church to Reveal Past Abuse Cases, by The Paisley Daily Express (November 24, 2013)
- Catholic Church to Publish Details of Abuse and Misconduct Complaints, by The Stv (November 24, 2013)
- Rabbis Who Publicly Support the Efforts of the Awareness Center to End Sexual Violence in Jewish Communities around the World, by The Awareness Center (November 24, 2013)
- Police Get Dossier of Alleged Abuse in Catholic Church, by Tristan Stewart-Robertson, in The Scotsman (November 25, 2013)
November 25
- Priest at Centre of Abuse Claim Quits, by The Sky News (November 25, 2013)
- Former Church Moderator to Lead Probe into Catholic Church's Safeguarding Procedures after Priest Sex Abuse Allegations, by The Daily Record (November 25, 2013)
- Cleric Quits over Abuse Handling, by Annette Blackwell, The Perth Now (November 25, 2013)
- I'M Not Sure I'M Still a Christian, by Anglican Priest Pat Comben Says, by Dan Box (November 25, 2013)
- Anglican Church Official Pat Comben Quizzed in Royal Commission over Response to Child Sex Abuse at North Coast Children's Home, by Ashleigh Raper, The 7 News (November 25, 2013)
- Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal Is Back, by Rob Shryock, The Religion Dispatches (November 24, 2013)
- Church's Response to Abuse Victims Was Too Slow, by Says Archbishop, by Sarah Mac Donald (November 25, 2013)
- Tenth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Child Safeguarding and Protection Office of the Archdiocese of Dublin, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin (November 25, 2013)
- Rwanda: the Church Should Prevent Sex Abuse, by Joseph Oindo, The New Times (November 24, 2013)
- No Copping out of Abuse Blame, by Frank Brennan, The Eureka Street (November 25, 2013)
- Catholic Church: More Than 50% of Abuse Complaints Received Were Sex Related, by The Herald Scotland (November 25, 2013)
- Survivors Group Praises Church for Decision to Release Maltreatment Claim Figures in Scotland, by The Herald Scotland (November 25, 2013)
- Scotland's Catholic Bishops Announce Range of Safeguarding Initiatives, by The Scottish Catholic Media Office (November 25, 2013)
- 55% of Church Allegations 'Sexual', by The Belfast Telegraph (November 25, 2013)
- Audit Reports, by The Bishops' Conference of Scotland (November 25, 2013)
- Catholic Church Abuse Claims Sparks Probe, by The Edinburgh Evening News (November 25, 2013)
- New Poll: 'Faithful Catholics' an Endangered Species, by Linda Woodhead, The Religion Dispatches (November 25, 2013)
- Anglican Directory of Clergy a 'Stud Book', by The 9 News (November 25, 2013)
- 'Community Politics' in Abuse Claims, by Annette Blackwell, The Herald Sun (November 25, 2013)
- Richard Joel Knew about Yeshiva Sex Abuse Allegations, by Documents Show, by Paul Berger (November 25, 2013)
- When Faith Becomes Ideology, by Aubrey J. Lynch, The Michigan Chronicle (November 25, 2013)
- Hundreds of Church-Goers Urge Bishop to Give Suspended Priest Father Despard His Job Back, by The Daily Record, November 24 (November 24, 2013)
- Deacon Quits Church in Protest Moments before Taking Stand at Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse, by Matthew Benns, The Telegraph (November 26, 2013)
- Kellner Attorney Calls Forward Journalist " Lazy, by Shoddy, Dishonest" – and Proves It (November 24, 2013)
- Priest Grozovsky's Trip to Israel Officially Stopped - Diocese, by The Interfax (November 25, 2013)
- Paul Berger's Response to Sam Kellner's Attorney, by Paul Berger, The Jewish Daily Forward (November 24, 2013)
- Paul Berger's Response to Sam Kellner's Attorney, by Niall Macgiollabhui, (November 25, 2013)
- Third Hearing – Week Two OR: Just a JOKE, by Lewisblayse.net (November 25, 2013)
- Vatican Abuse Prosecutor Says Rome "Well Aware" of Accountability Problem, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (November 25, 2013)
- Stj Condena Igreja Catolica a Pagar Indenizacao Por Pedofilia, by Mariana Oliveira, G1 (November 25, 2013)
- New Court Cases about Clergy Abuse, in SNAP (November 25, 2013)
- Roman Catholic Church in Scotland Reveals Abuse Case Details, in BBC News (November 25, 2013)
- Catholic Church Reveals Details of Abuse Claims, by Auslan Cramb, Telegraph (November 25, 2013)
- Royal Commission Will Hear of Former Paedophile Tweed Priest, by Jessica Grewal, Daily News (November 26, 2013)
- Accused Priest Wants Bench Trial, by Mark Slavit, Connect MidMissouri (November 25, 2013)
- Media Advisory, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 25, 2013)
- Accused Serial Predator Priest Wants Trial, in SNAP (November 25, 2013)
- Roman Catholic High Athletic Director Investigated, in Philly.com (November 25, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Mr. Sean Fitzherbert, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadlephia (November 25, 2013)
- Abuse Statistics an Act of ‘atonement’ by Church, by Mike Wade, The Times (November 25, 2013)
- More Than Half of Allegations Made to Scots Church "Were of a Sexual Nature, by Sabrina Sweeney, The Tablet (November 25, 2013)
- Athletic Director at Roman Catholic High School on Administrative Leave, in CBS Philly (November 25, 2013)
- Nunavut Witness Says Dejaeger Threatened Her with Hell If She Reported His Abuse, by David Murphy, Nunatsiaq Online (November 25, 2013)
- Priest Sparks Outrage at Call to Acquit Sex Offender, by Ralph Riegel, Irish Independent (November 26, 2013)
November 26
- Catholic Church in Scotland Reveal 27 Priests Have Been Reported for Sex Abuse Allegations, by The Daily Record (November 26, 2013)
- Former Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton Admits He Had " Fallen Very Short" in His Oversight, by News.com.au (November 26, 2013)
- Diocese of Antigonish Reaches out after Sex Abuse Scandal, by The CBC News (November 26, 2013)
- Bishop Admits the Anglican Church Was Harsh in Dealing with Nsw Child Sex Abuse Victims, by Ashleigh Raper, in The 7 News (November 26, 2013)
- Church to Audit Child Sex Abuse Settlement, by Sam McKeith, in The Herald Sun (November 26, 2013)
- 'I'm Totally Humiliated': Ex-Bishop Apologises to Abuse Victims, by Paul Bibby, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 26, 2013)
- Church Reveals Abuse Case Details, by David Leask, in The Herald Scotland (November 26, 2013)
- Archbishop Phillip Aspinall Says He Urged Bishop to Be Kinder on Abuse, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 26, 2013)
- Smiling Church Abuse Witness Says Sorry, by The Sky News (November 26, 2013)
- Former Spiritual Mentor Accused of Sexual Abuse, by The Comcast Sportsnet (November 25, 2013)
- Dix Man Sentenced on Child Sex Abuse Charges, by The Ynn (November 25, 2013)
- Man Gets Multiple Life Sentences for Sexual Abuse, by The Ynn (November 25, 2013)
- Union Will Missbrauchsbeauftragten Abschaffen, by The Spiegel (November 24, 2013)
- 'Unverantwortliches Signal', by The Sueddeutsche (November 25, 2013)
- $200m in Assets, by but Church Couldn't Find $4m for Victims, by Jessica Grewal (November 26, 2013)
- Former Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton Admits He Had " Fallen Very Short" in His Oversight, by Matthew Benns, in The Telegraph (November 26, 2013)
- Vatican Diary / the " Bergoglio Effect" on the Bishops of Italy and Spain, by The Chiesa (November 26, 2013)
- Milwaukee Survivors and Clergy Alliance Reach out to Vatican for Help, by The SNAP Wisconsin (November 26, 2013)
- Bishop: Friar's Comments on Former Lord Mayor Murray 'Inappropriate', by Eoin English, in The Irish Examiner (November 26, 2013)
- Priest Remains Diocese Leader Despite Abuse Conviction, by Jessica Grewal, in The Northern Star (November 26, 2013)
- What Ex-Bishop Slater Said OR: the Plot THICKENS, by Lewisblayse.net (November 25, 2013)
- Francis Decentralizes the Church: More Power to Bishops' Conferences, by Andrea Tornielli, in The Vatican Insider (November 25, 2013)
- Anglican Priest Arrested for Rape, by The Business Ghana (November 26, 2013)
- Anglicans Warned on Abuse Cover-Up, by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 27, 2013)
- NJ - Accused NJ Serial Predator Priest Wants Trial, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 26, 2013)
- Pa - More Alleged Child Sex Allegations Involving 2 Philly Catholic Schools, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 25, 2013)
- Smiling Bishop Keith Slater Failed Victims of Sex Abuse in Their Hour of Need, by News.com.au (November 27, 2013)
- Bishop Apologises for Prayer during Sex Assault Trial, by The RTE News (November 26, 2013)
- The Anguish of Being Catholic, by Elizabeth Nagel, in The Minnpost (November 26, 2013)
- IL - Lawsuits Settle but Victims' Group Wants More to Be Done, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 26, 2013)
- Priest Apologises to Family for Sex Trial Comments at Funeral, by The Irish Independent (November 26, 2013)
- Katholiken Und Protestanten: Deutlich Mehr Austritte Aus Den Kirchen, in HNA (November 26, 2013)
- Pope Francis Urges Reform of Papal Powers, by Dario Thuburn, AFP (November 26, 2013)
- Synthesis of the Apostolic Exhortation “the Joy of the Gospel”, in Vatican Information Service (November 26, 2013)
- Pope Francis Calls for Power to Move Away from Vatican, by David Willey, BBC News (November 26, 2013)
- Pope Francis: No More Business As Usual, by Daniel Burke, CNN (November 26, 2013)
- Pope Issues Mission Statement for Papacy, by Nicole Winfield, Boston Globe (November 26, 2013)
- Pope Says Power Should Be Moved Away from Vatican, in Telegraph (November 26, 2013)
- "Evangelii Gaudium" Amounts to Francis" "I Have a Dream" Speech, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (November 26, 2013)
- More from Slater (or: Haven’t We Done Well for Ourselves!), in lewisblayse.net (November 26, 2013)
- Another Priest Abusing Children in Nunavut Has Been Found, in APTV (November 26, 2013)
- More Vatican Governance Promises That Ignore the Church’s Central Crisis, in SNAP (November 26, 2013)
- Convicted Sex Offender Jersey City Priest Headed for Trial on Similar Charges in Missouri: Report, by Ron Zeitlinger, Jersey Journal (November 26, 2013)
- Brewer Should Release Money for Child Investigations, in SNAP (November 26, 2013)
- Archdiocese Pays $2.3 Million to Settle Sexual Abuse Case, by Francine Knowles, Chicago Sun-Times (November 26, 2013)
- Church Document Flagged Huberty for Misconduct a Decade Ago, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (November 26, 2013)
- Archdiocese of Chicago Settles Sex Abuse Case for $2.3 Million, in CBS Chicago (November 26, 2013)
- Wis. Clergy Abuse Victims Lobby Vatican on Claims, in Wall Street Journal (November 26, 2013)
- Abuse Victims Ask Vatican to Reconsider Archdiocese Cemetery Funds, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (November 26, 2013)
- An Awkward Moment in Court, in Sylvia's Site (November 26, 2013)
- Chicago Archdiocese Settles Sexual Abuse Suit for $2.3m, by Steve Schmadeke, Chicago Tribune (November 27, 2013)
- Catholic Church Settles Sex Abuse Case, by Charlie Wojciechowski, NBC Chicago (November 26, 2013)
- Victim of Priest’s Sexual Abuse Receives $2.3m Settlement, by Julie Unruh, WGN (November 26, 2013)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Group Ask Pope to Give $57 Mil. to Settlement Fund, by Chuck Quirmbach, Wisconsin Public Radio (November 26, 2013)
- Creditors Want Vatican to Make Funds Available to Milwaukee Church Sex Abuse Victims, in WTAQ (November 26, 2013)
- Via Fed Ex & Apostolic Nuncio of the United States, in Wisconsin SNAP (November 26, 2013)
- The Pope’s New Envoy Presents Credentials, in Dominican Today (November 26, 2013)
- Retired, in Telegraph (November 26, 2013)
- Would You Walk out of Mass If a Priest Prayed for a Sex Attacker?, by Colette Browne, Irish Independent (November 27, 2013)
November 27
- Number of Abusive Priests on Anglican Register a 'Fraction of True Figure', by Dan Box, in The Australian (November 27, 2013)
- Anglican Primate Says He Had Limited Powers to Intervene in Child Abuse Cases in Grafton, by Emily Bourke, The ABC News (November 27, 2013)
- Church Dissent over Abuse Approach, by The Sbs (November 27, 2013)
- Pastor Arrested and Charged for Alleged Child Sexual Abuse, by The Whsv (November 27, 2013)
- Jehovah's Witness Church Elder Ronald Lawrence Arrested over Sex Abuse Claims Dating Back to 1980s, by Tyler Dunn, The Kjrh (November 26, 2013)
- Hundreds of Clergy Investigated, by Church Tells Commission, by Jessica Grewal (November 27, 2013)
- McAlester Police Arrest Church Elder Accused of Sexual Abuse 30 Years Ago, by Dylan Goforth, Tulsa World (November 27, 2013)
- Vatican Abuse Prosecutor Addresses Questions on Bishop Finn, by Former Apostolic Nuncio, The Catholic Culture (November 27, 2013)
- Royal Commission Hears There Are Potentially Dozens of Clergy Not Yet Identified As Paedophiles, by Ashleigh Raper, in The ABC News (November 28, 2013)
- Retired Nsw Priest Linked to Child Porn Ring Remains on Strict Bail Conditions, by The 7 News (November 27, 2013)
- Missbrauch in Der Kirche: Westschweizer Opfervereinigung Macht Druck, by The Kipa (November 26, 2013)
- Slater and Ezzy OR: All Too EASY, by Lewisblayse.net (November 27, 2013)
- Anglican Church Register of Sex Abuse Complaints out of Date, by Royal Commission Hears, in The Sydney Morning Herald (November 28, 2013)
- The Daily Telegraph Praised by Anglican Church Archbishop Phillip Aspinall for Exposing Evil in Bishop Keith Slater's Church, by News.com.au (November 28, 2013)
- Anglican Primate Aspinall's Rise Defined by Church Scandals, by Jamie Walker, The Australian (November 28, 2013)
- Legislate to 'Force Sex Abuse Compo', by Says Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, by Dan Box (November 28, 2013)
- Church Records of Sex Offenders Faulty, by The Sky News (November 27, 2013)
- MO - Victim Appeals " Bizarre" Ruling, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (November 27, 2013)
- Deetman: Mogelijk Meer Geweld in Sint Joseph, by The Dagblad De Limburger (November 27, 2013)
- *fact Checker* SNAP and the Truth about False Abuse Accusations against Priests, by THEMEDIAREPORT.COM (November 26, 2013)
- Owner of Alleged Satanic Sex Abuse Daycare Released As Case against Her Falls Apart, by David Ferguson, in The Raw Story (November 27, 2013)
- News Release: Hearing Monday Regarding Names and Information on Credibly Accused Child Molesting Priests, by The Jeff Anderson & Associates (November 27, 2013)
- St. Paul Archdiocese May Not Need Court OK to Release List of Abusive Priests, by Emily Gurnon (November 27, 2013)
November 28
- NY Pastor Charged with Sexually Abusing Children, in CBS 12 (November 28, 2013)
- Niagara County Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse, by Kendra Eaglin, WKBW (November 27, 2013)
- Orleans Co. Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse, in Rochester Homepage (November 28, 2013)
- Minister Accused of Sexual Abuse While Pastor of Orleans Church, in Daily News (November 28, 2013)
- Orleans County Pastor Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, by Wbfo Newsroom, WBFO (November 28, 2013)
- Hartland Pastor Accused of Molesting Two Young Children in 2000-01, by Lou Michel, Buffalo News (November 28, 2013)
- Micheal Martin: Republican Movement ‘failed’ to Protect Some Sex Abuse Victims, in The Journal (November 28, 2013)
- Royal Commission Hears There Are Potentially Dozens of Clergy Not Yet Identified As Paedophiles, by Ashleigh Raper, ABC News (November 28, 2013)
- Anglican Primate Says He Had Limited Powers to Intervene in Child Abuse Cases in Grafton, in ABC (November 28, 2013)
- Archbishop of Perth Personally Apologises to Abuse Victims, in Daily Examiner (November 28, 2013)
- Cleric Takes Holiday from Abuse Case, in Australian Teacher (November 28, 2013)
- IL Papa E IL Suo “doppio”, in La Repubblica (November 27, 2013)
- Church Youth Volunteer Accused of Sexually Abusing a Dozen Male Students, by Morgan Lee, Christian Post (November 27, 2013)
- Maltese Priest Named on Commissions to Look into Vatican Finances, in Malta Independent (November 28, 2013)
- Pope Names Private Secretary to Supervise Vatican Bank, in Chicago Tribune (November 28, 2013)
- The Pope Appoints Msgr. Xuareb As His Delegate in Two Commissions, in Vatican Information Service (November 28, 2013)
- Pope Wants Closer Look at Vatican’s Finance Reform, in The Inquirer (November 28, 2013)
- Mgr Alfred Xuereb Appointed Pope's Delegate on Two Vatican Commissions, in Times of Malta (November 28, 2013)
- Pope Francis’s Progressive Statement Opens Questions on Abuse Cases, Women, by Jason Berry, GlobalPost (November 27, 2013)
- Herald Reporter Joanne Mccarthy Wins Gold Walkley, in Newcastle Herald (November 28, 2013)
- Anglican Bishop at Odds with Head of Church on Compensation, by Jared Owens and Dan Box, The Australian (November 28, 2013)
- Trying to Make Amends, by Dan Box and Jared Owens, The Australian (November 28, 2013)
- Evangelische Landeskirche Westfalen Schrankt Missbrauchs-entschadigungen Ein, in WDR (November 28, 2013)
- When Control Becomes a Fixation in the Church, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (November 28, 2013)
- Rcmp Confirm Child Sex Abuse Warrant for Second Arctic Priest, in Edmonton Journal (November 28, 2013)
- Nunavut: Un Pretre Recherche Pour Agressions Sexuelles, in La Presse (November 28, 2013)
- Nunavut Rcmp Seek Another Oblate Fugitive, by David Murphy, Nunatsiaq Online (November 28, 2013)
- Nunavut Rcmp Confirm Arrest Warrant for Priest, in CBC News (November 28, 2013)
- Nine Months and Ten Days, in Sylvia's Site (November 28, 2013)
- Canada-wide Warrant Issued for Nunavut Priest, in Sun News (November 28, 2013)
- What Is the Next Hearing About? (or: Towards Reeling), in lewisblayse.net (November 28, 2013)
- Father Dan Miller Sentenced to Nine Months for Indecent Assault 5, by Ryan Paulsen, Daily Observer (November 28, 2013)
- Rcmp Confirm Child Sex Abuse Warrant for Priest, by Bob Weber, The Mississauga (November 28, 2013)
November 29
- Middleport Reverend Arrested on Abuse Charges, by Kristine Bellino, WIBX (November 28, 2013)
- Reluctant Journalist Wins Top Gong, in SBS (November 29, 2013)
- Upstate Reverend Charged with Sex Abuse, Incest, in Empire State News (November 29, 2013)
- VICTORIAN Anglicans Conduct Abuse Probe, in 9 News (November 29, 2013)
- Anglican Bishops of Victoria Reaffirm Child Protection Measures, in Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (November 29, 2013)
- Journalist's Lawyer Presses John Furlong to Go to Trial, by Bob Mackin, The Tyee (November 28, 2013)
- Predator Priest Gerald Ridsdale Found Victims Wherever the Catholic Church Moved Him across Australia, in Herald Sun (November 29, 2013)
- Predator Priest Gerald Ridsdale Moved on by Catholic Church for a Decade, by Aleks Devic, Herald Sun (November 29, 2013)
- Future of Glasgow’s Parishes Now under Scrutiny, in Scottish Catholic Observer (November 29, 2013)
- No Jubilation, in Sylvia's Site (November 29, 2013)
- Justice Demands Truth, in Perth Now (November 29, 2013)
- Israeli Rabbi Accused of Abusing Wife and Children, in Jewish Voice (November 27, 2013)
- I Can Only Hope God Has Mercy on Sex-offending Clergy, in Diane Weber Bederman (November 29, 2013)
- Laferriere Found Guilty on Harassment Charges, Is Appealing, by Debra Thornblad, Berlin Daily Sun (November 29, 2013)
- Things Not Remembered, in Patrick J. Wall (November 29, 2013)
- Wanted Priest Doesn’t Know If He’ll Return to Canada on Child Sex Charges, in Lethbridge Herald (November 29, 2013)
- Vatican Abuse Prosecutor Meets British Victims and Safeguarding Experts, by Christopher Lamb, The Tablet (November 29, 2013)
- Dejaeger Set up Sleeping Bags for “camping” Sessions in Church Bedroom, by David Murphy, Nunatsiaq Online (November 29, 2013)
November 30
- I-team: Alleged Priest Victim Calls for More Transparency, by Katie Davis, NBC 10 (November 29, 2013)
- Former Moderator Given Free Hand to Examine Scottish Church’s Handling of Abuse, by Brian Morton and Sabrina Sweeney, The Tablet (November 29, 2013)
- Dominican Republic: Prosecutors Find Archbishop Sexually Abused Minors, in Lez Get Real (November 29, 2013)
- Royal Commission to Bring up a Lot of Emotions for Victims, in The Bulletin (November 30, 2013)
- Troubled Vatican Bank Names Consultant As Manager, by Nicole Winfield, Boston.com (November 30 2013)
- Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Shows Men of God Failed to Act, by Terry Sweetman, Courier Mail (December 1, 2013)
- Inside the Vatican, in BBC (November 30, 2013)
- Statute of Limitations Too Short in Iowa and Illinois, by Barb Ickes, Quad-City Times (November 30, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Names Consultant As Director As Overhaul Continues, by James Mackenzie, in The Reuters (November 30, 2013)
- What Is the Next Hearing About? OR: Towards REELING, by Lewisblayse.net (November 30, 2013)
- Royal Commission Calls for Victims from the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (November 29, 2013)
- Francis Updates:john Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers Toot Francis-Mania…while Hans Kung Points out " the Pope and His 'Double'" Shadow Pope Ratzinger!, by Paris Arrow, in The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (November 30, 2013)
- Royal Commission to Hold Public Hearing into Towards Healing Starting 9 December, by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (November 21, 2013)
- Will Church Leaders Rise to the Challenge of Pope Francis?, by The Association of Catholic Priests (November 28, 2013)
- Survey for the Synod on the Family Is Available Here, by The Association of Catholic Priests (November 29, 2013)
- For Roger Mahony, clergy abuse cases were a threat to agenda, by Harriet Ryan, in The Los Angeles Times (December 01, 2013)
December 1
- Koblenz/trier: Missbrauch in Der Kirche? Pfarrer Ist Weiter Im Einsatz, by Hans Kung, in The Der Standard (December 1, 2013)
- Suit Accuses Priest of Sex Assault on Seminarian, by Jessica Masulli Reyes, in The New Jersey Herald (December 1, 2013)
- As clergy abuse scandal erupts, Roger Mahony put in spotlight, by Harriet Ryan, in Los Angeles Times (December 1, 2013)
- About This Story, by The Los Angeles Times (December 1, 2013)
- List of Accused Abusive Priests Could Be Released Monday, by Megan Stewart, in The Kstp (December 2, 2013)
- What Is Missing from Pope Francis' New Long �letter␝ ?, by Jerry Slevin, in The Christian Catholicism (December 1, 2013)
- Church Donates Funds to Sexual Abuse Drama, by Don Groves, in The If (December 2, 2013)
December 2
- Church Stands behind Pastor Accused of Child Sex Abuse, by Kendra Eaglin, in The Wkbq (December 2, 2013)
- Commission Cases Go to Police, by The Australian (December 2, 2013)
- Savile Inquiry LED to Rise in Reports of Historic Sexual Offences in Northamptonshire, by Callum Jones, in The Northampton Chronicle and Echo (December 2, 2013)
- Bad Religion Launch Online Advent Calendar, by The Kill Your Stereo (December 2, 2013)
- Pedophile Priest from Jersey City Faces Similiar Charges 30 Years Later in Missouri, by Ron Zeitlinger, in The Jersey Journal (December 2, 2013)
- Former Vic Priest Admits to Child Abuse, by News.com.au (December 2, 2013)
- Former Salesian College Principal Frank Klep Pleads Guilty to 14 Sex Charges, by Shannon Deery, in The Herald Sun (December 2, 2013)
- New Catholic Bishop Leader Says Clergy Abuse Scandal Not Going Away, by Mark Abrams, in The CBS Philly (December 1, 2013)
- Trial Begins Monday for Local Pastor Accused of Sex Crimes, by Juliette Dryer, in The Connect Mid-Missouri (December 1, 2013)
- Arrogant Churchmen Should Have Taken Time out for a Cup of Tea with Victims of Abuse, by Joanne McCarthy, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 2, 2013)
- Pope Expresses Prayers for Sex Abuse Victims to Dutch Bishops, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (December 2, 2013)
- Polish Priest Convicted of Child Sex Abuse, in Mercury News (December 2, 2013)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Said to Be in Talks with Insurers, by Chuck Quirmbach, Wisconsin Public Radio (December 2, 2013)
- Minnesota Child Victims Act Has Eliminated Statute of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits for 3 Years, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 2, 2013)
- Hearing Today Focuses on List of Accused Priests, in The Post-Bulletin (December 2, 2013)
- Abusive Baptist Preacher Goes on Trial; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders Names of Accused Priests Released, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 2, 2013)
- Christian Sports Camp Faces Lawsuits Claiming Sex Abuse by Former Director, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (December 1, 2013)
- Sex and the Single Priest, by Bill Keller, New York Times (December 1, 2013)
- The Church in the Netherlands: Be Present Where the Future Is Decided, in Vatican Information Service (December 2, 2013)
- Names of Priests Accused of Abuse to Be Released Thursday, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders Names of 46 Accused Priests to Be Released, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (December 2, 2013)
- List of 46 Credibly-accused Minn. Priests Has Dec. 17 Deadline, by Rob Olson, Mike Durkin, Fox 9 (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders St. Paul Archdiocese, Winona Diocese, to Release Lists of Accused Priests, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (December 2, 2013)
- Church Must Give Names of All Accused Priests, in WCCO (December 2, 2013)
- Polish Paedophile Priest Jailed for 8.5 Years, in GlobalPost (December 2, 2013)
- Private Eyes to Look for Alleged Residential School Abusers, in First Perspective (December 2, 2013)
- Hunt for Abusers May Deter Survivors: Lawyer, in CBC News (December 2, 2013)
- Jersey Church Abuse Complaint Report "Should Be Made Public", in BBC News (December 2, 2013)
- Chief Minister Questioned over Dean Investigation, in Jersey Evening Post (December 2, 2013)
- Papa Manifiesta Su Compasion a Victimas De Abuso Sexual De Curas, in Capital (December 2, 2013)
- Diocese Dispute Is Troubling, in This is Guernsey (December 2, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Clarence J. Vavra, in BishopAccountability.org (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders Accused Priests’ Names Released; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 2, 2013)
- Church Reform at All Levels, by Hans Kung, National Catholic Reporter (December 2, 2013)
- Christian Sports Camp Facing Sex Abuse Lawsuits, in Connect Mid-Missouri (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders St. Paul Archdiocese, Winona Diocese, to Release Lists of Accused Priests, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders Archdiocese to Release Names of 33 Priests, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (December 2, 2013)
- Judge Orders Release of 13 Names of Winona Priests Accused of Abuse, in LaCrosse Tribune (December 2, 2013)
- Supreme Court to Evaluate Liability for Viewers of Child Porn; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 2, 2013)
- Allocating Liability for Child Pornography, in Full or Fractional Shares, by Adam Liptak, New York Times (December 2, 2013)
- Catholics React to Priest Accusations, by Boua Xiong, KARE (December 2, 2013)
- Priest in Charge of Botched Borja "Ecce Homo" Fresco Accused of Theft, by Fiona Govan, Sydney Morning Herald (December 2, 2013)
December 3
- Eastbourne Priest Questioned over Historic Sex Abuse, by The Argus (December 3, 2013)
- Judge to Winona Diocese: Release Priests' Names, by The Jerome Christenson and the Associated Press (December 3, 2013)
- Diocese: Bankruptcy Unavoidable, by Kevin Parrish, The Record (December 3, 2013)
- Trial Gets Underway for Accused Pastor, by Bob Allen, The Associated Baptist Press (December 3, 2013)
- Do Sex Offenders Deserve Dignity?, by Peter Kirkwood, The Eureka Street (December 3, 2013)
- In Clearest Statement to Date, by Pope Prays for Victims of Sex Abuse, by Francis X. Rocca (December 3, 2013)
- Mahony Is Not Everyman, by but He May Be Everybishop, by Kevin O'Brien (December 2, 2013)
- Ex-Christian Brother Admits to More Abuse, by The Australian Teacher (December 3, 2013)
- Former Christian Brother Pleads Guilty to Fresh Assault Charge, by Pay Byrne, The Courier (December 3, 2013)
- Breaking News: Eastbourne Priest Arrested on Sex Charges, by The Eastbourne Herald (December 3, 2013)
- Sussex Priest Arrested by Police Investigating Offences against a Child, by The Itv (December 3, 2013)
- Eastbourne: Priest Held over Child Sex Abuse Claims, by The Heart (December 3, 2013)
- Stockton Diocese Letter Points to Bankruptcy Decision in Early 2014 Read More Here: Http://www.modbee.com/2013/12/02/3065644/stockton-Diocese-Letter-Points.html#storylink=cpy, by The Modesto Bee (December 3, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Francis F. Hoefgen, by O.s.b, Bishopaccountability.org (December 3, 2013)
- Names of Priests Accused of Abuse to Be Released Thursday, by Scott Theisen, The Kstp (December 3, 2013)
- Condenado Un Cura Portugues Por 19 Delitos De Pederastia, by The El Periodico (December 3, 2013)
- Padre Do Fundão Conhece Sentença Por Abuso Sexual, by Pedro Sales Dias, The Publico (December 3, 2013)
- The Catholic Church's Submission on " Towards Healing" OR: No Lawyers Please, by except OURS!, Lewisblayse.net (December 3, 2013)
- " You Are the Real Turkey", by Sylvia, Sylvia's Site (December 3, 2013)
- The Church Protected Father Frank Klep during His Life of Crme, by The Broken Rites (December 3, 2013)
- Archdiocese to List Accused Priests; Skepticism Voiced about Extent of Compliance, by Beth Hawkins, The Minnpost (December 3, 2013)
- Sussex Priest Bailed over Child Sex Abuse, by The BBC News (December 3, 2013)
- Priest Arrested over Historic Sex Offences Is Bailed, by The Eastbourne Herald (December 3, 2013)
- Archdiocese Receives Approval of Court to Proceed with Disclosure, by Jim Accurso, The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 2, 2013)
- Vatican Ducks Questions from Un on the Worldwide Child Abuse in Catholic Institutions, by The National Secular Society (December 3, 2013)
- Trial Begins of Senior Vatican Cleric Accused of Money Laundering, in France 24 (December 3, 2013)
- Trial of Prelate Accused of Cash Smuggling Opens, in adnkronos (December 3, 2013)
- Vatican Responds to Un Questions on Sexual Violence against Children, in Center for Constitutional Rights (December 3, 2013)
- Council of Cardinals Undertaking "In-depth" Reform, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (December 3, 2013)
- Last 5 News, in Vatican Information Service (December 3, 2013)
- Pope Gets Boost for Reform from Unlikely Source, in Kansas City Star (December 3, 2013)
- Pope Francis Meets with Council of Cardinals, in Vatican Radio (December 3, 2013)
- Gericht Verurteilt Priester Wegen Sexuellen Missbrauchs, in KIPA (December 3, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Survivors Win As Catholic Church in Minnesota Forced to Name Pedo-priests, by David Edwards, Raw Story (December 3, 2013)
- L.A. Times Exposes Cardinal Mahony’s Decades-long Pattern of Shielding Child-abusing Priests, by Raw Story, Scott Kaufman (December 3, 2013)
- Jason Berry on Evangelii Gaudium and the Catholic Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (December 3, 2013)
- Pope Francis Avoids Apology for Clergy Sex Abuse, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (December 3, 2013)
- Pedophile Priest Handed Two-and-a-half Year Prison Sentence, in Gazzetta del Sud (December 3, 2013)
- Angered by Church Sex Abuse, Readers Turn against Cardinal Mahony, by Paul Thornton, Los Angeles Times (December 3, 2013)
- Man Fails to Sue Cardinal O’brien over Priest Abuse, in The Scotsman (December 3, 2013)
- Priest Convicted for Child Abuse, in The News (December 3, 2013)
- The Ellis Submission (or: Final Vindication?), in lewisblayse.net (December 3, 2013)
- Pope Essentially Rebuffs Un Panel, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 3, 2013)
- Pedophile Priest Handed Two-and-a-half Year Prison Sentence, in FINNBAY (December 3, 2013)
December 4
- Vatican Refuses to Share Sex Abuse Allegations with Un Panel, by The Reuters (December 4, 2013)
- Winona Bishop Quinn Addresses Priest Abuse, by The Kaal (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Dodges Sex Abuse Questions, by Nicole Winfield, in The 3 News (December 4, 2013)
- Coach, ex-youth pastor charged with sexual assault of 13-year-old boy, by Jennifer Todd, on The Lancaster Online (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Balks at Sharing Sex Abuse Investigations with Un, by The Deutsche Welle (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Responds to Un Questions on Sexual Violence against Children, by The Enews Park Forest (December 3, 2013)
- Pope Left-Wing Slant and Non-Response to Un Is No Coincidence, by Kay Ebeling, in The City of Angels (December 4, 2013)
- Bail Extended to March for Catholic Brother, by Goya Dmytryshchak, in The Wyndham Weekly (December 3, 2013)
- Philomena: a Review OF SORTS, by William D. Lindsey, in The Bilgrimage (December 3, 2013)
- Son of Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse Speaks out, by The Wkbw News (December 3, 2013)
- Pastor's Rape Trial Continued, by The Lake News (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Rebuffs United Nations Sex Abuse Inquiries, by The BBC News (December 4, 2013)
- Man Fails in Bid to Sue Disgraced Cardinal Keith O'Brien for £100,000 over Claims He Was Abused by Parish Priest, by Brian Horne, in The Daily Record (December 4, 2013)
- Man Fails in Bid to Sue Disgraced Cardinal, by The Evening Times (December 4, 2013)
- LA Times Readers Slam Cardinal Mahony's Handling Church Sex Abuse Scandal, by The Lez Get Real (December 3, 2013)
- Lawyer: Russian Priest Accused of Pedophilia Remains in Israel, by The Interfax (December 4, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Says It Will Comply with Judge's Order to Release List of Priests Credibly Accused of Abuse, by Jerome Christenson, in The Winona Daily News (December 4, 2013)
- Gagging and Wretching, by Sylvia, on The Sylvia's Site (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Says Not Legally Competent over Abuses, by The New Straits Times (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican Snubs U.n. Probe on Sex Abuse Cases, by Kharunya Paramaguru, in The Time (December 4, 2013)
- MO - Two Predator Priest Cases End, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican and Germany Sign Cooperation Document in Fight against Money Laundering, by The Vatican Radio (December 4, 2013)
- Reverend John A. Koonz, by The Republican (December 4, 2013)
- Ex-Youth Pastor Admits Sexual Contact with Girl, by The Associated Press (December 4, 2013)
- Ex-Pastor Sentenced on Sex Charges, by Noelle Steele, The Daily Reporter (December 3, 2013)
- Author Makes Case for Bergoglio's Conversion, by Paul Vallely, The National Catholic Reporter (December 4, 2013)
- The Council of Cardinals Continues Its Work with Serenity and Openness, by The Vatican Information Service (December 4, 2013)
- The Financial Information Authority Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Its German Counterpart, by The Vatican Information Service (December 4, 2013)
- Belgian Activist Determined to See Next Fugitive Priest Brought to Justice, by David Murphy, The Nunatsiaq Online (December 4, 2013)
- 5 Diocesan Priests 'Credibly Accused' of Sexual Abuse Still Alive, by Chris Rogers, The Winona Post (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Decision to Rebuff Un's Abuse Inquiries a Serious Misstep, by Charles Lewis, The National Post (December 4, 2013)
- Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal: How Will Pope Francis Make the Church Accountable?, by Terry Sanderson, The National Secular Society (December 4, 2013)
- Kurie Muss Nicht Zahlen, by Artur Oberhofer, The Tageszeitung (December 4, 2013)
- Erzbistum Darf Namen Beschuldigter Preisgeben, by The Die Tagespost (December 4, 2013)
- Vatikan Weist Vorwurf Der Verzögerung Zuruck, by JÖrg Bremer, The Frankfurter Allgemeine (December 4, 2013)
- Vatikanstaat Will Kinderschutzprogramm Einfuhren, by The Kipa (December 4, 2013)
- Ecpat Files Amicus Brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, by The Ecpat (December 4, 2013)
- Bankruptcy Chronicles, by Joelle Casteix, The Worthy Adversary (December 4, 2013)
- Archdiocese Alerts Parishes about Naming Clergy Accused of Abuse, by Richard Meryhew, The Star Tribune (December 4, 2013)
- Human Rights Commission Submission OR: the Rights of the CHILD, by Lewisblayse.net, Lewisblayse.net (December 4, 2013)
- Archdiocese: 92 Parishes Affected by " Credibly Accused" Priests to Be Named Thursday, by Laura Yuen, The Minnesota Public Radio (December 4, 2013)
- The Best and Worst Holiday Albums of 2013, by Robert Ham, The Y108 (December 2, 2013)
- New Vatican Secretary of State Says Change Will Come to His Office, by Joshua J. McElwee, The National Catholic Reporter (December 4, 2013)
- Is Pope Francis Ignoring Clergy Sex Abuse? Some Are Beginning to Wonder, by David Gibson, The Religion News Service (December 4, 2013)
- Winona Diocese to Release List of Accused Priests, by Scott Theisen, The Kstp (December 4, 2013)
- Archdiocese Braces Parish Leaders for Disclosure, by The CBS Minnesota (December 4, 2013)
- Vatican Refuses to Give Un Panel Full Details of Clerical Sex Abuse Cases, by Lizzy Davies, The Guardian UK (December 4, 2013)
- Archdiocese Braces Parish Leaders for Disclosure, by Amy Forliti, The Enquirer-Herald (December 4, 2013)
- El Vaticano No Compartira Con LA Onu Su Informacion Sobre Abusos a Menores, by The Rt (December 4, 2013)
- Former Youth Pastor Charged in Harrison County on Sex Abuse Charges, by The Wkyt (December 4, 2013)
- Boulder Police Ticket Vinelife Church Senior Pastor for Failing to Report Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Mitchell Byars, The Camera Staff Writer (December 4, 2013)
- Laura Robinson Seeks Court Order against John Furlong, by Laura Robinson, The Straight (December 4, 2013)
- L.A. Now Live: Discuss Roger Mahony's Legacy, by Clergy Abuse, The Los Angeles Times (December 4, 2013)
- LA Times Details Cardinal Mahony's Complicity in Clergy Sex Abuse, by Brett Wilkins, The Digital Journal (December 4, 2013)
December 5
- St. Paul Archdiocese to Disclose Names of at Least 29 Priests Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Amy Forlit, The Republic (December 5, 2013)
- "Credibly Accused" Priests to Be Named Thursday, in KARE (December 5, 2013)
- Half of Metro Parishes Touched by Scandal, in Fox 9 (December 5, 2013)
- Painful Fall to Insolvency, in The Record (December 5, 2013)
- Dutch Bishops Give Pope Francis a Bleak Picture of Catholic Church in Decline, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (December 3, 2013)
- Adams Now Has More Baggage Than an A380 Aircraft, by Ivan Yates, Irish Independent (December 5, 2013)
- Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse Pleads Not Guilty, in WHEC (December 5, 2013)
- Pastor Pleads Not Guilty to Child Sex Abuse, by Kendra Eaglin, WKBW (December 5, 2013)
- Supporters Accompany Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse to Court, in Niagara Gazette (December 5, 2013)
- 7 Acts Australia Must Do for Humanity’s Good Motivated by the Victorian Inquiry That Slams the Vatican (roman) Catholic Church!, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (December 5, 2013)
- The Pope to Create a Commission for the Protection of Minors, upon Request by the Council of Cardinals, in Vatican Information Service (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis Announces New Vatican Commission to Combat Abuse, in Catholic Herald (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Forms Commission to Advise on Sex Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Clarion-Ledger (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican Announces New Papal Advisory Commission on Sex Abuse, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis to Set up Vatican Commission to Protect Children, in Scottish Catholic Observer (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican to Set up Special Committee on Child Sex Abuse, in swissinfo (December 5, 2013)
- Francis to Set up Commission for Child Protection and Care of Abuse Victims, by Christopher Lamb, The Tablet (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican Setting up Commission against Sexual Abuse of Minors, by Hada Messia, CNN (December 5, 2013)
- More Vatican Talk on Abuse; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 5, 2013)
- Borja Priest in Custody for Fraud and Sexual Abuse, in Euro Weekly News (December 5, 2013)
- Prision Provisional Sin Fianza Para El Cura De Borja Por Los Delitos De Apropiacion Indebida De 210.000 Euros Y Abuso Sexual, in La Informacion (December 5, 2013)
- Papst Setzt Ausschuss Gegen Kindesmissbrauch Ein, in Basler Zeitung (December 5, 2013)
- Spanish Priest at Ecce Homo Church Arrested for Fraud, in UPI (December 5, 2013)
- El Pueblo De Borja Se Vuelca Con Su Cura Pese a Las Imputaciones Del Juez De Apropiacion Y Abuso Sexual, in El Mundo (December 5, 2013)
- Cardinal O'malley Announces Pope to Set up Advisory Commission on Sexual Abuse, by Francis X. Rocca, The Pilot (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis to Set up Special Committee to Fight Child Sex Abuse, in Buenos Aires Herald (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Sets up Vatican Committee against Child Sex Abuse, in AFP (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Sets up Child-sex-abuse Commission, in Gazzetta del Sud (December 5, 2013)
- Ca- Victims Want Accused Priest Disciplined, in SNAP (December 5, 2013)
- Media Advisory, in Jeff Anderson and Associates (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Announces New Commission to Examine Sexual Misconduct, by Mary Ann Ahern, NBC Chicago (December 5, 2013)
- Survivors Group Claim Pope's Child Sex Committee "Toothless", in eNCA (December 5, 2013)
- For Pope, Church Reform Is Spiritual Exercise, Not a Project, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic Register (December 5, 2013)
- Disclosure Moves US Forward on a Path toward Healing, in Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Discloses Information Regarding Accused Clerics, by John C. Nienstedt, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 5, 2013)
- Priests with Credible Claims against Them of Sexual Abuse of a Minor, in The Catholic Spirit (December 5, 2013)
- What Is the ‘charter for the Protection of Children and Young People’?, in The Catholic Spirit (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Releases List of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Mike Durkin, Fox 9 (December 5, 2013)
- St. Paul Archbishop Hopes Release of Names of Accused Priests Will Restore Trust, Heal, in The Republic (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Names 30 Priests Linked to Child Sexual Abuse over Six Decades, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Names 34 Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Minors, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (December 5, 2013)
- Another Kc Predator Priest Passes Away, in SNAP (December 5, 2013)
- Stover Pastor Accused of Rape Will Stand Trial in June, in Lake Expo (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis Sets up Vatican Child Sex Abuse Committee, in BBC News (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis Launches Commission to Tackle Sex Abuse, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (December 5, 2013)
- Minn. Archdiocese Posts List of Accused Priests, by Amy Forliti, News & Observer (December 5, 2013)
- "Credibly Accused" Priest Had Stint in Lake Elmo, in Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Disappoints Victims and Catholics with New Panel, in SNAP (December 5, 2013)
- Media Release, in Road to Recovery (December 5, 2013)
- Priests Accused of Child Sex Abuse Disclosed, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 5, 2013)
- Victims Respond to St. Paul Archdiocesan Announcement, in SNAP (December 5, 2013)
- Disgraced Priest to Wed Pope Adviser’s Daughter, in Washington Post (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Setting up Commission on the Sexual Abuse of Children by Priests, by Elisabetta Povoledo And Alan Cowell, New York Times (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis Announces Commission to Address Sex Abuse Cases, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (December 5, 2013)
- Former Fridley Priest on List of Accused Priests, by James Warden, Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Former New Brunswick Priest Faces Charges after Alleged Incidents Involving Boys, in The StarPhoenix (December 5, 2013)
- Legion of Christ Unveils Measures to Respond to Sex Abuse by Members, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (December 5, 2013)
- Legion of Christ Shares Information about Abuse Case Involving Fr William Izquierdo Lc, in Legionaries of Christ (December 5, 2013)
- St. Paul-minneapolis Archdiocese Releases Names of Abuser Priests, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Creates Sex Abuse Advisory Panel, Unclear If Bishop Accountability on Agenda, by Nicole Winfield, Calgary Herald (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis Approves Expert Panel to Fight Clerical Sex Abuse, by Lizzy Davies, The Guardian (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis to Set up Vatican Task Force to Tackle Sex Abuse of Children, by Nick Squires, Telegraph (December 5, 2013)
- Legion of Christ Acknowledges Abuse Committed at Connecticut Seminary, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (December 5, 2013)
- Suspended Priest Facing 8 Sex-related Charges against Boys, in CBC News (December 5, 2013)
- N.b. Man Yvon Arsenault Charged in Connection to Several Historical Sexual Abuse Complaints, in Oye! Times (December 5, 2013)
- Minnesota Archdiocese Names 34 Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times (December 5, 2013)
- Minnesota Archdiocese Reveals Names of 30 Priests Accused of Abusing Minors, by David Bailey and Mary Wisniewski, Huffington Post (December 5, 2013)
- Former Lakeville Priest on List of Priests Accused of Abusing Minors, by Andrea Parrott, Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Priest to Marry Mother of His Love Child after Leaving Church, by Charlotte Alter, Time (December 5, 2013)
- Former Shakopee Clergyman on List of Accused Priests, by James Warden, Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Three with 1980s St. Joseph Ties on Accused Priest List, in Press Pubs (December 5, 2013)
- Priests Who Served Local Parishes Accused of Abuse, by Mandy Moran Froemming, ABC Newspapers (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Forms Panel on Sex Abuse, but Advocacy Group Calls It "Meaningless", in Aljazeera (December 5, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Hopes Release of List Will Restore Trust, in KAAL (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Releases the Names of 33 Problem Priests, in MinnPost (December 5, 2013)
- Talk Is Cheap, Pope Francis, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (December 5, 2013)
- Cardinal O'malley Announces New Vatican Commission on Child Sex Abuse, by Anne Barrett Doyle, BishopAccountability.org (December 5, 2013)
- 3 Former St. John's Abbey Priests Included in Archdiocese List, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (December 5, 2013)
- List of Faribault (and Other) Priests with Abuse Claims against Them, by Jaci Smith, Fairbault Daily News (December 5, 2013)
- Former Lake Minnetonka Clergyman on List of Accused Priests, by James Warden, Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Former Area Priests Named on Archdiocese's Sex Abuse List, by Lori Carlson , Shakopee Valley News (December 5, 2013)
- Former Maplewood Pastor, Oakdale Resident Named As Abusive Priests by Archdiocese, by Mike Schoemer, Patch (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Francis to Establish Child Protection Commission in Vatican, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (December 5, 2013)
- Legion of Christ Acknowledges Abuse of Minor by Priest in Cheshire, by Kelly Glista, Hartford Courant (December 5, 2013)
- Disgraced US Cleric to Wed Daughter of Pope Francis" Highest-ranking Female Adviser after Fathering Her Child and Resigning Priesthood, in Daily Mail (December 5, 2013)
- Can the Pope Change the Vatican?, by Alexander Stille, New Yorker (December 5, 2013)
- Filling in the Holes, by Paul Fericano, Santa Barbara Independent (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese Seeks to Rebuild Trust in Wake of Clergy Abuse, by John Croman, KARE (December 5, 2013)
- Accused Priest Denies Sexually Molesting Children, by Blake McCoy, KARE (December 5, 2013)
- Gabriel Byrne: Pope Francis Is a ‘figurehead, a Ceo’, by Lindsay Lowe, The Parade (December 5, 2013)
December 6
- Archbishop Nienstedt’s Release of the List of Accused Priests, by Terence McKiernan, BishopAccountability.org (December 5, 2013)
- List of Clergy Accused of Abuse Includes One-time Guardian Angels Associate Priest, by Michael Longaecker, Woodbury Bulletin (December 5, 2013)
- Cardinal Sean P. O’malley Unveils Vatican Effort to Prevent Abuse, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (December 6, 2013)
- Three of the Priests on the List of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse Served in St. Cloud, in KVSC (December 5, 2013)
- Senior Pastor Accused of Covering up Youth Pastor Son's Sexual Abuse Crime, by Morgan Lee, Christian Post (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican Sets up Special Committee on Child Sex Abuse, by Claudio Lavanga, NBC News (December 6, 2013)
- Ex-benedictine Monk Pleads Guilty to Child Abduction Charge, in WLS (December 5, 2013)
- Wisconsin Monk Pleads Guilty in Illinois Case, in San Francisco Chronicle (December 6, 2013)
- Monk Pleads Guilty, Gets Probation in Child-luring Case, by Susan Berger, Chicago Tribune (December 5, 2013)
- Monk Accused of Trying to Abduct Teens in Antioch Takes Plea Deal, by Lee Filas, Daily Herald (December 5, 2013)
- House of Prayer Suit Alleges Misuse of Money, Abuse of Power, by Michael Gordon, Charlotte Observer (December 4, 2013)
- El Papa Crea Una Comision Sobre Abuso De Menores, in El Nuevo Herald (December 5, 2013)
- Judge Dismisses Claims against Church Leaders, by Michael Gordon, Charlotte Observer (December 5, 2013)
- Dean Meets with UK Bishops, in Channel Online (December 5, 2013)
- Pastoral Visit after Dean Suspension, in Channel Online (December 5, 2013)
- St. Paul-minneapolis Archdiocese Releases Names of Abuser Priests, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (December 5, 2013)
- Vatican to Create Commission on Sexual Abuse, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (December 5, 2013)
- 7 Credibly Accused Men Shuffled through Faribault, by Iris Perez, Fox 9 (December 6, 2013)
- Judy Courtin’s Submission, in lewisblayse.net (December 6, 2013)
- Oblate to Testify, in Sylvia's Site (December 6, 2013)
- The Royal Commission Can Expose the Catholic Church's Cover-ups, in Broken Rites (December 6, 2013)
- Royal Commission Releases Its ‘roadmap’ for Addressing Justice for Victims, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (December 6, 2013)
- Royal Commission Announces Public Hearing into the Salvation Army, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (December 6, 2013)
- Pontiff Forms Commission on Sex Abuse, in Notes to Ponder (December 6, 2013)
- Francis" Commission on Sex Abuse, in Perspective (December 5, 2013)
- Paul Leroux in Court for Residential School Abuse, in CBC News (December 5, 2013)
- Crown Seeks 11-year Sentence for Residential School Sex Abuse, on CTV (December 6, 2013)
- Crown Seeks 11 Years in Beauval Sex Abuse, by Hannah Spray, The StarPhoenix (December 6, 2013)
- Archdiocese Names Priests Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Minnesota Public Radio (December 5, 2013)
- Archdiocese's List Shows It Kept Secret Seven Priests Credibly Accused of Sexually Abusing Children, in Minnesota Public Radio (December 5, 2013)
- Pope Influenced by Pell on Approach to Child Sex Abuse, by Sydney Morning Herald, Senior Writer (December 7, 2013)
- Between the Lines of "Evangelii Gaudium," a Love Letter, by Nicole Sotelo, National Catholic Reporter (December 6, 2013)
- Influential Catholic Group Says U.S. Priest Sexually Abused a Novice, in Raw Story (December 6, 2013)
- Vatican-legion of Christ Story, by Nicole Winfield, Kansas City Star (December 6, 2013)
- Facts about Priestly Sexual Abuse, in Catholic League (December 6, 2013)
- Padre DA Golega Suspeito De Abusar De Escuteiros, on TVI 24 (December 6, 2013)
- What’s Next in Mn Clergy Sex Scandal? SNAP Predicts..., by David Clohessy, SNAP (December 6, 2013)
- Abuse Survivors Hoping Release of Priest List Prompts Other Victims to Come Forward, by Beth Hawkins, The MinnPost (December 6, 2013)
- Francis Is a Man of Action! (well, Not Really), by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 6, 2013)
- Predator Priest Lives in Sd Area, in SNAP (December 6, 2013)
- Dejaeger Trial Hears from Former Colleague, in CBC News (December 5, 2013)
- Nsw Ombudsman’s Submission (or: Treading Softly), in lewisblayse.net (December 6, 2013)
- Former Monk Bede Parry, the Subject of Missouri Sexual Abuse Lawsuits, Dies, by Tony Rizzo, Kansas City Star (December 5, 2013)
- Papal Commission on Sexual Abuse Crisis Announced; Survivors Respond, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (December 6, 2013)
- Powerful Prelate Talks; Lowly Judge Acts, in SNAP (December 6, 2013)
- Dejaeger Trial Hears from Former Colleague, in CBC News (December 6, 2013)
- Former Priest from Bloomfield Faces More Charges, by Jeff Frankel, NorthJersey.com (December 6, 2013)
- Dan Savage Has No Respect for Child-raping Catholic Priests, by John Aravosis, America Blog (December 6, 2013)
- Victim Advocates Seek More Data on Accused Clergy, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (December 6, 2013)
- Most U.S. Catholics Call Addressing Clergy Sex Abuse a Top Priority, by Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center (December 6, 2013)
- Catholic Group Says 9 of Its Priests Abused Children, in Rappler (December 7, 2013)
- Summary of Actions to Address Cases, in Legion of Christ (December 6, 2013)
- Legion of Christ Reaffirms Commitment to Addressing Sex Abuse, in Headlines from the Catholic World (December 6, 2013)
- Pastor's Wife Sentenced for Not Preventing Sexual Abuse, by Melissa Greene, KLTV (December 6, 2013)
- Hearing for Jason Roberson in Vinelife Church Sexual Abuse Case Delayed until February, by Mitchell Byars, Daily Camera (December 6, 2013)
- 2 Priests Accused of Child Sex Abuse Say It Was Kissing, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 6, 2013)
December 7
- Priest, 82, Quizzed in Rochdale Child Sex Abuse Case, in BBC News (December 7, 2013)
- Elderly Irish Priest Investigated by UK Police over Alleged Sex Abuse of Children in His Former Parish, in Irish MIrror (December 7, 2013)
- Three Women Accuse Catholic Priest of Sexually Abusing Them, in Manchester Evening News (December 7, 2013)
- Priest on Archdiocese List in Albert Lea in ’60s, by Albert Lea, Albert Lea Tribune (December 7, 2013)
- Retired San Diego Priest Paul Palmitessa on List of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Michael Chen, The 10 News (December 7, 2013)
- Victim: Diocese Disclosure Just a Step, by Steve Browne, The Marshall Independent (December 7, 2013)
- Investigation Launched into Reports of Historic Sexual Abuse, by The Rochdale Online (December 7, 2013)
- Four Priests with Ties to Hastings Among Those Named by Archdiocese in Sexual Abuse Case, by Chad Richardson, The Hastings Star Gazette (December 7, 2013)
- Archdiocese's List Includes Minnesota River Valley Area Priests, by Jessica Bies, The Le Center Leader (December 6, 2013)
- Sutherland Gives Vatican Advice on Financial Reform, by The Irish Independent (December 7, 2013)
- Pope Talks Openly about Reform, by Sex Abuse, Dutch Bishop Says (December 6, 2013)
- Denuncian Penalmente a Sacerdote Por Abuso Sexual Contra Ex Seminarista, by The LA Republica (December 7, 2013)
- Legionarios De Cristo Admiten Abusos a Menores, by The Octavo Dia, December 6 (December 6, 2013)
- Legionare Christi: Novizen Missbraucht, by The Nachrichten (December 7, 2013)
- Worcester Bishop Orders Financial Reforms, by Bronislaus B. Kush, The Telegram & Gazette (December 7, 2013)
- Archdiocese's List Includes Waseca Area Priest, by Christen Furlong, The Waseca County News (December 6, 2013)
- 'Towards Healing' Helps the Church, by Rather Than the Victims, The Broken Rites (December 7, 2013)
- New Money Laundering Probe for Cyprus, by The Famagusta Gazette (December 7, 2013)
- Catholic Parishioners Try to Reconcile Faith with Child Sex Abuse, by Catherine Armitage, The Sydney Morning Herald (December 7, 2013)
- Towards Healing Next for Commission, by The Sky News (December 7, 2013)
- List of Priests with Credible Claims against Them of Sexual Abuse of a Minor, by The Star Tribune (December 7, 2013)
- Niederosterreich: Pfarrer Zu Vier Jahren Haft Verurteilt, by The Die Presse (December 7, 2013)
- Vatikan Richtet Kinderschutzkommission Ein, by The Muenchner Kirchennachrichten (December 7, 2013)
- Clan Submission OR: Who Will LISTEN?, by Lewisblayse.net (December 7, 2013)
- Disastrous Legacy of Abuse: Gallup Priest's Personnel File Released, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, The Gallup Independent (December 7, 2013)
December 8
- The Irish Mirror Tracks down the Priest Who Is Being Quizzed over Child Sex Claims, by Garreth Mac Namee, in The Irish Mirror (December 8, 2013)
- Eagan: Francis Gives Hope Amid Doubt, by Margery Eagan, in The Boston Herald (December 9, 2013)
- Releasing Names of Priests Accused of Abuse Will Not End Pressure on Church, by Jean Hopfensperger, in The Star Tribune (December 8, 2013)
- 'Keeper of Secrets' Father Ronald Mulkearns Has Nothing More to Say, by Aleks Devic, in The Herald Sun (December 8, 2013)
- Pope Francis's Humble Moral Exemplar, by Daniel Baird, in The Toronto Star (December 8, 2013)
- Hans Küng Welcomes Papal Vision, by Christa Pongratz-Lippitt, in The Tablet (December 9, 2013)
- At Last... Jimmy Savile Is Having a Good Effect, by Joan Smith, in The Independent (December 8, 2013)
- Pope Francis and the Abuse Scandal, by Jerry Slevin, in The Christian Catholicism (December 8, 2013)
- The Legion of Christ Fights against Its Past and Prepares for the Future, by The Vatican Insider (December 8, 2013)
- Daughter of Former US Ambassador to the Holy See to Marry Disgraced Priest, by The Vatican Insider (December 5, 2013)
- Mundane Law Forces Ethics on Catholic Bishop, by Grace Kelly, in The Mn Progressive Project (December 2, 2013)
- Catholic Priest Abuse Claims: Hundreds Flock to Hear Bishop of Salford's Response, by The Manchester Evening News (December 8, 2013)
- Former Vic Bishop Says He Acted on Abuse, by The 9 News (December 9, 2013)
- Harvey Weinstein's 'Philomena' Attack Ad, by Kyle Smith, in The New York Post (December 7, 2013)
- 'Philomena' Another Hateful and Boring Attack on Catholics, by Kyle Smith, in The New York Post (December 8, 2013)
- Some Pre-Hearing Thoughts OR: Criminal JUSTICE?, by Lewisblayse.net (December 8, 2013)
- Catholic Church's Towards Healing Scheme in Spotlight at Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (December 9, 2013)
- Commission to Probe Salvos on Child Abuse, by The West Australian (December 6, 2013)
- Church's 'sorry' too late, inquiry hears, in The Aap (December 9, 2013)
- Beyond Belief: a Neoconservative Reality Show, by The Rorate Caeli (December 8, 2013)
- Catholic Church Has Paid $43 Million to Victims through Towards Healing, by News.com.au (December 9, 2013)
- Chicago Pastor Asked to Step down Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations, by The Wgn (December 8, 2013)
- Chicago Priest Steps Aside Amid Sex Abuse Allegations: Archdiocese, by Leeann Shelton, in The Chicago Sun-Times (December 9, 2013)
- I-Team Exclusive: Chicago Pastor under Investigation for Child Sex Abuse, by Chuck Goudie, in The Wls (December 8, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Rev. Michael W. O'Connell, by Pastor of St. Alphonsus Parish, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago Via Wls (December 9, 2013)
- Ior, by Lettere Di Chiusura a 1.200 Correntisti Della Banca Vaticana, in The Corriere Della Sera (December 8, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Denies Any Wrongdoing in Relation to Cash Transits and Closure of 'Lay' Accounts, by Paddy Agnew, in The Irish Times (December 9, 2013)
- Abuse Victim Restricted by Church Deed, by Annette Blackwell, in The Telegraph (December 9, 2013)
- Bible Reading Prompts Walkout at Inquiry, by The 9 News (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic Church Lawyer Heckled by Victims of Child Sex Abuse at Public Inquiry, by Thomas Oriti, in The 7 News (December 9, 2013)
- Royal Commission Shines a Light on Catholic Church's Towards Healing, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (December 8, 2013)
December 9
- Child Abuse Victims Walk out of Hearing after Lawyer Quotes Bible, by Helen Davidson, in The Guardian UK (December 8, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Risks Blacklist for Weak Money Laundering Controls, by Tim Wallace, in The City A.m. (December 9, 2013)
- 2 Abuse Cases Vs. Phoenix Diocese Advance, by Michael Clancy, in The Arizona Republic (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic Church Lawyer Heckled by Victims of Child Sex Abuse at Public Inquiry, by Thomas Oriti, in The 7 News (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic Archbishop Says Sorry to Victims of Sexual Abuse at Hands of Those Within Church, by News.com.au (December 9, 2013)
- Inquiry Hears Church's 'Sorry Too Late', by The Sky News (December 10, 2013)
- Cardinal Sean O'Malley's Backing Sought on Bills, by Travis Andersen, in The Boston Globe (December 9, 2013)
- Royal Commission Focusses on Towards Healing Program, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC News (December 9, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Survivors Flee Hearing in Tears, by Catherine Armitage, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 10, 2013)
- Abuse Survivors Gather outside Inquiry, by The Sky News (December 9, 2013)
- Senior Religious Leaders Told to Abandon Culture of Secrecy, by The Coffs Coast Advocate (December 9, 2013)
- Lakeview Priest Steps Aside Amid Sex Abuse Allegations, by The CBS Chicago (December 9, 2013)
- Chicago Pastor Asked to Step down Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations, by The Wgn (December 9, 2013)
- Child Abuse Victim: 'The Church Had to Silence and Control People like Me', by Helen Davidson, in The Guardian UK (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic priest ran cult-like 'Charlie Brown' group to sexually abuse young girls, royal commission hears, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Australian (December 9, 2013)
- Priest Steps Aside from Lakeview Parish after Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, by Carlos Sadovi, in The Chicago Tribune (December 9, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Bible Quote Sparks Walkout, by Joanne McCarthy, in The Newcastle Herald (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic Church Lawyer Heckled by Victims of Child Sex Abuse at Public Inquiry, by Thomas Oriti, in The ABC News (December 9, 2013)
- Gasps at Barrister's Opening Statement, by The Wa Today (December 9, 2013)
- US Bishops' Head Supports Vatican Anti-Abuse Commission, by The Headlines from the Catholic World (December 8, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Abuse Victim Lays Bare Church's Healing Sham, by Catherine Armitage, in The Newcastle Herald (December 9, 2013)
- About Rush Limbaugh's Attacks on Pope Francis: Total Silence from U.S. Bishops, by William D. Lindsey, in The Bilgrimage (December 8, 2013)
- Rabbi Stood down by School over Rape Claims, by Barmey Zwartz, in The Age (December 9, 2013)
- Melbourne Orthodox Jewish Leader Accused of Rape, by The 9 News (December 9, 2013)
- Former Yeshiva Principal Rabbi Abraham Glick Stood down Amid Rape Allegations, by Shannon Deery, in The Herald Sun (December 9, 2013)
- Melbourne Police Question Former Yeshiva Principal over Sex Abuse, by The Jewish Daily Forward (December 9, 2013)
- Hoy comienza el juicio al cura Domingo Pacheco, acusado de abusar de un joven, in The El Litoral (December 9, 2013)
- Group Seeks to Extend Time Abuse Victims Can Sue, by The Seattle Pi (December 9, 2013)
- Church Ignored Priest's 'Sex Cult', by Dan Box, in The Australian (December 10, 2013)
- Hush Fund: Catholic Church Paid $43 Million to Keep Abuse Secret, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Herald Sun (December 9, 2013)
- Brisbane priest Frank Derriman 'ran cult-like group sexually abusing young girls', victim Joan Isaacs tells royal commission, in The Australian (December 10, 2013)
- Catholic priest ran cult-like 'Charlie Brown' group to sexually abuse young girls, royal commission hears, by Janet Fife-Yeomans (December 9, 2013)
- Royal Commission Focuses on Towards Healing Program, by Emily Bourke, in The ABC - the World Today (December 9, 2013)
- Dejaeger never able to learn Inuktitut, retired Nunavut priest tells court, by Jim Bell (December 9, 2013)
- Ilarraz Dijo Ser Inocente Y Que No Hay Pruebas En Su Contra, by The Diario El Argentino (December 9, 2013)
- The " Towards Healing" Hearings Begin OR: Gray's GAFFE, by Lewisblayse.net (December 9, 2013)
- Former Lake Forest Priest Investigated for Sexual Misconduct, by Emily Stone, in The Patch (December 9, 2013)
- Nv- Predator Priest Passes Away, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 9, 2013)
- Il- SNAP Blasts Archdiocese, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 9, 2013)
- Vatican Group for Minors’ Protection May Work with Jesuit Center, in Headlines from the Catholic World (December 6, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Releases List of 18 Accused Monks, in NECN (December 9, 2013)
- Media Advisory, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 9, 2013)
- Man to Sue Archdiocese of Duluth, Alleging Abuse, in KAAL (December 9, 2013)
- Diocese of Antigonish Attempts to Heal Sex Abuse Wounds, in CBC News (December 9, 2013)
- El Vaticano Deja Casos De Pederastia a Las Autoridades Civiles, in Milenio (December 9, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Issues List of Clergy "Likely" to Have Abused Minors, in St. Cloud Times (December 9, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Releases List of 18 Accused Monks, in Seattle PI (December 9, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Discloses Names of 18 Monks Suspected of Child Sex Abuse, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 9, 2013)
- Attorneys Requesting List of Priests Accused of Child Abuse in Duluth Diocese, in Northlands News Center (December 6, 2013)
- Lawsuit Calls on Duluth Diocese to Identify Priests Accused of Abuse, by Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune (December 6, 2013)
- Francis Revolutionizes the Legion of Christ, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (December 9, 2013)
- One Hand, Other Hand: Another Firing of Catholic Gay Teacher, Archdiocese of St. Paul-minneapolis Releases Names of Credibly Accused Priests, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (December 9, 2013)
- Cardinal George Not Doing Enough, in SNAP (December 9, 2013)
- Names of Child Molesting Clerics Revealed, in SNAP (December 9, 2013)
- Priest Lauds Pope's Commitment to Protection of Children, in Catholic News Agency (December 9, 2013)
- Brisbane Priest Frank Derriman "Ran Cult-like Group Sexually Abusing Young Girls', Victim Joan Isaacs Tells Royal Commission, in NEWS.com.au (December 9, 2013)
- Priest Who Resigned Amid Abuse Allegations Dies in Las Vegas, by Steven Slivka, Las Vegas Review-journal (December 9, 2013)
- Archdiocesan Statement in Response to Anderson Announcements from Nov. 26, in Catholic New World (December 9, 2013)
- Public Hearing – Case Study 4, December 2013, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (December 9, 2013)
- Abbey: Brother John Kelly, St. Michael Resident, ‘credibly Accused’, by Mike Schoemer, The Patch (December 9, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Releases List of Likely Sexual Abusers, in KARE (December 9, 2013)
- Safe Environment, in Saint John's Abbey (December 9, 2013)
- A Pope’s New Path on Child Abuse, in New York Times (December 6, 2013)
- Child Abuse Victim's Faltering Testimony Silences the Lawyers, by David Marr, The Guardian (December 9, 2013)
- Archdiocese Reaction to St. Alphonsus Lakeview Priest Allegation Angers Advocates, by Chuck Goudie, WLS (December 9, 2013)
- Church Choir Director Accused of Sexual Abuse against Teenage Girl, by Andrew Krietz, MLive (December 9, 2013)
- State Police Arrest Former Church Choir Director in Sex Abuse Case, in WWMT (December 9, 2013)
- Parish Choir Director Facing Criminal Misconduct Charges, in WHTC (December 9, 2013)
- Church Choir Director Charged with Csc, by Bob Brenzing, WZZM (December 9, 2013)
- Wayland Choir Director Charged with Csc, in WOOD (December 9, 2013)
- Choir Director Arrested for Criminal Sexual Conduct, in Fox 17 (December 9, 2013)
- Former Altar Boy Sues National Catholic Group, Alleges Defamation, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (December 9, 2013)
- Church Child Protection Watchdog to Publish Audits, in RTE News (December 9, 2013)
- Finance Watchdog Welcomes Vatican Reform, Urges Bank Oversight, by Philip Pullella, Chicago Tribune (December 9, 2013)
- Former Top Catholic Official Accused of Abuse, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 9, 2013)
- John Furlong Lawsuit: Laura Robinson Asks for $100,000 Security, by James Keller, Huffington Post (December 9, 2013)
- Archdiocese Mishandling Latest Priest Sex Abuse Allegation, by Rancine Knowles, Chicago Sun-Times (December 9, 2013)
- Catholic Church Sex Abuse Workers Trained for Two Days, Royal Commission Told, by Thomas Oriti, 7 News (December 9, 2013)
- "No Justice" in Towards Healing Response, by Catherine Armitage, Sydney Morning Herald (December 9, 2013)
- CHURCH Had $154m While Avoiding Payout, in 9 News (December 9, 2013)
- Restorative Justice beyond the Royal Commission, by Jane Anderson, Eureka Street (December 10, 2013)
December 10
- Abuse Allegations Made against 13 Priests in Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, by Caroline Crawford, in The Irish Independent (December 11, 2013)
- Press Statement from the Nbsccci, by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church (December 10, 2013)
- Safeguarding Review Reports 4th Tranche, by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church (December 10, 2013)
- Church Had $154m While Avoiding Payout, by Annette Blackwell, in The Geelong Advertiser (December 10, 2013)
- 'Difficult' for church to take blame for abuse, commission told, by Helen Davidson, in The Guardian (December 10, 2013)
- Church's Insurer Wanted Changes in Letter to Abuse Victim: Inquiry, by Dan Box, in The Australian (December 10, 2013)
- St. John's Abbey Names 18 Abusing Monks, by Jean Hopfensperger, in The Star Tribune (December 10, 2013)
- Priest Abuse Victims See 'Small Ray of Hope', by The Malta Independent (December 10, 2013)
- 'Scant Evidence' That Mayo/sligo Diocese Told Garda� about Child Abuse, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Australia: 2,215 abuse allegations made since 1996, in The Catholic Culture (December 10, 2013)
- Jehovah's Witness Elder Arrested for Sexual Abuse, by The Westmoreland Times, December 10 (December 10, 2013)
- The Royal Commission 'Ignores Members of the Stolen Generations', by David Liddle, in The Source Nitv News (December 10, 2013)
- Church Response to Sex Abuse Lacked National Co-Ordination, by Helen Davidson, in The Guardian UK (December 10, 2013)
- Archbishop Timothy Costelloe Issues Apology for Catholic Church's Failure to Prevent Child Sex Abuse, by Lucy Martin, The ABC News (December 11, 2013)
- A Letter from the Archbishop of Perth, December 2013, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth (December 5, 2013)
- Bishop Tells Faithful Bankruptcy Filing Likely, by Rose Albano-Risso, in The Manteca Bulletin (December 10, 2013)
- Cardinal Sean Brady 'Truly Sorry' for Child Abuse, by Paul Melia, in The Belfast Telegraph (December 10, 2013)
- Allegations of Abuse Made against 325 Christian Brothers, by Church Watchdog Audit Reports, The Irish Independent (December 10, 2013)
- Audit Reveals 12 Christian Brothers Convicted out of 325 Accused, by The Irish Examiner (December 10, 2013)
- Reports on Church Child Protection Published, by The RTE News (December 10, 2013)
- Catholic Church to Publish Latest Tranche of Child Protection Audits, by Patsy McGarry, in The Irish Times (December 10, 2013)
- Two Allegations in Last Six Years at the Diocese of Ossory, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Cardinal Brady Says He Is 'Truly Sorry' to Survivors, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Safeguarding Board Has �no Remit␝ to Deal with Abuse by Irish Priests Abroad, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Report Reveals 36 Allegations of Child Sex Abuse in Armagh Archdiocese, by The Ulster Herald (December 10, 2013)
- 870 Allegations of Child Sex Abuse against Christian Brothers - Report, by The Newstalk (December 10, 2013)
- Diocese of down and Connor Met 46 of 48 Child Safety Objectives, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Child Abuse Report: 325 Christian Brothers Were Accused since 1975, by The BBC News (December 10, 2013)
- Kiltegan Congregation Criticised in Latest Church Reports, by Patsy McGarry, in The Irish Times (December 10, 2013)
- Christian Brothers 'Deeply Regret' Hurt Caused by Abuse, by The Irish Examiner (December 10, 2013)
- Catholic Church Reveals down and Connor Abuse Figure, by The BBC News (December 10, 2013)
- Church Told to Erase Admission, by Dan Box, in The Australian (December 11, 2013)
- Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word: No Catholic Church Apology to Sex Abuse Victims, by Jennifer Sexton, in The Australian (December 11, 2013)
- Child Abuse Royal Commission Hears Catholic Church Response Akin to Re-Abuse, by Catherine Armitage, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 11, 2013)
- Church's Corporate Approach to Victims, by The Sky News (December 11, 2013)
- Pastor Gumbura Trial Opens, by The Zimbabwe Mail (December 09, 2013)
- Catholic Church Child Protection Reports Find Only 12 Christian Brothers Convicted of Crimes in the Last 38 Years, by Ed Carty, in The Irish Mirror (December 10, 2013)
- Accused 'Kiltegan Fathers' on African Missions �afforded Too Much Tolerance␝, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Hindu Priest Facing Sex Offence Charges to Appear at Harrow Crown Court on Friday, by The Get West London (December 10, 2013)
- Moneyval Approves the Report on the Holy See's Progress in Combating Money-Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, by The Vatican Information Service (December 10, 2013)
- Diocese of Achonry: Priest 'Allowed' to Remain in Ministry Despite Allegation, by The Irish Independent (December 10, 2013)
- Prolific Abuser of Children in Diocese of Ossary 'Not Reported' to Gardai for 11 Years, by Caroline Crawford, The Irish Independent (December 10, 2013)
- Fresh Complaints Made against Three Priests since Church Watchdog Review, by The Irish Independent (December 10, 2013)
- Victorian Laws to Get Tough on Sexual Predators, by Richard Willingham, in The Age (December 11, 2013)
- Tough New Law Will Protect Children from Online Predators, by Matt Johnston, in The Herald Sun (December 10, 2013)
- Archbishop of Cashel and Emly Praised for Speedy Reaction to Abuse Claims, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Pope Francis: Son of the Church␝, by Betty Clermont, in The Daily Kos (December 07, 2013)
- Abuse Victims' Group Has Serious Concerns over Safeguarding Review, by The Journal (December 10, 2013)
- Saint John's Abbey Releases Names of Llikely Offenders, by Adam Tucker, in The Record (December 9, 2013)
- Disgrace: SNAP Now Publishes Phone Numbers and Email Addresses of Accused Clerics to Incite Harassment of Priests, in Media Report (December 9, 2013)
- More “towards Healing” Officials (or: Jesus Had No Lawyer), in lewisblayse.net (December 9, 2013)
- Small Number of Accused Priests Have Far-flung Influence, by James Warden, The Patch (December 10, 2013)
- Catholic Whistleblowers, in Catholic Whistle Blowers (December 10, 2013)
- Judge to Release Records in Child Molestation Lawsuit against Diocese of Monterey, by Virginia Hennessey, Contra Costa Times (December 10, 2013)
- Co Kerry Priest Accused of Sex Abuse Left Church to Work with Children, in The Nationalist (December 9, 2013)
- Priest's File Details Years of Allegations, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (December 9, 2013)
- Programming Notes, in NBC News (December 10, 2013)
- Priest Public Nuisance Claim May Proceed, Ramsey County Judge Rules, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 10, 2013)
- Case Seeking Clergy Files from Twin Cities Archdiocese, Winona Can Go Forward., by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (December 10, 2013)
- Media Advisory, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 10, 2013)
- "Chilling" Number of Christian Brothers Sex Abuse Allegations, in Breaking News (December 10, 2013)
- Six Former Hopkins Priests on List of Accused Priests, by James Warden, The Patch (December 5, 2013)
- New Catholic Sex Abuse Commission to Contend with "Medieval Organization", by Jason Berry, GlobalPost (December 10, 2013)
- Clergy File Redactions: Protective or Deceptive?, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (December 10, 2013)
- Media Advisory, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 10, 2013)
- Judge Allows Nuisance Claim to Proceed, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 10, 2013)
- Church Watchog Finds 870 Abuse Allegations against Christian Brothers, by Teena Gates, 98 FM (December 10, 2013)
- Public Hearing – Case Study 4, December 2013, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (December 10, 2013)
- Charges against Bv Pastor Certified to Grand Jury, by Roberta Anderson, The News-Gazette (December 10, 2013)
- Accused Buena Vista Pastor's Case Now in Hands of Grand Jury, Investigation Still Open, by Tim Ciesco, WSLS (December 10, 2013)
- ‘pastor Gumbura Had Three-some’, in Zimbabwe Mail (December 10, 2013)
- Whistleblowers Suggest Names for Papal Sex Abuse Commission, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (December 10, 2013)
- Abuse Victim Feels He Wasn't Helped by Catholic Church, by Melinda James, ABC News (December 10, 2013)
- Calls for More Support for Male Survivors of Child Sex Abuse, by Rhiannon Elston, SBS (December 10, 2013)
- Kiltegan Congregation Challenged by ‘relatively High Incidence’ of Abuse, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (December 10, 2013)
- Church Child Protection Reports: 870 Allegations of Child Abuse Made against 325 Christian Brothers, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (December 10, 2013)
- Why Do Some Missionary Societies Still Lag behind When It Comes to Child Protection?, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (December 10, 2013)
December 11
- Peter Fox Grilled over Priest Inquiries, by The 9 News (December 11, 2013)
- Archbishop Admits 'Spectacular Bungling' of Child Abuse Case, by Catherine Armitage, The Sydney Morning Herald (December 11, 2013)
- Catholic Bishop Chided for Semantic Argument on Church Responsibility, by Emily Bourke, The ABC News (December 11, 2013)
- Catholic Archbishop Says Senior Clergy Were 'Like Rabbits Caught in a Headlight', by Helen Davidson, The Guardian (December 11, 2013)
- Priest Allegedly Told Abuse Victim: 'Look for Someone Your Own Age', by Helen Davidson, The Guardian UK (December 11, 2013)
- Readers Speak out in Support of Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct, by Ben Feldheim, The Patch (December 11, 2013)
- Victim's Plea for Answers from Church, by Annette Blackwell, The West Australian (December 11, 2013)
- Despite Massive Reserves of Cash Victims of Abuse Have Received a Pittance, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, The Herald Sun (December 11, 2013)
- Victim's Plea for Answers from Church, by Annette Blackwell, The 7 News (December 11, 2013)
- Court Told of Sex Orgies at Gumbura Church, by The New Zimbabwe (December 11, 2013)
- Amnesty International Calls for Independent Inquiry into Ni Abuse, by The RTE News (December 11, 2013)
- More Than 30 People in Hawaii Suing Catholic Church for Abuse, by Tim Sakahara, The Hawaii News Now (December 11, 2013)
- Two Religious Orders Utterly Failed to Deal with Abuse for over 40 Years, by Sarah Macdonald, The Irish Independent (December 11, 2013)
- Irland: Neue Untersuchungsberichte über Kindesmissbrauch, by The Kipa, December 10 (December 10, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Case Moves Forward, by The Winona Daily News (December 11, 2013)
- New Vatican Abuse Commission Should Have Maltese Bishops – Abuse Survivor, by The Matthew Vella (December 11, 2013)
- Not the End, by Just New Challenges, for Churches (December 11, 2013)
- Church Closures Threat As Priest Numbers Halved, by Gerry Braiden, The Herald Scotland (December 11, 2013)
- How Each Diocese Dealt with Allegations, by The Irish Independent (December 11, 2013)
- What the Audits by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church of Ireland Say about Six Dioceses, by Carl O'Brien, The Irish Times (December 11, 2013)
- Group Hopes to Rewrite Statute of Limitations on Sex Abuse Laws, by Morgan Ottier, The Kwqc (December 11, 2013)
- Group Looks to Change Abuse Statute, by The Kljb (December 11, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Francis E. " Frank" Duffy, by S.J., Bishopaccountability.org (December 11, 2013)
- Jennifer Ingham Was Kept for Sex by Catholic Church Predator Father Paul Brown, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, The Telegraph (December 11, 2013)
- 'Response to Abuse 'Messy', by Dan Box, The Australian (December 11, 2013)
- No Evidence for Pedophile Link, by Dan Box, The Australian (December 12, 2013)
- NY - Victims Challenge Vatican at Un on Clergy Sex Cases, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 11, 2013)
- Vatican - Pope Is " Person of the Year" - Victims Respond, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 11, 2013)
- Pope Francis Is Time's Person of the Year, by David Bauder, The ABC News (December 11, 2013)
- New Bishop of Dunkeld Named As Stephen Robson, by The BBC News (December 11, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Finds over 100 Suspicious Transactions, by Official Says, by Tom Kington (December 11, 2013)
- Kellner Case Reveals Split in Da's Office, by Hella Winston, The Jewish Week (December 11, 2013)
- Good Coverage, by Sylvia, Sylvia's Site (December 11, 2013)
- Victims of Fr Paul Rex Brown Were Re-Abused by Towards Healing, by The Broken Rites, December 10 (December 10, 2013)
- If You Live in Pa, by a Word from Facsa FOUNDATION to Abolish Child Sex ABUSE…, by Michael Baumann (December 10, 2013)
- Truth and Reconciliation Needed in Baptistland, by The Stop Baptist Predators, December 10 (December 10, 2013)
- Pope Francis Named Time's Person of the Year, by Elizabeth Dilts, The Reuters (December 11, 2013)
- Former Rc/nb Catholic Priest Named on Sexual Abuse of a Minor List, by Derrick Knutson, The Post Review (December 11, 2013)
- Victims Make Another Filing with Un Panel, by McAplan682@aol.com, The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 11, 2013)
- Supplemental Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in Advance of Its Review of the Holy See during Its 65th Session, by The Center for Constitutional Rights (December 11, 2013)
- Archdiocese Hit with Another Sex Abuse Suit over Ex-Priest McCormack, by The CBS Chicago (December 11, 2013)
- Chicago Man Is First Accuser of Ex-Priest to ID Himself, by Manya Brachear Pashman, The Chicago Tribune (December 11, 2013)
- Northern Ireland Abuse Inquiries' Heads Questioned, by The BBC News (December 11, 2013)
- Ni Abuse Inquiries: Assembly Committee to Hear Evidence, by Tara Mills, The BBC News (December 11, 2013)
- Man Sues for Allegedly Being a Victim of Pedophile Priest, by Maudlyne Ihejirika, The Chicago Sun-Times (December 11, 2013)
- IL - Chicago Archdiocese Sex Abuse Suit; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 11, 2013)
- Two Child Crimes Scandals Compared, by Barbara Dorris, The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 11, 2013)
- Troy Priest Seeks Access to Bank Accounts Frozen during Probe, by Mike Martindale, The Detroit News (December 11, 2013)
- More " Towards Healing" Officials OR: Jesus Had No LAWYER, by James Spence, Lewisblayse.net (December 11, 2013)
- Public Hearing – Case Study 4, by December 2013, The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (December 11, 2013)
- Media Advisory, by The Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 11, 2013)
December 12
- Abuse Victim Claims Priest Cried, in Sky News (December 12, 2013)
- Man Sues, Alleging Victimization by Convicted Priest, in WLS (December 12, 2013)
- Hardin Co. Teacher Accused of Sex Abuse Worked As Special Deputy, Pastor, by Bennett Haeberle, WDRB (December 12, 2013)
- Mormon Bishop Sentenced to Three Years for Sex Abuse, by John Asbury, The Press-Enterprise (December 12, 2013)
- Pope Francis Is "Time's Person of the Year 2013: 12 Reasons Why He Deserved It, by Katie Zavadski, Bustle (December 12, 2013)
- Finance Watchdog Approves Vatican Reforms, Urges Bank Oversight, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (December 12, 2013)
- Vatican Gets Mixed Report Card on Finance Reforms, by Nicole Winfield, Boston.com (December 12, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Needs More Inspections, Finance Watchdog Says, by Chiara Vasarri and Alessandra Migliaccio, Bloomberg Businessweek (December 12, 2013)
- Moneyval Report a "Positive Sign", in Vatican Radio (December 12, 2013)
- Council of Europe Praises Vatican's Financial Clean up, in Europe Online Magazine (December 12, 2013)
- Fired Hardin County Teacher Was Also a Minister and Special Deputy, by Katie Bauer, WAVE (December 12, 2013)
- Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse Worked at Church, Sheriff’s Office, by Maggie Ruper, WHAS (December 11, 2013)
- Salem Woman Who Molested Relative, Photographed Abuse, Gets 25 Years in Prison, by Helen Jung, The Oregonian (December 11, 2013)
- Pope Francis Gets Thumbs-up from Americans, by Joel Connelly, Seattle PI (December 12, 2013)
- Man Shuns Anonymity in Accusing Ex-priest of Sex Abuse, by Manya Brachear Pashman, Chicago Tribune (December 12, 2013)
- Priestly Sex Abuse Case Gets Really Nasty, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (December 12, 2013)
- The First Step for the Archdiocese, by Esme Murphy, CBS Minnesota (December 7, 2013)
- Child Sex Abuse Crisis of the Religious Right Grows, by Frederick Clarkson, Daily Kos (December 12, 2013)
- New Ulm Diocese Sued for List of Accused Priests, in CT Post (December 12, 2013)
- Royal Commission : "I Shouldn't Be Alive', Says Victim, by Catherine Armitage, Sydney Morning Herald (December 12, 2013)
- Program Returning to Chatham, by Ellwood Shreve, Chatham Daily News (December 10, 2013)
- In Jackson and Beyond, "What Does It Mean to Be Catholic?", by Bishop Mike, Whispers in the Loggia (December 12, 2013)
- Time Names Pope Francis Its Person of the Year, by Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service (December 11, 2013)
- Person of the Year, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (December 12, 2013)
- Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop in Jackson Diocese, in The Clarion-Ledger (December 12, 2013)
- Father Francis Mulcahy Denies He Cried for Child Sex Abuse Victim Jennifer Ingham, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, Telegraph (December 13, 2013)
- Mount Pocono Priest Elevated to Bishop of Mississippi Diocese, in Pocono News (December 12, 2013)
- Pope Names Bishops for Mississippi, Texas Dioceses, in National Catholic Reporter (December 11, 2013)
- Inside the World's Most Secretive Bank, in Economia (December 12, 2013)
- MONEYVAL - Committee of Experts on the Evaluation : Council of Europe Issues Report Assessing Progress by the Holy See on Measures to Combat Money Laundering, in 4-Traders (December 12, 2013)
- Report Finds Vatican Transparency Rules Need a Test, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (December 12, 2013)
- New Jackson Catholic Bishop Named; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 12, 2013)
- Diocese of Beaumont Settles Sex Abuse Suit, by Tim Monzingo, Beaumont Enterprise (December 12, 2013)
- Mater Dei High Boys" Basketball Team Loses Star Player To...what?, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (December 12, 2013)
- Victims “not Optimistic” about New TX Bishop, in SNAP (December 12, 2013)
- Six Pedophile Priest Victims Settle; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 12, 2013)
- They Are Not "Bunglers", by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 12, 2013)
- Outlook for Boston Pastoral Plan, Dim, in Boston Catholic Insider (December 12, 2013)
- New Ulm Diocese Sued for List of Accused Priests, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (December 12, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against New Ulm Diocese, Lawyers Seeking Accused Priest Names, by Gretchen Schlosser, West Central Tribune (December 12, 2013)
- Crown Ends Case against Priest in Arctic Sex Abuse Case, in 660 News (December 12, 2013)
- New Ulm Diocese Sued for List of Accused Priests, in Houston Chronicle (December 12, 2013)
- Crown Ends Case against Priest in Arctic Sex Case, in The Record (December 12, 2013)
- Survivors Challenge Vatican at Un on Clergy Sex Cases, in eNews Park Forest (December 12, 2013)
- Eric Dejaeger Trial Adjourned until January, in CBC News (December 12, 2013)
- Pastor, 61, Accused of Sexually Abusing Two Girls, 6 and 7, for Nearly a Decade Saying He Would "Rid Them of the Devil", by Ashley Collman, Daily Mail (December 12, 2013)
- 61-year-old Man Charged with Repeatedly Raping Girls, in KARE (December 12, 2013)
- Self-proclaimed Pastor Raped 2 Girls for Years, in WCCO (December 12, 2013)
- Minnesota Pastor Told Girls He Could ‘take the Demons Out,’ Raped Them for Years, by David Edwards, Raw Story (December 12, 2013)
- Maplewood Pastor Charged in Rapes of Young Girls, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 12, 2013)
- John Furlong Says Rcmp Letter Exonerates Him in Abuse Case, by James Keller, CTV (December 12, 2013)
- Furlong Says Rcmp Letter Exonerates Him in Abuse Case, in CBC News (December 12, 2013)
- Former Vancouver Olympic CEO Furlong Says Rcmp Letter Exonerates Him in Abuse Case, in Globe and Mail (December 12, 2013)
- Lawsuit Seeks Accused Priest List from New Ulm Diocese, by Tyler Utzka, KEYC (December 12, 2013)
December 13
- Church Knew of Lismore Parish Abuse Allegations in 1985, Inquiry Hears, in The Guardian (December 13, 2013)
- Lawyers "Horse-traded" on Church Abuse, by Sophie Tarr, West Australian (December 13, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against New Ulm Diocese, in In-Forum (December 13, 2013)
- Diocese Faces New Child Molestation Suit, by Dan Nienaber, Mankato Free Press (December 13, 2013)
- Maplewood Man Claimed to Be a Pastor, Sexually Abused 2 Young Girls, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (December 13, 2013)
- Church Official Charged with Sexual Misconduct, in WOAY (December 13, 2013)
- Tim Probert, Accused of Sex Abuse against Minors, Released on Bond, by Douglas Fritz, Jessie Gavin, WVNS (December 13, 2013)
- Ex-w.va. Church Youth Volunteer Facing Sex Charges, in WSET (December 13, 2013)
- Former Bluefield Church Youth Volunteer Arrested on 38 Counts of Child Sexual Abuse, by Samantha Perry, Bluefield Daily Telegraph (December 13, 2013)
- Church’s Compensation to Victims of Sexual Abuse “shamefully Low”, in Iceland Review (December 13, 2013)
- Royal Commission into Church Abuse Hears Redress Scheme Could Have Been Handled Better, by Thomas Oriti, ABC News (December 13, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Abuse Victim ‘got a Belting’ for Reporting Priest, in The Guardian (December 13, 2013)
- Inedito Pedido De Perdon De LA Iglesia Por Caso De Cura Abusador, in Info News (December 13, 2013)
- Francis Isn't Asked about Abuse Because He Reminds US of Jesus, by David Quinn, Irish Independent (December 13, 2013)
- Nampa Church Deacon Charged with Lewd Conduct, in KTVB (December 13, 2013)
- Look at Missions Abuse in Inquiry: Gooda, in SBS (December 13, 2013)
- Weekend May Bring News on Priests Removed from Ministry, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (December 13, 2013)
- Priest Jailed for Sex Abuse, in Lancashire Evening Post (December 13, 2013)
- Priest Freed of Rape Charges, in Ghana Web (December 13, 2013)
- Who Knew What When? (or: Your Conscience Is Showing), in lewisblayse.net (December 13, 2013)
- Pictures of the Courtroom and Detention Centre in Iqaluit, in Sylvia's Site (December 13, 2013)
- Crown Rests after Heart-wrenching Trial of Former Priest, on CTV (December 12, 2013)
- Lancashire Priest Jailed for Sex Assaults, on ITV (December 13, 2013)
- When Trust Is Broken: Two Innocent Teens Lured into a Terrifying Web of Abuse, by Janet Fife-yeomans, The Telegraph (December 13, 2013)
- Paul Leroux Gets 3 Years for Residential School Abuse, in CBC News (December 13, 2013)
- Ex-supervisor Gets Three Years for Sex Abuse at Saskatchewan Residential School, in Vancouver Sun (December 13, 2013)
- Former Residential Supervisor to Serve Time for Indecent Assault, on CTV (December 13, 2013)
- Lancaster Catholic Priest Given 12 Months in Jail Following Sex Assaults, in Lancaster Today (December 13, 2013)
- Rape Case against Anglican Priest Dropped, in Spy Ghana (December 13, 2013)
- Vatican’s Abuse Commission – Ten Years Too Late but Here’s How to Give It Credibility, by Marie Collins, The Tablet (December 10, 2013)
- Ex-hales Franciscan Teacher Files Whistle-blower Suit, by Lauren Zumbach, Chicago Tribune reporter (December 13, 2013)
- Former Dean of Lancaster Cathedral Jailed for Year for Indecently Assaulting Trainee Priest, in The Mirror (December 13, 2013)
- Former Dean Stephen Shield Jailed for Sex Offences, in BBC News (December 13, 2013)
- Stephen Shield Sentenced to 12 Months for Sexual Offences, in Virtual Lancaster (December 13, 2013)
- Chicago Teacher Allegedly Fired for Reporting Abuse; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 13, 2013)
- Pope Must Decide What to Do with Disgraced Legion As It Moves to Elect New Leader, in Fox News (December 13, 2013)
- Accused Philly Priests’ Fates May Be Announced Soon??, in SNAP (December 13, 2013)
- Diocese Says It Had "Valid Defenses" against Sex Abuse Claims, by Tim Monzingo, Beaumont Enterprise (December 13, 2013)
- Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse: Bishop's Honesty Finally Opens the Door to More Compassionate Dealing with Victims of Sex Abuse, by Catherine Armitage, Sydney Morning Herald (December 13, 2013)
- Who Knew What When? (or: Your Conscience Is Showing), in lewisblayse.net (December 13, 2013)
- Rochelle Daniels, Hales Franciscan Teacher, Says She Was Fired for Reporting Student's Sexual Assault, in Huffington Post (December 13, 2013)
- Suit : Teacher at Hales Franciscan Fired for Reporting Abuse Allegations, by Ashlee Rezin, Chicago Sun-Times (December 12, 2013)
- Teacher Sues, Alledges She Was Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault, by Marcella Raymond , WGN (December 13, 2013)
December 14
- Catholic Church Appears before Australian Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse, by Stephen Crittenden, National Catholic Reporter (December 13, 2013)
- Abuse Trial Delayed for Accused Pastor, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (December 14, 2013)
- New Details in Sex Abuse Case against Former Bluefield Church Worker, by Gil McClanahan, WVVA (December 14, 2013)
- LA Iglesia Pedira Publicamente Perdon a Victimas De Abusos, in Diario Popular (December 14, 2013)
- LA Iglesia Pedira Perdon Por Los Abusos De Un Cura De Tigre, in Minuto Uno (December 14, 2013)
- Papa Debe Decidir Que Hace Con Legion En Desgracia, by Por Nicole Winfield, El Nuevo Herald (December 14, 2013)
- New Commission Aims to Prevent Abuse and Provide Victim Support, in Scottish Catholic Observer (December 14, 2013)
- Regnum Christi’s Consecrated Women Choose Leadership, in Headlines from the Catholic World (December 14, 2013)
- Argentine Diocese Apologizes for Pedophile Priest, in GlobalPost (December 14, 2013)
- Former Cathedral Dean Jailed for Sexually Abusing Trainee Priest, in Yorkshire Post (December 14, 2013)
- Australian Archbishop to Abuse Commission: "We Have Reaped the Harvest of Horror", by Stephen Crittenden, National Catholic Reporter (December 14, 2013)
- Indigenous Leaders Criticize Commission: (or: It’s Hard to Be Heard Sometimes), in lewisblayse.net (December 14, 2013)
- In Sunday homily, Nienstedt apologizes for bishops' failure to remove accused priests, by Kelly Smith, in The Star Tribune (December 14, 2013)
- Assignment Record - Rev. John H. Duggan, s.j., on The Bishopaccountability.org (December 14, 2013)
- Assignment Record - Rev. Eugene F. Orteneau, s.j.,on The Bishopaccountability.org (December 14, 2013)
- Nienstedt Homily: Catholic Bishops Have Failed, by The Seattle Pi (December 14, 2013)
- Nienstedt Sunday Homily: Catholic Bishops Have Failed, by Madeleine Baran, in The Minnesota Public Radio (December 13, 2013)
- Pope Francis on Children, Women and Wealth, by Jerry Slevin, in The Christian Catholicism (December 14, 2013)
December 15
- Gallup Diocese Bankruptcy Raises Question of How Many More Victims There Are, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, in The Abq Journal (December 14, 2013)
- Lawyers in Case to Define Assets of Gallup Diocese, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, in The Abq Journal (December 15, 2013)
- Victim: As Many As 200 Abused in Winslow, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, in The Abq Journal (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop John Nienstedt to Apologize at Edina Church, by Raya Zimmerman, in The Pioneer Press (December 15, 2013)
- Local Catholics Await Archbishop Nienstedt's Public Apology, by The Wcco (December 14, 2013)
- Twin Cities Archbishop: Catholic Bishops Have Failed in Response to Abuse, by The Duluth News Tribune (December 14, 2013)
- Five Priests Removed from Ministry; Two Restored to Duty, by Jeremy Roebuck, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (December 15, 2013)
- Catholic Priest to Sue Church for Unfair Dismissal, by Catherine Deveney, in The Observer (December 15, 2013)
- Kearney Pastor Faces New Charges of Sexual Assault, by The Fremont Tribune (December 14, 2013)
- Ex-Youth Leader Faces More Sex Charges, by Kim Schmidt, in The Kearney Hub (December 14, 2013)
- Former Church Volunteer Arrested after 3rd Sexual Assault Victim Comes Forward, by The 1011 Now (December 14, 2013)
- Gilmer Woman Gets 28 Years in Child Sex Abuse Case, by Rosie Evans Fluellen, in The News-Journal (December 14, 2013)
- Church 'fatherhood' is an empty one, robbed of humanity and understanding, by Emer O'Kelly, in The Irish Independent (December 15, 2013)
- Police told prosecutors to drop the case against paedophile Jimmy Savile, newly released files reveal, by The Mirror (December 15, 2013)
- Father Frank Derriman: Royal Commission Hears of Priest Who Lured Girls to Sex 'Cult', by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Telegraph (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop Robert Carlson Switches Law Firms, by The Berger's Beat (December 14, 2013)
- 'Kidnapped For Christ,' Planned Documentary, Aims To Expose 'Ex-Gay' Experiences In Christian Reform Schools, by The Huffington Post (December 12, 2013)
- The Fallacy of Papal Change under Pope Francis, by Michael Tracey, in The Aljazeera America (December 13, 2013)
- Why Won't George Pell Speak? OR: I Hear They Need a Missionary in ANTARCTICA, by The Lewisblayse.net (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Apologizes for Response to Clergy Abuses, by Pat Pheifer, in The Star Tribune (December 15, 2013)
- Will Jewish Shmootz Peddlers Clear Aquitted Rabbi Krispin, by Yori Yanover, in The Jewish Press (December 15, 2013)
- Rabbi Cleared Due to Witnesses' Extortion, by Maayana Miskin, in The Arutz Sheva (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop Apologizes, Addresses Sex Abuse Scandal, by Holly Wagner, in The WCCO (December 15, 2013)
- Report: 5 Priests Removed From Philly Archdiocese Due to Sex Abuse, Misconduct Allegations, by David Chang, in The NBC 10(December 16, 2013)
- The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces Additional Resolutions of Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia (December 15, 2013)
- Nienstedt Homily: Catholic Bishops Have Failed, by The Associated Press (December 15, 2013)
- Predator Priest's Crimes Come Back from the Grave, by Jessica Grewal, in The Daily News (December 16, 2013)
- Philadelphia Archdiocese: 5 Priests Removed from Ministry, by The Wpvi (December 15, 2013)
- Philly Archbishop Removes 5 Priests from Ministry, by Mark Scolforo, in The Associated Press (December 15, 2013)
- St. Paul Archbishop Asking for Forgiveness, by The Kaal (December 15, 2013)
- Announcement Regarding Reverend John P. Paul, by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadlephia (December 15, 2013)
- Director to Raw Story: Expose on Brutal Christian School Cost Me My Faith, by David Ferguson, in The Raw Story (December 14, 2013)
- Twin Cities archbishop sorry for thinking priest cases resolved, he tells church, by Raya Zimmerman, in The Pioneer Press (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Tells Parishioners 'You Deserve Better', by The Kare (December 15, 2013)
- Nienstedt apologizes, says he 'overlooked' clergy abuse, by The Kare (December 15, 2013)
- Homily of Archbishop John C. Nienstedt at Our Lady of Grace Parish, by John C. Nienstedt, in The Our Lady of Grace Parish (December 15, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt: 'I Overlooked This', by Lindsey Labelle, in The Fox 9 (December 15, 2013)
- Five Philadelphia Catholic Priests Suspended in Sex Scandal, by Dave Warner, in The Globe and Mail CANADA (December 15, 2013)
- Phila. Archdiocese Suspends Priest over Sex Allegations, by Jeremy Roebuck, in The Philadelphia Inquirer (December 16, 2013)
- Philadelphia Archdiocese Removes 5 Priests from Ministry, by The CBS News (December 15, 2013)
- Former Bucks County Priests Removed from Ministry, by Kimberly Flanders, in The Intelligencer (December 16, 2013)
- Bishop Geoffrey Hilton Says Priests Do Not Indulge in Gossip with Each Other, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Herald Sun (December 16, 2013)
December 16
- Catholic Priest Finian Egan Confronted by Sex-Abuse Victims in Court, by Paul Bibby, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 16, 2013)
- Archbishop Removes 5 Priests, by Philly.com (December 16, 2013)
- Suicide Apology Kept from Abuse Victim, by The Sbs (December 16, 2013)
- Chilling Message to Elderly Rapist Priest, by Isabel Hayes, in The West Australian (December 16, 2013)
- Serial Child Molester Priest Faces Victims in Court, by Athena Yenko, in The International Business Times (December 16, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Priest Referred to Vatican with 'No Expectation' of When Church Might Hear Back, by Catherine Armitage, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 16, 2013)
- No Check on Transferred Priests, by The Sky News (December 16, 2013)
- Our View: Stockton Diocese May Ask for Bankruptcy Protection, by The Modesto Bee (December 14, 2013)
- 5 Philadelphia priests removed, 1 placed on leave following sexual abuse, church violation allegations, by Jonathan Grass, on The AL.com (December 16, 2013)
- Dutch Catholic Church Calls for End to Silence over Sexual Abuse, by The Expatica (December 16, 2013)
- Philadelphia Diocese Removes 5 Priests, by Suspends Another, in The Pocono Record (December 16, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Victim Felt like He Was 'Robbing the Church' When He Applied for Compensation, by Thomas Oriti, in The 7 News (December 16, 2013)
- Philly Archbishop Removes 5 Priests from Ministry over Sex Abuse or Misconduct Allegations, by The Fox News (December 16, 2013)
- Molestation Allegations against Former Tredyffrin Priest, by Bob Byrne, in The Patch (December 16, 2013)
- Investigators: a Monk's Message, by Shelby Capacio, in The Fox 9 (December 16, 2013)
- 'Unieke Oproep Katholieke Kerk over Misbruik', by The Volkskrant (December 16, 2013)
- Oproep Katholieke Kerk Om Stilzwijgen over Kindermisbruik Te Verbreken, by The Omroep Brabant (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Offers Apology; Survivors Say It Falls Short, by The Kare (December 15, 2013)
- Curia Says Compensation Time-Barred in St Joseph Abuse Case, by Chris Mangion, in The Malta Today (December 16, 2013)
- Malvern Priest Removed from Ministry, by Nate Adams, in The Patch (December 16, 2013)
- Victims Confront Abuser Father Finian Egan in Court, by The Broken Rites (December 16, 2013)
- the Church Re-Abused This Victim of Marist Brother Raymond Foster, by The Broken Rites (December 16, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Says He 'Overlooked' Priest-Abuse Issue, by Brian Lambert, in The Minnpost (December 16, 2013)
- Jack Graham Explains How to Have Your Best Christmas: Shun Church Critics, Especially Those "Watchdoggers", by Jack Graham, in The FBC Jax Watchdogs (December 16, 2013)
- Other Pontifical Acts, by The Vatican Information Service (December 16, 2013)
- County Attorney: Grand Jury Not a Likely Option in Archdiocese Investigation, by Laura Yuen, in The Minnesota Public Radio (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Plans to Release Priest List This Morning, by Mike Dougherty, in The Post-Bulletin (December 16, 2013)
- Charges against Hindu Priest Gurudev Rajesh Parmar Dropped, by Bruce Thain, in The This Is Local London (December 16, 2013)
- Priest Cleared of Sex Offence Charges after Prosecution Offers No Evidence, by John Shammas, in The Get West London (December 16, 2013)
- Wuerl Named to Bishops' Panel; Burke Not Confirmed, by John L. Allen Jr., in The National Catholic Reporter (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Names 14 Priests Accused of Abuse, by Jennie Olson, in The Kaal (December 16, 2013)
- Tn - Victims Challenge Catholic Bishop, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 16, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Releases Secret List Containing Names of 14 Priests with Credible Abuse Allegations, by The Jeff Anderson & Associates (December 16, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Releases Names of Priests Accused of Child Abuse, by Jean Hopfensperger, in The Star Tribune (December 16, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Releases List of 14 Priests Accused of Child Abuse, by The Winona Daily News (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Releases Names of Accused Child Abusers, by Kay Fate, in The Post-Bulletin (December 16, 2013)
- Mn - Winona Bishop to Release Predator Names; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Releases List of Accused Priest Abusers, in KARE (December 16, 2013)
- A Statement from Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of Winona, by Joel Hennessy, Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona (December 16, 2013)
- Lawsuit Alleges Child Sex Abuse by Golden Valley Priest in 1962, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Priests "Credibly Accused" of Child Sex Abuse Disclosed, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Dioceses Releases Names of 14 Catholic Priests Accused of Child Sexual Abuse, by Patrick Condon, Star Tribune (December 16, 2013)
- Accused Former Apple Valley Priest Also on Winona Diocese List, by James Warden, The Patch (December 16, 2013)
- Newest List of Accused Priests Includes 11 from Area, by Robb Murray, Mankato Free Press (December 16, 2013)
- Winona Archdiocese Releases Names of 14 Accused Pedophile Priests, by Brett Wilkins, Digital Journal (December 16, 2013)
- New Transformational Roman Catholic Pontiff Voted Winner in Survey of Top 10 Religion News Stories of the Year, in Religion Newswriters Association (December 16, 2013)
- Towards Healing Hearings Resume (or: Priests Don’t Gossip), in lewisblayse.net (December 16, 2013)
- 2 Former Austin Priests Among 14 Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Austin Daily Herald (December 16, 2013)
- 4 Former Local Priests Included in List of Accused Priests, in Albert Lea Tribune (December 16, 2013)
- School Dismissed Teacher-abuse Fear, in Herts and Essex Observer (December 16, 2013)
- Jeremy Forrest School "May Be Taken over by Government", by Graeme Paton, The Telegraph (December 16, 2013)
- Report into the Jeremy Forrest Affair Damns School for Ignoring Seven Months of Warning Signs That LED to the Abduction of a Pupil, in Independent (December 16, 2013)
- Ordaining 31 Legionaries, Cardinal Says They Are Part of Order's Reform, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic Register (December 16, 2013)
- Sex Abuse Victims Face Former Yeshiva Guard in Australian Court, in Jewish Daily Forward (December 16, 2013)
- Accused Former Columbia Heights Priest Also on Winona Diocese List, by James Warden, Patch (December 16, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Releases List of 14 Accused Priests, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (December 16, 2013)
- Controversial Theologian Hans Kung: "I Don't Cling to This Life", by Markus Grill, Spiegel (December 16, 2013)
- Three Former Waseca County Priests on Winona Diocese List of Accused Abusers, by Christen Furlong, Waseca County News (December 16, 2013)
- List from Diocese of Accused Priests Includes Some with Ties to Steele, Dodge Counties, by Jeffrey Jackson, Owatonna People's Press (December 16, 2013)
- A Statement from Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of Winona, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona (December 16, 2013)
December 17
- Catholic Church Sex Scandal Leaves Five Priests Sacked in Philadelphia, by Sounak Mukhopadhyay, in The International Business Times (December 17, 2013)
- Winona Diocese Posts Names of Priests, by Jodelle Greiner, in The Fairmont Sentinel (December 17, 2013)
- Diocese of Winona Releases List of 14 Priests; Victims' Advocates Hope to Get Internal Files, by Jerome Christenson, in The Winona Daily News (December 17, 2013)
- Long Road to Release of Names of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Steph Crock, in The Kaal (December 17, 2013)
- Celibacy a Probable Cause of 'Tsunami of Sexual Abuse' That Hit Church Marist Brother Says, by Matthew Benns, in The Telegraph (December 17, 2013)
- Man Charged with Raping 13-Year-Old in Church, by The Wtvq (December 17, 2013)
- Notes on a Scandal: the Jimmy Savile Case Is All Too Familiar, by Chris Greer, in The Conversation (December 17, 2013)
- Kardinal Kasper Bekraftigt Null-Toleranz-Politik Bei Missbrauch, by The Kipa (December 17, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Marist Brothers Allowed Child Molester to Teach at St Joseph's College Hunters Hill, by The Sydney Morning Herald (December 17, 2013)
- Abusive Brother at Top Sydney School, by Annette Blackwell, in The Herald Sun (December 17, 2013)
- No public apology for abuse, inquiry hears, by The Sky News (December 17, 2013)
- Marist Brothers Leader Alexis Turton 'Failed to Act' over Alleged Abuse, by Dan Box, in The Australian (December 17, 2013)
- Abuse Royal Commission: Paedophile Priest Raymond Foster Allowed to Keep Teaching Job Despite Complaints, by Thomas Oriti, in The 7 News (December 17, 2013)
- 'We Will Be a Stronger and Holier Church': Bishop Expresses Sadness over Allegations; Says Diocese Reaching out to Help Parishioners, by Jerome Christenson, in The Winona Daily News (December 17, 2013)
- Residential-School Survivors to Press Court for Access to Ontario Documents, by Gloria Galloway, in The Globe and Mail (December 17, 2013)
- St. Anne's Residential School Survivor Says Ottawa 'Hiding Evidence', by Karina Roman, in The CBC News (December 17, 2013)
- Analysis: Pope Francis' Vatican Reforms May Prompt Curial Pushback, by David Gibson, in The Washington Post (December 17, 2013)
- Who Am I to Judge?, by James Carroll, in The New Yorker (December 17, 2013)
- Monk, St. John's Abbey apologize for message prompted by blog post, by The St. Cloud Times (December 17, 2013)
- Philly Priest with Gallup Ties 'Unsuitable for Ministry', by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, in The Gallup Independent (December 17, 2013)
- Priest Reported to Vatican over Alleged Child Sex Chat, by Jessica Grewal, in The Daily Examiner (December 17, 2013)
- Priest Employed by Elite SA School Charged As Part of Global Child Pornography Ring, by The Herald Sun (December 17, 2013)
- Police to Interview Serial Pedophile Priest, by Phil Johnson, in 3AW (December 17, 2013)
- Former Catholic Brother Back in NZ Court, by The ABC News (December 17, 2013)
- Final Decision on Ex-Catholic Brother's Extradition Reserved, by Kurt Bayer, in The New Zealand Herald (December 17, 2013)
- Francis' Flush – At Bishops' Table, Pope Runs the Wuerlpool, by The Whispers in the Loggia (December 16, 2013)
- Nomina Del Vescovo Di Marquette U.S.A., by The Bolletino (December 17, 2013)
- Church Dismisses Idea of Employment Tribunal for Ayrshire Priest, by The Scottish Catholic Observer (December 17, 2013)
- Other Pontifical Acts, by The Vatican Information Service (December 17, 2013)
- Green Bay, Wis., priest named bishop of Marquette, Mich., by The National Catholic Reporter (December 17, 2013)
- Oh - Victims Seek Action about 2 Priests, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 17, 2013)
- Francis Dumps U.S. Cardinal Who Is Outspoken Critic Of Abortion, Gay Marriage, by The Associated Press (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Replaces Conservative U.S. Cardinal on Influential Vatican Committee, by Jim Yardley, in The New York Times (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Francis Removes Former LA Crosse Bishop Raymond Burke, by The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (December 17, 2013)
- Pro-Life Leaders Shocked by Removal of Cardinal Burke from Important Vatican Post, by John-Henry Westen, in The Lifesite News (December 16, 2013)
- The Shake-Up in Rome, by Michael Sean Winters, in The National Catholic Reporter (December 17, 2013)
- Vatican Reorganizes Congregation for Bishops; Burke and Rigali Not Reappointed, by Patricia Rice, in The St. Louis Public Radio (December 17, 2013)
- Pope's Appointment of Cardinal Wuerl Extends Ties between Pittsburgh and Vatican, by Peter Smith, in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (December 16, 2013)
- Pope Francis Removes Former St. Louis Archbishop Burke from Congregation of Bishops, by Jesse Bogan, in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 17, 2013)
- Mater Dei Boys' B-Ball Players Bullied Their Co-Captain, Calling Him "Bitch" and "Nigger": Claim, by Gustavo Arellano, in The Orange County Weekly (December 17, 2013)
- Former Priest Now Advocates for Priest Abuse Victims, by Kay Fate, in The Post-Bulletin (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Francis Removes " Culture Warriors" from Selection Committee for New Bishops, by The Daily Kos (December 17, 2013)
- Mi - Controversial Priest Selected As a Michigan Bishop; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 17, 2013)
- Bishops Accused of Abuse, in BishopAccountability.org (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Francis Directs Curia to Hear Confessions, by Eric J. Lyman, Washington Post (December 17, 2013)
- Out with the Conservative Cardinal, in with the Moderate, by Tracy Connor and Aaron Mermelstein, NBC News (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Francis Does Not Reconfirm Prominent Conservative Cardinal Burke to Top Post, in CBS News (December 17, 2013)
- Women Abuse, Too, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Accused of Inappropriately Touching Boy, in Star Tribune (December 17, 2013)
- Letter from Archbishop Nienstedt Regarding Allegation, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 17, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Allegation against Archbishop Nienstedt, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Stepping Aside Following Allegation of Inappropriate Touching, by Briana Bierschbach, MinnPost (December 17, 2013)
- St. Paul & Minneapolis Archbishop Accused of Abuse, Steps down, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop to Step Aside Amid Sexual Abuse Allegation, in CBS Minnesota (December 17, 2013)
- Mn Archbishop Is Accused; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Inappopriately Touched Boy, by Chris Steller, The Patch (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Voluntarily Steps Away from Public Ministry after Allegation, in Catholic News Service (December 17, 2013)
- Allegations Cause Minnesota Archbishop to Remove Himself from Ministry, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Denies Allegation of Inappropriate Touching, in KARE (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Accused of Inappropriately Touching Boy, in KFGO (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Stepping down Following Allegation of Inappropriately Touching a Minor, in Northlands News Center (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Steps Aside As Police Investigate Allegation, Say Church Not Cooperating in Other Cases, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 17, 2013)
- Austin Residents Shocked to Hear about Local Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Austin Daily Herald (December 17, 2013)
- "Forced Release" of Priests" Names Not Enough, by Kay Fate, The Post-Bulletin (December 17, 2013)
- Wi Victims Blast New Mi Bishop on Abuse, in SNAP (December 17, 2013)
- The Pope's Popularity-what Does It Mean?, in SNAP (December 17, 2013)
- Jerry Brown Could Have Made a Difference, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 17, 2013)
- Preview, by Katy Ebeling, City of Angels (December 17, 2013)
- Abp. Nienstedt Steps down As Abuse Allegation Is Investigated, by Catherine Harmon, Catholic World Report (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Accused of Abuse, Takes Leave of Absence, by Daniel Burke, CNN (December 17, 2013)
- Minnesota Archbishop Denies Inappropriately Touching Minor, by Amy Forlit, WDAY (December 17, 2013)
- Ex-priest Facing Child Sex Charges in Court Again, in Armidale Express (December 17, 2013)
- Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt Steps Aside While `inappropriate Contact’ Investigated, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (December 17, 2013)
- Green Bay Priest Named Bishop of Marquette, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (December 17, 2013)
- Victim of Priest Calls Release of Names "Bittersweet", by Kay Fate, The Post-Bulletin (December 17, 2013)
- Week 2, Day 2 (or: It’s Okay, He Said He’d Never Do It Again), in lewisblayse.net (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Steps Aside after Sexual-misconduct Allegation., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (December 17, 2013)
- Bishop Filling in for Archbishop Nienstedt Ministered in Lakeville, by Andrea Parrott, The Patch (December 17, 2013)
- Anti-gay Catholic Bishop Steps Aside under Allegations of Sexual Abuse, in LGBTQ Nation (December 17, 2013)
- Early Reporting on Nienstedt Accusation, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (December 17, 2013)
- Nienstedt, Facing Claim He Touched Boy, Steps Aside during Investigation, Denies Allegation, by Tom Scheck, Laura Yuen, Mike Cronin, Minnesota Public Radio (December 17, 2013)
- A Failed Bishopric: the Servants Strike Back?, by Nick Coleman, Nick Coleman (December 16, 2013)
- Anti-gay Mn Archbishop John Nienstedt Accused of Inappropriately Touching Underage Male: Video, by Andy Towle, Towleroad (December 17, 2013)
- Minnesota Archbishop Accused of "Inappropriate Touching" of Boy, by David Bailey, WTAQ (December 17, 2013)
- Preparing a Generation of "Francis Bishops", by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (December 17, 2013)
- Former Priests Given More Time to Submit Reply, in Times of Malta (December 17, 2013)
- Lawyer for Abuse Victims Passes Away, in SNAP (December 17, 2013)
- Portland Attorney Kelly Clark Dies, Was Nationally Recognized As Defender of Sex-abuse Victims, by Aimee Green, The Oregonian (December 17, 2013)
- Portland Lawyer and Ex-legislator Kelly Clark Dies at 56, in Willamette Week (December 17, 2013)
- Kelly Clark, Oregon Lawyer Who Won Landmark Sex Abuse Case against Boy Scouts, Dies at 56, in The Republic (December 17, 2013)
- Twin Cities Archbishop Nienstedt Accused of Inappropriately Touching Boy, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Steps Aside As Police Investigate Allegation, Say Church Not Cooperating in Other Cases, by Emily Gurnon and Nick Woltman, Pioneer Press (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Denies Inappropriately Touching Minor, by Scott Theisen, KSTP (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Inappropriately Touched Boy, by Chris Steller, The Patch (December 17, 2013)
- St. Paul Police Chief Says Archdiocese of St. Paul and Mpls. Is Uncooperative, by Megan Stewart, KSTP (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Francis : Step Forward, Step Back with Two Wisconsin Related Decisions, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Steps down Pending Investigation: Another Catholic Bishop Being Hounded, in Eponymous Flower (December 17, 2013)
- Fairfield Pastor on Trial for Sexual Assault of 15-year-old Church Member, by Kristianna Gross, KXXV (December 17, 2013)
- Parishioners Weigh in on Accusations against Archbishop, by Allen Costantini, KARE (December 17, 2013)
- Expert Reacts to Allegations against Archbishop Nienstedt, in KARE (December 17, 2013)
- Archbishop Who Says Gay Marriage Is from ‘satan’ Accused of Inappropriate Contact with Youth, by David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement (December 17, 2013)
December 18
- Editorial: Gallup Diocese Should Unseal Abuse Records, by The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board (December 18, 2013)
- Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse: the List and What It Means, by Chris Rogers, in The Winona Post (December 18, 2013)
- Priest Victim Wins Jail Plea, by The Lancaster Guardian (December 18, 2013)
- Archbishop John Nienstedt's Years in the Twin Cities, by The Minnesota Public Radio (December 17, 2013)
- As Nienstedt steps back, an auxiliary bishop steps into the breach, by Tom Scheck, in The Minnesota Public Radio (December 17, 2013)
- Nienstedt, facing claim he touched boy, steps aside during investigation, denies allegation, by Tom Scheck, in The Minnesota Public Radio (December 18, 2013)
- Survivors Group Visits Toledo Diocese, by Tk Barger, in The Blade (December 17, 2013)
- Oregon Lawyer Who Won Sex Case Vs. Boy Scouts Dies, by Terrence Petty, in The Crescent-News (December 18, 2013)
- Abuse Victim's Anger at Church Mediation, by Annette Blackwell, in The 7 News (December 18, 2013)
- Victims of Abuse Want Church of England to Support Targeted Independent Inquiry, by Julia Breen, in The Darlington and Stockton Times (December 18, 2013)
- Dorm master removed shower curtains so he could watch boys washing, victim of sex abuse at 11 tells Royal Commission, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Telegraph (December 18, 2013)
- Investigan a Sacerdote De Carahue Por Presunto Abuso Sexual Y Almacenamiento De Pornografia Infantil, by Daniela Dorrego, in The Bio Bio (December 18, 2013)
- Police Chief Says Minn. Archdiocese Uncooperative, by The Seattle Pi (December 17, 2013)
- Ottawa thwarting access to records in residential-schools case, court told, by Colin Perkel (December 17, 2013)
- St. Anne's Residential School: One Survivor's Story, by Karina Roman, in The CBC News (December 18, 2013)
- Victims of Notorious Residential School in Court to Access Police Documents, by Joel Eastwood, in The Toronto Star (December 17, 2013)
- Cardinal Burke Dropped from Key Vatican Agency, by John Thavis, in The John Thavis (December 18, 2013)
- Nomina Del Vescovo Di Portland U.S.A., by The Bolletino (December 19, 2013)
- Pope Francis Appoints the Most Reverend Robert P. Deeley, J.C.D., as the 12th Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland , in The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland (December 18, 2013)
- A Failed Bishopric: the Servants Strike Back?, by Nick Coleman, in The State I'M in (December 16, 2013)
- Mn - Police Say Catholic Officials Are Not Cooperating - SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 17, 2013)
- Pope Names New Bishop for Maine Catholics, by Judy Harrison, in The Bangor Daily News (December 18, 2013)
- Royal Commission: 'I Was Betrayed Three Times by Marist Brothers', by Catherine Armitage, in The Sydney Morning Herald (December 18, 2013)
- Abuse Victim Says Towards Healing Process Was a Sham, by The ABC News (December 18, 2013)
- Marist Brothers healing program like being abused again, victim says, by Dan Box, in The Australian (December 18, 2013)
- Abuse royal commission: victim details years of abuse by 'angry, cruel' Marist Brothers, by Thomas Oriti, in The ABC News (December 18, 2013)
- Tevlin: The Catholic Church's long, weird week, by Jon Tevlin, in The
Star Tribune (December 18, 2013)
- Nienstedt Speaks out, by The Marshall Independent (December 17, 2013)
- St. Paul Police, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Mpls. Meet; Details Not Public Yet, by Megan Stewart, in The KSTP(December 18, 2013)
- Abuse of Dominican Boys 'Like a Dagger through the Pope's Heart', by The Dominican Today (December 18, 2013)
- The Tragedy in St. Paul, by Michael Sean Winters, in The National Catholic Reporter (December 18, 2013)
- Cops Trying to Investigate Sex Abuse at St. Paul Archdiocese: 'We Have Been Told No', by David Badash, in The New Civil Rights Movement (December 18, 2013)
- St. Paul Cops: Archdiocese Not Cooperating in Investigations, by Brian Lambert, in The Minnpost (December 18, 2013)
- Tom Corbett signs child-abuse laws inspired by Jerry Sandusky, priest cases, by The Associated Press (December 18, 2013)
- A tiny ray of hope, finally, from Pope Francis, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests(December 18, 2013)
- Mn - SNAP to Catholics: �don't Donate until Fr. McDonough Is Defrocked␝, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 18, 2013)
- Me - New Maine Catholic Bishop Is Named; SNAP Responds, by The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (December 18, 2013)
- Archbishop Steps down, by Kristine Ward, in The National Survivor Advocates Coalition (December 18, 2013)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Deserves Justice, by The Catholic League (December 18, 2013)
- Rabbi Motti Elon Gets Slap on Wrist for Sex Abuse , by The Jewish Daily Forward (December 18, 2013)
- With Nienstedt inquiry, archdiocese now likely 'has the Vatican's attention', by Beth Hawkins , in The MinnPost(December 18, 2013)
- No Grand Jury for Archdiocese ... Yet, by Brian Lambert, in The Minnpost (December 18, 2013)
- Choi: No Grand Jury in Archdiocese Probe, by The Minnesota Public Radio (December 18, 2013)
- Archdiocese, St. Paul police in closed-door meeting, by The Fox 9 (December 19, 2013)
- Bishop-to-be of Marquette, Mich., destroyed sex abuse records in 2011, by The UPI (December 18, 2013)
- Maplewood Priest Accused of Sex Misconduct Appears in Court, by Emily Gurnon, in The Pioneer Press (December 18, 2013)
- Catholic League Seeks to ID the Archbishop's Alleged Victim, by Colin Smith, in The CBS Minnesota (December 18, 2013)
- Diocese bankruptcy: More abuse victims, church property listed, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, in The Gallup Independent (December 18, 2013)
- Mainers react to new bishop, who played key role in Vatican efforts to clean up sex abuse problems, by Seth Koenig, in The Bangor Daily News (December 19, 2013)
- Newly Appointed Bishop Destroyed Sex Abuse Records, by Annysa Johnson, in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (December 18, 2013)
- St. Paul Police, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Mpls. Meet; Details Not Public Yet, by The Kstp (December 18, 2013)
- Pope Francis and Archbishop Nienstedt, by Jerry Slevin, in The Christian Catholicism (December 18, 2013)
- Donohue Goes Too Far � and He's Dead Wrong, by Joelle Casteix, in The Worthy Adversary (December 18, 2013)
- Rancis Updates:john Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers Toot Francis-Mania␦while Hans Kung Points out �the Pope and His 'Double'␝ Shadow Pope Ratzinger!, by Paris Arrow, in The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (December 18, 2013)
- Ior Continues the Process of Closing down Lay Clients' Bank Accounts, by The Vatican Insider (December 18, 2013)
- Another Swiss Guard: Finance Officer Works to Protect the Vatican, by Cindy Wooden, in The Catholic News Service (December 18, 2013)
- Sex Abuse and the Church, by The New York Times (December 18, 2013)
- Meeting Between Police, Archdiocese Ends With Agreement, by Esme Murphy, in The CBS Minnesota (December 18, 2013)
- Vatican's Punishment for Lismore Paedophile ..., by Janet Fife-Yeomans, in The Telegraph (December 19, 2013)
- Archdiocesan Official, St. Paul police meet with archdiocese vicar general, by Mara H. Gottfried, in The Pioneer Press (December 18, 2013)
December 19
- Abuse Claims Kept Secret Allowed Priest to Minister and Teach Sex Ed, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (December 19, 2013)
- Vatican’s Representative Seeks Immunity over Sex Abuse Inquiry, by Stephen Crittenden, The Guardian (December 19, 2013)
- Royal Commission Hears Vatican Told Priest to Offer a Mass Every Friday for His Victims, by Catherine Armitage, Sydney Morning Herald (December 19, 2013)
- Catholic Bishop of Lismore Admits during Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse He Failed to Report Cases to the Vatican, by Thomas Oriti, West Australian (December 19, 2013)
- Cogic Pastor Accused of Molesting 16-year-old Family Member, by George Brown, WREG (December 18, 2013)
- Child Sexual Abuse Victims Angry over Perpetrator's Jail Term, by Adam Cooper, Sydney Morning Herald (December 19, 2013)
- Witness Comes Forward about Teacher's Alleged Abuse, in Comcast Sportsnet (December 19, 2013)
- Royal Commission: Bishop ‘unaware’ He Should Have Reported Abuse to Rome, in The Guardian (December 18, 2013)
- Vatican's Punishment for Lismore Paedophile Priest Was to Live a Life of Prayer and Penance and Offer Mass, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, Herald Sun (December 20, 2013)
- The Activist Pope, by Gene Lyons, Arkansas Times (December 19, 2013)
- In Francis" First Year, a "Radical Pope" Seeks to Save His Church, in NPR (December 19, 2013)
- Press for Vatican Reform Extends to Pr, Accounting, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (December 19, 2013)
- Vatican Outsources More Financial Reform, in Kansas City Star (December 19, 2013)
- Rabbi Launches Legal Action against Sex Abuse Victims" Advocate, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (December 19, 2013)
- U of St. Thomas Prof., Expert on Catholicism Discusses Church Abuse Allegations, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (December 19, 2013)
- St. Paul Police, Archdiocese Officials Meet after Chief Turns up Heat, by Chao Xiong, Star Tribune (December 18, 2013)
- Founder of SNAP Still Seeks Justice, by Keith C. Burris, The Blade (December 19, 2013)
- A Former Catholic Brother Will Face Court Today Charged over Historic Sex Abuses at a Sydney College Back in the 1980's., in ABC News (December 19, 2013)
- Fourth Man Arrested in Child-sex Case, in Sky News (December 19, 2013)
- Tasmanian Needed in Sydney Child Abuse Case, in The Advocate (December 19, 2013)
- Former Catholic Brother Charged with Historical Assaults upon Two School Boys - Strike Force Avia, in New South Wales Police Force (December 19, 2013)
- FORMER Vic Christian Brother Granted Bail, in 9 News (December 19, 2013)
- Delbianco Decision Delayed, by Chelsea Vella, Blackburn News (December 18, 2013)
- More on the Towards Hurting Process (or: When’s the Office Christmas Party?), in lewisblayse.net (December 19, 2013)
- Ex-priest from Moree/armidale Nsw Faces Court Again, in Broken Rites (December 18, 2013)
- Former Christian Brother Will Appeal Jail Term for Indecent Assault, in The Courier (December 19, 2013)
- New Bishop for Maine Who "Understands Poor, Disenfranchised", by Kelley Bouchard , Portland Press Herald (December 19, 2013)
- Former Norwich Catholic Priest Denies Sexually Abusing Boys, in EDP24 (December 19, 2013)
- Former Richmond Care Home Boss and Priest Deny Child Sex Offences, by Clare Buchanan, This is Local London (December 19, 2013)
- Try a New Approach on Sex Crimes and Justice, by Gay Alcorn, Sydney Morning Herald (December 19, 2013)
- Predator Priest Now Teaches Sex Ed; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 19, 2013)
- Padre Suspeito De Abusos Sexuais Fica Em Liberdade, in TVI24 (December 19, 2013)
- «PADRE Detido Por Abusar De Duas Meninas» - Jornal De Noticias, in A Bola (December 19, 2013)
- Padre Suspeito De Abusos Sexuais Obrigado a Pagar Caucao E Entregar Passaporte, in Sol (December 19, 2013)
- Christian Camp Counselor Allegedly Said She Molested Girls to Show Them ‘god’s Love’, by David Ferguson, Raw Story (December 19, 2013)
- Reformer or Hypocrite? Understanding Pope Francis, by Sonali Kolhatkar, The Truthdig (December 19, 2013)
- Australian Abuse Inquiry Faces Diplomatic Standoff with Vatican, by Stephen Crittenden, National Catholic Reporter (December 19, 2013)
- Should Rav Motti Elon Teach My Kids?, in Jewish Press (December 19, 2013)
- Alleged Seminary Embezzlers Get April Trial, in Daily Journal (December 17, 2013)
- Statement from Eddie Mallonee, Pastor Accused of Plotting to Poison Wife, in WBBJ (December 18, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Abuse Wasn't on Archdiocese List, in Marshall Independent (December 19, 2013)
- Media Release, in Road to Recovery (December 19, 2013)
- The Politician and the Priest: Two Brothers and a Fall from Grace, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 19, 2013)
- Victims Say Archdiocese Priest List Is Incomplete, in KARE (December 19, 2013)
- More on the Towards Hurting Process (or: When’s the Office Christmas Party?), in lewisblayse.net (December 19, 2013)
- Data Brokers Sell Rape Victim Names for 7.9 Cents Each, Congressional Hearing Reveals, by David Edwards, Raw Story (December 19, 2013)
- Ex-detroit Priest and Old Abuse Charge Surface in Twin Cities, by Patricia Montemurri, Detroit Free Press (December 19, 2013)
- Former Catholic Priest Gabriele Delbianco Facing Sexual Assault-related Charges, by Neil Bowen, Sarnia Observer (December 19, 2013)
December 20
- Horrors of Aussie Inquiry, by Michael Madigan, Winnipeg Free Press (December 20, 2013)
- 5 Priests Suspected in ’02 Were Left off Archdiocese's List, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (December 19, 2013)
- Elderly Child-predator Priest Jailed, in Sky News (December 20, 2013)
- Mother Prays "to Remove Bad Thoughts" with Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Teen, in 14 News (December 20, 2013)
- Investigation Continues into Accused Pastor Abuse, in WREG (December 19, 2013)
- Pastor "Always Seen Holding a Bible" Held on $1 Million Bond for Molesting Teen Whose Mom Prayed Instead of Calling Cops, by Nicola Menzie, Christian Post (December 19, 2013)
- Archdiocese Outlines Process Investigating Misconduct Allegation, by Tim Hadac, Regional News (December 19, 2013)
- Additional Charges for Hoover Man Charged for Sexual Abuse of Child, in Alabama 13 (December 19, 2013)
- Catholic Church Bars "Victims" from Seeing Records, by Dan Box, The Australian (December 20, 2013)
- The Legion of Christ Contemplates Its Future, by Tom Hoopes, National Catholic Register (December 19, 2013)
- Victims of Alleged Abuse Criticise Church over Support, by Mark Daly, BBC News (December 20, 2013)
- Three Reported over Abuse at Catholic School, in Herald Scotland (December 20, 2013)
- Three Men Reported over Fort Augustus Abuse Claims, in BBC News (December 20, 2013)
- Three Reported over Fort Augustus Abbey Abuse Allegations, in Inverness Courier (December 20, 2013)
- PRIEST Jailed 50 Years after Abuse Started, in 9 News (December 20, 2013)
- Catholic Priest Finian Egan Jailed for Sexually Assaulting Girls, by Paul Bibby, Sydney Morning Herald (December 20, 2013)
- Paedophile Priest Jailed for Crimes Committed Decades Ago, by Adam Davies, Daily Examiner (December 20, 2013)
- Vatican Diary / How the Bishop Factory Is Changing, in Chiesa (December 20, 2013)
- Father Ritter Is Administrator until a New Bishop Takes over, by Tk Barger, The Blade (December 20, 2013)
- Priests Voice Criticism of Archbishop Neinstedt, in KARE (December 20, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Sexual Assault Goes Underground, in The Hindu (December 20, 2013)
- Priest Francis Cullen Now Facing Charges against Four More Alleged Victims, in Derby Telegraph (December 20, 2013)
- Ruben Rosario: Archdiocese's New Vicar General Took Unusual Path to Priesthood, by Ruben Rosario, Pioneer Press (December 19, 2013)
- The Vatican’s Secret Life, by Michael Joseph Gross, Vanity Fair (December 20, 2013)
- Predator Priest Is Teaching Sex Ed, in SNAP (December 19, 2013)
- Detroit Archdiocese Says It Could Have Done More to Address Sexual Allegations, in Deadline Detroit (December 20, 2013)
- How Father Finian Egan Was Caught. the inside Story, in Broken Rites (December 20, 2013)
- Victims Harshly Blast Detroit Catholic Officials on Abuse, in SNAP (December 20, 2013)
- A Pope with No down Time and an Interview with the Vatican's Financial Reformer, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (December 20, 2013)
- The Slaves of Magdalene, by Chris Johnston, Sydney Morning Herald (December 20, 2013)
- Do As They Say – Not As They Do, by Kathy Kane, Catholics4Change (December 20, 2013)
- More Mn Predator Priests Named; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 20, 2013)
- Hans Kung, Influential Catholic Dissident, Confronts His Own Mortality, in Jason Berry (December 20, 2013)
- Help Purify Legion of Christ, Cardinal Tells New Priests, in Catholic News Agency (December 20, 2013)
- Shaun Hayes Spins Web, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (December 20, 2013)
- Catholic Defense League: Mpr Is ‘hypocritical,’ Withholding Sex Abuse Details, by James Warden, Patch (December 20, 2013)
- Minnesota Catholic Defense League Calls on Mpr to Release All Information It Has about Abuse Scandal, in Minnesota Catholic Defense League (December 19, 2013)
- Sexual Assault Trial Verdict on Former Windsor Priest Slated for February, by Dave Battagello, Windsor Star (December 20, 2013)
- Priest Surrenders, Foetus of Rape Victim Exhumed, in The Hindu (December 19, 2013)
- Australian Sex Abuse Commission Gets Documents from Nuncio, by Stephen Crittenden, National Catholic Reporter (December 20, 2013)
- Priest Defrocked in Chile Pedophile Case, in GlobalPost (December 20, 2013)
- Victims Urge Bishop to Act, in SNAP (December 20, 2013)
- SNAP to Hold Support Session Dec. 28, in Canton Repository (December 20, 2013)
December 21
- Former Church Camp Leader Accused of Sexually Assaulting Young Girls, by Carol Kuruvilla, New York Daily News (December 20, 2013)
- Pope Warns against Mediocrity, Gossip in Vatican, in Washington Post (December 21, 2013)
- Pope Francis Gives Christmas Message of Service to Vatican Staff, Priests, by Laura Smith-Spark, CNN (December 21, 2013)
- Baker Probe Fallout?, by Kathy Mellott, The Tribune-Democrat (December 20, 2013)
- Reconciliation Begins with Disclosure of Accused Priests, in Post-Bulletin (December 20, 2013)
- Gallup Diocese Has Loans Totaling $229,000, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, ABQ Journal (December 21, 2013)
- Expulsan a Sacerdote Chileno Por Abusar De Tres Menores, by Andres Alburquerque Fuschini, El Diario (December 20, 2013)
- Iglesia Catolica Expulsa a Sacerdote Rene Benavides Por Abuso Sexual En Chile, in El Universal (December 21, 2013)
- Ex-derby Priest Accused of Altar Boy Sex Attacks May Face More Charges, in Derby Telegraph (December 21, 2013)
- "Christmas in the Grand Tradition", in Whispers in the Loggia (December 21, 2013)
- Temple Priest Arrested for Sodomising Minor, in Hindustan Times (December 21, 2013)
- Friar Who Headed Archbishop Ryan to Be Paroled, in Philadelphia Daily News (December 21, 2013)
- Pope Francis May Be Awesome, but There's the Iffy Bit, by Paul McGeough, Sydney Morning Herald (December 21, 2013)
- Respect for clergy drops, but among Republicans, not so much, by Lauren Markoe, in The Religion News Service (December 21, 2013)
- Amid clergy abuse revelations, Catholics weigh giving, by by Tom Scheck, in The Grand Forks Herald (December 21, 2013)
- Best of 2013: Goodtherapy.org's Top 10 Websites for Abuse Survivors, by Goodtherapy.org, (December 20, 2013)
- Memo Names 3 Missing from 'Credibly Accused' Priests List, by Madeleine Baran, in The Minnesota Public Radio (December 21, 2013)
- White Bear Lake priest abused two women as teens, they say, by Emily Gurnon, in The Pioneer Press (December 21, 2013)
- Pope to Curia: an End to the Role of 'Inspector and Inquisitor', by John Thavis, in The John Thavis (December 21, 2013)
- What the Next Hearing Is about OR: Nothing Is FOREVER, by Lewisblayse.net (December 21, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Harry Walsh, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 21, 2013)
- Statement Regarding St. Paul Police Press Conference, by Jim Accurso, in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 21, 2013)
- West Side Cleveland Parish Has New Pastor after Resignation of Priest Indicted for Soliciting, by Tom Feran, in The Plain Dealer (December 21, 2013)
- Jeff Anderson Statement of Erroneous Depiction of Priest on �archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis' List of 34␝, by The Jeff Anderson and Associates (December 21, 2013)
December 22
- Former Church Youth Volunteer Facing 38 Counts of Child Sexual Abuse Waives Time Limit for Hearing, by The Bluefield Daily Telegraph (December 20, 2013)
- Sex-Abuse Victim Advocates Say Pope Must Better Address Issue, by Brian Fraga, in The Herald News Staff Reporter (December 21, 2013)
- Joe Soucheray: Nienstedt Allegation Is Difficult to Believe, by Joe Soucheray, in The Pioneer Press (December 21, 2013)
- Social Media Spread Furor over Eastside Catholic Firing, by John Higgins, in The Seattle Times (December 20, 2013)
- 'Who Am I to Judge?': the Pope's Most Powerful Phrase in 2013, by Tracy Connor, in The NBC News (December 22, 2013)
- Seattle Catholic School Students Protest Gay Vice Principal's Dismissal, by Amel Ahmed, in The Aljazeera America (December 20, 2013)
- Catholics in the Age of Francis Speak out, by Lisa Wangsness, in The Boston Globe (December 22, 2013)
- Pope's Pr, by an Open Letter to the Boston Globe's Lisa Wangsness, in The Skip Shea (December 22, 2013)
- SNAP Will Have a Confidential Support Meeting in Youngstown, by The Vindicator (December 20, 2013)
- Assignment Record - Rev. Andrew (Andras) M. Eordogh, s.j., by The Bishopaccountability.org (December 23, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Raping Teen Surrenders, by The Gulf Times (December 22, 2013)
- Vatican Bank Closes Thousand Accounts/criminal Transactions Burnt to Leave No Trail of Crimes Further/future Investigations...drowned by Loud Francis-Maniacs at St. Peter's Square, by Paris Arrow, in The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (December 22, 2013)
- 10 Church Leaders in Sex Scandals, by The Zimbabwe Mail (December 22, 2013)
- Get Rid of Priest from Hell in Manilva, by The Euro Weekly News (December 21, 2013)
- Why Wally Should Be Heard OR: Selective HEARING?, by Lewisblayse.net (December 22, 2013)
- the Church's 50-Year Cover-Up of Father Finian Egan: the inside Story, by The Broken Rites (December 22, 2013)
- More Than 100 Sex Attackers Removed from Register, by Sonia Elks, in The Times (December 22, 2013)
- Fmr. Twin Cities Priest Shares Insight on Catholic Church Scandal, by Susie Jones, in The CBS Minnesota (December 22, 2013)
- Pope Francis, Kids, Obama, Abbott & Murdoch, by Jerry Slevin, in The Christian Catholicism (December 22, 2013)
December 23
- New Priests Reply: 'Why Would Anyone Join the Legionaries?', by John L. Allen Jr., in The National Catholic Reporter (December 23, 2013)
- New Bishop of Diocese of Portland Played Role in Purging of Abusive Priests, by The Forecaster (December 23, 2013)
- Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese, religious order settle sex abuse lawsuit, by Judy L. Thomas, in The Kansas City Star (December 23, 2013)
- Religious Camp Counselor Allegedly Abused Teen Girl for Years, by Emily Thomas, in The Huffington Post (December 23, 2013)
- Foster-Home Leader Accused of Molestation, by Dennis Wagner, in The Republic (December 23, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Rape Placed under Suspension, by The Hindu (December 23, 2013)
- SA Full Court rules Anglican Church has power to investigate, discipline rogue priests accused of misbehaviour, by Sean Fewster, in The Australian (December 23, 2013)
- Kc Diocese Settles Lawsuit over Claims of Sexual Abuse by Priest, by The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 23, 2013)
- Cardinal George Pell Urges Christians to Be Bold, by Rosie Lewis, in The Australian (December 23, 2013)
- After a tumultuous year, a season of light and shade, by The Australian (December 24, 2013)
- Diocese Settles Suit Alleging Abuse by Priest, by The Kansas City Business Journal (December 23, 2013)
- Faith, forgiveness and Philomena, by Konrad Yakabuski, in The Globe and Mail (December 23, 2013)
- The Pr Guru behind the Pope Who Is Charming the World, by Katie Engelhart, in The Vice UK (December 23, 2013)
- The Yarmulke Conspiracy, by Derryn Hinch, Human Headline (December 23, 2013)
- Is Plea Deal in Works for Father Joe Leclair?, by Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (December 20, 2013)
- Bill Donohue Deputizes the Catholic League to Act As a Vigilante Posse on Behalf on Ab Neinstedt, in Enlightened Catholicism (December 23, 2013)
- Canberra's Anglican, Catholic Leaders Share Christmas Messages, in ABC News (December 23, 2013)
December 24
- Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God, by Sarah Boslaugh, in The Pop Matters (December 23, 2013)
- Ex-Priest Suspended from Sex Education Work for Wright County, by Mary Lynn Smith, in The Star Tribune (December 23, 2013)
- Lawsuit Accuses Denver Archdiocese of Allowing Sexual Abuse, by Alison Noon, in The Denver Post (December 23, 2013)
- Cnn Poll: Pope's Approval Rating Sky-High, by Daniel Burke, in The Cnn (December 24, 2013)
- 'Lessons Learned Here Will Help Others', by Sarah Macdonald, in The Irish Independent (December 24, 2013)
- The Great Toy Heist OR: How Can You Lose 100,000 toys?, by Lewisblayse.net (December 24, 2013)
- Wright Co. Cancels Contract with Ex-Priest, by The Necn (December 24, 2013)
- Nienstedt's Apologia Tour., by Grant Gallicho, in The Dotcommonweal (December 24, 2013)
- Bishop-To-Be Responds to Records Allegations, by Christie Bleck, in The Mining Journal (December 24, 2013)
- ELLEN SOETEBER, MIKE LITZ SNUBS IRS, JON HAMM’S TRAILER, by Jerry Berger, in The Berger's Beat (December 24, 2013)
- Dotcommonweal, As Seen on TV, by Jerry Slevin, Christian Catholicism (December 24, 2013)
- Wright Co. Cancels Contract with Ex-priest, by Billings Gazette, Patrick Simonaitis (December 24, 2013)
- Retired Pastor Blames ‘high Sex Drive’ after Bust in Wyoming Gay Sex Sting, by David Edwards, The Raw Story (December 24, 2013)
December 25
- Pope Call for Commission on Sexual Abuse: Advancement or Another Barrier?, by Mike Bryant, The Legal Examiner (December 24, 2013)
- Report: Wright Co. Cancels Contract with Ex-Priest Who Denies Sex Abuse Accusations, by Cassie Hart, The Kaal (December 24, 2013)
- Former Altar Boy Sues Catholic Church over Pedophile Priest, by Greg Campbell, The Daily Caller (December 25, 2013)
- Gene Lyons: Pope's Attempt to Atone, by Gene Lyons, The Battle Creek Enquirer (December 25, 2013)
- New Archbishop Shares Pope's Spirit, by Peter Wolfgang, The Waterbury Republican-American (December 25, 2013)
- Religious Leaders Invoke 'Selfies' and New Pope in Christmas Messages, by Leesha McKenny, The Sydney Morning Herald (December 25, 2013)
- Defensa De O'Reilly: " Las Ninas Son Victimas De LA Fiscalia Y No Del Padre John", by Karen Soto Galindo, LA Tercera (December 25, 2013)
- Solicitan Ampliar Plazo De Investigacion En Contra De Sacerdote John O'Reilly, by The Bio Bio (December 25, 2013)
- American Catholics Give a Thumbs-Up to Pope Francis and His Gay-Friendly, by 'Marxist' Agenda, by Travis Gettys (December 24, 2013)
- Priest Accused of Molestation Suspended As Sex Ed Teacher, by The CBS Minnesota (December 25, 2013)
- The Australian Salvation Army's Finances OR: Melding Church and STATE, by Lewisblayse.net (December 25, 2013)
- Opinion: Sex Abuse Probe Will Reveal Further Failings, by Annette Blackwell, The Newcastle Herald (December 25, 2013)
- Zimbabwe: Controls Needed in Evangelical Churches, by The Allafrica, December 23 (December 23, 2013)
December 26
- Vic Church Leaders Pray for Abuse Victims, in Courier Mail (December 26, 2013)
- Justicia Llama a Conciliacion Entre Iglesia Y Victimas De Karadima, in Bio Bio (December 26, 2013)
- North Jersey Catholics Find Hope in Pope's "New Vibe" - See More At: Http://www.northjersey.com/news/bergen/north_jersey_catholics_say_pope_francis_has_rejuvenated_faith.html#sthash.ueddd676.dpuf, by Jeff Green, The Record (December 25, 2013)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal Doesn't Impact Archdiocese Fundraising, by Beth McDonough, KSTP (December 25, 2013)
- Catholicism and Child Sexual Abuse in Latin America, by Nicole Akoukou Thompson, Latin Post (December 24, 2013)
- Pa. Court Reverses Church Official's Conviction, by Maryclaire Dale, Centre Daily (December 26, 2013)
- Pa. Court Overturns Catholic Official’s Conviction, by Courtney Subramanian, The Time (December 26, 2013)
- More on Salvation Army Funding Sources (or: Purifying Tainted Money), in lewisblayse.net (December 26, 2013)
- Overturned Conviction Doesn’t Make Msgr. Lynn Innocent, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (December 26, 2013)
- Monsignor William Lynn Conviction Overturned by Pa. Court; D.A. "Most Likely" to Appeal, by Alex Wigglesworth, Philly.com (December 26, 2013)
- Catholic Official's Conviction Overturned, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 26, 2013)
- Jailed Catholic Priest Catches a Break from Pennsylvania Court, in Truthdig (December 26, 2013)
- Philadelphia Court Overturns Priest's Conviction in Sex Cover-up, by Dave Warner, WHTC (December 26, 2013)
- ‘we’re Heartsick’: Only Church Official Jailed in Sex Abuse Scandal Freed on Appeal, by George Chidi, Raw Story (December 26, 2013)
- Priest's Sex Abuse Cover-up Conviction Overturned, in Stuff (December 26, 2013)
- Breaking: the First Church Official Held Accountable for Abuse Cover up Isn't Accountable after All, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Church Official's Ruling in Sex Crimes Case, in PBS (December 26, 2013)
- State Appeals Court Orders Convicted Church Official Freed, in Tribune-Review (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Monsignor's Conviction, by Ben Finley And Allison Steele, Philadelphia Inquirer (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Monsignor's Conviction, by Alex Wigglesworth, Philly.com (December 26, 2013)
- Catholic Church Official William Lynn, Convicted in US Sex Abuse Scandal, Has Ruling Overturned, in ABC News (December 27, 2013)
- Roman Catholic Priest Wins Endangerment Appeal, in Irish Independent (December 26, 2013)
- Attorneys Will Try to Have Church Official Quickly Freed, in KOLO (December 26, 2013)
- Appellate Court Overturns Historic Philly Conviction of Msgr. Lynn, in TheMediaReport (December 26, 2013)
- US Court Quashes Priest's Conviction for Abuse Cover-up, in BBC News (December 26, 2013)
- Catholic Cleric’s Child Endangerment Conviction Overturned on Appeal, in Washington Post (December 26, 2013)
- Pennsylvania Court Reverses Roman Catholic Priest's Conviction, by Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times (December 26, 2013)
- Conviction Overturned for Priest Jailed in Abuse Scandal, by Scott Neuman, NPR (December 26, 2013)
- Superior Court Reverses Roman Catholic Church Monsignor William Lynn's Conviction for His Handling of Sex-abuse Complaints (video), in Lawyer Herald (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Decision, Orders Philly Priest Released from Prison, in Catholic Sentinel (December 26, 2013)
- Conviction Reversed in Clergy Sex-abuse Case, in Detroit Free Press (December 26, 2013)
- Superior Court Reverses Msgr. Lynn's "Historic" Conviction, by Ralph Cipriano, Big Trial (December 26, 2013)
- Lynn Ruling Elates Supporters, Deflates Victim Advocates, by Aubrey Whelan, Philadelphia Inquirer (December 27, 2013)
- Philadelphia Monsignor’s Conviction Overturned in Cover-up of Sexual Abuse, by Erik Eckholm And Steven Yaccino, New York Times (December 26, 2013)
December 27
- Appellate Court Overturns Historic Philly Conviction of Msgr. Lynn [updates: Court Docs Added ... More Links and Developments], in Media Report (December 27, 2013)
- Penn. Appeals Court Overturns "Historic" Conviction of Msgr. William Lynn, by Carl E. Olson, Catholic World Report (December 27, 2013)
- Conviction Overturned in Philadelphia Priest Sex-abuse Case, by Maryclaire Dale, The Courier-Post (December 27, 2013)
- Court Rejects Church Official’s Coverup Conviction, by Steven Yaccino, Boston Globe (December 27, 2013)
- Archdiocese Responds to Superior Court Ruling, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia (December 26, 2013)
- Long, Unusual Journey for Accused Minnesota Priest Turned Sexologist, by Madeleine Baran, Duluth News Tribune (December 27, 2013)
- Appeals Court Reverses Monsignor's Conviction in Child Sex Abuse Case, by Ben Finley, Allison Steele and Aubrey Whelen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Decision to Convict Catholic Priest of Covering up Sex Abuse, in WTVR (December 26, 2013)
- Court Overturns Landmark Clergy Sexual Abuse Conviction, by Yukio Strachan, Digital Journal (December 26, 2013)
- Holiday Shocker: Lynn Conviction Overturned, by David Gambacorta, Philadelphia Daily News (December 27, 2013)
- US Church Official Seeks Bail; Conviction Quashed, in Zee News (December 27, 2013)
- Court Reverses Philadelphia Monsignor’s Conviction, by Tamara Audi, Wall Street Journal (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Church Official's Landmark Conviction, in NBC 10 (December 27, 2013)
- Pa. Court Reverses Monsignor William Lynn’s Conviction, by Steve Tawa and Ileana Diaz, CBS Philly (December 26, 2013)
- Pope Mouth on Baby Jesus Thigh Image Turns Pedophile Priest Victims" Stomachs, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (December 26, 2013)
- Revocan LA Sentencia Contra Un Sacerdote Acusado De Encubrir Casos De Pederastia, in Noticias 24 (December 26, 2013)
- Estados Unidos: Revocan Condena a Sacerdote Acusado De Encubrir Abuso Infantil, in Entorno Inteligente (December 27, 2013)
- Poll: Monsignor Released?, in Upper Michigans Source (December 27, 2013)
- Conviction Overturned for Priest Jailed in Abuse Scandal, in OPB (December 26, 2013)
- Our Left Wing Pope Is Just a Creation of Fox News, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (December 26, 2013)
- Former Legion Followers Criticize Oversight of Order, by Jason Berry, National Catholic Reporter (December 27, 2013)
- Justice for Philly’s Msgr. Lynn, in Catholic League (December 26, 2013)
- Priest Abuse Victims Deny They Received Therapy, in Times of Malta (December 26, 2013)
- Court Reverses Decision, Orders Philly Priest Released from Prison, in The Pilot (December 26, 2013)
- Fugitive Priest Found by Dallas Morning News Pleads Guilty Again to Sex-abuse Charges, by Reese Dunklin, Dallas Morning News (December 27, 2013)
- Monsignor Lynn May Be off the Hook for Child Endangerment, but That Doesn't Absolve Him of Moral Culpability, in Catholic Online (December 27, 2013)
- SNAP Fumes over Court Decision in Priest Sex Abuse Case, in WNPV (December 26, 2013)
- Bail Hearing Set for Pa Monsignor after Reversal, in ABC News (December 26, 2013)
- Bail Hearing Now Lies Ahead for Lynn, in Philadelphia Inquirer (December 26, 2013)
- US Court Reverses Mgr. Lynn’s Conviction for Child Endangerment, in Vatican Insider (December 26, 2013)
- Ruling in Roman Catholic Official's Sex Abuse Case Could Help Former Penn State Administrators, by Charles Thompson, PennLive (December 26, 2013)
- Msgr. Lynn Still Guilty, Reversal Only Says Law Did Not Apply to Him, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (December 27, 2013)
- The Msgr. Lynn Case: a Reader Told Me So, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (December 27, 2013)
- Appeals Court Reverses Child Endangerment Conviction of Msgr. Lynn, by Matthew Gambino, The CatholicPhilly (December 26, 2013)
- The Pennsylvania Superior Court’s Ruling, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (December 26, 2013)
- "Overzealous’ Church Vets 58,000 Workers in a Year, by Graeme Paton, The Telegraph (December 26, 2013)
- Church of England Volunteers Subject to 58,000 Criminal Records Checks in Last Year, in Gloucester Citizen (December 26, 2013)
- Philadelphia Abuse Reversal Conveys a Painful Lesson, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (December 27, 2013)
- Former St. Henry’s Pastor, Music Director Denies News Report Allegations, by Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times (December 26, 2013)
- The Archdiocese Lists Are Not Enough, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 26, 2013)
- Judge Sarmina to Decide Whether Msgr. Lynn Gets out of Jail, by Ralph Cipriano, Big Trial (December 27, 2013)
- Catholic Prelate Seeks Release after Conviction Overturned, by Maryclaire Dale, Hamilton Spectator (December 27, 2013)
December 28
- Memphis Cogic Pastor Arrested on Sexual Abuse of 16-yr-old Family Member, Church Members Knew about It and Prayed for Him!, in MemphisRap (December 28, 2013)
- Perspective Badly Needed in Abuse Crisis, in The Times-Herald (December 28, 2013)
- Monsignor Lynn to Have Bail Hearing Monday, by David Gambacorta, Philadelphia Daily News (December 29, 2013)
- Fue Encarcelado Sacerdote Acusado De Violar a 45 Ninos Indigenas En Oaxaca, in Diario del Morelos (December 27, 2013)
- Astillero, by Julio Hernandez Lopez, La Jornada (December 28, 2013)
- Cura Pederasta De Oaxaca, Que Abuso De Al Menos 45 Ninos, VA LA Carcel, in Vanguardia (December 28, 2013)
- Cura Pederasta VA a Prision 8 Anos Despues De Ser Denunciado, in NSS Oaxaca (December 28, 2013)
- Lawyer Says Pastor Will Plead Guilty to Sex Charge, in Houston Chronicle (December 26, 2013)
- Pastor Will Plead Guilty to Sex Abuse Charge, Church Will Close, in WMC-TV (December 28, 2013)
- Prospects for the New Year in Vatican News, by Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service (December 28, 2013)
- Priest Prosecuted for Sending Sex Text to Boy, in The Local (December 28, 2013)
- Victims to Leaflet Philadelphia Cathedral, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 28, 2013)
- Catholic Youth Leader Raped Victim after Promising Not to Do It Again, by Scott Kaufman, Raw Story (December 27, 2013)
- Teen Blames Catholic Church for "Forcible Rape", by Jamie Ross, Courthouse News Service (December 26, 2013)
- Bexley Boys’ Home (or: “captain” Cane), in lewisblayse.net (December 28, 2013)
- Why Is Pope Francis Avoiding Key Challenges?, by Jerry Slevin, Christian Catholicism (December 28, 2013)
- Ruling on Church Official Could Favor Ex-psu Administrators, by Adam Smeltz, The Tribune-Review (December 27, 2013)
December 29
- Debating the Impact of the Lynn Case, by Ben Finley, Philadelphia Inquirer (December 29, 2013)
- Pastor Geronimo Aguilar, in Richmond Times-Dispatch (December 29, 2013)
- Fighting against Child Sexual Abuse, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 28, 2013)
- Vatican Observers Look for Thaw between Pope Francis, U.S. Nuns, by Soumya Karlamangla, Los Angeles Times (December 28, 2013)
- Justice Served in Monsignor Lynn Case, by Christine Flowers, Delaware County Daily Times (December 29, 2013)
- Sechs Millionen Euro an Missbrauchsopfer, in Radio Vatikan (December 29, 2013)
- Katholische Kirche Zahlt Millionen an Missbrauchsopfer, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (December 29, 2013)
- Katholische Kirche Zahlt 665 000 Euro an Missbrauchsopfer, in Allgemeine Zeitung (December 29, 2013)
- District Attorney Says Msgr. Lynn Is a "Flight Risk", by Ralph Cipriano, Big Trial (December 28, 2013)
- “gunfight at Philly Corral” Lynn & Vatican Vs. US Law, by Jerry Slevin, Christian Catholicism (December 29, 2013)
- Confessions of a Columnist, by Ross Douthat, New York Times (December 28, 2013)
- Monday Bail Hearing, in Road to Recovery (December 29, 2013)
- Pope Francis Has "Shattered the Caricature of the Church", by Caitlin Macneal, Talking Points Memo (December 29, 2013)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Francis "Frank" J. Fallert, S.J., in BishopAccountability.org (December 29, 2013)
- Two Minnesota Priests Put on Leave While under Review, by Jim Adams, Star Tribune (December 29, 2013)
- 2 Priests on Leave Pending Review, in CBS Minnesota (December 29, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Father Joseph Gallatin, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 29, 2013)
- Statement Regarding Father Mark Wehmann, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (December 29, 2013)
- 2 Minn. Priests to Take Leave of Absence, in KARE (December 29, 2013)
- Minneapolis, Mendota Priests Take Leave after "Inappropriate Conduct" Revealed, by Raya Zimmerman, Pioneer Press (December 29, 2013)
- 2 Minn. Priests on Leave Pending Review, by Megan Stewart, KAAL (December 29, 2013)
- No Red Herrings, Please. Let’s Talk about the Real Scandal in St. Paul - See More At: Http://theworthyadversary.com/2519-oh-good-grief#sthash.tgemjg2w.dpuf, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 29, 2013)
- Mcmahon Comments That Pa Appeal Court's Reversal of Monsignor Lynn's Endangering Welfare of Children Conviction Undermines Case against Three Penn State Administrators, in Digital Journal (December 29, 2013)
- Pa. Priest Case Could Affect Penn State Trial, in WTRF (December 29, 2013)
- 2 Metro Priests Placed on Leave over "Boundary Violations" with Minors, by Shelby Capacio, Fox 9 (December 29, 2013)
- Bishop Goes before Bankruptcy Trustee, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (December 27, 2013)
- Archdiocese of St. Louis Fights Judge's Order to Release Unprecedented Level of Abuse Records, by Jennifer S. Mann, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 30, 2013)
- St. Louis Suit Follows Push toward Transparency in Church Sexual Abuse Claims, by Jennifer S. Mann, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 29, 2013)
- Scandal Stunned Bishop Mccort, by Kathy Mellott, The Tribune-Democrat (December 29, 2013)
- Father Joseph Gallatin and Father Mark Wehmann Temporarily Removed by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 29, 2013)
December 30
- Minnesota, 2 More Cases: No Dearth of Pedophilia Among Catholic Priests, in Liberty Voice (December 30, 2013)
- Victim Advocates Take Anger over Lynn Decision to Church, by Sulaiman Abdur-rahman, Philadelphia Inquirer (December 30, 2013)
- Diocese Questioned about Finances, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (December 28, 2013)
- The Truth Is in the Secrets, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 29, 2013)
- Iglesia Pide Perdon a Familias De Victimas De Abuso Sexual En Oaxaca, by Oscar Rodriguez, Milenio (December 29, 2013)
- Bishop Goes before Bankruptcy Trustee, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 29, 2013)
- One Troubled Priest Who Got a Second Chance, by Ashley Powers, Los Angeles Times (December 30, 2013)
- Judge Orders Lynn Freed on Bail, in Philadelphia Inquirer (December 30, 2013)
- Judge Grants Convicted Monsignor Bail after Reversal, in NBC 10 (December 30, 2013)
- The Heron's Nest: Justice for Monsignor Lynn, by Phil Heron, Daily Times (December 30, 2013)
- Victims Want Catholic Official to Stay Locked up, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 30, 2013)
- Victims Blast Archdiocese’s “self-serving Secrecy”, in SNAP (December 30, 2013)
- Argentine Priest Serving Time for Sex Abuse Loses Bid for Freedom Pending Appeal, in Global News (December 29, 2013)
- El Cura Julio Cesar Grassi Continuara Preso, in El Tribuno (December 30, 2013)
- LA Camara Penal De Moron Ratifico LA Prision Preventiva De Julio Cesar Grassi, in Infobae (December 30, 2013)
- 2013's Person of the Year, in National Catholic Reporter (December 30, 2013)
- Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Nunzio Galantino As Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference, in Vatican Information Service (December 30, 2013)
- Judge Oks Bail for Pa. Priest after Appeal Win, by Maryclaire Dale, ABC News (December 30, 2013)
- Judge Orders Lynn Freed on Bail, by Allison Steele, Philadelphia Inquirer (December 30, 2013)
- Phila. Monsignor to Be Released on Bail in Child Endangerment Case, by Steve Tawa, CBS Philly (December 30, 2013)
- Catholic Group Calls Overturned Lynn Conviction “win for Justice”—but Is It?, in Philadelphia Weekly (December 29, 2013)
- Msgr. Lynn Case Uncovered Decades of Coverup, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (December 30, 2013)
- Philadelphia Priest Gets Bail after Abuse Cover-up Conviction Reversed, by Dave Warner, WKZO (December 30, 2013)
- Judge Sets Bail at $250k for Jailed Philly Priest, in MSN News (December 30, 2013)
- Philadelphia Monsignor to Be Released on Bail Pending Appeal in Abuse Case, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (December 30, 2013)
- The True Scandal of the Magdalene Laundries, by Sidonie Sawyer, Huffington Post (December 30, 2013)
- Pope's Birthday a Turning Point in Reform Campaign, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (December 30, 2013)
- $250,000 Bail Set for Philadelphia’s Monsignor William Lynn, by David Gibson, Washington Post (December 30, 2013)
- St. Paul Archdiocese Whistleblower Lauded by Catholic Newspaper, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (December 30, 2013)
- US Priest Gets Bail after Abuse Cover-up Conviction Reversed, in Irish Times (December 30, 2013)
- DA to Appeal Court's Decision to Overturn Conviction of Catholic Priest, by Luisa Navarro, CNN (December 30, 2013)
- Two Priests Reported to Police, by Tom Scheck, Minnesota Public Radio (December 29, 2013)
- Peter Bryce and Duncan Campbell Scott: the Road Not Taken on Residential Schools, by Charlie Angus, Rabble (December 30, 2013)
- Gallup, Budgets, Insurance, and Game-playing, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (December 30, 2013)
- DA to Appeal Superior Court Decision to Free Msgr. Lynn on Bail, by Jenny DeHuff, Philly.com (December 30, 2013)
- Local Reactions to Monsg Lynn Getting Bail, in My Fox Philly (December 30, 2013)
- Church Asks Judge to Loosen Requirements for Disclosing Priest Abuse Allegations, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (December 30, 2013)
- Former Los Angeles Priest Pleads Guilty to Molestation in Texas, by Ashley Powers, Los Angeles Times (December 30, 2013)
- Greek Orthodox Council Moves to Dismiss One of Its Priests, by Peggy Fletcher Stack, Salt Lake Tribune (December 30, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese to Reveal List of "Credibly Accused" Priests, in Duluth News Tribune (December 30, 2013)
December 31
- Law Should Prosecute Criminals, Not Scapegoats, in Pottstown Mercury (December 31, 2013)
- Archdiocese of St. Louis Fights Judge's Order to Release Unprecedented Level of Abuse Records, by Jennifer S. Mann, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese to Release List of "Credibly Accused" Priests, by Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune (December 31, 2013)
- Church Lawyer Turned Whistleblower Named "Person of the Year", by Richard Meryhew, Star Tribune (December 30, 2013)
- "Jimmy Savile Effect" Sparks Huge Rise in Reports of Historic Sex Abuse in Plymouth Area, by Andy Greenwood, The Herald (December 31, 2013)
- 20% Rise in Reports of Historic Offences to Devon and Cornwall Police Following Savile Scandal, in Express and Echo (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese to Release List of Accused Priests, in Seattle PI (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese to Release Names of Priests Accused of Abuse, in WDIO (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese to Release List of Accused Priests, by Leslie Dyste, KSTP (December 31, 2013)
- Judge Sarmina Declares She's Fallible, Lets Lynn out of Jail, by Ralph Cipriano, Big Trial (December 30, 2013)
- Pope’s New Broom Sweeps Vatican Bank, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (December 31, 2013)
- D.A. to Appeal Superior Court Decision to Free Msgr. Lynn on Bail, by Jenny Dehuff, Philadelphia Daily News (December 31, 2013)
- Amid Joyful Celebrations, Wounds Are Reopened, by Paul D. Sirba, Roman Catholic Diocese of Duluth (December 31, 2013)
- Australian Inquiry Scrutinizes Church, by Stephen Crittenden, National Catholic Reporter (December 31, 2013)
- Catholics Urge Judge to “hold Firm”, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (December 31, 2013)
- Year’s End and an Empty Tank, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (December 31, 2013)
- Philly Archdiocese Helps Monsignor Post $250k Bail, by Maryclaire Dale, Bellingham Herald (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Predator Priests Names Released; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (December 31, 2013)
- Diocese of Duluth Releases Names of Accused Priests, by Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune (December 31, 2013)
- Bishop Sirba Releases Names of 17 Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse in Duluth Diocese, in Northlands News Center (December 31, 2013)
- Archdiocese Helps Priest Post Bail, DA Livid, in NBC 10 (December 31, 2013)
- Bishop Sirba Releases Names of Credibly Accused Priests, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Duluth (December 31, 2013)
- Clergy with Credible Claims against Them Concerning Sexual Abuse of a Young Person, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Duluth (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese Releases List of 17 Priests Accused of Abusing Children, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese Releases List of Priests Accused of Abuse, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth Diocese Releases Names of Accused Priests, in Seattle PI (December 31, 2013)
- The Diocese of Duluth Release Their List of 17 Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Minors, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (December 31, 2013)
- Juicio Contra Sacerdote Audin Araya Entra En Su Recta Final: Arriesga 10 Anos De Carcel, in Bio Bio (December 31, 2013)
- Priest Abuse-appeal Story, in Aurora Advocate (December 31, 2013)
- EX-WEST Texas Priest Gets Prison in Sex Abuse Case, in U-T San Diego (December 31, 2013)
- Amarillo Diocese Says Hiring Convicted Child Molester "a Serious Mistake", by Jim McBride, Amarillo Globe-News (December 31, 2013)
- Owensboro Priest Suspended, in Tristate Homepage (December 31, 2013)
- Judge Orders Archdiocese to Turn over Names of Priests Accused of Abuse, by Doug Moore, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (December 31, 2013)
- Philly Archdiocese Helps Monsignor Post $250k Bail, by Maryclaire Dale, ABC News (December 31, 2013)
- Monsignor William Lynn Posts Bail, but Not Immediately Freed from Prison, by Alex Wigglesworth, Philly.com (December 31, 2013)
- The Heron's Nest: the Holy War Surrounding Monsignor Lynn, by Phil Heron, Delaware County Daily Times (December 31, 2013)
- Big Institutions, and Their Leaders, Elude Punishment, by Chris Satullo, Newsworks (December 31, 2013)
- Judge Orders Archdiocese to Release Records, by Joseph Leahy and Maria Altman, St. Louis Public Radio (December 31, 2013)
- Archdiocese Ordered to Surrender Names of Priests Accused of Abuse, by Brian Kelly, KMOX (December 31, 2013)
- Opd Investigating Priest Accused of Inappropriate Conduct with Minor, by Kara Mattingly, 14 News (December 31, 2013)
- Duluth List of Accused Priests Includes 3 with Collegeville Ties, in St. Cloud Times (December 31, 2013)
- Former Tulia Priest Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison, by Martin Barbosa, My High Plains (December 31, 2013)
- Justice Denied, by Elizabeth Eisenstadt-Evans, Lancaster Online (December 31, 2013)
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