Rev. Raymond J. Adamsky
Summary of Case: Assigned to 11 parishes in 34 years. Accused of molestation in 1961, 1964, 1965, 1971 and 1983. Name appears on Archdiocese's 4/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry because of credible allegations of abuse. Adamsky retired in 1993 and was fully restricted from priestly ministry. Case sent to the Vatican for review in 2004. Prayer and Penance requested. Died October 3, 2014.
Ordained: 1958
Retired: 1993
Died: 2014
Start |
Stop |
Parish |
Town/Accusations |
State |
Position |
Notes |
Milwaukee archbishop was William Edward Cousins 1958-1977 |
1961 |
Blessed Sacrament
• According to 4/23/02 personnel note (#337) by Fr. Hornacek, Vicar for Clergy, a mother called to report that in 1961, Adamsky heard her 10-year-old daughter's confession and "allegedly told her for her penance to put her finger into the hole where she goes to the bathroom. The family went to Msgr. Francis Beres about this and he allegedly told them to keep this quiet and he would take care of it. Beres was a friend of the family whom they trusted. Adamsky was transferred to a different parish that June." Beres was Vice Chancellor at the time.
This allegation was the 7th accusation listed in the summary Archbishop Dolan sent to Cardinal Ratzinger at the CDF on 2/12/04. We have labeled that accusation V-7. |
Milwaukee |
WI |
4/4 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 1,114 to 1,132 students. |
1961 |
1964 |
St. Joseph's
• Archbishop Cousins first told Adamsky he was being transferred to Sacred Hearts parish in Franklin; then a week later he changed the assignment to St. Joseph's in Grafton, after discussing the change with Adamsky on the phone.
• In an 8/6/89 letter, a woman first alleged she was abused by Adamsky at St. Joseph's. This survivor is V-3 on Dolan's list.
"The abuse occurred daily over a period of weeks," ending when the nun who was the principal "severely reprimanded" the girl. "The priest disappeared shortly after."
Bishop Sklba met with her on 12/20/89 and then on 2/27/90, when she named Adamsky. On 10/18/91 the woman met Sklba and Adamsky, who denied "four pages of explicit accusation" of abuse at age 10 in 1963-64. Because of these "serious allegations"
At first, Adamsky had a "vague recollection" of an "inappropriate relationship" (#204). Then he "does not remember any basis for such an allegation" (#853). Then "Ray denied all charges" (#84). |
Adamsky's ministry at St. Joseph's in Racine was secretly limited., but he remained working there. The archdiocese settled with the woman for $20K on 3/17/94, with a confidentiality clause. A copy of the check is included in the file, and this settlement is itemized in Dolan's summary to Cardinal Ratzinger.
The survivor had included a Lutheran pastor from Grafton in the meetings. Sklba contacted Lutheran Bishop Peter Rogness, who advised how to deal with the allegation; Sklba also noted that there was "an additional possible victim" at St. Joseph's in Grafton, as well as "some discomfort among the girls" at St. Joseph parish school in Racine. The principal there complained that he hadn't been informed earlier. Parents had also complained there. |
WI |
2/2 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 412 to 453 students. |
1963 |
Catholic Youth Organization |
Ozaukee County |
WI |
Divisional Director
Apppointed by Archbishop Cousins on 7/10/63. The released file does not indicate when this assignment ended. |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. |
1964 |
1969 |
St. John's
• In a 1/3/93 letter, a woman informed Archbishop Weakland that Adamsky had abused her at St. John's in South Milwaukee when she was age 13. ""This priest told me never to tell my mother." The survivor had phoned in 10/92 and told Mary Kay Balchunas "what had happened to me," inspired by news reports on a different priest and an invitation to contact the archdiocese. She complained that the archdiocese failed to follow up. On 1/29/93 she met Sklba and "described alleged abuse as occurring when she was 13 or 14 in 1963 or 1964 " This survivor is V-4 on Dolan's list, which oddly describes the abuse as "not specified." Ms. Reinke wrote a 4/20/04 note to the file about a call, apparently with this survivor, who had met with Dolan in 2003 and was concerned about Adamsky's status. She mentions an obituary, but Adamsky died 10 years later, on 10/2/14. |
South Milwaukee
• On 9/17/04, the archdiocese settled with another woman alleging abuse by Adamsky when she was a child at St. John's. This survivor is V-5 on Dolan's list. The settlement amount was $50K plus partial reimbursement of health insurance costs until age 65. The agreement did not include a confidentiality clause, and it requires the archdiocese read to Adamsky the survivor's "Impact Statement." That statement is not included in the released file. A copy of the check is included in the file, and this settlement is itemized in Dolan's summary to Cardinal Ratzinger. |
WI |
3/3, 2/3, |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 809 students, decreasing to 542. |
1964 |
1967 |
Notre Dame High School |
Milwaukee |
WI |
Religion Instructor
Appointed by Archbishop Cousins on 8/29/64. Appointment renewed part-time for 1965-66 and 1966-67 school years. |
1971 |
St. Mary's |
Fond du Lac |
WI |
2/3 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 594 students, decreasing to 572. |
1971 |
1973 |
St. Philip Neri
• In a personnel note (#172), Fr. Venn recorded a 3/11/93 meeting with a woman who alleged that several times Adamsky had kissed and touched her inappropriately when she was a 7th grader at St. Philip Neri, helping him in the CCD office. This survivor is V-6 on Dolan's list.
A year and a half later, a 9/28/94 Intake Report states that the alleged abuse was done at the parish "and also when he took her on private social outings." A settlement for $40K plus $10K for therapy was sent on 4/7/95. The settlement included a confidentiality clause; a page is missing from the released text. A copy of the check is not included in the file, and this settlement is not itemized in Dolan's summary to Cardinal Ratzinger.
A 3/22/95 letter to Ms. Piasecki re settlement amounts and terms might be from this survivor. |
Milwaukee |
WI |
3/3, 2/2 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 204 to 213 students. |
1973 |
1974 |
St. Leonard's |
Muskego |
WI |
2/2 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 269 students. |
1974 |
1975 |
St. Kasimir's (Polish) |
Milwaukee |
WI |
2/3 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 187 students. |
Cousins was succeeded by Rembert George Weakland OSB 1977-2002 |
1978 |
St. Vincent De Paul's |
Milwaukee |
WI |
2/2 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 208 students, decreasing to 188. |
1978 |
1981 |
St. Stanislaus' (Polish) |
Milwaukee |
WI |
2/4 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a grade school with 78 students, decreasing to 75, and a high school with 506 students, decreasing to 482. |
1981 |
1986 |
St. Kilian's
• A 1/11/83 personnel note (#31) reports meeting with Adamsky about allegation that he had molested two sisters, age 10 and 12, kissing them on the mouth, sometimes forcibly. These survivors are V-1 and V-2 on Dolan's list. "The younger girl said that on one occasion he attempted to touch her indecently, and the older girl jumped on Father and both of them ran out the door." He gave one of the girls as a birthday present a pair of women's panties "decorated with suggestive writing." Adamsky admitted the gift but dismissed it as a "joke" which the parents understood as such. "I pointed out to him the seriousness of this matter because he is being accused of child molestation by young girls and their parents." He denied the forced kisses and the attempt to touch.
But an undated note states that he "pulled her pants half down and put his hand there." The note also states that Adamsky told the girl "don't tell anyone" about the panties, and asked them whether they "had their periods yet."
St. Kilian
The archdiocese (#175) had Adamsky evaluated at Wausau Clinic, which found "no serious abnormalities" but suggested therapy perhaps monthly "to try to work on seeing things from a psychological stand point." Adamsky fails "to understand the normal behavior of young girls" and shows "immaturity." He needs a spiritual director "to bring about a closer correlation between his vocation and life style."
The parents "don't want to lose home" and "are satisfied that he is receiving counseling" (though it seems he didn't continue in therapy). "There seems to be no further desire on the parents' part to push the issue any further."
Adamsky remained in unrestricted ministry at St. Kilian's as pastor and sole priest. |
WI |
1/1 |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. |
1986 |
1992 |
St. Joseph's
• Adamsky was working here as #2 priest while Sklba and the archdiocese dealt with V-3's allegation (see above). On 4/26/90 Mogilka told Sklba there was no evidence of "inappropriate behavior" (#274) at St. Joseph's in Racine. Then Sklba told Stoffel, the new pastor, that "some degree of supervision" would be necessary (#861). After the survivor confronted Adamsky, limitations were arranged on 11/11/91, but with people kept meticulously in the dark about why - even former pastor Mogilka, brought back to hear children's confessions.
The school principal, Mr. Charles Cooper, was included in the preparation of the limitations, and Stoffel informed Sklba that Cooper had heard "some ambiguous expressions of concern on the part of parents approximately a year and a half previously" (#84). The parish DRE had heard complaints on about 2/19/92 from two Junior girls about Adamsky's "rough physical contact" with them when they were in grade school(#90).
Racine |
WI |
2/2. Pastor was Fr. Erwin Mogilka until 1990, when Fr. Rick Stoffel became pastor.
Despite the allegation, Adamsky was appointed parish administrator on 9/21/90, to run the parish between Mogilka and Stoffel. |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Parish had a school with 236 students, decreasing to 221. |
1992 |
1993 |
St. Monica's Senior Citizens' Home |
Racine |
WI |
Chaplain (Saint Joseph's Parish
July 16, 2009) |
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. |
Weakland was replaced by Timothy Michael Dolan 2002-2009 |
2003 |
St. Francis |
WI |
Address given is 3253 Lake Dr. St. Francis, WI.
Adamsky is not indexed beyond the 2003 Directory.
2003 |
2014 |
A of 2004 Adamsky was fully restricted from ministry. (Archdiocese of Milwaukee list July 9, 2004)
Adamsky died October 3, 2014. |
Source: Official Catholic Directory (New York: P.J. Kenedy and Sons, 1959-2003)
Priests in a Parish: We use the following convention to show a priest's place among the clergy of a parish: 1/2 means that he is the first priest listed in the Official Catholic Directory (usually the pastor) and that there is a total of two priests at the parish. The shorthand 3/4 means that the priest is listed third on a four-priest roster. See our sample page from the Directory.
Note: The Official Catholic Directory aims to report the whereabouts of Catholic priests in the United States on January 1 of the Directory's publication year. Our working assumption is that a priest listed in the Directory for a given year was at the same assignment for part of the previous year as well. However, Kenedy and Sons will sometimes accept updates well into the year of publication. Diocesan clergy records are rarely available to correct this information. The Directory is also sometimes misleading or wrong. We have tried to create an accurate assignment record, given the source materials and their limitations. Assignment records are a work in progress and we are always improving the records that we post. Please email us with new information and corrections. This assignment record collates Adamsky's career history as it is represented in the Official Catholic Directory with allegations as reported in the media. We make no representation regarding the truth of the allegation we report, and we remind our readers that the U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements. For more information, see our posting policy.
This assignment record was last updated on February 7, 2021. | |