Altoona-Johnstown bishop puts 2 on leave over abuse claims
Washington Times
February 8, 2016
ALTOONA, Pa. (AP) — A central Pennsylvania bishop has placed two priests on leave over child-sex abuse allegations more than 20 years old.
Altoona-Johnstown Bishop Mark Bartchak says he's put the Revs. David Arseneault (AR'-sen-oh) and James Coveney on leave while the diocese "re-examines allegations of sexual misconduct involving young people." The priests could not immediately be located for comment Monday.
The 70-year-old Arsenault has been pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Huntingdon since 2001. Coventry, who is 79, has been retired since 2011.
The bishop isn't detailing the allegations other than to say they date back more than 20 years.
The priests will live some place where they can't have contact with children.
Neither has been criminally charged. The bishop isn't saying when the allegations were first reported and examined by the diocese.