60 Accused in This Diocese
- Holts Sons Funeral Home Obit
- The Patch 02.25.13
- Providence Journal 02.25.13
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 02.25.13
- Valley Breeze 02.25.13
- WJAR 02.25.13
- CT Post 02.25.13
- GoLocalProv 02.25.13
- NBC 10 02.26.13
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Holts Sons Funeral Home 04.27.18
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Detailed BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 11.16.01
- Boston Globe 03.20.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.20.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.06.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.25.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Providence Journal 07.18.05
- Providence Journal 09.06.05
- Providence Journal 09.07.05
- Providence Journal 12.02.07
- Providence Journal 08.31.08
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 02.12.10
- WPRO 08.23.11
- SNAP Letter to Bishop Tobin 08.23.11
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Telegram & Gazette 09.13.03
- Worcester Telegram and Gazette 12.23.04
- Worcester Voice 01.11.05
- Telegram & Gazette 01.12.05
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.21.05
- Pawtucket Times 03.22.05
- Diocese of Rockford List 11.14.18
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Missionaries of the Sacred Heart List 08.25.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Detailed BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Wellesley (MA) Townsman 07.04.02
- SNAP The Survivor’s Voice 03.16.03
- Boston Globe 10.20.07
- Kent County Times 11.30.07
- Providence Journal 12.03.07
- City of Angels 01.14.08
- Providence Journal 11.20.13
- SNAP – BishopAccountability Press Release 11.20.13
- Providence Journal 11.21.13
- Providence Journal 03.30.18
- Narrangansett Times 05.10.18
- Providence Journal 02.17.19
- Providence Journal 02.27.19
- Legal Reader 03.04.19
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Associate Press 03.28.02
- Journal-Bulletin 04.19.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Providence Journal 07.25.18
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 09.23.19
- Providence Journal 02.27.20
- The Boston Globe 02.28.20
- Providence Journal 10.16.20
- GoLocalProv 05.15.23
- Courthouse News Service 07.03.23
- Boston Globe 07.06.23
- Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly 07.28.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.09.94
- Providence Journal-Bullentin 03.18.94
- Providence Journal Bulletin 07.03.94
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.14.95
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.20.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.07.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.13.98
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 09.16.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 07.03.94
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.09.95
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.29.96
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 05.23.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.18.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.19.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.24.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.25.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 08.07.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 12.21.99
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 04.20.01
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Associated Press 03.20.03
- Excerpts from Petition for Writ of Certiorar 05.12.03
- Providence Journal-Bulletin (AP) 05.17.03
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 08.28.03
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.18.03
- Providence Journal 02.09.08
- Providence Journal 10.05.08
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 08.24.09
- ABC 6 08.24.09
- Turn to 10 08.24.09
- WPRI 08.24.09
- Providence Journal 08.25.09
- Pawtucket Times 08.25.09
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 07.27.19
- Providence Journal 08.04.19
- Attorney General – State of Rhode Island 06.06.22
- WJAR 06.06.22
- NBC Connecticut 06.06.22
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Turn to 10 08.16.11
- Turn to 10 08.16.11
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 08.16.11
- Providence Journal 08.16.11
- WPRI 08.16.11
- Providence Journal 08.16.11
- Boston Globe 08.16.11
- WPRI 08.17.11
- SNAP Letter to Bishop Tobin 08.23.11
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- WPRI 10.31.21
- National Catholic Register 11.01.21
- WJAR 11.01.21
- National Catholic Reporter 11.05.21
- National Catholic Register 11.08.21
- WLNE 11.15.21
- Catholic News Agency 11.15.21
- National Catholic Register 12.23.21
- Catholic World Report 01.25.22
- Catholic News Agency 10.03.22
- Catholic News Agency 10.04.22
- The Pillar 10.06.22
- Catholic News Agency 10.06.22
- The Pillar 10.06.22
- Providence Journal 10.11.22
- Providence Journal 06.08.23
- Catholic News Agency 12.11.23
- The Pillar 12.11.23
- WLNE 12.13.23
- Kansas City Star 02.02.24
- Diocese of Scranton List accessed 03.01.24
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.21.95
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 12.19.95
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 10.21.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 10.22.97
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 01.30.99
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 06.02.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 08.18.02
- Baltimore Sun 08.21.02
- Washington Post 08.22.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List via Baltimore Sun 09.26.02
- Tribute 10.11.10
- USCCB 06.13.19
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 02.10.96
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Providence Journal 07.18.05
- Young v Gelineau, Petition for Writ of Certiorari 01.09.07
- Boston Globe 12.02.07
- Providence Journal 12.02.07
- Burlington Free Press 12.07.07
- Providence Journal 01.18.08
- Providence Journal 08.31.08
- Fox 25 11.23.09
- SNAP Statement 11.23.09
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- UPI 05.07.92
- Dallas Morning News 12.12.98
- Dallas Morning News 04.26.99
- Boston Herald 07.23.99
- Ft Worth Star Telegram 12.08.00
- Dallas Morning News 12.14.00
- Telegram & Gazette 12.16.00
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Fort Worth Diocese 06.10.05
- New Oxford Review 06.17.05
- Star Telegram 02.16.06
- CBS 11 08.11.06
- Dallas Morning News 11.28.06
- Star Telegram 11.28.06
- Dallas Morning News 11.29.06
- Star Telegram 11.29.06
- Star Telegram 11.30.06
- Dallas Morning News 02.14.08
- Star Telegram 08.13.08
- Star Telegram 08.21.12
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 10.01.19
- Providence Journal 10.02.19
- WPRI TV 10.03.19
- Catholic News Agency 12.31.19
- Providence Journal 10.06.20
- Providence Journal 10.16.20
- Bloomberg Law 04.17.23
- Courthouse News Service 07.03.23
- Boston Globe 07.06.23
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Dubuque Archdiocesan Report on Assignments and Other Info 9.22.06
- UPI 11.15.90
- Business Record 08.19.91
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 03.18.94
- Providence Journal-Bullentin 07.03.94
- Providence Journal Bulletin 03.19.98
- Telegram & Gazette 03.17.02
- Associated Press 03.17.02
- The Day 03.18.02
- Telegram & Gazette 09.01.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Des Moines Register 09.18.06
- Telegraph Herald 10.10.06
- WHO 10.11.06
- Providence Journal 08.31.08
- Hartford Courant 12.31.08
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- GoLocalProv 01.13.13
- ABC 6 01.13.13
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 01.13.13
- Providence Journal 01.13.13
- WPRI 01.13.13
- BishopAccountability and SNAP Press Statement 11.20.13
- WPRI 11.21.14
- Patch 11.21.14
- Turn to 10 11.21.14
- Statement by Diocese of Providence 11.21.14
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Providence Journal 11.22.14
- Statement from the Providence Diocese 05.08.15
- Providence Journal obit 12.27.16
- NBC 10 12.27.16
- Crux 01.02.17
- NBC 10 01.04.17
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Providence Journal Bulletin 07.03.94
- Providence Journal 09.10.02
- Website: Catholic Scouters & Sexual Abuse, 11.30.07
- Kent County Times 11.30.07
- Providence Journal 12.03.07
- Documents regarding Micarelli as referenced in the LA Times article of 09.16.12
- LA Times 09.16.12
- Providence Journal 10.18.12
- Westerly Sun 10.20.12
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Associated Press 02.25.85
- Associated Press 06.24.86
- San Jose Mercury News 12.31.87
- Washington Post 06.11.93
- NY Times 10.13.93
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 07.03.94
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 07.13.94
- Providence Journal Bulletin 12.21.94
- Providence Journal Bulletin 02.05.95
- Providence Journal Bulletin 09.21.96
- Philadelphia Inquirer 07.21.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 08.18.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.10.02
- Star-Ledger 03.14.03
- Philadelphia Inquirer 10.16.05
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Ruling Denying Motion to Dismiss in Young v Gelineau, CA: No PC/03-1302
- Providence Journal 07.18.05
- Young v Gelineau, Petition for Writ of Certiorari 01.09.07
- Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly 05.21.07
- WPRI 06.18.07
- Providence Journal 06.18.07
- Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly 10.01.07
- Boston Globe 10.20.07
- Providence Journal 08.31.08
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal 10.16.20
- Rhode Island Attorney General 11.05.20
- Patch 11.05.20
- WJAR 11.05.20
- WPRI 11.05.20
- WJAR 11.06.20
- Valley Breeze 11.11.20
- Courthouse News Service 07.03.23
- Boston Globe 07.06.23
- Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly 07.28.23
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 07.28.01
- Boston Globe 07.28.01
- Boston Herald 07.28.01
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 10.19.01
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 11.16.01
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 01.27.02
- WPRI 12.21.09
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 12.22.09
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Letter from Diocese to RI State Police 04.17.12
- All Letters from Diocese to RI State Police
- Diocese of Providence Response to SNAP 03.24.14
- Church of the Holy Ghost 08.29.19
- Providence Journal 02.03.22
- WPRI 02.03.22
- Providence Journal 02.04.22
- Boston Globe 02.04.22
- Providence Journal 02.10.22
- Providence Journal 03.24.22
- Providence Journal 05.20.22
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Providence Journal Bulletin 03.18.94
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 07.03.94
- Boston Globe 03.16.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 08.18.02
- Providence Journal 09.10.02
- Providence Journal 07.18.05
- The Day 05.13.07
- SNAP Statement 11.15.10
- Providence Journal 11.21.14
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe List 05.19.21
- Associated Press 11.09.21
- Providence Journal 11.09.21
- Rhode Island Attorney General 11.09.21
- Bismarck Tribune 11.26.94
- National Catholic Reporter 12.02.94
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 02.06.95
- Bismarck Tribune 02.08.95
- Bismarck Tribune 07.29.97
- Order of Premontre 08.22.97
- Boston Globe 08.24.97
- Providence Journal 12.28.98
- Greenwich Pendulum 10.25.07
- Greenwich Citizen 03.14.08
- Irish Independent 04.06.08
- Boston Globe 06.16.08
- ABC 6 06.16.08
- Providence Journal 06.17.08
- Irish Independent 06.22.08
- SNAP Press Release 06.24.08
- Canadian Press 12.28.09
- Providence Journal 12.28.09
- Providence Journal 12.29.09
- Tribune (Ireland) 01.31.10
- Irish Times 03.16.10
- Irish Independent 03.17.10
- Patrick J Wall 03.15.12
- NBC 10 11.18.13
- NBC 10 11.19.13
- NBC 10 11.20.13
- Providence Journal 11.20.13
- East Greenwich Patch 11.21.13
- Providence Journal 11.21.13
- BBC News 01.29.14
- Irish Independent 01.29.14
- Irish Times 01.29.14
- Belfast Telegram 01.30.14
- BBC News 02.28.14
- Irish Independent 02.28.14
- Irish Times 02.28.14
- RTE News Ireland 02.28.14
- Professional Shock-Jock 07.14.14
- Irish Independent (may not be complete) 07.20.14
- Herald 07.21.14
- Irish Independent 07.21.14
- Irish Times 07.23.14
- Sunday World 08.01.14
- Irish Mirror 08.10.14
- Irish Examiner 08.15.14
- Journal 08.17.14
- Irish Times 08.18.14
- The Argus 08.23.14
- Irish Times 11.06.14
- Irish Times 11.12.15
- Irish Independent 02.15.16
- Providence Journal 02.25.16
- Providence Journal 06.22.16
- RI Supreme Court opinion 06.22.16
- Boston Globe 08.02.16
- Belfast Telegraph 09.01.16
- National Catholic Reporter 09.08.16
- Breaking News Ireland 01.20.17
- Irish Times 01.20.17
- Belfast Telegraph 01.21.17
- Irish Examiner 01.21.17
- Irish Times 01.21.17
- Irish Independent 01.22.17
- News Letter 01.22.17
- Irish Times 04.07.17
- GoLocalProv 04.25.17
- Providence Journal 04.25.17
- Irish Independent 07.23.17
- Belfast Telegraph 07.24.17
- Irish Independent 07.31.17
- Providence Journal 03.30.18
- Providence Journal 05.03.18
- Providence Journal 02.27.19
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
- Diocese of Fargo List 01.02.20
- Diocese of Providence Assignment Record
- United Press International 07.06.85
- United Press International 07.31.85
- Galveston Daily News 08.21.85
- United Press International 01.16.86
- United Press International 01.25.86
- Associated Press 02.12.86
- United Press International 08.13.86
- United Press International 08.15.86
- Providence Journal Bulletin 12.29.99
- Diocese of Providence List 07.01.19
Fr. Joseph A. Abruzzese
Fr. John C. Allard

Fr. Daniel M. Azzarone, Jr.

Fr. Roger E. Belhumeur

Fr. Ronald E. Brassard

Fr. Dennis Brodeur
Fr. James D. Campbell
Fr. Robert A. Carpentier
Fr. Paul Charland

Fr. Geoffrey Chase
Br. Peter Claver

Fr. Joseph D’Angelo
Fr. Anthony A. DeAngelis
Fr. Normand J. Demers

Fr. Alfred R. Desrosiers
Fr. Paul Desrosiers
Fr. Louis M. Diogo

Fr. Charles Dolan
Fr. Louis Ward Dunn

Fr. Oscar Ferland
Fr. John F. Ferry
Fr. Kevin R. Fisette

Fr. Edmund Fitzgerald
Deacon Laurence Gagnon

Diocese: Diocese of Providence RI
Fr. William Gillooly
Fr. Bede Gorman
Fr. Timothy J. Gorton

Fr. Richard Holden
Fr. James W. Jackson

Arrested 10/30/2021 after R.I. State Police discovered that an internet connection from St. Mary's rectory was connected to child pornography sharing. Police discovered a large amount of child sexual abuse material they determined belonged to Jackson, including images and videos of prepubescent girls, infants and toddlers engaging in sex acts. Jackson had been the parish pastor since 8/2021. He was previously pastor of parish in Littleton CO. He pleaded not guilty 12/21/2021 to federal charges related to distributing, possessing and accessing child pornography. Jackson was allowed to go live with a relative in Kansas, with electronic monitoring, while awaiting adjudication of the charges. Arrested in 6/2022 in Leawood KS for child porn possession due to activity on his computer detected 5/2022-6/2022. In 10/2022 he was in custody of the U.S. Marshals at a detention facility in R.I. In a 10/3/2022 hearing Jackson admitted the government could prove he accessed child pornography while on pretrial release. Pleaded guilty in 6/2023 to receiving child pornography, in exchange for the dismissal of the possession charge. Sentenced in 12/2023 to six years in prison, five years of federal supervised release, and funds to victims of child pornography and trafficking. Included on the Scranton diocese's list of credibly accused.
Fr. Edward J. Kelley
Arrested in 5/2021 in SC for the alleged sexual assault of a boy in 1983 in North Smithfield RI. In 7/2021 Kelley was reportedly being held at Eleanor Slater Hospital in RI, where he was to be evaluated. Kelley's accuser said he lived in rectories with Kelley as a boy in the 1980s, that it had been reported to diocesan officials, but that he continued living with Kelley. Further, he said another boy who was "close" to Kelley as a boy died by suicide in adulthood. Kelley resigned from St. Aidan's in Cumberland in 1992 because of "divisiveness" in the parish over his "leadership style." He left RI in 1993 and became a US Army chaplain. He was removed from ministry in Charleston SC in 2015 due to a relationship with an adult woman. Ruled incompetent to stand trial in 2/2022, due to advanced dementia. Reportedly died in 2022.
Fr. Michael V. LaMountain
Fr. Paul Henry Leech

Removed from ministry 5/4/1984. Pleaded no contest in 8/1985 to 8 counts of sexually assaulting 3-4 boys 1982-1984. Sentenced in 1985 to 86 years in prison, but after a plea for leniency was given 3 years in prison and 12 years' probation. In 1994 a civil suit was filed on behalf of one youth. Per the suit, prior to 1980 Leech was known to the bishop to have a habit of making advances on young boys. Another suit may have been filed in 1985. Included on the diocese's list 7/1/2019. Said in 2020 to be living in Rochester, NY, and going by his first name, Paul.
Fr. Roland M. Lepire
Fr. Philip A. Magaldi

Magaldi left Providence in 1988 after claims of financial mismanagement. Accepted into the Ft. Worth diocese by Bishop Delaney in 1990. Pleaded guilty in 1992 to embezzlement in Rhode Island, returned to ministry in Ft. Worth after eight months. Allegation in Ft. Worth in 1997 by a young man that Magaldi would pay him to give him enemas. Still active until 1999, after an allegation that he raped a boy and paid the boy to give him enemas in the 1970s, while Magaldi was assigned in Rhode Island. The plaintiff died in 10/2000; suit dismissed. Retired. HIV positive. Laicization requested; died in 8/2008. Another claim settled 8/21/2012 in Ft. Worth. A lawsuit filed against in 9/2019 claimed abuse of a boy, ages 12-17, in the late 1970s-early 1980s, while Magaldi was pastor of St. Anthony's in Providence. Suit dismissed, the judge ruling that church leadership cannot be labeled "perpetrators." The RI Supreme Court affirmed the ruling in 6/2023. The plaintiff also filed suit NY in 10/2020 claiming Magaldi sexually abused him during a trip to NYC in 1983. Dismissed.
Fr. Robert A. Marcantonio
Fr. Daniel McCallion
Fr. Robert J. McIntyre

Fr. Barry Meehan

Fr. Richard L. Meglio
Fr. Adrian Menard
Fr. Edmund C. Micarelli

Fr. William C. O’Connell

Fr. William O’Neill
Fr. John N. Petrocelli

Fr. Hugh Rafferty
Fr. William Raiche
Fr. Guertin Rene
Fr. Joseph James Rocha
Deacon Edward J. Sadowski, Jr.

Fr. Francis C. Santilli

Placed on leave in 2/2022 due to an allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor in 1979 or 1980. Pastor of St. Philip in Greenville since 2010 when suspended. Per the Diocese, it received an allegation on 12/29/2021 against a priest currently active in the diocese, without naming him. State police investigated and interviewed the alleged victim, who named Santilli, then informed the Diocese 2/2/2022. Unable to criminally prosecute due to the statute of limitations. The Diocese had received reports of the sexual abuse of minors by Santilli twice before: in 2012 a man alleged abuse as a young altar in the early 1980s, and said Santilli also molested his brother; in 2014 a man alleged abused by Santilli as an altar boy, age 10, in 1980 at Our Lady of Lourdes in Providence. One alleged victim is known to have died by suicide. The Diocesan Review Board determined that both the 2012 and 2014 allegations lacked credibility, and Santilli was kept in ministry. Lawsuit filed in 5/2022.
Fr. Peter Scagnelli
Fr. James M. Silva

Removed from ministry 3/1/1993. Two men filed suit in 1994. Seven more men filed civil suits alleging they were abused as children by Silva in the 1960s-1980s. Criminal charges were also filed in 1994. Silva admitted in court that he sexually abused a young man. Received a 7-year suspended sentence and was ordered to undergo counseling. Eight claims were settled by the diocese as part of a $13.5M mass settlement in 9/2002 (one may have settled earlier). Multiple transfers after initial notice. Included on the Providence diocese's list 7/1/2019. On the Santa Fe archdiocese's list 5/19/2021, whcih notes he was at Via Coeli in Jemez Springs in 1981 and at a Jemez Springs parish. Indicted in 11/2021 on charges of abuse of a boy under the age of 14 1989-1990, after an investigation by the A.G. and RI State Police.
Sister Mary Claudine
Fr. Brendan Smyth

Fr. William Tanguay

Fr. Peter L. Tedeschi
Fr. John Tormey
Fr. Biagio Samuel Turillo
Fr. Armand Ventre

Br. John M. Walderman