339 Accused in This Religious Order
- Northwest Jesuit, Spring 2002
- Northwest Jesuit, Fall 2002
- Anchorage Daily News 06.30.02
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Anchorage Daily News 12.26.18
- Archdiocese of Anchorage List 01.16.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.19
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 11.05.20
- Times-Picayune 07.30.93
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.05.16
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.06.16
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.19
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 11.05.20
- GA PAC Report 03.24.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Maryland Province Jesuits List 12.17.18
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Statements by Society of Jesuits and Diocese of Scranton 06.07.11
- SNAP Statement 06.07.11
- Fox 19 06.07.11
- Times Leader 06.08.11
- Cincinnati City Beat 06.08.11
- Citizens Voice 06.08.11
- Baltimore Sun 06.09.11
- Baltimore Sun 06.23.11
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston List 12.05.18
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 12.14.18
- Maryland Province Jesuits List 12.17.18
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Archdiocese of Cincinnati List 01.26.20
- Times-Picayune 09.27.96
- Times-Picayune 01.05.05
- Boudreaux Obituary 08.07.16
- New Orleans Advocate 10.30.18
- Times-Picayune 11.02.18
- Archdiocese of New Orleans list 11.02.18
- Jesuits Southern and Central Province List 12.07.18
- The Advocate 01.11.19
- Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux List accessed 02.24.19
- KXAN 01.31.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- KYW 01.31.07
- Philadelphia Inquirer 01.31.07
- NBC 4 02.06.07
- WBAL 02.06.07
- WJLA 02.06.07
- Washington Post 02.07.07
- Baltimore Sun 02.07.07
- Baltimore Sun 02.08.07
- Washington Post 03.18.07
- The Examiner 04.13.07
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- Watauga Democrat 01.23.19
- Patch 02.15.19
- WBTV 02.28.19
- WSOC TV 03.05.19
- The Hoya 03.15.19
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 04.24.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.06.23
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch Obituary 11.26.86
- Jesuits Central and Southern List 02.08.23
- KMOX 02.10.23
- University News [St. Louis] 02.15.23
- St. Louis Post Dispatch 10.23.03
- St. Louis Post Dispatch 12.17.03
- Associated Press 12.20.03
- Denver Post 12.22.03
- Denver Post 12.23.03
- Denver Post 03.04.04
- News Tribune 06.14.12
- Spokesman-Review 06.15.12
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.19
- Springfield Journal-Register 04.01.21
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Democrat and Chronicle 11.26.66
- The Florida Times Union 01.25.06
- Advocate 09.20.18
- WVUE TV 10.15.18
- Times-Picayune 11.02.18
- Archdiocese of New Orleans list 11.02.18
- The Fordham Ram 11.28.18
- WVUE TV 11.30.18
- Democrat and Chronicle 01.15.19
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- The Advocate 09.20.19
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.19
- NOLA com 07.03.20
- Diocese of St Augustine List 11.06.20
- Big Easy Magazine. 09.13.21
- Fordham Ram 02.08.23
- BillionGraves site
- LA Times 03.24.02
- San Jose Mercury News 03.30.02
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.02
- San Jose Mercury News 05.24.02
- LA Times 09.05.02
- Complaint 05.17.05
- LA Times 08.06.05
- California Catholic Daily 12.26.07
- Los Gatos Patch 01.11.11
- Dallas Blog 03.21.12
- The Patch 09.20.12
- KGO 09.20.12
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 1.25.10, p. 1
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 06.25.03
- News Miner 07.15.03
- Anchorage Daily News 10.26.03
- Anchorage Daily News 10.29.03
- Anchorage Daily News 12.05.03
- Anchorage [Daily News?] 03.16.04
- News Miner 03.17.04
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 03.19.04
- News Miner 03.23.04
- News Miner 11.06.04
- OregonLive_com 11.11.04
- KTUU 02.01.05
- Anchorage Daily News 08.19.06
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- PCVA Law Firm Press Release 03.25.11
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Anchorage Daily News 12.26.18
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 01.21.22
- Boston Globe 04.19.02
- Times-Picayune 04.20.02
- Times-Picayune 04.28.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Times-Picayune 11.11.03
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- New Orleans Advocate Obituary 10.24.15
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.05.16
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.06.16
- New Orleans Advocate 10.30.18
- Archdiocese of New Orleans list 11.02.18
- Times-Picayune 11.02.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 07.08.19
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 11.05.20
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 01.21.22
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- KTBS 11.10.10
- KSLA 11.10.10
- Shreveport Times 11.11.10
- Shreveport Times 11.12.10
- The Advocate 09.20.18
- Queerty 09.21.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Dallas Morning News 03.19.19
- Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 10.13.20
- Dallas Morning News 11.18.20
- Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas 03.29.22
- Dallas Morning News 03.30.22
- KXAS 03.30.22
- Dallas Morning News 03.31.22
- James Doe 59 et al
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003: Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska: 1928-2003
- KTVA (Alaska) 09.22.06
- Fairbanks News-Miner 09.23.06
- Juneau Empire (AP) 09.24.06
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.09
- KIRO 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.15.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Detailed BA Assignment Record
- Jesuits Midwest Province Assignment Record 12.21.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Post-Standard 10.13.89
- Post Standard 08.13.90
- George Drake 01.08.04
- NY Times 10.21.08
- Fordham Ram 11.07.08
- The Observer 12.11.08
- NY Daily News 10.01.14
- New York Daily News 04.22.16
- The Paper 08.09.16
- Fordham Ram 08.16.16
- Fordham Ram 08.18.16
- Business Insider 11.15.16
- WLBZ 04.17.17
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Democrat and Chronicle 01.15.19
- Fordham Ram 02.06.20
- Fordham Ram 01.18.21
- Fordham Ram 02.08.23
- Associated Press 05.21.02
- Statesman Journal 05.29.02
- Associated Press 05.29.02
- Sunday Oregonian 07.07.02
- Table: The Oregonian 11.16.06
- KATU 02.26.07
- The Oregonian 02.27.07
- KGW 02.28.07
- The Oregonian 02.28.07
- The Oregonian 11.19.07
- KIMA 07.03.08
- KNDO/KNDU 07.03.08
- KNDO/KNDU 07.04.08
- The Oregonian 08.08.08
- KGW (AP) 08.14.08
- Billings Gazette 11.04.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Yakima Herald-Republic 07.04.10
- Yakima Herald Republic 10.21.11
- Yakima Herald-Republic 07.19.12
- Wenatchee World 02.16.13
- Yakima Herald Republic 03.27.13
- Yakima Herald Republic 02.21.14
- Diocese of Great Falls-Billings List 08.21.18
- Jesuits West List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Yakima List 07.09.19
- Daily Sitka Sentinel 03.15.91
- Obituary in Anchorage Daily News 11.18.96
- Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska 1928-2003 Alaskan Shepherd 06.07.03
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 05.12.05
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 02.23.06
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Anchorage Daily News 11.21.07
- Newsweek 01.14.08
- Daily News Miner 02.02.08
- James Doe 59 v Society of Jesus Oregon Province Alaska Superior Ct 01.02.09
- KIRO 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.14.09
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.15.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- PCVA Press Release 03.25.11
- News Tribune 04.09.11
- The Vimeo 06.29.11
- Diocese of Fairbanks List 02.07.12
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Anchorage Daily News 07.26.19
- Denton Daily 11.17.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Hungarian Province accessed 03.12.19
- Anchorage Daily News 02.09.06
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 02.09.06
- Havre Daily News 02.10.06
- Havre Daily News 02.11.06
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from bankruptcy reorganization documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Hungarian Province accessed 03.12.19
- Hungarian Jesuits Obituary 04.14.20
- USA Today 06.08.90
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.09
- KGW (AP) 01.14.09
- James Doe 59 et al v Society of Jesus, Oregon Province et al, Alaska Superior Court, 4th Judicial District at Bethel, 01.14.09
- KIRO 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.15.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Pilot Station – Saint Charles Spinola Catholic Church Website 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- San Mateo Times 09.02.33
Redwood City Tribune 12.09.47
Spokesman Review 10.09.50
Spokane Chronicle 01.05.52 - L.A. Archdiocesan Report 02.17.04
- Fresno Bee 05.17.07
- L.A. Times 05.18.07
- Sacramento Bee 06.05.09
- Coconuts Manila 12.01.15
- Philippine Daily Inquirer 12.01.15
- ABS-CBN 12.02.15
- Philippine Star 12.02.15
- The Rappler 12.03.15
- Manila Times 12.05.15
- American Conservative 05.01.17
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- San Jose Mercury News 09.11.12
- NBC Bay Area 09.11.12
- CBS Sacramento 09.11.12
- Mercury Register 09.12.12
- Mercury News 09.12.12
- The Patch 09.12.12
- UPI 09.13.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 09.17.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 09.17.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 09.20.12
- Sacramento Bee 09.20.12
- The Patch 09.26.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 09.27.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 09.28.12
- Los Angeles Loyolan 10.01.12
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Fox 40 04.30.19
- Sacramento Bee 05.01.19
- CBS 13 05.03.19
- KRON 01.01.20
- Diocese of Great Falls-Billings List 08.21.08
- KLEW 10.14.08
- The Olympian (AP) 10.14.08
- Lewiston Morning Tribune 10.14.08
- Seattle Times 10.16.08
- Associated Press 01.06.09
- KLEW 01.20.09
- Idaho Statesman (AP) 01.21.09
- The Oregonian 03.03.09
- OPB News 03.04.09
- Missoulian 09.03.09
- Lake County Leader 09.13.09
- Missoulian 09.14.09
- Missoulian 09.21.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Missoulian 01.07.10
- PCVA Press Release 03.25.11
- The iAfrica 03.26.11
- Spokesman-Review 03.26.11
- The Telegraph 03.26.11
- John Does 1-16 et al v Ursuline Sisters, Diocese of Helena, et al, Cause No ADV-2011-936, Montana First Judicial District Court, Lewis & Clark County, 10.03.11
- Press Release from Kosnoff Fasy 01.31.14
- Helena Diocese Bankruptcy Settlement 03.04.15
- Diocese of Helena 04.29.15
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Belleville News-Democrat 04.19.07
- St. Louis Post Dispatch (AP) 04.19.07
- Kansas City Star (AP) 04.20.07
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 06.10.07
- St. Louis American 06.13.07
- St. Louis Post Dispatch 11.22.07
- St. Louis American 05.13.09
- JesuitsMissouri_org website accessed 02.11.11
- Jesuit_org Website accessed 02.11.11
- Berger’s Beat 08.05.13
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Belleville News Democrat 12.08.18
- Diocese of Belleville List 09.20.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- PCVA Press Release 03.25.11
- Indian Country Today Media Network 08.18.11
- The Missoulian 09.27.11
- John Does 1-16 et al v Ursuline Sisters, Diocese of Helena, et al, Cause No ADV-2011-936, Montana First Judicial District Court, Lewis & Clark County, 10.03.11
- Press Release from Kosnoff Fasy 01.31.14
- Missoula Independent 03.27.14
- Diocese of Helena List 04.29.15
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Toledo Assignment Record
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Midwest Province Assignment Record 12.21.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Toledo Blade 03.10.04
- Toledo Blade 03.15.04
- Toledo Blade 03.30.04
- Diocese of Toledo Status Report 02.17.05
- New York Province of the Society of Jesus 04.18.11
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Regis High School Letter to Alumni 01.15.19
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 04.24.19
- Diocese of Phoenix List 10.29.19
- News & Observer 04.09.07
- WRAL 04.28.07
- News & Observer 04.30.07
- News & Observer 06.08.07
- Statement by Diocese of Raleigh 01.09.13
- Philadelphia Inquirer 01.09.13
- Diocese of Raleigh List accessed 12.17.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 12.22.18
- Baltimore Archdiocese List via Patch 02.15.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Associated Press 05.20.03
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003, 07.31.03
- Associated Press 08.06.03
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- James Doe 59 et al v Society of Jesus, Oregon Province et al, Alaska Superior Court, 4th Judicial District at Bethel, 01.14.09
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.09
- KGW (AP) 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.14.09
- KIRO 01.14.09
- The Spectator 01.14.09
- Seattle Times 01.15.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Second Rape 11.17.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Spectator 06.07.18
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Fairbanks List 11.16.20
- Statesman Journal (Salem OR) 01.12.06
- Oregonian 01.12.06
- Table: The Oregonian 11.12.06
- Missoulian 09.03.09
- Missoulian 09.14.09
- Missoulian 09.26.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Missoulian 01.07.10
- PCVA Law Firm Press Release 03.25.11
- KXLH 09.21.11
- NBC Montana 09.22.11
- The Missoulian 09.27.11
- John Does 1-16 et al v Ursuline Sisters, Diocese of Helena, et al, Cause No ADV-2011-936, Montana First Judicial District Court, Lewis & Clark County, 10.03.11
- Press Release from Kosnoff Fasy 01.31.14
- Archdiocese of Seattle list 01.15.16
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003: Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska: 1928-2003
- Anchorage Daily News 10.14.05
- Fairbanks News Miner 10.14.05
- Fairbanks News Miner 10.16.05
- Oregonian 11.14.05
- Catholic Sentinel 11.17.05
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 02.15.06
- Anchorage Daily News 02.07.07
- KHQ 02.16.07
- KTUU 02.17.07
- Anchorage Daily News 03.03.07
- KGW (AP) 03.03.07
- The Oregonian 03.06.07
- KTUU 03.27.07
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 03.29.07
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Newsweek 01.14.08
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- SNAP Press Reliease 03.24.14
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Omaha World-Herald 12.01.18
- The Catholic Voice 12.03.18
- Omaha World-Herald 12.09.18
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Omaha World-Herald 02.23.19
- Omaha World-Herald 02.25.19
- Archdiocese of Omaha List 06.01.19
- Jesuits Midwest Province Revised List 02.21.20
- Archdiocese of Omaha List 10.28.21
- NE Attorney General’s Report 11.04.21
- National Catholic Reporter 07.11.23
- Des Moines Register 11.01.23
- Journal Sentinel 12.12.24
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Midwest Province Assignment record 12.21.18
- Times-Picayune 10.08.03
- Times-Picayune 10.10.03
- Times-Picayune 10.16.03
- Times-Picayune 10.07.04
- Times-Picayune 01.30.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 10.11.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 10.26.07
- WBBM 02.25.08
- What They Knew 10.02.12
- Archdiocese of Indianapolis list 10.12.18
- Indianapolis Star 10.12.18
- New Orleans Advocate 10.30.18
- Archdiocese of New Orleans list 11.02.18
- Loyola Maroon 11.02.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- The Hoya 03.15.19
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Diocese of Corpus Christi List 01.31.19
- Diocese of Dallas List 01.31.19
- WFAA 02.12.19
- NBC 5 News 08.27.19
- Dallas Morning News 08.27.19
- Park Cities People 08.28.19
- Dallas Morning News 09.21.19
- Dallas Morning News 09.24.19
- Dallas Morning News 09.26.19
- Dallas Morning News 10.25.19
- WFAA 12.01.19
- America Magazine 10.16.20
- Dallas Morning News 11.18.20
- Dallas Morning News 12.18.21
- Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas 03.29.22
- Dallas Morning News 03.30.22
- KXAS 03.30.22
- Dallas Morning News 03.31.22
- Regis High School Year Book 1991
- Jersey Journal 09.30.08
- Jersey Journal 10.28.08
- US District Court District of New Jersey 02.18.09
- Marin County Independent 10.23.18
- San Jose Mercury News 10.23.18
- Diocese of San Jose Statement 10.31.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Regis High School Letter to Alumni 01.15.19
- Chicago Tribune 11.21.11
- 9 News 11.21.11
- Douglas County Sheriff Statement 11.21.11
- Denver Post 11.21.11
- KRDO 11.21.11
- Statement by University of Detroit Jesuit High School 11.21.11
- NBC Chicago 11.21.11
- WLS 11.21.11
- Statement by Jeff Anderson & Associates 11.22.11
- Reuters 11.22.11
- Huffington Post 11.22.11
- Denver Westword 11.22.11
- Detroit Free Press 11.23.11
- WLS 11.23.11
- Detroit Free Press 11.24.11
- Loyola Phoenix 11.30.11
- SNAP Letter to Archbishop Vigneron 01.30.13
- US Attorney 09.29.14
- Detroit Free Press 09.30.14
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Archdiocese of Detroit List 06.10.19
- Detroit Free Press 01.02.20
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Archdiocese of Anchorage List. 01.16.20
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003: Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska: 1928-2003
- KTUU 10.20.05
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 10.21.05
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 10.21.05
- The Oregonian 11.14.05
- Catholic Sentinel 11.17.05
- Anchorage Daily News 04.17.06
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Pilot Station – Saint Charles Spinola Catholic Church Website 01.25.10
- Spectator 06.07.18
- Archdiocese of Anchorage List 01.16.20
- Spokesman-Review 09.08.06
- Gonzaga University 09.08.06
- Seattle Times 09.09.06
- Spokesman-Review 09.09.06
- The Oregonian 09.09.06
- Inside Higher Ed 09.11.06
- LifeSite 09.13.06
- KGW (AP) 09.15.06
- KGW (AP) 09.27.06
- Spokesman-Review 09.27.06
- Seattle Times 10.04.06
- Seattle Times 10.16.06
- SF Weekly 10.25.06
- Statement by Diocese of Spokane 11.21.07
- Seattle Times 01.14.09
- Diocese of Spokane List of Admitted, Proven or Credibly Accused Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse 11.03.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Spokesman Review 12.06.09
- PCVA Press Release 03.25.11
- Inlander 12.22.16
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Portland Press Herald 12.08.07
- Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram 12.09.07
- Sun Journal 12.09.07
- Journal Gazette 12.10.07
- Boston Globe (AP) 12.10.07
- Bangor Daily News (AP) 12.10.07
- Standard Times (AP) 12.11.07
- Sun Chronicle 12.11.07
- Standard Times 02.21.08
- Wicked Local 02.22.08
- Bangor Daily News 03.09.11
- WABI 03.10.11
- Bangor Daily News 03.26.11
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 11.18.95
- St Louis Post Dispatch 05.10.96
- St Louis Post Dispatch 05.11.96
- St Louis American 05.13.09
- Jesuits of the Missouri Province 03.01.12
- St Louis Post-Dispatch 03.12.12
- St Louis Review 04.04.12
- Jesuits Southern and Central Province List 12.07.18
- Marin Independent Journal 06.29.12
- KTVU 06.29.12
- KGO 06.29.12
- KGO 07.02.12
- CBS San Francisco 07.02.12
- KTVU 07.02.12
- Mercury News 07.02.12
- Modesto Bee 07.02.12
- NBC Bay Area 07.05.12
- Mercury News 07.05.12
- San Francisco Chronicle 07.05.12
- Santa Cruz Sentinel 07.11.12
- Jesuits West List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Oakland List 02.17.19
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003: Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska: 1928-2003
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 12.29.04
- Anchorage Daily News 12.30.04
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 08.17.05
- Anchorage Daily News 08.17.05
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Idaho State Journal 12.09.18
- James Doe 59 et al v Society of Jesus, Oregon Province et al, Alaska Superior Court, 4th Judicial District at Bethel, January 2009
- Oregonlive (AP) 11.11.04
- Anchorage Daily News 11.12.04
- Associated Press 11.25.04
- KTUU 01.31.05
- KTUU 02.01.05
- Fairbanks News-Miner 05.12.05
- LA Times 11.19.05
- Fairbanks News-Miner 02.23.06
- LA Times 11.19.07
- TUU 11.19.07
- Anchorage Daily News 11.21.07
- Catholic Online 12.10.07
- Newsweek 01.14.08
- Daily News Miner 02.02.08
- Anchorage Press 03.20.08
- Catholic Review 12.22.08
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Anchorage Daily News 01.25.10
- Vimeo 06.29.11
- Star Telegram 06.24.11
- SNAP Press Release 06.26.11
- El Paso Times 06.28.11
- SNAP Statement 06.28.11
- KFox TV 07.12.13
- KTSM 07.12.13
- El Paso Times 07.14.13
- KFox 08.22.13
- El Paso Times 08.24.13
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Archdiocese of San Antonio List 01.31.19
- Diocese of El Paso List 01.31.19
- Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 10.13.20
- Diocese of Dallas Priest Details
- Jesuits Central and Southern List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Dallas Priest Details
- Jesuits Central and Southern List 12.07.18
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 11.05.20
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Dallas List 01.31.19
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List updated 02.27.20
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 11.05.20
- Dallas Morning News 11.18.20
- Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas 03.29.22
- Dallas Morning News 03.30.22
- KXAS 03.30.22
- GA PAC Report 03.24.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Fairbanks List 11.16.20
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003, 06.30.03
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 06.02.05
- Anchorage Daily News 08.10.05
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 08.10.05
- KTUU 08.22.05
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 08.22.05
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 08.24.05
- KTUU 10.17.05
- Fairbanks Daily News Miner 10.18.05
- Fairbanks News-Miner 05.09.06
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 05.10.06
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.20
- Career, Accusations of Abuse, Information Sources, and Documents
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Midwest Province Assignment Record 12.21.18
- Diocese of Stockton Revised List 11.12.20
- The Jesuits and Donald McGuire, SJ by BishopAccountability
- Articles through 11.03.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 11.03.07
- Chicago Tribune 11.06.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 11.06.07
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 11.06.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 11.07.07
- Chicago Tribune 11.07.07
- Chicago Sun-Times 11.11.07
- Chicago Tribune 10.25.08
- NY Times 03.28.11
- Boston Globe 04.15.12
- Boston Globe 04.16.12
- Washington Post 11.23.14
- Press TV (Iran) 11.24.14
- ABC News 11.25.14
- Federal Bureau of Prisons 01.13.17
- Marquette Wire 09.11.18
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Diocese of Phoenix List 10.29.19
- Associated Press 12.30.19
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Pilot Station – Saint Charles Spinola Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- BA.org Assignment Record
- MSNBC Assignment Record 12.01.10
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- Scranton Times Tribune 11.30.10
- Citizens Voice 12.01.10
- Times Leader 12.01.10
- Go Lackawanna 12.05.10
- Times-Tribune 12.05.10
- Citizens Voice 06.08.11
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Catholic Review 09.07.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- The Hoya 03.15.19
- Citizens Voice 11.16.20
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Boston Globe 03.06.02
- Boston Globe 03.08.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- The Day 01.16.03
- Daily News 03.05.11
- SNAP Statement 03.06.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- South Coast Today 01.11.15
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Norwich List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Knoxville List 03.06.20
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Alaskan Shepherd June-July 2003: Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Hooper Bay, Alaska: 1928-2003
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 02.09.06
- Havare Daily News [Montana] 02.10.06
- Havre Daily News [Montana] 02.10.06
- KBZK [Montana] 02.21.06
- Independent Record 02.22.06
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Great Falls Tribune 10.09.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Great Falls-Billings List 08.21.19
- Columbia Basin Herald 04.17.06
- Spokesman Review 04.19.06
- Yakima Herald-Republic 05.04.06
- Spokesman Review 05.04.07
- Statement by Diocese of Spokane 11.21.07
- Associated Press 01.04.08
- Seattle Times 01.04.08
- Spokesman Review 01.04.08
- KOMO 05.10.09
- Diocese of Spokane List of Admitted, Proven or Credibly Accused Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse 11.03.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Yakima Herald-Republic 07.04.10
- PCVA Lawfirm Press Release 03.25.11
- The Oregonian 03.25.11
- Seattle Times 03.25.11
- The Oregonian 03.25.11
- The Telegraph 03.26.11
- Yakima Herald-Republic 03.26.11
- Indian Country Today Media Network 08.19.11
- Associated Press 11.22.11
- Yakima Herald-Republic 03.27.13
- Yakima Herald Republic 02.21.14
- Dignity Memorial, 08.09.15
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Washington Post 05.29.24
- Seton Hall University website 02.23.07
- ABC 7 06.16.11
- Sacramento Bee (AP) 06.21.11
- Whispers in the Loggia 06.21.11
- Baltimore Sun 06.23.11
- Plain Dealer 06.23.11
- SNAP Statement 06.24.11
- Catholic News Service 06.24.11
- Diocese of Raleigh List accessed 12.17.18
- Maryland Province Jesuits List 12.17.18
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 07.23.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Oregon Province website accessed 12.07.12
- OC Register 04.15.02
- Dallas Morning News 04.16.02
- Dallas Morning News 04.17.02
- Dallas Morning News 04.24.02
- St Petersburg Times 04.24.02
- Times Picayune 04.24.02
- St Petersburg Times 05.10.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- The Advocate 02.27.19
- Diocese of Baton Rouge List 03.27.19
- Archdiocese of Atlanta List 04.01.19
- KXAN 01.31.20
- Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 10.13.20
- GA PAC Report 03.24.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits West Province Assignment Record
- Jesuits Midwest Province Assignment Record
- Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 12.29.04
- Anchorage Daily News 12.30.04
- Anchorage Daily News 01.14.05
- Fairbanks News Miner 04.01.05
- Fairbanks News-Miner 08.17.05
- Anchorage Daily News 08.17.05
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Associated Press 02.05.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Alakanuk – Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Web site 01.25.10
- Emmonak – Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Site 01.25.10
- Dioceses of Fairbanks List 02.07.12
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Settlement 01.30.97
- NY Times 10.21.08
- Fordham Ram 11.07.08
- The Paper of Fordham University 11.20.08
- SNAP Statement 02.11.09
- Fairfield Mirror 10.15.09
- Connecticut Post 10.16.09
- The Journal 09.07.10
- The Paper 08.09.16
- Fordham Ram 08.16.16
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- The Fordham Ram 02.08.23
- Amended Complaint in John Doe 24 et al v Bishop of Pueblo, Cause No 201CV561, Pueblo Co District Court
- Kansas City Star 06.21.87
- Amended Complaint in John Doe 24 et al v Bishop of Pueblo, Cause No 201CV561, Pueblo Co District Court
- Eastern Montana Catholic Register 01.29.50
- Spokesman Review 01.24.04
- Associated Press 12.03.04
- Spokesman Review 12.04.04
- Statement by Diocese of Spokane 11.21.07
- Diocese of Spokane List of Admitted, Proven or Credibly Accused Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse 11.03.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Diocese of Boise List 10.24.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Tampa Tribune 04.24.02
- Dallas Morning News 04.24.02
- St Petersburg Times 04.24.02
- Houston Chronicle 05.07.02
- Houston Chronicle 05.09.02
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston List 01.31.19
- Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 10.13.20
- Washington Times 04.19.06
- Loyola Greyhound 04.25.06
- Washington Post 04.28.06
- WJZ (AP) 04.13.07
- The Examiner 04.13.07
- Washington Post 12.02.10
- Statement by Georgetown Prep dated 01.26.11
- Daily Caller 01.31.11
- Washington Examiner 02.02.11
- Washington Post 02.02.11
- TDB 02.02.11
- NBC Washington 02.03.11
- Kensington Patch 02.03.11
- Pittsburgh Tribune Review 02.03.11
- Washington Post 02.03.11
- Daily Caller 02.04.11
- The Gazette 02.23.11
- The Gazette 09.13.11
- The Gazette 11.10.11
- Washington Post 11.11.11
- Maryland Province Jesuits List 12.17.18
- Patch 02.15.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Hartford Courant 06.13.94
- Hartford Courant 06.13.94
- The Day 05.03.07
- The Day 05.03.07
- Journal Inquirer 05.11.07
- Journal Inquirer 05.11.07
- The Day 05.13.07
- The Day 05.13.07
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Norwich List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- AP 04.24.02
- Dallas Morning News 04.24.02
- Dallas Morning News 05.04.02
- Dallas Morning News 08.08.02
- WJZ (AP) 04.13.07
- The Examiner 04.13.07
- The Advocate 09.20.18
- The Advocate 09.20.18
- WVUE 11.20.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern List 12.07.18
- Maryland Province Jesuits List 12.17.18
- Patch 02.15.19
- The Advocate 09.20.19
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 02.15.19
- Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 10.13.20
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 03.02.05
- Anchorage Daily News 04.05.05
- Anchorage Daily News 11.03.05
- The Oregonian 11.14.05
- Catholic Sentinel 11.17.05
- KTUU 11.21.05
- KATU 02.27.06
- Fairbanks News-Miner 04.29.06
- Anchorage Daily News (AP) 09.12.06
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10.04.06
- The Oregonian 02.27.07
- KTUU 02.27.07
- KGW 02.28.07
- The Oregonian 02.28.07
- KTUU (AP) 11.18.07
- The Oregonian 11.19.07
- Anchorage Daily News 11.20.07
- Newsweek 01.14.08
- Native American Times 03.03.08
- KGW (AP) 08.14.08
- KTUU 11.19.08
- Billings Gazette 11.04.09
- Second Rape: The Diocese of Fairbanks and Sexual Abuse 11.10.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Excerpt from Bankruptcy Reorganization Documents for Fairbanks Diocese 01.25.10
- Yakima Herald Republic 03.27.13
- Yakima Herald-Republic 02.21.14
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- The Straniger 01.15.16
- Spectator 06.07.18
- VOA News 09.27.18
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Reveal PRX 12.15.18
- Bonnor County Daily Bee 12.18.18
- FOX 28 12.18.18
- The Spokesman-Review 12.18.18
- Get Religion 12.19.18
- KNOM Radio 12.21.18
- Catholic News Service 12.27.18
- KXLY 09.01.21
- NBC5 (Chicago) 09.08.03
- Chicago Sun Times 09.09.03
- Chicago Daily Herald 11.06.03
- Chicago Tribune 10.22.05
- ABC7 11.17.05
- WBBM Newsradio 780 11.18.05
- CBS2 10.03.06
- Chicago Sun-Times 10.11.07
- Jane Doe 125 Complaint 11.06.08
- SNAP Statement 11.06.08
- The Phoenix 12.05.08
- Chi-Town Daily News 12.10.08
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Archdiocese of Detroit List 06.10.19
- Jesuits Midwest Province List Revised 02.21.20
- Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend List 12.04.20
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Jesuits Midwest Province List Revised 10.30.23
- Chicago Tribune 05.03.10
- Chicago Breaking News 05.03.10
- NBC Chicago 05.03.10
- Chicago Public Radio 05.04.10
- NBC Chicago 05.04.10
- Chicago Tribune 05.04.10
- SNAP Press Statement 05.04.10
- NBC Chicago 05.05.10
- Wednesday Journal 05.05.10
- WGN 05.06.10
- Wednesday Journal 05.12.10
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Archdiocese of Chicago List 11.17.22
- NW Jesuits 2005
- Great Falls Tribune 02.08.12
- KRTV 02.08.12
- Market Watch 02.08.12
- Great Falls Tribune 02.09.12
- KPAX 06.07.12
- Press Release from Kosnoff Fasy 01.31.14
- Missoula Independent 03.27.14
- Diocese of Helena List 04.29.15
- Great Falls Tribune 08.15.17
- Great Falls Tribune 08.16.17
- Diocese of Great Falls-Billings List 08.21.18
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Washington Post 05.29.24
- St Gerald Parish Bulletin 03.06.11
- SNAP Wisconsin Letter to Jesuit Provincial 03.17.11
- World-Herald 03.17.11
- WISN 03.17.11
- WOWT 03.18.11
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 03.19.11
- Marquette Tribune 03.24.11
- Omaha World-Herald 04.06.11
- SNAP Statement 06.05.14
- The Catholic Voice 12.03.18
- Jesuits Midwest Province List 12.17.18
- Archdiocese of Omaha List updated 06.01.19
- NE A.G. Report 11.04.21
- Court Docs on 1967 Conviction 06.16.67
- United Press International 06.07.85
- United Press International 11.06.85
- Court Docs on 1985 Criminal charges 11.07.85
- Associated Press 04.17.02
- Advocate 04.19.02
- Dallas Morning News 05.04.02
- Dallas Morning News 08.08.02
- Times-Picayune 02.16.09
- Archdiocese of Mobile List 12.06.18
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province List 12.07.18
- KATC 01.13.19
- Diocese of Alexandria List 02.06.19
- Avoyelles Today 02.10.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Oregonian 10.07.05
- CBS 5 10.25.05
- Marlin Independent Journal 10.26.05
- Oregonian 11.14.05
- Oregonian 11.30.05
- Marin Independent Journal 12.01.05
- Table: The Oregonian 11.12.06
- KTVU 11.28.06
- Marin Independent Journal 11.28.06
- Fresno Bee 11.29.06
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- Boston Globe 03.08.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- Boston Globe 01.14.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.05.03
- Boston Globe 04.16.03
- Providence Journal (AP) 05.13.04
- Telegram & Gazette 01.10.05
- Boston Globe 10.01.05
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Globe 02.27.11
- Patriot Ledger 03.19.11
- Boston Globe 03.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Providence Journal 11.28.15
- Boston Globe 02.29.16
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Press Herald 11.28.17
- Bangor Daily News 11.29.17
- Portland Press Herald 12.01.17
- Portland Press Herald 12.01.17
- Associated Press via NH Register 12.16.17
- Press Herald 12.17.17
- ABC 6 05.04.18
- Portland Press-Herald 09.22.18
- Associated Press 09.24.18
- Bangor Daily News 09.24.18
- Portland Press-Herald 09.25.18
- Press Herald 01.12.19
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- VTDigger 04.20.21
- KMOV 05.02.22
- Spokesman Review 09.09.06
- Seattle Times 09.09.06
- KGW (AP) 09.15.06
- Spokesman Review 09.27.06
- KGW (AP) 09.27.06
- KGW (AP) 09.28.06
- Seattle Times 09.29.06
- Seattle Times 10.04.06
- Seattle Times 10.13.06
- Seattle Times 10.16.06
- Seattle Times 11.23.06
- Seattle Times 07.12.07
- Seattle University 07.12.07
- Statement by Diocese of Spokane 11.21.07
- Post Intelligencer 10.22.08
- The Oregonian 03.03.09
- Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit 11.12.09
- The Oregonian 02.27.10
- PCVA Press Release 03.25.11
- The Oregonian 03.25.11
- Spokesman-Review 03.26.11
- Burger’s Beat 05.30.14
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- The Spectator 06.07.18
- Jesuits West Province List 12.07.18
- Jesuits U.S. Central and Southern List 12.17.21
- Diocese of Lake Charles List 01.19.22
- Archdiocese of New Orleans List 06.03.22
Fr. John H. Acres
Fr. Thomas G. Allender

Fr. Gerald A. Armstrong

Fr. Rene Astruc

Fr. Englebert M. Axer

Fr. Joseph A. Balfe

Fr. Oscar Bandini-Beguerisse
Fr. Michael L. Barber
Fr. Daniel Ramsey Barfield

Fr. Michael O. Barry
Fr. Charles Arnold Bartles
Fr. Harry J. Barton

Fr. John B. Baud

Fr. David C. Bayne

Fr. Arnold R. Beezer

Fr. John F.X. Bellwoar

Br. Robert L. Benish

Fr. William Norbert Bischoff

Fr. Jody P. Blanchard

Fr. Louis A. Bonacci

Fr. John L. Bonn

Br. Everard J. Booth

Fr. Jose Angel Borges Flores

Fr. Claude P. Boudreaux

Fr. Francis C. Bourbon

Br. J. Patrick Sheehy

In 6/2021 the Brebeuf Jesuit High School president announced that Sheehy had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a student in 1978, while a resident of the Brebeuf Jesuit Community. School leadership was notified of the allegation in 2/2020. The Jesuits Midwest Province list in 1/2022 revealed multiple allegations agains Sheehy, with incidents 1967, 1975, 1984-1988 while Chaplain of the Marion County Sheriff's Department and residing at Breubeuf. Sheehy entered the order in 1959. He was the Brebeuf High's president 1987-1992. Died 10/23/1992.
Fr. H. Cornell Bradley

Removed from ministry in 1/2006. Name released in 1/2007 when the Order admitted that he had engaged in "sexual misconduct" with an adult woman in the early 1980s in Baltimore. Another 2006 allegation involved a minor at Gonzaga College High School in Washington DC in 1973. First two allegations involving minors were made in 1993; reported to have sexually abused two boys, age 15, between 1968 and 1988. Sent for treatment and returned to ministry by the Order in 1995. Assigned to St. Joseph University as campus minister and basketball team chaplain until 1/2006. Also worked in NC, Philadelphia and India. Five more complaints received as of 3/2007. On the Jesuits' MD Province list in 12/2018. Left the Order in 2007. Police report filed in Charlotte NC 3/5/2019 by a man alleging Bradley and Fr. Damian Lynch each abused him as a teen in NC in the 1990s. Added to Baltimore archdiocese's list in 2/2019. On Charlotte diocese's list 12/29/2019. Included in the 4/5/23 MD Attorney General's Report.
Fr. John A. Bradley

Fr. Floyd A. Brey

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list updated 2/21/2020. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring in 1958, while assigned to Marquette University High School in Milwaukee. Also on the Memphis diocese's list 2/28/2020. Brey worked at St. Mary's Hospital in Humboldt TN in 1971, and 1972-1975 he was chaplain at St. Vincent Hospital in Monett, MO. Added to Springfield-Cape Girardeau list by 4/13/2021 and on the Diocese of La Crosse list in 12/2020. He died 12/14/1996.
Fr. Emmanuel Briffa
Fr. Henry A. Brockman
Fr. Robert C. Broome

Fr. John Joseph Brown

Fr. Edward Thomas Burke

Fr. Ignatius M. Burrill

Fr. Francis Burris

Fr. Charles Jeffries Burton

Br. Donald J. Butler

Fr. William B. Cahill

Fr. Francis W. Callan

Fr. Peter J. Callery

Rev. Daniel V. Campbell

Added in 2/2023 to the Jesuits' Southern and Central Province's list of credibly accused. Campbell was a St. Louis University faculty member in the late 1950s. Abuse estimated to have occurred during 1955-1959. Per his obituary, Campbell taught at St. Louis University High School, SLU's Parks College in Cahokia and Marquette University. He was a member of the Province's Mission Band, preaching at retreats in the 1940s, and for eight years an Air Force chaplain. He died in 1986.
Fr. John J. Campbell

Fr. Roy B. Campbell

Fr. Donald R. Campion

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list in 1/2022. It notes a credible allegation of abuse of a minor occurring in the 1960s, reported in 2021. Educator, writer and editor of America Magazine. Died in 12/1988.
Fr. Francis E. Canfield

Added in 10/2023 to the Midwest Province Jesuits' list of those with 'established allegations.' A former St. John's High School in Toledo student told the Province in 2022 that Canfield sexually abused him during 1999-2000. Canfield was a teacher at the school 1990-2005. He died in 5/2023. In 4/2024 St. Ignatius High School authorities announced that an allegation that Canfield sexually abused a student in 2011-2012 had been deemed credible. The school received the allegation in 12/2023. Canfield was assigned to St. Ignatius 2006-2014.
Fr. J. Michael Cannon

Fr. Cornelius J. Carr

Fr. Paul Carrier

Fr. Martin J. Casey

Included on the Maryland Province Jesuits list in 12/2018 of those with a "reasonable possibility" of having abused a minor. It notes that the allegation was made after Casey's death in 2006 of abuse in 1959 while pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Washington, DC. Reportedly the Jesuits were first told of the allegation in 2002.
Br. Francis P. Chapman

Seminarian Victor Charlo

Seminarian Mark A. Clark
Fr. Francis X. Cleary

Fr. Eugene J. Colosimo

Fr. James A. Condon

Fr. Thomas E. Connolly

Br. Charles Leonard Connor

Fr. J. Peter Conroy

Fr. Jules Convert

Fr. Patrick J. Conway

Fr. Paul F. Corkery

Mr. Robert Cornigans

Fr. Robert F. Corrigal

Fr. John M. Costello

Fr. John A. Coughlin

Fr. Charles G. Coyle

Fr. C. Edward Crews

Ordained for the Jesuits. Assigned briefly to parishes in Monterey, Fresno, and Exeter. In Mexico 1952-1955, then worked at a parish in Oxnard CA for two years, after which he no longer appears in the Official Catholic Directory. Died in 1985. Crews' death notice identifies him as Rev. Edward Crews. Named publicly as accused by the Monterey Diocese on its list 1/2/2019, which notes a report in 2002 of abuse in 1954.
Fr. Robert B. Cullen

Fr. William J. Cullen

Fr. John J. Cullinan

Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 12/2022. Multiple allegations, substantiated. Died in 1974. Per his obituary, Cullinan worked in the La Crosse diocese for 21 years. He also taught at Loyola Academy in Chicago IL, Xavier High School in Cincinnati OH, and St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland OH.
Fr. James J. Curry

Fr. Arnold L. Custer

Fr. Stephen F. Dawber

Fr. Thomas F. Denny

Fr. Edward D. DeRussy

Fr. Raymond A. Devlin

Fr. Donald J. Dickerson

Fr. Augustine M. Dimier
Fr. Andrew C. Dittrich

Fr. L. Joseph Dondero

Fr. Norman E. Donohue

Fr. John M. Doolan

Fr. Joseph C. Dooley

Fr. Michael E. Dorrler

Fr. Dominic W. Doyle

Fr. Roy A. Drake

Fr. Willard J. Dressel

Fr. Francis Duffy

Fr. William J. Duffy

Fr. John H. Duggan

Fr. Raymond V. Dunn
Fr. Sebastian C. Elanjimannil
Br. Hal Ellis
Fr. George S. Endal

Spent most of his priesthood in AK. Died 11/15/2996. Accused in a 2005 lawsuit of sexually abusing a girl over a 3-year period, beginning in 1966 when she was age 9. Two men joined the suit in 2/2006. Endal was the supervisor of two other accused Jesuits, Lundowski and Smario, and did not act when he received complaints against them. Claims included in 11/2007 settlement with the Jesuits. In 1/2009 43 suits were filed against Jesuits; many named Endal as abuser. Two or more pending claims are in bankruptcy reorganization docs for the Fairbanks Diocese 1/25/2010. In 2/2012 the Fairbanks diocese noted 26 reports of abuse by Endal. On the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes allegations of abuse 1955-1960, 1964-1968, 1973-1976 and 1978-1982, reported in 2004, 2008 and 2009.
Fr. Francis T. Ennis

Fr. Andrew M. Eordogh

Fr. Harold H. Ernsdorff

Fr. Francis P. Ernst

Named publicly as accused in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. Worked in PA, MD and VA. Parish priest, teacher, campus minister. Report to the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 2011 that Ernst sexually abused and raped a boy, ages 12-14, at St. Augustine in Elkridge MD, where he was assigned 1998-2004. The person reporting believed that other children were abused as well. In 9/2022 a family member of the alleged victim told the MD Attorney General's office that the abuse began when the boy was age 6-7, and that Ernst kept a book of photos of naked boys. Ernst died in 2004.
Fr. Robert J. Erpenbeck

Fr. Bernard D. Fagan

Fr. Francis J. Fallert

Fr. Arthur A. Falvey

Fr. Mark A. Falvey

Accused in 2002 and 2003 by three people of abuse in 1950s-1960s. Named in multiple civil suits. Worked in CA, China, the Philippines. Accused of abusing at least 10 children 1959-1975. Died 5/13/1975. Tentative settlement of $16M reached between 9 plaintiffs and the Jesuits in 5/2007. Philippines presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte said in 12/2015 that Falvey abused him when he was a freshman at Ateneo de Davao High School, and that he molested other students as well. Twin brother of Fr. Arthur Falvey who also was accused of abuse in a 2009 settlement of a separate case. The same man later received settlements from the Jesuits, the Sacramento diocese and Los Angeles archdiocese for claims of abuse in Sacramento by both Frs. Mark and Arthur Falvey 1955-1961. The abuse allegedly occurred during Mark Falvey's visits with Arthur in Sacramento.
Fr. John L. Farrand

Br. William C. Farrington

Fr. Father Sullivan
Fr. John Ferone

Director of Adult Faith and Ignatian Programming at St. Xavier High School when removed 2/23/2018 due to an allegation that he solicited sex from a student via text message. School officials were made aware of the incident 2/15/2018. Police were notified. The School released a statement 4/19/2018.
Fr. Augustine J. Ferretti

Fr. Mark A. Finan

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. Multiple allegations of abuse occurring while assigned to St. Ignatius Prep in Chicago in 1944 and St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, OH 1964-1965. Dismissed from the Jesuits 4/13/1973. Died 11/18/1993, age 77. Per his obituary, Finan "spent his later years serving in the Los Angeles [CA] area." The Province's list revised 2/21/2020 shows dates of abuse in Cincinnati as 1963-1965. Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/2022. Included on the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Fr. Joseph F. Fitzpatrick

Br. Francis Fox
One pending claim against Fox is shown in bankruptcy reorganization documents for the Fairbanks diocese 1/25/2010. Noted by the diocese on its list to have died in 1994.
Fr. John P. Fox

Fr. Joseph P. Fox

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019, which notes a report in 2012 of abuse of a minor 1956-1957. Fox was assigned during that time to Bobola House in Boston. Fox died in 1988.
Fr. Gerard J. Koob

"Gerry." Accused by two women of having repeatedly raped them in the early 1970s, when they were Keough High School students. One of them said she reported her allegations multiple times, beginning in 2014, to county and city police and the city state's attorney's office. She also said three other women alleged Koob behaved inappropriately around them when they were girls. The second woman came forward to police, the Archdiocese and the Jesuits in 2023. Both were interviewed by the MD Attorney General's office; its 4/5/2023 report referred to Koob not by name, but as "the Jesuit intern." Both women also said they were repeatedly sexually assaulted by Frs. Joseph Maskell and Neil Magnus. Koob denied the allegations. Koob was dating Sr. Cathy Cesnik in 1969 when she disappeared and was later found murdered. In 7/2023 the case is unsolved. Koob left the priesthood around 1979. He married, became a Methodist minister and raised a family in NJ.
Fr. Burton J. Fraser

Br. Paul A.V. Frey

Fr. Raymond Fullam

Fr. Chester E. Gaiter

Br. Rene Gallant
Fr. John J. Gallen

Fr. Thomas M. Gannon

Fr. Stephen M. Garrity

Fr. Gerald B. Garvey

Fr. John F. Garvey

Br. James F. Gates
Fr. Louis J. Geis
Fr. Joseph C. Gill

Fr. Francis P. Gillespie

Removed by the Jesuits from ministry 9/29/21 pending an investigation of an allegation that he sexually abused a boy, beginning when the boy was age 8, during 1994-99. Gillespie was pastor at the time in question of Our Lady of the Assumption in Charlotte and the boy was a student at the parish school. He filed suit 11/18/21. Gillespie left the Charlotte diocese in 2002 for the Diocese of Raleigh until 2008, then to the Diocese of Charleston, SC, returning in 1/21 to Raleigh. A criminal investigation into the allegations was closed in 11/21 because the alleged victim chose not to prosecute.
Fr. James Joseph Gormley

Fr. James C. Gould

Fr. Harold J. Greif

Fr. Oscar Gumucio
Fr. Jaime Guzman
Fr. Thomas R. Haller

Entered the Jesuits in 1940. Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. Multiple allegations of abuse, occurring in 1950 while assigned to Campion High School in Prairie du Chien, WI and in the 1960s while assigned to Creighton Prep in Omaha. Dismissed from the Jesuits in 8/1982, laicized in 1983. Added to the La Crosse diocese's list 2/5/2020. Died 12/20/2001 in San Jose, CA.
Fr. Henry G. Hargreaves

Fr. John S. Harrington
Fr. Bernard A. Harris

Fr. Richard G. Hartnett

Fr. Thomas J. Hatrel
Fr. Thomas J. Hidding

Fr. Charles E.F. Hoefner

Assigned for 39 years to St. Ignatius Loyola Church in Manhattan. Died in 1992. Accused in a 2019 lawsuit of sexually abusing a a boy, age 14, over a two-year period in the 1970s. The boy was a Horace Mann Prep School student whose music teacher allegedly forced him to join the choir at St. Ignatius Loyola. Per Hoefner's accuser, the abuse occurred after choir practice behind locked doors and included rape and violent spankings, and Hoefner watching as other men took turns assaulting him. Further, the music teacher allegedly took the boy to Church of the Sacred Heart in Yonkers to participate in a brass quartet, and was there sexually abused by three Capuchin Franciscan monks. Hoefner's accuser was one of dozens of Horace Mann alumni alleging abuse at the school by staff members.
Fr. Edward D. Horgan

Fr. John W. Hough
Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/2019. Accused of abuse in the 1970s. Unclear where the abuse allegedly accused. Worked at Jesuit high schools in Wichita, KS and St. Louis, MO. Left the Jesuits and priesthood in 1977. Allegation received after 1977. Included on the Wichita diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Deceased.
Fr. James P. Hurley

Fr. James E. Jacobson

Br. Ignatius J. Jakes

Fr. Albert A. Janka

Fr. Robert J. Joda

Taught 1952-1955, while a seminarian, at Campion Jesuit High School in Prairie du Chien WI. Faculty member at Marquette University for 50 years. Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring while assigned to Marquette University in 1970. Permanently removed from public ministry. Known in 2016 to be living in a Milwaukee retirement community. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Br. Robert E. Joyce
Seminarian Francis J. Kegel
Fr. Patrick Kelly
Fr. Daniel J. Kenney

Worked in WI, NE, MA, SD, Nairobi Kenya. Nicknamed "the Monkey Priest" because he carried around a monkey hand puppet. Named publicly as accused by the Omaha archdiocese on its list 11/30/2018. Allegation noted to have been received in 2012 of abuse 1985-1987. Reportedly there were eight allegations of child sexual abuse. Per the NE Attorney General's report in 11/2021, in 1985 Kenney asked a boy age 13 or 14, to show him his penis size. Another man alleged that when he was a freshman at Creighton Prep, Kenney called him into confession and told him to lock the door and show him his penis to see if it was developing adequately. Kenney also reportedly stalked the boy. Removed in 1989 from Creighton Prep after a parent filed a report with Child Protective services. Removed in 2002. Included on the Jesuits Midwest Province list 12/17/2018. It notes multiple allegations of abuse, occurring while assigned to Creighton Prep 1980-1987. Permanently removed from public ministry. Living in a Jesuit community from 2003. Twelve more men told a newspaper reporter in 2019 that Kenney abused them as Creighton Prep students, with the same modus operandi. The Province's 2/21/2020 revised list shows years of alleged abuse while at Creighton Prep as 1978-1987. Laicized 11/3/2020.
Fr. Gordon L. Keys

Fr. David G. King

Fr. Dennis P. Kirchoff
Fr. Allan F. Kirk

Seminarian Gunter Klingenbrunner
Fr. Bernard P. Knoth

Fr. J. Robert Koch

Fr. Patrick Koch

Fr. Leonard A. Kohlman

Fr. Michael R. Kolb

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring while assigned to Marquette University High School in 1986. Permanently removed from public ministry. Per the Province's list updated in 10/2023, abuse also is alleged in to have occurred in 1990. Kolb died 3/8/2023.
Fr. Edward J. Konat
Seminarian Michael Kosak
Fr. Michael J. Kossak

Seminarian Theodore Kowalski
Fr. Philip D. Kraus

Fr. James F. Kuntz

Fr. Richard James Kurtz

Fr. Francis M. Landwermeyer

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Central and Southern Province on its list 12/7/18. Accused of abuse in the 1960s and 1970s. First assignment was Jesuit College Prep in Dallas. Also worked in Shreveport LA, New Orleans, Tampa FL, Milwaukee WI, Biloxi MS, Charleston Heights SC, Saginaw MI, Columbia SC, and San Antonio TX. Removed from ministry in 2010. Died 9/5/18 in TX. On Charleston diocese's list 3/29/19. On Saginaw's list 4/10/19.
Fr. John H. Lane

Fr. James R. Laudwein

Fr. Joseph R. Laughlin

Fr. John P. Leary

Fr. Maurice T. Lebel

Fr. Charles W. Lehmkuhl
Fr. Gerhardt B. Lehmkuhl

Fr. Jerold W. Lindner

Fr. Paul H. Linssen

Fr. Segundo Llorente

Fr. Charles M. Loeffler
Fr. James D. Loeffler

Fr. Arthur J. Long

Fr. J. Roger Lucey

Deacon Joseph C. Lundowski

Fr. Alfonso Madrid

Fr. Eugene A. Maio

Fr. Vincent R. Malatesta

Fr. Egon Mallman

Fr. Angel Crisostomo Mariano

Fr. Carsten P. Martensen

Fr. Otto Martinez
Fr. Pedro Martinez
"Pete." Died in 1996. Named publicly as accused by the El Paso diocese on its list 1/31/19. Lawsuit filed in 8/19 claims Martinez abused a boy during trips to Deming beginning in around 1968. Settled in 1/23.
Fr. Joseph McAsey
Fr. George V. McCabe

Fr. Richard L. McCaffrey

Fr. David F. McCarthy

Fr. John Joseph McCarthy
Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019. Allegations of abuse in the 1970s reported in 2005 and 2018. Assigned to Fordham University in the Bronx 1956-1992. Worked at Loyola High School in Baltimore MD 1946-1949. McCarthy died in 1997. Added to Baltimore archdiocese's list 4/24/2019. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report. Named in a lawsuit in 11/2024 against Fordham University as one of multiple priests at the university who sexually abused children on campus. Three plaintiffs claim abuse by McCarthy, and that he would lure neighborhood children with fun activities and candy. One man said he was abused during sleepovers with McCarthy and other kids. He also reportedly would take several children at a time to a back room, force them to fondle each other and him or pose with each other for nude photos. Some of the abuse also allegedly took place on overnight trips to Peconic Bay. McCarthy's victims were ages 10-15.
Fr. John W. McDonald

Br. Howard J. McDonough
Fr. James M. McDonough

Fr. Donald J. McGuire

Fr. Joseph E. McInnis

Reportedly in 2003, a lawsuit was filed on behalf of a woman who alleged up to 200 incidences of sexual abuse by McInnis when she was 6-11 years old. He was working at St. Monica's parish in Boston at the time of the alleged abuse. He died in 1986. The suit settled as part of a massive Boston $85M settlement in Fall, 2003. At least one other suit was settled with a woman alleging abuse by McInnis at age 15 at St. James in Arlington, MA 1968-1969. Included on the Jesuits Northeast Province list of credibly accused 1/15/2019 (spelled McInnes). It notes allegations in the 2000s of abuse of multiple minors 1960s-1980s.
Fr. William T. McIntyre

Fr. Neil P. McLaughlin

Fr. Patrick L. McLaughlin

Fr. Francis J. McManus

Fr. Bernard Francis McMeel

Fr. Patrick H. McNamara
Fr. James L. McShane
Fr. Thomas S. McShane

Br. Fenton J. Melia

Fr. Gabriel M. Menager

Fr. Maurice F. Meyers

Fr. John Ralph Moholy

Fr. James Thomas Monaghan

Br. John Rodrigues Moniz
Fr. Phillip T. Mooney

Fr. Vincent P. Mooney

Br. Clarence Moreau
Fr. John N. Morfin

Fr. Philip D. Moriarty

Fr. Gerard A. Morin

Fr. John J. Morse

Fr. Cornelius K. Murphy

Fr. Edward P. Murphy

Fr. James Glenn Murray

Br. William J. Nash
Fr. William T. Nash
Fr. Donald O. Nastold

Fr. Thomas J. Naughton

Fr. Francis X. Nawn

Fr. Edward J. O’Brien

Fr. Eugene J. O’Brien

Br. John P. O’Brien
Fr. James V. O’Connor

Fr. Paul Cornelius O’Connor

Fr. John G. O’Flaherty
Fr. Peter P. O’Grady

Fr. Patrick Henry O’Liddy

Fr. William J. O’Malley

Fr. Patrick Joseph O’Reilly

Fr. Thomas E. O’Rourke

Fr. Donald J. O’Shaughnessy

Fr. Joseph L. Obersinner

Fr. Aloysius Ochoa
Br. Charles A. Onorato

Fr. Vincent A. Orlando

Fr. Garrett D. Orr

Fr. Eugene F. Orteneau

Fr. Miguel Angel Ortiz
Br. Claude L. Ory

Fr. Joseph V. Owens
Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/19. Admitted in 1992 to abusing minors 1970s-1990s. Ministry restricted in 1993 and "impeded" in 2002. Worked in Jamaica (1970-1977), CT (1978-1979), FL (1980-1982), Honduras (1983-2002) and Nicaragua (2003-2006). On Norwich diocese's list 2/22/2019. (Ordination date shown as 1971; he is first indexed in the Official Catholic Directory in 1967, which indicates a likely 1966 ordination year.)
Fr. Zacharias Palakunnel
Fr. Anthony J. Paone

Fr. Austin N. Park

Named publicly as accused in 12/18 by the Jesuits' Central and Southern Province. Abuse allegedly occurred in the 1960s. Worked in El Paso, TX; San Antonio, TX; Miami, FL; Grand Coteau, LA; Tampa, FL; New Orleans, LA; Houston, TX; Greenville, SC; Kinder, LA; Shreveport, LA; Mobile, AL; Puerto Rico; Oakdale, LA. Died in 2013. On San Antonio archdiocese's list 1/31/19. A family member reported in 2013 that Park had abused two children in the archdiocese in the late 1950s-early 1960s. On Charleston diocese's list 3/29/19. On Lake Charles diocese's list 4/11/19.
Seminarian Eugene E. Parshall
Fr. Richard J. Pauson

Fr. J. Donald Pearce

Fr. Keith F. Pecklers

Fr. Sylvester D. Penna

Fr. Richard D. Perry

Fr. George M. Pieper

Fr. Eugene E. Pierre

Fr. Edward L. Pigott

Allegations were made public in 2/2020 of psychological and sexual abuse by Pigott while assigned to St. Xavier High School between 1992 and 1994. Per the school, an independent investigation showed the allegations to be "established." Pigott was part of the St. X community 1969-2018. The allegations surfaced after the school released in 2018 a list of Jesuits with established allegations. Added to the Jesuits Midwest Province list 2/21/2020. It notes multiple allegations of abuse, occurring 1992-1995 while at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati. The Order's list updated 1/30/2023 shows abuse alleged to have occurred 1973-1977, 1982-1983, 1986-1990, 1992-1997. Included on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list in 2/2022. Pigott died 12/27/2020.
Fr. Alvin J. Pilie

Fr. James W. Plamondon

Fr. Leo E. Pollard

Fr. James E. Poole

Fr. John J. Powell

Fr. Edmund P. Power
Fr. Thomas J. Powers

Fr. James F.X. Pratt

Fr. Thomas E. Pyne

Included on the Jesuits Maryland Province list in 12/2018 of those with reasonable possibility of having sexually abused minors. Allegedly abused multiple minors in the 1960s in Washington DC, where he worked at Gonzaga College High School. Pyne left the Jesuits in 1968 and died in 1999.
Fr. Samuel H. Ray

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits' Central and Southern Province on its list 12/17/2021. Noted to have more than one allegation against him. Abuse estimated to have occurred in the 1940s and 1950s. Ray died in 1983. Included in 6/2022 on the New Orleans archdiocese's list, where he was assigned at some point; no known abuse there.
Fr. M. Lawrence Reuter

Fr. Bradley R. Reynolds

Seminarian Leonard Riforgiato

Fr. Gerald R. Rippon

In a 1/2019 letter to Alumni, Regis High School in NYC officials named former faculty members who had been accused of abuse of minors, including Rippon. Per the letter, Rippon's case did not meet the standards to be included on the Jesuits' Northeast Province list of those with credible allegations against them. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 6/2021 under the NY Child Victims act of sexually abusing a boy, age 15, in 1969 at Regis High School in NYC. The boy was a student. The abuse allegedly occurred about three times in Rippon's office. Rippon worked at Regis 1967-1983 and 1984-1985. Prior to ordination he taught at St. Xavier High School in NYC 1957-1960. He died in 1986.
Fr. Edmund J. Robinson

Fr. Perry L. Robinson

Fr. Elmo J. Rogero

Fr. Norman J. Rogge

Fr. Richard H. Roos

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019. It notes that allegations were received in 2001 of abuse of a minor in the 1980s, and that Roos admitted the abuse. "Restricted" in 2001, "impeded" in 2019. Included in 1/2021 on the Diocese of Fall River's list of accused, where he was assigned at 1969-1971 to Bishop Connolly High School.
Br. John I. Ryan
Fr. John T. Ryan
Fr. William J. Ryan
Fr. Charles A. Saalfeld

Fr. Jan Sanders
Fr. William J. Scanlon

Fr. John Schwartz

Fr. John M. Scott

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province in 1/2022. Noted to have a single allegation against him of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring in 1969 at Campion High School in Prairie du Chien. Scott died 12/27/2007. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Included in 10/2021 on the Omaha archdiocese's list.
Fr. Vincent P. Scott
Seminarian Paul F. Rodgers
Named publicly as the subject of multiple allegations by the Jesuits Midwest Province in 1/2022. Entered the Jesuits in 1974. Allegedly sexually abused minors 1979-1981 while assigned to St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, OH. Dismissed from the order 6/13/1982.
Fr. James T. Sheehan

Fr. John R. Shepherd

Fr. Anthony J. Short

Fr. Frederick Simoneau
Fr. James A. Sinnerud

Fr. Wilton L. Skiffington

Fr. Gerald F. Smola

Fr. Benjamin G. Smylie

Br. John Sorisio
Fr. Stephen Emmett Speciale

Accused of abuse 1985-1986. Settled in 1993 for $60K. Another suit filed 2003. Accused of sexually abusing a boy, age 11, in 1985 at a Santa Barbara parish. Named in 2004 Los Angeles archdiocesan report. Included on the Jesuits West Province list 12/7/2018. It notes a report in 1991 of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring "TBD." Dismissed from the order in 12/1989.
Fr. William J. Spine

Fr. Theodore J. St. Hilaire

Br. Wellington Joseph Stanislaus
Fr. William F. Stolzman

Fr. Gerald A. Streeter

Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. A single allegation was received after Streeter's death of abuse occurring while assigned to Loyola Academy in Wilmette 1963-1964. Taught religion, speech and drama at Brebeuf Prep High School in Indianapolis 1969-1994. Died 10/31/1996. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Fr. Edward M. Stretch

Fr. Charles E. Sullivan

Fr. Jerry Sullivan
Fr. Thomas J. Sullivan

Fr. Phil Sunseri

Fr. Louis J. Taelman

Fr. James F. Talbot

Fr. John R. Thatcher

Fr. Michael T. Toulouse

Fr. Joseph C. Towle

Br. Benjamin A. Trautman
Fr. Gary D. Uhlenkott

Fr. Harry R. Untereiner

Fr. Bernard Van der Schueren

From Belgium. Died 7/25/2009. Diocese of Marquette announced 11/15/2013 that it had received a credible allegation of abuse of a minor by 'Fr. Ben' in 1989 while he filled in at St. Michael Parish in Marquette. The allegation was reported to the Jesuits and to the county prosecutor's office. Included on the Jesuits Midwest Province list 12/17/2018. Included in the MI Attorney General's 10/2022 report, which shows that the allegation was of sexual abuse of a boy, age 10 or 11, in the summer of 1987 and 1988.
Fr. Arthur O. Verdieck

Fr. Robert E. Voelkle

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019. It notes reports in 1980 and in the 2000s of abuse of minors 1960-1980. Worked at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester 1962-1965 and 1968-1969, and at Regis High School in NYC 1969-1980. (The 1972 Regis High School yearbook is dedicated to Voelke, nicknamed "Voelks.") Voelkle left the Jesuits in 1985 and died in 2016. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 7/2020 under the NY Child Victims act of sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy in 1976. The boy was a Regis High School student. Accused in a 8/2021 lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy, also a Regis High School student, age 16, in 9/1980. Another former Regis High School student filed suit in 11/2023, alleging abuse by Voelkle when he was age 19 in 1979 or 1980.
Fr. Kenneth T. Walleman

Fr. J. Patrick Walsh
Named publicly as credibly accused by the U.S. Central and Southern Province Jesuits on its list in 12/2021, with one allegation. Abuse estimated to have occurred 1959-1960. Noted to have died in 1993. Included in 1/2022 on the Diocese of Lake Charles list, where the alleged abuse occurred. Also on the New Orleans archdiocese's list.
Fr. James P. Walsh
Fr. William J. Walsh

In 1996 five of Walsh's nieces told the Jesuits that Walsh sexually abused them hundreds of times as children in the 1940s-1960s, when they were ages 5-14. Walsh was teaching in China in 1996. He was recalled, assigned to the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, and sent to St. Luke institute for treatment. The women made their allegations public in 1998 because the Order had not removed their uncle. Placed on leave. Per the Order's MD Province, there were credible allegations against Walsh of abuse occurring in the 1950s -1980s. After his removal in 1998, he lived until 2010 at Ferdinand Wheeler House in Baltimore, then the Colombiere Jesuit Community until his death at age 95 in 12/2018. Included on the Province's list 12/17/2018 which notes reports of sexual abuse in PA, MD and DC. Added to the Baltimore Archdiocese's list in 2/2019. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.
Fr. William C. Wehrle

Worked in the Archdioceses of Baltimore MD, Washington DC and Omaha NE, and the Diocese of Albany NY, Pittsburgh PA and Denver CO. Baltimore files show multiple allegations and subsequent transfers of Wehrle. Removed from his DC parish where he worked 1966-1971. Worked in Denver 1974-1981; removed and sent to Baltimore, with a reference to "photography of little girls." Sent to treatment in NC. Worked in Baltimore 1981 or 1982-1985. Accused of sexual abuse of young girls in the mid-1980s at his parish in Woodstock MD. Removed. Again reassigned, to a parish in Pittsburgh PA. Died 8/25/1995. Included on Baltimore's 9/2002 list of accused priests and religious. On the Jesuits Maryland Province list in 12/2018, noting multiple allegations of abuse in Denver and Washington DC. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.
Fr. Kevin R. White

Criminally charged in 6/2024 with raping a Boston College High School student between 2008-2009. White was a BC High theology teacher. The alleged victim first reported the abuse to the school in 2021. In 2010 White was assigned to work with Jesuit Refugee Services in South Sudan and Uganda. He transferred in 2018 to Geneva, Switzerland as JRS representative.
Fr. Carlton E. Whitten

Fr. Stanley T. Wisniewski

Br. Richard H. Witzofsky
Fr. Richard J. Wolf
Fr. John J. Wood

Fr. William J. Wood

Fr. Benjamin L. Wren