311 Accused in This Diocese
- Boston Daily Globe 03.19.59
- BishopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- KTSA 12.17.15
- Archdiocese of San Antonio List 01.31.19
- Diocese of Las Cruces List Updated 06.24.19
- Santa Fe New Mexican 07.27.24
- Watertown Tab & Press 05.16.08
- TheBostonChannel 08.30.09
- WBZ 08.30.09
- Watertown Tab & Press (AP) 08.31.09
- Boston Globe 08.31.09
- Watertown Tab & Press 08.31.09
- Metrowest Daily News 09.01.09
- Metrowest Daily News 09.02.09
- The Pilot 09.04.09
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- Archdiocee of Boston List accessed 01.17.20
- Boston List 08.18.22
- Boston Herald 04.07.97
- Boston Globe 04.08.97
- Letter from Barrett to Then-Father Lennon 05.19.98
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Globe 12.13.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.17.02
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Archdiocese of Boston List 08.25.11
- Daily News 08.26.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- The Patch 08.29.11
- The Patch 09.01.11
- BA.org Assignment Record
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 05.27.21
- Letters to Cambridge DA and to Cardinal Law 2002
- Boston Herald 12.17.02
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Diocese of Harrisburg List 08.01.18
- York Daily Record 08.01.18
- York Daily Record 08.01.18
- Pennlive 08.01.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 05.27.21
- BA.org Assignment Record
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, C A 05-0006
- Obituary from Scalabrini website
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 02.10.84
- Boston Globe 03.20.02
- Boston Globe 07.18.02
- Associated Press 07.18.02
- Patriot Ledger 07.18.02
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 08.20.10
- TheBostonChannel 08.20.10
- Patriot Ledger 08.21.10
- Boston Globe 08.24.10
- Metrowest Daily News 08.25.10
- The Pilot 08.27.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Globe Obituary 05.11.19
- Documents Released by Boston Archdiocese: Memo 08.06.96
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Globe 05.15.02
- Charlotte Observer 05.16.02
- Charlotte Observer 05.16.02
- Tulsa World 05.16.02
- Boston Globe 05.16.02
- Charlotte Observer 05.17.02
- Charlotte Observer 05.18.02
- Boston Globe 05.18.02
- Charlotte Observer 06.14.02
- Boston Herald 12.10.02
- Boston Globe 12.10.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Dewhirst Funeral Home Obituary 03.10.20
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Globe 03.24.02
- Concord Monitor (NH) 12.18.02
- Boston Herald 01.10.03
- Union Leader 01.11.03
- Boston Globe 01.14.03
- Union Leader 01.24.03
- Statement by Paul Cultrera 01.28.03
- Lowell Sun 03.11.03
- Boston Globe 11.15.04
- Lowell Sun 05.29.06
- Telegram & Gazette 11.10.06
- Toledo Blade 01.13.07
- Cherry Hill Courier-Post 01.13.07
- Amended Complaint in John Doe Nos 30-68 and Mary Roe Nos 6-8 v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston et al Cause No 05-0006(F) Suffolk Co Superior Court 12.31.07
- Boston Herald 04.18.08
- Boston Globe 04.19.08
- Patriot Ledger 01.17.09
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Salem News 03.24.12
- The Republican 03.31.16
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Gloucester Times 12.21.17
- WGBH Frontline 12.21.17
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 9.9.11
- Garabedian Letter 08.21.02
- Morrissey Press Release 08.27.02
- Patriot Ledger 08.28.02
- Boston Globe 08.28.02
- Law Letter 08.28.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Boston Globe 02.11.03
- Blog: Throw the Bums Out in 2010, 01.11.10
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Societas Apostolatus Catholici May 2007
- First Amended Complaint 10.21.02
- Boston Globe 01.30.03
- Boston Globe 01.31.03
- Dallas Morning News 09.12.04
- Dallas Morning News 09.12.04
- BIshopAccountability Boston List 02.02.07
- RichardSipecom 04.17.07
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- SNAP Statement 03.11.13
- St. Benedict’s Abbey List 01.24.23
- Marists All – Obituary 08.26.87
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, CA 05-0006
- Marists All – Obituary 08.26.87
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Lowell Sun 05.01.17
- Links to Other Bourque Documents
- Letter from Victim to Cardinal Law 02.08.94
- Auxilary Bishop Hart letter to Bishop Hughes 07.20.93
- Boston Herald 01.15.04
- News Democrat 04.13.06
- SNAP Statement 08.16.08
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Belleville News-Democrat 04.20.21
- Diocese of Belleville List 09.20.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- The Boston Channel 02.12.12
- The Enterprise 02.12.12
- Patriot Ledger 02.12.12
- The Patch 02.12.12
- Boston Globe 02.12.12
- CBS Boston 02.12.12
- Boston Herald 02.13.12
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 02.13.12
- Fox 25 02.13.12
- Salem News 02.14.12
- Boston Herald 02.14.12
- Wicket Local Braintree 02.15.12
- The Patch 02.16.12
- Wicket Local Plymouth 02.17.12
- Wicked Local Salem 02.23.12
- Wicked Local Cambridge 11.01.13
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- Bostoncom 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Archdiocesan File Search Showing Assignments and Accusations
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Boston Globe Obituary 04.15.84
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
- Letter from Eckert Law Firm to Archdiocese of Boston 09.27.93
- Associated Press 05.31.02
- Manchester Union Leader 10.12.02
- Boston Herald 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 12.20.02
- Milford Daily News 12.22.02
- Metrowest Daily News 12.22.02
- Gloucester Times 04.14.09
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Daily News 08.26.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Bostoncom 01.18.04
- New Haven Register 01.18.04
- Boston Globe 01.19.04
- Hartford Courant 01.19.04
- Boston Herald 01.19.04
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Bostoncom 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Associated Press 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Milford Daily News 06.02.03
- Milford Daily News 07.11.03
- Milford Daily News 09.11.03
- Archdiocese of Boston Press Release 03.17.06
- Patriot Ledger 03.18.06
- Boston Globe 03.18.06
- Boston Herald 03.18.06
- MetroWest Daily News 03.18.06
- Archdiocese of Boston List 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Selected Buntel Documents
- Boston Glove 02.08.02
- Boston Herald 02.08.02
- Boston Herald 02.09.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- MacLeish Brief 07.21.03
- ABC News 11.30.07
- Salon 11.30.07
- Huffington Post 11.30.07
- Boston Globe 12.01.07
- New Hampshire Sunday News 12.02.07
- Daily News 12.02.07
- Boston Herald 12.04.07
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 12.18.11
- Blake Funeral Home 11.01.22
- Boston Archdiocese List 05. 25.24
- Cape Cod Times 05.25.12
- Boston Globe 05.25.12
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 05.25.12
- San Antonio Express-News 05.25.12
- Falmouth Patch 05.25.12
- Metrowest Daily News 05.25.12
- SNAP statement 05.25.12
- Herald News 09.28.12
- SNAP Statement 09.28.12
- NECN 05.23.13
- Boston Globe 05.23.13
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 05.23.13
- Waltham Patch 05.23.13
- WCVB 05.23.13
- Patriot Ledger 05.23.13
- Cape Cod Times 05.24.13
- Boston Globe 02.04.14
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 02.04.14
- Cape News 06.19.14
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- Bostoncom 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Archdiocese of Boston List accessed 01.17.20
- Archdiocese of Boston List accessed 01.17.20
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- BA.org Assignment Record
- The Republic (AP) 09.04.13
- WESA 09.12.13
- SNAP Press Release 09.12.13
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: 1997 memo describing allegation
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: 2003 Memo about same allegation
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- SNAP Media Statement 06.17.14
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 08.17.14
- Tribune-Review 08.17.14
- Pottstown Mercury 08.18.14
- Tribune-Review 08.18.14
- WTAE 08.18.14
- SNAP Statement 08.18.14
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 08.19.14
- The Sentinel 08.20.14
- Boston Globe 10.13.20
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Mass Live 05.07.19
- Boston Globe 02.26.89
- Boston Globe 08.05.93
- West Roxbury Transcript 09.01.93
- Statement by Robert Costello 02.10.94
- West Roxbury Transcript 11.29.95
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Herald 02.16.02
- Boston Globe 12.13.02
- City of Angels 01.17.09
- Boston Globe 05.01.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Boston Globe 07.05.13
- Crux 12.22.14
- Directory Listings Compiled by Arellano of OC Weekly
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- LA Archdiocesan Report Addendum 11.15.05
- LA Times Database 4.20.06
- Wicked Local Stoneham 03.30.16
- Boston Victim’s Account 12.16.92
- Articles on Coughlin from Boston Archives
- L.A. Times 02.10.93
- L.A. Times 02.13.93
- Boston Globe 04.03.93
- Boston Herald 03.17.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- New Hampshire Attorney General Report on the Diocese of Manchester 03.03.03
- Diocese of Orange News Release 01.10.04
- L.A. Times 01.11.04
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report 02.17.04
- Orange County Weekly 07.09.04
- Orange County Weekly 04.15.05
- Orange County Register 05.17.05
- Orange County Register 05.17.05
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Boston.com 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- Orange County Register 03.30.16
- The Patch 03.30.16
- Diocese of Orange List 08.12.16
- The Patch 02.16.17
- Worthy Adversary 02.17.17
- Orange County Register 02.17.17
- Worthy Adversary 08.15.17
- Diocese of Orange List 12.18.20
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Addendum to Assignment Record
- Other Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Documents released by Archdiocese 12.18.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 12.18.02
- Documents released by Archdiocese 12.18.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Boston Globe 02.03.03
- BostonChannel 02.07.03
- Boston Globe 05.01.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Taunton Daily Gazette 08.26.11
- List of priests and pastors for Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton MA
- Boston Herald 03.03.02
- Boston Globe 08.17.02
- Boston Herald 08.17.02
- Boston Globe 08.22.02
- Boston Globe 08.23.02
- Boston Globe 08.30.02
- NY Times 08.31.02
- Boston Globe 09.04.02
- Boston Globe 01.15.03
- Boston Herald 01.16.03
- Boston Globe 01.17.03
- Boston Herald 09.25.03
- Boston Herald 12.02.03
- Boston Globe 12.03.03
- Boston Herald 12.21.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- WCVB 03.30.16
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Boston Globe 12.05.83
- Enterprise News 03.11.11
- Boston Globe 02.02.21
- Archdiocese Press Release 08.03.02
- Boston Globe 08.03.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Boston Globe 01.18.03
- Boston Herald 01.18.03
- Worcester Telegram & Gazette 11.29.06
- Boston Globe 03.02.07
- MetroWest Daily News 03.03.07
- Boston Globe 03.03.07
- TheBostonChannel 09.08.10
- WBZ 09.08.10
- Boston Globe 09.08.10
- Boston Herald 09.09.10
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- The Republic (AP) 09.04.13
- Boston Herald 08.15.02
- Boston Globe 08.15.02
- New York Times 08.15.02
- Associated Press 08.22.02
- Boston Herald 12.17.02
- Boston Herald 01.14.03
- Boston Globe 01.14.03
- Boston Globe 02.05.03
- Boston Herald 02.05.03
- Associated Press 02.06.03
- Boston Herald 02.07.03
- Suffolk Co DA Press Release 05.26.04
- Associated Press 05.26.04
- Boston Herald 05.27.04
- Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 05.31.04
- Boston Globe 01.28.10
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Herald 02.23.02
- Boston Herald 01.11.03
- Milford Daily News 07.31.03
- Boston Herald 05.23.04
- Milford Daily News 03.17.05
- Associated Press 04.25.05
- Telegram & Gazette 04.28.05
- Telegram & Gazette 05.11.05
- Telegram & Gazette 05.12.05
- Metro-West Daily News 03.18.06
- The Canoe 10.19.06
- Telegram & Gazette 10.19.06
- Telegram & Gazette 10.24.06
- Boston Herald 10.24.06
- Ottawa Citizen 11.08.06
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Chicago Tribune 03.11.12
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, C A 05-0006
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Rhode Island Courts Docket Information, nd
- John Doe 70 & 71 vs Order of Friars Minor, Province of the Most Holy Name, Suffolk Superior Court, Cause No10-3053 (A)
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 09.15.03
- Turn to 10 03.28.11
- Buffalo News 03.29.11
- Boston Herald 10.21.11
- Boston Globe 10.21.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Diocese of Norwich List 02.22.19
- Introvigne Funeral Home 08.31.19
- Plaintiff v Diocese of Paterson et al 07.30.20
- Franciscans Holy Name Province List 10.08.21
- WKBW 10.14.21
- Archdiocesan File Summary
- Archdiocesan Notes on Complaint 01.11.93
- Demand Letter 06.23.93
- Survivor’s Statement 06.23.93
- Patriot Ledger 12.17.02
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Boston Globe 01.30.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe Obituary 12.12.89
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, C A 05-0006
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.17.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Boston Herald 02.11.03
- Boston Globe 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Daily News 08.26.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- Boston Globe 12.27.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Boston Globe 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.12.03
- Boston Globe 10.08.03
- The Enterprise 02.11.05
- Boston Herald 02.12.05
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 10.30.23
- Selected Boston archdiocesan documents
- Boston Globe 02.08.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Catholic Online 03.17.06
- Metro West Daily News 03.18.06
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Eagle-Tribune 03.28.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Patch 09.01.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- Eagle Tribune 11.30.18
- Boston Globe 12.12.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- WNAW AM 1230 (AP) 01.12.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Boston Globe 09.09.12
- Boston Globe 09.09.12
- WBUR 09.10.12
- The Bulletin, West Roxbury-Roslindale 09.13.12
- Archdiocese of Boston List accessed 01.17.20
- Archdiocese of Santa Fe List 05.19.21
- Fr LaFrance letter to Cardinal Medeiros 12.09.75
- Boston Herald 02.08.02
- Boston Globe 02.08.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.08.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.17.02
- Newsday 02.10.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Ford et al v Law et al Memorandum 07.21.03
- Associated Press 10.08.03
- BostonChannel 10.10.03
- Boston Globe 03.18.06
- Patriot Ledger 03.18.06
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Herald 08.17.02
- Boston Globe 08.17.02
- Boston Globe 08.22.02
- Boston Globe 08.23.02
- Boston Globe 08.30.02
- NY Times 08.31.02
- Boston Globe 09.04.02
- Boston Globe 11.24.02
- Boston Globe 12.13.02
- Boston Herald 12.26.02
- Boston Herald 12.28.02
- Boston Globe 12.28.02
- Boston Globe 01.15.03
- Boston Herald 01.16.03
- Boston Herald 09.25.03
- Boston Herald 09.26.03
- Boston Herald 12.02.03
- Boston Herald 01.19.05
- Boston Herald 06.21.07
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Globe 05.02.50
- Boston Globe 10.03.52
- Boston Globe 11.29.52
- Boston Globe 11.01.54
- Boston Globe 03.17.59
- Boston Globe 04.17.61
- Bennington Evening Banner 06.09.61
- Boston Globe 10.13.66
- Boston Globe 10.12.67
- Boston Globe 11.21.70
- Boston Globe 09.06.73
- The Pilot 09.10.10
- Archdiocese of Boston 08.25.11
- Mass Live 05.07.19
- The Republican 05-08-19
- The Morning News 10.13.73
- Columbans U.S. Province List 02.02.22
- Boston Globe 05.02.02
- Patriot Ledger 05.15.02
- Boston Globe 09.18.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Boston Herald 12.04.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.04.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Lynn Daily Item 06.10.05
- Lowell Sun 06.10.05
- Boston Globe 06.10.05
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: 1997 letter by Fugulo denying allegation
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: 1997 memo describing allegations
- Staten Island Advance 10.20.07
- Staten Island Advance 04.27.08
- Our Lady of Pompei Church 08.31.09
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Herald 03.15.02
- Patriot Ledger 08.28.02
- Manchester Union Leader 09.13.02
- Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law 10.16.02
- Boston Herald 01.10.03
- Manchester Archives 03.03.03
- Boston Herald 07.24.03
- Boston Globe / AP 11.30.04
- Boston Globe 12.02.04
- The Pilot 10.13.06
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Union Leader 03.18.09
- Union Leader 03.19.09
- Patriot Ledger 03.20.09
- Union Leader 03.24.09
- Union Leader 03.25.09
- Foster’s Daily Democrat 04.03.09
- Foster’s Daily Democrat 05.02.09
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 05.29.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- WSAV 07.25.16
- WTOC 08.08.16
- Patriot Ledger 12.05.19
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8 v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, CA 05-0006
- Stretch Funeral Home 12.15.06
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 07.17.18
- Lawrence Eagle-Tribune 08.26.20
- Lawrence Eagle-Tribune 08.29.20
- Andover Townsman 09.03.20
- Lawrence Eagle-Tribune 10.20.21
- CBS Boston 09.23.12
- Boston Globe 09.23.12
- The Republic 09.23.12
- Boston Globe 09.24.12
- Daily Item 09.24.12
- SNAP Statement 09.24.12
- Daily Item 09.25.12
- Boston Glofe 09.16.13
- CW 56 09.16.13
- Daily Item 09.16.13
- Item 09.17.13
- Daily Item 11.07.14
- Archdiocese of Boston 09.10.20
- Boston Globe 09.10.20
- Boston Herald 09.10.20
- Boston Globe 09.13.20
- Boston Archdiocese List 12.09.20
- Flatley Memo on Allegations 08.22.94
- Flatley Memo on Allegations 07.11.96
- Boston Globe Assignment Record 01.07.02
- Boston Herald 01.30.01
- Boston Globe 01.30.01
- Boston Phoenix 03.23.01
- Boston Globe 01.06.02
- Boston Globe 08.24.03
- Boston Globe 08.25.03
- Boston Globe 08.25.03
- The Age 08.28.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Globe 11.23.09
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 05.29.10
- Boston Archdiocese List of Accused 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 09.09.11
- Orange County Weekly 03.15.13
- SNAP Statement 03.19.14
- Columbia Journalism Review 02.26.16
- Huffington Post 03.08.16
- Huffington Post 05.11.16
- Catholic Culture 04.25.17
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Bostonia 10.19.17
- AP via CBS Boston 05.31.19
- National Catholic Reporter 02.01.20
- Boston Globe 04.11.22
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Cambridge Whos Who 2009
- Biographies for Religious Jubilarians 2009
- Boston Herald 04.28.02
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Boston Herald 12.17.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.17.02
- Framingham Metro West Daily News 12.18.02
- Milford Daily News 12.22.02
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 03.09.13
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 04.08.13
- SNAP Media Statement 06.17.14
- Boston Globe 01.18.03
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- WBUR 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Bostoncom 03.28.16
- Associated Press via Tribune-Review 01.06.20
- Boston Herald 01.06.20
- Boston Globe 01.06.20
- Associated Press 01.07.20
- MassLive 01.07.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Boston Globe 01.24.01
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Miami Herald 01.27.05
- Bradenton Herald 01.28.05
- Herald Tribune (FL) 01.28.05
- Herald Tribune (FL) 01.29.05
- Bradenton Herald 01.29.05
- Bradenton Herald 02.02.05
- Herald Tribune (FL) 02.06.05
- Herald Tribune (FL) 02.13.05
- Bradenton Herald 02.23.05
- Bradenton Herald 02.24.05
- NewsManatee (FL) 08.25.05
- Boston Herald 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 01.30.03
- Boston Globe 01.31.03
- Boston Herald 01.31.03
- Patriot Ledger 01.31.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Reuters 02.11.11
- Boston Herald 02.11.11
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 02.11.11
- The Enterprise 02.11.11
- Boston Globe 02.12.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Documents from Graham Personnel File
- Boston Globe 02.08.02
- Boston Herald 02.09.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.02
- Boston Globe 05.18.02
- Boston Herald 06.05.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 01.30.03
- The Day 01.30.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Archdiocese List 05.25.24
- Boston Globe 06.26.92
- Boston Globe 10.31.92
- Boston Globe 06.14.93
- Boston Globe 09.22.93
- Boston Globe 09.23.93
- Boston Globe 09.24.93
- Boston Globe 10.08.93
- Boston Globe 03.12.94
- Atlanta Journal & Constitution 04.26.94
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Documents released by NH Attorney General 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Globe 07.24.03
- Times-Picayune 07.24.03
- Boston Globe 06.10.05
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Boston Herald 02.08.02
- Boston Globe 02.08.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.08.02
- Boston Herald 02.09.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.02
- Patriot Ledger 03.12.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Boston Herald 12.20.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 10.29.12
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Globe 08.15.02
- Boston Globe 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- CBS4Boston 06.22.06
- Boston Globe 06.28.06
- Cambridge Chronicle 06.29.06
- Adelaide Advertiser 07.29.06
- Boston Globe 07.29.06
- Boston Herald 07.29.06
- Cambridge Chronicle 08.03.06
- Standard-Times 01.26.07
- Cambridge Chronicle 01.26.07
- Cape Cod Times 01.20.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Globe Obituary 01.13.16
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Boston Herald 06.18.02
- Boston Herald 07.01.02
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Pre-Ordination Assignment List
- Archdiocesan Assignments 08.14.15
- Bishop Allue Memo to Higgins on Misconduct Report 06.11.01
- Miceli Memo on Leave Recommendation 07.12.01
- Cardinal Law Letter Placing Iguabita on Leave 07.12.01
- Higgins Notes on Mandated Report 11.16.01
- Cardinal Law Decree Starting Investigation 11.17.01
- Mandated Report of Therapist 11.19.01
- Associated Press 01.15.02
- Morrissey Statement 01.15.02
- Boston Globe 01.16.02
- Eagle-Tribune 01.16.02
- Boston Herald 01.17.02
- Boston Herald 01.19.02
- Boston Herald 04.04.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Boston Globe 06.11.03
- Boston Globe 06.28.03
- Boston Herald 06.28.03
- Boston Herald 09.15.03
- Archdiocesan Statement 02.11.05
- Boston Herald 02.12.05
- Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 06.18.07
- Boston Herald 04.18.08
- Boston Globe 04.19.08
- Eagle Tribune 02.03.11
- Archdiocesan List Section A 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 01.05.12
- Eagle-Tribune 03.18.12
- Boston Globe 10.08.15
- Eagle-Tribune 10.08.15
- Eagle-Tribune Second Article 10.08.15
- Eagle-Tribune 10.09.15
- Eagle-Tribuen 05.17.16
- Eagle-Tribune 06.02.22
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, C A 05-0006
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese list 08.25.11
- Letter by Johnson to Riley 02.28.57
- Letter by Riley to Johnson 03.04.57
- Letter by Cushing to Johnson 10.09.59
- Letter by Survivor to Law 03.12.92
- Letter by Law to Johnson 06.05.92
- Letter by Johnson to Survivor 06.08.92
- Letter by Survivor to McCormack 06.30.92
- Letter by McCormack to Survivor 07.17.92
- Letter by Johnson to McCormack 08.05.92
- Memo by McCormack 08.10.92
- Settlement Release 08.28.92
- Emails by Bishop Murphy and Murphy 05.20.98
- Boston Herald 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Boston Globe 12.27.09
- List of Boston Archdiocese 08.25.11
- WFAE 02.05.20
- Diocese of Raleigh List updated 02.07.20
- Diocese of Charlotte List 02.28.20
- Diocese of Charlotte List updated 02.28.20
- WFAE 03.02.20
- Letter from Bishop of Ratchaburi 01.08.83
- Law Letter 10.17.84
- Boston Globe 12.19.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 12.19.02
- Associated Press 10.20.03
- Boston Herald 07.16.07
- WBZ 05.12.08
- Patriot Ledger 11.01.08
- Patriot Ledger 11.01.08
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Bostonia 10.19.17
- The Guardian 12.20.17
- Boston Archdiocese List 10.11.18
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Letter 02.12.92 Describing Other Assignments
- Draft Decree 06.25.99 Removing Faculties
- Resignation Letter 05.29.99
- Boston Globe 12.18.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- WNAW (AP) 01.12.03
- Newsday 02.10.03
- Long Island Press 08.05.04
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 08.20.10
- TheBostonChannel 08.20.10
- Patriot Ledger 08.21.10
- Boston Globe 08.24.10
- Metrowest Daily News 08.25.10
- The Pilot 08.27.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- McCarthy Memo 11.03.97
- Cardinal Law & Review Board Memos 01.31.98
- Magni Letter 04.20.02
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Plaintiff Complaint v Kelley 04.29.16
- Eagle-Tribune 05.17.16
- Fox 25 05.18.16
- The Eagle-Tribune 05.19.16
- Eagle Tribune 04.28.17
- Lowell Sun 01.02.18
- Eagle Tribune 01.02.18
- Jamaica Plain News 01.05.18
- Mass Live 05.07.19
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- McKenna-Oulette Funeral Home Obituary August 2011
- Documents from Personnel File
- Boston Herald 02.28.02
- Boston Herald 03.02.02
- Boston Globe 03.20.02
- Boston Herald 03.22.02
- Manchester Union Leader 07.09.02
- Boston Globe 09.19.02
- Boston Herald 10.28.02
- Boston Globe 12.21.02
- Boston Herald 04.08.03
- Pattern and Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Boston com 01.05.05
- Patriot Ledger 01.06.05
- The Republican 01.16.09
- Patriot Ledger 01.17.09
- ItemLive 01.18.09
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Fitchburg Sentinel 06.18.69
- Telegraph 05.18.85
- Associated Press 03.28.02
- Union Leader 11.22.02
- Nashua Telegraph 11.23.02
- Union Leader 11.23.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 01.05.03
- Associated Press 02.12.03
- Union Leader 08.30.03
- Manchester Union Leader 10.02.03
- Union Leader 06.03.04
- Rhode Island Catholic 04.23.09
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Nashua Telegraph 06.01.18
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart 09.29.19
- Union Leader 07.30.02
- Boston Globe 08.10.02
- Union Leader 09.06.02
- Union Leader 11.27.02
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Documents from Manchester Report 03.03.03
- NH Dist Atty Report on Manchester Diocese 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- WMUR 08.05.04
- Springfield Republican 01.07.05
- Michael Moe et al v The Trustees of the Stigmatine Fathers, Inc aka Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata et al, Cause No 05-0059, 06.04.08
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
- NH AG File
- Boston Archdiocesan File
- Boston Globe 01.27.02
- Boston Globe 03.25.02
- Boston Globe 05.07.02
- Boston Globe 06.05.02
- Union Leader 07.09.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Boston Herald 02.12.05
- Archdiocese of Boston List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Plaintiff v RCAB and Lane US District Court MA 10.25.16
- Plaintiff v RCAB and Lane US District Court MA 03.10.17
- Archdiocese of Boston List 05.25.24https://www.bishop-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/lists-Boston-2024-05-25-Accused.pdf#page=2
- Waymarking
- Boston Herald 07.31.07
- Boston Globe 08.01.07
- Boston Pilot 08.03.07
- Boston Globe 04.11.12
- Coshocton Tribune 04.11.12
- BishopAccountability 04.11.12
- WWLP 04.11.12
- Patriot Ledger 04.11.12
- NECN 04.11.12
- Dorchester Reporter 04.12.12
- Wicked Local 04.13.12
- St Brendan Parish 04.19.12
- Dorchester Reporter 04.19.12
- Dorchester Reporter 04.19.12
- MediaReport 04.11.13
- Boston Globe 04.20.15
- Boston Archdiocese List 10.11.18
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Patriot Ledger (Quincy, MA) 03.08.05
- Boston Globe 04.27.06
- Washington Post 04.27.06
- Salem News 03.23.07
- Boston Herald (AP) 03.23.07
- The BostonChannel 03.23.07
- Patriot Ledger 05.30.07
- Hull Times 05.31.07
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Registry 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- Patriot Ledger 07.26.02
- Boston Globe 07.26.02
- Boston Globe 09.28.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.19.02
- Boston Globe 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Patch 09.01.11
- Patriot Ledger 11.17.11
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 11.17.11
- Boston Herald 11.17.11
- Boston Herald 11.18.11
- Boston Globe 06.29.14
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Globe 02.22.09
- Archdiocese of Boston Press Release 02.22.09
- Boston Globe 02.23.09
- WCVB 02.23.09
- MSNBC 02.23.09
- Daily News Tribune 02.23.09
- NECN 02.23.09
- Eagle Tribune 02.24.09
- The Pilot 02.27.09
- TheBostonChannel 01.25.10
- Patriot Ledger 01.25.10
- Boston Globe 01.26.10
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 05.29.02
- Boston Globe 05.30.02
- Boston Globe 06.01.02
- Boston Globe 09.13.02
- Patriot Ledger 09.13.02
- Patriot Ledger 10.09.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Boston Herald 12.17.02
- Boston Globe 12.17.02
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 03.23.05
- Boston Herald 03.24.05
- Boston Globe (AP) 03.24.05
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- WBZ 4 CBS 09.11.20
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 10.28.12
- Boston Globe 10.29.12
- Patriot Ledger 10.29.12
- Boston Herald (AP) 10.29.12
- WCVB 10.29.12
- Boston Archdiocese List 01.09.13
- Archdiocese of Boston 03.31.16
- Boston Globe 03.31.16
- Reuters 03.31.16
- Wicked Local Norwell 03.31.16
- Archdiocese of Boston 04.08.16
- Wicked Local Needham [MA] 04.22.16
- Canton Citizen 05.06.16
- Boston Herald 01.14.99
- Boston Globe 03.15.00
- Boston Herald 06.14.00
- Boston Herald 08.23.00
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Herald 02.11.02
- Boston Herald 02.25.02
- Boston Herald 03.15.02
- Boston Herald 05.17.02
- Boston Globe 05.17.02
- Boston Globe 05.23.02
- Deposition of Bishop John McCormack 06.03.02
- Concord Monitor 06.06.02
- Boston Globe 09.19.02
- Boston Herald 09.19.02
- The Day 01.30.03
- Documents From Manchester Report 03.03.03
- Massachusetts Attorney General’s Report, p 70 (PDF p 76) 07.23.03
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Registry 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 12.29.93
- Boston Globe 01.07.94
- Boston Globe 06.17.94
- Boston Globe 06.18.94
- Boston Globe 06.21.94
- Boston Globe 06.22.94
- United Press International 06.24.94
- Boston Globe 06.26.94
- Boston Globe 10.19.94
- Boston Globe 12.10.02
- Boston Herald 12.10.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Boston Globe 02.09.05
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 09.09.12
- Boston Globe Obituary via Legacy 03.01.20
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Herald 10.19.00
- Boston Globe 02.24.01
- Boston Herald 08.20.01
- Boston Globe 11.01.01
- Boston Herald 01.29.02
- Boston Globe 02.01.02
- National Review 02.11.02
- Boston Herald 02.17.02
- Boston Globe 06.06.02
- Boston Globe 01.31.03
- Documents from Manchester Report 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Globe 02.16.02
- Lowell Sun 02.16.02
- Boston Globe 03.06.02
- Lowell Sun 04.10.02
- Boston Globe 06.05.02
- Boston Herald 06.05.02
- Lowell Sun 06.05.02
- Lowell Sun 07.06.02
- Manchester Union Leader 07.09.02
- Lowell Sun 06.10.05
- Boston Globe 06.10.05
- Metro West Daily News 03.18.06
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.11.25
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 01.17.20
- AP 05.11.04
- AP 05.12.04
- Boston Herald 05.12.04
- Enterprise 05.12.04
- Enterprise 05.20.04
- Patriot Ledger 08.18.04
- Enterprise 08.18.04
- Boston Globe 11.09.04
- Boston Herald 03.10.05
- Boston Globe 10.08.05
- Boston Globe 02.04.06
- Patriot Ledger 02.07.06
- Patriot Ledger 04.12.06
- Patriot Ledger 04.28.06
- National Catholic Register 05.05.06
- Mass Live 05.07.19
- Boston Herald 09.19.02
- Boston Globe 09.19.02
- Boston Herald 05.16.04
- Boston Herald 05.17.04
- Boston Globe 05.17.04
- Boston Herald 05.19.04
- Boston Globe 05.23.04
- Boston Globe 09.15.04
- The Pilot 09.17.04
- Archdiocese of Boston Official Announcement 04.01.05
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 08.10.12
- Boston Globe 08.11.12
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.11.12
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- San Bernardino Sun 01.14.03
- L.A. Times 01.14.03
- Press Enterprise 01.15.03
- Boston Globe 01.18.03
- Boston Globe 02.11.03
- Boston Herald 02.11.03
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- The Patch 08.29.11
- Boston Herald 07.28.21
- Boston Globe 09.10.21
- LGBTQ Nation 09.12.21
- Boston Globe Obituary 12.04.21
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Boston Globe 12.18.02
- Milford Daily News 12.22.02
- The Day 01.30.03
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 06.13.11
- Metrowest Daily News 06.13.11
- Brockton Enterprise 06.14.11
- Boston Globe 06.14.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Boston Globe 03.06.02
- Boston Globe 03.08.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- The Day 01.16.03
- Daily News 03.05.11
- SNAP Statement 03.06.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- South Coast Today 01.11.15
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- Diocese of Norwich List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Knoxville List 03.06.20
- Diocese of Fall River List 01.26.21
- Letter from Cardinal Law to Robert Meffan 06.19.96
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- National Catholic Reporter 12.13.02
- Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law 01.22.03
- Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law 02.03.03
- Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Boston Globe 06.02.04
- Boston Herald 06.20.04
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 01.08.12
- Archdiocese of Boston Database of Accused priests
- Docket Sheet in Ford v Law et al 06.27.03
- Boston Globe 08.14.11
- Boston Herald (AP) 08.14.11
- Fox 23 08.14.11
- TheBostonChannel 08.14.11
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 08.14.11
- Fox 25 08.15.11
- Wicked Local Roslindale 08.16.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Parish of Sacred Heart Bulletin 03.18.12
- CBS Boston 03.29.12
- Archdiocese of Boston Website 03.29.12
- Metro 03.30.12
- Boston Herald 03.30.12
- Wicked Local Correspondent 03.30.12
- Boston Globe 04.30.12
- Boston Herald 04.30.12
- Wicked Local Winchester 04.30.12
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 04.30.12
- Catholicpreaching.com 05.06.19
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- WBZ 06.13.10
- TheBostonChannel 06.13.10
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 06.13.10
- CNN 06.13.10
- Patriot Ledger 06.13.10
- Boston Globe 06.14.10
- Boston Herald 06.14.10
- Patriot Ledger 06.14.10
- ABC 6 (AP) 06.15.10
- Daily Item 06.16.10
- The Pilot 06.18.10
- Patriot Ledger 06.30.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Other Assignment Record
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Memo 08.13.97 about Hotel Job and Therapy
- Documents from personnel file
- Letter from Moderator of the Curia to Morrissette 11.05.98
- Memo from Murphy to Higgins about Morrissette 12.29.99
- Boston Herald 12.04.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Newsday 02.10.03
- Boston Globe 06.04.03
- Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Boston Globe 03.19.06
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Boston Globe 01.31.02
- Boston Globe 01.31.02
- Boston Globe 02.24.02
- Boston Globe 04.03.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 12.20.02
- Newsday 02.10.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Long Island Press 08.05.04
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 09.09.11
- Boston Globe 09.09.12
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Boston Herald 05.12.04
- Patriot Ledger 05.12.04
- Boston Globe 05.12.04
- Boston Herald 08.22.04
- Patriot Ledger 08.23.04
- Patriot Ledger 04.12.06
- Patriot Ledger 04.28.06
- National Catholic Register 05.05.06
- Boston Globe 04.04.10
- Boston Channel 04.04.10
- WBZ 04.04.10
- Raynham Call 04.05.10
- Weymouth News 04.05.10
- Archdiocese of Boston Announcement 09.29.10
- Dedham Transcript 09.30.10
- Patriot Ledger 09.30.10
- Patriot Ledger 10.01.10
- Boston Globe 06.15.11
- National Survivors Advocates Coalition 06.17.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Documents from personnel file
- Boston Globe 02.08.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.08.02
- Boston Herald 02.08.02
- Patriot Ledger 02.11.02
- Boston Globe 02.24.02
- Boston Globe 12.21.02
- Lowell Sun 12.21.02
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08..18.22
- Letter to Law Describing Rome Program 05.13.96
- Boston Herald 06.26.02
- Boston Globe 12.04.02
- Post and Courier 04.24.06
- Post and Courier 04.25.06
- The Guardian 04.25.06
- Billerica Minuteman 05.04.06
- WIS TV 08.09.06
- WIS TV 08.22.06
- Post and Courier 01.27.07
- ABC 4 03.09.07
- Post and Courier 03.11.07
- ABC News 4 03.23.07
- Salem News 03.23.07
- Boston Herald (AP) 03.23.07
- WCBD (AP) 03.23.07
- The BostonChannel 03.23.07
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Post and Courier 04.25.14
- Post and Courier 01.26.16
- Diocese of Charleston List 03.29.19
- Universal Hub 02.12.22
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Archdiocese of Boston Assignment Record
- Boston Herald 0 08.07.06
- Boston Channel 04.11.12
- BishopAccountability 04.11.12
- WWLP 04.11.12
- NECN 04.11.12
- Boston Globe 04.11.12
- Coshocton Tribune 04.11.12
- Patriot Ledger 04.11.12
- Wicked Local 04.13.12
- MediaReport 04.11.13
- Boston Archdiocesan Assignment Record
- Documents from O’Leary’s Archdiocesan File
- BA Analysis of Boston Documents and Involvement of Bishop Lennon
- Patriot Ledger 02.05.03
- Boston Globe 02.05.03
- Boston Herald 02.05.03
- Experpt from Pattern and Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Union-News 02.14.92
- Union-News 02.15.92
- Sunday Republican 02.16.92
- Union-News 02.17.92
- Union-News 02.18.92
- Union-News 02.28.92
- Union-News 05.05.92
- Union-News 05.08.92
- Union-News 06.26.92
- Union-News 12.14.92
- Buffalo News 10.14.94
- Buffalo News 10.15.94
- Union-News 10.18.94
- Union-News 03.13.97
- Boston Globe 03.20.02
- Boston Globe 04.11.02
- Boston Globe 05.30.02
- Boston Herald 05.31.02
- Beliefnet 05.31.02
- Exhibit 12 to Deposition of Bishop McCormack 06.03.02
- Boston Herald 06.06.02
- Union Leader 07.09.02
- Boston Herald 01.01.03
- Boston Globe 01.01.03
- NY Times 01.08.03
- Documents in Manchester Archives 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Excerpt from Brief filed in Ford v Cardinal Law et al 07.21.03
- Boston Herald 01.15.04
- Centre Daily (AP) 05.15.04
- Duluth News Tribune 01.26.07
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Essex DA Office 10.02.15
- Boston Globe 10.02.15
- Boston Herald 10.02.15
- ABC News 10.02.15
- The Patch 10.02.15
- Reuters 10.02.15
- NECN 10.02.15
- Boston Herald 10.03.15
- Boston website 11.09.15
- St Monica Parish 11.11.15
- SNAP 12.31.15
- ABC News 02.08.17
- Eagle-Tribune 02.08.17
- Seacoast Online 02.08.17
- WHAV 02.08.17
- Portland Press Herald 02.08.17
- Bangor Daily News 02.09.17
- Boston Globe 02.09.17
- Seacoast Online 02.09.17
- Daily News 02.11.17
- WLBZ 02.11.17
- Seacoast Online 02.15.17
- NECN 02.17.17
- Portland Press Herald 02.17.17
- Seacoast Online 02.17.17
- WGME 02.17.17
- WMTW 02.17.17
- Eagle-Tribune 02.21.17
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Eagle Tribune 07.26.17
- Portland Press Herald 11.13.17
- NECN 11.16.17
- Portland Press Herald 12.01.17
- Associated Press 11.26.18
- WGME 11.26.18
- Portland Press Herald 11.27.18
- Associated Press 11.29.18
- Portland Press Herald 11.29.18
- WMUR Radio 11.29.18
- Eagle Tribune 11.30.18
- Associated Press 01.05.19
- Kennebec Journal 01.05.19
- Associated Press via WHDH 03.05.19
- NBC 10 03.26.19
- Eagle Tribune 03.29.19
- Associated Press 04.29.19
- Boston Globe 05.24.19
- Press-Herald 05.24.19
- The Press-Herald 02.12.20
- AP via Salem News 02.13.20
- NBC Boston 02.13.20
- Eagle Tribune 04.24.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- SNAP Fact Sheet 6.9.10
- US News & World Report 5.3.02
- City of Angels 2.1.10
- Boston Herald 02.18.02
- Boston Herald 02.25.02
- Boston Herald 03.18.02
- Mercury News 04.14.10
- Associated Press 04.14.10
- Boston Herald 04.15.10
- Springfield Republican 05.11.10
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 11.26.06
- CBS 4 11.27.06
- Boston Globe 11.28.06
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 11.28.06
- Telegram & Gazette 11.29.06
- Eagle Tribune 11.29.06
- Milford Daily News 11.29.06
- The Pilot 12.01.06
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 01.17.20
- Boston Archdiocesan Notes 09.02.92
- Boston Archdiocesan Memo 09.04.92
- Boston Globe 01.26.03
- Boston Globe 01.31.03
- Boston Herald 01.31.03
- Bishop Accountability List of Accused Boston Clerics 06.19.06
- Harold Tribune 10.07.06
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- York Daily Record 08.09.16
- PennLive 09.16.16
- Diocese of Harrisburg List 08.01.18
- York Daily Record 08.01.18
- Pennlive 08.01.18
- Diocese of Belleville List 09.20.22
- Wyoming Tribune-Eagle 12.12.02
- Boston Globe 12.12.02
- Boston Herald 12.12.02
- Rocky Mountain News 12.13.02
- Florida Today 12.13.02
- Orlando Sentinel 12.14.02
- Florida Today 12.18.02
- Florida Today 01.15.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Archdiocese of Military Services 08.17.12
- Boston Archdiocese List 01.17.20
- Statement by Archdiocese of Boston 08.10.02
- Boston Herald 08.11.02
- Patriot Ledger 08.12.02
- Documents from Personnel File as of 08.12.02
- Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law 08.12.02
- Boston Globe 08.12.02
- Boston Globe 08.15.02
- Boston Herald 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 12.20.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.20.02
- Boston Globe 12.27.02
- Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 06.22.14
- Wicked Local Wayland 02.24.17
- Boston Globe 03.02.22
- Added article, updated notes 3/3/22 SN
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: Memo re 1999 accusation of abuse of 10- or 11-yr old boy
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: Memo on 1999 accusation about 16-year-old boy
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: Memo re 2002 accusation about girl
- Boston Globe 06.06.92
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Boston website 11.26.05
- Lowell Sun 11.26.05
- University Wire 12.02.05
- BA.org Assignment Record
- USA Today 06.27.08
- Boston Globe 06.27.08
- Kennebec Journal 06.28.08
- Rutland Herald (AP) 06.28.08
- WBZ 07.01.08
- Lowell Sun 07.02.08
- Boston Herald 07.09.08
- Bangor Daily News 07.10.08
- Lowell Sun 07.11.08
- Portland Press Herald 07.29.08
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- BishopAccountability 04.11.12
- BA.org Assignment
- Boston Globe 01.14.04
- Associated Press 01.14.04
- Union Leader 01.15.04
- The Age (Melbourne, Australia) 01.16.04
- Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) 01.21.04
- The Age (Melbourne, Australia) 05.13.04
- The Age (Melbourne, Australia) 05.14.04
- Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) 07.09.04
- Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) 05.16.10
- Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia 05.23.10
- Chicago Tribune 03.11.12
- Herald Sun Tributes [Australia] 10.13.14
- Boston Herald 03.11.02
- Associated Press 04.13.02
- Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law 08.13.02
- Boston Globe 09.13.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Boston Herald 01.10.03
- Boston Globe 01.26.03
- NH Atty General Report on the Investigation of Manchester Diocese 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Documents re Rosenkranz from Memorandum in Ford v Law 07.21.03
- Excerpt from Memorandum in Ford v Law 07.21.03
- Boston Globe 11.15.04
- Salem News 02.24.07
- Times Argus (AP) 02.24.07
- Boston Globe 4.14.08
- WCAS 02.09.09
- National Catholic Register 8.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- North Adams Transcript 07.23.53
- North Adams Transcript Obituary 05.14.86
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: Letter from Priest who received initial allegation in 2002
- Docs produced by Boston Archdiocese: Memo about 2002 meeting with accuser
- Audit Records–Diocese of Manchester and NH AG 03.07.09
- NH AG Audit Records 03.26.09
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Diocese of Manchester List 07.31.19
- Boston Globe 03.22.02
- Boston Herald 03.22.02
- Boston Herald 03.23.02
- Boston Herald 03.24.02
- Boston Globe 03.25.02
- Boston Herald 03.27.02
- Boston Herald 03.29.02
- Boston Globe 04.06.02
- Boston Herald 06.25.02
- Boston Herald 12.12.02
- Documents from New Hampshire AG’s office 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Herald 04.15.03
- Boston Herald 04.17.03
- Roslindale Transcript 09.18.03
- Boston com (AP) 03.17.06
- Archdiocese of Boston Press Release 03.17.06
- Boston Globe 03.18.06
- Townonline 03.30.06
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- CBS Boston 08.01.13
- Boston Globe 08.01.13
- NBC News 08.01.13
- Road to Recovery 06.15.14
- WWLP 04.12.16
- Universal Hub 02.12.22
- Boston Archdiocese List 05.25.24
- Document from Archdiocese Personnel File 06.03.86
- Boston Globe 01.30.03
- Boston Herald 01.30.03
- Associated Press 02.06.03
- Boston Globe 02.07.03
- Boston Herald 02.07.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.07.03
- Excerpt from Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Lowell Sun 05.01.17
- The Eagle-Tribune 05.03.17
- The Pilot 05.05.17
- RCAB Documents
- Boston Globe 12.10.02
- Boston Herald 12.10.02
- Patriot Ledger 12.10.02
- San Jose Mercury News 12.17.02
- Boston Globe 06.17.04
- Providence Journal (AP) 06.23.04
- Associated Press 11.18.05
- Boston Globe 11.19.05
- Newsday 11.22.05
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Pilot 10.05.13
- Boston Archdiocese List 01.17.20
- Personnel File
- Affidavits
- Boston Globe 01.31.02
- Boston Globe 04.09.02
- NY Times 05.19.02
- Vanity Fair 07.31.02
- AP 02.08.05
- Boston Globe 05.28.08
- Boston Globe 05.28.08
- Daily News Tribune 05.29.08
- Daily News Tribune 05.29.08
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Globe (AP) 11.26.08
- WBZ 11.27.08
- TheBostonChannel 01.26.09
- Boston Globe 01.27.09
- WBUR 01.27.09
- Daily Advance (AP) 09.09.09
- Boston Globe 01.15.10
- Documents Released by San Diego Diocese 10.25.10
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Providence Journal 01.10.16
- PhillyVoice 09.20.16
- Boston Archdiocese Statement 02.10.17
- Boston Globe 04.17.17
- The Wrap 04.17.17
- Boston Globe 04.18.17
- WSIU 04.19.17
- CBS Boston 07.25.17
- Fox 25, 07.25.17
- MassLive 07.25.17
- NBC Boston 07.25.17
- WCVB 07.25.17
- WCVB 07.25.17
- Reuters 07.25.17
- WBUR 07.25.17
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Boston Herald 07.26.17
- CBS Boston 07.26.17
- Patriot Ledger 07.26.17
- Patriot Ledger 07.26.17
- San Antonio Express-News 07.26.17
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Eagle Tribune 07.26.17
- NBC Los Angeles 07.26.17
- NBC New York 07.26.17
- New York Times 07.26.17
- Boston Herald 07.27.17
- CBS Boston 07.27.17
- People 07.27.17
- WBUR 07.27.17
- WCVB 07.27.17
- ABC News 07.28.17
- ABC News 07.28.17
- Associated Press 07.28.17
- Assoicated Press 07.28.17
- Boston Globe 07.28.17
- Boston Globe 07.28.17
- Boston Herald 07.28.17
- Boston Herald 07.28.17
- Boston Herald 07.28.17
- CBS Boston 07.28.17
- CBS Boston-Nightside 07.28.17
- Daily Mail (UK) 07.28.17
- MassLive 07.28.17
- NBC Bay Area 07.28.17
- NBC Boston 07.28.17
- NRP 07.28.17
- Turn to 10 07.28.17
- WBUR 07.28.17
- WWLP 07.28.17
- Boston Herald 07.29.17
- Boston Herald 07.29.17
- Boston Herald 07.29.17
- Boston Herald 07.29.17
- CBS Boston 07.29.17
- Washington Post 07.29.17
- WWLP 07.29.17
- WRAL 08.03.17
- The Patch 08.04.17
- Boston Globe 08.05.17
- National Catholic Reporter 08.08.17
- Archdiocese of San Bernardino list 10.09.18
- Archdiocese of Boston 11.06.20
- Associated Press 11.06.20
- Boston Globe 11.06.20
- WFTX 11.06.20
- Republican via MassLive 11.07.20
- The Sun 11.09.20
- Boston Globe 12.14.89
- BishopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 09.09.11
- York Daily Record 08.09.16
- Diocese of Harrisburg List 08.01.18
- Pennlive 08.02.18
- Lebanon Daily News 08.02.18
- The Arrowsmith Spring 2005
- Boston Herald 02.21.05
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- BIshopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- Saint Charles Borromeo Parish Bulletin, Waltham, MA 01.30.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- AP 05.11.04
- Boston Herald 05.12.04
- AP 05.12.04
- Enterprise 05.12.04
- Enterprise 05.20.04
- Enterprise 08.18.04
- Patriot Ledger 08.18.04
- Boston Globe 11.09.04
- Boston Herald 03.10.05
- Boston Globe 10.08.05
- Boston Globe 02.04.06
- Patriot Ledger 02.07.06
- Patriot Ledger 04.12.06
- Patriot Ledger 04.28.06
- National Catholic Register 02.05.10
- Lowell Sun 02.22.02
- Boston Herald 02.23.02
- Boston Globe 02.23.02
- Archdiocese of Boston Press Release 02.25.02
- Boston Herald 02.26.02
- Boston Globe 02.26.02
- Boston Globe 02.26.02
- NY Times 02.26.02
- Lowell Sun 02.26.02
- Lowell Sun 02.27.02
- Boston Globe 02.28.02
- Boston Globe 03.02.02
- Boston Herald 03.16.02
- Lowell Sun 05.03.02
- Boston Herald 12.12.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- Lowell Sun 05.16.08
- Boston Herald (AP) 05.16.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston_com 01.05.05
- Patriot Ledger 01.06.05
- Patriot Ledger 01.10.05
- Weymouth News 01.12.05
- Patriot Ledger 01.25.05
- Wicked Local 02.28.08
- Archdiocese of Boston Statement 01.16.09
- The Pilot 01.16.09
- The Republican 01.16.09
- Patriot Ledger 01.17.09
- ItemLive 01.18.09
- WBUR 03.26.10
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- The Pilot 10.11.13
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.18.22
- Sacred Heart Parish Bulletin 03.17.24
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Globe 03.25.02
- Boston Globe 05.07.02
- Boston Globe 05.30.02
- Boston Herald 05.31.02
- Boston Herald 06.04.02
- Boston Herald 06.06.02
- Boston Herald 12.18.02
- Newsday 02.10.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- National Catholic Reporter 03.07.03
- Long Island Press 08.05.04
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 09.19.02
- Boston Globe 01.31.03
- Boston Herald 01.31.03
- Boston Herald 03.18.06
- Metro West Daily News 03.18.06
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Taunton Daily Gazette 08.26.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- Patriot Ledger Obituary 01.30.13
- Patriot Ledger 11.15.21
- Boston Globe 04.18.23
- Boston Globe 03.08.02
- Boston Globe 01.10.03
- Boston Globe 01.14.03
- Patriot Ledger 02.05.03
- Boston Globe 04.16.03
- Providence Journal (AP) 05.13.04
- Telegram & Gazette 01.10.05
- Boston Globe 10.01.05
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Boston Globe 02.27.11
- Patriot Ledger 03.19.11
- Boston Globe 03.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Providence Journal 11.28.15
- Boston Globe 02.29.16
- Boston Globe 07.26.17
- Press Herald 11.28.17
- Bangor Daily News 11.29.17
- Portland Press Herald 12.01.17
- Portland Press Herald 12.01.17
- Associated Press via NH Register 12.16.17
- Press Herald 12.17.17
- ABC 6 05.04.18
- Portland Press-Herald 09.22.18
- Associated Press 09.24.18
- Bangor Daily News 09.24.18
- Portland Press-Herald 09.25.18
- Press Herald 01.12.19
- Jesuits Northeast Province List 01.15.19
- VTDigger 04.20.21
- KMOV 05.02.22
- JOHN DOE Nos 30 – 68 and MARY ROE Nos 6 – 8, v Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, CA 05-0006
- BishopAccountability Letter to Dr Mary Jane Doherty, Chairperson of the Archdiocese of Boston Review Board 07.27.11
- Boston Globe 07.28.11
- Xaverian Brothers List 07.12.19
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 07.23.19
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Boston Herald 12.19.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 12.19.02
- Boston Globe 12.20.02
- Milford Daily News 12.22.02
- Boston Herald 01.26.03
- Boston Globe 01.26.03
- Boston Globe 03.05.03
- Pattern and Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Tivnan Personnel File Documents from Pattern and Practice Brief 07.21.03
- NH Atty General?s Audit Record 03.07.09
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Metrowest Daily News 08.26.11
- The Patch 09.02.11
- Boston Globe 01.28.02
- Boston Globe 01.31.02
- Boston Globe 01.31.02
- Boston Herald 06.05.02
- Union Leader 07.09.02
- Documents from NH Atty General Report 03.03.03
- Excerpt from Pattern & Practice Brief 07.21.03
- Boston Herald 03.18.06
- Boston Globe 03.18.06
- Patriot Ledger 10.20.08
- Patriot Ledger 11.01.08
- Patriot Ledger 11.01.08
- Audit Records Diocese of Manchester & NH AG 03.07.09
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Herald 03.22.02
- Boston Herald 12.04.02
- Union Leader 12.04.02
- Union Leader 12.06.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 01.30.03
- Boston Herald 01.30.03
- Documents from NH Atty General Report 03.03.03
- Union Leader 03.04.03
- Boston Herald 03.04.03
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Boston Globe 01.18.03
- Dallas Morning News 09.12.04
- Associated Press 04.15.05
- The Republican 06.24.08
- iobserve 06.25.08
- The Republican 06.25.08
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 07.14.08
- Wisconsin Public Radio 07.15.08
- City of Angels 09.15.08
- City of Angels 11.14.08
- 1010 WINS 11.20.08
- Star-Ledger 12.14.08
- City of Angels 01.11.09
- The Observer 02.01.09
- Mercury News 04.14.10
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- SNAP Statement 03.11.13
- Winnipeg Free Press 05.06.10
- iobserve 05.14.10
- SNAP Fact Sheet 06.09.10
- Patriot Ledger 01.27.98
- Boston Herald 12.10.02
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- BishopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- Wicked Local Somerville 08.30.11
- McCarthy Memo 12.12.97
- Murphy Memo 01.06.98
- Strickland Memo 11.04.03
- The Pilot 06.29.07
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- BishopAccountability 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- WBUR 03.28.16
- The Patch 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Boston Globe 03.28.16
- Bostoncom 03.28.18
- Boston Archdiocese List 12.20.22
- Grand Rapids Press 06.02.02
- Grand Rapids Press 06.02.02
- Grand Rapids Press 07.05.02
- Holland Sentinel 07.06.02
- Detroit Free Press 04.14.03
- Grand Rapids Press 01.08.07
- Boston Globe 09.28.16
- CBS Boston 09.28.16
- MassLive 09.28.16
- WHDH 09.28.16
- WCVB 09.28.16
- Dorchester Reporter 09.29.16
- NBC Boston 09.18.17
- Boston Herald 01.15.04
- Associated Press 01.31.04
- Boston Herald 02.01.04
- The Pilot 02.06.04
- Archdiocese of Boston 09.17.04
- Patriot Ledger 07.19.11
- Boston Channel 07.20.11
- Salem News 07.20.11
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
- Salem News 08.26.11
- The Patch 09.01.11
- Jamaica Plain Gazette 09.09.11
- The Republic (AP) 09.04.13
- Sr. Mulkerrin Memo to Fr McCormack 01.21.93
- Plaintiff’s Attorney Letter to Diocese Attorney 12.08.94
- Fr. William Murphy Memo to File 03.20.97
- Memo from Msgr Lennon to Fr Wm Murphy 08.12.98
- Boston Globe 12.12.02
- Boston Herald 12.12.02
- NY Times 12.12.02
- Union Leader 12.12.02
- National Catholic Register 08.25.11
- Boston Archdiocese List 08.25.11
Fr. John H. Acres
Fr. Joseph Angeli
Fr. John T. Atwater

Documents revealed in 2002 that in 1993 Atwater was accused of abuse of a 14-year-old boy, who was a Cardinal Cushing Academy boarding student in 1971 when Atwater was the school's Director. Atwater denied the allegations. He retired in 2002. Sent to treatment where it was determined that he "had no sexual conflicts." In 2/2002 another man alleged he was abused by Atwater at the same school some time after 1967. In 9/2004 a man said he was abused by Atwater at age 12 in approximately 1969. Atwater died in 2006. Canonical investigation not complete at the time of his death. Included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2011.
Fr. Charles E. Aubut

Fr. Leonard Bacigalupo

Fr. Eugene Bailot

Fr. Gary E. Balcom

Fr. Pasquale J. Barletta

Subject of a settlement in the mid-to-high five figures in 6/2023. Accused of sexually abusing a boy, about ages 14-16 in 1963-1965. Barletta was assigned to St. Patrick's in Watertown during the time in question. The abuse allegedly occurred in Barletta's car. He is said to have fondled the boy after plying him with alcohol. Absent on leave 1969-1970. Not listed in the Official Catholic Directory after 1971.
Fr. Frederick L. Barr

Placed on leave in 8/2009 from St. Patrick's in Watertown after recent allegation that he sexually abused a minor in the late 1980s. Barr was parochial vicar at St. Luke's in Belmont 1985-1990, when the abuse was alleged to have occurred. Still on administrative leave as of 8/2015 and canonical proceedings in process, per Boston archdiocese's list. The list in 1/2020 shows the allegations to have been found unsubstantiated. Ministry restricted.
Fr. Robert E. Barrett

Fr. Richard J. Barry

Fr. Settimo Basso

Fr. Sydney H. Bayers
Fr. Robert P. Beale

Fr. Leon F. Beauvais

Fr. George C. Berthold

Fr. Joseph E. Birmingham

Fr. John Bocciarelli

Fr. Paul J. Bolduc

Fr. Barry F. Bossa

Fr. Clarence R. Boucher

Fr. Raymond A. Boulanger

Br. Xavier Leonard Boulanger

Fr. Real B. Bourque

Fr. James E. Braley

Br. Brendan Brennan

Joined the order in 1955, made final vows in 1962. Taught at Marist schools in the Bronx, Poughkeepsie, and Lincolnville NY, Lawrence MA, Eugene OR, and Chicago IL. Accused in a 2023 lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy, age 16, in 1980. Brennan's alleged victim was a student and athlete at Central Catholic High School in Lawrence MA; Brennan was a teacher and the head athletic trainer. Brennan died 10/19/2020 at age 84 in the Bronx, NY.
Fr. Philip Calixtus Breton

Fr. Andrew Brizzolara
Brother Albert
Brother John
Brother Regis
Fr. William M. Brown

Executive Director for Mission and Apostolate for the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, St. Ignatius Province. On 9/19/2023 the Oblates of the Virgin Mary announced that Brown had been placed on leave due to an allegation that he sexually abused a minor three decades prior. No information as to where the alleged abuse occurred. (Placing Brown in the Boston archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) Brown denied the allegation. Assigned 1995-1997 to two parishes in Alton, IL and thereafter in Boston.
Fr. Anthony L. Buchette

Fr. Lawrence Buckley

Fr. Myron F. Bullock

Fr. Richard A. Buntel

Br. Robert Burgess
Fr. Richard J. Butler

Included on Attorney Garabedian's list 3/28/2016 of accused clerics named in civil claims resulting in settlements or arbitration awards. Allegedly abused a child in Cambridge MA. Not included on the archdiocese's list of accused as of 3/28/2016. Added by 10/11/2018. Assigned to parishes in Foxboro, Cambridge, Sharon Rockland. Pastor or Administrator for parishes in Cambridge, Lexington, Brookline, Norwood, Stow and Melrose. Served as a hospital and high school chaplain. Held a number of leadership positions in the archdiocese. Died 9/30/2012.
Fr. William L. Butler

Fr. Joseph F. Byrne

Fr. George J. Callaghan

Fr. Alan E. Caparella

Fr. Michael John Carew

Fr. John P. Carroll

Fr. Frederick J. Cartier, Jr.

Fr. Walter E. Casey
Fr. Guido Caverzan

Fr. John C. Chaisson

Allegations surfaced in 1974; kept in active ministry. Exonerated after church investigation. After a review of case files in 2003, Archbishop O'Malley decided the case warranted further review and placed Chaisson on leave, pending a new investigation. Per the 10/2015 Boston archdiocese list, the Review Board either found the allegations unsubstantiated or Chaisson was acquitted by a canonical process. Retired, privileges still restricted. His status is the same on the list in 8/22, although he died 12/27/2019.
Fr. Edmund P. Charest

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 1/2003 of repeatedly molesting a 15-year-old boy in about 1971. Allowed to continue working by Bishop Lennon but placed on indefinite leave by Archbishop O'Malley, as announced 8/23/2003. Reportedly sued by two additional men alleging Charest molested and raped them as boys. Charest was living in Boston's Back Bay area near an elementary school as of 5/2008. Included on the archdiocese's list 8/25/2011. "Dismissed" in 2015.
Fr. Joseph K. Coleman

Fr. Jeremiah J. Collins

Fr. John Kevin Connell

Fr. James E. Connelly
Fr. Denis A. Conte

Mr. Robert Cornigans

Fr. John M. Cotter

Fr. Richard T. Coughlin

Fr. Gerard E. Creighton

A 1973 memo to Cardinal Medeiros complained that Creighton had been transferred 17 times in 22 years and that the priest was sick. In 1977 a woman told the archdiocese that she had seen two girls imitating oral sex and that they said they were imitating Creighton and their mother. Creighton retired in 1985. He was placed on leave in 1997. A woman filed suit in 1998 claiming abuse by Creighton as a 17-year-old; dismissed in 5/2003 due to the statute of limitations. Creighton died 12/29/2004. His name was included in 8/2011 on the Boston archdiocese's list.
Fr. Edmund W. Croke

Deacon Joseph I. Crowley, Jr.
Fr. William J. Cullen

Br. Eugenio Cumerlato
Fr. William J. Cummings

Fr. John Curley
Fr. Thomas M. Curran

Br. Francis E. Dailey
Fr. Robert F. Daly

Agnes Daniels
Fr. Stephen F. Dawber

Deacon William R. Emerson

Died: 03/4/2018
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Accused in a lawsuit settled in 6/21 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, ages 8-13, over 100 times at St. William's in Tewskbury during 1973-1978. Prior to Boston, Emerson was a deacon in St. Louis, MO and Omaha, NE, where he worked at Boys Town U.S.A. In 2012 he admitted to smuggling drugs into the Middlesex County House of Correction in Billerica, where he was chaplain; he was sentenced to community service and ordered to stay away from jails. Emerson died in 2018.
Br. Fidelis DeBerardinis

Fr. Paul M. Desilets

Fr. Gerard V. Dever

Fr. Arthur T. Devlin
Fr. Charles F. Dewey

Fr. John J. Dewire

Deacon Mark C. Doherty
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Fr. Richard T. Donahue

Br. George Donnelly

Fr. Thomas D. Donnelly

Fr. John Francis Dority

Fr. Ronald Dorsey

Accused in a 2004 lawsuit of sex abuse in the early 1950s of a 12-year-old boy at Camp Wyoma in Hinsdale MA, in the Springfield diocese, while a Stigmatine seminarian in the Boston area. Left the Stigmatines in 1969, moved to Ajijic, Jalisco, México. Involved in local parish in the Diocese of San Juan de los Lagos, and started Niños de Chapala for needy children and adults. He died on 7/19/2008.
Fr. William J. Duffy

Fr. John A. Dunn

Fr. Leo V. Dwyer

Fr. Frank E. Fairbairn
Br. Nolan Farrell
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Fr. Robert D. Fay

Fr. James H. Coffey

Accused in a lawsuit settled in 6/2023 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, age 10, in 1949. The abuse allegedly occurred in Coffey's jeep in Lynn MA. Coffey was assigned at the time in question to Sacred Heart in Lynn, where the boy was a parishioner.
Fr. Robert C. Fichtner

Fr. Paul J. Finegan

Fr. Joseph E. Flood

Fr. John H. Flynn, Jr.

Fr. James J. Foley

Fr. Thomas P. Forry

Fr. Michael Smith Foster

Br. John Fowler
Fr. Joseph P. Fox

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Northeast Province on its list 1/15/2019, which notes a report in 2012 of abuse of a minor 1956-1957. Fox was assigned during that time to Bobola House in Boston. Fox died in 1988.
Fr. Francis G. McInerney
Accused in claims which settled in 6/2023 in the mid-to-high five figures of sexually abusing two girls, one in 1948 at age 14, the other in 1948 at age 9. McInerney was assigned at the time to St. Thomas of Villanova in Wilmington MA. McInerney died in 1959.
Fr. Gerard D. Barry

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Named publicly by Attorney Mitchell Garabedian 5/7/19 as one of eight priests whose survivors had been compensated in arbitration with the Archdiocese of Boston. As of 1/10/2025, Barry had not yet been included on the Boston archdiocese's list of accused clergy, apparently because Barry was deceased at the time his survivor came forward, according to a "protocol" reflected in Cardinal Seán O'Malley's 8/25/11 announcement of the original list. Barry died 9/4/2010. However, several aspects of Barry's assignment history suggest that the archdiocese knew of his abuse of children by the mid-1960s or early 1970s.
Barry was educated at Boston College and St. John's Seminary in Brighton MA. First assignment was as assistant at St. Augustine parish 1950-1966 (parochial school and girls' high school) in South Boston. According to his obituary, "He mentored many young people from the parish including Boston's one time mayor, Raymond Flynn." Chaplain at Deer Island House of Correction 1966-1971 while in residence at Holy Rosary parish 1966-1969 (no school) in Winthrop; not listed in residence at Holy Rosary or elsewhere for the last two years of the Deer Island assignment. Assistant at St. Cecilia parish in Ashland 1971-1975 (no school) and episcopal vicar of the Brockton vicariate in the South Region. Pastor of St. Linus parish in Natick 1975-1981 (no school) and episcopal vicar of Natick vicariate. Then pastor of St. Bernard parish (no school) in Newton 1981-2001.
According to the Official Catholic Directory, at the time of Barry's ordination, his uncle, Msgr. Robert P. Barry, was an archdiocesan consultor. With a relation in high places, Barry was selected two years after ordination by Cardinal Cushing to be the CYO district director for South Boston, Roxbury, and the South End. Obituaries in newspapers between 1999 and 2009 show that many deceased specified "Larry's Children's Fund, c/o Rev. Gerard D. Barry" for donations in lieu of flowers. Barry retired from St. Bernard's in Newton 6/1/2001 and moved sometime thereafter to Regina Cleri, a home for retired priests.
Fr. John F. Roche

"Jack." Named publicly as credibly accused by the Columbans U.S. Province on its list in 2/22. Noted to have a single allegation against him, of abuse 1973-75. Per the Official Catholic Directory, Roche was assigned during the time in question to St. Patrick's in Stoneham, MA. He died in 2015.
Fr. Joseph P. Fratic

Fr. Ross S. Frey

Fr. Peter J. Frost

Fr. Joseph Fugolo

Fr. Joseph A. Fusoni

Fr. Robert V. Gale

Fr. Brian Gallagher

Fr. John J. Gallagher

Fr. James E. Gaudreau

Fr. John J. Geoghan

Br. Kenneth Ghastin

Fr. James M. Gibbons

Accused in a claim settled in 11/2022 in the mid-five figures of sexually abusing a girl, age 12, in 1961. Gibbons was assigned to St. James in Medford at the time in question and the girl was a student at the parish school. Gibbons allegedly fondled the girl's breasts over her clothes.
Fr. Jerome F. Gillespie

Fr. Thomas M. Gillespie

Fr. James Randal Gillette
Seminarian Joseph Gilpin
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Deacon Ricardo Gonzalez
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Fr. Peter G. Gori

Fr. Louis J. Govoni
Fr. Daniel M. Graham

Fr. John E. Guiney
Fr. James J. Haddad

Monsignor. Accused in a lawsuit settled in 6/21 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, age 13-14, multiple times 1976-1977, while assigned to St. Eulalia's in Winchester. Haddad died in 2007.
Fr. Arthur J. Hagan

Fr. John R. Hanlon

Br. Thomas Harrison
Br. William A. Hennessy

Fr. Gerald J. Hickey

Seminarian Paul Hightower
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Br. Anthony (Francis) Hogan
Named publicly as accused on the Divine Word Missionaries Chicago Province list. Professed vows in 1950. Worked in NY, MA, PA, DC. Abuse noted to have occurred in Duxbury MA in 1963. Left the Order in 1975. Died in 2008.
Br. Thomas F. Holihan
Br. Edward Anthony Holmes

Br. James Barron Holsenbach
Fr. Paul William Hurley

Fr. James Hutchinson
Fr. Raymond L. Hyder

Fr. Kelvin E. Iguabita-Rodriguez

Fr. Alphonse B. Jansonis

Fr. Harold Joseph Johnson

Fr. Richard G. Johnson

Fr. Peter S. Kanchong

Fr. Charles R. Kane

Br. Dominic Karow
Fr. John F. Keane

Fr. Dennis A. Keefe

Fr. Bernard J. Keenan
Fr. Donald J. Keenan

Fr. Arnold E. Kelley

Fr. Edward T. Kelley

Fr. Joseph W. Kenney

One of 12 priests named as abusers in a lawsuit filed in 9/2002 against the Boston Archdiocese, Cardinal Law and others. The suit alleges that church officials failed to respond to complaints of sexual abuse, protected the perpetrators and sought to cover up the evidence. Kenney died in 1992. No information on victims or when abuse occurred. The 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list reported no formal determination of guilt either because Kenney died prior to a canonical investigation or it was not complete at his death. (Name on list is Joseph F.; other sources show his as Joseph W.)
Fr. Edward M. Keohan

Br. Albert F. Kerressey

Fr. Robert W. Kirchmeyer

Fr. Robert J. Knapp

Br. Leo R. Labbe

Fr. Leo P. Landry

Fr. Bernard J. Lane

Fr. James H. Lane

Fr. John J. Lane

Fr. Joseph R. Laughlin

Fr. Anthony J. Laurano

Fr. Victor C. LaVoie

Fr. Kenneth A. LeBlanc

Fr. Roger R. Leblanc
Accused in a claim settled in 6/2023 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, age 11-12, during 1972-1973. Leblanc was assigned at the time to St. Anthony of Padua in Shirley. The abuse allegedly occurred at the boy's home. Leblanc died in 1978 at age 31 or 32.
Fr. Charles M. Loeffler
Fr. Samuel J. Lombard

Fr. John P. Lyons

Fr. James L. MacGuinness
Fr. Thomas H. Maguire

Fr. Paul J. Mahan

Fr. William F. Maloney
Fr. Paul Francis Manning

Br. William Marinan
Fr. Jon C. Martin

Fr. Richard O. Matte

Investigated by the archdiocese in 1992 after receipt of an anonymous letter complaining of Matte's behavior. His personnel file later showed two complaints in 1992 and at least one more by 11/1993. Removed in 1994. By 3/2002 six men had brought complaints against Matte and received settlements. He was sued at least twice. Voluntary laicization announced 6/10/2005. Per the Boston list in 8/2011, the case concluded canonically. The list in 2020 shows that Matte died in 2017.
Br. Julius Martin Mattingly
Fr. John Kevin McAndrews

Mary McAvoy
Fr. George V. McCabe

Fr. Paul R. McCarthy
Accused in a lawsuit that was settled in 7/2021 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, age 11-12, in 1989-1990, while assigned to St. Catherine of Siena in Norwood. Per the Archdiocese, "McCarthy has been AWOL since 2005."
Fr. James T. McDonald

Fr. Paul E. McDonald

Fr. Charles R. McGahey
Fr. Donald J. McGurrin
Fr. Joseph E. McInnis

Reportedly in 2003, a lawsuit was filed on behalf of a woman who alleged up to 200 incidences of sexual abuse by McInnis when she was 6-11 years old. He was working at St. Monica's parish in Boston at the time of the alleged abuse. He died in 1986. The suit settled as part of a massive Boston $85M settlement in Fall, 2003. At least one other suit was settled with a woman alleging abuse by McInnis at age 15 at St. James in Arlington, MA 1968-1969. Included on the Jesuits Northeast Province list of credibly accused 1/15/2019 (spelled McInnes). It notes allegations in the 2000s of abuse of multiple minors 1960s-1980s.
Fr. James T. McKeon

Fr. Edward J. McLaughlin

Fr. John E. McLaughlin

Fr. Paul J. McLaughlin

Fr. Benjamin J. McMahon, Jr.

Fr. Gerard T. McMahon

Fr. Francis J. McManus

Fr. Paul G. McPartland

Fr. Richard E. McQuade

Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros

Fr. Robert V. Meffan

Fr. John M. Mendicoa
Fr. Fiori Dominic Menna

Br. Edward Michael
Fr. Lawrence Joseph Michaud
Fr. Edwin Modicowitz
Fr. William H. Morgan

In 1992 the Archdiocese received a letter which lead to an internal investigation of Morgan. He admitted to abusing his two young nephews. Sent for a psychiatric evaluation. Resigned from his position as a parish pastor in 1993, per recommendation of the Archdiocesan Review Board. The 1995 Catholic Directory shows Morgan to be 'retired.' He died in 1999. One nephew filed suit in 2/2001 claiming Morgan sexually abused him from ages 3-12, about 35 years prior. The lawsuit was dismissed in 10/2001. Per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list, criminal or canonical proceedings were not complete when Morgan died.
Fr. Paul J. Moriarty

Fr. Philip D. Moriarty

Fr. Robert H. Morrissette

Br. Thomas Morrissey
Fr. Thomas F. Motherway

Fr. Jay Michael Mullin

Fr. Alfred M. Murphy

Fr. Charles J. Murphy

Fr. David C. Murphy

Fr. Kenneth B. Murphy

Fr. Anthony Ngwumohaike

Fr. Paul Niehauser
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Divine Missionaries Chicago Province on its list as of 2/2024. Worked in Japan, IL, IA, NY OR, MA. Abuse noted to have occurred in 1951 in Duxbury MA. Niehauser died in 1968.
Fr. W. James Nyhan

Fr. Rickard J. O’Donovan
Fr. Denis O’Driscoll
Fr. Arthur P. O’Leary
Fr. William V. O’Neill
Fr. Eugene M. O’Sullivan

Br. Donald J. O’Toole
Fr. Francis E. O’Brien, Jr.
Accused in a lawsuit settled in 6/21 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, ages 7-12, multiple times 1966-71 while assigned to Christ the King in Hudson. O'Brien died in 2008.
Fr. Christian Ohazulume

Fr. Lionel P. Ouellette

Fr. Julian S. Pagacz
Deacon Joseph A. Papile
Fr. Ronald H. Paquin

Fr. Leonard E. Pelletier

Fr. Varghese Pereppadan
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA
Fr. Mario Pezzotti

Fr. John M. Picardi, Jr.

Fr. Raymond C. Plourde

Fr. Steven W. Poitras
Fr. Leo E. Pollard

Fr. James F. Power

Fr. Raymond A. Prybis

Br. Dennis Raeihle
Fr. Henry J. Rancourt

Fr. Redmond H. Raux

Fr. Anthony J. Rebeiro

Native of Goa (off the coast of India). Ordained at the Vatican. Worked in Italy and Paris before arriving in the U.S. in 1965. Incardinated into the Boston archdiocese in 1977. Removed in 8/2002 from Quigley Memorial Hospital after the Archdiocese received an allegation of an incident involving a 12- or 13 year-old girl in the early 1970s. Accused of molesting at least half a dozen teenage girls, as well as boys and adult women. On leave as of 6/2014, per the archdiocese. Died 2/15/2017. Accused in a 3/2022 lawsuit of the sexual abuse, including rape, of a boy at the rectory and school of St. Joseph's in Holbrook. Per the suit, the abuse caused injury to the boy, and Rebeiro told the boy's mother that he caused his own injuries.
Fr. Michael J. Regan

Accused in a lawsuit that settled in late 2021 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a girl, ages 14-17, multiple times during 1977-1980. The girl was a student at Pope John XXIII high school in Everett, where Regan was an economics teacher. His accuser said Regan told her that if she didn't comply with his sexual demands he wouldn't allow her to graduate. Regan died 5/4/20.
Fr. Joseph P. Reilly

Fr. Lucien J. Richard
Fr. Leo Thomas Riley

Fr. Charles J. Ring

Fr. Eugene Riordan
Fr. James P. Robichaud
Fr. Barry Robinson
Fr. Allan E. Roche

Fr. Julian Edward Rondeau
Fr. George J. Rosenkranz

Fr. George Roulier

Fr. Sylvio L. Ruest
Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick Russell

Accused in a lawsuit filed 8/1/22 of sexually abusing a boy, age 12, multiple times in 1989 and 1990 at St. Mary of the Sacred Heart in Lynn. The plaintiff said he met Russell when he volunteered at the parish food bank. Russell later worked as Cardinal Law's secretary and for the Vatican's diplomatic service. In 5/22 he was named auxiliary bishop of Detroit MI. He denied the allegations. Detroit's archbishop Vigneron placed Russell on limited ministerial duty.
Fr. Frederick J. Ryan

Fr. Robert Ryer

Fr. Paul P. Rynne

Fr. John P. Salvucci
Fr. William J. Scanlan

Fr. Paul R. Shanley

Fr. James C. Shaughnessey

Fr. Francis S. Shea

Fr. William B. Shea

Br. George M. Sheehan

Professed vows 9/8/1954. Worked in NJ, IN, NH, NY, MA. Died 11/17/2006. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 01/19/2011. Garabedian says he has settled at least one claim with the Boston Archdiocese regarding allegations against Sheehan. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.
Fr. James T. Sheehan

Fr. Edward F. Sherry

Sister Mary Mark
Fr. D. George Spagnolia

Fr. Nicholas J. Spagnolo

Fr. Bernard St. Hilaire

Fr. Leonard F. Stanton
Fr. Francis V. Strahan

Monsignor. Pastor of St. Bridget's in Framingham since 1983. Former faculty member of St. John's Seminary College and Theologate. Placed on administrative leave in 10/2019, at age 86, during investigation of an allegation that he raped and sexually assaulted an altar server, ages 11-13, on two occasion between 2004 and 2008 and pressed his body against the boy's on one occasion. Included on the archdiocese's list in 8/2022, noted to be on leave and case in progress. Indicted in 11/2022 on charges of rape of a child and indecent assault and battery on a child under age 14. In 9/2023 the Archdiocese announced that the charges were dropped because Strahan's accuser declined to testify in court, citing increasing PTSD symptoms. Strahan was to remain on leave pending the Archdiocese's investigation. There was also an ongoing civil lawsuit.
Fr. Andrzej Sujka
Fr. Bernard L. Sullivan
Accused in a lawsuit settled in 6/21 in the high five figures of sexually abusing an altar boy, ages 10-13, multiple times 1970-1973 while assigned to St. Catherine of Genoa in Somerville. Sullivan died in 1985.
Fr. Eugene P. Sullivan

Br. John J. Sullivan
Fr. Michael D. Sullivan
Fr. T. Raymond Sullivan
Fr. C. Melvin Surette

Fr. John M. Sweeney

Fr. Czeslaw Szymanski

From Poland, where he was ordained. Alleged on 12/9/2010 to have sexually abused thirteen altar boys in the Boston archdiocese in 1980s, where he was listed in Directory as an archdiocesan priest. Worked previously in the Providence diocese as a priest of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit. Apparently transferred in 4/1987 from the Boston archdiocese to the Peterborough diocese in Canada. Died in a car accident 9/24/1987. On 12/11/2010, a Boston monsignor reportedly called three Szymanski survivors cowards. Cardinal O'Malley apologized. Eight accusers were to be paid $600K. Per attorney Carmen Durso, there could be up to 20 other victims.
Fr. Patrick J. Tague
Left ministry in the late 1960s. In 1979 Tague received a three-year suspended sentence and three years probation for embezzling $30K in 1976 from a halfway house for juvenile delinquents he headed. Accused in 2002 of sexually abusing a boy in 1971 at the Department of Youth Services facility. Sued in 2002 in a multi-plaintiff suit. Involuntary laicization announced in 3/2006. Included in 8/2011 on the Boston archdiocese's list. Accused in a lawsuit settled in 11/2021 in the high five figures of sexually abusing a boy, age 7, 1965 at St. Benedict's in Somerville. The abuse is said to have occurred twice, in a confessional. Tague died in 2013.
Fr. James F. Talbot

Br. Joseph A. Thibault
Br. James S. Thompson
Included on the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province list in 2014 of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred.
Fr. J. Garrett Thomson

Fr. Paul J. Tivnan

Fr. Louis Toma

Fr. Ernest E. Tourigney

Fr. Robert K. Towner

Br. Eugene Trainor
Fr. James J. Tully

Fr. Robert Turnbull

Fr. Andrzej J. Urbaniak

Fr. Anthony J. Vasaturo

Fr. Joseph P. Veneto

Fr. James P. Walsh
Fr. John J. Walsh
Fr. Leonard Thomas Walsh

Fr. Martin J. Walsh

Br. Michael Walsh
Fr. Michael Walsh

Fr. William M. Walsh

Fr. Robert A. Ward

Fr. William F. Waters

Fr. Joseph L. Welsh

Fr. John J. White

Fr. Kevin R. White

Criminally charged in 6/2024 with raping a Boston College High School student between 2008-2009. White was a BC High theology teacher. The alleged victim first reported the abuse to the school in 2021. In 2010 White was assigned to work with Jesuit Refugee Services in South Sudan and Uganda. He transferred in 2018 to Geneva, Switzerland as JRS representative.
Br. Paul White
Fr. Paul David White