74 Accused in This Religious Order
- San Francisco Chronicle 11.09.89
- San Jose Mercury News 04.25.94
- San Jose Mercury News 09.20.02
- SF Chronicle 09.20.02
- San Jose Mercury News 06.27.03
- Times 07.02.03
- San Francisco Chronicle 09.22.05
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.25.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- joeypiscatelli website 11.25.18
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- CNN via San Jose Mercury News 12.02.19
- Catholic News Agency 12.02.22
- Contra Costa Times 11.15.00
- SF Chronicle 11.17.00
- San Jose Murcery News 11.17.00
- SF Chronicle 12.01.00
- San Jose Mercury News 03.01.01
- Contra CostaTimes 07.02.03
- San Francisco 08.22.05
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- SF Chronicle 09.12.10
- Bay Area Observer 09.15.10
- joeypiscatelli website 11.25.18
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- CNN via San Jose Mercury News 12.02.19
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report 02.17.04
- InjuryBoard com 01.28.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Would Jesus be Catholic? by Ruis 2014
- SNAP Statement
- St. Petersburg Times 03.23.02
- St. Petersburg Times 03.29.02
- Journal News 08.09.09
- Daily Item 08.31.12
- Boston Globe 08.31.12
- NECN 08.31.12
- Boston Herald 08.31.12
- Tampa Bay Times 08.31.12
- The Patch 08.31.12
- Wicked Local Newburyport 08.31.12
- WBUR 08.31.12
- WCVB 08.31.12
- Salem News 09.01.12
- Boston Herald 09.01.12
- Digital Journal 09.01.12
- Salem News 03.08.13
- My Fox Boston 03.11.13
- Port Chester Patch 04.05.13
- Salem News 04.06.13
- Salem News 04.03.14
- Salem News 05.22.14
- Salem News 11.04.14
- Salem News 11.06.14
- Salem News 11.11.14
- Boston Globe 11.12.14
- NWI Times 11.12.14
- Essex District Attorney’s Office 11.12.14
- NWI Times 11.12.14
- Salem News 11.12.14
- Boston Globe 11.26.14
- Salem News 11.26.14
- Newburyport Daily News 11.27.14
- NOLA 12.24.19
- Associated Press 12.28.19
- Diocese of Columbus List updated 02.10.20
- Columbus Dispatch 02.11.20
- Salesians List 03.31.20
- Salem News 04.08.20
- Archdiocese of New Orleans Revised List 12.08.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report Addendum 11.15.05
- L.A. Times Database 04.20.06
- Diocese of Stockton List 02.23.17
- Diocese of Stockton List Revised 11.12.20
- Contra Costa Times (AP) 06.20.03
- Associated Press 07.15.03
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report page 5 02.17.04
- L.A. Weekly 12.05.04
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report Addendum 10.12.05
- L.A. Times 01.24.08
- Injury Board com 01.28.08
- California Catholic Daily 02.01.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.24.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- L.A. Times 05.09.08
- L.A. Times 05.15.08
- Pacific Daily News 10.20.09
- L.A. Times 06.30.10
- Herald Sun 06.30.10
- Associated Press 06.30.10
- Modesto Bee 07.02.10
- The Record 07.02.10
- SNAP Statement with link to Stockton Diocese Notice of Deadline for Filing Claims in Bankruptcy Court 07.16.14
- Mercury News 07.18.14
- Union Democrat 01.11.17
- Milwaukee Journal 06.04.04
- Milwaukee Catholic Herald 06.10.04
- Milwaukee Journal 06.27.04
- Home News Tribune (AP) 06.28.04
- Milwaukee Journal 07.06.04
- Star Ledger 07.07.04
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 08.04.04
- Star Ledger 08.11.04
- Home News Tribune 08.11.04
- India Abroad 08.20.04
- TheMilwaukeeChannel 09.15.04
- Star Ledger 09.16.04
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 11.09.04
- Dallas Morning News 12.05.04
- Diocese of Lake Charles List 04.11.19
- Chicago Sun-Times 04.04.02
- Chicago Tribune 04.05.02
- Business Wire 04.06.02
- US News & World Report 05.03.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.20.04
- SNAP Submission to UN Committee Against Torture 04.2004
- Utero.Pe 01.18.18
- Archdiocese of Chicago List 11.28.18
- Salesians List 03.31.20
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Sacramento Bee 06.12.02
- Sacramento Bee 04.25.03
- News Tribune 05.06.03
- Sacramento Bee 12.20.03
- Catholic Herald 01.10.04
- News Tribune 06.28.05
- New Tribune 07.01.05
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- California Catholic Daily 08.22.08
- Edwards Memorial 10.14.08
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.20.19
- Diocese of Sacramento Profile 04.30.19
- ABC 10 05.01.19
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- CBS 47 (AP) 07.18.07
- Associated Press 07.18.07
- KCBS 07.22.07
- Doe v Salesian Society (Cal Court of Appeals) 01.29.08
- Summary of Findings in Doe v Salesian Society (CA Court of Appeals) 01.29.08
- Metropolitan News Enterprise 01.30.08
- San Francisco Chronicle 01.30.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- Journal News 10.01.02
- Times Herald-Record 10.02.02
- Journal News 10.04.02
- Boston Globe 11.22.02
- Courier Post 12.12.02
- Burlington County Times 02.15.08
- Philadelphia Inquirer 02.19.08
- The Times 02.20.08
- Theater Lohudblogs 06.01.11
- Journal News 08.23.19
- Journal News Obituary 08.23.19
- Salesians List 03.31.20
- ABC 7 03.23.05
- ABC 7 03.23.05
- ABC 7 03.23.05
- ABC 7 03.23.05
- ABC 7 03.23.05
- San Francisco 09.22.05
- San Francisco 09.22.05
- San Francisco 09.22.05
- San Francisco 09.22.05
- San Francisco 09.22.05
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- SF Weekly 01.05.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.08.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- West County Times 07.11.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.12.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.12.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.12.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.12.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.12.06
- ABC30 07.19.06
- ABC30 07.19.06
- ABC30 07.19.06
- ABC30 07.19.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.24.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.24.06
- Contra Costa Times 07.24.06
- Renew America 12.01.06
- Renew America 12.01.06
- Renew America 12.01.06
- San Francisco Weekly 08.15.07
- San Francisco Weekly 08.15.07
- San Francisco Weekly 08.15.07
- San Francisco Weekly 08.15.07
- San Francisco Weekly 08.15.07
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- San Jose Mercury News 04.01.08
- Renew America 08.26.08
- Renew America 08.26.08
- Renew America 08.26.08
- Renew America 08.26.08
- Renew America 08.26.08
- Huffington Post 11.04.10
- Huffington Post 11.04.10
- Huffington Post 11.04.10
- Huffington Post 11.04.10
- Huffington Post 11.04.10
- Bay Citizen 04.23.11
- Bay Citizen 04.23.11
- Bay Citizen 04.23.11
- Bay Citizen 04.23.11
- Bay Citizen 04.23.11
- Joey Piscitelli Blog 07.01.12
- Joey Piscitelli Blog 07.01.12
- Joey Piscitelli Blog 07.01.12
- Joey Piscitelli Blog 07.01.12
- Joey Piscitelli Blog 07.01.12
- Bay Area News Group 10.11.18
- Bay Area News Group 10.11.18
- Bay Area News Group 10.11.18
- Bay Area News Group 10.11.18
- Bay Area News Group 10.11.18
- KTVU 10.11.18
- KTVU 10.11.18
- KTVU 10.11.18
- KTVU 10.11.18
- KTVU 10.11.18
- NBC Bay Area 10.11.18
- NBC Bay Area 10.11.18
- NBC Bay Area 10.11.18
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- Diocese of Oakland List 06.01.19
- CNN via San Jose Mercury News 12.02.19
- CNN via San Jose Mercury News 12.02.19
- CNN via San Jose Mercury News 12.02.19
- Epoch Times 12.24.19
- Epoch Times 12.24.19
- Epoch Times 12.24.19
- Sfgate.com 10.05.22
- UnHerd 07.10.23
Br. Jorge Acosta

Fr. Paul Avallone

Br. Salvatore Billante

Abused as many as 25 boys 1969-1989. Pled guilty to abuse of one; sentenced to eight years' prison in 1989. Released in 1994. Registered sex offender. Left the Salesians. Arrested again in 2002 for abuse of one; charges dropped after CA Supreme Court decision. Named in 2003 civil suit. On Oakland diocese's list in 2019. More suits with claims against Billante were filed under the CA Child Victims Act between 2020-2022.
Br. Francis Boccotti
Br. Joseph Botto
Brother Dennis
Brother Mark
Br. Dave Brueschere
Br. Robert Burgess
Br. William Michael Burke

Br. Dominic Casiraghi

Br. John Casula

Fr. Stanislaus Ceglar
Fr. James Chiosso
Fr. Innocente Clementi

Fr. Pablo Cortes
Fr. Virendra Coutts
Named publicly as credilby accused by the Oakland Diocese on its list in 2019, under priests and deacons, without clarifying whether Coutts was a priest or deacon.
Fr. Paul Csik

Fr. Bernard Dabbene

In 1959 a 9th grade boy at Salesian High School in Richmond CA reported to Dabbene's superior that Dabbene had molested him twice. Dabenne was then a lay brother and a teacher at the school. Dabbene then "left [the boy] alone" and went on to become principal at Salesian schools, and an official with the San Francisco archdiocese. In 1971 allegations were reported to the Diocese of Oakland (formerly part of the SF archdiocese). In 11/2000 Dabbene was arrested after he was found in a car with 17-year-old boy, both with their pants unzipped. Found guilty. Sentenced to three years probation and community service. Sent to St. John Vianney in Philadelphia for treatment. Named in a 2003 civil suit which alleged he was part of a ring of child molesters at Salesian High School 1969-1973. Lived at the Salesian provincial headquarters for years. Died 9/9/2010. Included on the Oakland diocese's list in 2019.
Fr. Harold Danielson

Br. Peter Day
Fr. Vincent Duffy

Br. Mark Epperson

Fr. Anthony Esposito

Fr. Ernest Faggioni

Br. Justin Guarise
Fr. Joseph Herzog

Br. Thomas Higgs
Fr. Salvatore “Sam” Isgro

Fr. Emmanuel Jimenez-Pelayo
Br. Anthony Juarez
Fr. August Kita

Br. Stephen Letourneaux
Br. Christopher Lieby
Br. Patrick Logan
Fr. Larry Lorenzoni

Fr. Joseph Maffei

Fr. Peter V. Malloy

Fr. Alvin Manni

Br. Ernest Martinez

Also known as Ernesto or Ernie. Accused of abuse of a minor 1965-1966, per the 2004 Los Angeles Archdiocesan report. Assigned to St. John Bosco High School in Bellflower at the time of the alleged abuse. Transferred to Mexico. Named in at least one civil suit. As of 2008, last known to be at Salesian provincial headquarters in San Francisco.
Fr. Richard Mataconis

Fr. Richard J. McCormick

Fr. Thomas McGahee

Named publicly in 11/21 by Attorney Jeff Anderson as accused in a lawsuit filed under the NJ Victims’ Rights Bill.
Fr. Edward P. McGrath

Fr. Albert Mengon

Fr. Titian Athos Miani

Br. Ralph Murguia
Fr. Francis E. Nugent

A woman told the Salesians in 1994 that Nugent abused her and two of her brothers. Nugent was sent for therapy, then reassigned. The woman complained again to the order in 1998 after she discovered that Nugent was working at a youth camp. The order settled with her in 1998 for $250K. Per the woman, she was part of a group of up to eight children Nugent regularly abused in the 1970s. Another suit was settled in 2008, claiming abuse of a male Don Bosco Prep student 1977-1976. Named in a suit filed by four former junior seminary students. Died at age 89 on 1/20/2011 in Italy, where he had lived for many years. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.
Fr. Kevin F. O’Brien

Fr. Terence O’Donnell
Br. Danilo Pacheco

Fr. Simon Palathingal

Fr. Joseph Pankowski

Fr. Carlos Enrique Peralta

Fr. Mario Porras Blanco

Fr. Richard P. Presenti

Br. George Puello

From Colombia. Professed vows as a Salesian brother in 1967. Three men filed suit in 9/2002 alleging abuse by Puello when they were students at Salesian Jr. Seminary in Goshen, NY 1969-1973. One man said he told the seminary director (who went on to become an Auxiliary Bishop in Boston); the director dismissed the victim from the seminary, saying he was "not priest material." Per the suit, others at the seminary knew what was going on and there were other abusers at the school. Puello left the order at some point. He was ery active for decades in the Westchester County, NY theater community, including with youth. Died 8/21/2019. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused. It notes that Puello left the order in 1971.
Fr. Nicholas Reina

Fr. John Roche
Accused in a lawsuit filed 3/18/2021 of sexually abusing a boy, beginning with grooming when the boy was age 13 in 1998, leading to sexual abuse 1999-2002. The abuse allegedly occurred at Salesian retreats, in hotels and in Roche's living quarter at St. John Bosco High School in Bellflower, CA, among other places. Per the lawsuit, Roche also abused the boy across state lines, including at the National Catholic Youth Convention. Roche was assigned to St. John Bosco High School St. Joseph Youth Renewal Center in Rosemead, Our Lady Help of Christians in Watsonville and Camp St. Francis in Watsonville.
Fr. Sean Leo Rooney

Joined the Salesians in 1958, ordained in 1966. Accused in a 12/2013 suit of sexual abuse of a boy, age 14, at the Salesian minor seminary in Goshen NY, where Rooney taught theology and physics and was the financial administrator. The alleged abuse included removing the boy's clothing, touching and fondling the boy's buttocks and genitals skin-on-skin, and masturbating on the boy. The boy was also allegedly abused by Rooney on a school bus trip from Don Bosco Technical High School in Boston to Sacred Heart Retreat House in Ipswich. The complaint also alleged abuse of the boy in 1978 by Fr Joseph Maffei SDB and in 1981 by Bro Alan Scheneman SDB. Rooney was listed on the website of Boston attorney Garabedian 10/31/2014 after a settlement during the year previous. The Salesians confirmed a monetary settlement had been reached. Rooney worked in the Boston, Gary, Paterson, New Orleans, New York, Newark, and Birmingham (arch)dioceses. Laicized in 2008. Lawsuit filed in 2/2020 in NJ. Included on the Salesians list in 3/2020. New suit in 3/2022, also with claims against Sr. Alvin Marie Hagan, SSND. Rooney was living in 3/2022 in Arizona.
Fr. Juan Francisco Sanchez
Fr. Paul Sappino

Br. Alan Scheneman

Fr. Peter Sella

Br. George M. Sheehan

Professed vows 9/8/1954. Worked in NJ, IN, NH, NY, MA. Died 11/17/2006. Included on a list of accused priests and religious posted by the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian on 01/19/2011. Garabedian says he has settled at least one claim with the Boston Archdiocese regarding allegations against Sheehan. Included in 3/2020 on the Salesians list of credibly accused.
Fr. Joseph P. Sokol
Br. Philip Soltau
Fr. Anthony Spano

Fr. Raymond Steichen

Br. John Vas

Br. John Verhart
Fr. John Voglio

Accused during an AG investigation in 3/2002 of repeated sexual abuse of a 12-year-old boy in 1982 at Camp Don Bosco in NH. Voglio was a Salesian brother at the time and camp counselor. Later in 1982 Voglio wrote to the alleged victim from OH, saying that he was going on to become a priest. He was ordained for the Salesians in 1987 and worked in a Salesian High School and a parish in the NY archdiocese. Name included on the NY archdiocese's list 4/26/2019, noting that Voglio was removed from ministry and laicized. Per the Salesians list in 3/2020, he withdrew from the order in 1994. Reportedly in 3/2023, Voglio was running a charity that gave scholarships to Catholic schools for underprivileged children, and "mingles with children and teenagers who attend charity events." The charity was founded in 2000 by accused priest John Harrington.
Fr. Gerald Wertz

Fr. Stephen Whelan