5 Accused in This Religious Order
- L.A. Times 12.14.86
- San Jose Mercury News (Major Accounts) 12.31.87
- L.A. Times 06.20.88
- Amarillo Globe 06.27.02
- Amarillo Globe 07.09.02
- Los Angeles New Times 08.15.02
- L.A. Times 08.18.02
- NY Times 08.24.02
- L.A. Times 11.26.02
- L.A. Daily News 07.01.03
- Dallas Morning News 01.19.04
- L.A. Archdiocesan Report page 6 02.17.04
- Amarillo Globe 02.06.05
- Dallas Morning News 06.23.05
- Dallas Morning News 06.24.05
- Dallas Morning News 07.01.05
- Dallas Morning News 07.06.05
- L.A. Times 07.18.07
- Dallas Morning News 10.31.11
- L.A. Daily News 10.12.12
- Mercury News 04.15.13
- Washington Post 04.15.13
- My Plain View 04.20.13
- The NECN 06.19.13
- Amarillo Globe News 07.23.13
- Amarillo Globe-News 08.27.13
- MyHighPlains 08.27.13
- L.A. Times 12.30.13
- L.A. Times 12.30.13
- Amarillo Globe-News 12.31.13
- My High Plains 12.31.13
- U-T San Diego (AP) 12.31.13
- Diocese of Amarillo List 01.31.19
Fr. Joseph J. Kershner

Principal of Cardinal Gibbons High School when suspended in 6/2002 due to allegations of abuse in the 1980s. Allegedly grabbed a student's buttocks. Two male teachers also complained that he groped them. Cleared by the Review Board in 12/2002 and returned him to active ministry. He then retired because of health problems. Named in a civil suit filed late 2009 or early 2010 in FL.
Seminarian Amado Pena
Seminary student. Not ordained. Charged in CA in 2003 with molesting two 14-year-old boys between 1980-1982 [per 2004 archdiocesan report he abused only one]. Arrested in MA in 2003 on outstanding 1987 warrant from MA for alleged abuse of a 12-year-old boy. CA charges may have been dropped in 2003 after CA Supreme Court ruling.
Fr. Theodore Podson

Left Devon Prep in Philadelphia in 1993 after allegations that he sexually abused a boy. No publicity and no charges. Was in the Amarillo diocese by 1995, working as a pastor and prison chaplain. Resigned in 6/2002 after the Dallas Bishops conference. By 2003 Podson was living in the Philippines with teenage boys he claimed to be mentoring. His name appeared on Msgr. Lynn's list of order and extern abusive priests. The order removed him in 8/2012 and sent him to live under supervision at residential treatment center. Included on the Buffalo diocese's list updated 11/5/2018.
Fr. John Anthony Salazar-Jimenez

Accused in a 1986 lawsuit of the sexual abuse of a boy. Convicted 1987 of molesting two boys in Los Angeles. Sentenced to six years in prison; served four. Banned for life from the Los Angeles archdiocese. Sent to the Servants of the Paracletes treatment facility in Jemez Springs, NM after his release from prison. Invited while at the facility in late 1990 by Amarillo TX Bishop Matthiesen to work in his diocese; assigned to a parish in 7/1991. Removed from ministry in the diocese in 2002 after a reporter found that he was active there. Sent to Canada for treatment. Arrested in 2002, charged with the abuse of two boys in CA in the 1980s. Charges dropped in 2003 after a U.S. Supreme Court Ruling regarding the statute of limitations. Charged in 2003 with the sexual assault of an 18-year-old in Dallas. Convicted 7/1/2005. Received a life sentence. Laicization announced in 2/2005. A new trial was ordered in 9/2011. Accepted a plea bargain in 2013; released for time served. At least 9 claims were settled in CA and TX 2007-2008. CA personnel file released in 1/2013. Pleaded guilty on 12/30/2013 to more charges in TX; sentenced to 10 years. Included on the Amarillo diocese's list 1/31/2019.
Fr. John C. Santillan Hernandez

Civil suit filed in 1998; dismissed. Removed in 2002. Accused of the sexual abuse of a boy, ages 12-17, in the 1970s. Police investigated in 2002. Per the Los Angeles Archdiocese's 2004 report, there were two accusers 1977-1985. In active ministry in Bolivia from 1998. Deceased, per the Archdiocese's list in 12/2021.