16 Accused in This Religious Order
- Associated Press 03.27.02
- Associated Press 03.28.02
- Union Leader 03.29.02
- Associated Press 04.24.02
- Union Leader 04.25.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 09.25.02
- Associated Press 09.25.02
- The Telegraph (Nashua, NH) 09.25.02
- Associated Press 10.01.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 10.07.02
- Providence Journal Bulletin 01.05.03
- Associated Press 02.12.03
- Documents from Manchester Report by NH Atty General 03.03.03
- Manchester Report by NH Atty General 03.03.03
- Manchester Union Leader 03.04.03
- Union Leader 04.02.03
- Lowell Sun 09.03.03
- Associated Press 11.19.03
- Mobile Register 04.06.03
- Mobile Register 04.13.03
- Mobile Register 04.25.03
- Mobile Register 04.27.03
- Mobile Register 05.01.03
- Associated Press 05.12.03
- Mobile Register 10.02.03
- Mobile Register 02.17.04
- Associated Press 04.09.04
- Mobile District Attorney Release 04.30.04
- Associated Press 05.05.04
- Associated Press 05.27.04
- Associated Press 04.06.05
- My Fox Gulf Coast 07.27.07
- My Fox Gulf Coast 08.09.07
- Press Register 08.10.07
- Lagniappe Mobile 09.12.18
- Diocese of Jackson List 03.19.19
- Lagniappe 09.10.23
- Laniappe 10.12.23
- Fitchburg Sentinel 06.18.69
- Telegraph 05.18.85
- Associated Press 03.28.02
- Union Leader 11.22.02
- Nashua Telegraph 11.23.02
- Union Leader 11.23.02
- Providence Journal-Bulletin 01.05.03
- Associated Press 02.12.03
- Union Leader 08.30.03
- Manchester Union Leader 10.02.03
- Union Leader 06.03.04
- Rhode Island Catholic 04.23.09
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Nashua Telegraph 06.01.18
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart 09.29.19
- Union Leader 06.03.04
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Portland Press Herald 11.13.97
- Union Leader 11.13.97
- Portland Press Herald (AP) 11.14.97
- Union Leader 11.17.97
- Portland Press Herald 11.20.97
- Portland Press Herald (AP) 12.21.97
- Union Leader 01.09.98
- Portland Press Herald (AP) 01.10.98
- Portland Press Herald 02.20.99
- Portland Press Herald 06.15.99
- Associated Press 03.26.02
- Associated Press 05.27.03
- Maine AG Report 02.24.04
- New Hampshire Public Radio 05.30.18
- Manchester Ink Link 04.21.20
- Lowell Sun Obituary via Legacy 07.19.20
- The Tribune 06.24.11
- The AZFamily 06.24.11
- My Fox Phoenix 06.24.11
- Daily Journal (AP) 06.24.11
- Arizona Republic 06.25.11
- Arizona Republic 06.26.11
- ABC 15 06.27.11
- My Fox Phoenix 06.27.11
- East Valley Tribune 06.30.11
- Arizona Republic 07.01.11
- East Valley Tribune 07.14.11
- East Valley Tribune 07.19.11
- The Tribune 08.25.11
- Tucson Citizen 08.27.11
- My Fox Phoenix 08.29.11
- East Valley Tribune 09.22.11
- East Valley Tribune 11.01.11
- East Valley Tribune 01.10.12
- Arizona Republic 03.17.12
- Tucson Citizen 06.15.12
- ABC News 06.16.12
- Arizona Republic 04.07.13
- SNAP Statement 04.08.13
- AZ Central 12.08.13
- Statement by Diocese of Phoenix 01.19.14
- Arizona Republic 01.21.14
- Catholic Sun 01.28.14
- Diocese of Phoenix List 10.29.19
- ABC 15 01.09.20
- Arizona Republic 01.09.20
- 12 News NBC 01.10.20
- ABC 15 01.10.20
- Fox 10 Phoenix 01.10.20
- News 12 02.06.20
- 12 News 02.07.20
- The Republic 02.26.20
Br. Roger Argencourt

Also known as Br. Odillon. Placed on leave in 1/02. Sued in 4/02 for abuse in 1973-74 at Bishop Guertin High School. He admitted abuse in court records. Also admitted abuse of another student. Second suit filed at a later date. One case settled in 11/03. Authorities in RI were preparing to file charges for abuse at Mount Saint Charles Academy when Argencourt died in 9/02.
Br. Guy Beaulieu

Alleged in multiple 2002-04 lawsuits to have abused at least 20 students over a 20 year-period at Bishop Guertin High School in New Hampshire and at Camp Fatima. He admitted the abuse during depositions. Transferred to retirement home in RI in 1990. Complaints made to school officials in 1970s and 1990s. Claims included in 11/02, 8/03 and 5/04 settlements. Multiple known abusers at Bishop Guertin.
Br. Nicholas Paul Bendillo

Known as "Br. Vic." Taught at McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile 1959-1998. Complaint received in 1998. Placed on leave. Received treatment. Arrested in 4/2003. Convicted. Sentenced in 2004 to five years in prison. Multiple plaintiffs with allegations going back to 1963. Civil suit filed in 2003 by two men. Settled in 2004. Two more suits filed in 5/2004. Released from prison hospital 7/04/2007 at age 78. Sent to MO for treatment. On AL and MO sex offender registries. On Mobile archdiocese's list 12/6/2018. Noted to be deceased. On Jackson diocese's list 3/19/2019.
Brother Regis
A man filed a civil suit in 3/11 alleging that Br. Regis, also known as Raymond Richard, sexually abused him for several months when he was a 7th grader at Sacred Heart Boarding School in Sharon, MA in the 1950s. The man said he told a priest during confession at the school and was then confronted by the priest, Regis, and the school director. When he returned from Easter break, Regis was gone. Suit announced in 11/11. School has been closed for many years. Regis is deceased.
Br. Peter Claver

Took final vows in 1923. Worked as a teacher and administrator in schools of the Sacred Heart Brothers in New England and Canada. Became superior of Sacred Heart School in Andover, MA in 1970. Died in 4/75. In 4/12, attorney Mitchell Garabedian announced settlement of at least one claim of abuse regarding Claver, of abuse at a school in Rhode Island.
Br. Leon Cyr

A man came forward in 4/03 to allege that he was abused by Br. Cyr, a teacher at Bishop Guertin High School, in the early 1980s. Cyr denied the accusation. Attorney for Four plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit against the school and the Order, alleging abuse. One man (not original complainant) alleged abuse by Cyr multiple times from 1981 to 1983. Suit still pending in 2004. Cyr died in 2021.
Br. Paul L. Gauvin
In 12/12 the diocese announced a substantiated claim against Gauvin of abuse of a minor, age 11-12, in the early 1970s. Assigned at the time of the alleged abuse as director of religious education at St. Thomas Aquinas in Madawaska. Gauvin apparently left Maine in 1994 when the order left. He was working as director of liturgy at Sacred Heart parish in Bloomfield CT in 2012 when placed under supervision without contact with minors.
Br. Leo R. Labbe

Took first vows as a Brother of the Sacred Heart in 1959, final vows in 1965. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 11/02 of forcing an 11-year-old boy to perform oral sex on him in 1960-61, at Sacred Heart Academy in Andover, MA. Labbe was head of Bishop Guertin High School in NH at the time of the alleged abuse. Per the suit, Labbe, then known as Bro. Gerald, abused the boy on several occasions. Labbe denied the allegations but placed himself on administrative leave. Case settled in 5/04. Labbe was also accused of not reporting numerous abusers at Bishop Guertin. Omitted from 2011 Boston AD database. Celebrated his 60th anniversary of entering the order in 9/19.
Br. Albert LaFlamme
Diocese and the Order settled a civil suit in 5/04 with a man who alleged that he had been abused by LaFlamme 40 or more times 1943-49 at St. Louis school in Nashua. Deceased.
Br. Louis Laperle

"Br. Philip." A man alleged in 2003 that he was molested by Laperle in 1968 when Laperle was teacher and/or principal at Notre Dame Academy in Fitchburg. Laperle left MA in 1969 for RI and never returned. In 4/2004, Laperle was acquitted by a jury of charges of assault and battery involving the student in 1968. The alleged incident actually involved indecent assault and battery but that charge did not exist in 1968, so it could not be used. Retired after acquittal. Died in 10/2021.
Br. William Leimbach
Civil suit filed in 7/07 in federal court alleged abuse of a 15-year-old boy in 1983-84 at Saint Stanislaus College/Saint Stanislaus High School by a "Brother William." School was run by the Sacred Heart Order. Leimbach was removed from ministry with students in 1991 after complaints by two students; he was allowed to continue work with adults and within the order. Was living since 2005 in Burrillville, RI
Br. Shawn McEnany

Pleaded guilty in 1988 to unlawful sexual contact with a 15-year-old female student at a Lewiston ME High School. Received two one-year suspended sentences and one year probation. Hired in 1990 to work at Bishop Guertin High School in Nashua, NH. Order thought it was ok since it was a boys school and he abused a girl. Placed on leave in 1997; charged with violating a state law that bars sex offenders from working with children and for failing to register as a sex offender. Charges dropped in 1999. Moved to RI, became a social worker. Died in 2017. Named in Maine AG Report. Accused in a 5/18 lawsuit of sexually assaulting a girl at Bishop Guertin HS in NH in 1995. Hearing set for 9/21/20.
Br. Ralph McGarry

Named publicly as accused on the Archdiocese of Mobile's list 12/6/2018. 'Misconduct' noted to have occurred 1960-1961. No indication as to where. Assigned at some point in the archdiocese to the Catholic Boys Home. Deceased.
Br. Regis Moccia
Accused in a lawsuit filed in 9/20 of sexually abusing a boy, ages 13-14, in about 1994-95. The alleged victim was a student at St. Joseph High School in Metuchen. Accused in a 2021 lawsuit of sexually abusing a boy, ages 14-15, during 1981-82, while assigned to St. Joseph's High. Moccia died 6/28/02.
Br. Albert J. Morel

Br. Adrian. Ordained to the priesthood in 1972. Teacher at Bishop Guertin High School. A former student alleged that in 1981 (after he graduated) he went to Morel for counseling because of a sexual problem and that Morel told him to unzip his pants, then fondled him. The former student said he left but that next time he saw Morel, Morel hugged him and told him he loved him. The man then wrote a letter to the head brother at Bishop Guertin. Morel died in 3/98.
Fr. John D. Spaulding

Removed without faculties 6/2011 when accused of sexual misconduct with a minor in the mid-1980s at St. Maria Goretti in Scottsdale. Review board found allegation credible. County Attorney did not investigate because alleged victim was deceased. A second man filed a complaint 8/2011; no prosecution due to the statute of limitations. Two more accusers came forward. The father of the original victim filed suit in 6/2012; dismissed. Special Tribunal in Rome 1/2014 recommended laicization. In 6/2019 a man alleged Spaulding abused him as a boy. Indicted in 1/2020 related to accusations he abused two boys under age 15 in 2003-2007, while assigned to St. Gabriel's in Phoenix and St. Timothy's in Mesa. Per Spaulding's attorney in 2/2020, the priest was too ill to appear in court for his arraignment. Rescheduled for 3/6/2020, but Spaulding died 2/25/2020.