83 Accused in This Diocese
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- WNEP 04.03.14
- Diocese of Scranton Statement 04.03.14
- WNEP 04.04.14
- Times Leader 04.04.14
- SNAP Statement 04.04.14
- Times-Tribune 04.04.14
- PA Home Page 04.04.14
- Times-Tribune 04.05.14
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- Times-Tribune 04.11.14
- PA HomePage 04.14.14
- WNEP 04.14.14
- Times-Leader 04.15.14
- Go Lackawanna 04.15.14
- Times-Tribune 04.15.14
- PA HomePage 05.27.14
- WNEP 05.27.14
- Times-Tribune 05.28.14
- WNEP 08.01.14
- ABC 27 08.01.14
- Times-Tribune 08.01.14
- Citizens Voice 08.02.14
- PA Homepage 08.02.14
- Citizens Voice 08.08.14
- Times-Tribune 09.04.14
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 10.22.18
- Standard Speaker 04.05.06
- Diocese of Scranton 04.03.16
- WNEP 04.03.16
- PA Homepage 04.03.16
- Times Leader 04.03.16
- Church Militant 04.04.16
- WNEP 04.04.16
- Times Tribune 04.04.16
- The Homepage 04.04.16
- Pocono Record 04.06.16
- 16 WNEP (ABC) 08.30.17
- Diocese of Scranton 08.30.17
- Pocono News 08.31.17
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- WNEP 10.08.24
- Diocese of Scranton 10.08.24
- The Times Tribune 10.08.24
- Pocono Record 10.08.24
- Morning Call 05.06.93
- Pennsylvania Law Journal 05.31.93
- Legal Intelligencer 10.25.93
- Times-Tribune 12.13.05
- Associated Press 12.14.05
- Times Leader 12.14.05
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- The Citizens Voice 01.04.07
- Times Tribune 01.04.07
- Times Leader 01.05.07
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Albuquerque Journal 08.26.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- Times Leader 07.07.20
- Citizens Voice 07.08.20
- Wilkes Barre Times Leader 05.02.02
- Times Leader 05.03.02
- Times Leader 05.26.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.30.04
- Dallas Morning News 07.01.04
- Ft Worth Star Telegram 07.01.04
- Dallas Morning News 07.01.04
- Times Leader 07.01.04
- Times Leader 07.02.04
- Times Leader 07.14.04
- Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church & School 01.25.12
- The American Conservative 09.17.12
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Scranton Times-Tribune 05.31.06
- Citizens Voice 05.31.06
- Times Leader 05.31.06
- WNEP 05.31.06
- Citizens Voice 06.17.06
- Times Leader 08.27.06
- Standard Speaker 10.26.11
- Citizens Voice 10.27.11
- Times-Tribune 10.27.11
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- Citizen’s Voice 09.08.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Times Tribune 10.31.02
- Times-Leader 03.24.04
- Scranton Times 03.25.04
- Scranton Times 06.17.04
- Times Leader 07.21.04
- Times Leader 10.08.04
- Catholic News Service 12.01.04
- Times Tribune 01.08.05
- Citizens Voice 05.10.05
- Times Leader 02.25.06
- River Reporter 03.09.06
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- Times Leader 07.13.08
- Vancouver Sun 12.17.11
- Vancouver Sun 12.19.11
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- NBC News 10.09.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Daily Review 03.16.11
- NECN 03.18.11
- Statement by Catholic Diocese of Scranton 03.18.11
- WBNG 03.18.11
- Morning Call 03.21.11
- Independent Weekender 03.24.11
- Times-Tribune 04.05.11
- Times-Tribune 05.07.11
- WBNG 10.20.11
- WNEB 10.20.11
- Greek Reporter 10.21.11
- Times-Tribune 10.21.11
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Clarion-Ledger 05.19.04
- Times Leader 05.20.04
- Citizens Voice 11.09.04
- Citizens Voice 05.19.05
- Philly com (AP) 06.08.05
- NY Newsday 08.11.05
- Times Leader 01.18.06
- Times Leader 02.14.06
- Times Leader 03.21.06
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- Times Leader 07.13.06
- Times Leader 07.28.06
- Times Leader 11.04.06
- Times Tribune 01.30.07
- John Doe v Liberatore et al 03.19.07
- Times Leader 03.20.07
- Times-Tribune 10.25.07
- Times Leader 11.06.07
- Times Leader 11.07.07
- Citizens Voice 11.07.07
- Times Leader 11.08.07
- Times Leader 11.08.07
- Citizens Voice 11.08.07
- Times Tribune 11.09.07
- Times Leader 11.18.07
- Times Leader 02.24.10
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 10.25.18
- Citizens Voice 10.29.20
- Diocese of Scranton Statement 10.29.20
- Diocese of Scranton List accessed 03.01.24
- BA.org Assignment Record
- MSNBC Assignment Record 12.01.10
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- Scranton Times Tribune 11.30.10
- Citizens Voice 12.01.10
- Times Leader 12.01.10
- Go Lackawanna 12.05.10
- Times-Tribune 12.05.10
- Citizens Voice 06.08.11
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Catholic Review 09.07.18
- Jesuits Maryland Province List 12.17.18
- The Hoya 03.15.19
- Citizens Voice 11.16.20
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- Scrantonian Tribune 08.28.88
- SNAP Statement 09.20.13
- WNEP 09.20.13
- Times-Tribune 09.20.13
- Times-Leader 09.20.13
- PA Homepage 09.20.13
- Diocese of Scranton Statement 09.20.13
- WNEP 09.20.13
- York Daily Dispatch (AP) 09.20.13
- The Republic (AP) 09.21.13
- The Australian 09.21.13
- Times-Tribune 09.21.13
- Times-Leader 09.21.13
- Citizens Voice 09.21.13
- The Freethinker (UK) 09.22.13
- Citizens Voice 09.24.13
- Times-Tribune 09.25.13
- Citizens Voice 09.25.13
- Times-Tribune 09.25.13
- Citizens Voice 10.04.13
- PA Homepage 10.30.13
- Times-Tribune 10.31.13
- Pocono Record 01.22.14
- Citizens Voice 01.22.14
- SNAP Statement 01.22.14
- Standard Speaker 02.02.14
- Citizens Voice 06.03.14
- WNEP 06.03.14
- Times-Tribune 06.03.14
- SNAP Statement 06.03.14
- Pocono Record 04.16.16
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizens Voice 11.27.18
- Garabedian Law Offices Assignment Record
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Wilkes-Barre Times Leader 07.27.04
- Times Tribune 07.13.08
- Times Tribune 07.13.08
- Statement by the Diocese of Scranton 07.17.09
- Times Leader 07.24.09
- Times-Tribune 11.16.11
- Times-Tribune 06.15.12
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- Pocono Record 11.15.11
- Statement by Diocese of Scranton 11.15.11
- Times Leader 11.16.11
- Pocono News 11.16.11
- Times-Tribune 11.16.11
- WNEP 11.16.11
- Sun-Gazette 11.17.11
- WNEP 11.20.11
- Corning Leader 06.15.12
- Times-Tribune 06.15.12
- Times Leader 06.15.12
- Pocono Record 06.15.12
- Moscow Villager 06.19.12
- Sun-Gazette 06.21.12
- Standard Speaker 07.27.12
- Times Leader 07.28.12
- Williamsport Sun-Gazette 08.21.12
- WETM 04.30.13
- Diocese of Scranton Statement 05.01.13
- Standard Speaker 05.02.13
- Williamsport Sun-Gazette 05.02.13
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Citizen’s Voice 08.26.18
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- USA Today 11.11.19
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Scranton Times Tribune 02.12.05
- Morning Call 03.18.05
- Star-Ledger 03.18.05
- Scranton Times Tribune 03.18.05
- [Cleveland] Diocesan Memorandum 10.31.08
- York Daily Record 11.01.09
- Off My Knees 11.15.09
- York Daily Record 06.16.10
- York Daily Record 07.30.11
- Diocese of Scranton 03.04.15
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- National Review 09.21.18
- York Daily Record 11.14.18
- St Michael the Archangel Church accessed 01.15.21
- BA.org Assignment Record
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Times Leader 07.16.06
- Pocono Record 10.19.09
- Scranton Times -Tribune 10.19.09
- Statement by Diocese of Scranton 10.19.09
- WNEP 10.19.09
- Pocono News 10.20.09
- Standard Speaker 10.20.09
- Times Leader 10.20.09
- Times Leader 10.20.09
- Statement (rev) by Diocese of Scranton 10.23.09
- Times Leader 10.24.09
- Times Leader 11.05.09
- Pocono Record 11.05.09
- Pocono Record 10.12.10
- Times Herald-Record 11.17.10
- Times Leader 11.17.10
- Poconos Record 11.17.10
- SNAP Statement 07.16.13
- Times-Tribune 07.16.13
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
- Times Leader Assignment Record 07.09.06
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Scranton Times Tribune 10.31.02
- Times Leader 03.24.04
- Times Leader 07.21.04
- Catholic News Service 12.01.04
- Times Tribune 01.08.05
- Citizens Voice 05.10.05
- Times Leader 03.04.06
- River Reporter 03.09.06
- Times Leader 07.09.06
- Times Leader 07.13.08
- Vancouver Sun 12.17.11
- Vancouver Sun 12.19.11
- Pocono Record 03.14.14
- Catholic Culture 03.14.14
- Pocono Record 03.15.14
- Citizens Voice 03.15.14
- Statement by Diocese of Scranton 03.15.14
- Pocono Record 03.16.14
- Times Leader 03.17.14
- SNAP Statement 03.17.14
- Catholic Culture 03.18.14
- SNAP Statement 03.20.14
- SNAP Statement 03.25.14
- Times-Tribune 03.26.14
- SNAP Media Statement 03.28.14
- Times-Tribune 03.29.14
- Times Leader 03.29.14
- Times Leader 04.07.14
- Global Post 06.03.14
- SNAP Statement 06.03.14
- Entorno Inteligente 06.04.14
- Paraguay 06.04.14
- ABC Color 06.04.14
- ABC Color 06.04.14
- Das Wochenblatt 06.05.14
- Entorno Inteligente 06.06.14
- GlobalPost 06.06.14
- Jeff Anderson & Associates Statement 06.06.14
- ABC Color 06.07.14
- ABC Color 06.07.14
- El Universal 06.07.14
- ABC Color 06.17.14
- SNAP Statement 06.23.14
- Washington Post 07.03.14
- Catholic Register 07.04.14
- GlobalPost 07.04.14
- SNAP Statement 07.06.14
- Times-Tribune 07.06.14
- Argentina Database of Accused Priests 07.08.14
- The Tablet 07.11.14
- Catholic Culture 07.28.14
- El Nuevo Herald 07.28.14
- GlobalPost 07.28.14
- SNAP Statement 07.28.14
- Sylvia’s Site 07.28.14
- Waiting for Godot to Leave 07.28.14
- DFW Catholic 07.29.14
- Times-Tribune 07.29.14
- UCA News 07.29.14
- Waiting for Godot to Leave 07.29.14
- Religion News Service 07.30.14
- SNAP Statement 07.30.14
- Tablet 07.30.14
- TribTown 07.30.14
- Vatican Radio 07.30.14
- Buenos Aires Herald 07.31.14
- Catholic Culture 07.31.14
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Ciudad del Este 07.31.14
- Christ or Chaos 08.04.14
- Religion News Service 08.05.14
- Christ or Chaos 08.06.14
- The Tablet 08.08.14
- DotCommonweal 08.14.14
- Bilgrimage 08.16.14
- ABC 08.20.14
- ReligiDigital 08.20.14
- DotCommonweal 08.21.14
- DotCommonweal 08.29.14
- DotCommonweal 09.09.14
- Global Post 09.17.15
- PA Grand Jury Report Profile 08.14.18
- Diocese of Scranton List 08.19.18
Fr. Philip A. Altavilla

Fr. Girard F. Angelo

Fr. Mark G. Balczeniuk

Fr. Joseph P. Bonner

Fr. Martin M. Boylan

Fr. Robert J. Brague

Fr. Francis T Brennan

Fr. Joseph Bucolo

Fr. Gerald J. Burns

Fr. Leo A. Burns

Fr. Robert N. Caparelli

Fr. Robert Capparelli
Fr. Christopher R. Clay

Fr. Joseph T. Conboy

Fr. Anthony P. Conmy

Fr. Francis Patrick Corcoran

Fr. J. Peter Crynes

Fr. William R. Culnane

Fr. Raymond L. Deviney

Fr. Donald J. Dorsey

Fr. John J. Dzurko

Fr. Eric Ensey

Fr. James F. Farry

Fr. James F. Fedor

Fr. Ralph N. Ferraldo

First named publicly as accused in the 8/14/18 PA Grand Jury Report. Report to diocese 12/74 from a woman that Ferraldo molested her 16-year-old son and other altar boys and hospital orderly. Timlin denied the allegations. Evaluated in 1985 after an allegation of inappropriate behavior with a hospital patient. In 2/86 Ferraldo was accused of sexual advances toward a 23-year-old male patient. He admitted to the behavior, and said he didn't know "what comes over him." Was told to go for evaluation and treatment. Granted Indefinite Leave of Absence 11/30/88. Died in 1997. In 2002 the diocese received a report from the Archdiocese of New York that a man alleged sexual abuse by Ferraldo when he was age 16 or 17 in 1982-83. On diocese's list 8/19/18.
Fr. Philip Ferrara

Fr. Walter L. Ferrett

Fr. Austin E. Flanagan

Fr. Joseph D. Flannery

Fr. Martin J. Fleming
Fr. Conran Free

Fr. Edward F. Gallagher

Fr. Robert J. Gibson

Fr. Joseph P. Gilgallon

Fr. James Joseph Gormley

Fr. Joseph A. Griffin

Fr. Joseph T. Hammond

Fr. Alex J. Hazzouri

Fr. Charles W. Heid

Fr. P. Lawrence Homer

Fr. Joseph F. Houston

Fr. Thomas M. Jordan

Fr. James J. Kane

Fr. Joseph P. Kelly

Fr. Francis G. Kulig

Fr. Albert M. Liberatore, Jr.

Fr. Gregory F. Loughney

Pastor of Most Holy Trinity in Cresco when arrested in 10/2021 after admitting to police that he intended to meet two teenage boys for sex. Loughney called the police himself after he was caught and filmed in a convenience store parking lot by a man calling himself a "predator catcher"; the man had posed as a 15-year-old boy on a dating app and set up the meeting. Loughney was suspended from active ministry by the Diocese pending the investigation. In a plea agreement in 7/2022 he pleaded no contest to attempted indecent assault and attempted corruption of minors. Loughney was sentenced in 11/2022 to five years' probation. He was laicized in 2/2024. In 11/2024 he was shown in a Carbondale PA school district blog as presenting at a high school career day the previous month. In 3/2025 he is shown as a registered sex offender in PA on the Megan's Law website.
Fr. John A. Madaj

Fr. Louis Mako

Fr. James M. McAuliffe

Fr. Hugh Harold McGroarty

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Scranton diocese on its list in 10/2020. Assigned to parishes in Sugar Notch, Wilkes-Barre, Dunmore, Fairmount Springs, Bear Creek, Carverton, White Haven, Exeter, Carbondale, Kingston, Pittston. Died 4/16/2012.
Fr. Neil P. McLaughlin

Fr. Joseph F. Meighan

Fr. Russell E. Motsay

Fr. James F. Nolan

Fr. John A. O’Neill

Fr. Albert E. Oldfield

The Scranton diocese announced in 10/2019 that Oldfield had been credibly accused of child sexual abuse and was being added to its list. Died in 8/22/2019, age 85.
Fr. William Jeffrey Paulish

Fr. John A. Pender

Clare Pisaneschi

Died: 10/22/2014
Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA
Fr. Mark Plaushin

Fr. Michael G. Polcha

Fr. Michael J. Pulicare

Fr. Julius Reiner

Fr. Mark T. Rossetti

Fr. John C. Ruth

Removed from ministry 9/4/2024 after the Diocesan Review Board deemed credible allegations that Ruth had had "inappropriate sexual contact" with a minor from the late-1970s to the mid-1980s. Ruth was pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Susquehanna at the time of his removal.
Fr. Robert N. Shilala

Fr. Edward J. Shoback

Fr. Thomas P. Shoback

Fr. Thomas D. Skotek

Fr. Thomas J. Sokolowski

Fr. Thomas E. Stahurski

Fr. John J. Tamalis

Fr. Virgil Bradley Tetherow

Fr. Robert M. Timchak

Fr. Dominic C. Tomkiewicz

Fr. George J. Tribendis

Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity

Fr. Sebastian Vadakekottaram

Diocese: Diocese of Scranton PA
Fr. Lawrence P. Weniger

Fr. William J. Wheeler

Fr. Joseph B. Wilson

Fr. Steven J. Wolpert