6 Accused in This Religious Order
Seminarian Wilfred Laurent Carignan

Carignan, described as a "monk-in-training" who was not accepted into the order, was accused in 2011 of molesting a boy while working at St. Benedict's Monastery as a beekeeper. The boy was a 6th- or 7th-grader who was being tutored by Carignan in about 2000 when the abuse occurred. At the time of his arrest, Carignan was serving two separate sentences: 6-years to life and 8-years to life for the abuse of another boy. Conviction was in 2008.
Fr. Vincent Dwyer

Trappist monk from Worcester, MA. In 1969 allegedly began sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl, who was a student at Santa Catalina School in the Diocese of Monterey, and continuing off and on for 13 years. In 1995 the woman reached a $75K settlement with his superiors at St. Joseph's Abbey in MA. The woman sued the Monterey Diocese and school 12/2003 for failing to prevent the abuse. Accused in a 1999 lawsuit by a man of sexual abuse. Active priest until at least 2002.
Fr. Eugene A. Gavigan

Named as accused on the Savannah diocese's list 11/8/2018. Joined the Trappists in 7/1947 and took solemn vows 8/15/1951. Ordained at Holy Ghost Abbey in Conyers in the Atlanta archdiocese. Released from cloister reportedly for ill health and to 'pursue his talent as a sculptor at Notre Dame.' After teaching assignments he worked in Savannah 1958-1959 as assistant pastor of St James' parish. Died at age 30 on 7/28/1959 in a fall, during a camping trip to the Grand Canyon with two 16-year old boys, one of whom also died. Included in 11/2020 on the Atlanta diocese's list of credibly accused. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. It shows that in 2002 a woman reported that Gavigan sexually abused her multiple times in 1959, when she was age 6 and a student at St. James Parish School in Savannah. She said Gavigan was babysitting her when he blindfolded her and stuck his penis in her mouth, and that he tried to put it into her vagina. She said the priest told her father she had been bad, so her father spanked her.
Fr. Gerald V. Lynch
Ordained for the Trappists in Brighton, MA. Incardinated into the Diocese of Amarillo 1954. Died 11/25/79. Named publicly as accused by the Amarillo diocese on its list 1/31/19.
Fr. Louis F. McKean
Accused by a woman of abusing her in 1972-73 when she was a minor and McKean was assigned to Queen of Peace parish in Portland. The archdiocese settled the claim in 2003 for $750K. It is unknown if a suit was actually filed. Also had assignments in NV and WY. McKean was 86 when he died 4/5/05.
Fr. Patrick J. Sullivan
In 2002 civil suit, a woman alleged that Sullivan abused her for two years at St. Columba parish, 1968-1969, when she was ages 15-16. In 6/2003 a trial court dismissed some of the lawsuit but allowed the remainder to go forward. Sullivan was laicized in 1970. Included on the Norwich diocese's list 2/22/2019.