86 Accused in This Religious Order
- Chicago Tribune 04.21.98
- Chicago Sun-Times 04.21.98
- Chicago Tribune 08.14.98
- Detroit News 06.30.99
- Chicago Tribune 11.11.99
- Chicago Tribune 11.17.99
- Chicago Tribune 12.04.99
- Chicago Tribune 01.27.00
- Chicago Tribune 03.14.00
- St. Louis Post Dispatch 03.03.02
- Chicago Tribune 07.08.02
- Chicago Tribune 01.08.03
- Seattle Times 03.15.03
- WMAQ-TV 02.17.04
- Chicago Sun-Times 03.27.04
- Chicago Tribune 07.27.04
- Doe v Brouillete et al 03.31.09
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin 04.15.09
- HawaiiNewsNow 02.10.12
- KSBW 02.27.12
- Monterey Herald 02.27.12
- The Californian 02.28.12
- Chicago Sun-Times 04.12.12
- Southtown Star 07.31.12
- The Worthy Adversary 11.07.12
- Hawaii News Now 11.09.12
- Chicago Tribune 05.24.13
- Complaint in John Roe No 27 v Congregation of Christian Brothers et al, Cause No 14-1-0855-4, First Circuit Court, Hawaii 04.04.14
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- Seattle Times 01.23.16
- Hawaii News Now 02.04.16
- Diocese of Phoenix List 10.29.19
- KMOV 05.02.22
- KMOV4 05.27.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Seattle Times 02.07.07
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer 11.15.07
- Seattle Times 11.15.07
- Post-Intelligencer 03.20.09
- Chicago Now 09.08.09
- JB et al v Archbishop of Seattle 08-2-02341-9SEA, Pltts Obj to Def MSJ 10.12.09
- Seattle Times 04.28.11
- Summary and Documents 04.29.11
- SNAP Statement 05.23.11
- Seattle Times 11.24.11
- Monterey Herald 02.27.12
- Chicago Sun-Times 04.12.12
- CBS Chicago 07.31.12
- Southtown Star 07.31.12
- MyNorthwest 03.11.13
- Seattle Times 03.14.13
- Chicago Tribune 05.24.13
- SNAP Statement 05.08.14
- Seattle Weekly News 05.08.14
- SNAP Statement re Pending Settlement 05.08.14
- Q13 Fox 06.25.14
- Seattle Archdiocesan List 01.15.16
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- SNAP 02.12.16
- Los Angeles Times 02.12.16
- Worthy Adversary 02.14.16
- Patch 02.15.16
- Hawaii News Now 02.25.16
- Christian Brothers Sex Abuse site 02.26.16
- News Tribune 09.26.17
- Northwest Public Radio 09.26.17
- Los Angeles Times 10.13.17
- Irish Christian Brothers List 05.30.14
- Chicago Sun-Times 04.26.22
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- KUOW 08.06.24
- Associated Press 03.28.99
- Associated Press 04.02.99
- The Record (NJ) 08.02.99
- The Record 08.21.00
- NY Times 08.22.00
- Star-Ledger 08.25.00
- NY Times 08.26.00
- The Record 08.26.00
- The Record 12.27.08
- HawaiiNewsNow 02.10.12
- Complaint in John Roe No 27 v Congregation of Christian Brothers et al, Cause No 14-1-0855-4, First Circuit Court, Hawaii 04.04.14
- Irish Christian Brothers List 05.30.14
- Seattle Times Obituary 02.20.05
- Renew America 05.17.06
- Hoatson v NY Archdiocese et al, Cause No 07-102959, 08.14.07
- KSBW 02.27.12
- The Californian 02.27.12
- Monterey Herald 02.27.12
- The Californian 02.28.12
- Monterey Herald 02.28.12
- Monterey Herald 07.30.12
- Santa Cruz Sentinel 03.28.13
- Monterey Herald 09.06.13
- Monterey Herald (AP) 10.12.13
- Irish Christian Brothers List 05.30.14
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Irish Christian Brothers List 05.30.14
- Jeff Anderson and Associates Report accessed 05.11.20
- IL Attorney General’s Report 05.23.23
- Seattle Times 01.08.04
- The Olympian 01.22.08
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer 01.23.08
- Seattle Times 01.29.09
- JH et al v Corp of Catholic Archbishop of Seattle et al, 10-2-30752-4SEA 08.26.10
- CBS Chicago 07.31.12
- Southtown Star 07.31.12
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- Kent Reporter 01.15.16
- The Daily Word 01.18.16
- Letter from O’Dea High School 08.10.12
- O’Dea Relay 09.30.12
- Biography from O’Dea High School Website accessed 10.28.12
- Damon Tucker 10.31.12
- My Northwest 10.31.12
- KOMO 10.31.12
- KREM 10.31.12
- Worthy Adversary 10.31.12
- Seattle Times 10.31.12
- Q13 Fox 10.31.12
- King 5 11.01.12
- Sky Valley Chronicle 11.01.12
- Q13 Fox 11.01.12
- My Northwest 11.01.12
- KOMO 11.02.12
- Letter from Archbishop Sartain 11.12.12
- Chicago Sun-Times. 07.16.21
Br. Donald Paschal Alford

Br. Lawrence A. Angel
Br. Robert E. Beckstrom

Br. Dennis Bonebreak

Br. Laurence Boschetto
Br. David B. Burton
Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Burton in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based.
Br. Gerald K. Barry
Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Barry in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based.
Brother O’Donahue
Brother O’Sullivan
Br. Robert Noel Brouillette

Br. Michael T. Carr
Br. Francis C. Carroll
Br. Albert Casale
Br. John B. Chaney

Br. Marcos Capistran Chavira
Died at age 70 in 5/2002. Accused of sexually abusing at least one male student at Palma High School in Salinas. Settlement in 5/2013 by the Irish Christian Brothers included 9 former Palma High School students, two alleging abuse by Chavira.
Br. Robert Christensen

Br. Joseph M. Clark
Br. Alan S. Cobb
Br. Donald Cecil Collins
Br. Eugene Laurence Condon
Br. Charles A. Conefrey
Taught 1963-1979 at St. Laurence High School, where he was Superior 1973-1979. Died in 1979. Named publicly as accused in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least one "reported survivor."
Br. Edmund Corrigan

Br. Edward C. Courtney

Br. Patrick Croke
Br. Frank Luke Dalton

Br. Frank P. Delamere
Br. William Donahue
Br. Thomas Gregory Duffin

Br. Patrick Duffy
Br. James Claver Dunn
Br. George Dwyer
Br. Laurence Eagle
Named publicly as accused in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least one "reported survivor."
Fr. Luis J. Fernandez

Br. Salvatore A. Ferro

Br. Thomas Cuthbert Ford

Br. Stephen Justin Gardner
Br. James Vincent Hanney

Br. John Laurence Heathwood

Br. Ed Hennessey
Named publicly as accused in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes least one "reported survivor." (There was a Br. Edwin Thomas Hennessy, CFC assigned to St. Leo High School 1968-1974, Brother Rice High School 1975-1981 and St. Laurence High School 1981-2000. Died 10/14/2005. Sometimes referred to as Edwin F. Hennessy. No information found about a Br. Ed Hennessey.)
Br. Paul Kevin Hennessy

Br. William A. Hennessy

Br. Jerome Heustis

Br. Andrew Thomas Hewitt

Accused of abusing a male high school freshman with emotional problems. Civil suit filed in 8/88. Police investigated. Sentenced to five years probation in 4/89 and inpatient therapy in New Mexico. Order and archdiocese filed against insurance company. NJ Superior Court ruled 8/5/97 reversing lower court's order dismissing plaintiffs' claims and remanding. Died 5/22/02. Listed by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers in 2014 as accused by at least two persons in claims settled in bankruptcy proceedings. Named in a suit filed in 7/20.
Br. James Alvarez Houlihan
Br. Charles B. Irwin

Br. John Kealey
Listed by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers in 2014 as accused by at least two persons in claims settled in bankruptcy proceedings. Per Jeff Anderson and Associates law firm, Kealy was accused of abuse of a minor while at Brother Rice High School in Chicago. Kealey is deceased. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report last name spelled Kealy).
Br. Gerard Aloysius Kealy

Br. James Richard Kelly

Named publicly in 11/21 by Attorney Jeff Anderson as accused in a lawsuit filed under the NJ Victims' Rights Bill. Joined the Irish Christian Brothers in 1948 and professed final vows in 1956. Taught at schools in the Archdiocese of New York and in New Jersey, California and Canada. Principal of Bergen Catholic High in Oradell, New Jersey 1968-1974. Kelly died 11/10/17, at age 90.
Br. Joseph C. Kernan
Br. Lawrence A. Killelea

Br. John B. Lackie

Br. Ronald Justin Lasik

Accused in a suit filed on 4/26/2013 of abusing two boys at St. Laurence High School in Chicago. Convicted on 6/5/1999 by a Canadian jury of sexually assaulting 6 boys at Mount Cashel Orphanage and assaulting a seventh. Lasik was convicted of anally raping two of the boys, one of them five times. That boy was between 9 and 12 years old during the abuse. Obtained early release from prison and was deported in 2003 to the US, to live in a Christian Brothers facility in NY. Listed by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers in 2014 as accused by at least two persons in claims settled in bankruptcy proceedings. Lasik died in 2/2020. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Br. John Lawlor
Listed by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers' North American Province in 2014 as accused by at least two persons in claims settled in bankruptcy proceedings. No information given as to where or when the abuse occurred. Placing Lawlor in the Archdiocese of Newark for now, where the province is based.
Br. James A. Liguori

Br. Daniel McDonough
Br. K. Paul McGlade

Br. Robert B. McGovern

Br. John Paul Medvit

Br. Clement Adan Murphy

Br. John E. Murphy
Br. Thomas Ignatius Murphy
Br. Dermod Nash
Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Nash in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based. Nash is deceased.
Br. Walter D. Neary

Included on the Order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. Neary was accused of sexually abusing at least two students at Brother Rice High School in the 1960s. Deceased. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Br. John Francis O’Brien
Fr. John Francis O’Brien

Br. John Justin O’Connor

Worked at schools in NJ, PA and NY. Two former students at Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx came forward in 4/12 to allege that they were abused in the mid-1980s by O'Connor, then Dean of Discipline. He left the school in 1987 and, as of 2012, left the Irish Christian Brothers "within the past few years." The order filed bankruptcy in 4/11, which opened the doors for the allegations to be made. O'Connor was also a teacher and principal at Power Memorial Academy in New York. Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. A lawsuit filed in 9/19 claims O'Connor sexually abused a boy, age 15, in 1986. The boy was a Cardinal Hayes High student. O'Connor reportedly is the subject of "dozens" of allegations and lawsuits.
Br. John L. O’Sullivan
Br. Timothy Joseph O’Sullivan

Br. Vincent O’Sullivan
Br. Ruben Mark Padilla
Br. P.B. Patitucci
Named publicly as accused in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least one "reported survivor."
Br. Robert J. Post

Br. Paul Reycraft

Br. C.P. Ryan
Br. Daniel Peter Ryan
Included on the Order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. Referred to as Bro. D.P. Ryan in a lawsuit filed in WA State, and is included as such on the Seattle Archdiocese's list 1/15/2016 of credibly accused. Worked at Briscoe Memorial School in Kent WA 1949-1956. In the early 1960s and mid-1970s Ryan was in Chicago IL, on staff at Brother Rice High School and Leo High School. He was reportedly also principal of Brother Rice High School in MI in the 1960s. Claim settled by the Archdiocese in 7/2023. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report. Died in 2009.
Br. Richard Satterthwaite

Br. Robert Satterthwaite
Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Satterthwaite in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based. Satterthwaite is deceased.
Br. Michael E. Stoyles
Included on the order's list of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred. Placing Stoyles in the Archdiocese of Newark, where the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province is based. Stoyles was born 12/30/1903 and died 2/4/1991.
Br. James S. Thompson
Included on the Irish Christian Brothers' North American Province list in 2014 of former and deceased brothers with at least two claims of sexual abuse against them, as required by its bankruptcy settlement in 2014. No details provided as to when and where the alleged abuse occurred.
Br. Michael Trujillo
Br. Phillip Vorlick

Died in 1998. One of ten brothers and two laymen accused by more than 30 men in a 5/2013 civil case of abuse at three Chicago schools run by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North American Province. Order agreed to massive $16.5M settlement in 5/2013 with 400 plaintiffs claiming abuse by multiple order priests and brothers. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Br. Karl J. Walczak

Br. John M. Walderman

Br. Michael Walsh
Br. James V. Warren
Br. Douglas Zlatis