18 Accused in This Diocese
- Diocese of Arlington List 02.25.19
- Asbury Park Press 03.16.20
- Loudoun Now 03.16.20
- WRIC 03.16.20
- Catholic Herald 03.17.20
- Washington Post 03.17.20
- Daily Voice 03.18.20
- Independent 03.18.20
- Washington Post 03.19.20
- Washington Post 12.12.22
- Attorney General of Commonwealth of Virginia 12.12.22
- Associated Press 12.12.22
- WDBJ 06.06.23
- Loudoun Now 06.06.23
- The Washington Times 02.16.05
- NBC 4 02.21.05
- Leesburg2day 10.05.05
- DailyPress (AP) 10.06.05
- Washington Post 10.09.05
- The Connection 10.12.05
- Loudon Times Mirror 11.01.05
- WVEC 12.12.05
- Loudon Times Mirror 12.13.05
- Washington Post 12.15.05
- Arlington Catholic Herald 12.15.05
- Leesburg Today 12.22.05
- TimesCommunity 12.28.05
- Washington Post 12.02.10
- Diocese of Arlington List 02.25.19
- Washington Post 08.13.92
- Arlington Catholic Herald 08.20.92
- Arlington Catholic Herald 08.20.92
- Washington Times 08.26.92
- Washington Post 08.30.92
- Washington Post 09.12.92
- Arlington Catholic Herald 09.13.07
- Diocese of Arlington Press Release 09.13.07
- Washington Post 12.02.10
- Washington Post 12.05.10
- Ministry Values 12.20.10
- Washington Post 01.28.11
- Richmond Times Dispatch 03.03.11
- Burke Connection 04.25.11
- The Patch 07.08.11
- WUSA 02.21.13
- Voice of America 03.12.13
- Christian Science Monitor 09.14.18
- PBS News Hour 12.26.18
- Diocese of Richmond List 02.13.19
- CBS 6 02.13.19
- News Channel 6 02.13.19
- Diocese of Arlington List 02.25.19
- WJLA News 07.11.19
- WJLA TV 07.12.19
- WJLA TV 07.15.19
- WJLA TV 07.15.19
- WJLA TV 07.15.19
- WJLA TV 07.16.19
- WJLA TV 07.16.19
- Arlington Diocese 07.19.19
- Virginia Gazette 02.18.20
- WRIC 06.12.23
- Imperfect Parent 04.18.12
- NBC Washington 04.18.12
- WJLA 04.18.12
- Washington Times 04.18.12
- Statement by Diocese of Arlington 04.18.12
- Washington Post 04.18.12
- Washington Examiner 04.19.12
- WUSA 04.19.12
- WUSA 02.13.19
- WTOP 12.28.21
- Associated Press 12.28.21
- Washington Post 12.28.21
- Diocese of Arlington VA 10.05.22
- Washington Post 10.06.22
- Catholic News Agency 10.10.22
Fr. Scott A. Asalone

Fr. Richard P. Baird
Fr. Robert C. Brooks

Fr. Robert P. Buchmeier

Pastor of Holy Cross Church in Garrett Park MD when placed on leave by the Archbishop of Washington D.C. in 9/22, due to allegations that Buchmeier sexually abused minors prior to ordination. The abuse allegedly occurred in Northern VA. Buchmeier was a U.S. Army officer for 15 years before entering the priesthood.
Fr. Christopher Buckner

Fr. Gervase Cain

Fr. Curtis L. Clark
Fr. Michael R. Duesterhaus

Fr. William J. Erbacher
Fr. Ronald S. Escalante

Pastor of St. Francis de Sales in Purcellville when placed on leave in 12/18 during investigation of possible boundary violations with a minor and adults. Denied allegations. Sheriff's Office investigated; no criminal charges filed, as announced 12/14/18. Diocese was to do an internal investigation in relation to its Code of Conduct for Clergy. Bishop Burbridge announced in 9/19 that Escalante admitted to "unbecoming" behavior with the adults, and that the priest resigned from his parish and was on leave of absence. Also, the diocese's review board found the minor to be believable but that Escalante's behavior wasn't sexual abuse as defined by Canon Law and Diocesan child protection policies.
Fr. Michael Kuhn
Ordained for the Diocese of Fall River MA. Left Fall River in 2004 to work in the Diocese of Arlington VA and Archdiocese of Baltimore MD as a member of the Youth Apostles Institute. Suspended in 10/2018 pending investigation of an allegation that he had engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor in about 1975, decades prior to ordination, when Kuhn was age 18. He denied the allegation. The Fall River dioceses deemed the allegation unfounded in 2019. Found credibly accused in 2022 by Fall River after allegations of explicit sexual verbal communication with minors, and added to the diocese's list. Also added in 2022 to the Baltimore archdiocese's list of accused. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.
Fr. Christopher J. Mould

Fr. Tran Dinh Nhi
Fr. William Thomas Reinecke

Fr. Stephen A. Roszel
Fr. Robert M. Rutledge

Fr. Terry W. Specht

Spent 20 years in the Navy prior to priesthood. Complaint made in 1/12 that he had been involved in sexual misconduct with a teenage boy in the late 1990s; not removed until 4/12 from position at Holy Spirit Church in Annandale. Was parochial vicar at St. Mary of Sorrows Church in Fairfax at the time of the alleged sexual misconduct. Director of the Office of Child Protection and Safety 2004-2011. Denied the allegations. Reportedly in 2/19, the diocese was unable to decide whether the allegations were credible, and Specht was granted a medical retirement shortly after he was placed on leave. In 12/21 the VA Attorney General announced that Specht was indicted by a grand jury on two felony charges related to the alleged sexual abuse of a child younger than 13, occurring in 2000. Specht was chaplain and assistant principal of St. Paul VI Catholic High School during the time in question. Found not guilty at trial in 10/22. Per the diocese, Specht would not be returned to ministry.