128 Accused in This Diocese
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- New York Times 10.16.17
- News12 Long Island 10.16.17
- Newsday 02.13.18
- LI Herald 02.15.18
- LI Herald 08.09.18
- Newsday 02.16.19
- Long Island News 02.19.19
- Riverhead News-Review 02.19.19
- Silvestre v Diocese of Rockville Centre et al 10.22.19
- Alexander Jack v Diocese of Rockville Centre et al 10.22.19
- Long Island News 12 10.23.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Richmond Butler Profile 02.14.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- NorthJersey.com 09.16.21
- Asbury Park Press 04.16.02
- Newsday 04.23.02
- Star Ledger 01.30.03
- NY Times 01.31.03
- Long Island Newsday 02.12.03
- Daily News 04.15.03
- NY Times 06.13.03
- Diocese of Richmond List 02.13.19
- News Channel 6 02.13.19
- Diocese of Richmond Butler Profile 02.14.19
- Patch 05.07.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Associated Press 09.16.21
- Long Island News 12 10.18.19
- Jeff Anderson & Associates Assignment History
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Charland letter Summer 1995
- Hartford Courant via Legacycom 06.10.04
- News12 Long Island 02.15.18
- Times Beacon Record 02.18.18
- Newsday 04.27.18
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Garabedian Law Offices Assignment Record
- Garabedian Law Offices Assignment Record
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 04.03.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Suffolk County Grand Jury Report 01.18.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- Compasso v Volmer et al, Supreme Court, State of NY, County of Nassau 05.11.03
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List
- Stuart News 11.15.97
- Stuart News 01.23.98
- Newsday 03.18.02
- Sun Sentinel 03.22.02
- Cox News Service 03.22.02
- Palm Beach Post 03.23.02
- Newsday 04.23.02
- Sun Sentinel 04.24.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Palm Beach Post 02.28.04
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Sun-Sentinel 04.20.02
- Newsday 04.23.02
- Sun-Sentinel 04.24.02
- Newsday 06.03.02
- Suffolk County Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- Newsday 02.11.03
- Newsday 03.18.03
- Newsday 04.24.03
- Sun-Sentinel 09.25.03
- Sun-Sentinel 10.15.03
- Palm Beach Post 02.28.04
- Sun-Sentinel 12.04.04
- Newsday 12.04.04
- Tribune 02.07.10
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 03.08.02
- Newsday 01.03.03
- Newsday 01.03.03
- Newsday 01.09.03
- Newsday 01.14.03
- Suffolk County Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- Newsday 02.05.03
- NY Times 03.02.03
- Statement by Michael Hands 03.04.03
- Newsday 03.04.03
- Newsday 03.12.03
- Newsday 03.13.03
- Newsday 05.01.04
- Newsday 04.12.05
- Newsday 09.05.17
- Post-Star (Glen Falls NY) 09.05.17
- Associated Press via 12 News WBNG 09.06.17
- CBS 6 News WRGB 09.06.17
- Post-Star 09.06.17
- Times Union 09.06.17
- Post Star 01.05.18
- The Times-Union 01.05.18
- Newsday 02.27.18
- Times Union 02.27.18
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 02.24.94
- Newsday 03.13.02
- Sun Sentinel 01.30.09
- Miami Herald 02.01.09
- Newsday 02.03.09
- Newsday 03.15.09
- CBS4 02.03.10
- Newsday 02.03.10
- Orlando Sentinel 02.03.10
- Miami Herald 02.04.10
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 04.12.02
- Newsday 04.23.02
- St. Petersburg Times 05.24.02
- Atlantic Journal-Constitution Death Notice 05.24.02
- Tampa Tribune 05.24.02
- Suffolk Co Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- South Bend Tribune 05.06.03
- Notre Dame Magazine 07.01.03
- Tribune 07.04.04
- Newsday 05.26.05
- The Orderver 04.25.10
- SNAP Statement 01.09.11
- Philadelphia Magazine 05.20.11
- Notre Dame Magazine 07.12.13
- Times Herald 03.22.14
- Newsday 05.28.14
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.05.16
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04.06.16
- Newsday 11.14.17
- WFDS Tampa Bay 10.16.18
- Tampa Bay Times 10.17.18
- Newsday 02.16.19
- Newsday 08.15.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- National Catholic Reporter 01.15.25
- News 12 Long Island 11.05.18
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 02.16.19
- Long Island News 02.19.19
- Riverhead News-Review 02.19.19
- Alexander Jack v Rockville Centre Diocese et al 10.22.19
- Silvestre v Diocese of Rockville Centre et al 10.22.19
- Joanne Jack v Diocese of Rockville Centre et al 10.22.19
- Newsday 10.23.19
- Long Island News 12 10.23.19
- Patch 10.23.19
- Newsday 04.24.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 03.13.02
- Newsday 04.02.02
- Suffolk County Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- Newsday 02.13.03
- Riverhead (NY) News-Review Online 02.13.03
- Newsday 03.18.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- Newsday 04.30.09
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.20
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 05.17.00
- New York Daily News 11.16.00
- Newsday 03.19.02
- Newsday 06.03.02
- Newsday 07.31.02
- Suffolk County Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- Newsday 02.26.03
- Newsday 08.23.04
- Newsday 01.24.05
- Tribune 02.07.10
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 04.17.02
- NY Times 04.19.02
- Newsday 05.14.02
- Newsday 06.03.02
- Newsday 06.07.02
- Newsday 06.14.02
- Suffolk Co Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- NY Times 02.01.03
- Newsday 02.11.03
- Telegram & Gazette 02.17.03
- NY Times 02.20.03
- Compasso et al v Volmer et al, 04.14.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- NY Times 12.04.03
- Worcester Telegram & Gazette 07.22.07
- ABC News 10.23.07
- EDGE Boston 10.24.07
- Albany Times Union 11.07.07
- Inside Catholic 11.26.07
- Statement by Diocese of Rockville Centre 12.04.09
- Rolling Stone 01.21.20
- Newsday 04.24.21
- Newsday 05.21.21
- Newsday 05.27.21
- Altamont Enterprise 06.15.21
- Jeff Anderson & Associates Press Release and Video 08.09.21
- Buffalo News 02.01.25
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Suffolk Co Grand Jury Report
- Newsday 04.05.02
- Newsday 06.28.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Newsday 01.03.03
- Newsday 01.03.03
- NY Times 01.04.03
- Newsday 01.09.03
- Newsday 02.11.03
- Newsday 02.11.03
- Newsday 03.12.03
- Associated Press 03.12.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- Newsday 01.24.05
- Newsday 11.14.17
- Rockville Centre Patch 02.05.18
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Barry Settlement 10.06.95
- Boston Herald 02.25.02
- NY Times 04.19.02
- Telegram & Gazette 05.22.02
- Worcester Telegram and Gazette 09.01.02
- Telegram and Gazette 02.17.03
- Telegram & Gazette 04.01.03
- NY Times 09.17.05
- SNAP Statement 11.12.09
- NY Post 11.13.09
- Great Neck Record 06.17.15
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 06.07.07
- International Herald Tribune 06.07.07
- Hartford Courant (AP) 06.08.07
- Newsday 06.08.07
- 1010 WINS 06.09.07
- Newsday 03.12.08
- amNew York 03.12.08
- NY Daily News 03.13.08
- Empire State News 03.13.08
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- BA.org Assignment Record and Other Info
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- Newsday 03.26.02
- Newsday 03.27.02
- NY Post 03.29.02
- NY Times 05.16.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Suffolk Co Grand Jury Report 01.17.03
- Newsday 02.11.03
- Newsday 02.12.03
- Compasso v Vollmer et al Supreme Court of New York, Nassau Co 04.14.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- Newsday 04.15.03
- Long Island Press 02.24.05
- Newsday 04.21.09
- Newsday 11.14.17
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- Diocese of Rockville Centre List 03.18.21
- News 10 05.14.16
- New York Post 05.14.16
- Daily Journal 05.14.16
- CBS New York 05.14.16
- ABC 7 05.14.16
- Wall Street Journal 05.15.16
- Inquisitr 05.16.16
- New York Daily News 05.17.16
- New York Daily News 05.17.16
- New York Daily News 08.15.16
- Island Now 08.18.16
- LinkedIn accessed 09.24.18
- Long Island Weekly News 08.19.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- NBC New York 01.21.15
- CBS New York 01.21.15
- Hamilton and Griffin on Rights 04.07.15
- CBS New York 12.15.15
- Newsday 04.26.16
- SNAP 04.26.16
- Courthouse News Service 04.29.16
- Newsday 05.06.16
- News 12 05.06.16
- Fios 1 05.06.16
- CBS New York 05.06.16
- New York Daily News 05.25.16
- Raw Story 05.26.16
- SNAP 05.26.16
Fr. Peter A. Allen

Fr. Robert J. Allmendinger/Allmen

Fr. Arthur C. Anderson

Fr. Louis F. Angeles
Fr. Joseph V. Arevalo
Fr. Daniel G. Babis

Fr. James J. Bergin

Fr. Charles E. Bermingham

Fr. Richard M. Berry

Fr. James K. Bogert
Fr. William G. Breslawski

Fr. Brian J. Brinker

Fr. Robert L. Brown

Fr. William Michael Burke

Fr. John Robert Butler

Fr. Paul F. Butler
Accused in a lawsuit filed in 7/21 under the NY Child Victims Act of sexually abusing a minor in the 1980s, while a seminarian. Placed on leave.
Fr. Edward J. Byrne

Fr. Gregory J. Cappuccino

Fr. Michael A. Carroll

Fr. Joseph D. Casaciang
Fr. Joseph D. Casaclang

Fr. Peter Charland

Fr. Gerard J. Chasse

Fr. Thomas J. Colgan

Fr. Charles G. Collins
Fr. Basil Peter Congro
Fr. Damian Lawrence Cooper

Fr. Mario C. Costa

Fr. Edward R. D’Andrea
Fr. William G. Dailey
Fr. Raymond J. David
Fr. Eligio Della Rosa

Fr. Dominic S. Devadoss
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY
Fr. James C. Devita

Fr. Thomas F. DeVita

Fr. Angelo J. Ditta

Fr. Francis T. Dobson

Fr. Joseph Durmann
Fr. Peter L. Duvelsdorf

Fr. David G. Farley

Fr. Augustine Fernando

Fr. Nicholas J. Figliola

Fr. Matthew Fitzgerald

Fr. Joseph F. Fitzpatrick

Fr. Francis X. Gaeta

Fr. John F. Garvey

Fr. Robert J. Giuntini
Fr. William J. Gormley

Sr. Maureen Gregory
Fr. Augustus “Gus” Griffin

Bishop Robert Eric Guglielmone

Fr. John P. Halpin
Fr. Michael R. Hands

Br. Harold Harvers

Fr. Kenneth C. Hasselbach

Fr. George J. Hein

Fr. Robert D. Huneke

Fr. Richard Kammerer

Fr. William R. Karvelis
Fr. Joseph F. X. Keyes

Fr. Joseph Kozlowski

Fr. Joseph Lainesca
Fr. Frederick R. Learner
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY
Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci

Ordained in 1978 for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Named Bishop of Manchester NH in 2011. Accused in a lawsuit filed July 14, 2021 of sexually abusing an altar boy in 1983 and 1984, while a Rockville Centre priest. Libasci was pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Deer Park NY at the time in question, and the boy was a 12- or 13-year-old student at the parish school. Libasci denied the allegations. He continued in active ministry during an investigation launched by Boston's Archbishop O'Malley. Libasci's accuser died in 7/2024.
Fr. William R. Logan

Br. Finian Magee

Fr. John E. Mahoney

Deacon William D. Mahoney
Fr. Gabriel Massaro
Fr. John H. McCabe

Fr. Joseph C. McComiskey

Fr. R. Thomas McConaghy

Bishop John R. McGann

Fr. John J. McGeever

Fr. Brian A. McKeon

Fr. Edward L. Melton

Fr. George J. Michell

Fr. Andrew L. Millar

Fr. James C. Miller

Fr. Salvatore J. Miraglia

Fr. Thomas Morrin
Fr. John D. Mott

Fr. Joseph T. Mundy

Br. Bryan Robert Murphy

Br. Howard Murphy

Fr. John T. Murphy
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY
Fr. Thomas F. Murphy
Fr. John G. Murray
Fr. Kenneth T. Nee

Fr. Louis I. Newman

Fr. Joseph Nohs

Suspended in 3/2022 while investigated by the Nassau County D.A.'s office for possible child pornography possession. Assigned at the time of his suspension to St. Bernard's in Levittown.
Fr. Robert J. O’Connell

Fr. Michael J. O’Farrell
Fr. Michael J. O’Leary
Diocese: Diocese of Rockville Centre NY
Fr. Joseph O’Nolan
Fr. Frank J. Parisi

Fr. Harold Hugh Paul

Fr. Steven J. Peterson
Fr. Adam Joseph Pfundstein

Fr. Alan J. Placa

Fr. Henry J. Reel

Fr. William J. Remey

Fr. Charles A. Ribaudo

Fr. Brendan P. Riordan

Fr. Ernest E. Robinson

Br. Francis Rowles

Fr. Bernard J. Ryan

Fr. Robert J. Saccacio

Fr. Thomas G. Saloy

Fr. Severino A. Scala
Fr. Richard J. Schaefer

Ordained for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2003 of abusing a boy on many occasions over three years in the early 1960s, beginning when the boy was age 10. From 1958-1961 Schaefer was in charge of a group of young boys who wanted to be priests at Philip Neri in Northport, NY. His accuser alleged that Schaefer also abused five other boys in the group and that he was transferred after parents complained. Schaeffer's last assignment in the diocese ended 5/15/1962. He was assigned in 9/1962 to a parish in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston WV. The Official Catholic Directory shows was absent on leave from Rockville Centre 1962-1969. Named publicly as accused on the Wheeling-Charleston diocese's list in late 2018, which notes allegations beginning in 1986 of abuse by Schaefer throughout his career. Faculties suspended 4/10/1986. Died 4/10/1998. Included in 3/2021 on the Rockville Centre diocese's list of accused.
Fr. Thaddeus J. Semla
Fr. Donald R. Shane

Fr. Augustine J. Sheehan
Fr. Daniel P. Sheridan
Fr. William V. Singleton

Sister De Neri
Fr. James G. Smith
Fr. Alfred B. Soave

Fr. Raymond V. Stegmann

Fr. Walter Ladislaus Swietek
Fr. Theodore Tsiakalos
Fr. Gerald S. Twomey

Fr. Nicholas J. Unterstein

Fr. John P. Vitsas
Fr. Eugene Vollmer

Fr. James C. Williams

Fr. Gregory Yacyshyn