170 Accused in This Diocese
- United Press International 11.28.85
- Associated Press 11.07.86
- St Petersburg Times 03.18.87
- St Petersburg Times 05.06.87
- San Jose Mercury News 12.31.87
- Orlando Sentinel 09.17.95
- Ledger 04.08.02
- Newsday 10.16.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- Newsday 07.12.05
- Orlando Sentinel 07.23.12
- SNAP Statement 07.23.12
- WESH 07.23.12
- Orlando Sentinel 10.02.13
- NEWS 13 08.13.14
- Orlando Sentinel 08.13.14
- WFTV 08.13.14
- SNAP Statement 08.13.14
- SNAP Statement 08.14.14
- TheMediaReport 08.19.14
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Orlando List 10.06.21
- WABC 10.14.11
- NBC New York 10.14.11
- CBS New York 10.14.11
- NY Times 10.15.11
- NY 1 10.15.11
- NY Daily News 10.16.11
- The Gothamist 10.16.11
- Brooklyn Daily 10.17.11
- Brooklyn Daily 10.18.11
- CBS New York 10.23.11
- Brooklyn Daily 10.24.11
- NY Daily News 01.03.12
- Sheepshead Bites 01.04.12
- Brooklyn Daily 05.11.12
- SNAP Statement 05.11.12
- New York Daily News Obit 03.30.13
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Empire State News 06.04.08
- NY Post 06.05.08
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle 06.06.08
- Queens Ledger 06.12.08
- CBS New York 09.22.14
- Newsday 09.23.14
- WPIX 09.24.14
- 27 East 10.01.14
- New York Times 11.16.15
- Newsday 11.19.15
- SNAP 11.19.15
- 27East 11.19.15
- The Patch 04.24.17
- Newsday 04.24.17
- 27 East 04.24.17
- Daily Mail 04.25.17
- The Patch 04.26.17
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Collection of Sources 1981-2006
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 05.20.05
- Newswork 02.22.11
- Philadelphia Inquirer 02.22.11
- Voice from the Desert 02.22.11
- Philadelphia Inquirer 02.22.11
- New York Times 11.09.17
- New York Times 11.10.17
- News 12 Long Island 11.15.17
- National Catholic Reporter 11.16.17
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Bridgewater Courier News 03.28.19
- Archdiocese of St. Louis List 07.26.19
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 08.05.19
- The Patch 12.06.19
- Courier News 12.06.19
- Jeff Anderson and Associates 06.10.20
- Rochester Democrat and Chronicle 12.29.20
- NorthJersey.com 01.31.23
- NBC4 TV 07.29.20
- WPDH 07.30.20
- NBC New York 07.29.29
- Newsday 10.16.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- The Gothamist 09.26.17
- New York Daily News 09.26.17
- CBS New York 09.26.17
- Queens Courier 09.27.17
- Spectrum News NY1 09.27.17
- New York Daily News 09.27.17
- New York Daily News 09.28.17
- Queens Chronicle 10.05.17
- Queens Times Ledger 10.06.17
- New York Daily News 10.09.17
- WCBS-880 (CBS Radio) 10.10.17
- New York Times 10.11.17
- ABC7 Eyewitness News 10.25.17
- New York Daily News 11.20.17
- New York Daily News 11.21.17
- QNS 12.19.17
- New York Daily News 09.26.18
- Queens Courier 02.19.19
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Newsday 10.02.03
- Mobile Register 04.25.03
- Associated Press 10.08.03
- Mobile Register 02.17.04
- New York Post 03.06.04
- Port St Lucie News 03.06.04
- Palm Beach Post 03.09.04
- Associated Press 03.12.04
- Newsday 03.18.04
- Palm Beach Post 10.06.04
- Newsday 12.16.04
- Newsday 12.24.04
- Tallahassee Democrat 12.24.04
- Mobile Register 06.25.05
- Newsday 02.17.07
- NY Post 08.02.07
- Newsday 08.03.07
- TCPalm 08.03.07
- Newsday 10.25.07
- Newsday 10.27.07
- Newsday 10.29.07
- KSDK 05.06.10
- Lagniappe Mobile 09.12.18
- Archdiocese of Mobile List 12.06.18
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- Baltimore Sun 11.19.07
- WJZ 11.19.07
- Baltimore Sun 11.20.07
- The Examiner 11.20.07
- WJZ 11.25.07
- ABC 2 11.27.07
- Baltimore Sun 12.03.07
- WJZ 02.26.08
- Baltimore Sun 02.27.08
- Letter from Pallotine Order to Parish 12.28.08
- WBAL 12.30.08
- Catholic Review 12.30.08
- Baltimore Sun 12.30.08
- ABC 2 12.30.08
- Examiner 12.31.08
- Archdiocese of Baltimore List 09.05.19
- Baltimore Sun 10.14.21
- MD Attorney General’s Report 04.05.23
- NY Times 04.10.02
- Daily News 04.11.02
- Newsday 04.12.02
- Newsday 04.17.02
- NY Times 04.18.02
- Newsday 04.22.02
- New York Post 04.22.02
- Newsday 10.16.02
- NY Daily News 10.16.02
- Newsday 10.02.03
- Queens Chronicle 10.09.03
- Associated Press 11.07.03
- Daily News 11.07.03
- Bayside Times (NY) 11.13.03
- NY Post 01.28.09
- Courthouse News Service 05.14.13
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- New York Post 09.10.19
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle 09.11.19
- New York Times 02.05.87
- Diocese of Brooklyn List 02.22.19
- New York Times 04.25.23
Fr. John L. Abrams

Fr. Anthony Acciarito
Fr. Joseph V. Agostino

Fr. Bennet Akuzie
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY
Fr. Eugene P. Arnaud

Fr. Louis Aufiero

Fr. William Authenrieth

Br. David Baker
Fr. John Bals

Mary Juanita Barto

Fr. Hugo Bedoya
Fr. Thomas F. Brady

Fr. Edward C. Brennan
Br. Joseph F. Brocato
Brother Romanus. From Italy. Given name was Salvador J. or Joseph F. Brocato. Joined the Xaverians in 1926. Taught in KY, MA, MD, VA and Brooklyn NY. Xaverians settled for $75K in the early 2000s with a man alleging sexual abuse by Br. Romanus over a 4-year period in the 1960s, when the man was a 10- to 13-year-old boy. Abuse reportedly occurred in a classroom closet at Holy Name of Jesus Elementary School where Br. Romanus worked, in bathhouse locker rooms and swimming pool changing rooms, and under the Coney Island boardwalk. Died 6/30/1992. On the Xaverians' list 7/12/2019. On the Archdiocese of Baltimore's list 7/23/2019. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.Â
Fr. Douglas L. Brown

Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the Diocese on its list in 2/2019. Died 12/10/1996.
Fr. Edward J. T. Burke

Br. William M. Burns
Br. Francis Jerome. Joined the Xaverians in 1923. Moved almost every year or two, with the exception of his last six years at Malden Catholic High School in MA. Worked in NY, MA, ME, KY, MD, CT. Died in 1974. On the Order's list 7/12/2019. It notes allegations reported in 2003 and later, of abuse 1950s-1970s in Brooklyn, NY and in Shrewsbury, Danvers and Malden, MA. On the Baltimore Archdiocese's list 7/23/2019. Mentioned in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.Â
Br. Masseo Butteri
Fr. Hugh A. Byrne

Fr. John W. Byrnes

Fr. Joseph P. Byrns

Fr. Roberto Antonio Cadavid Arroyave

Fr. Brian F.X. Callahan

Fr. John F. Campbell

Accused in a lawsuit filed 3/22/2022 of sexually abusing a girl from about 1960-1966, beginning when she was age 10 and a student at St. Mary's in Long Island City, NY. Campbell was the parish pastor. Per the suit, the abuse began when the girl's father was terminally ill and Campbell was providing spiritual guidance and financial support to her mother. The plaintiff alleges that the nuns and, housekeeper and other priests at the parish knew she was spending inordinate amounts of time with Campbell and enabled it. Further, she told a priest in confession during her freshman year of high school about the abuse, and his response was that she was shameful to lie about Campbell and that she would go to hell. Campbell remained at St. Mary's until his death in 1968.
Fr. Francis J. Capellupo

Fr. John D. Capillo
Fr. Nicholas J. Capua

Fr. Christopher Lee Coleman

Fr. James P. Collins

Br. Patrick C. Congdon
Fr. Eugene A. Connolly

Fr. Michael C. Conroy

Fr. Augusto Cortez

Fr. Coleman J. Costello
Fr. Harold T. Cox

Fr. John A. Cross

Fr. Lawrence A. Crowley

Fr. William Cummings

Fr. Vincent M. Daly
Retired and living at Holy Trinity in Whitestone when accused in a lawsuit filed in summer 2021 under the NY Child Victims Act of sexually abusing a child, age 8, over 30 years previously, while assigned to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Long Island City.
Fr. Michael J. Dempsey

Bishop Joseph P. Denning

Fr. Thomas F. Denny

Fr. Enrique Diaz Jimenez

Fr. Thomas David Dougherty

Fr. John R. Dwyer

Fr. Francis J. Evans

Fr. Anthony J. Failla

Fr. Romano J. Ferraro

Fr. Robert A. Ferro
Fr. William E. Finger

Fr. Hughes Francis J.

Fr. James I. J. Frost
Fr. Vincent Gallo

in In a civil suit filed 10/2003, 27 victims alleged sexual abuse by 24 priests, including Gallo. One plaintiff said Gallo abused him around 1966. Gallo denied it. Gallo was the only priest of the 24 who had an active parish assignment at the time. In 3/2004, the Diocese announced that the review board found the allegations against Gallo unsubstantiated, and he was allowed to continue in ministry. Per the Diocese's list in 2/2019, Gallo was permanently removed from ministry 6/26/2018. He was accused in a claim settled in 2021 in the mid-six figures of sexually abusing a boy, ages 9-10, 1983-1985, while assigned to Blessed Sacrament in Brooklyn. Died 6/6/2023.
Fr. Otto L. Garcia

Fr. Francis W. Gillen
Br. Leo Gillis
Fr. James Gotimer

Fr. James R. Gowdy

Fr. Michael C. Gribbon

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2/2025 of sexually abusing a girl, age 12, at St. Clare Academy in Queens decades prior. Gribbon's accuser said that she was groomed and publicly assaulted by him at a school event. The Diocese stated that it learned of the allegations in 1/2024, and that its Review Board determined that there was not sufficient evidence to substantiate the allegation.
Fr. Robert Guiry
Bishop Dinualdo Destajo Gutierrez

Accused in a lawsuit settled in 4/2022 of sexually abusing a boy, age 11-12, while a visiting priest from the Philippines at St. Francis de Sales in Belle Harbor NY in the early 1970s. Bishop of Marbel, Philippines 1982-2018. Died in 2019.
Fr. Thomas G. Hagerty

Fr. Joseph Hassan

Fr. John Hauser
Fr. William J. Houston

Deacon Edward J. Huckemeyer
Fr. Francis J. Hughes

Fr. George Kayser

Named publicly as accused by the Brooklyn Diocese on its list updated in 2/2019. Kayser died 6/3/2010.
Fr. Brian M. Keller

Fr. Thomas F. Kelly
Fr. Michael J. King

Fr. Adolph C. Klein

Fr. Charles A. Kraus

Fr. Joseph T. Lahey

Fr. James R. Lara

Fr. Richard Lewkiewicz

Fr. John J. Lorinightus

Fr. Andrezj Lukianiuk

Br. Alphonsus Maher

Fr. Peter Mahoney

Mahoney was removed from ministry in 11/2021 after the Diocesan Review Board determined that allegations against him were credible. In 10/2020 the Diocese received an allegation that Mahoney sexually abused a child 1975-1978 while assigned to St. Martin of Tours. He was also accused in a 4/2021 lawsuit of abusing a boy, ages 12-13, in 1963-1964 while he was principal at the Church of St. Leonard of Port Maurice School. Mahoney died 1/21/2024. Included on the Diocese's list of accused.
Fr. Charles M. Mangini

Fr. Rudolph Manozzi
Fr. Francis J. Manzo

Fr. Ralph J. Maresca

Monsignor. Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Astoria when accused in a lawsuit filed in summer 2021 under the NY Child Victims Act of a child, age 7, over 30 years previously, while assigned to St. Edmund in Brooklyn.
Mary Ann Mattes

Fr. Edward L. Maurer

Fr. John H. Maurer

Fr. Henry J. McCloud

Fr. Robert J. McConnin

Fr. Webster J. McCue
Fr. Herbert J. McElroy

Fr. Thomas F. McGee

Named publicly as accused in 5/2021 by Attorney Jeff Anderson. Subject of a lawsuit under the NY Child Victims Act, of abuse of a minor in 1973. McGee died in 1997.
Fr. William McGlynn

Br. John McLoughlin
Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY
Fr. John G. McLoughlin

Br. John J. McMahon
Fr. Edward J. McNicholas

Fr. Michael Melendez

Requested personal leave in 2004. Laicized in 5/2008. Was a religion teacher at St. Francis Preparatory High School in Queens in 2024 when suspended during an investigation of three allegations of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring in the 1990s. The allegations were deemed credible by the Diocesan Review Board, after which Melendez was fired from St. Francis Prep and from his position as Director of Religious Education at a Howard Beach parish.
Fr. Arthur Minichello

Br. Lewis Morrow
Fr. Thomas O. Morrow

Fr. Francis X. Mulhall

Fr. Francis X. Nelson
Fr. Thomas Nohilly

Fr. Joseph M. Nolan

Fr. James T. O’Brien

Br. Francis O’Lone
Br. Ben O’Reilly

Fr. Thomas J. O’Rourke

Fr. Patrick Fursey O’Toole

Fr. Anthony Ocloo

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY
Fr. John J. O’Connor

Accused in a lawsuit filed 8/13/2020 under the NY Child Victims Act of sexually abusing an altar boy, beginning in 1996 when the boy was age 12. A resulting review board investigation yielded an allegation in 3/2000 that O'Connor had engaged in inappropriate communications with teenagers via the internet while assigned to St. Athanasius in Brooklyn. He was placed on leave 5/2000, underwent treatment, and returned to ministry in 8/2001. In 1/2022 he was removed from ministry and added to the Diocese of Brooklyn's list of credibly accused priests. At the time of his removal O'Connor was pastor of St. Gregory the Great in Bellerose.
Fr. Edward W. Offenheiser

Fr. Uriroghene Okrokoto

Prohibited from contact with minors in 8/2019 due to allegations of "boundary violations and grooming" involving teenage girls. Sent to St. Luke's Institute for treatment, then reassigned to a Brooklyn parish in 6/2021. Again suspended in 10/2021 after he was seen with a teenage girl at the parish. Brooklyn auxiliary bishop Raymond Chappetto allegedly had not informed Okrokoto's new pastor of the prohibitions against him. Also, the pastor of Okrokoto's previous parish complained in a memo to Chappetto in 9/2020 that the priest continued to spend time with teenage girls, despite his treatment at St. Luke's. Chapetto retired in 2/2022 and was the subject of a Vos estis investigation, initiated in 12/2021, due to his alleged mishandling of the Okrokoto case, including failing to inform diocesan officials of the 9/2020 memo. The Vatican determined that the allegations against Chapetto were unfounded.
Fr. Martin J. Osborne

Fr. Cornelius T. Otero

Fr. John J. Padian
Fr. Anthony J. Paone

Fr. Ronald P. Petroski
Br. Richard Pinke

Fr. Stephen Placa

Fr. Charles Plock

Br. Edward Powers
Fr. Adam Prochaski

Fr. Joseph B. Pugliese

Fr. Arthur D. Purcell
Fr. Ricardo Raveneau
Fr. Francis X. Reilly

Br. William Rettino
Fr. Alphonse Dallinger

Named publicly in 4/22 by Attorney Mitchell Garabedian as accused in a lawsuit that settled in 2021. Dallinger allegedly sexually abused a boy, ages 10-13, during 1970-73, while assigned to St. Mark's in Brooklyn. He died 4/7/89.
Fr. Howard Joseph Richmond
Fr. Robert A. Rodriguez

Fr. James E. Russo

Fr. Barry J. Ryan

Fr. Daniel C. Sabatos

Named publicly as accused by the Brooklyn diocese on its list 4/15/2024 (with an erroneous ordination date). Restrictions noted to have been placed 6/1/2020.
Fr. Michael J. Salamone

Fr. Michael Salerno

Fr. Joseph J. Schuck

Fr. Patrick O. Sexton

Fr. Vincent A. Sforza

Fr. Daniel J. Sheehan
Fr. James G. Sickler

Fr. Gennaro Simonetti

Fr. James T. Smith

Fr. James P. Smyth

Fr. Protasio Soares

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY
Fr. John Soister
Fr. George J. Stack

Fr. John H. Stonebridge

Fr. Frederick Strianese

Fr. James E. Sullivan

Fr. James Tahaney

Fr. John A. Thompson

Fr. Robert A. Titone
Fr. Anthony M. Trapani

Fr. James C. Tugwood

Fr. Paul Vazhapilly

Deacon Rogelio Vega

Diocese: Diocese of Brooklyn NY
Fr. Rocco Verrengio

Fr. George Voiland

Fr. Edward L. Walsh
Fr. Joseph J. Weber

Fr. Charles H. White

Fr. Kenneth Wicks

Fr. George J. Wilders

Fr. Francis C. Wildgruber

Fr. William A. With
Fr. Benjamin Yander

Fr. George F. Zatarga

Fr. Vincent A. Zollo