20 Accused in This Diocese
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Assignment record compiled by Law Firm
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Charlotte Observer 05.04.22
- Sun-Sentinel 04.18.02
- Charlotte Observer 04.19.02
- Sun-Sentinel 04.20.02
- Sun-Sentinel 04.24.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Charlotte Observer 06.14.02
- Charlotte Observer 08.06.02
- Charlotte Observer (AP) 11.04.04
- Charlotte Observer 11.04.04
- News Channel 36 07.19.11
- Charlotte Observer 07.20.11
- WSOC 07.20.11
- Salisbury Post 07.21.11
- Charlotte Observer 07.25.11
- WCNC 02.11.12
- Charlotte Observer 05.31.14
- Charlotte Observer 06.20.14
- SNAP Statement 06.20.14
- Seth Langson Media Statement 06.23.14
- WSOC 07.07.14
- Charlotte Observer 07.08.14
- sethlangsonlaw 05.07.16
- WBTV 09.06.18
- WFAE 12.02.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- John Doe v Charlotte Diocese 04.13.20
- Charlotte Observer 04.14.20
- FOX 46 TV 04.14.20
- WCCB TV 04.14.20
- WSOC TV 04.14.20
- WFAE 04.14.20
- Associated Press 04.15.20
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Boston Channel 01.19.11
- Herald News 01.19.11
- Metrowest Daily News 01.19.11
- BishopAccountability List of Boston Priests Not Previously Identified 01.19.11
- Associated Press 01.19.11
- Oblate School of Theology Website, accessed 01.22.11
- KSAT 01.26.11
- KENS 01.26.11
- San Antonio Express News 01.26.11
- Boston Globe 11.20.11
- Buffalo News 08.14.19 updated 08.03.20
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Assignment Record Compiled by Law Firm
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- WBTV 07.06.10
- Charlotte Observer 07.07.10
- WXII 07.07.10
- Winston-Salem Journal 07.07.10
- News 14 07.08.10
- Winston-Salem Journal 07.08.10
- Times News 07.08.10
- Winston-Salem Journal 07.15.10
- Winston Salem Journal 07.15.10
- WBTV 07.20.10
- Charlotte Observer 07.21.10
- Winston Salem Journal 07.22.10
- Charlotte Observer 07.23.10
- Charlotte Observer 09.29.11
- Times-News 09.29.11
- Times-News 09.29.11
- Charlotte Observer 12.02.11
- Statement by SNAP 12.02.11
- Charlotte Observer 12.02.11
- WBTV 12.05.11
- Charlotte Observer 05.31.14
- SNAP Statement 06.20.14
- Charlotte Observer 06.20.14
- Seth Langson Media Statement 06.23.14
- Stanly News & Press 06.24.14
- Seth Langson Media Statement 06.30.14
- SNAP Statement 07.01.14
- Charlotte Observer 07.01.14
- Seth Langson Media Statement 07.01.14
- WSOC 07.07.14
- Charlotte Observer 07.08.14
- SNAP Statement 08.21.14
- Charlotte Observer 08.22.14
- Winston-Salem Journal 08.31.14
- sethlangsonlaw 05.07.16
- Diocese of Raleigh List accessed 12.17.18
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- John Doe v Charlotte Diocese re Kelleher 04.13.20
- Charlotte Observer 04.14.20
- FOX 46 TV 04.14.20
- WCCB TV 04.14.20
- WFAE 04.14.20
- WSOC TV 04.14.20
- Associated Press 04.15.20
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Asheville Citizen-Times 03.06.95
- Charlotte Observer 03.11.95
- Charlotte Observer 04.21.02
- Asheville Citizen Times 04.23.02
- Richmond Times Dispatch 08.25.02
- Asheville Citizen Times 02.28.04
- Washington Post 02.24.07
- Rockingham Now 10.21.18
- Diocese of Raleigh List accessed 12.17.18
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- The Charlotte Observer 12.24.34
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Charlotte Observer 03.26.98
- Winston-Salem Journal 04.14.02
- News & Observer 04.15.02
- Asheville Citizen-Times 04.23.02
- Dallas Morning News 06.12.02
- Watauga Democrat 01.23.19
- WBTV 02.28.19
- WSOC TV 03.25.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- BA.org Assignment Record
- Diocese of Charlotte Assignment Record 12.29.19
- Charlotte Observer 04.02.08
- The Record 04.03.08
- Charlotte Observer 04.03.08
- WSOC 04.03.08
- Charlotte Observer 04.04.08
- Charlotte Observer 04.07.08
- WCNC 04.11.08
- Charlotte Observer 04.13.08
- Charlotte Observer 04.16.08
- The Record 09.15.08
- Charlotte Observer 10.15.08
- WCCB 10.17.08
- Star-Ledger 12.14.08
- Charlotte Observer 02.02.09
- Charlotte Observer 02.02.09
- WSOC 02.02.09
- Charlotte Observer 02.03.09
- Charlotte Observer 02.03.09
- Charlotte Observer 02.09.09
- Charlotte Observer 06.23.09
- News Observer 05.08.10
- North Carolina Lawyers Weekly 07.10.10
- WSOC 02.21.17
- WFAE 12.03.19
- WFAE 12.03.19
- WFAE 12.04.19
- WFAE 12.05.19
- Diocese of Charlotte List 12.29.19
- Charlotte Observer 12.22.20
- Catholic News Herald 12.29.20
Fr. Donald Philip Baker

Fr. Charles Jeffries Burton

Fr. Eugene D. Corbesero

Fr. Aloysius Joseph D’Silva

Fr. Richard B. Farwell

Fr. John Gallagher
Fr. P. Patrick Gavigan

Fr. Francis P. Gillespie

Removed by the Jesuits from ministry 9/29/21 pending an investigation of an allegation that he sexually abused a boy, beginning when the boy was age 8, during 1994-99. Gillespie was pastor at the time in question of Our Lady of the Assumption in Charlotte and the boy was a student at the parish school. He filed suit 11/18/21. Gillespie left the Charlotte diocese in 2002 for the Diocese of Raleigh until 2008, then to the Diocese of Charleston, SC, returning in 1/21 to Raleigh. A criminal investigation into the allegations was closed in 11/21 because the alleged victim chose not to prosecute.
Fr. Patrick T. Hoare

Fr. Adelbert Holmes

"Del." Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Owensboro on its list in 4/2019, where he worked 1977-1988. No known abuse in Owensboro. Included on the Glenmary order's list 10/11/2019. Worked in NC, OH, AR, KY, VA, GA. Added to the Richmond diocese's list in 10/25/2019 for allegations of abuse there. Included on the Charlotte diocese's list 12/29/2019. The Glenmarys told the Charlotte diocese in 11/2019 that it received allegations in 1988 that Holmes abused three minors in 1976 in Murphy, NC, and that he was also credibly accused of abuse later in Franklin, KY. He was removed from ministry in 1991 and died in 2013. Included in 1/2020 on the Cincinnati archdiocese's list. Added in 11/2021 to the Nashville diocese's list.
Fr. Donald J. Joyce

Seminarian John Brian Kaup

Diocese: Diocese of Charlotte NC
Fr. Michael Joseph Kelleher

Fr. William J. Kuder

Fr. Peter Tan Van Le

Fr. Patrick F. Leonard
Fr. Damion Jacques Lynch

Fr. Donald F. Scales

Fr. Edward William Smith

Fr. Robert Yurgel