50 Accused in This Diocese
- Dallas Morning News 03.16.05
- Sacramento Bee 03.18.05
- Appeal-Democrat 03.19.05
- CBS 13 02.06.07
- Sacramento Bee 02.09.07
- CBS 13 03.01.07
- CBS 13 03.21.07
- Sacramento Bee 03.21.07
- CBS 13 05.07.07
- CBS 13 08.28.07
- Sacramento Bee 08.29.07
- News 10 03.14.08
- Sacramento Bee 03.14.08
- California Catholic Daily 03.21.08
- CBS 13 04.01.08
- Sacramento Bee 08.21.08
- California Catholic Daily 08.22.08
- Sacramento Bee 11.11.10
- Decision in Doe v Bishop The Leagle 11.12.10
- Chicago Tribune 03.11.12
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- KRCR 09.30.21
- Press Release and Statement by Diocese of Sacramento 05.10.14
- Sacramento Bee 05.10.14
- KCRA 05.10.14
- Fox 40 05.10.14
- KFBK 05.10.14
- CBS Sacramento 05.10.14
- Daily Democrat 05.10.14
- CBS Sacramento 05.11.14
- KTVU 05.11.14
- The Republic (AP) 05.11.14
- SNAP Statement 05.12.14
- KCBA 05.12.14
- Modesto Bee 05.12.14
- News 10 05.12.14
- Merced Sun-Star 06.06.14
- CBS SF Bay Area 06.07.14
- Daily Democrat (AP) 06.07.14
- Daily Democarat 06.11.14
- Daily Democrat 06.27.14
- KFBK 06.27.14
- Sacramento Bee 06.27.14
- Woodland Daily Democrat 06.28.14
- Daily Democrat 08.29.14
- CBS Sacramento 08.30.14
- The Garden Island 03.2015
- Diocese of Sacramento Coria Profile 04.30.19
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- Yolo County News 05.01.19
- Sacramento Bee 06.12.02
- Sacramento Bee 08.06.02
- Dallas Morning News 12.05.04
- Sacramento Bee 06.26.06
- Richard Sipe Website 04.17.07
- CBS 13 05.07.07
- Sacramento Bee 03.15.08
- California Catholic Daily 03.21.08
- Sacramento Bee 08.21.08
- California Catholic Daily 08.22.08
- La Jornada 04.22.10
- Chicago Tribune 03.11.12
- SNAP Statement 09.16.14
- Presencia 04.06.17
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- Diocese of Sacramento List 12.26.22
- Contra Costa Times 04.24.02
- LA Times 05.07.02
- USA Today 11.11.02
- OC Weekly 12.10.03
- Diocese of Orange Press Release 01.01.04
- OC Weekly 07.09.04
- OC Weekly 11.18.04
- Contra Costa Times 04.01.08
- Sacramento Bee 09.17.08
- California Catholic Daily 09.25.08
- Diocese of Orange 08.12.16
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- Dominicans Holy Name Province List 10.26.21
- 620 WTMJ 03.29.13
- WISN 03.30.13
- Wauwatosa Patch 03.31.13
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 04.01.13
- Fox 6 04.01.13
- Wauwatosa Patch 04.12.13
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 04.12.13
- News 10 04.15.13
- KCRA 04.15.13
- Fox 40 04.15.13
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 04.16.13
- Wauwatosa Patch 04.16.13
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 04.18.13
- Wauwatosa Patch 04.18.13
- Journal Times 04.19.13
- Sacramento Bee 04.19.13
- LaCrosse Tribune 07.15.13
- Kenosha News 10.19.13
- Berger’s Beat 07.07.14
- WISN 02.23.17
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 02.23.17
- Fox 6 02.23.17
- CBS 58 02.23.17
- CBS 58 03.07.17
- Wauwatosa Now 03.14.17
- Fox6 News 10.23.17
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 10.23.17
- FOX6 Now 12.15.17
- Journal Sentinel 12.15.17
- Azcentral 05.17.18
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- Diocese of Phoenix List 10.29.19
- CBS Sacramento 12.01.11
- Fox News 12.01.11
- News 10 12.01.11
- Sacramento Bee 12.01.11
- Sacramento Bee 12.02.11
- National Catholic Reporter 12.02.11
- Record Searchlight 12.02.11
- Statement by Diocese of Sacramento 12.03.11
- Sacramento Bee 12.04.11
- Record Searchlight 12.06.11
- Sacramento Bee 12.20.11
- Sacramento Bee 01.06.12
- Sacramento Bee 01.10.12
- Record Searchlight 02.03.12
- The Oregonian 08.25.12
- Sacramento Bee 09.07.12
- Modesto Bee 10.10.12
- Record Searchlight 11.30.12
- SNAP Statement 04.05.13
- Record Searchlight 04.05.13
- Modesto Bee 06.22.13
- Merced Sun-Star 06.25.13
- Merced Sun-Star 06.26.13
- Sacramento Bee 07.02.13
- Sacramento Bee 07.02.13
- Sacramento Bee 07.03.13
- SNAP Statement 07.03.13
- Modesto Bee 07.03.13
- Record Searchlight 07.03.13
- Daily Democrat 07.04.13
- CBS Sacramento 07.05.13
- News 10 07.05.13
- Record Searchlight 07.05.13
- Sacramento Bee 07.05.13
- KRCR 07.05.13
- Merced Sun-Star 07.05.13
- Merced Sun-Star 07.05.13
- Fox 40 07.05.13
- KCRA 07.05.13
- Daily Democrat 07.06.13
- Merced Sun-Star 07.07.13
- Daily Democrat 08.02.13
- KRCR 08.02.13
- New York Daily News 08.02.13
- Record Searchlight 08.02.13
- Sacramento Bee 08.02.13
- SNAP Statement 08.02.13
- Modesto Bee 08.03.13
- Merced Sun-Star 08.11.13
- Merced Sun-Star 08.17.13
- USA Today 08.23.17
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.30.19
- Diocese of Sacramento Ojeda Profile 04.30.19
- Yolo County News 04.30.19
- KRCR 09.30.21
- Sacramento Bee 06.12.02
- Sacramento Bee 04.25.03
- News Tribune 05.06.03
- Sacramento Bee 12.20.03
- Catholic Herald 01.10.04
- News Tribune 06.28.05
- New Tribune 07.01.05
- City of Angels 03.19.08
- California Catholic Daily 08.22.08
- Edwards Memorial 10.14.08
- The Stranger 01.15.16
- Archdiocese of Seattle List 01.15.16
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.20.19
- Diocese of Sacramento Profile 04.30.19
- ABC 10 05.01.19
- Sacremento Bee 07.01.03
- Dallas Morning News 03.16.05
- Sacramento Bee 03.18.05
- Appeal-Democrat 03.19.05
- Dallas Morning News 04.13.05
- CBS 13 05.07.07
- Sacramento Bee 03.15.08
- California Catholic Daily 03.21.08
- Sacramento Bee 08.21.08
- California Catholic Daily 08.22.08
- Sacramento Bee 11.11.10
- Decision in Doe v Bishop, The Leagle 11.12.10
- Chicago Tribune 03.12.11
- Diocese of Sacramento List 04.20.19
- ProPublica 03.06.20
Fr. Thomas G. Allender

Deacon Alejandro Arroyo

Fr. Gerardo Beltran Rico

Warrant issued in 1992 for alleged abuse in 1991 of young girls in Sacramento CA. Fled to Mexico before warrant could be served; became an active priest in the Archdiocese of Acapulco. Reports in 2007 that Mexican villagers wanted him removed because of rumors about him and teen girls for many years. Another US accuser (male) came forward in 2/2007. Suit filed in 3/2007. Diocese sued accuser in 8/2007. Rico was arrested in Mexico in 3/2008; released in 8/2008 before extradition. Another alleged victim came forward in 4/2008. Laicization announced in 2008. More accusations surfaced. On the Sacramento diocese's list 4/30/2019, showing twelve female accusers and three male, all abused under age 14. New allegations in 2019 and 2020 that he sexually abused boys under age 18 and 14. Remained a fugitive as of 10/2021, on the FBI's Most Wanter list.
Fr. Edward Boyle
Fr. Vincent Brady

Fr. James Casey

Fr. Robert Casper

Given name Berthold Rudolph Casper. Teacher, parish priest. Missionary in Colombia, South America, then assigned in MI, MD, and CA. Faculties withdrawn and left the diocese in 1986. Per his order, Casper semi-retired in 1986 to its community in Chilton, WI. Named publicly as accused by the Sacramento Diocese on its list 4/30/2019, which notes an allegation received in 1986 of the sexual abuse of a boy in 1962. Died 5/10/1998.
Fr. Andrew Coffey

Fr. Malachy Conway

Fr. Hector Coria Gonzales

Fr. Pablo Cortes
Fr. John Crowley

Fr. Rodolfo Delgado

Fr. Michael Dermody

Fr. Thomas Dermody

Fr. John W. Dowling

Fr. Arthur A. Falvey

Fr. William Feeser

Fr. Oscar Figueroa

From Mexico. Ordained for the Sacramento diocese. Faculties removed in 2008 after an allegation of sexual misconduct 1993-2006 with a young adult male. Faculties restored in 2009 then removed again the same year after further investigation, which yielded the discovery of that Figueroa sexually abused a minor while he was a seminarian at Seminario Conciliar, Archdiocese of Mexico in Mexico City. Another report of sexual misconduct with a young adult male was reported to the Diocese in 2016. Included in 2019 on the Diocese's list of credibly accused.
Fr. James Patrick Foley

Priest of the Diocese of San Diego. Worked Northern CA from 1991. Named publicly as accused on the San Diego Diocese's 9/2018 list. Suspended in 7/2010, accused of sexually abusing two boys in the Sacramento area. A canonical trial, which ended in 1/2011, yielded an "unclear" verdict. Faculties were restored in 1/2012, then removed again in 8/2015. In 5/2017 Foley was offering retreats and spiritual counseling. In 7/2018 he led a "cluster mission" at a parish in Dubuque IA. His bio on the Oakland Diocese's website in 3/2014 said Foley had worked in parishes, campus ministry, administration, and in high schools and colleges as a teacher, and that missions and retreats were his focus since 1995. Included on the Santa Rosa Diocese's list 1/12/2019, where he led " Missions and Parish Retreats 1998-2006." On Sacramento's list 4/30/2019. On the Oakland Diocese's list in 2019. Foley filed a defamation suit against the San Diego Diocese in 9/2019. On Stockton's list, where he worked 10/25 to 10/30 in 2014.
Fr. Francisco Javier Garcia Ortiz

Fr. Sidney P. Hall

Accused in a lawsuit filed in 2022 of sexually abusing a 6-year-old girl in 1966, while assigned to Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Hall was sent to Mexico to minister in 1966, returning in 1971 to Sacramento. He worked in parishes in Placerville, Galt and Knights Landing. He was involved in the diocesan Hispanic Apostolate, Cursillo and Marriage Encounter. He was also chaplain at Shriner's Hospital and a police chaplain. Per his obituary, Hall retired in 2002. A diocesan biography shows that Bishop Garcia asked him to step down as pastor from St. Peter's in June of that year due to concerns about his health. He was asked to help out at a West Sacramento parish, and did so for three years. Hall died in 2016.
Fr. John Hannan

Fr. Jerome M. Henson
Fr. David Hernandez Cota
Fr. Francisco Hernandez-Tovar

Fr. Joseph Nguyen Hoan
Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Sacramento in 5/2019 on its list of those with credible allegations against them. The abuse is noted to have occurred elsewhere. Hoan was from the Diocese of Long Xuyen, South Vietnam and worked in the Sacramento diocese at Vietnamese Martyrs 1986-1994.
Fr. William B. Hold

Fr. Roberto L. Jaramillo
Ordained for the Diocese of San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia. Assigned to parishes in the Sacramento CA diocese 1995-2005. Transferred to the Archdiocese of Atlanta, then returned to Colombia in 2008. Jaramillo's name was added in 9/2022 to the Diocese of Sacramento's list of credibly accused. The diocese received a report in 2021 that Jaramillo sexually abused and raped a girl under the age of 14 from 1996 to 1999. A warrant was issued for his arrest. Per the Diocese, Jaramillo was accused in 1999 of kissing a boy; the Diocese and law enforcement determined that there was insufficient evidence. Jaramillo denied the abuse. Also, in 2020 there was a report to the Diocese that Jaramillo sexually abused an adult male in 2001. Included in the 3/24/2023 GA PAC Report. Included on the Archdiocese of Atlanta's list of credibly accused 3/18/2024.
Seminarian Gunter Klingenbrunner
Fr. Mark Kristy

Reportedly trained as a psychotherapist after his 1985 ordination and was assigned to parishes in Tucson AZ and Los Angeles CA, moving later to the Oakville Carmelited House of Prayer in the Santa Rosa diocese. In 2015 the Diocese of Sacramento received an allegation that Kristy sexually abused a girl under the age of 14 from 2001 through 2004. Kristy was not assigned in the diocese; the abuse occurred during visits to the area. Convicted. Sentenced in 2022 to one year in jail and five years' probation. Released from jail after six months. Living in 2024 in Napa County.
Fr. Louis Michael O’Halloran

From Ireland. Taught math at Newbridge College in Co Kildare, then at Holy Cross College in Trinidad. Worked in the Diocese of Sacramento 1978-1996. Returned in 2014 his order in Cork. Died in Ireland 12/12/2018. Named publicly as accused in 5/2019 on the Sacramento Diocese's list of those with credible allegations against them. The abuse is noted to have occurred elsewhere. Included in 10/2021 on the Dominicans Holy Name Province list. Noted to have been removed from public ministry in 2004.
Fr. Michael Lynch

From Ireland. Ordained for the Diocese of Sacramento. Retired and died in 1993. Named publicly as accused by the Diocese on its list in 4/2019, which notes an allegation in 2003 of the sexual assault, including rape, of a girl in 1965.
Deacon Jesus Magallanes
Fr. Robert Marsicek

Fr. James Finbarr Mennis

Fr. Vito Mistretta

Fr. James Thomas Monaghan

Fr. Jorge Moreno

From Mexico. Ordained for the Diocese of Sacramento. Placed on leave in 1995 after an allegation surfaced that Moreno sexually abused a boy, ages 9-14. Fled to Mexico while criminal charges were pending. Allegation made public in 4/2002. Included in a 6/2005 settlement. On Sacramento diocese's list 4/30/2019. It shows another allegation, received in 2003, of abuse of a boy under age 14. All of the known abuse occurred 1970-1975. Moreno died in 2014.
Fr. Cornelius F. O’Connor

Fr. Uriel Ojeda

Br. Charles A. Onorato

Fr. Vernon Petrich
Fr. Jose Antonio Pinal

Fr. Mario Porras Blanco

Fr. Michael Proulx

Fr. Simon Twomey

Fr. Jose Luis Urbina

Fr. Murrough Wallace

From Ireland. Ordained for the Diocese of Sacramento. Monsignor. Retired pastor of St. Theresa's in South Lake Tahoe when suspended in 12/2018 after a man alleged that, when he was age 17 in 1985, Wallace sexually abused him on a camp work trip. Wallace was the Director of Camp Pendola. Included on the Diocese's list 4/30/2019, which shows two allegations in 1995, each of the sexual abuse of young adult males, and the 2018 allegation. Investigation pending. Lawsuit filed in 12/2019. Accused along with two other priests in a lawsuit filed in 5/2022 of sexually abusing a boy, age 10, in 1965, at Holy Angels church and school in Yuba City, CA. Per the suit, a nun helped the boy and police were contacted. Murrough was reportedly deceased at the time of the filing.