Fr. Bernard St. Hilaire

Ordained: 1951
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

A file regarding known child sex offender Fr. Ronald Paquin released in 2/2002 confirms a long-standing sexual relationship between Paquin and St. Hilaire, who died in 1977. St. Hilaire’s obituary notes that he was on sick leave from 1968 until his death and that Paquin was the principal celebrant and eulogist at St. Hilaire’s funeral mass. St. Hilaire took Paquin under his wing when Paquin was about age 14 and counseled and molested him. One of Paquin’s victims said Paquin admitted that he and St. Hilaire slept in the same bed for 30 years. Per files released in 1/2004, one of Paquin’s victims said he was also abused by St. Hilaire. This man settled for $20K before 2002. St. Hilaire’s name is included on the Boston Archdiocese’s 8/2011 list.

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