Fr. William J. Scanlan

Ordained: 1972
Status: Accused

Died: 04/26/2013
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

As early as 1987 one church official noted in Scanlan’s personnel file that “he fools around with kids.” Accused of raping a 12-year-old girl 1996-1997. Sent for residential treatment. Assigned to prison ministry; reassigned to parish work. Moved to California in 1998 to work in a V.A. hospital in Menlo Park. Investigated by Feds because of statements made by Military Vicariate. Per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list of accused, the Review Board found the accusations unsubstantiated. Scanlan retired on permanent disability with no restrictions. Died 4/26/2013.

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