Fr. Bernard J. Lane

Ordained: 1960
Status: Settled

Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

Accused by dozens of boys of sexually abusing them at Alpha Omega facilities in Littleton MA and at Lane’s NH cottage. Accusations included oral and anal rape. First accused in 1978 by two boys and removed after admitting going to bed with residents. Treated at House of Affirmation and St. Luke’s; at least six settlements including $200K in 1998. Worked unsupervised until 1999, including youth programs, pastor, priest home. Reprimanded in 2002 for false affidavit. Involuntary laicization in 2004 announced in 2/2005. Included on the Archdiocese’s list of accused in 8/2011. Accused in a federal lawsuit in 10/2016 of abusing a boy at a counseling facility in Malden in 1970; dismissed for lack of process in 3/2017. Per the Archdiocese’s list in 2024, Lane died in 2023.

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