Br. Nicholas Paul Bendillo

Order: SC
Status: Convicted

Diocese: Archdiocese of Mobile AL

Known as “Br. Vic.” Taught at McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile 1959-1998. Complaint received in 1998. Placed on leave. Received treatment. Arrested in 4/2003. Convicted. Sentenced in 2004 to five years in prison. Multiple plaintiffs with allegations going back to 1963. Civil suit filed in 2003 by two men. Settled in 2004. Two more suits filed in 5/2004. Released from prison hospital 7/04/2007 at age 78. Sent to MO for treatment. On AL and MO sex offender registries. On Mobile archdiocese’s list 12/6/2018. Noted to be deceased. On Jackson diocese’s list 3/19/2019.

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