SFist [San Francisco, CA]
May 2, 2024
A former attorney and Mormon bishop in Vacaville is on trial for the sexual abuse of his then-11-year-old adopted daughter, and other church associates are giving some pretty damning testimony on the witness stand.
In today’s episode of It’s Often Clergy People and It’s Never Drag Queens embroiled in real-world child sexual abuse scandals, the Vacaville Reporter brings us the news of the ongoing trial of James Glenn Haskell, a former attorney and Mormon bishop who now faces 16 counts of child sexual abuse in a Solano County Superior Court. Haskell and his wife had four adopted children, all of whom have since been removed from the home.
The most troubling allegations involve the eldest daughter, who was 11 years old at the time of the alleged crimes. Wednesday’s witnesses included a Solano County Child Welfare Services employee who’d visited the home, and two friends of the family and/or church associates who witnessed various suspicious behaviors at pool parties.
The now-16-year-old victim testified herself Monday of last week, describing “inappropriate touching” and a “tickling game” with which Haskell allegedly engaged with the children. She was 11 and 12 years old at the time, and also described that once, as punishment, the parents took away her clothes and made her wear a garbage bag.
On Monday of this week, the East Bay Times reported that jurors heard a phone call police had secretly wiretapped, in which another Mormon church congregant confronted Haskell with the allegations. “She said you touched her private parts underneath her underwear,” the caller told Haskell.
The Times reports that Haskell could be heard “stammering and breathing in exasperation” upon being confronted. And as the conversation goes on, Haskell does seemingly admit guilt, saying “Tell her I’m sorry,” and “If she gives us another chance, we’re all about supporting.” He also added, “I was wrong. I will do better.”
Haskell’s trial continues Monday, though he’s currently out of custody on $240,000 bail.