Outrage Canada [London, Ontario, Canada]
November 2, 2023
By Patricia Grell
Outrage Canada is a newly formed group of outraged Canadians committed to holding leaders of the Roman Catholic church publicly accountable for sexual abuse crimes past and present.
Sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic church of Canada is well documented with a growing number of civil and criminal cases surfacing each year. Given the response to date however, Outrage Canada believes that the Roman Catholic church is more concerned with avoiding scandal and protecting their reputation than ending sexual abuse and finding justice for victims.
With the launch of their new website on November 2nd, All Souls’ Day, Outrage Canada, a national, secular, non-partisan organization raises the question – Where is the Outrage? – with the intent that like-minded Canadians, including practicing Catholics, will join them in their mission.
Outrage Canada is committed to ensuring justice for victims of abuse and to putting practises in place that will prevent other people from being abused by the Roman Catholic church.
“All Canadian citizens, including clergy, are legally required to report any suspicions of child sexual abuse,” asserts founder Irene Deschenes. As a social service worker, Deschenes is aware that citizens “must report that a child is, or may be, in need of protection, even when the information is otherwise confidential or privileged.” (source:
Canon law does not supersede civil law. There is NO exception in legislation in the confessional. The Duty to Report must be extended to clergy.
Therefore, Outrage Canada demands that all Catholic clergy be legally bound to report sexual abuse against children–including admissions gained through confession–and that an independent national reporting centre be set up by federal legislators to investigate all past and current sex crimes committed in a church setting.
Outrage Canada believes that if Canadians work together, we can end sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic church and hold the church accountable for the crimes they have committed. All Canadians are encouraged to get informed about this national issue and join the Outrage Canada movement by going to the Outrage Canada website and becoming a member. Together, our voices of outrage can prevent further victimization of our fellow Canadians.
Name: Patricia Grell