Greenwich Time [Norwalk CT]
March 5, 2020
By Elizabeth Conley
The Rev. Jeffrey David Newell sits outside the church where he serves in the Camino Verde neighborhood of Tijuana, Mexico. Newell was accused of sexually abusing a teenager in Los Angeles decades ago.
The Rev. Jeffrey David Newell serves as a priest at Our Lady of the Incarnation in the Camino Verde neighborhood of Tijuana.
Parishioners and neighbors sit outside Our Lady of the Incarnation after Mass in the Camino Verde neighborhood of Tijuana, Mexico.
Retired Catholic Archbishop of Tijuana, Rafael Romo Muoz, gets the keys to unlock his door at his home on Nov. 11, 2019. Muoz was archbishop during the Rev. Jeffrey David Newell’s suspension and participated in the investigation that exonerated him.
The Rev. Jeffrey Newell has overseen the growth of three chapels in Camino Verde, one of the more violent neighborhoods in Tijuana.
The Rev. Jeffrey David Newell gets a kiss from a parishioner after Mass at Our Lady of the Incarnation in Tijuana, Mexico, in November 2019.
The Rev. Jeffrey David Newell, who was accused of sexually abusing a teenager in the 1980’s, serves a priest at Our Lady of the Incarnation in Tijuana.