The Archdiocese of Chicago Distributed the Attached Announcements on Fr. Orlando Flores Orea, Fr. Pedro Campos, and Fr. René Mena Beltrán

Archdiocese of Chicago IL

September 4, 2021

Today, the Archdiocese of Chicago distributed the following announcements on Fr. Pedro Campos, Fr. Orlando Flores Orea and Fr. René Mena Beltrán.

Fr. Orlando Flores Orea

Letter to Parishioners of Ss. Genevieve and Stanislaus (English | Español)

Letter to Parishioners of St. Paul Parish (English | Español)

Fr. Pedro Campos

Letter to Parishioners of  Ascension and St. Suzanna-St. John Baptist-St. Gerard Majella (English | Español)

Letter to Parishioners of Our Lady of Nazareth (English | Español)

Letter to Parishioners of St. Kevin Parish (English | Español)

Fr. René Mena Beltrán

Letter to Parishioners of St. Gall and St. Simon Parish (English | Español)