Fr. William H. Morgan

Ordained: 1950
Status: Sued

Died: 02/8/1999
Diocese: Archdiocese of Boston MA

 In 1992 the  Archdiocese received a letter which lead to an internal investigation of Morgan. He admitted to abusing his two young nephews. Sent for a psychiatric evaluation. Resigned from his position as a parish pastor in 1993, per recommendation of the Archdiocesan Review Board. The 1995 Catholic Directory shows Morgan to be ‘retired.’ He died in 1999. One nephew filed suit in 2/2001 claiming Morgan sexually abused him from ages 3-12, about 35 years prior. The lawsuit was dismissed in 10/2001. Per the 8/2011 Boston archdiocese list, criminal or canonical proceedings were not complete when Morgan died.

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