The Scottish Government
A senior judge, the Right Honourable Lady Smith, will lead Scotland’s independent public Inquiry into the abuse of children in care from next month.
Lady Smith’s appointment was announced by Deputy First Minister John Swinney in a letter to the Scottish Parliament’s Education Committee. Lady Smith has been a Judge since 2001 and was appointed to the Inner House in November 2012.
Mr Swinney said:
“I am pleased that Lady Anne Smith has accepted my invitation to be Chair of Scotland’s independent public Inquiry into the abuse of children in care. Lady Smith will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the leadership of the Inquiry, from her significant service both as a QC and as a judge, her extensive involvement in the work of tribunals and as President of the Scottish Tribunals and her role in leading the Scottish Partnership on Domestic Abuse.
“Her leadership, independence and sensitivity will be key to the Inquiry’s progress. It is in the nature of Lady Smith’s background as an experienced Judge that the Inquiry will be taken forward without fear or favour to identify how individuals and institutions failed many of Scotland’s most vulnerable children. We must ensure children are effectively protected as a result of what we learn from the Inquiry.
“This is one of Scotland’s widest-ranging public inquiries ever, examining not only the abuse of children formally placed ‘in care’ in institutions, but also allegations of abuse in foster care, in long-term hospital care and in boarding schools. At the request of a number of survivors, I have agreed to consider the scope of the terms of reference. In the coming weeks I will give this matter further thought, including discussion with Lady Smith, and also taking account of last year’s consultation responses.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.