Blockbuster: Veteran Journalist Wypijewski Slams ‘Spotlight’ As Factually Inaccurate, Born of Shoddy Journalism and Witch Hunt Mentality Against the Church


We at are not the only ones angered that Hollywood awarded the factually challenged movie Spotlight its Best Picture prize at the Oscars Sunday night.

Veteran left-wing journalist JoAnn Wypijewski – who herself was in Boston during the spring of 2002 reporting on the Catholic sex abuse story – has just unleashed a stinging attack on the Boston Globe, the makers of Spotlight, the media, Church-suing contingency lawyers, and so-called “survivors” in a new piece in the left-wing blog, CounterPunch. This is truly a must-read piece:

“Oscar Hangover Special: Why ‘Spotlight’ Is a Terrible Film”
by JoAnn Wypijewski at CounterPunch

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.