Neil Mitchell says George Pell is ‘finished’ and should ‘throw himself on the floor’


Neil Mitchell says Cardinal George Pell is finished.

The 3AW Mornings host said the more the royal commission on sex abuse in the Catholic church went on, the angrier he got with how it had all been handled.

“George Pell should resign, quit, retire – I don’t care what you call it – just get out,” Neil Mitchell said on Wednesday.

“He should apologise sincerely, he should admit his failures and should meet personally with the survivors from Ballarat.

“And if Christ could wash the feet of his disciples, then George Pell should throw himself on the floor in front of these people and beg forgiveness – that would be the Christian thing to do.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.