Fox 5
[with video]
SAN DIEGO – “Spotlight” won Hollywood’s highest honor – taking home the Oscar for Best Picture Sunday night. One of the most important players portrayed in the movie lives in San Diego.
The movie tells the true story of how Boston Globe investigative reporters exposed the sex abuse scandal involving priests and children within the Catholic Church.
“You’re fighting Goliath and all you have in your sling is words and truth and you sling it… but the Roman is Goliath – bigger – and is not going to go down easily,” Richard Sipe told FOX 5 Monday.
Sipe, a former Catholic priest who lives in La Jolla resident, has been collecting data on pedophile priests since the 60s.
“In the movie they use my words quoting me directly,” he said.
We only heard his character’s voice in the film by phone as he provides key statistical information to the team investigative reporters in 2001, as they expose the sex abuse scandal in Boston archdioceses. Sipes says there are thousands of these stories.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.