Goliath-bully Bill Donohue’s POPE OFF TO FAST START is packed with pathological lies schemed by Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team

Pope Francis CON-artist & Vicar of Plutocrats

Paris Arrow

Never accept or believe what Pope Francis says at face-value because there are always some conniving ulterior motives beneath his sugar-coated papal speeches and charismatic papal appearances. Pope Francis is the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and with his Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team, Vatican paid mainstream media Pied Pipers, and shrewd Catholic blabbermouth bullies like Bill Donohue in Catholic League, they are all first-class pathological liars. Their conniving manipulation and the-end-justify-the- means Catholic Luciferian means – including the Eucharist – everything they do always lead to one final end, to satiate the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast.

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