Maine Man Accused in Defamation Case Takes the Stand

Maine Public Radio

[with audio]


PORTLAND, Maine – A defamation trial against a Freeport man who accused the founder of an orphanage in Haiti of sexually abusing children in his care is underway this week. The defendant, Paul Kendrick, took the stand in federal District Court in Portland Thursday.

Patty Wight was there and joins Maine Things Considered host Nora Flaherty with the latest details.

Nora Flaherty: Patty, first why don’t you tell us more on what this case is all about.

Patty Wight: This suit was brought by Michael Geilenfeld, who is the founder of an organization that provides a number of services to poor Haitian children, including an orphanage for boys. Another plaintiff is a nonprofit organization called Hearts with Haiti, which does fundraising for Geilenfeld’s organization.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.