Scotch College reveals five cases of abuse, calls for victims to come forward

The Age

May 25, 2015

Steve Lillebuen


One of Australia’s most prestigious private schools has acknowledged, for the first time, that at least five students have been abused on school grounds.

In what’s seen as a breakthrough for abuse survivors and their advocates, Melbourne’s Scotch College has finally admitted it settled a handful of historical claims – most of which relate to sexual abuse –dating back to the 1960s.

The Presbyterian-run school, which educates young boys and manages several boarding houses, is now reaching out to others who may have been victimised through a letter sent to thousands of former students, known as Old Boys.

“We are concerned that throughout their lives, some Old Boys may have suffered trauma that continues to impact on their health and well-being,” the school’s statement read.

“Abuse, be it physical, emotional or sexual, may have occurred during childhood, adolescence or adulthood.”

The carefully-worded statement then asks those who suffered abuse “relating to their time at Scotch” to seek help by contacting the school’s psychologist.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.