Victim wins six-figure payout …

Yorkshire Post

Victim wins six-figure payout from Church of England over abuse by paedophile Leeds priest

The victim of a paedophile priest has criticised the Church of England after finally winning justice over abuse he suffered more than 20 years ago.

Rev Terence Reginald King, who was vicar at St Mary The Virgin Church in Dewsbury Road, Woodkirk, Leeds, for 22 years, hanged himself in 2002 while he was being investigated by West Yorkshire Police over a string of child sex abuse allegations.

Now in his 30s, one of King’s alleged victims, who was abused over several years from the age of 12, has won a six-figure compensation sum from the Anglican Church.

But the man said his ordeal had a lasting impact and he continued to feel let down by the Church.

He said: “They not only let me down by employing a paedophile, but did nothing to rectify this after King committed suicide even though they knew the abuse had taken place.

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