St. Joseph’s Home abuse victims file …

Malta Independent

John Cordina

Proceedings on a compensation claim filed by 10 victims of sexual abuse at St Joseph’s Home in Santa Venera have been suspended after they filed a constitutional appeal in their bid to have the case assigned to a different judge.

Two former priests, Carmelo Pulis and Godwin Scerri, were jailed for six and five years respectively in August 2011 after they were found guilty of sexually abusing boys in their care. Mr Scerri was acquitted of violently raping a boy on a technicality: the incident did occur, but not in the location mentioned in the charge sheet.

A third defendant facing similar charges, Br Joseph Bonnet, died months before proceedings were concluded. The two priests were defrocked following their conviction, and while they appealed the case, the sentence was confirmed on appeal.

The 10 victims sought financial compensation, but meetings with the Malta Archdiocese put paid to the possibility of an out-of-court settlement. The Curia rejected legal responsibility for the sexual abuse carried by two of its priests, although it said it was willing to provide counselling to the victims.

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