Independent Inquiry Concludes Investigations

Archbishop of York

Wednesday 23rd July 2014

The Independent Inquiry chaired by Her Honour Judge Sally Cahill QC into the Church’s handling of reports of alleged sexual abuse by the late Robert Waddington, formerly Dean of Manchester, has now concluded its investigations.

The Archbishop of York has now received a copy of the Inquiry’s Report. When all those referred to in the report have been informed of its completion, and when the Archbishop has met with the Chair of the Inquiry, it will be for the Archbishop to determine how and when to make public the findings of the Inquiry.

Although commissioned by the Archbishop, the process of this Independent Inquiry has rightly been outside the control of the Church. It has been the responsibility of the Inquiry to determine its own investigations, in order to complete the work and report as thoroughly and fairly as possible.

The Archbishop of York said: “Whilst it is never possible to put right the wrongs that have been done, the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed makes us determined both to acknowledge our responsibility and our shame for our failure to protect children in the past, and to respond far more positively to those victims who bravely come forward to share their experience today. I am thankful to all those who have participated, at some personal cost, in the process of this Inquiry. May we learn from the tragedy of abuse and ensure that systemic failure in the past can never be repeated.”

The Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Revd David Walker, said, “I welcome the news that the Inquiry Group have completed their work and passed their report to the Archbishop of York. I wish to pay tribute to those who are brave enough to come forward and report abuse that they have suffered. They have a vital part to play in driving institutional abuse out of British society.”

Anyone wanting to inform the Statutory Authorities of past or present abuse can speak to a Local Authority Designated Officer, who can be contacted through your Local Safeguarding Children Board.

If anyone would value support from people who have been through similar experiences, they can contact MACSAS, Minsters and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors. MACSAS is a support group for women and men from Christian backgrounds who have been sexually abused by Ministers or Clergy, as children or as adults. Please see their website at

The following groups may also be of help:

•NSPCC: Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours, every day)
•ChildLine: Helpline: 0800 1111 (24 hours)
•Survivors UK : Helpline: 0845 122 1201
•The National Association of People Abused in Childhood: Helpline: 0800 085 3330

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.