The Hartford Courant
The Hartford Courant
10:28 a.m. EDT, September 22, 2013
New Bridgeport Bishop Frank J. Caggiano, who has promised to reach out to those Catholics who feel disenfranchised, has offered to meet with the local chapter of the Voice of the Faithful — a meeting the group says it was never able to arrange with his predecessor.
“He has a real chance to put his mark on the diocese, and we’re very excited about it,” said Jamie Dance, chairwoman of the group, which was formed after the priest sex abuse scandal broke more than 10 years ago.
The group’s relationship with former Bishop William Lori — now archbishop in Baltimore — was not a good one. They say he never accepted an offer to meet despite repeated requests.
After the pope selected Caggiano in late July, the group sent the incoming bishop a welcoming note. He wrote back and offered to meet. Caggiano was installed as the new bishop on Thursday.
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